#you know theyre both gonna be stubborn and refuse to sleep on the floor lmao
mudskip-muses · 2 years
As soon as the trip was announced, Gundham knew he was going to hate it. He was only going to please his mother, the angel worrying about his lack of friends at the school, so this was used as a way to ease her mind with the promise that he would at least try to speak with his classmates. There were very few that were worth his time, but Gundham didn’t say as much to his mother, knowing very well she would just scold him, say that you couldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, and he needed to give them a chance. He had scoffed at all this, but there was a smile none-the-less, the breeder knowing very well her worry came from a place of love.
So he had agreed to the trip, and by some humorous twist of fate, Gundham was assigned to be “buddies” with the one person who loathed him the most. 
...Alright, perhaps that was a bit much with what the breeder knew now. Kazuichi...wasn’t all that bad, he simply...
No, it was bad. Any comradery the two had while hunting for his lost pet was surely that of convenience and nothing more. They had hardly spoken after that, so Gundham could only assume his usefulness had come to an end for the mechanic, and now here they were, thrown together by an ill will of causality to spend an entire weekend at each other's side with hardly a hope of reprieve. 
They hadn’t even arrived at the motel yet and already the breeder was on edge, teeth grit and fingers dug into the sleeves of his coat where his arms were crossed as he seethed in his seat on the bus, every noise from his overexcited classmates grinding on his nerves. The only saving grace was his Devas, Cham-P popping out from his coat with what looked to be earbuds in his little mouth. Gundham was confused at first, knowing very well they weren’t his, but he wasn’t about to complain for a moments peace in a maelstrom of sounds. 
The ride after that had been relatively fine, save for having to watch the mechnic out of the corner of his eye to ensure his motion sickness didn’t get the better of him. And if Gundham handed him a bottle of water from his bag when he started to look a bit ill? He simply didn’t want to get thrown up on, was all.
Music playing loud enough that it was a miracle the little speakers hadn’t blown, Gundham almost missed the stopping of the bus, jumping as he was snapped from his day dream when everyone started to exit. The next set of instructions was uneventful, the city was theirs to roam so long as a teacher knew where they were, and they checked in with one every few hours. Curfew was eleven, and groups could pair up, but you had to stay with your buddy to ensure no one got lost. 
The last bit, though, caught Gundham’s attention: There had been a mix up with the hotel, a few rooms that were meant to be doubles were instead booked as singles, and with the full capacity of the hotel, there wasn’t much that could be done about it, save for extra pillows and blankets to be given if someone wished to sleep on the floor instead of sharing a bed. He should have known then and there that the fates weren’t done with him, the sight of a single bed upon opening the door stopping the overlord dead in his tracks, eyes staring blankly at it for several long moments before his bag was dropped inside the door with a rattle of its contents. 
Turning to Kazuichi, Gundham took the mechanic’s bag from his hands, tossing it into the room before pushing him out into the hall and closing the door behind them. “I desire a coffee.” Was the only explanation that Kazuichi got, and since the breeder still had both keys to their room, he didn’t have say in the matter...
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