#and it just all came flooding back.... i adore them. i love the game
goldenwilliamson · 9 months
strangers | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: longest fic yet. enjoy pls, i kind of love this. slight warning it does touch on the grief that one feels after a big breakup including (briefly) the awful physical symptoms of breakups. if that's sensitive for you i wish the best and advise that this might not be the fic for you x
summary: reader and leah are together for years before breaking up due to long distance. after a couple of years reader moves back to england and sees leah, and all the love comes flooding back. angsty, but fluffy.
word count: 3.3k
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Your life changed when you were eighteen, not only because you signed for Arsenal, but you were in love for the first time in your life. From your early encounters with Leah, you could already feel yourself falling for her. You found her endlessly endearing, drawn in by her quiet confidence and warmth off the pitch, and her fiery commitment to every game she played.
Even though you were too scared to confess your feelings to anyone, you somehow found yourself one evening telling Leah how much you adored her. You told her about how you had felt a connection with her since the first time you met, and how it had only proved itself since then. And she reciprocated every single word of your rambling romantic confession.
From that night, you two were together for almost six years. For the most part, it was the best time of your life. You were playing at your dream club, with the perfect girlfriend, and you were happier than ever. Things always ran smoothly for you and Leah, it was just the way your personalities complimented each other. Conflict resolution came easy to you both, and you were able to talk to each other through anything that was troubling you.
For years it felt like you two were growing at the same pace, and that was why you were able to be together for so long. You both had the same visions for your future, and you had really planned on staying in London with Leah by your side for the rest of your life.
But that was all before you got the offer from Bayern Munich. You never imagined being away from Leah, and maybe you were naive in thinking long-distance would be easy for you guys. So you made the difficult decision to leave Arsenal, to leave London and Leah, and move to Germany.
After your move it became clear very quickly that proximity was important for you both. When your were living several countries away from each other, your connection which you thought was strong enough to withstand the world ending had started to be put to the test. You were talking and understanding each other less, and fighting more about stupid, trivial things. You saw a new, jealous side of Leah who would accuse you of spending too much time with new teammates, and not making time for her anymore. And you yourself were questioning Leah's attraction for you, as you couldn't feel that daily love and affection you'd been so accustomed to through the phone.
It all got to the point where you were struggling to even get yourself to training because you felt so drained by your inability to make things work with Leah. Your teammates at Bayern had noticed and had created a space where you felt safe enough to confide in them. After talking it through with some of your teammates who provided you with their objective opinions on the situation, you made the hardest choice of your life.
Leah's voiced was raised to the point where her it was almost breaking, "Six years Y/N, does all that mean nothing to you?"
"Leah, I will always love you. I just don't think as long as I'm in Germany we can be together. It's not good for us darling, we've been fighting more than ever, and I don't want to feel this resentment towards you... I don't want you to feel badly about me either," you had tried to explain, but it had come out much less clearly through your own tearful voice, punctuated with short breaths as you gasped for air.
"You can't do this Y/N. You can't give up on us," Leah had begged you, but you had remained firm in your decision and it was the last proper conversation the two of you had. Other than a couple of Champions League games where you avoided each other, and one brief trip back to London where you collected all your things from the apartment you shared, you hadn't seen Leah since.
The breakup was something you'd tried to forget, and even though it's been two years since then, you still often question whether or not you made the right decision that day. What stuck with you was the empty aching you felt every time a thought of her passed through your head. In spite of your best attempts to put it behind you and to move on, you will never forget how much love you felt for Leah, and how much grief and sadness you felt the instant you ended things.
Every week that has passed since then you have wondered what your life would be like if you and Leah had made the long-distance thing work. But now you were thinking about it even more because after a few seasons at Bayern, you were going back to play in the WSL.
When Man City approached you, your first instinct was that you absolutely could not go back to England. Because to you, England was Leah. Every memory of your time in England from when you moved at 18, to when you left at 23, is connected to Leah. As much as you loved your time in the country, you never thought you could go and live there again without her by your side. It just wouldn't feel right. However, after several meetings with your manager and calls with City, it became an offer you couldn't turn down.
At least you weren't going back to London, you thought. The distance between the capital and Manchester was just enough to feel like Leah wasn't completely within reach. Of course, it had been different once you were actually living back in England, playing with City, and having to face the reality that you and Leah would be on the same pitch again, but this time as virtual strangers.
You'd heard through the grapevine that over the last couple of years Leah had done her fair share of dating around, but you also were aware that she hadn't been in any serious relationship since you two broke up, and it was the same on your end. How were you supposed to move on when you still thought about your ex every day?
One night you were cooking dinner at your flat for yourself and Georgia Stanway, who had become a close friend of yours since her arrival at Bayern. You two had hung out a bit when you and Leah were still together, but even though Leah was one of Georgia's closest friends, she had never uttered her name around you or asked you anything about your relationship since she transfered to the German club. Not until you two were talking about how you felt about moving back to England and what it would be like playing for City, and you mentioned it first.
"It feels kind of wrong," you said honestly, "I still can't imagine not being an Arsenal player. And you know, being there without Leah."
Georgia looked at you sympathetically, "Do you miss her? I can't imagine how hard all that was for you both."
"I miss her every day, Georgia," you sighed, smiling just to ease the pain, "But I just have to keep telling myself it was the right decision, otherwise I think I'd just live in misery."
She gave you a hopeful smile, "I hope you two can work it out one day, even just as friends. I've never seen two people make each other so happy."
"Yeah I hope so too," you agreed, though the voice in your head told you that you could never make up with Leah after the way you ended things.
You had finally moved back to England after a tearful goodbye to your teammates at Bayern, but you knew it was for the best. Your first week in Manchester you were reminded of how much you loved living in England, mostly because of how different it was from where you grew up. Stepping outside always felt like stepping onto a film set. It was nice too, to catch up with old friends. It was already so much easier to organise trips into London to visit old teammates.
It was on a weekend that you were down in London, when you saw Leah for the first time. You should have known better, walking around St Albans, expecting that you wouldn't see anyone you knew. It wasn't a big enough city to get away with that.
It was still August and the League hadn't started yet, so you were free to make a trip down to London for the weekend to visit Caitlin and Katie, friends you had missed so much while you were living in Germany. You missed everything about Arsenal, but you knew there was no way you could go back there after the way things ended with Leah. It would be much too painful to even try to be friends after everything. There was too much history there that would have been impossible to set aside.
In the morning you had told Katie and Caitlin you would walk into town and buy some bread since they were out, and it was on your way home that you found yourself looking into the face of the person who you once loved more than anyone. It took a moment to register that she was actually there, getting closer as you kept walking.
"Oh my god," you said out loud, finding it extremely jarring to see her after all this time.
You both slowed to a stop in front of each other and Leah, who had always been the more talkative one, was left speechless. Looking at you her heart was both beating for you and breaking all over again.
After a few beats of silence you shook yourself out of your state of shock, "Hi, how are you?", you said.
"I feel like I'm dreaming," Leah said, finally smiling a little as she also moved away from the initial shock of seeing you again. The sound of her voice and the smile on her face brought you instant comfort. She looked different, in the best way. She looked older, which surprised you since she always had such a baby face. But now she looked mature, she looked her age, somehow so different from the 24 year old version of her you last knew.
"Me too," you agreed, laughing slightly at how awkward you were finding this to be. You'd imagined this moment endlessly over the last couple of years, but now that it was really happening you were at a loss.
"What are you doing here?" Leah shook her head, trying to make sense of seeing you.
"I'm staying with Katie and Caitlin for a couple of days," you explained.
"Oh, they didn't mention anything," Leah said, though she knows that people avoid talking about you around her. They know it's still painful for her to hear your name. Just like how Georgia never mentioned her around you.
You realised then that your transfer hadn't been announced yet by the City, and that Leah must know nothing of the news.
"You probably haven't heard, but I've actually moved back here," you say tentatively, knowing that the only reason you two weren't together was because you were living apart. But now you were closer than you had been in two years, and you had no clue what that meant, or if it had the power to change anything.
"What, to London?" Leah said quickly, her voice raising an octave in shock.
"No, I'm up North now. I've actually signed for City," you explain.
"Wow," she says, nodding her head and processing the news. The way she is looking at you doesn't give much away. Her face actually looks quite blank, as if she doesn't know at all how to feel about this.
"Yeah," you say quietly.
"Sky blue will suit you," she says simply and you smile, grateful for the playful comment.
"I don't know, I'm still struggling with the fact I'm not going to be back in red," you say, more meaning held in those words than you intended. Because not being back in red also for you meant not being back with Leah.
"I expected you to stay in Germany for a lot longer," Leah says and the feelings of guilt rush in. You'd thought about this a lot when you decided to come back to England.
The main reason you had called it quits with Leah was because you thought Germany was going to be your home for at least another five years. You couldn't do that many more years of distance, of short phone calls, of fighting and miscommunication. But of course you never thought after just a couple of years you would be coming back to England. And if you had, you might have been able to stick things out with Leah.
"I really did too," you say sincerely, hoping that she knows you wouldn't have done what you did if you knew you'd be back so soon.
Leah runs her hand roughly through her hair, and you can almost see the cogs turning in her head through the look in her eyes.
"This changes things then, doesn't it?" She asks, voicing the thoughts floating around both your minds.
"I suppose it does," you nod imperceptibly, afraid to admit it.
You stand in silence now, looking at each other trying to work out exactly what this changes.
"I miss you so much," Leah says, her voice thin and wavering.
"I know. I've felt sick without you," you say, voicing things you'd never voiced to anyone. You have genuinely experienced the most physical forms of grief for Leah. The first few months after the breakup you were nauseous everyday, throwing up even when your stomach was completely empty. It just felt impossible to go on without her.
Leah just nods, having been through the exact same things.
"I'm so sorry," you say finally taking the opportunity to apologise for the thing that you've felt so much guilt and remorse about.
"It's okay," Leah assures you, but you shake your head instantly.
"It's not, I don't know what I was thinking Leah," you say honestly, feeling the emotions all over again. Your eyes well up and Leah is quick to embrace you, allowing you to let it out in her arms.
"You were right about everything but," she says, "Things weren't working."
"Yeah, but I should've tried to work through it," you voice the things you'd been thinking over for the last two years, trying to compose yourself with deep breaths.
"I wasn't making it easy for you, I was so hard on you. I feel really bad about the way I treated you when you left," Leah reflects on her own behaviour.
"It's okay," you tell her now.
You stand in the middle of the footpath in St Albans, holding each other, both unable to believe that this was real.
"You don't absolutely hate me do you? Because I'd understand if you did," you say, stepping back to look at Leah, trying to ease some of the tension.
She laughs, "I tried hating you," she says, "But that lasted about a minute and then I just went on trying to love you less."
"And how did that go?" You ask hopefully.
"Yeah not very good," she says.
"I couldn't really get the hang of not loving you either," you say.
Leah is smiling, but you can see the reservation in her eyes. She knows that everything has suddenly changed, but still, nothing is the same as it once was. You feel it too.
"What do we do now?" She asks.
You shrug your shoulders, "I've got to deliver this bread back to Katie and Caitlin, do you want to come?"
"I'll come," she nods, "But what happens after that?" Leah says.
"After that," you sigh, "We are about two years overdue in catching up on each others lives, so I'd say we'll have a nice long chat."
You are stepping forward now, beginning the journey back to Katie and Caitlin's, and Leah is by your side.
"Best start now then," Leah says, and the two of you fall deep into conversation immediately. It warms you heart how at home you feel, even after all this time.
When you knock on the door back at the girls flat, Katie answers with a look of absolute shock on her face.
"What are you doin here!?" She looks right at Leah, as if she was an intruder.
"Well I bumped into this one in town and she invited me over, is that alright?" Leah explains.
Katie takes a moment to process the words before nodding and stepping back to let you both inside.
"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Caitlin echoes when you all walk into the living room together.
"We've just bumped into each other," you say, "I thought I'd drop off the bread before Leah and I go and catch up."
"Cool, cool," Caitlin says, trying to mask her shock while Katie looks on, stunned into a very uncharacteristic silence.
"God, you two look like you've seen a ghost," Leah says.
"I feel like I have!" Katie stresses, and you feel the exact same way.
"Alright, let's go down the park," you suggest to Leah, a place where you two used to walk around in circles, chatting for hours. It seems like the perfect place to go.
"Perfect," she nods, "Bye you two," she looks between her teammates.
"See ya, have fun," Caitlin says.
"Don't kill each other," Katie says and you scoff.
"We won't," you roll your eyes.
You and Leah step out the front door you share a moment of laughter about the interaction.
"Did I hide my shock better than those two when I saw you?" You ask.
"Absolutely not, I believe your words were oh my god," Leah laughs.
You two end up at the park, walking around at first, talking about how you are going to be playing for City now and your time at Bayern. Leah gives you the big run down on what's been happening at Arsenal since you've left, telling you about all the new players. It's like seeing an old friend, and you're just so glad that she hasn't spent two years hating you.
After what must be over an hour, you two sit at a bench. Same one you would always find together on your morning walks.
It's weird being so physically close to her again. You want to reach out and hold her forever, but you think it might be too soon. Leah feels the same though and she shows it in the way her hand reaches out to find yours.
"Can I be honest with you?" She asks.
"Of course you can," you say with a squeeze of her hand.
"I haven't felt this..." she pauses trying to find the word, "Happy? Peaceful? I don't think there is a right word to tell you how right this feels to be with you again," she says, healing all the cracks in your broken heart.
"It feels the same as I remember it feeling," you say in agreement, "Like this is just how it's supposed to be."
"Would it be absolutely crazy of us to try to pick up where we left off?" Leah suggests.
"People will definitely think we're crazy, but I don't have a problem with that," you say.
"Is this really what you want?" Leah asks, using her free hand to gesture between you both.
"Yes," you say without missing a single beat, "I don't want to ever go without this again."
"Good. We're on the same page then," she nods finally.
Not wanting to wait any longer you ask her a question you've been dying to ask, "Can I kiss you, please?"
Without even a word Leah just smiles, leaning in to kiss you. Somehow it's a goodbye kiss, and a hello kiss, an I missed you kiss, and an I'm sorry kiss. It's everything you wish you could've said to each other in once simple gesture.
"I haven't stopped loving you for a minute, I hope you know that," you say quietly, as you pull apart.
Leah smiles, looking at you with all the love in the world, "I've spent years dreaming that one day we'd see each other again and you'd say that."
"In my dreams, you say it back," you joke.
"Sorry," Leah shakes her head, "I love you."
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate Part 3
Here we are at the last chapter. Thank you for everyone who liked, commented and reblogged, especially those that left lovely comments in their tags.
This isn't the last we'll see of this universe, as the next one I want to do is Christmas. Steve talking to Jonathan about the camera and not just saying it was joint present from him and Nancy.
In this we have some people who just never learn, Eddie getting heart-eyes non-stop now, and the basketball game of the century.
Part 1 Part 2
Larry Wiggins learned nothing from getting decked in the face by Eddie Munson, Steve decided. He had been the worst of the “accidental” bullies.
If there was a massive collusion of some poor bastards, you could make a pretty safe bet that Larry was seen leaving the area. The teachers turned a blind eye to it because and he quotes, “You have no proof he’s doing anything wrong, besides as captain of the basketball team, he’s afforded a little grace because he’s under soooo much pressure.”
Steve was pretty sure he threw up a little in his mouth when he heard that from the principal, the vice principal, the basketball coach, and at least three other teachers despite him doing it right in front of them multiple times.
So just before the winter break it all came to a head and if Steve was honest, he wasn’t surprised when he saw the victim was one of Eddie’s own sheep.
