#you should watch this transformation — the grim heaper ⊸
strawberry-barista · 7 months
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅ ⚅— "A pixel is worth a thousand words." —⚅
Batman Starters
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Hanekoma raised a brow as he tried to parse that one out. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this could just be Minamimoto's usual rearranging of things to match his own manner of speech. But pixels weren't exactly in his wheelhouse. Even if it was, what exactly was he referring to? Had he caught Hanekoma in something he shouldn't be doing? Learned a secret he shouldn't know (but that was unlikely, since Minamimoto had already known a great deal of forbidden knowledge)? It wouldn't really do to make assumptions. He'd be better off just being plain and asking questions.
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"And what exactly is it tryin'a say?" He offered, giving Minamimoto a chance to explain himself.
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strawberry-barista · 4 months
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅ ⚅— [WATER] Sender brings receiver a water bottle —⚅
Platonic Intimacy Prompts
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Hanekoma panted hard as he sat down and leaned back against the wall. He'd been sprinting about the city, pushing himself as hard as he could to test how quickly he could get around the city in the RG if pressed. It was a good way to get energy out, since he couldn't exactly go hopping into other worlds and explore the endless horizons of other universes anymore. He felt like one toe out of his own and he'd come back to find the whole city burned to the ground. It wasn't worth it, so running laps from time to time never hurt.
He was letting himself lean back and rest, eyes closed as the heat of the sun beat down on his body. He might have been cooking in the summer heat, but he didn't mind it so much. He was too tired to get up and do anything about it at the moment. But this heat didn't last for too long, as a shadow was cast over him and ice cold drops of water dripped onto his forehead. At first he thought a sudden rain must have come on, though he couldn't remember seeing any heavy clouds, but then he opened his eyes to see a form standing above him. Minamimoto was there, looking grumpy and holding a water bottle over him while his back blocked the sun.
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Hanekoma smiled softly and reached up, taking the bottle being offered to him, "Thanks, Wildcat. You came at the perfect time. It's pretty hot out today, isn't it?"
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strawberry-barista · 5 months
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅
⚅— Sho suddenly dashed into the cafe, quickly closing the door behind him. His breathing is quick, his heart is racing, and in his eyes there was a hint of... fear?
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"Don't ask any questions, just hide me." —⚅
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"Get in the back," Hanekoma said without hesitation, pulling a large marker from under his counter space. "And stay away from the stairs. I gotta ask some questions, though. How serious is this? Do I need imprints or angel wards?"
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strawberry-barista · 11 months
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⚅— Continued from here. —⚅ ⚅— @the-grim-heaper —⚅
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"Relax, Wildcat," Hanekoma hummed and put down some food for him. "It's on purpose this time. I think I finally got the handle on this glamouring business. Just don't pet me, okay? Been a while since I saw you. You wanna come update me on what you've been up to? I trust you're not hurt or anything."
He was covering up the worry he'd been suffering the whole time Minamimoto was away. It was only natural that he should worry, but he knew that it wasn't Minamimoto's problem and he didn't intend to bother him with it. He was just going to try to keep the visit pleasant so that he could feel safe coming home more often. And maybe Joel could benefit from his presence as well. The more he could draw his children in, the better.
"Oh, and try these donuts. It's Joel's recipe."
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— Continued from here. —⚅ ⚅— @the-grim-heaper —⚅
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Hanekoma laughed softly and reached out to gently touch the very ends of Minamimoto's hair, just so that he could still be affectionate in his way without getting his hand completely bit off for it. "You really think that, Wildcat? What were ya gonna say? It's okay to just do the usual thing, ya know. The fact you wanted to do anything at all melts my heart like you wouldn't believe~"
And it was so rare to see his Wildcat anyway, he just wanted to pull him into a hug and keep him there. But maybe even just this was pushing him a little too far. He needed to be careful about that.
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅ ⚅— “$” —⚅
Text Prompts
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
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Hanekoma took off the bandana around his neck and swiped it over his forehead as he crouched by the wall and opened up his text messages. He didn't even realize he'd smeared paint that had gotten on his face, but he didn't much care about it anyway. He was in a hurry with everything today, so he was a bit scrambled as he quickly navigated menus and typed up a text.
Rune: I'm putting in a request for your presence at Wildkat today. I understand your schedule keeps you relatively busy, so it's okay for it to wait until after your work, but if you can squeeze me in at any time today, I would appreciate the effort. It has come to my attention that Joel has cut contact not only from just myself, but most of everyone else as well. I'll be contacting Sho Minamimoto later today as well, so be sure not to bring Dove. I believe it is time the three of us devised an intervention for him. He needs help, and I know you can set up lines with STM before I the time of the intervention. We can discuss options at the meeting, which I will arrange as soon as I have word of your time of arrival, so please update me with that information as soon as you can. Thank you, Pops.
