#you’ll never know which one hahhhh
mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Amusement Park Show/Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: Light Music Clubroom
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Koga: ♪~♪~
(Since it’s winter break, that shitty vampire bastard’s nowhere to be seen. Or those twins that I can never tell which one’s talkin’)
(I can monopolise this! Imma put my heart ‘n soul into this guitar solo…♪)
Rei: Yawnnn…♪ Dear me, how noisy. Is it time for lunch already?
Koga: Gah…! You’re here! Scared the shit outta me!
…Tch. Thought it was just me in here, but the damn vampire’s come here to ruin it.
You know it’s winter break, right? Go home and sleep. Keep usin' that coffin and you’ll ruin your health.
Rei: Oh, Wanko. Are you fretting over me? You act as if you dislike me but you’re actually a sweet child…♪
Koga: Hahhhh, why you lookin’ at me like I’m your grandson~! Are ya pokin’ fun at me, huh?
Rei: Good grief, Wanko is as hot blooded as ever. Why don’t you let Ritsu have a taste of your blood, hm?
Koga: Why the hell would I want Ricchii to suck my blood?! Damn, both of the Sakumas just love takin’ the piss outta me.
Besides, Ricchii only drinks from Anzu. Nah, more importantly, who even drinks blood in the first place?
He does nothin’ but talk about Anzu in class. He’s got shit like a body pillow ‘n emergency rations… It’s straight up impossible to like the guy.
Rei: It appears that after tasting Anzu, he’s become a slave to his passions.
It’s not as though I am uninterested in the taste that Ritsu so highly praises. I personally dislike blood though, it reminds me of rust.
Koga: I know if I drank blood I’d vomit~. Girls don’t want guys who do that!
If you’ve got anaemia, jus’ eat somethin’ nutritious
Rei: Hmm, what a frightening girl would be needed to tame Wanko here.
Well, if the little miss did not have the nerve that she does, I doubt she would be up to the task of being Yumenosaki’s producer.
Indeed, Miss Anzu is an impressive person…♪
Kaoru: Oh~? Were you talking about Anzu-chan just now? Is she coming here?
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Adonis: Hakaze-senpai, please don’t stop walking so suddenly. Because of that, I couldn’t stop in time and bumped into you.
Kaoru: Ew gross. Who’d be happy that a guy bumped into you~?
Adonis: I-I see. I’m sorry.
Kaoru: It’s whatever, it was my fault anyway. More importantly, is Anzu-chan here? If you are, come out and play with your lovely oniisan ♪
Rei: Unfortunately, the little miss isn’t here. Though, I think she would have fled considering what you just said…
Kaoru: Eh, seriously? If it was another girl, it would have worked. I get it though. Anzu-chan’s a practical girl.
Am I putting you on edge? It’s OK, don’t worry, I’ll stop being scary so you can come out now~♪
Rei: I did say that the little miss isn’t here, right? Kaoru-kun, it’s still far too early to be acting a fool, hm…?
Kaoru: It’s a little embarrassing to be treated like an old man by Sakuma-san.
…But, I guess Anzu-chan’s actually not here. If she was, I’d be able to smell her.
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Ahh, I can’t possibly be expected to be motivated if Anzu-chan’s not here~. Sakuma-san, is it alright if I go home?
Rei: Kaoru-kun, you’re free to come and go as you please…
Koga: Why’d you even come in the first place then Hakaze…senpai. Adonis too. I thought we had UNDEAD practice today?
Adonis: Has Sakuma-senpai not told you?
Koga: Huh? Told me what?
Adonis: Hakaze-senpai and myself decided that we should do a live performance at an amusement park, so we’ve come here to discuss it.
Koga: Amusement park? Live?
Oi, vampire bastard!! What story?! You haven't told me anything!
Rei: Is that so?
Wanko looked so happy playing the guitar. I thought we had spoken already.
Apologies, Wanko. It wasn’t my intention to leave you out. Come here, allow me to cheer you up…♪
Koga: GaaaAAH! Givin’ me candy ain’t gonna do shit~!
I’m not a kid. Bein’ treated like a dog is annoyin’, but bein’ treated like a kid is ten times more annoyin’!
Kaoru: Wan-chan, take a chill pill, ‘kay? If you keep being so rowdy, I’ll put a collar on you, understand?
Koga: GyyrAAHHHHH!
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Kaoru: Woah!? Don’t try to bite me?! You’re so violent, Wan-chan~
Adonis: Oogami. Hakaze-senpai is just trying to get a reaction out of you, so you should stop being so loud.
Koga: (Heavy breathing) !?
Adonis: Oogami.
Koga: I get it I get it. I’m calmin’ down.