Steve had really needed to pee in history class. It was horrible, but Mrs. Click adored him and let him go to the bathroom, then immediately turned around and told a girl that is she wasn’t on the rag, she had no need to use the bathroom until after class.
He felt bad about that one, because unlike students, Steve couldn’t do jack shit about the teachers. Not without losing whatever status he actually had.
He pushed open the doors to the boys’ bathroom and instantly sagged against the doorway. There cowering in the corner was one of Eddie’s freaks. He had curly brown hair and blue eyes, though one was shut from a reddening welt that no doubt would turn into a black eye later.
Then the bell rang and students came flooding out of their classes, just in time to see Steve dragging Larry out of the bathroom and throwing him against the lockers across from the bathroom.
Before anyone could protest Steve’s over-reaction, the little freshman came limping out of the bathroom.
“Gareth!” Eddie called out and Steve was distracted for a moment by the sound, let Larry out of his grasp.
But instead of taking off like what would have been the smart thing, Larry pushed Steve off of him.
“You would take the side of the little pervert, Harrington,” he sneered. “I caught this little freak checking under the bathroom stalls. No doubt he’s a fag looking for dick to ogle.”
Gareth opened his mouth to protest, but Steve held up his hand.
“Or, he could be,” Steve scoffed, “and get this, looking to make sure no one was in the stalls so he go into the one he wanted? Like a normal person?”
Eddie and Gareth both snorted at the ‘normal’ description, but wisely kept their mouths shut.
Larry rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. “You think you’re so hot, don’t you? You’re not even a senior but everyone around here walks around here kissing your ass and why? Because Daddy’s money. If you were as poor as these chucklefucks, the only kiss you’d be getting is mouth to mouth when someone finally put you down like the dog you are!”
Gareth threw back his head and laughed. Just started laughing and laughing, doubling over from the laughter, tears streaming down his face.
Larry raised an eyebrow. “What the fuck is his problem?”
“His dad owns three of this town’s car dealerships, dude,” Steve said raising both eyebrows. “Like he lives in Loch Nora.”
Larry’s eyes go wide. “What the fuck? Then why is he dressed like trailer trash?”
“Hey!” Eddie growled and moved to take a swing at the guy, but again Steve held up his hand.
“Dude is in designer jeans and high tops and you have to ask that?” he shook his head. “You really are stupid. How did you become captain of the basketball team again?”
Steve tapped his lip for a moment, his other hand on his hip. Then he snapped his fingers. “Oh, that’s right, you mom blew the coach!”
Larry lunged forward to take a swing at Steve but Tommy and one of the other guys on the team managed to pull him back.
“You want to put your money where your mouth is punk?!” Larry shouted, trying to get out of his restraints.
Steve looked him up and down. “You’re on. One on one in the outdoor basketball court. First one to twenty points wins. We need an unbiased ref...” he looked around until he found a black sophomore standing off the side. “You, you tried out for JV this year, right?”
The kid pointed to himself and looked around but Steve nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t make it, but yeah I play.”
Steve turned to Larry. “That okay with you?”
Larry nodded. “If I win, you quit the team and stop this fucking crusade you’re on.”
The crowd oohed and ahhed.
“And if I win,” Steve said with a knowing smirk, “you step down as captain and make me captain instead. And if you lay a single finger on anyone again, and you know what I mean, I’ll be sure to spill every dirty secret you ever uttered in the locker room. Don’t think that I won’t.”
Larry gulped heavily. The sound loud in the now dead silent hallway.
Steve stuck out his hand and Larry eyed it for a moment. He looked up into Steve’s steely gaze, then at the gathered crowd. He shook the offered hand and pumped it once.
“Saturday 10am,” Steve said with a grin. Larry nodded and Steve walked over to the kid who was going to be their ref and slung an arm around his shoulder. “Hey, kid, what’s your name?”
“Patrick,” the kid mumbled shyly.
“Well, Patrick,” he said, leading him away from the crowd, “the team will be down one player regardless of what happens, you should try out again.”
Everyone is left staring in shock as the two boys walk away talking about basketball.
Nancy, who had been watching the whole thing turned to Tina, “So that was hot, right?”
Tina just nodded, her mouth open and her eyes wide. She fanned herself with her hand and shook her head. “Girl, you fucked up when you let that one get away.”
Nancy bit her lip, but privately agreed. It had been a month, and Jonathan still wasn’t biting. Perhaps...
Perhaps she might have another, tastier option.
The bullying full on stopped as the whole school held their breath. Even the teacher had noticed the whispering in the hall, but time and time again, students would refuse to say why. The nerds sided with Eddie and his club, the popular kids sided with Steve, and everyone one else but the bullies wanted to keep out of it.
When the teachers finally reached out to the kids who were doing the bullying, therefore proving to the whole school the teachers knew, but didn’t care, the bullies had been forced into silence or admit to the bullying.
The morning dawn bright and clear. The frost clung to the windows of the school and a couple of the basketball teammates arrived at nine to shovel the outdoor court as it had snowed the night before.
Steve showed up with longjohns under his shorts and a sweat shirt with the team logo on the front. He stood there, basketball propped on his hip as he waited for Larry to arrive. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, headband over his eyes.
Patrick came running up the court waving a whistle. “Sorry I’m late! I couldn’t find my whistle and had to go to the store to get another one.”
Larry grumbled, but Steve just threw Patrick the ball.
Larry and Steve stepped up to the middle line and Patrick stood between them with the ball. The two players shook hands and then Patrick threw it in the air.
Larry got the ball first, but in the end didn’t even matter.
Steve was far and away the better player. Whether Larry’s mom had done favors for the coach to make him captain was irrelevant. Because it soon became clear that he had only gotten the post due to some kind of favoritism.
Steve outmatched him on defense and was the better shot, making more of his shots than he missed.
Larry started panting halfway through as Steve outmatched in a different and just as vital way. Stamina.
Kids from all the cliques were pressed against the fence. Nancy in the front, cheering loudly for Steve along side all of his friends.
Tommy H. was shouting obscenities and Carol was calling Larry names.
But there was the silent section who had come out to watch. The one whose very lives depended on the outcome of the game.
You could call it hyperbole, but Eddie didn’t. It was apt. In those few scant weeks of not having his friends bullied, his grades actually fucking went up. Because he could concentrate on homework, instead of if tomorrow was going to be the day one of the bullies went too far and he lost one of sheep.
He still called out the bullying when he saw it, but now knowing that there were other people watching his sheep too? He could actually rest.
And if that was happening to him? He couldn’t dare to image what it was like for the kids who were being actively bullied. That first breath of relief knowing it wasn’t just a one time thing. That it was going to keep happening. That they were going to be able to just function. Must have felt like a god damned miracle.
Steve moved past Larry and slamdunked his final two points making it to twenty.
Larry sank to his knees as Patrick ran out on the court. “With a score of twenty to fourteen, Steve Harrington wins!”
He raised Steve’s hand over his head like a prize fighter. The gathered crowd roared to life, even those who had been watching silently at the other end of the court. The ones who didn’t understand what a layup was or how fouling worked. They began cheering too.
Steve walked over to Larry and got down on one knee, draping his arm over the other knee. “Some people are bullies because their home life is shit, some people are bullies because they don’t know how to be anything else. And some people just like you who are just fucking assholes who like make others miserable. Get the fuck off my court.”
He stood back up and waved at the crowd.
Steve managed to find an unlocked door and slipped into the locker room for a well earned shower. He still would have to put his gross clothes back on but at least he wouldn’t be dripping in sweat.
He heard the door open and close but decided to ignore it. Whether it was a well wisher or one of Larry’s ilk, he didn’t give a shit. He just wanted to be clean.
“Steve?” a warm and very welcome voice echoed through the empty chamber.
“Eddie?” he called back, poking his head out the shower stall to see him.
Eddie grinned. “There you are, big boy.”
Steve was grateful for the steam already painting his cheeks red so that Eddie wouldn’t see him blush.
“Hey,” he muttered softly.
Eddie came bounding up to him with a big grin on his face. “I went home and brought my PE clothes for ya so you didn’t have to put that sweaty shit back on.” He held up his bag. “We’re about the same size in everything but thighs, so this should get you home at the very least.”
“Oh you’re a lifesaver!” he breathed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, I wanted to.”
Steve pointed down at his sudsy body. “Just let me finish washing down and I’ll be with you in a moment.”
A few minutes later he shut off the water and called out, “Hey can you grab me a towel?”
“I could...” Eddie teased, “but then I’d miss the show of you waddling naked to grab one yourself.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “I wasn’t sure you’d be interested, after all the ball was in your court after your impromptu marriage proposal.”
Eddie licked his lips slowly and stalked over the low wall that separated the showers from the rest of the locker room. He looked Steve up and down, noting the high blush on his cheeks that had nothing to due with the heat. Or at least not the heat of the shower. Steve pushed his hair back and looked Eddie right in the eye.
Eddie smiled and reached out with one finger to trace a water droplet that had slid off of Steve’s collar bone to run for his belly button. Steve’s breath hitched as Eddie licked the water off his finger.
“I’m more than interested,” he murmured, leaning in close. “Just wasn’t sure if the offer was made in jest or if you were serious.”
Steve closed his eyes and let out a slow breath. Then he opened them slowly to see Eddie with his eyes wide and expression hopeful. Steve leaned in and pressed his lips to the other boy’s. It was soft and it was sweet.
Eddie leaned back, blinking. “So yeah, definitely serious then. So how about this, sweetheart, why don’t you get dressed in the things I brought you and you go home and get changed. Then I pick you up around, say... five for dinner at the diner?”
Steve’s face transformed with his smile. “I’d say that sounds like a date.” He kissed him again. Just as soft and just as sweet as the one before.
“I’m going to get cavities if you keep that up,” Eddie teased, walking away.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked tilting his head in confusion.
Eddie came back to locker room. “Getting you a towel, obviously. As much as I wouldn’t mind a sneaky peek, I think I’d rather wait to see you naked, spread out underneath me.”
Steve’s jaw worked up and down but no words came out.
“Catch you later, big boy!” Eddie called out over his shoulder after handing the towel to him.
As he was leaving he bumped into Nancy.
“Oh sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t see you there.”
Nancy chewed on her bottom lip. “Is Steve in there? I couldn’t find him after the game.”
“Yep!” he replied popping the P. “I brought him some clothes he could change into.”
Her eyes went wide. “Oh!”
“Catch you around, Wheeler,” Eddie said giving her a salute.
As the door swung shut, she could see Steve in there happily singing a love song as he got dressed.
Nancy looked back at Eddie’s retreating form and then back at the now closed door. She sighed. She had a feeling that she was too late in getting Steve back.
He had moved on.
She blushed and ducked her head. Maybe it was a good thing. She needed to work on herself and Steve needed someone who was with him because they wanted to be and not just because he was the current available option.
By the time Steve came back out, she was gone.
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @gringa-rae-jepsen @bluelightsinthevoid @mamafaithful @allmyworldsendwithtears @xxbottlecapx
10- @sadisticaltarts @yeahhhh-suga @ohimamarigold @imamixofeverthing @samsoble
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wileys-russo · 11 months
i saw this clip and i thought it would be a perfect reader x player (katie either dating or just friends) you can decide ofc https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJwaJ74L/ its so precious
start a family II k.mccabe
finishing your lap thanking the fans you made an immediate beeline to where you could see your family waiting for you on the sidelines.
growing up in a big household of six kids you adored how many of your siblings still made sure to come to as many of your national matches as they could.
today however only your best friend, mum and two of your sisters made the trip given the game wasn't actually in ireland, but you were still grateful for the flood of messages from the rest of your family and friends and never felt unsupported.
you also knew a large part of your fiances family had made the trip, and though they weren't seated with your family you'd all be going out for dinner and drinks tonight which you were sure would end up with at least half of you kicked out of whatever poor venue you all descended on.
greeting your family you rushed through their hugs, immediately scooping up your eight month old niece, cooing at her affectionately. bouncing her in your arms you spent some time chatting with them, waving to a few fans who called out your name as well as some of the girls loved ones who you knew quite well.
"can i go take her to see the girls?" you asked your older sister who nodded without an issues, knowing you'd never ever let any harm befall the bundle of blankets and chubby cheeks in your arms.
"it would be the one who gets in for free without a ticket that gets to go on the pitch!" your younger sister shook her head with a roll of her eyes as your best friend shoved her head playfully on your behalf, making you grin as they messed about.
turning away you kissed your neices forehead and made your way over to where a few of your team mates and friends were gathered in the middle of the field. your fiance spotted you the moment you turned around, sprinting over with a beaming smile on her face.
"well hello little darlin." katie cooed, hugging you from behind as the two of you pulled faces at the newborn in your arms. "she laughed at me!" katie cheered as the girl let out a few giggles. "dream on baby, that was at me!" you argued with a shake of your head.
"no it was at her auntie katie, her favourite auntie!" katie quickly scooped the baby from your grasp, holding her up and pulling faces as again your neice giggled making your fiance send you a smug smile, resting the baby on her hip.
you couldn't even find it in yourself to be mad at her, the sight of her with a baby in her arms sending your hormones into a spin as you imagined how good a ma she would be to your own kids.
"i know that look too well gorgeous." katie smiled knowingly as she swaddled your neice back up in the bright green ireland blanket in your arms, kissing her forehead tenderly.
"soon." katies hand came to rest on your cheek, bending down to sweetly kiss your lips, mumbling about how she couldn't wait to start a family with you.
the two of you had been together about four years now and knew this was the next step, you were engaged and had been for around six months now but had both decided you'd rather invest in a family than a big flashy wedding. you'd already been to a few appointments and you were due for your first round of IVF next month.
you hadn't yet told anyone, it was your own little secret joy and as much as you were incredibly nervous for a potential failure, the thought of being pregnant and soon enough holding your own baby in your arms drowned that out.
"hey, get the hell out of that pretty little head of yours." katie recognized you were beginning to overthink, flicking your ear playfully before stealing a kiss as your sister called out your name gesturing for you to return to them.
"oi your bum looks great in those shorts!" your fiance yelled after you with a wolf whistle as you sent her a wink over your shoulder making her cheeky grin widen.
you couldn't wait to start a family with her.
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bratzforchris · 7 months
Hello! Would you be okay with writing a fix about Johnnie dating a famous singer and they make an appearance on one of his videos/streams just for something cute? Thank you I hope you’re doing well!
Can't Help Falling In Love
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Summary: A Saturday morning stream turns into a mini concert for you and Johnnie
Pairing: Johnnie x feminine and singer!reader
Warnings: Tooth rooting fluff None!
Word Count: 776
A/N: Thank you for the request! Also, this is my favorite picture of Johnnie ever OOO WAH AH AH AH AH
“Fucking hell! What the fuck?”
You chuckled as you listened to Johnnie cursing at the computer from his streaming room upstairs. You were in the kitchen, pouring yourself a cup of coffee and enjoying the rainy morning. You’d been in the studio late last night, recording tracks for your upcoming album. You had wanted to stay in bed with your boyfriend all morning, sleeping the day away, but Johnnie had promised his followers that he would stream this morning, and you knew you couldn’t take him away from his career. 
And so, you shot him a quick ‘Can I join?’ text, both because you missed your lover and because you were curious to see what in the world he was yelling about. Johnnie texted you back almost immediately, telling you to come on up. Even though you were in your pajamas, you practically raced up the stairs. You loved being involved in Johnnie’s streams, mostly because you two would either play silly games, or either making one of Johnnie’s video essays and laughing at the crazy people.
“Hey babe!” he exclaimed as soon as you opened the door. 
