#you unlocking ancient memories bc it's GENUINELY been years since i played this game and yet somehow
TWEWY....i bet you'd love a reason to talk about it OwO
oh my god THIS is how i remember that i completely forgot about twewy 2 and haven't played it ;o; googles where to get $60 fast...
anyway all of this is with the caveat that i haven't actually played the game in YEARS nor do i know or care that much about all the lore. i just based an entire core facet of my personality on the message i took away from this game as a 15 year old, as you do
i've picked out the ones i CAN answer bc im not involved in any way with fandom for this game so i dont know who's underappreciated. i know who's overappreciated tho
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
listen you might have talked to me once about this game. and i might have spent an hour and a half talking about a character who is NOT neku. that doesn't mean anything.
to even understand what this kid MEANS to me you'd have to go back in time seven years to little high school me playing this game for the first time and the actual revelations about the world that it gave me... the way it inspired me to actually change the person i am and how i choose to live and interact w the people around me... it's like one of the core memories from inside out the movie, but it's just this game in the orb
alternatively i would have to explain the entire game from the ground up and the way this single character, THE main character, starts as an antisocial boy who sees no value in relationships with other people (as a defense mechanism, perhaps, bc he doesn't want to lose anyone else... idr if i was projecting or not at the time but i think he had a friend die. so) and who goes about his life like he doesn't NEED to bother with people at all, like they're entirely separate and never need to be acknowledged... and then he develops into someone with not just one friend, but SEVERAL people who he values so highly he manages to bring them all back to life. it's a really fulfilling story that i think about to this day, and i COULD talk for hours about how interesting i find this character, how perfect i think he is for the narrative that gets told, and how much i love the friends he makes and how complex his relationships are with those friends...
look out bc im gonna replay the game and go full brainrot now. you've done this
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
you 🤝 me hating to baby our characters... usually the characters who might fit in this category are VERY dimensional, and choosing to baby them ignores the deeper and more interesting parts of their characters. i don't love to do it, and the POINT of this game is that people aren't all just the front-facing persona they choose to put on, and it just feels antithetical to hold someone up and go hee hee look at how baby he is... that being said twewy DOES have a character who is SO shaped. i think mr mew speaks for himself
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
listen he's not unpopular but he's also THE image that pops into my mind when i envision a poor little meow meow... it's joshua kiryu, who is probably the character i talked about the most when i talked about twewy with you bc he has so many layers to peel back and it's fun to look at a miserable little liar with powers akin to a god and go Yeah, This Guy, Love This Guy. love this guy.
i really do look at him like noooo don't go into this game with total disregard for the beauty of humanity and come out of it having learned the value of trust and friendship along the way!! which COULD put him in blorbo territory, except that he's the nastiest little shithead in the whole game, and that's counting people like kariya whose literal jobs are to make people suffer in new and inventive ways. i have feelings for him
his core personality trait is that he never tells anyone anything, especially not the things that would be important for them to know, and decides to go about his business like he's above every other person in the world and doesn't need to bother with them. i love a good foil to my protagonists, but i especially love characters who shine a light on the ways they're different from my protagonists by being so similar. talk to me about him again sometime
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
also josh :) by the end of the game i remember feeling like i hadn't seen enough of him. neku and shiki and beat and rhyme all grow into people with a better understanding of themselves and the world and josh remains kind of aloof and above it all. makes me feel like he got something out of it all, but not the RIGHT things. not ENOUGH things. i would like to see him go through more events, and perhaps some of those events would be torment flavored
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
minamimoto. he made me do bad math and he's definitely gay
and even though i have no contact with whatever fandom still remains for this fifteen year old game i see TOO much of him and he can go away. i know he comes back in NEO but i dont know what happens in NEO so maybe i'll like him more after i actually get a chance to play it but until then he's just some GUY with a MEGAPHONE who needs it to be TAKEN AWAY. eeby deeby for him
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