#you'd better make sure yo give her tasks she's not up for! and then when she does a shit job you better not outwardly acknowledge it's shit!
magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Description:you come back home injured after some of your adventures,how do they react?
Characters:Kafka,Stelle and Serval
Warnings:mentions of injuries and limping
She was excited to finally see you again,only to see you return limping and bleeding
However,she is accustomed to injuries,as a stellaron hunter she often gets injured herself
So the moment she sees you walk in she quickly rushes to your side and ushers you to lay down
"Oh dear,come,lay down,you need rest,ill bring some medicine and bandages,alright?"
She'll say in an oh so sweet and gentle tone
But dont let that tone and the gentleness in her movements fool you,once she's done patching you up she goes straight to questioning,unless you need immediate rest of course
Who?where?when?what?why? She'll want to know every detail so she first knows if she has to give you a light lecture about your safety and calling for her for help,and who she has to punish of course
For the next few days or months,depends on how long your injuries take to recover she'll be extra careful so you wont push yourself
She also will replace your bandages every few days, and use medical advice she has learnt over the years to help you recover quickly
She becomes like your personal nurse for the time being,even if she'd deny it no matter what
10/10 quick recovery
The moment you walk through the door of her workshop and she sees you all injured her first instinct is to figure out what happened and take you to a doctorprobably Natasha
"Oh hey,your finally ba-"
She'd cut herself off mid sentence her joyous tone fading away once she sees your state
She immediately rushes you to a doctor as soon as possible
She'd be pacing around while the doctor tends to your wounds
Once you get home she's so strict with your treatement if you were given one,and also lets not mention how you'd be confined to laying in bed all day because Serval isnt having you moving too much until you are fully recovered
But dont worry,she'll keep you entertained,whether its a new song she's working on,reading a book with you,or telling you about how her day has been so far
And lets not mention that now she cooks for you each and every single meal,before this you would split cooking meals depending on who was up to it,it was usually you though since Serval was usually busy tinkering in the workshop,but god was her cooking amazing,even if she left the kitchen a messprobably blew something up in there or started a fire
And after you're done healing she'll make sure you'r extra safe
9/10 only because of the bed confinement and her acting like a worried doting mothereven if thats sweet it can get exhausting but its okay because its Serval
Now listen,she is not one to worry,but thats not to say she doesnt worry when she sees you injured,she just rarely shows her worry because she believes its better to take action first
"Where were yo- Nevermind lets get you to Himeko and Welt maybe they can help."
She'd say calm as ever as she helps you get the treatement you need and after rhat she's staying by your side 24/7 like seriously
You also now have a Stelle that is willing to do anything for younot like she wasnt willing to before,but now she does even the simplest tasks for you if you ask her to
Hungry? She's immediately got some food for you,you dont even know where that came from. Bored? Great she just wanted to try out some new games. Your injuries are causing you pain? She just pulled out some painkillers and you dont even know where from,those werent there a second ago?🤨
If you have to stay in bed while your injuries heal she'll keep you entertained by cuddling you and telling you stories of where she's travelled so far
But if you dont have to stay in bed and can move around while your injuries heal then great,be prepared for this gremlin taking you everywhere she can,and if you get tired and just want to rest you can sleep while she gives you a piggyback ride
All in all 9/10 simply because she'd still drag you into hers and March 7th's chaotic sessions
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there!
May I request a s/o (with any character you like) platonic who is like Asuka Soryu Langley
Description :
She is stubborn,very proud girl and comes across to others as proud and strong but she having difficulties in express her true feelings to others.
She does not like being looked down upon or told what to do as she wants to be viewed as an adult. She is aggressive and can be very opinionated. However, this personality is a front that protects a very vulnerable and insecure girl, a side which the viewer sees in her dreams or thoughts.
In conclusion:
She hide her truth personality by being agressive toward people and very confident confident to hide her insecure self.
Can I ask the s/o to be no-binary?
Thank you for reading, I hope I don't bother you.