The chat immediately exploded when you came into the frame. You chuckled, smiling and sitting down on your boyfriend’s lap as you kissed his cheek. The fans immediately in ‘AWWWWW’ and things of that nature. You were very lucky in the sense that both your and Johnnie’s fans were extremely supportive of your relationship and you didn’t have to hide it on social media or from the paparazzi. 
“When does the new album come out, Y/N?” You read aloud. “That, my friend, is a secret.” You giggled. 
Johnnie blushed, kissing your cheek. “They adore you.”
“I adore you,” You snaked your hand around the nape of Johnnie’s neck, kissing him softly. “Now, what the hell were you screaming about?” You laughed. 
“This fucking game,” Johnnie gestured towards his computer, where some kind of horror game was pulled up. “It’s rigged.”
“I’m sure it is.” You hummed sarcastically, cuddling into his chest. 
Your boyfriend eyed the chat as it raced with cute, supportive things for you two and gifts flooded the screen until one comment caught his eye. 
“Do a duet,” he read. “Well, you guys have to ask Y/N if she’s up to singing. She was in the studio late last night.”
You let the fans go crazy for a moment before speaking. “I think that would be fun.” You giggled. 
You stood up off Johnnie’s lap, allowing him to grab his iconic painted card guitar. Since Johnnie’s guitar would be in his lap, you pulled another chair into the frame, sitting down into it and smiling. Even though you were in a messy bun and no makeup with Jack Skellington pants and Johnnie was also in pajamas, you knew the following clips would probably go viral. You didn’t mind, though. You loved this boy with your whole heart, and this was love in its purest form. Just you two, the people that supported you, and your shared love of music. 
“Should we sing our song for them?” Johnnie asked, sitting down in his streaming chair once again and tuning his guitar softly. 
You nodded happily as Johnnie began to softly strum the chords to ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’. As you began to sing, everything else faded away, and it was just you and Johnnie, looking into each other’s eyes as he played and you sang. 
“Cause I can’t help falling in love with you,” You hit a high note as he strummed the last chord and then happily smiled. “There you go, guys. I hope you enjoyed that.”
Despite being an extremely famous singer, your cheeks were still flushed red when singing for the chat, but as soon as you saw the outpouring of love, all the embarrassment faded away. You loved Johnnie, he loved you, and the fans were happy for you both. The screen filled with gifts from viewers again, and you moved into Johnnie’s lap, kissing him softly and sensually. 
“Well guys, I hate to end the stream, but I gotta go hang out with my girl. Maybe I can convince her to make waffles.” Johnnie chuckled. 
“You don’t need to convince me. I’ll be waiting downstairs.” You stood up off Johnnie’s lap and pecked his cheek, waving goodbye to the stream. 
Your heart was practically exploding with love for your boyfriend as you wandered to the kitchen, but you couldn’t say that you were mad about it. if anything, it would make great content for your next album, and Johnnie couldn’t say he would be mad about being your muse.
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
When Greed is too much
Characters: Mammon x gn!MC
Main Masterlist
M. Anon: good day, tennis. im an anon who lurks around your work. i find your work fascinating and I hope you may make a small oneshot for me. can you make a mammon x reader fanfiction? the pronounce doesn't matter. and the fanfiction could be about mammon and reader sneaking out frequently because mammon likes to gamble and they get caught one day and mammon took all of the blame for himself. i think it would be a good idea for a oneshot. but putting that aside, I adore your work. i like how you describe everything and your headcanons are interesting. i hope you can keep uploading. sending platonic loves.
A/N: I got a little distracted and made Mammon feel guilty af instead of taking the blame, I'm sorry, I hope you like it anyways <3 A little reference right at the end
Mammon had a complicated relationship with money.
He loved it too much to hate it and he needed it enough to forgive the danger it brought within. He would inlay it under his skin if he could, if Lucifer let him, making him shine under the lights like a kaleidoscope.
Cold metal between his fangs to check its authenticity, smooth paper sliding through his fingers, hard plastic shaping his wallet. Jewellery, clothes, his car. He had them because he needed it in any way, shape or form, like water to fish, riches to him. A bottomless pit that got bigger and bigger the more he threw in.
His fingers were longer and thinner than his brothers’ and more than once he had wondered if his sin had modified his body to easily indulge in it. He was also the fastest runner when he needed to and he could turn his words to honey if the situation required it. An opportunist thief, even if he disliked the term.
And he knew stealing wasn’t okay, but no amount of Lucifer’s punishments would stop him from doing so. He could manage hanging upside down for hours on end and, even when the lectures were painfully boring and made him want to die, sitting in the same position for as long as his brother decided was something he could live through. Lotan, or rather the flood it implied, was a bothersome threat and, although terrifying, the witches wouldn’t seriously hurt him unless Lucifer knew he could take it.
Still, constantly going through that was annoying, so he went to the next best thing, a place where condemned souls like him got together and did what pleasured him the most: bring money to the table. The wheel of fortune laid deep in his chest; sometimes he deceived himself, others, he was right.
Fortunately for his ego, his dignity and his integrity, Mammon had found his perfect lucky charm. Human shape and devoted to him, every time MC joined him in his escapades, his wallet came back home fatter than when they left. It was refreshing and addicting and it didn’t take him too long to actually need MC’s presence each time he left the house to gamble.
At first it was just once or twice every week and a half, then at least once a week, then three times a week, then every night. He would invite them to his room, taking advantage of the alibi their relationship offered, hang out and fool around until every single one of his brothers was asleep and then sneak out through the garage door.
It was a fun, bonding time between them. Holding hands while running from one corner of the town to another, pockets heavier and heavier as the night went by and clothes reeking of the cigars, alcohol and perfume of those who pushed them around amidst the chaos of the casino.
Mammon lived for all of that, especially now that MC was by his side, watching him thrive and win, over and over and over again. In their eyes, he succeeded and he was the one to carry the golden medal. Not his brothers, not their friends, him.
Eventually, he did what he did best and pushed his luck.
After an outstanding winning streak, they finally got to the night when everything went astray, losing every bet and every game, eventually finding themselves deep in debt with the casino and a bunch of furious patrons and, although begrudgingly, admitting that a period of restraint was long overdue.
And then they got home.
“When will you learn?” Lucifer said for the hundredth time while tightening the rope around his torso and trapping his hands behind his back.
“C’mon! It wasn’t that bad!”
He tried to smile to downplay the situation, but it came out wobbly and his fear was too obvious for his brother to ignore. Lucifer grinned with malice, eyes darkening in evil enjoyment before bending down to tie Mammon’s ankles together, slow in his movements and his words.
“Do you truly think this would’ve ended well? We both know you’re an idiot, but the limits you’re willing to cross outstand me. Bringing MC into this? Really? You moronic dimwit… I thought you would be the last to put them in danger. Alas, I was wrong”
“I’ve never put them in danger”
His immediate response brought Lucifer back to his feet, both of them now serious and locking eyes with each other. Mammon felt the rough edges of the rope scraping his skin, uncomfortably keeping him in place under his brother’s infuriated gaze.
“Taking them out of the house for hours every night, making them play games against lowlife demons and risking their safety for a few coins, what is that to you if not jeopardizing their life?”
“A few coins? We made ourselves rich!”
“Is that what bothers you about what I just said?”
“I’m telling you they were safe with me!”
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head in disappointment and going around Mammon. A noise coming from behind filled him with dread and he didn’t have time to beg for more time before something pulled his feet to the side and his body hit the carpeted floor. It barely softened the fall and soon his pained groans reached every corner of the staircase.
“You truly never learn”
“I’ll do it! I’ll learn! Please don’t leave me here! You can’t abandon your baby brother here, can’t you? It was an honest mistake!”
After securing the rope around one of the beams from the ceiling, the eldest took a few steps down and looked at him from above. His voice was low, hopeless, and Mammon found that more hurtful than the strong grip around his limbs or the pounding on his head.
“You’re lucky MC’s heart shines brighter than mine” Lucifer said, leaving him speechless “One of these days you will go too far and I’m not sure who will be there to catch you”
“Rest well, Mammon” he continued to go down the stairs, not bothering to look at him anymore. He spoke one last time before disappearing completely. “And think about what I said, will you?”
Lucifer’s footsteps merged into the night, the lights turned off and, suddenly, Mammon found himself alone.
He was still wearing the clothes he’d chosen to go to the casino hours ago, jewellery dangling over his face and DDD threatening to fall out of his pocket. The screen lightened up, showing MC’s name, and the desperation to answer the call made him squirm enough to ultimately make the phone fall to the bottom of the stairs. He grimaced at the cracking sound.
Asmo would say it was karma for being a scumbag and he didn’t know if he should start believing that.
He wasn’t a scumbag, was he? MC was fine! Not a scratch in their pretty face to complain about and every bit of their outfit still in place and making them look even better. They had been smiling when they finally got to the garage door, shallowly breathing while they checked him out in search of any type of damage.
They were fine.
They had been smiling because they’d been having fun. Or was it out of relief? Heart beating in fear, terrified about him and the punishment that awaited them both once Lucifer found them.
Mammon craned his neck, looking at the remains of his DDD with a sting in his throat. Why did MC call him? Were they mad at him? Did they have enough? The thought of actually putting them in danger for a piece of metal, easily ripped paper or soon to be frozen plastic made his hear stop in panic.
He was a fast runner, an immortal demon with wings. It was easy for him to flee and leave his troubles behind, but MC didn’t have the same advantages. They were a human, flesh and soul in close proximity, easy to eat and forget.
A gasp escaped him at the image of his partner being tore apart and he shook his head trying to chase it away, but it was no use. He closed his eyes and it was there, like an omen or a reminder, Lucifer’s words roaring in his mind.
His name got louder and louder until It finally sounded right next to his ear. A hand cupped his neck and MC’s worried face appeared in his line of vision, but the remorse didn’t let him feel relief.
“Are you okay? Let me get you down. I got out as soon as I could, but I’m sure Lucifer knows I’m here anyways. What a way to end the night…”
He huffed at their whispers, his heart breaking piece by piece. Looking at MC and the way they carefully untied the knots, he knew Lucifer was right. The dumb human was too good for him and didn’t want to acknowledge it, choosing instead to stick by his side each day until it would be too late.
“I’m sorry” he finally said in a broken voice.
“For what, dummy?”
“I put you in danger”
MC chuckled, kissing his jaw before freeing his arms and watching the rope fall down. Mammon leaned forward until he touched his feet, noticing his body burning while he worked the knots that creased the leather in his boots.
“How did you put me in danger?” they asked with a hint of humour in their voice “As far as I know, I went with you willingly and we had a bad night. It was bound to happen after winning that much money”
“But they almost attacked us…”
“We got out of there just in time” MC interrupted him, then frowned and put their hands on their hips. “Did Lucifer said something to you?”
The lie was obvious and MC licked their teeth in poorly contained fury. Seconds later, Mammon finally set himself free and swung on the rope to reach the banister. Once he settled and stood straight, MC rushed to hug him. Both of them stayed silent and basking in the comfort that surrounded them.
He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to beg them not to reprimand Lucifer and he wanted to thank them for freeing him and staying with him beyond what he definitely deserved, but no words came out and forcing them would make him cry; and doing that in front of MC would definitely kill him faster than Lucifer could ever do.
In the end, none of them said anything, instead clinging to each other like their lives depended on it. Slowly, as if they were handling a wounded animal, MC grabbed his hands and lead him towards their room.
What did that human movie say?
He’d die for them. He’d kill for them. Either way, what bliss.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
I have two questions
What will Ren do if angel wants to get hus name tattooed on themselves? I know he did his tats by himself SO WILL HE DO IT FOR THEM OR WILL HE HIDE HIS TATTOO ARTIST SKILLS?
How will Ren take care of an angel who is hella self destructive (e.g. doesn't eat, doesn't drink, sleep deprived, overworks themselves, etc)? Will he sorta be a caring bf or will he be too scared to ask them to do something?
I love ren and I love you for making this game saint 🙏🫡 all hail bald ren 🥚
✦゜ANSWERED: Wahhhh no, thank you for all of the amazing art you've made!! ;v;
"Y'sure? This is permanent, y'know." A mess of dark hair blocks out most of your view as your boyfriend gently runs a gloved thumb over your skin. "Or… Semi-permanent. D'ya feel like paying for a tattoo removal appointment?"
"I'm sure," Comes your curt response — alongside an affirmative nod and a gentle squeeze over his bicep, "I wouldn't ask you to do this if I wasn't."
"...You're really sure?" No longer hunched over, he looks up at you this time. Soft, blue eyes hold your gaze as he decides to pull another answer from you. "Positive?"
"Yes," His name slips off your tongue easily, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. "I'm positive."
"Alright then."
Despite his calm demeanour, internally [REDACTED] was screaming and vibrating and bouncing around the walls of his brain. You wanted a tattoo of his name.
His name.
His real name.
Surely you must've known how much that gesture meant to him? I mean, sure, he was the one who impulsively tattooed your name on his throat and hip years ago, but it was merely to show just how dedicated he was to you and how far his feelings went. He was entirely yours — both physically and emotionally — and wanted everyone to know it.
Did that mean you felt the same way?
He figured you would've been sick of him by now after all these years, or at the very least... annoyed. Annoyed with him always asking you to eat something, even if it was a little bit. Constantly making sure you weren't overworking yourself, whether it was by sharing the workload or offering you a massage. Invariably dragging you to bed early with promises of endless cuddles, kisses, and warm blankets.
Despite all that, you still wanted him around?
Finally moving from his hunched-over position over your body, your dark-haired hacker looks up at you with the softest look in his eyes — almost as if you were the reason the moon rose in the sky every night. And as if he was the endless ocean, constantly gravitating towards you because it just felt right.
You held back the urge to move his bangs aside to get a better look at his face, and instead let the dark-haired man lean even closer into your personal space to place a chaste kiss upon your lips. Cherry and mint flood your senses as your boyfriend gently cups your jaw, and you can practically feel the adoration and appreciation radiate from the kiss he was giving you.
He doesn't seem to pull away from you for what feels like hours, but when he does, he doesn't stray far.
"What was that for?" You break the silence.
"…Felt like it."
Yet another curt response was given before he looks back to the patch of your skin he had prepared earlier. Giving you one last final glance, he picks up his tattoo gun with a determined glint in his eyes and starts to ink in the first letter of his name.
The name you came to love.
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blu3-j · 1 year
Overworked! Reader x Welcome Home Crew
Chapter 4
TW: Small breakdown (hinted at), character going nonverbal
I sincerely apologize for the delay of this chapter, fellow strangers! This chapter went through a lot of writing, revisions, edits, more writing, and more edits before finally making it here. But I finally have it done! I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! (Side note; I love the idea of all the characters giving the reader a nickname at some point that relates to them and how they see them in some form. It’s too adorable. I can’t resist it. I can now see Howdy calling the reader a nymph. It’s another name for larvae! Yes. Yes, I will now write Howdy calling the reader in any stories he’s in.)
Last we left off, Y/N had just gotten home from a busy day, and after a lot of emotions and events, began a trusting relationship with the crew of Welcome Home. One hurdle has been conquered, but there are still plenty more before our journey comes to a close.
Chapter 1 l Chapter 2 l Chapter 3 l Chapter 4
Groaning, you rose up from your spot. As you did so, your arm jolted forward to catch the warm blanket that fell from its precarious position on you. At first, the blanket wasn’t familiar. This isn’t the blanket you keep on your bed. Curiously, you looked up to find an unfamiliar sight waiting for you. The birds outside chirped their worries away as the sun began to rise and paint everything in a golden glow. The house was peaceful and still, like an old grainy photo hanging in an equally old and yellowed window. And sat in the middle of the living room was you.
Why were you sleeping in the living room? 
