#you might get a bit sick of reading rewrites of Billy’s origin story
zahri-melitor · 11 months
Is hoppy and captain carrot the same?
Right sort of idea, wrong universe! They're both animal shaped superheroes 'inspired' by heroes from the main universe, but have very different origins and backgrounds.
Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew are native to Earth-C and DC, turned up in 1982, and were 'inspired' to be heroes by meeting a universe travelling Superman.
Hoppy however is a Fawcett Comics native who in his Animal Hero original existence belongs to Earth-C-Plus. This is an entirely separate set of comedy animal characters written by Fawcett that go back to the 1940s. Hoppy is a fan of Captain Marvel comics, and tries saying Shazam, only to turn into Captain Marvel Bunny. He's...one of the more ridiculous aspects of the Shazamily in his original form, so the fact he's now simply a talking magical rabbit is practically NORMAL.
You gotta love DC categorisation, they have 3 separate Earth-Cs: for the DC native comic animal superheros (Earth-C), for the cartoon animal superheroes drawn by Captain Carrot in Earth-C (Earth-C-Minus), and the Fawcett native comic animal characters (Earth-C-Plus).
I can understand having trouble telling them apart though, given they both look like generic copycat animal superheroes with powers.
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