He backed out of the messenger app before he took notice of the fact he'd sent this message to Minamimoto himself on accident and tucked it in his pocket, rushing to collect his things and get out of dodge before anyone showed up.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— Starter for @the-grim-heaper —⚅
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"That's right, I think ya got it now."
Hanekoma patted Minamimoto on the back as he looked over his work. It was a little sloppy, but he didn't really need it to be perfect. The point was that Minamimoto had gotten a little stronger, and he was able to use his abilities with more efficiency now. Hanekoma felt safe knowing he had Minamimoto under his tutelage.
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"We could work on trying to power ya up a bit, get that noise form to be something really impressive."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— Starter for @the-grim-heaper —⚅
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"Wildcat, is that you?" Hanekoma's jaw dropped as he came around the corner and saw Minamimoto. It had been a while and he'd been getting worried, so the relief in his chest was almost like a cool water washing over him.
Immediately followed by a twist in his gut...
That was right. Joshua had found out about their relationship recently and Hanekoma didn't know how to fix it. He'd obviously not been happy, demanding that Hanekoma apologize for not asking him for permission to take Minamimoto under his wing first...
But Hanekoma knew what the answer would have been...
He smiled, intent on not allowing Minamimoto to know he was feeling bothered, and went to close in to his side, "Where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in ages! And I know Joel's gotta be missin' ya too."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— ✨️ —⚅
Positivity for You!
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{Hey~ I love writing with your Sho! Honestly, I felt like since some of the first interactions with him that he just fit really well with Decaf, and I’m so grateful I got the chance to make him the main version for Decaf’s world. I love the way you portray him and how he perceives the world around him, and I always have a good time when we talk ooc. I hope it helps you to know how much I love writing with you, and how excited I am to build the relationship between our muses. It really means a lot to me!}
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— "You deserved better." —⚅
Talk About It Starters
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Hanekoma took in a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t want to come off sounding a way, but he was honestly confused by a statement like that from Minamimoto seemingly out of nowhere. He must have picked up on some news, but Hanekoma had had so many incidents occur (especially recently) that he could figure out which one he was referring to.
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“Sorry, Wildcat,” he chuckled, if a bit nervously. “You’re, uh, you’re gonna have to be a little more specific. I deserved better... In regards to what, exactly?”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— 😊 —⚅
Some Personal Headcanons
Send 😊 for a friendly headcanon between our muses.
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As unpredictable as Minamimoto tends to be, Hanekoma still makes an effort to learn his patterns and what times he most often comes around the shop. He’ll get Minamimoto’s favorite snack ready and leave it out for him to pick up since he knows he probably doesn’t want to stick around. That way he can just come in, grab his food, and leave, and Hanekoma will at least know he’s doing alright. He doesn’t know for sure, but Hanekoma also suspects that Minamimoto might have just ever-so-slightly regulated his stops in to make sure he can keep up with him.
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strawberry-barista · 11 months
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅ ⚅— 'Sloshed' —⚅
Intoxicated Meme
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Hanekoma leaned forward to set down the bottle of beer he'd bought to enjoy on his own and found that he was sitting it beside another, already emptied bottle. No, wait, two bottles. Three? He didn't realize how many he'd already taken out, and he was sure he was going to be regretting it. He needed to call someone to look after him while he tried to get it out of his system, just in case. So he fumbled with his phone while he fumbled with the trash and sent a text out to Minamimoto.
It wouldn't have been his kid, but Minamimoto had been the one to take care of him while he was sick, too.
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Wildcat. I'm sorry to bother you like this. I know it's late, but I think I fucked up. I drank a lot more than I originally intended to, and I don't really trust myself to be alone. Do you think you could come hang out with me? I think I'm drunk, and I need to like, sober up. I'll try not to get weird on you. I just don't think I should be alone. Thanks in advance. Mr. H
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper asked: —⚅ ⚅— ✭➤✎ //I feel like I wouldn't be able to give you consistently interesting threads T.T —⚅
Why Aren't We Writing?