The events from the day previous flooded your memories. Your head darted around, desperate to see if maybe it had all been a dream. It must've been...right? You wanted to believe it had all been a dream, that you wouldn't have to worry about any of the problems that came with this. That maybe that night you fell asleep watching that show you just dreamed it all---and maybe hallucinated the small yellow puppet talking to you from just being that exhausted.
But in the end, you couldn't deny what was in front of you.
There the puppet cast was---sprawled along various places in the room. Across the ground, in chairs, and even on the couch next to you. Some even piled on top of each other, even when there was space for them all to have their own spots. All fast asleep.
Confetti was strewn across the floor and on furniture, paper straps and ribbons to games you had long since forgotten the rules of lay wherever there was room, and fake swords and feathers you had never got to see used rested haphazardly on the nearby coffee table. Looking back up, you saw the banners and balloons still hung from the ceiling. To you, it was quite a sight to behold. And even more strange and unfamiliar when you haven't had a mess like this since your high school graduation party all those years ago. Or had anyone else in your house like this since your moving in celebration, which ended up in a sleepover with your friends. You had almost forgotten what it was like to have company around.
Coming back to the present, it occurred to you just how cartoon-like and comically this cast was. Barnaby and Julie snored louder than a whale, and Wally....could you even call that snoring? You watched him as he lay curled up on Barnaby's chest, his face buried in the blue spotted fur, mumbling away a mantra over and over and over again.
"I'm sleeping...I'm sleeping...I'm sleeping..."
It was a wonder how the others slept with the noise, and even more of a wonder how you slept with all the noise. You were usually a light sleeper due to your schedule, but unlike then, this time appeared to be an exception. You didn't even wake up to your alarm. Wait...what happened to your alarm? Did you sleep in?
Sleep in?! Your hand desperately searched around for your phone. When you didn't feel that familiar rectangular gadget by your side, you jolted up from your spot. Finally turning back to the spot you were previously sleeping, your body froze. Now with a better view of where you slept, you realized who you had been sleeping on. Originally unbeknownst to you, you had been curled up in Howdy's arms as he laid against the arm of the couch, the both of you dozing away without a care in the world. As it turned out, he was the comfy cushion you had passed out on.
He groaned as he began to stir from the sudden jerky movement, and he opened his eyes. His drowsy gaze met yours, and for a moment the two of you just stared at each other. You, with no clue as to how to react, and him…most probably still registering what’s going on. Outside, the birds continued chirping away their cheery song. A small lazy grin crept onto his face.
"Howdy, there. How'd you sleep, kiddo? You passed out during Sally's play last night." He adjusted himself to sit up more as he spoke in a hushed voice. "You looked so peaceful and I know how busy you are, I just couldn't bring myself to wake ya up." Your voice was caught in your mouth. You're talking to a puppet. Again. It's actually real. A living---maybe not so much breathing---but living puppet. And you just woke up from sleeping wrapped up in his arms, no less. He was still a complete stranger to you, and acting so casual with him despite the recent events was something you could not handle.
Still, you couldn’t ignore his expectant stare. It came out small and late, but he remained quiet for your answer. "...It was..okay." Your hands absentmindedly fiddled with each other, and you turned your gaze away as you corrected yourself. "Actually, it was the best sleep I've had in a long while. Too long." A chuckle slipped its way past your lips.
Your breath hitched. "Oh, no!" Adrenaline shot through you. Howdy flinched at your shrill exclamation—as did you, and the two of you froze. A loud snore from Julie echoed throughout the room, and you recalled how comically loud a few of your other “guests” were. If they could sleep through that, then they could sleep through just about anything. The two of you let out a relieved breath.
"I gotta find my phone! What time is it?! How long did I sleep in? What day is it?!" You rambled incoherently—your voice much more soft than before—as you searched the couch more thoroughly for that little precious device of yours. The green caterpillar snorted, bringing one hand up to his head and another to his mouth to stifle his giddy giggles.
After he managed to hold his laughter at bay, he talked once more. "It's Wednesday. Don't worry, kiddo. According to your calendar over there---" He pointed to the familiar paper calendar hung on the wall. "You don't have to worry about work today. Or any of your classes." A green hand patted onto your shoulder. "You have the day off!"
Another hand dug into one of the pockets of his apron and out he pulled your phone. He held it awkwardly in his hand in an attempt to mimic how he had seen you hold the device. It looked tiny caressed in his hand compared to how it looked in yours.
"It took a while of trying to figure out how to use this silly thing, but I turned off that doggoned alarm. Every busy bee needs their sleep every once and a while, after all!" His smile twitched to a frown as he stared deeply at it. "What is it, anyway? I never did ask. Is it some futuristic alarm clock or something? Why do you take it with you everywhere you go? And where are all the buttons? Shouldn't something like this need a buncha buttons? How did you make it so it works with just touching the glass here?" He tapped the phone and the screen came to life.
You were forced back to your nostalgic memories upon seeing the lockscreen. Displayed was an old memory of you and your friends not too long after your high school graduation. All of you were grouped together in a booth, laughing the night away at a karaoke restaurant. Things were so much more simple then. And a lot less lonely.
Above it was the clock, harshly contrasting in color to the photo. It read 8:23 AM. Below it sat a single unbothered notification.
"Day off!!" It read. He was right. You let out an exasperated sigh as your body eased and—without realizing just how relieving this knowledge was to you—plopped down harshly on the couch next to him. He softly chuckled as one arm of his leaned back on the arm of the couch.
"I know that look!" The tall puppet ruffled your hair. "Before I owned the Bugdega, I used to work a lot at a job I hated. Extreme word, but it’s true! You should take this day to just cool that jet of yours. You'll break down if you overwork yourself, nymph!" His eye caught yours, and the two of you shared a small smile in the peaceful moment. Before any more conversation could be had, however, a small movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention. Wally was now wide awake and peacefully watching the two of you talk.
Howdy waved and quietly called out to the little yellow puppet. "Howdy, shrimp!" The blue haired puppet remained quiet, only widening his permanent smile and waving back for a moment before shuffling himself off of the large sleeping dog. Mesmerized by his form, you watched as he moved and carefully made his way over to the two of you. Carefully, he tip-toed in between each colorful member of the cast on the floor, only stopping by Julie for a moment to dodge her arm she roughly threw to the side as she dozed away.
It was simple movements, and exactly like a regular human's, but something about it was...off. Perhaps it was just the knowledge of knowing he's a puppet and shouldn't be moving at all, but something about him felt....unnerving, in a way. You brushed the thought to the side. Maybe that's a thought for another time.
Wally crawled up on the couch next to you and into your lap. As always. But you didn’t push him away. In a strange way, it comforted you. The tension that had slowly been digging itself deep into your core melted away like snow on a warm sunny day. Your inner child pleaded to hold him dear, but you refused. It was a hard fight, but you managed to resist the urge.
Howdy watched the two of you, a gentle grin on his face, before he lifted himself up from his seat and walked around the couch. You glimpsed at him and jumped when you saw him looking and motioning you to follow. You glanced between the two puppets, unsure, before quickly picking Wally up like he was a toddler and carrying him with you and obeying the insect puppet’s wishes.
Wally, of course, quickly fell limp in your arms. You recalled his attempt to comfort you last night, and it occurred to you that this was most probably another thing he didn’t know how to really…react to. One awkward pause later, he leaned against your shoulder and buried his face in the crook of your neck. Instinctively, you gave in to that inner child that pleaded for a connection, and nudged your head against his.
Howdy led you to the kitchen where he began rummaging through the cabinets. Now away from the rest of the colorful puppets sleeping away, his voice became a lot louder and clearer from his previous mumbling."This is a nice place you got, nymph." He bent down to a cabinet and began shuffling through it, only finding pots and his laughter echoing back to him. "I'm still having trouble finding everything, though! Where do you keep your pans? This place is like a maze!"
The two of you talked the morning away as you directed him to the right cabinets for everything he needed. Slowly, one by one, the other puppets awoke and walked in, each joining your conversation. Some chose to seat themselves at the table while others opted in aiding Howdy in cooking breakfast.
Sally was the first to walk in. She was cheery and energetic, and each step of hers had a bounce in it. For a moment, you almost thought she was quite literally glowing. But the allusion dashed away as soon and fast as it had made itself evident. The little starlet chose to occasionally aid Howdy when requested while she recited and re-enacted scenes to numerous plays she had starred in. Most of it was nothing more than dramatic improvisation, but you couldn’t resist applauding her and watching her eyes light up every time you did.
Barnaby and Poppy were the next ones to walk in. Both were generally drowsy and calm, quietly jabbering away as they walked in. Poppy clamored if everything was okay from all the racket she had heard, but Barnaby assured her and joked about how loud Sally was being. After her worries had been quelled, Poppy stationed herself next to Howdy to converse and help cook when she wasn’t too scared to do so. Meanwhile, Barnaby gladly seated himself next to you and Wally at the table.
Finally, Julie skipped into the kitchen, holding the hand of a drowsy Frank holding the hand of an upbeat Eddie. The trio questioned the commotion, but quickly seated themselves at the table and joined in the ever growing conversation upon seeing the six of you joyfully conversing.
For a while, you all acted as though there was nothing wrong. Like you had all known each other for months and everything had already been resolved. But tension remained. And finally, when the conversation died down and came to a pause, Poppy spoke up.
"So..." She hesitated, glancing to you for help. The large bird curled a little in on herself and hid herself with her wings. "What do we do now?" The others murmured. The tension was much thicker than before. You furrowed your brows and looked down. Wally was still in your lap. His expression remained the same, but he was silent. His gaze followed the others to you.
Over the past two days, you noticed something about the puppets. Something so extremely small, but made a mountain of a difference in the way you saw the colorful cast.
When looking at something, the puppets' pupils never twitched back and forth like humans'. Theirs never moved subconsciously to take in as much information they could like yours. This was the first time you noticed Wally's was.
A small part of you wanted to panic and run away again. A large part, actually. You had as much of a clue of what to do as they did. But just as you almost gave in, bright pink fabric in the corner of your eye caught your attention. The fabric of her dress.
"Then I'll be brave with you."
You promised.
You're going to be brave.
You swallowed the urge down as far as you could. "I'm...not sure," You started. "I mean, we all already established you'll be living here until you can find a way to...." Your voice drifted off.
Eddie piped up. "Home."
"Home, right." You turned your attention to a topic a little less stressful, opting for casual conversation to stall you time to think. "Wait, is that what you call that place? It's just...Home?" Julie jumped up, her expression relaxing a moment.
"Yeah! Oh, that's right. You haven't met Home yet."
Watching your eyebrow furrow, Sally joined in. "Home's a living house! That's where Wally lives." She hummed to herself. "I wonder why Home isn't here. Are they still in the neighborhood?" Her gaze wandered to a few of the others, each shrugging in response. Frank stepped forward as he adjusted his bright yellow bowtie. You quickly turned your attention back to him after brushing off seeing the bowtie flutter in a strange movement. That’s a thought for later.
"I've been doing research on this strange world," Frank began. His unibrow furrowed further as he slowly spoke, his tone growing in intensity with every word. "...And so far..I have no idea how we could've gotten here. There's no record of these things happening before!” His hands curled into fists. He stammered further and further with every sentence, his pupils twitching back and forth towards nowhere in particular. “Which..is preposterous! We couldn't have been the first instance of this happening!" He stomped his foot down as his face grew red, and much to your surprise, his head spun. Spinning…spinning..and stopping when Eddie lightly grasped onto it and held it in place. Frank sighed and glanced at the mailman before continuing. "I'm sorry, Dear, it's just---" His brow furrowed as his face grew red again. "I just don't get it! How could we be the only ones for this to happen to?! I-I don't---" he paused again as his glare turned towards the ground. His voice turned quiet as a few strands of hair drooped in his face. The harsh shadows kept you from seeing his face. "I don't understand. I don't know how to get us back to Home." Things were quiet as Eddie turned him around and hugged him close. Frank didn't hug him back. Just kept silent.
Glancing at the others, you found one by one, they all looked back to you. There were no more smiles. No more laughter.
You couldn't tell what they were thinking by looking in their eyes. But you could tell they were lost. Lost and scared.
…Just as much as you.
So you inhaled a sharp breath, and pulled yourself together. "Alright," You started. Peering over to the bright-eyed girl, you watched a small glimmer return to her eyes. "I don't know what to do either." Your gaze connected with each puppets' as it wandered over the group. "But that doesn't mean we can't throw ideas until one sticks!" A small twinge began to form in your stomach, but you continued. "We're all lost…a-and confused, and scared. But we're not alone." Finally, you looked back to Wally. "We're in this together." Determination inflamed you. "And if there's anything I know, it's that if there's a way something can happen, then darn it, there's a way to undo it! I don't know how...but I'll help you find a way home."
"To Home." Frank mumbled into Eddie's shoulder. Your mouth twitched up at his response.
"That's the spirit!" A small round of chuckles came around the group of puppets. “We’ll start throwing ideas and making investigations soon, but first, we need to take some time to get ourselves calmed down. A panicking mind isn’t the best for getting out of bad situations.”
A clacking sound caught your attention. Eggs and hashbrowns---organized in a way the eggs formed eyes and the hashbrowns a smile. Peering back up, you saw Howdy.
"You sure know how to bring people up, kiddo." He ruffled your hair before turning to the rest of the puppets. "I've got breakfast fixed up for you all, so you better come get your fixing before it gets cold! Like Y/N said, we'll get this figured out, but first we have to take care of ourselves!" The cast cheered and grouped around the counter Howdy had set with various cooked foods. You watched them with curiosity as they gabbed away and piled food on their plates.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a familiar blue hair strand, and looked down. Wally hadn't moved from his spot. Rather, he watched the crew with you. "Are you going to get some?" You questioned him. His eyes met yours, half-lidded as always, and his stare unchanging and unmoving. It was quiet as you waited for his response. Distantly, a small tik-tik-tik was heard.
"Okay." He hopped off your lap and walked over. The others quickly noticed him and helped him grab a plate.
Things were back to how they were before the topic changed. And once again as you watched the group, you felt a small pang.
You were so different. And in those differences, alone. Just like always. You decided to push that feeling down.
Now's not the time.
You sighed as you turned back to your plate.
Now...how in the world were you going to get them back to Home?
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
Kermit had a hood over his face, so the world was composed of darkness and muffled voices. He felt the familiar twists of felt as his lips began to tremble with fear; his hands had been tied behind his back and he didn't know why.
There was a sudden whoosh as the hood was ripped away and the he winced as the world was a flash of light. It reminded him of something and suddenly, although he was certain he hadn't been struck or touched, there was a pain in his ribs. Stress had flooded him and then he felt relief, like a sharp gasp of air after being deprived of breath.
The chalk pale face before him wore a perpetual grin, this was all just a game. "Oh, Wow, there Joker...you really got me worked up that time. Heh."
"We do have to find ways to amuse ourselves, don't we Kermit? Batsy never liked it when I had a hood over his head. Isn't that odd? A Bat that didn't love the dark? But why am I wasting time talking about him. We've got to find some more ways to have fun!"
He lifted kermit out of the chair, hands under his armpits and stood him on the ground. "Come this way, Kermit. I have a wonderful suprise for you!"
The Joker led their way down a long twisting tunnel until they reached a heavy wooden door. "What's behind there, eh?" Kermit looked up at the Joker and smiled, he knew this would be special.
"Well, Kermit, I thought you'd like to give us a show! All you adoring fans! And me, your Joker." Kermit smiled at this, he thought that strumming his banjo for all his friends, his followers, and his love would be great. And maybe after that he and the Joker would have some time to themselves, made all the sweeter by his musical performance.