…You’ve helped me out, Adonis. You’re a good guy ♪
Adonis: You’re always taking care of me. If this is all you need, I will happily offer my hand out to you.
Koga: Adonis, you’re the best…♪
I don’t usually make friends with humans. I think it’ll be alright if you’re the only exception.
You can be my friend. You should take pride in that, Adonis ♪
Adonis: …You’re saying we’re friends, Oogami?
Kanzaki also said that we are friends despite my brusque nature… I’ve been blessed with such good friends.
Kaoru: …The kids are getting along well, don't you agree?
Rei: Are you envious, Kaoru-kun? We could do the same...♪
Kaoru: Okay so no. Being all buddy-buddy with guys isn’t one of my hobbies, got it~?
Though, I think I get what Kanata-kun was saying about his juniors being cute. Up until recently, I just thought they were irritating brats.
There’s more than meets the eye with Wan-chan and Adonis-kun, don’t you think? If they were as cheeky as they seemed, I wouldn’t be as attached to them.
I joined UNDEAD because I liked the feeling of being able to do whatever I wanted when I wanted, but recently, a sense of unity has developed…
I shouldn't like that kind of thing.
I wonder why I’ve changed my mind. I don’t hate it as much…
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grumpygayming · 7 years
Do the odd questions for Aim and the evens for his twin whose name I forgot
Ok, for Aimilios & Amias
1. Do they prefer to wear headphones or earbuds when listening to music?
As a byproduct of being a dad…ear buds, that way he can share with Theo if need be or easily take them off when Theo needs him.
  3. Do they usually eat mild, medium, or spicy salsa?
Spicy, always spicy unless he’s sharing with Theo in which case it’s mild because the last time he tried to give him spicy food Theo cried for an hour afterwards & Aim felt like the worst dad ever.          
5. How do they react to finding out someone has a crush on them?
 It doesn’t faze him all that much unless the feelings are mutual, in which case he becomes a nervous mess trying not to ruin things between him and the other person, However, they would never find out about it because over the years he’s gotten pretty good at putting his feelings aside and acting as casual & charming as possible around them. He calls it a byproduct of being a performer.           
7. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Aimilios would kick ass in a Zombie apocalypse. He would be the leader of his own group (probably his dance students, boyfriend, & son) and he would most definitely survive and as long as everyone listened to him they would too.            
9. How much ice do they put in their drinks?
The normal amount?         
11. What’s their desktop background?
He & Theo dancing in his studio on his last birthday, where a few of his co-workers threw a party for him.               
13. Did they have any phases? (e.g. emo, punk, scene…)
Is straight a phase? Cause, if so, yeah he went through attempting to be your average straight guy up until recently, he even joined baseball in high school to try & fit the mold.              
15. Are they the big spoon or the little spoon?
Big spoon most of the time, but he does enjoy being held and being the little spoon at times. But it’s not the norm.            
17. How do they like their toast?
19. What are they like as a neighbor?
Not gonna lie, Aim keeps some weird ass hours and if it’s near time for a performance he can be a pain in the as as a neighbor (if you live below him that is) because he’ll get up at three am to go over footwork, he stays quiet thought because he doesn’t want to wake Theo…so that’s a plus. But other than that he’s a great neighbor, he always has a stocked kitchen for Theo’s sake (trying to provide normalcy for his kid in a single parent household, blah, blah) so you can always ask him for a cup of sugar, or eggs, or whatever else. And he’s really friendly despite keeping to himself on account of being dead tired when he gets home after work.              
 21. What’s the weirdest thing you’re likely to find in their room?
His ballet barre
23. Do they like raisins in their pastries? If no, will it stop them from eating it?      
He hates raisins baked into most things and generally he won’t eat it but there are exceptions to the rule. Very few but they exist.
25. Does your muse listen to vinyl records? Do they use iTunes? Do they legally or  illegally download music?            
iTunes or streaming services, he does own a few vinyl records of his father’s but other than that he doesn’t listen to them.
27. Is your muse a dreamer or a realist?            
A little bit of both? When it comes to his personal happiness he’s definitely a dreamer but as far as how he can achieve things on the day to day he’s a realist.
29. What’s their Subway order?              
He will get whatever sounds good at the time since he doesn’t go to Subway all that often and when he does he usually goes for Theo and doesn’t get much of anything for himself.
31. What about themselves do they usually not tell people? What are they embarrassed of?          
His sexuality, even when it comes up, he’s still very used to being closeted  (I mean after a 13 year relationship with a woman and being closeted for 30 years…you’d be iffy about talking to people about it too lol) and he doesn’t quite know how to approach the subject. Even now that he’s in a serious relationship he doesn’t announce to the world that he has a boyfriend because of the personal awkwardness surrounding his sexuality, he does however want to show off his boyfriend all the time so it’s difficult for him.