Take care. ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛
A/N: So, this is so out of order, as I usually do my requests by the oldest to newest. But when I read the name "Asuka", I just HAD to do it! I'm a huge Evangelion fan and especially one of Asuka, (which is probably predictable with me being a German lmao) so you know I was way too excited to see this haha!
Also I wasn't sure what you wanted, because you said "s/o" and then said "platonic", which confuses me. So I decided to make this platonic and a Teen reader, so it fit the character better and hope that's okay with you! And thank you so much for the request, it made me really happy!<33
Featured characters: Jing Yuan, Blade
Content: Mentions of reader being insecure, slight angst, fluff, platonic relationships, teen reader, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Blade knew right off the bat, that your personality was just a facade. He could practically smell it and was very blunt with you about it too. He didn't care about the insults or rude comments your threw at him after, in fact, it made him just more curious to know what exactly your deal was.
But he didn't pry in the end. He acted indifferent to you and didn't react to your aggression towards him either. He'd just roll his eyes or give you a rude comment back and tell you to leave. Eventually your insecurities began showing themselves, whenever something you did went wrong. Especially during training. He quickly learned that he was right and your proud and loud demeanor was just in act to compensate for your fear of confronting your difficult feelings. And he understood that, as he sometimes felt the same.
He dismissed your attempts at trying to be an adult and you often thankfully listened to him anyways, even if you did it with alot of protesting and complaining, due to how intimidating he was. He made you accept the fact that you were still just a kid by force and that eventually also taught you how to accept yourself. He helped you out alot without even knowing it and for that you were thankful... even if you were too stubborn to ever admit it to him. Not that it matters, as he was too stubborn to ever admit how much he warmed up to you as well.
》Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan saw through your facade pretty quickly as well and felt bad for you. He knew life must've been really unforgiving to you, if you had to put up such a strong and proud demeanor in order to survive. But you didn't need to do that anymore with him around and he made sure that you'd learn that fast.
He was calm and patient with you, never reacting to your attempts of being rude or insulting either. Instead, he would gently, but firmly tell you to drop the act already and just act your age. He supported you and praised you for everything, even if it was just the completion of a mundane task. He knew that you were insecure about your skills and wanted to make you truly feel more confident this way, which actually worked eventually.
He didn't mind you wanting more independence and was willing to compromise on some things, but he won't hesitate being firm and stern if he has to be. You didn't need to make adult decisions, if he was there and made sure you knew that very well. You began listening to him out of respect, as he did truly seem to care for you as a person and helped you out alot as well. Besides, the least thing you could do is to oblige to some of his requests as a thank you.
A/N: I hope this is okay and coherent! I'm honestly a little sleep deprived again lately, as usual, but I did my best! Thank you again for the great request!<33
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Stay Peachy: Kwamibuster
Summary: With Ladybug out of commission Chat Noir is the only one who can stop Kwamibuster... If only everyone would just work with him here!
"Let me get this straight. Tikki's captured. Ladybug's powerless and captured, I was this close to losing you too but you won't tell me where Master Fu is? Am I missing anything?" Adrien asked Plagg.
Plagg twitched nervously. "But- but-"
"You have five seconds to give me a good alternative or we're going to see Fu," Adrien announced.
"You could distract Kwamibuster while Ladybug escapes!" Plagg tried.
Adrien crossed his arms and glared. "I said a good alternative! You getting caught isn't good for anyone!"
"Might be good for Ladybug?" Plagg shrugged his arms and gave his most convincing grin.
"Sure! I'll just hand Papillon the other kwami he needs while I have to use a banana suit to protect my identity or something!" Adrien replied sarcastically.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." Plagg knew Adrien. There was a good chance-
The sound of a door being blown off it's hinges echoed down the hallway as Kwamibuster started searching the floor they were on. "Where are you, little cat? I already have a ladybug for my insect collection. Now I just need a small mammal!"
Plagg gave his best kitty cat eyes.
Adrien didn't budge.
Plagg's arms drooped. "Okay, okay! Let's just get outa here first!"
"Knew you'd see things my way." Adrien smirked.
Master Fu was having a nice, calming, afternoon tea with Wayzz when there was an insistent banging at his door. Wayzz hiding at the sound.