The Joker smiled at Kermit, as he always did, he opened the door and more light streamed out, he could here his fans outside in the audience. He began to step through the door and out onto the stage when he realized his hands were still tied behind his back. He turned to the Joker. "Hey Joker, you forgot to untie me. I can't play for you all like this."
The Joker looked at him with his always-smile and the smile almost seemed sad. "No, Kermit," he said. "I didn't forget anything. I'm sorry but this is for the best." Before the Joker closed the door, Kermit saw tears running down his face.
The light from the stage dimmed and suddenly Kermit could see it was cast, not from some bulb but a man, a very familiar man.
"Hello Kermit. Tonight you will give us the greatest show on earth." The voice seemed to come from the radiant man, but it surrounded him from every angle. Below, in the audience seats Kermit saw Joaquin and Heath, even Ethan. He was excited to see what was in store for him. It was odd, but Kermit was okay with weird stuff and if this was planned by the Joker than it would be wonderful.
"Kermit," The Voice came again, "I am God. God the FATHER. I am your father Kermit. And I am Adam's creator. All things come from the FATHER Kermit. Including names. Your name shall be Kolton." "And now, Kolton, behold my miracles." Kermit/Kolton was struck with a blinding pain as his chest and stomach began to collapse inward. He was reduced to head, arms and leg with an empty puddle of felt inbetween. "From your ribs I create you new Lords!" From Kermit's ribs came twelve beautiful pig princesses, each with a mop of golden curls and eyes like pools of deepest blue. And from Kolton's ribs (Kermit understood now that part of him was always Kolton, would always be Kolton) came twelve beautiful horses. He knew each was named Bucephalus. "These," said God the Father, "Are you Lords and Ladies Kolton. You shall serve them forevermore, as his right and proper." Kolton saw that Joaquin and Heath were laughing at him. Saying he was no true Joker and this was how he should be punished for reaching too far. Ethan laughed as well and then God the Father joined.
"Serve forever Kolton. You are no Joker. You're not even Kermit. You can't live outside and you can't play the banjo. You shall serve the Miss Piggies however they want and when they want. They shall be mounted upon my Bucephaluses who will speak to you in your sleep and tell you how to be better. Rise KOLTON. Rise in the name of the Father and serve forever."
Behind the stage the Joker sobbed and stuffed a rubber chicken down his throat. His final sense before choking out was a chorus of "Oh Kermy"s and whinnying that he understood to be the commands of God the Father.
You could not even get my deadname right. This is garbage and I hate you.
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staplersalad · 4 months
I did it all backwards.
I listened to "Now and Then" a couple of days after it was released because I saw the channel "The Beatles" posted it- hey isn't this that old famous band? I vaguely remember back when those "guess the logo" games were all the rage, an illustration of the abbey road album cover was shown for The Beatles on a "guess the artist" version.
I was so blown away by the song, it was beautiful. I listened to it for days. I read about john's death because a lot of the comments talked about him. I'd definitely read about his death in the past because reading the wikipedia article gave me deja vu, but it must have been just another drop in the ocean of content I consumed.
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2 months passed, I listened to the song sometimes, discovering new scenes in the music video because I never actually sat down to watch it, I'd just play it in the background. I remember reading a comment about how John said that Ringo wasn't even the best drummer in the Beatles- what a dick! anyway who's Ringo? [john never said that btw, one of many false Beatles stories]
In February, somewhere between the 22nd and 26th- I had the brilliant idea of going to their yt channel and looking at their other songs. I came across the music video for "Only Sleeping", god what a great song! And after finding out about Em's painstaking work- what an incredible piece of art! I'd listen to the song for days, this time with my eyes glued to the music video in mesmerization.
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Then it's all a blur. I first listened to all their popular songs on the channel, then the less popular ones [relatively obviously], then each album, each song, each interview, suddenly my pinterest was flooded with their pictures, I fell in love with each of them: John, Paul, George and Ringo. I was fascinated with John and Paul's dynamic. I was fascinated with the group. I suddenly sympathized with all the One Direction and BTS fans. I'd never felt this way for an artist before.
The funny thing is, the Beatles being so big meant that their music probably reached your ears before you even knew them. I remember recognizing "Blackbird" from "Boss Baby" and "Beautiful Boy" [john solo] from "Mr. Peabody and Sherman". I remember singing "and I will sing a lullaby" in the same tune as "Golden Slumbers" when I was younger.
I remember hearing "Yesterday" for the first time, my lips parted in recognition, some part of my brain recognized this as a famous song. It was like if someone played you an extremely famous classical piece, you wouldn't know know it but you'd recognize that it was famous. I was absolutely floored by Paul's work.
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Then I'd re-read about john's death, this time it felt so different. I'd almost forgotten about it all really. I'd watch the get back documentary, I'd read more about events from 1970 to 1980, I'd get into their solo work, I'd fall in love with even more music, I'd read about their families. I'd learn to adore them but not put them on a pedestal because they were imperfect human beings [perfect musicians however].
Now john and george's death hit twice as hard. John's death angered me tremendously. I'd look at paul and ringo's recent interviews and pictures, finding it crazy how all this media I'd consumed at lightning speed all happened decades before I was even born. I'd learnt of 4 people, grew infatuated with them, learnt of their flaws, the fights, the breakup, the love, the friendship, the music and mourned their death- all in weeks. And I still have so much to listen, watch and read-it's brilliant really.
I remember listening to "Now and Then" much later, I'd avoided the song like the plague. I remember my eyes welling up, taking in john's voice, the lyrics, the four of them on my screen jumping ages. Just a couple of weeks changed the entire meaning and love I had for a song I just happened to stumble upon.
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Tear in My Heart: The Meeting
Pairing: Single Dad!Matt Jackson x Teacher!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,192
Summary: A special place in your heart is reserved for Madeleine Jackson. At the end of the first day of school, she introduces you to her dad. Is the spark you feel when shaking his hand reciprocated or is this just a crush?
Warnings: None
Requested by: @mrsmatt
A/N: I don’t think the summary is that great but it’s the best I could come up with. Anyways, here’s part one @springgirlwaiting4fall ☺️🫶🏻
Part 2: The School Play
Gif is not mine. Credit to the owner.
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The start of a new school year has came back around yet again. You loved teaching the little minds of the children in your class each year, seeing their eyes light up when they got the hang of something or when they win a prize out of the treasure box. First graders were always so excited and full of questions.
You spent the whole week preparing and planning for a fun first day for your students, name cards on desks along with a little goodie bag. You decorated your classroom in fun colors with a variety of educational materials and items hanging on the wall within the children’s reach. You had came up with all kinds of fun games for the kids to play and help them learn in the process. There was a toy chest filled with numbered blocks for learning math, books to help them read, and other useful tools to prepare them for the future.
You stood out in the hallway beside your classroom door as the bell rang and students began flooding the halls in search of their classroom. You smiled brightly as you welcomed each student that entered your room and helped the children that couldn’t find their teacher.
Inside the classroom, you welcomed them as whole and introduced yourself. You went down each row asking them to introduce themselves to the class and tell everyone one thing they loved. The answers ranged from dinosaurs to Barbie to trucks to seashells. One little girl’s answer just melted your heart. When asked about what she loved, she beamed and answered with, “My daddy.”
As the day went on, you kept thinking about how sweet that one little girl’s answer was. My daddy. You looked at the rows of desks and your eyes landed on the sweet little girl. She had gorgeous brown hair that cascaded around her shoulders, adorable chocolate brown eyes that had such liveliness in them. She was dressed in a purple shirt with a yellow butterfly printed on the front and blue jeans paired with a cute pair of purple and white Jordans. You watched how all the children interacted with one another and noticed she was always helping others and partnering up with the one or two kids that seemed to be left out.
At lunch time, you guided your class to the cafeteria. Some children had brought their lunch so you led them to the table designated for your students. You sat down at the same table with your lunchbox, smiling and chatting with the students already there. You opted to make yourself a classic PB&J. Just because you’re a teacher doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a kid like lunch.
A plastic cafeteria tray was sat on the table next to you. You looked up from your lunchbox to see the sweet little brown haired and brown eyed girl, Madeleine Jackson was her name but she liked Maddie better. “Hi!” You smiled as the little girl sat down.
“Hi Miss Y/L/N!” She cheerfully greeted you. She gave you the cutest smile and started up a conversation about how your day was going, your favorite color, favorite food and really just whatever she thought of. You would answer her questions and ask her some in return. You could tell she was thrilled to talking with you and honestly, you were happy she was interested in getting to know you.
After lunch, you led your students back to the classroom and started teaching a math lesson. All the children learned at different speeds which is to be expected. You explained the math lesson once more and gave a few examples on the whiteboard and with the blocks from the toy chest. When you felt like they had a pretty good grasp on it, you passed out a work sheet and blocks for visual aids.
You sat at your desk and went over the worksheets from the spelling activity when you heard a little voice from the front of your desk. “Can you help me more?” You looked up and your eyes met the sweet little Jackson girl. She looked like she was getting upset.
“Don’t don’t get upset, Maddie. Can you bring me some blocks? Maybe you need to think about it in a different way.” You offered and watched Maddie collect the blocks. When she returned, you helped her until she finally got the hang of it. “Great job Maddie!” She beamed at your praise, clearly thrilled she figured it out.
“I can’t wait to show daddy.” She grinned. You could tell by the way she talked about her dad that he meant the world to her, a total daddy’s girl. Once Maddie went back to her desk, you resumed going over the spelling worksheets from earlier.
As the first day drew to a close, you helped your students collect their things and put away anything they were using. Once that was done, the bell rang signaling that school was finally over for the day. You helped direct your students to the buses and to the car rider line. You joined the other teachers in standing alongside the students from your class and others, asking them if they see their car and when they did you walked them to their car. As the number of students dwindled down to the final few, you noticed one of your students was left, sweet little Maddie Jackson. You made your way over to her and crouched down. “Do you want to sit over on the bench and talk to me while we wait?” You offered to which she happily agreed.
The pair of you chatted about Disney movies and your favorite princesses until a car stopped in front of you. Looking up the little Jackson girl’s face lit up as she squealed, “Daddy!” She jumped down and raced towards him as he exited the car, smiling wide as he scooped her up in hug.
You couldn’t help yourself from smiling at the sweet scene in front of you. The little girl’s dad was absolutely gorgeous, from his long brown hair to his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and his contagious smile. Looking between the two, there was no mistaking them as father and daughter, she was the miniature version of him.
“Daddy! Daddy! You have to meet my teacher!” Maddie insisted, tugging on her dad’s hand once he sat her back down from the hug. He just shook his head laughing, letting her drag him over to you on the bench.
“Daddy, this is Miss Y/L/N. She’s the best teacher ever!” Maddie excitedly informed her dad. You were happy and surprised at Maddie’s statement. You always wanted to make an impression on your students, but you never realized it could be done that quickly.
Maddie’s dad chuckled at his daughter’s enthusiasm. “I’m Matt.” He introduced himself, a beautiful smile on his face. He reached out to shake your hand.
You instantly returned the smile. “Y/N.” You accepted his handshake. As you did so, you felt a sort of connection, an electric connection, a spark shooting through you. Did he feel the same?
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate13 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Matt Jackson Taglist: @mrsmatt @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980 @breezyvk @writtingrose @jennifuz @writtingelite @katries @siriuslyblackonback
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Familiar Face
“What about you, kid, did you have a crush in school?” Derek asks Spencer, a natural progression considering everyone on the team had already discussed their school crushes. Even Penelope joined in from the computer screen. It‘s a long flight, they have time.
The image of you enters Spencer’s mind as soon as the question is asked.
“No, I didnt.” He answers, the picture of you seeming to grow until it envelopes all of his thoughts.
Emily raises an eyebrow. “I think someone is telling a lie!”
This peaks the entire team’s interest, all of them leaning forward in their seats, profiling him expertly in terrifying silence.
“Alright, alright! There was a girl I had feelings for!” Spencer admits defeat under the deadly gaze of his friends, who all smile in joint victory.
“Come on kid, you’ve gotta tell us more!” Derek says, already prepared to tease the genius to no end.
Spencer sighs. “She was my best friend. My only friend, actually. Nobody could really...stand to be around me, nobody my own age, back then. The only reason I wasnt mercilessly bullied was because of her, she so fiercely defended me all the time.” He laughs fondly, losing himself to thoughts of you. “She was always much smaller than me, but she was fearless. We used to play imaginary games where we were both police officers chasing bad guys; it was her who inspired me to want to pursue a career like this. Before her, the bad guys scared me. My mom loved her, and she loved my mom, they were always laughing together whenever she came over. I can distinctly remember my heart stopping when our imaginary police games got particularly dramatic and she’d grab my hand, for just a few seconds I was allowed to believe I had a chance with her.” Spencer shakes his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts and clearing his throat. “But that was a long time ago, she has most likely forgotten all about me.”
He looks down at the case file in his hands and pretends to read it while the team exchange glances. He did his best to reveal as little personal information possible about you, so that they have no way of finding you and forcing you to see him again, but he couldnt help still feeling worried.
It had been a while since Spencer had thought of you. His mind drifted to you every so often, but he only ever let himself very shallowly recall memories of you, he wouldnt dare relive them properly. But after talking about you aloud for the first time in so many years, the dam was broken, and his mind was flooded.
Not only does he recall how his heart stopped when you held his hand, he remembers the way you’d grin every time you saw him, even if you’d only spent an hour without him. Spencer recites the countless facts he remembered specifically to tell you. He remembers every word you ever told him, from the day you met when the two of you were five years old, until the day he graduated high school at 12 and had to leave for college.
That day in kindergarten, you left the other kids you were playing with so that you could go and sit with little Spencer, who was reading a book by himself. You introduced yourself and asked him to read to you, which became an ongoing tradition in your friendship, up until the day you cried into each other before he had to leave for college. You told him you adored him, that you’d do everything in your power to stay in touch with him, and then you kissed him. Neither him nor you had ever addressed any feelings outside of friendship, and even then, neither of you said anything. It was your shared first kiss.
Spencer remembers every detail of every incident when you physically jumped in front of him to protect him from school bullies. He counted six times that you got called to the principal’s office for punching, kicking and biting people that were mean to him. It would always be Spencer who pulled you away from a fight and held you back, you werent scared at all. He remembers when you got a black eye in a particular incident protecting him, he felt so guilty that he threw up and tried to avoid you, because he thought you’d be safer and happier without him. But you found him, you always did, and you told him you’d break every bone in your body if it meant he would be safe. That was one of the moments, one of many, that made him fall so hard for you.
A week passed, a week of Spencer daydreaming of you in the same way he did all those years ago. None of the team had brought you up again, which gave him just as much relief as it did stress; he couldnt tell if they were planning something or if they’d simply moved on. Regardless, the team’s focus is presently on a case of a missing child. This case is only a short drive away, no flight necessary, which was the only pleasantry of this case.
“We contacted a CARD team investigator to assist us on this case.” Aaron briefs the team as they enter the station, and everyone nods.
The CARD team, Child Abduction Response Deployment, works to recover victims as quickly as possible and helps apprehend those responsible for taking them. There are only 60 or so agents who make up the CARD team, stationed at field offices and assigned to one of five regional teams. They are seasoned veterans of crimes against children, especially child abductions, and have received extensive training. While some local law enforcement agencies may only work one or two child abduction cases a year, CARD team agents work these kinds of cases all the time, keeping their unique skill set honed.
An officer approaches Aaron. “Agent (Y/L/N) has already started interrogating the first person on the local sex offenders list.”
Hotch nods. “Rossi, you and Prentiss speak to the first victim’s family. JJ and Derek, go and speak to Addie’s parents.” He instructs, referring to the child currently missing. “Reid and I will assist Agent (Y/L/N) with interrogations.”
