#you should assume i am mildly tipsy whenever i post
galacticwildfire · 4 years
Account update/notice/ blah
if you wanna know what I’ve got in the works read below
Ya’ll I have a shit tonne of unfinished fanfics I started on wattpad (I couldn’t get my Ao3 ac to work properly until like a month ago), I know everyone here hates wattpad, I do too, but I’ve posted there for a couple years because well I was fifteen when I started, I just don’t read on there and since I’ve been a lot more active on tumblr and Ao3 I’m moving content to here. I posted mostly acotar, got and spn, which I took down to rewrite but my lazy ass knows I’m never going to finish that long ass got fanfic I started so I’m just gonna cut to the Oberyn bit, rewrite, and turn it into its own mini series on here.
Also got a Poe one I really liked, Poe dating an OC who is Leia and Han’s daughter, few years younger than Ben. She was a senator on Naboo, there was a lil first order conspiracy  and ended up being forced to be Snoke’s apprentice for a lil while, where her and Poe were ‘enemies’ then she ends up joining the resistance and well... that boy loses his mind. I had the first few chapters written, and like fifty bloody one shots that I was gonna turn into the rest of the story. I’m thinking I’m gonna publish that here and try to continue it because I really liked it and had it fully planned while I figure out where this Din one’s gonna go.
The Poe one’s pretty dark in the beginning, torture, imprisonment, killing, very very heavy content to do with depression in one of the chapters and then later ptsd. What’s written so far regarding that content is kept vague but as a person who has had very serious mental health difficulties I know it still could be triggering, which is why those chapters would have very clear and appropriate warnings. The OC’s story heavily mirrors Anakins, or rather Snoke (palpatines puppet) is trying to get another chosen one to turn and become what Vader couldn’t be because Ben is a disappointment. But inevitably after multiple encounters with Poe she gets out, finally becomes a rebel because she sure as hell can’t be in politics anymore and from then on its far far more lighthearted, some ptsd but that heavy content is only vaguely referenced. Her and Poe are “i almost saved her” to enemies to enemies who want to fuck to reluctant co-workers who then want to fuck to frenemies who really want to fuck to friends to pining to ride or die to sort of to sleeping together platonically to i dont need you to after heaps of angst inevtiably getting together and horribly, and i mean horribly failing to hide their relationship from leia who little do they know has been rooting for them for months because she wants Poe as her son in law and Lando calling out their bs
I’ve also got some one shots in the works which are x reader, but my series are all first person oc because that’s just what I’m used to writing which I don’t see much of on tumblr. I know those fics definitely aren’t as popular here but if people are interested in reading them I’ll definitely post, and it’s already available on wattpad and Ao3. All accounts r under this name.
Also for found. next chapter is nearly done, I just hate writing action so that’s what’s taking a while, after that it will diverge from canon and there’ll be a couple episodes before they meet up with Ahsoka and by then tensions will be highhhhh.
Also I want to apologise in advance, idk how but everything I write is angst. I hate reading angst because ouch but I love writing it. So buckle up.
Also x reader Din smut is coming soon. It started as fluff but ended in a blowjob. But fuck it, he deserves it.
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