He’s embarrassed of….nothing really.
33. White, red, or rose wine?           
Boxed? Not for the taste but he’s fond of the memories boxed wine brings, doesn’t matter the kind, just cheap, boxed wine. When he and his brother turned 21 they would drive out to their grandparent’s farm and drink boxed wine in the back of their pick up truck. As they got older and their cousins all turned 21 it became tradition to go to the farm every summer and drink their asses off together.
35. What’s their Starbucks order?             
Venti caramel macchiato, double shot of espresso & a chocolate croissant for Theo.
37. Do they believe in any conspiracy theories? Fear a zombie apocalypse/AI overtake? How do they think the world will end?              
He has no time for any of these, with how busy he is teaching, performing himself, & freelancing choreography on top of raising his son & making time for his boyfriend.
39. What would you see if you looked through their trashcan?            
Sketches, notes from his ex aka the mother of his son, old pens, and wrappers for protein bars.
41. Are they an exhibitionist? Do they ever change in front of windows? Have sex when they know people can see/hear?               
Hahhhh, he would never admit to it but he does like the thrill of other people being able to hear and see him, however, he’s a bit too shy to ever actively pursue having an audience (his brother however…..oh boy).
43. Why do people usually call them on the telephone? To complain? To ask for advice? To ask them to do something for them?               
For work, generally for his professional expertise or to help solve problems. Other than that he usually gets calls from family just to catch up & check in on him.
45. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?            
47. How do they go about asking someone out or confessing their feelings about someone to them?              
He’s pretty upfront, if he likes someone or wants to go out with them he’ll simply tell them or ask as long as he knows it won’t affect them negatively.
49. In the “sleep vs. grades vs. social life, pick two” situation, which two do they pick?               
Social Life & Grades, he lived that life in high school & college and has gotten quite accustomed to running on minimal sleep.
2. What do they do when they’re feeling tired and need to stay awake? 
Drink coffee….or he’ll just sleep and hope that he wakes up in time to finish whatever he needs to get done.            
4. Pizza, McDonalds, or Chinese take-out?  
6. How do they feel about unrequited love?     
That it’s shitty but a part of life. There’s no point in harping over it because if you move on you’ll have another chance with someone whose actually meant for you later on.                
8. Gold, silver, or copper jewelry? 
10. Do they use Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr? If so, how much/often?             Facebook almost daily, he’s the annoying guy that post pictures of his kids and leaves comments on all of his family members content.
12. How are they at taking care of plants? 
Pretty decent, he and his brother used to garden with their mother all through out his life. He keeps a small window garden in is kitchen.           
14. How did they do academically in high school?  
Well enough to pass and graduate a semester early so he could tour with his band before they all went to college.                      
16. How do they like their eggs?     
18. Queso or guacamole? 
20. How do they behave when confronted with deadlines?    
He finishes things before the deadline in order to have time to review before having to hand in/present the final product.          
22. What fictional character do they relate to the most?  
24. When forced to do a group project with other people, what role do they usually play?            
Leader, he hates relying on other people.                 
26. How would your muse do at taking care of a goldfish?    
If it’s easier than taking care of twin toddlers and a newborn baby then he’d be amazing.                 
28. Android, iPhone, or other?
30. Trendsetter, trend follower, or trend ignorer?
Trend ignorer.                      
32. What’s their ideal vacation?  
Before kids it was anywhere he and Bronte could spend days together where they barely left the bed. But now that they’ve got Charlie, Eli, and Jonah it would be anywhere that he can see the three of them bond and get the most of their time together…but of course with activities that keep them away for just long enough for he and Bronte to get up to their own fun.                    
34. Are they outdoorsy? Do they enjoy hiking, camping, etc.?        
Very much so, he and his brother spent plenty of summers camping with their grandpa and on the family farm.                     
36. What colors make up most of their wardrobe?
Black, black, and more black.                           
38. Do they play video games? If so, which ones?  
Anything he can get his hands on but he’s particularly fond of legend of zelda.                       
40. What kind of videos do they get recommended on YouTube?
Music videos, speed art, and art tutorials.                           
42. How do they feel about astrology?
Not too into it but he does read up on it out of boredom sometimes.                     
44. Have they ever had any pregnancy scares?   
He’s a hoe, so yeah…a few with girls he was with but luckily they were only scares.         
46. Do they meme? Enjoy memes? Create memes? Find them horribly annoying? How about shitposts?
Dank memes, shit posting, he’s into it. He might even be a meme economist.     
48. When do they usually go to bed?
He’s the father of twins and a newborn….what is sleep to him?              
50. What do they think is the meaning of life?
To experience as much as you can before death comes for you.              
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