Spencer feels his mouth dry up, Agent (Y/L/N)? It couldnt be, could it? The probability of that coincidence is far too low, it isnt logical, only hopeful.
The team splits up, with Spencer and Aaron heading to the interrogation room. The CARD investigator has her back to the window, sitting opposite a particularly seedy looking middle aged man.
“How many times are you and I going to meet in these circumstances, Mr. Williams?” She says, a hint of sass mixed into her authoritative tone.
“As many times as you jump to suspect me the second a kid goes missing!” Mr. Wiliams snaps back, raising his voice.
Although Spencer cant see her face, he can practically hear her raise an eyebrow sarcastically as she laughs. “Oh, you overestimate yourself, Mr. Williams. You are simply the first name on the list, there are plenty of other creeps far more capable of such a professionally executed crime. As far as Im concerned, you’re an amateur.”
Spencer smiles slightly. Hotch looks at him.
“She’s good, isnt she?”
Spencer nods. “She’ll break him in no time.”
He cant help recognising her voice as somewhat familiar, but he discards it as his mind playing tricks on him.
“Garcia said she’s quoted as the best CARD investigator in her regional team, if not the best of them all. In every case she’s worked, she’s found every child, and found them alive.”
Spencer frowns slightly, looking to Hotch. “Why did Garcia do a background check on a CARD investigator?”
There’s a flicker of panic in Aaron’s eyes, but he immediately regains composure. “She’d heard of Agent (Y/L/N) prior to this, in various articles Garcia likes to read about children who were reunited with their parents after being kidnapped. She hoped to join us on this case so that she could befriend the investigator.”
Spencer nods, that does sound like Penelope. But he couldnt shake the feeling that something was off. Penelope had never mentioned an Agent (Y/L/N) before.
“You’re obsessed with me!” Mr. Williams scoffs. “Even though Im in therapy for my inappropriate attractions, I’d rather have my dick cut off with a butter knife than sleep with you!”
The CARD investigator laughs at that, she really laughs, dramatically wiping tears from her eyes.
“Oh, now you’ve dug yourself a hole!” She says as she rises from her seat, placing her palms flat on the interrogation table and leaning over to him. “I’ve got a game for you. Why dont you go ahead and give me a list of women who would sleep with a man who can only get it up for little kids? Oh, wait, sorry, Im getting you confused with pedophiles who can get it up in the first place. You missed that train, didnt you? I also think you’re forgetting who was at your court case, and who saw the naked pictures of you that were passed around the court.” She chuckles, shaking her head dismissively as she walks around the table and leans over him from the side, her hair shielding her face from Spencer’s view.
“Sweetheart, my pinky finger would give me more satisfaction!” Agent (Y/L/N) cheers.
Mr. Williams tugs at his handcuffs, and she laughs harder.
“You’re really gonna try that with me? Do you WANT to go back in a cell? From what I remember, the other inmates dont take kindly to people like you, but Im sure you know that from your own experience, right?” She leans closer to him, Mr. Williams shrinking away from her. “Where were you at 3pm on Tuesday the 13th?” She tucks her hair behind her ear, and Spencer’s blood runs cold.
It’s you.
He knew it, the moment he heard your name, heard your voice, your laugh, he just didnt want to admit it!
“How did you find her?” Spencer asks, his voice stern.
“Garcia.” Hotch replies, neither of the men looking at each other.
Spencer nods and speed walks away, feeling his entire body heating up until he steps outside the building. He feels lightheaded, dizzy, like he’s dreaming. Before he knows it, his phone is pressed to his ear.
“You’ve reached the desk of the one and only sex goddess-“
Spencer cuts Penelope off. “How did you find her?”
He hears her swallow nervously. “W-Well, you graduated early, so I knew there was no point looking in yearbooks, but there were school pictures from before then...she was always stood next to you.”
Spencer sighs, Penelope doesnt say anything else, and he knows why. She’s worried that he’s angry with her, but he could never be. He knows that the team put her up to it for that exact reason: Garcia is the only person on the team he cant hold a grudge against, because her intentions are always nothing but kind. Without her needing to say it, Spencer knows she found you because she saw how happy he was just talking about you, she wanted to reunite the two of you. Set him up with someone that he already knew, or did, many years ago. And for that, he cant be upset with her.
“I havent seen her since I was 12, what do I say?” Spencer asks, truly lost in a situation he had not prepared himself for.
He can hear the relief in Penelope’s voice at his response. “Just be yourself! That worked when you were kids, so it’ll work now!”
Spencer looks over the door of the police station. “How can you know that?”
The smile on Penelope’s face is obvious. “You both ended up catching the bad guys.”
Spencer cant help but smile, too. It’s a strange bit of reassurance, and he appreciates it more than he can say. “Thank you.”
Penelope squeals. “Go get her!”
Then she hangs up, causing Spencer to laugh as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. He takes a few deep breaths as he stares at the door, hyping himself up before he nods to himself and walks back inside. Determination fills him as he makes his way back to the interrogation room, but the determination melts when he sees you talking with Hotch in the entrance hall. He had anticipated he’d have a few more seconds to mentally prepare, but that was gone, and so was his confidence. Spencer stops dead in his tracks, frozen to the spot.
You and Hotch smile as you talk, your eyes distracted from him by something you couldnt figure out, until they glanced at the door. Your expression fell into one of utter disbelief. Wide eyes approach Spencer at a pace that could slow time itself. Once you’re close enough, you lift your hand at the same snail speed, gently touching his cheek with your fingertips.
“Is it really you?” You whisper, such a quiet contrast to the confidence in the interrogation room.
Spencer nods, parting his mouth to speak, but then your face begins to change. A smile forms, blooming into a grin until he recognises it as the same smile you’d always give him, and quite suddenly all words lose their meaning. No amount of syllables or sentences could come close to a justified description of your beauty.
“Well, let me start by saying with complete confidence that my childhood crush on you has transcended its previous laws.” You say, blushing slightly at your own confession.
“How so?” Spencer asks with a small smile.
“Childhood crushes are supposed to end when childhood does, but here I am!” You declare, playfully mad at him.
He laughs. “Last time I saw you, you very unfairly put me in a state of shock that made me mute for an entire day.”
Your eyes widen with concern. “I did? Why!?! How!?!”
Spencer sighs. “You kissed me, and as soon as you did I couldnt function.”
“And why is that unfair?” You ask teasingly, grinning again.
“You rendered me physically incapable of responding appropriately!” Spencer states in joking accusation.
You raise an eyebrow, processing the sentiment behind his words. You take a step closer to him, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck. “Well, what’s a 20 year break in a conversation? I’d gladly continue it! A little less sadly this time around though, if possible.”
Spencer leans in. “Oh, that’s definitely possible.” He mumbles quietly, half a second before your lips meet his.
Spencer’s hands go to your waist, then to the small of your back, then your hips, while yours run through his hair and hold him to you, not that he’d ever try to escape. Your lips collide in the most gorgeous way, dancing together wordlessly, perfectly detailling the extent of your yearning for each other. You pull away, panting, and Spencer feels himself swell with pride noticing how impressed you are. Maybe waiting 20 years to kiss you back was good, since he got some practise in before the final test. Seeing you still recovering from his kiss, he finds confidence he never would’ve found without you.
“So, dinner tonight?”
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
what do you think your Van's would be like when it comes to meeting the parents? Either his or yours
Sorry whoever sent this a few weeks back, I completely forgot it was sat in my inbox xxx
💗 Dad Van
Van being the family man that he is was so tight with your whole family. Your parents absolutely adored him, after the boys that you'd dated growing up who were never good enough for you in your dad's eyes who inevitably then went on to break your heart, Van was like a knight in shining armour who came along and swept you off your feet.
Being the stickler for tradition that he was, he requested permission from your dad to ask for your hand in marriage before he proposed, and his heartfelt wedding vows had your mum in floods of tears at the ceremony. He'd given your parents two beautiful grandchildren and he clearly doted on you and the kids so he was just perfect in their eyes.
❤️ Red
You'd known Van for years and had made your disdain for him quite clear during the period before your feelings towards him had started to change. Your parents were regularly on the receiving end of your impassioned rants about his philandering ways and, needless to say, they weren't impressed with his behaviour. So when you broke down to your mum one night when you'd been eaten up with guilt over your affair, she was quite understandably horrified to learn that you were considering leaving your high school sweetheart Larry for him.
Two hours, a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a whole box of tissues later you'd spilled out your heart to your mum, your eyes puffy and red-rimmed and your throat hoarse from all the sobbing.
Your mum hugged you tight whilst drying your tears. “I can't tell you what to do love, only you know how you truly feel. All I can say from experience is that a few years down the line you'll have more regrets about the risks that you didn't take rather than the ones that didn’t work out. Be honest with yourself... do you love him? Does he love you? That's all the answers you need. You only get one life so you have to be true to yourself."
💖 I'm With the Band
Van totally charmed your parents with his sassy confidence and cheeky demeanour. When you first took him round to meet them he turned up with a bunch of flowers which you assumed were for you but instead he presented them to your mum with a flourish, tipping you a smug wink when she gushed about what a pleasure it was to meet him and what a nice boy he was. You just mouthed 'creep' to him and rolled your eyes when your mum wasn't looking but you secretly loved the fact that she was so taken with him.
🩶 Playing Hard to Get
Van had never met your parents, your relationship hadn’t got to that stage yet where you felt comfortable with suggesting taking that next step. You were well acquainted with Mary and Bernie though through your summer job working at their guesthouse. They were kind, friendly and generous employers, and you felt bad for taking advantage of their warm and trusting nature when you were skulking around playing your sordid teasing games with their son right under their noses. It wasn’t enough to stop you though, Van was just too tempting and you were having far too much fun.
🖤 Prof Van
You hadn't told your parents about your relationship with your Professor and you had no intention of doing so. They were helping to fund your degree studies and times were tough to say the least, so you knew they'd certainly not approve of your reckless affair which would surely lead to your ejection from university. Your parents had worked out that you had a love interest though, they knew you too well and you couldn't hide the dreamy look in your eyes and the flush in your cheeks when they teased you about the 'mystery boy' who'd caught your eye and stolen your heart. "
“You can't hide anything from us Y/N," your dad teased as you protested that you were still off boys since your ex had cheated on you. "I don't know why you're being so secretive about it. Me and your mum just want to meet the lucky guy who's responsible for putting that big smile on your face!"
They had already met him though, when they'd visited you on campus to help you pack up your belongings ready to go home for the Easter break. Little did they know that the charismatic Professor who they'd bumped into when they'd taken a tour around the History department who spoke so highly of their daughter being such a delight to teach had been railing her into oblivion that morning over the very desk that they were all sitting around.
💜 Pure
With your strict upbringing your parents didn't approve of your friendships with most boys, but there were a few they considered wholesome enough for you to spend time with. Those were usually the insufferably boring goody-two-shoes types they introduced you to at church socials. Of course they thought they were doing the right thing, sheltering you from the evils of the outside world, but what they didn't know was that preserving your innocence and naivety so steadfastly in the way that they had just made you all the more attractive to the darkness they so desperately tried to shield you from. Demons were sly and cunning, and your purity was such a sweet temptation to Van, the urge to corrupt you right under the nose of your watchful, god-fearing parents an irresistible lure.
❤️‍🔥 The Devil Next Door
You'd moaned and complained about your 'neighbour from hell' to your parents every chance you got, so naturally they were curious about the nuisance who was making their daughter's life a misery. So the next time they came to visit and they sighted Van propped up against the back door having a ciggie they were eager to introduce themselves to find out exactly how bad he was. You sat back expectantly in the kitchen, sure they'd be back within minutes to commiserate with you but it soon became quite obvious that they weren't in any rush to get away from Van's company.
What you hadn't been expecting was Van charming both your parents quite so much at their first meeting. You practically had to tear your dad away from the lively discussion that him and Van were having about the Euro qualifiers and your mum was actually blushing after Van had shamelessly showered her with compliments.
“I don't know what you're complaining about Y/N," she'd tutted at your dismay. "He seems like such a nice young man... very friendly... and he's quite cute too!" she added with a girlish giggle.
You just shot her a withering look.
🤍 Single Dad Van
Van was a bundle of nerves when you took him to meet your parents for the first time. He was so keen to make a good impression and was well aware that the additional baggage that came with being a divorcee with children probably wasn't the most attractive prospect for their daughter's new partner. He'd been out of the dating game for a while too so he worried incessantly that he'd say or do the wrong thing at the family meal that he'd been invited to.
He really didn't need to fret, he was so polite and charming that your parents warmed to him straight away. Any preconceived ideas they had were obliterated pretty quickly when they saw the two of you together and the soft and tender way that Van acted around you like he truly adored you.
💙 Ice Cold
Introducing your parents to the man who was currently topping the National Crime Agency's Most Wanted list wasn't really something you could ever imagine happening. So it was a complete shock when your mum let herself into your apartment out of the blue one Sunday morning when you and Van were in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
"Y/N!" She'd gasped, her eyes flicking between you and Van who was standing there shirtless at the kitchen counter, buttering toast. "I thought you were away this weekend. I was just coming round to drop off a... a..."
Her voice trailed off as her eyes darted back to Van, slipping down his naked torso to linger on the puckered scar of a recent bullet wound that you'd painstakingly stitched up.
"Mum!" You'd gulped in shock, dropping the tea-towel you'd been holding to surreptitiously cover the shiny silver handgun that was lying on the counter-top. "I was supposed to be away but there was a change of plan. This is... errr... this is... Van... my... errr... friend..."
An awkward exchange followed before you had chance to usher your mum out the door, her inquisitive and nosey nature prompting her to ask Van what he did for a living, his quick reply that he was in the extermination business raising eyebrows. You thought you might die there and then on the spot but thankfully your mum took that to mean he had a job working in pest control! You didn't bother trying to correct her.
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alj4890 · 1 year
OK, so I decided to send some Tobias writers a Jesse GIF and ask them to write a little fic based on it. Feel free to play along if you like (or delete - no pressure!)
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Okay 😂 Anyone who knows me on here knows I can NEVER resist a picture/gif prompt. This one you sent me @jerzwriter is not only perfect but also has made me think of so many different fic ideas. From the fluffy sweet to the angsty, I think I'll go with one somewhere in the middle 😉 So while I'm stalled on my OH series and all the others 😬, this at least got the inspiration going again.
@jerzwriter @hopelessromantic1352 @choicesficwriterscreations @trappedinfanfiction @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @kyra75 @coffeeheartaddict2
What Might Have Been
"Hey? Do you hear that?"
Tobias opened his eyes. He blinked at the darkness while a feminine form curled against his side. Though the previous night was foggy from overindulging in both top shelf whiskey and then the actions he'd gotten up to with the woman in his arms, he knew without looking that the hair that tickled his chin was a deep, rich red in color.
Her soft curves nestled up against his body brought back flashes of heated kisses and clothes being thrown about his townhouse.
His mind then slowly registered the sound of someone knocking at his front door.
One quick look at the nightstand clock revealed that it was a little after four in the morning. He couldn't think of anyone who would come to his home at this hour, especially one who would persistently keep knocking.
"Wait here." He whispered.
Getting up, he slipped on a pair of pajama pants and softly padded down the stairs. Stumbling over his discarded shoes and shirt at the foot of the stairs, he peeked out the window to see just who was determined to wake him up at such an ungodly hour.
His heart dropped at the sight of the woman at his door.
Swallowing, he turned the door handle. Seeing her standing at his threshold caused the previous night's events to come flooding over him.
Donahue's, mere hours ago...
"Come on!" Chris playfully shoved Tobias. "One more round."
Tobias chuckled as he refilled both their glasses with whiskey.
