#you may notice the ''might delete later'' tag is gone...decided i wouldn't delete this after all
puppyluver256 · 7 months
Don't look away.
The hands clasp the sides of my head tightly, preventing me from moving.
Don't look away.
The person they belong to force my gaze onto grisly scenes of death, destruction, torment.
Don't look away.
I stare in horror at all the suffering before me.
Don't look away.
I close my eyes, but the hands' impossibly long fingers force my eyelids back open.
Don't look away.
My eyes begin to water, whether it is because of their being forced open for so long or my heart breaking at all I see I cannot tell.
Don't look away.
Why is this happening? I cry.
Because of reasons you will never be able to understand. Keep watching.
Is there anything I can do to stop it? I ask.
You must inform anyone you come across of this travesty. You must not let them look away either. But the suffering will continue regardless. They are all convinced they are in the right, all fighting for the will of a god that they will never confirm to be real, in fact the same god in wildly different interpretations. All the while, the innocents caught in the crossfire will continue to die, glorified in the disgusting "honor" known as martyrdom.
If there is nothing substantial I can do, I plead, then why are you forcing me to watch?
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