#you know youre never going to [sounds like youre hearing bitrot as its happening] FEEL COMPLETE
lucyvsky · 10 months
GOD low is such a good band. i havent been able to listen to them recently without crying, but fuck if hey and down by the river arent some of the greatest songs ever written i just love everything about how they sound. LOVE how they sound on white horses in the beginning you can hear the room theyre recording in and the synths on hey what are so abrasive and hard to listen to in general and it sounds like the songs collapsing on itself. mimi parker also had such a haunting voice. their past two albums are fantastically strange and kind of sound if you exploded a microwave or blew out the treble of your speaker respectively and the three or four albums before that are such good explorations of sound and their stuff before that is so interesting as an experiment of how slow can we make a song (7 minute cover of transmission by joy division) i love basically everything theyve ever put out. but i used to listen to hey what every day when it first came out it means a lot to me. anyways
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