"Alright Chris," he smiled at her, "but this is the last round. Some of us don't want to fight a massive hangover in the morning."
She snorted in her laughter. Her gray green eyes sparkled as she looked at him with mock impatience. He couldn't think of anyone more adorable than her when slightly tipsy.
"Maybe you'll get lucky." She teased. "I might say something I haven't done that you haven't either."
"Uh huh." He rolled his eyes. "Given my age and my history, that seems highly unlikely."
Tobias unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. After agreeing to play this Never Have I Ever game with her, he'd drunk more than he had in a very, very long time. He thought the game was asinine at best but he could never refuse a chance to spend time with Chris.
She'd claimed this would be a more fun way for them to get to know one another. He'd been satisfied with their typical nights of sharing stories and yet, he loved seeing her playful/never willing to lose side show up at random times.
"Never have I ever..." Chris began.
She tapped her fingers on the bar. Her lips puckered with eyes narrowed in thought. He snorted softly to see her trying so hard to think of something that he probably had done at some point in his life.
She huffed with irritation when she came up blank with something to trap him in.
"Give up?" He taunted.
"No!" She exclaimed, unable to stop smiling at him. "I'm merely stalled."
"Thank God." He pushed his drink away. "Now can we hang out like normal people?"
"For now." She took a long sip of her drink. "But I will find something to win this game."
He winked at her. "I have no doubt that you will, Chris. I've learned to never underestimate that mind of yours."
Chris beamed at him for that compliment.
He made himself tear his eyes off her face. It was getting harder and harder for him to simply be her coworker turned friend. His flirtatious nature was dying to use everything within him to win her heart.
Chris was an attraction he didn't want to keep fighting against. It'd been about two years now since he'd joined Edenbrook's, famed diagnostics team and that was two years too long of holding back his ever growing feelings for the tall red head.
He knew why he kept holding back. One glance over to the opposite side of the bar revealed the man who had been in the very situation Tobias found himself in. From the bits and pieces both Ethan and Chris had revealed in his time at Edenbrook, Tobias knew the danger of falling for someone you worked closely with on a daily basis.
Unlike Ethan though, Tobias wasn't hesitant to actually be with Chris because of work. His was a worry more so in losing what they already had between them. Given his track record with women, he knew Chris could never be a simple notch on the old belt.
She was something infinitely more.
Eyeing the glasses, he picked his up, took a large gulp, and decided there was no time like the present to say what needed to be said.
"Don't look now," Chris whispered, "but someone has their eye on you."
Tobias looked around until he made eye contact with a woman with long, red hair. Her gaze was fixated upon him and a sultry smile played about her lips.
Chris's smile dimmed once he refocused on her. "Go on. I understand."
"Nah. I'm good." He set his glass down.
"Come on." Chris's laughter lacked its earlier joy. "Even I know that woman's a sure thing."
"I'm not interested in her." He folded his arms on the bar, angling his body towards Chris. "And I thought of a Never Have I Ever."
"Not interested?!" Chris narrowed her eyes in concern then felt his forehead. "Hmm. No fever."
"Hah, hah." He nudged her glass towards her. "Are we playing or what, Valentine?"
Chris hesitated, glancing back at the woman he was turning down.
"Okay. Hit me with what you got."
Tobias picked up his glass. His eyes lowered to the amber liquid swirling around and around while he drummed up the courage.
"Never have I ever," he took a deep breath, "admitted to the woman sitting next to me how much I want her."
Chris's glass landed on the table with an audible thud.
"That's not..." she blinked back a sudden rush of tears, "...Tobias, that's not funny."
"It wasn't meant to be." He reached for her hand. "I'm serious, Chris. I've wanted to tell you for a while now, but given your on and off again history with Ethan, I thought the timing might not be right."
Her stunned silence encouraged him to continue.
"I'm tired of waiting for the right moment, so this is it. I want to be with you."
Chris bit down on her bottom lip. Her eyes searched his for the truth.
"You sure it isn't the whiskey making you think like this?" She prodded. "Because if you're looking for a one night stand, that woman who's been checking you out all night should be the one you use this line on, not me."
A couple of tears spilled out. She quickly dabbed them away with her fingertips.
"I'm tired of not knowing what men want from the beginning. And," she took a deep breath, "I want to be someone's only significant other for a change."
"That's what I want." He gripped her hand. "I want you and me to be together, as a couple."
Chris glanced over her shoulder at the man who had entangled her heart from the moment she met him.
"I need to go talk to Ethan."
Tobias felt his heart drop. He couldn't believe that this was the outcome of his confessing his feelings for Chris.
His fingers clinched around hers before slowly slipping away.
"Wait here." Chris told him, sliding off her barstool.
"Sure." He mumbled.
Tobias downed the rest of his drink, then finished off Chris's.
He watched Chris whisper to Ethan. The two of them headed outside to the back patio to talk. He refused to sit and wait on her returning to tell him she preferred Ethan over him. Why should he make himself even more miserable?
He pushed away from the bar and encountered the red head who'd been eyeing him all night.
"Hi." She cooed, smiling up at him.
His eyes drifted along her striking features. Though she was pale and had red hair like Chris, her eyes were a warm brown and she was a good deal shorter than the one who'd just broken his heart.
But...she was interested in him.
"I hope you weren't leaving without saying hello." She teased.
"No." He forced himself to smile at her. "I was instead going to see if you wanted to get out of here."
Looping her arm through his, she tugged him out the door.
Tobias's home...
"Chris." Tobias rubbed his hands over his eyes, hoping this wasn't real.
He'd been so certain he'd brought her home when he first woke up.
"You, Dr. Carrick, do not wait well." Chris teased as she brushed past him. "I'm sorry it took so long with Ethan. We had more to discuss than I thought when I told him about us."
She took her coat off and hung it up on her way to sit down on his couch.
"You told him what exactly?" Tobias glanced up the stairs at his open bedroom door and silently prayed the woman in his bed didn't come down to investigate.
"I thought it only fair to tell him we are now a couple." Chris explained. "I never was really certain what he considered me as, so I wasn't sure if our discussion would be more of a breakup or a rehash that Ethan and I never really got the timing right."
"Oh." Tobias sat down beside her. "Are you okay?"
"I am now." She snuggled against him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Once I realized you'd left, it took me forever to find a taxi."
"I..." his heart stopped when he heard the familiar creak of his fourth stair.
"Hey." The woman he'd brought home said timidly. "I uh, I think I should get out of here."
Chris whipped around, eyes wide, at the sight of the person who'd been at the bar.
The other red head gave a quick, apologetic wave then darted out his front door.
Tobias tried to keep Chris in his arms.
She shoved him away, scrambling to her feet.
"Chris!" He chased her into his entry hall. "I thought you were choosing Ethan! I didn't know--"
"Why in the hell would I tell you to wait on me if I was choosing him?!" She jerked her coat on. "I can't believe that I was stupid enough to actually have thought someone like you would want what I wanted."
"I do!" He shut his door when she wrenched it open. "Please, just--"
She pushed him away and ran out his door.
"CHRIS!" He yelled out, chasing her down the block. "PLEASE, DON'T--"
He jerked awake, gasping for air as if he'd been drowning.
He reached over and flipped the lamp on, heart pounding in fear of the woman he'd see in bed with him.
"Hey," Chris wrapped her arms around him, softly kissing him. "It's okay."
He hugged her close, burying his head against her neck.
"No more thirty-six hour shifts for you." She teased, easing back some.
He gently cupped her face. His attention drifted from Chris to the platinum wedding band glistening in the lamp light that resided on his ring finger.
"Bad dream?" She caressed his cheek.
"The worst." He settled back against the pillows, pulling her within his arms.
"Want to talk about it?" She asked.
"No." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Let's talk about something happy."
"Like what?" Chris laid down next to him.
"Tell me our story." He said softly.
"Our story?" Her lips curved as she snuggled closer. "Okay. How far back are we talking?"
"All the way." He slipped his arm around her to tuck her more against his side.
"Once upon a time," she began. "A young doctor--"
"Exceptionally beautiful doctor." He corrected.
"A young, exceptionally beautiful doctor decided to have breakfast at a cafe with a friend. She saw a man--"
"Devastatingly handsome man." Tobias corrected once more.
"I was talking about the man Aurora and I helped." She poked him in the ribs.
"The devastatingly handsome man approached you afterwards." He continued.
Chris propped herself up on his chest. "Am I telling this or not?"
Tobias began to smile over the memory. "I asked you out right then and there."
"You did." She conceded. "And since you were cute, I said, yes."
"I fell for you right then." He murmured, exhaustion begining to take its toll.
"I fell for you too." She pressed a tender kiss to his lips. "And so the couple dated. The devastatingly handsome man turned out to be a brilliant doctor who saved the exceptionally beautiful doctor's life."
"They married." He yawned, eyes closing as peace fell upon him once more.
"And lived happily ever after." Chris whispered.
Tobias's slow breaths allowed her a chance to relax once more beside him. Hugging him close, she fell into a deep sleep.
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so i LOVE the avalil gamer au!! they’re so tooth-rotting adorable (and also hot) together. 😍😍
i love the idea of ava finally getting lilith to stream animal crossing and of course lilith gets very invested in city planning and donating to the museum but her true passion!! is fishing 🎣
but imagine she’s trying to get that nook miles achievement where you catch loads of fish without letting a single one off the line and she’s So Close but she fucks up and chat is like ‘😭😭😭’ and also ‘🧨everyone run she’s going to kill us with psychic energy’ but lilith is just… so calm & calls ava in imperiously (to ava, she’s visibly holding back angry tears but all chat sees is 😐) and lilith’s just like “take care of your squabbling infants. i need a glass of wine.”
and ava sitting there like 🫠 winding down chat and putting lilith’s avatar to bed and then going to lay her poor sad girlfriend on the kitchen table so she can eat her out
Anon, I hope this is as good as you pictured it 💕💕
Rated R for Rage Quit
You kind of saw it coming a mile away.  Maybe you didn't anticipate these exact circumstances, but when Lilith agreed to start playing games occasionally on your channel, you knew that something like this was bound to happen eventually.
It was just how Lilith was.  She was maybe the hardest working person you knew, and that was both good and bad.  If she valued something enough to put time into it, she could get very intense about it, be it her job, her workout routine, or your relationship.  It all came from a place of care, the deep-seated well of love that she so often tried to conceal and the passionate spirit that made you fall for her in the first place.  All of that was the good part.  The bad part was that when things went wrong sometimes, the fallout could be just as intense.
Your "My Girlfriend Tries Animal Crossing" series was a hit with your subscribers.  They loved Lilith’s harmlessly grumpy attitude and her vague threats of legal action against Tom Nook, and every stream she did resulted in new bumps in your viewership.  And though she was quick to act dismissive and superior about it, you knew Lilith genuinely enjoyed playing the game.  She went all in on the city planning, frequently going into tangents about property and zoning laws, and she was always donating to the museum.  She monitored the turnip market religiously, listened to her villagers chatter even as she rolled her eyes at them, and above all else, she loved fishing.  Catching bugs didn’t really appeal to her, but somehow fishing was what really got her hooked (hehe).
Tonight, she was trying to finish the Nook Miles fishing achievement where you had to catch 100 fish in a row without letting any get away.  It was going well so far, with her powering through the first 60 or so fish in no time.  Her progress started to slow down on the back half, but she was still going strong.  You were watching her play covertly from the kitchen, keeping the stream open on your phone so you could read what the chat was saying.  As per usual, your subscribers were enamored with her, sending her encouraging messages and fish emojis every time she caught another one.  Someone even started a countdown around the 80th fish, cataloging how the remaining number for the achievement was steadily ticking down.
Everything was going great until the second to last fish, number 99.  Lilith got it on the line and was reeling it in when it just managed to slip away, its shadow disappearing back into the pixelated water.
There was instant uproar in the chat.  Devastated exclamations and 😭😭😭 emojis were flooding in as though a dam had burst.  Your attention wasn’t on them however.  Instead, it was on your girlfriend.  Inside the little window at the corner of the screen, Lilith put the controllers down and sat back in your chair, steepling her fingers together.  To anyone else watching the stream, she probably looked calm, maybe a little disappointed.  The chat kept blowing up about their fears that Lilith would fry them all with psychic powers, but she paid them no mind.  To them, she probably looked unaffected by what just happened, but you knew better.
So when she called out to you, her tone haughty and commanding, you quickly jumped to your feet.
“What’s up, babe?”  You asked, carefully casual.  You could instantly identify the tension in her shoulders, as well as the way her head moved a little too sharply to look at you.
She gestured dictatorially toward your computer screen.  “Deal with your blabbering infants.  I’m getting a drink.”  Without another word, she stood up and walked past you, out of the office and down the hall, heading for the kitchen.  She turned her head away from you as she did so, but you could still see the turmoil churning in her face.
Biting your lip and cursing internally, you took Lilith’s place in front of your viewers, appeasing them with a joke and a smile before quickly wrapping up Lilith’s remaining tasks for the day and putting her character to bed.  You bantered a bit more with your viewers, and then ended the stream.  The game’s cheery music faded out, leaving the apartment silent in its wake.  Once the camera and all the recording equipment was off, you went to check on your girlfriend.
As you suspected, she was in the kitchen, leaning against the table with a full glass of wine clutched tightly in hand.  When you entered, the only acknowledgement she gave you was a curt nod.  So you’d have to play that way, eh?
You went through the motions of fixing yourself a drink.  With the oppressive silence of the room weighing on your shoulders, you filled a glass with freezable fruit shapes before pouring a can of alcohol-free mojito into it.  When that was done, you grabbed it and took a seat at the table right next to where Lilith was standing.
“I’m fine,” she said out of the blue.
You took a slow sip of your drink.  “Okay.”
“I am,” she growled, hackles rising.
“I’m not arguing with you, babe.”
“It was a stupid achievement anyway.”  The wine in her glass oscillated ever so slightly.  “In a stupid game for children.”
She was upset.  That much was obvious.  And an upset Lilith had to be handled with care.  Because sure, she could get really intense about stuff, but it came from a sincere drive to succeed, one that had been impressed upon her since childhood.  The arrogance that sometimes came with it was a surprisingly thin facade, one that the right set of wrong factors could very easily break.  Tonight, missing an achievement on Animal Crossing was one of those wrong factors, so you had a bit of ego-soothing to do.
"Can I tell you something funny?"  A curt, harrumph was her response.  "There's this game called The Stanley Parable.  It's a funny game that exists to be weird, and there's an achievement in it called Go Outside.  You wanna know how you get it?"  You slowly smirked at her.  "You have to go five years without playing the game."
You watched her forehead wrinkle as her scowl became confused.  "What?  Why would they make an achievement out of not playing the game?"
You shrugged.  "Cuz it's The Stanley Parable.  It's a whole thing."
"Hmm," she murmured, still frowning, but looking the tiniest bit less tense.
"Lots of games have weird achievements like that, just to have fun with the players," you continued.  "They even make ones that are meant to be super embarrassing, because once you get an achievement it gets put on your gamer record permanently.  I once got one for dying in a game before it even started."
"Why am I not surprised?" She groused toothlessly, relaxing just a smidge more.
"Well, there's also this one game, where you get an achievement for—"
"I know you're just trying to make me feel better."
You stopped in the middle of your anecdote and stood up.  "Maybe I am.  Is that a crime?"
She growled.  "It is when it's about my failure."
"Failure?  It's not a test, Lil, you just didn't get it this time."  You brushed your knuckles along her bicep.
She scoffed.  "It's as good as.  It's a simple game, made for—"
"For children, yes, I know, but that doesn't mean adults can't play it and miss stuff too.  You think people like me would be able to make jobs out of this if it wasn't still challenging?"