The Guardian sighed. "Who could that be?"
The banging got louder.
"Patience! I am coming! What's the big-"
A blond headed blur shot in and slammed the door shut.
"So this is where you live. Nice place ya got here. Ladybug's in trouble and I need more Miraculous!" Adrien's words tumbling out in a rush as his heartbeat jumped up his throat. Maybe I should have used the window.
"Chat Noir!?" Fu's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise.
"Sorry, Master." Plagg appeared, uncharacteristically serious, ears low. "It was an emergency."
"Plagg!?" This was unprecedented! Yes, the Kwami of Destruction was the most free spirited of those in the Miracle Box. But even he knew the importance of secrecy! "What are you doing-"
"Ladybug's in trouble! I just said that!" Adrien supposed he could have worded it better... But also: Ladybug was in trouble! And he was in a hurry!
The Guardian glanced from boy to kwami. Who nodded. "Very well," Fu conceded. Going to the gramophone and entering the code. Bringing out the Miracle Box which he set in its usual place when Marinette came. "Adrien Agreste, choose an ally to help you on this mission. Remember that they mist return the Miraculous once the mission is complete."
Adrien stared as the Miracle Box opened. Kneeling down in imitation of the Guardian's pose. He hadn't known there were so many Miraculous! One of them surely had the power to help! Only...
"What is it Chat Noir?"
Adrien looked up at Master Fu's face. "I dunno what most of these do."
The Guardian sighed. "This is exactly why it should be Ladybug who chooses the temporary hero."
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided she was the only one who could know things!" So this is what being Chat Noir without the mask felt like. "I'm-" Adrien paused as a thought hit him. "Oh. Oh!"
"... Yes?" Master Fu prompted.
"I just realized how dumb it is that I'm not supposed to know the temporary heroes secret identities."
Fu blinked. "Excuse me?"
Adrien shook his head to get his thought process back on track. "Anyway!"
"Chat Noir, what did you mean by-"
"No time!" Adrien pointed at the Miraculous. "Teach!"
Grumbling something about manners Fu acquiesced.
Skipping over the ones Adrien already knew the Guardian quickly ran down the list. The Pig could show you your deepest desire? Seemed like it'd be a good distraction. The Dragon had how many abilities!? Overpowered but okay. The Mouse could make little copies of you. Heh, that sounded adorable but-
"That's it!" Adrien interrupted Fu to grab the Fox and Mouse Miraculous. Which he promptly put on.
"What are you doing!?" The Guardian exclaimed. "No holder has ever used three Miraculous before! It's too dangerous!"
"Well, I don't know who Rena Rouge is and I'm not gonna spend any more time looking!" Adrien turned to the materializing Fox and Mouse kwamis. "Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."
"Oh, aren't we always? Name's Trixx."
"Alright. Mullo, transforme-moi!"
Multimouse took a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar magic of his new suit.
"I really don't think this is the best course of action," Fu said, attempting to dissuade the young boy.
"Relax, Master! I'll keep him out of trouble!" Trixx announced.
Multimouse nodded as he opened a window. "Thanks. Now, c'mon Trixx, Plagg. I'll explain the plan on the way!" So saying, he launched himself skyward.
Wayzz finally emerged from his hiding place, floating towards his holder.
Fu looked at his kwami. "Oh, I hope he doesn't collapse on the way."
"True or false? Ladybug has disguised herself as Mr. Banana!"
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Chat Noir's kwami almost reveals her identity. Then, Tikki got captured! And now that tomcat was nowhere in sight. Marinette had barely escaped from Kwamibuster the first time and now she was cornered mere meters from the exit!
"Uh, stay peachy?!" Marinette ran for it.
But Kwamibuster leapt over her and grabbed her wrist. "You can't get away from me!"
From the doorway came a whole swarm of kwamis! Flitting about Kwamibuster and distracting her enough for Marinette to get away.
"You can't get away from me!" Kwamibuster chased after them as they sped off. "You're no match for Kwamibuster!"
Turning around, Marinette saw Plagg and a little guy holding onto his ears. She blinked, this was the first time she saw the Mouse Miraculous in action.
