#you snag my wallet and the moths that fly out start nibbling on the dollar bills in your wallet
snailchimera · 3 months
You know how when somebody steals your debit card information, they'll sometimes make a series of very small purchases to check if your card works? Like $1-$5? Somebody did that to me this weekend and I had so little money in my account that they managed to overdraft it just doing that.
Fortunately I use a credit union that won't hit me with nightmare fees for a fraudulent overdraft, and I'm housing/food secure, so instead of this being a huge deal it's an exhausting but ultimately minor annoyance. I am also mildly entertained by the thought of whoever this was going to the effort of getting my card info only to buy a couple of songs/apps/gacha pulls or whatever on the apple store and immediately running out of money. Hope you got your my money's worth, buddy.
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