"I'm sure you wouldn’t have failed on the goddamn 99th fish," she growled.
"No," you conceded with a shrug.  "But it took me 4 tries to catch the five wasps without being stung, so my record is hardly spotless."
You kept stroking her arm while she considered this.  "I know I'm overreacting," she mumbled, taking a large gulp from her glass before setting it down.
"You're not."
"Don't lie to protect my feelings."
"It's not a lie," you retorted, turning to stand in front of her.  "You really aren't, babe.  I'm serious."  Looking at her head-on, you could clearly see how your words affected her.  You had slowly chipped away at her front of disaffection for the duration of this conversation, and now it was falling.
Under your steady attention, her eyes grew wet.  She grabbed your wrist when you reached up, but didn't reject it.  You waited, and when she still didn't push you away, you pressed on, wiping away a tear just as it began to trail down her cheekbone.
"You did great, baby," you told her softly.  She huffed incredulously.  "No, you did.  It's one achievement.  You'll get it next time."
You stepped into her space and kissed her sweetly on the cheek, letting your lips linger there as you registered more and more of the tension leaving her body.
"Are you sure they would even want to see that again?"  She asked, sounding unsure, even shy.
"Are you kidding, babe?"  You leaned back with a bright grin.  "They're gonna be so stoked to see you try again.  And when you get it, their reactions will be wild.  They'll probably make stickers for it."
"I don't know what that means."
You rolled your eyes and pecked her on the lips.  "It means they love you, and they love watching you catch fish in a video game."  You kissed her again for longer this time, sinking into it.  She was quick to give in too, taking you in her arms and relaxing against your body.  And as is the case basically any time you two are in physical contact, the sparks of lust started to dance and burn in your belly, giving you an absolutely brilliant idea.
You begrudgingly disengaged from the kiss and took a small step back.  Her brow furrowed with confusion when you dropped to your knees.  "What are you doing?"
You smiled playfully up at her as your hands undid her belt buckle.  "You just had your first rage quit, baby, but you handled it so well.  That's an achievement in and of itself."  You pressed your lips to her toned stomach.  "And achievements deserve rewards."
"Ava," she sighed roughly.  She looked away with flushed cheeks, but made no move to stop you from undoing her fly and shimmying her pants down her legs.
"Settle in, Lil," you teased, leaving kisses across her abs and just above her underwear.  "It may not be 1,000 Nook Miles, but I think you'll like this just as much."
"Don't get overconfident," she responded, even as she tangled her fingers loosely in your hair.  You just laughed, sliding your hands underneath the fabric of her panties to cup her ass cheeks.  Pulling her in, you nudged the growing dark spot in the fabric with your nose, ghosting over her clit while she shivered above you.  You did this a few times before retreating to leave a collage of love marks on the meat of her thighs, nipping and sucking the skin there with relish.
"Do you know how hot you looked tonight?"  You asked her, your voice dropping into a breathy purr.  
She let out a disbelieving scoff.  "Don't talk nonsense."
"No, I mean it."  Her hips jumped when you grazed your teeth across her abs.  "You get this face sometimes, this look of total concentration."  You dipped the tip of your tongue into her belly button and silently reveled in the noise she made.  "It only happens when you're working or when you're fucking me.  And now, when you play Animal Crossing."
"That’s absurd," she protested, even as she bit her lip to contain a whine.  "I don't make faces like that."
"You totally do, babe.  Especially when you take me on your strap."  She gasped softly, cheeks darkening further.  You continued lavishing open-mouthed kisses across her stomach, reclaiming one of your hands so you could press your thumb against her clit.  "When you control my hips with your hands so I have to move at your pace."  You rubbed tight, insistent circles against her, keeping pressure while she bucked erratically, her dark eyes slipping shut.  "When you keep me on the edge for fucking eons before you let me cum."  You tugged on the elastic band of her panties with your teeth and let it snap against her skin, causing her fingers to tighten in your hair.  "And when you work me down afterward, slipping between my legs to clean up the mess you made."  You replaced your thumb with your mouth, sucking her covered clit between your lips, listening intently to how she cried out in surprise.
By the time you finally liberated her from her underwear, she was hot and dripping, exactly how you wanted her.  "Do you want your reward now, baby?"  You kissed the space between her cunt and thigh, holding your mouth there while you waited for an answer.
"Yes," she gasped.  "I want it so badly."
"Are you ready to admit you did a good job tonight?"
You pulled your mouth away, tsking at the way she whimpered in response.  "You have to say it, Lil.  Tell me you did a good job, and that you deserve your reward.  Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
She looked away with a stricken expression.  "But I don’t believe it.  I wouldn’t be telling the truth."
"Keep saying it then.  Say it until you believe it."
She huffed.  "Like that's ever worked."
"Positive affirmations, babe.  You repeat them like mantras until they kick in.  They've done, like, whole studies on them."
"Is that so?"  You punished her sarcasm by sliding a finger through her folds, teasing her entrance but going no further.  She hissed in frustration and arched her back, practically shoving her pussy into your hand.  “Please, Ava.”
“Say it, Lilith,” you commanded, withdrawing your finger in a silent threat.  “Say it, or you get nothing.”
She stared down at you with beautifully desperate eyes.  “How do you want me to say it?”
You took a small amount of pity on her by stroking her thighs, soothing the firm, twitching muscles you could feel there.  “Say, ‘I did my best.  I did a good job.  I deserve a reward.’”
She closed her eyes tight again, her lip quivering, betraying the true intensity of her emotions.  “I did my best,” she mumbled, swallowing harshly.  “I did a good job.  I deserve a reward.”
You smiled, and kissed just to the left of her core.  “Good, baby.  Again.”
Lilith shuddered.  “I… I did my best.  I did a good job.  I deserve a reward.”
You kissed to the right, brushing dangerously close to her throbbing clit.  “Again.”
“Ava,” she whimpered, pleading with you.  You just kept rubbing her thighs with gentle hands.
“One more time, baby,” you told her tenderly.  “Tell me one more time, with feeling.”
She exhaled roughly, a mix of need and frustration on her face.  “I did my best,” she repeated fervently.  “I did a good job.  I deserve a reward.”  There it was.
You beamed up at her.  “That’s right, Lil.  You absolutely do.”  And without wasting another second, you put your mouth on her at last.
The reaction was dramatic and immediate.  You licked a long, slow stripe across her entrance and her other hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling you hard against her.  You did it again, dipping inside briefly and moaning at the taste of her.  "So good, baby," you slurred as your tongue glided sloppily through her folds.  You moved deliberately at a snail's pace, building her up with care and shamelessly relishing the way her body responded.  At this angle, it took very little time to feel her slick dripping down your chin, a stunningly decadent sensation that you would never tire of.  Occasionally, you moved up to give her clit some love, teasing it, taking it between your lips, humming around it so the vibrations would shake her down to the bones.  You worked her over with devotion, seeking out the places that made her weak in the knees and focusing on them while you held her open with two fingers.  "My good girl."  She whined at your praise, high-pitched and uncontained even as she pressed her lips together to muffle it.  You weren't the only one with a praise kink in this relationship, oh no.  Hers wasn't as prominent as yours, maybe, but it was undeniable.  
You moved your fingers in until they were circling her, doing this only a couple of times before pushing inside.  A cry managed to break past her lips, a raw, exultant chord that you would hear in your dreams for the next week.  She bucked wildly into your hand, riding your fingers with abandon.  You let her, wrapping your free arm around her waist and pressing your face into her stomach.  You could feel her abs twitch and contract against your cheek.
"Ava, yes!" She hissed as you fucked her, curling against that spot that drove her crazy and keeping pressure there, rubbing relentlessly.  "I love you, please don't stop!"
"I won't, Lil," you promised, kissing her belly again.  "I love you too.  Ride my fingers just like that.  You're doing perfect."  With every positive word, you felt her walls tighten around your digits, sucking them in and holding them there until you could barely move them.  Never one to give up that easily, you shifted focus to her clit again, attacking it gently with your thumb to make her writhe.  Your knees were screaming at you but you didn't give a shit.  The only thing that mattered was Lilith and making her feel better.  You could tell by the sharp rise and fall of her chest that she was approaching the final precipice.  A little more and she would barrel right off it.
"Ava, Aves!"  She moaned your name desperately.  "Right there, I'm so close!"
"I know, baby, I've got you," you soothed.  You patted her hands where they were still tangled in your hair.  "Hold on tight."  You secured your grip on her waist again before moving your thumb and replacing it with your mouth.
She came with a silent scream, so overwhelmed by the tidal wave that nothing could escape her overworked vocal cords.  You felt it happen though.  The force of it shook her entire body, and by extension yours.  Her iron grip kept flush against her core, a little squashed to be honest, but you weren't complaining even as her fingers threatened to leave you bald.  You kept going, feeling the hot rush of her climax spilling onto your lips, painting your chin, even dripping down your neck.  Moving your fingers was difficult as shit but you did your best, bringing her down easy while you mostly just held her in your mouth, a steady presence for her to focus on as she fell back to Earth.
You stayed there through the aftershocks, containing her residual thrashes and tremors, until you felt her hands abandon your head to pull at your shirt.  "Up, please," she panted.  "Too sensitive."  You obliged, pressing a final kiss to her labia before carefully reclaiming your fingers and climbing to your feet.  
Once up, she immediately pulled you into a lung-flattening hug and buried her face in the mess she'd made of your hair.  She clung to you like a life float, and you let her, rubbing your dry hand up and down her back.  A few minutes later, when she felt steady enough to release you, you saw that her face was sweaty and flushed, but her eyes were no longer wet.
"So."  You ventured, smirking and bouncing up on your toes.  "What would you give it?  500 Nook Miles?  600?"
She laughed like it had been knocked out of her.  "I told you not to get overconfident."
"Oh come on!"  You put on your best pout, and even stamped your foot.  "My face is literally covered in cum and I can't get 500 miles?"  To your delight, she actually giggled at your theatrics and pressed a hand over her mouth.
"I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that," she teased, pushing you by the shoulders and guiding you out of the kitchen.  "Care to try again?"
You rolled your eyes dramatically as you were walked backward toward the bedroom.  "The things I do for the platinum trophy."
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crack-canon · 8 months
Clover Orion Estrella : Astro
“It all came back to farming, no matter how much I ran to the stars. Lets stick to it this time around”
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Jel Omiata Pin Designs
Path : Scholar
Element : Water
Shepp : Elouisa
Voice Claim : Ambrosius from Nimona
-Worked at The School before he was killed for creating something powerful; work was stolen and claimed by someone else
—He suffers from nightmares and panic attacks regarding his assassination and often stays up late
-was and still is decently versed in the arts of water-related flow magic
— His use of Flow seems to be closely related to his love of dance as he mostly unconsciously lets the energy flow in those moments
-in his second chance at life, he still dreams of the stars but he’s never alone in his star watching
-His Flow ability makes his crops grow faster and often with high quality
-Aside from Jina, Elouisa was the first person he came across and the two have been close ever since
-Flirts back and forth with Reth (platonic). They’re just testing their pickup lines on each other
-Met Jel at the pond while he was studying Crystal Lotuses. The two ended up talking about the stars with Astro pointing out the constellations from the Human Age while Jel in kind told him and the works he’s made off different stars. From there, things just shoot off
— Astro noticed that when turned into dye, Crystal Lotuses have a natural glitter and shine to them but they left a really soft pastel purple to the clothes
— He started breeding the Southern Lotuses into darker colors which resulted in deeper purple dyes. He ended up gifting the purple fabric to Jel alongside the Southern Crystal Lotuses and his pin in return for Jel’s pin
— Astro jokes that he may get assassinated a second time for creating something only accessible to one designer. Jel isn’t too happy about the joke and a little protective of Astro after he made the comment
-Astro’s doors are always open to Jel for the designer’s sleepless nights. He always makes breakfast and dinner for the both of them
-On sleepless nights, Astro teaches Jel different dances from his Culture and the occasional upper class type fancy dances from the Human Age. Due to height differences, Astro often plays the woman
-Canon height difference in-game
-Astro had materialized in with a red bandana and refuses to part with it no matter the outfit. Jel easily accommodated and even came up a few designs inspired off it
-Jel often speaks of his plights and grievances and fears and Astro always listen, often offering possible solutions and work-arounds in favor of comfort to his distraught. Astro doesn’t want him falling into some sad hole
-The designer adores his muse and uses his adventures with Astro as inspiration for his next lines
-They once went to Bahari Bay for a day to search a grove to just watch and admire. They ended up camping over at the shrine between Tamala’s home and the Flooded Steps
-Jel loves to spill the tea over tea about his family and Astro provides light jokes in return
-Jel adores their height difference and loves to lean down and kiss Astro’s forehead. Astro loves receiving them
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batwritings · 2 years
Can I get a little drop of angst for a quackity(or anyone) x GN reader? Where the reader is usually really playful and a jokester but they’re having a bad day, so quackity is trying to joke around but they readers just like “I’m really- just not in the mood today.” And quackity cheers them up or something?
*flashbacks to the Las Nevadas finale where I almost cried* Y-yep! ; w ; One order of angst, coming up! Enjoy~!
Part of you felt bad for not smiling at all of Quackity's jokes today. He was pulling them out left and right, trying to really get a rise out of you. Usually, you adored his jokes, making them right back if not pulling them out harder. But today was just...not one of those days.
"Sorry Q," you sighed, getting up from the meeting table. "I'm just...I'm just really not in the mood today." You walked off without an explanation. Quackity was usually really good about not needing an explanation for these kinds of moments, but this was just...so off for you. He knew something wasn't right.
He found you on the game floor, mindlessly tinkering with one of the slot machines. "Hey," the duck hybrid said as he approached. "Take a walk with me." You met his gaze, his one good eye boring into you. You could tell you wouldn't be able to just walk out of this one. With a sigh, you pulled yourself to a stand and gestured for him to lead the way.
The place Quackity brought you to was unfamiliar. Not far from Las Nevadas, but certainly off the map enough that you weren't sure Slime even knew where this was. He sat in the grass, ushering you to sit beside him.
Ahead of the two of you, the sun was setting for the day, bathing your surroundings in beautiful shades of pink and orange. "This is where I come when I need to think," Quackity explained softly. "It's not far from home, but far enough where I won't be bothered." You hummed in response, still not entirely sure why you were brought here, but appreciating your boss' effort.
"So what's been digging at you today?" The hybrid asked bluntly as he lit a cigarette. "You're not your chipper self. Something happen?"
You bit your lip as a flood of emotion hit you like a massive weight. "It's nothing," you answered despondently.
"Bullshit," the man answered, not missing a beat. "I know you Y/N. You love my jokes. Talk to me, what's going on?"
Like a dam breaking, the flood gates opened. Everything that had led up to your terrible feeling came rushing out, mixing with tears and little hiccups. Quackity sat quietly and listened intently. He was surprised at how much you'd been letting sit pent up all this time, no wonder you'd been having such a shit day.
When you were done, sniffling softly, the owner of Las Nevadas did something you rarely saw. He pulled you in for a tight hug, free hand petting your head softly. "Good job letting that out," he praised, putting out his cigarette. "Don't let that shit dwell and pile up in the future."
He pulled back, hands on your shoulders. "You, me, and Slime. We're the future of Las Nevadas. That's a lot for anyone to take in. Don't be afraid to come back here and let that out okay? Promise me that."
You sniffled, rubbing at your eyes with your dress shirt sleeve, but nod. "I won't," you swore with another sniff.
Quackity chuckled, patting your head once more. "Good," he said plainly. "We'll stay here as long as you need, okay?" A small smile finally found your face for the first time that day.
"Thanks Q, thanks."
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