"It's me!" he declared, grinning. "Chat Noir! Or Multimouse, I guess."
"Chat Noir!?" But that meant- No, no, she could panic about that later. "Well, then you must need my Miraculous." Marinette reached for her earrings.
"Uh, no? Why would you think that?"
"Because... Nevermind. What's the plan?"
Multimouse winked. "You'll see. Make your way back to the roof!" And zipped away before Ladybug could ask more questions.
"... A Chat Noir plan. This oughta be interesting."
"I will capture you all!"
Kwamibuster laughed maniacally as she shot her beam at the Plagg reskins. Made by Multifox with his Mirage. And that wasn't the only part of the illusion.
"I have to say. I think Ladybug will be impressed," Plagg stated. Floating directly above the supervillain so she would need to crane her neck straight up to spot them.
"It has to work first," Multimouse replied. Still standing on top of Plagg's head. His small army made their way into position.
Multimouse's invisible doubles launched their indestructible ropes at Kwamibuster. Becoming visible as they wrapped her up like Gulliver on Lilliput.
"What!? What's going on!? Oof!" She toppled none too gently.
Wasting no time Plagg zipped down.
"No! You can't beat Kwamibuster!" She freed her blaster hand.
"Mullo, Plagg, unify!"
"Aha!" Twisting upwards she aimed the beam at Multimouse.
Adrien's power touched the tip of her barrel and the rust spread from it to her pack. Freeing Tikki as dark mist transformed Kwamibuster back into Mme. Mendeleiev.
Adrien merged himself back together as the akuma flew past him. "Uh, Ladybug!"
A red blur shot out and caught the akuma before it could get far. Ladybug releasing a white butterfly in its place.
Multimouse grinned. "Perfect timing as always, My Lady."
"I dunno about that." Ladybug looked around at the destroyed rooftop.
"You think it'll work without a Lucky Charm?" Multimouse asked, following her train of thought.
Ladybug looked at her yo-yo. "The akuma was purified so it should." Throwing it skyward with a little more strength than usual she called out the words. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The cure swept around them as Ladybug's yo-yo fell back into her hands.
"Knew you could do it," Multimouse praised. "Now, I've got some errands to run-" he tapped the two Miraculous necklaces "-so you take care of Mme. Mendeleiev."
He half turned. "Oh! And sorry about my kwami. No idea what he was doing at that primary school."
"It was a- lycée, yeah. Lycée."
"Right!" He grinned. "A lycée." Totally not a collège. Giving Ladybug a two finger salute he leapt off the tower. Mme. Mendeleiev's insistence on the validity of her scientific discovery fading behind him.
Adrien held out his index finger to shake the kwamis' hands. "You were both a big help! Thanks."
"You weren't so bad yourself, Chat Noir," Trixx grinned.
"Yeah!" Mullo agreed. "Usually Plagg's holders are no fun but you ran circles around that kwami snatcher!"
Adrien blushed a little at their praise. "Hope we can work together again someday." The kwamis waved as they reentered their Miraculous.
Master Fu closed the Miracle Box once Adrien placed them back inside. Returning it to its hiding place. "It is quite impressive that you withstood the power of three Miraculous long enough to accomplish your task."
"... Actually it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience."
The Guardian blinked. "What?"
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I don't think occasionally using two or three Miraculous at once is all that dangerous. Maybe if you wore a whole bunch of 'em. But why would you do that?"
Fu processed that for a bit.
Adrien sipped from his tea, awkwardly. "... So does this mean I finally get Guardian training?"
Master Fu nearly slipped as he sat back down. "Huh?"
"I mean, I already know where you are. And we've seen that if Ladybug is compromised it's better if I know what to do," Adrien reasoned out logically.
"I... That is... Uh..." Fu looked desperately at Plagg, who was gorging himself on cheese.
"Hey, don't look at me. Kid's got a point." Plagg swallowed another wedge of Camembert.
Fu slumped with a sigh. Clearly outmaneuvered. "Where should we start?"
"Potions!" Adrien exclaimed, eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun. He could feel it!
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