✭: my writing might be lacking ➤: you seem to be busy for new interactions
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{Well, first let me assure you that I've never considered your writing lacking. ^^ I really really love writing with you, and I've always had fun whenever we get to write. Though, I definitely understand the feeling, so I get just my saying that doesn't do a whole lot sksksk. But I will always reassure you whenever you need it because I know having that is helpful, too.}
{I have been pretty busy lately, but I also have no self-control and I enjoy getting myself completely buried in work sksksk. I would love to have more interactions with Wildcat and I'll be happy to plot some stuff with you whenever you're comfortable because I'm just totally psyched to see these two build up their relationship.}
{With all that being said, I once again wan to assure you that I haven't had a thread with you yet that wasn't really interesting. You've never been too consistent, but there's nothing wrong with that at all. ^^ I don't need threads to be consistent or I probably wouldn't be able to write with a good handful of my mutuals. I have patience on patience and you're never gonna run me off or make me bored. You're a really dear rp partner and I love writing with you. So literally the only thing that should keep you from coming to me is if you don't feel like writing yourself~ And I'll be happy to assure you of that as much as you need! c: }
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅ — @the-grim-heaper asked: — ⚅
⚅ — 🪔 — ⚅
Comfort My Muse
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Hanekoma's whole body shivered and trembled, and even though he crossed his arms over his chest and hugged himself tight, he couldn't still himself. He was sobbing quietly, just letting the pain wash over him for once in hopes that he could cleanly process it this time. Pick it apart. Rationalize and lay it to rest.
But it had backfired. He'd hurt himself worse and worse until he was in this state. He was so lonely. He'd lost everything when he'd lost Haruto. He felt so cold when those arms weren't around him. He'd hoped to pick apart every toxic behavior, every abusive word, every wrong move. But he only had one bad memory of Abe, and that was the last memory the man had left him with. Everything before that had been wonderful. Every word so loving. Every touch so kind. A warm embrace and soft words that made him feel safe. And he missed it. He missed the sugar-sweet kisses and the gentle fingers in his hair. He missed being told that he was loved and needed and wanted. He missed being important to someone, one of the most important things in the world.
And he knew it had been fake, and he knew it was healthier that he wasn't so important to someone, and he knew that he couldn't be loved that much by anyone, really, but he still missed it. He wanted to be wanted like that again, because when he thought back on how complete he'd felt in Abe's arms he looked at himself and felt empty now. Pointless. Unlovable. No matter how much he loved himself it just couldn't replace being loved by someone verbally and emotionally and physically. He couldn't hug himself tight enough, and those sweet words didn't land at all when he used them on himself and no matter how many times he kissed his reflection in the mirror it was still cold and empty.
Sure he could function without a romantic partner. But the longer he lingered on the memories and how happy he'd been, the worse and worse it hurt until he was like this, curled up on his couch, hugging himself tight and sobbing into his knees.
He was so lost in his dispair that he didn't even notice when Minamimoto came into the apartment, right into the room in which he was sitting.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— Continued from here. —⚅ ⚅— @the-grim-heaper —⚅
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"My actions wouldn't have meant a damn thing without you," Hanekoma responded, lacing an arm around Minamimoto's shoulders. "I've gone over it, again and again and again. Things couldn't have gone any differently. If a single piece had been missing from the events that had taken place, it all would have gone to hell, and we would have lost Shibuya. You were a valuable piece in the whole transformation, and you were a valuable piece in Shiba's Game, and you are still a very valuable piece to me now. Shibuya needs you, even if others, including yourself, might not think so. I need you. I always will. And I'll keep bothering you with it until you accept it. I don't need ya hanging around me all the time, Wildcat. I just need you to believe in me, and believe in yourself. Believe in the love I have for you. I'll scream it over the whole city until you understand. I don't want you to feel like you weren't important to me. Especially... Especially seeing how my counterparts treat their versions of you. I want you to know I still believe in you, and I believe you are the best version of yourself, just because you are mine."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @the-grim-heaper​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— (hold) —⚅
(hold) : sender’s muse grabs receiver’s in a restraining hold
Violent Fighting Prompts
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Hanekoma bore all of his teeth in a wild, messy grin as he felt himself snap back under Minamimoto’s violent grip. A laugh eased through his teeth as his arms were pulled to an incredibly uncomfortable degree, effectively pinning him where he was. It wasn’t as if he was going all out on Minamimoto. He hadn’t shifted to his noise form or even attempted to use his angelic prowess against him. But he didn’t want to do that anyway. That wasn’t what this was about. This was a simple hand-to-hand spar, and the fact of the matter was that when it came to scrapping Minamimoto was getting to the point where he could put Hanekoma in a tricky position more often than not.
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He could feel the pressure of his arm pushing against his back, near to the point of breaking, and he finally reached forward with his free one to tap out against the wall, “Alright, alright, ya got me~ Damn, Wildcat, you’re gettin’ good at this.”
A back alley was just the place to carry out things like this, even if the bite of the exterior wall was painful against the front of Hanekoma’s body. Even if he could feel the unforgiving surface scrape against his cheek, he couldn’t even consider himself uncomfortable. A part of this felt like home, he felt alive. Not many people would be willing to go to the lengths it would take to put him in a position like this, so these sparring matches were good for him, too. Minamimoto was learning and he was getting out every bit of negative energy weighing on his chest.
“Lemme up,” he breathed. “That’s good enough.”
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