#you'd think making him a host and go the magic route would make him more unreliable but NO HE'S STILL RIDICULOUSLY OVERPOWERED
one-vivid-judgment · 1 month
Starting to think Joongi is just a little freak of nature who's busted no matter what job you give him cause the amounts of damage this man deals is ridiculous. Which is weirdly in-character when you think about it cause I can totally see Ichi going "Oh hey Joongi I got you this job!" and it's just... being a cowboy. And instead of being taken aback, Joongi goes "Aight, bet" cause he's a professional like that and he's not about to half ass anything.
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cherryonclouds · 2 years
**Spoilers for Lucio's route in the Arcana**
In my recent obsession and completion (up to S4) of Miraculous Ladybug, I've fallen in love with Cat Noir and I noticed my preference for fictional guys has led me to this point.
What do I love about Cat Noir? Cat boy, the latex suit, the tail, him being a dumb blonde, his brazen confidence, how he's borderline chaos incarnate, and how he's totally Ladybug's simp.
I also love Adrien's commitment to doing good, his honesty about his love, and that he feels free to be this more relaxed version of himself as Cat Noir.
I mean look at him in this gif!
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How'd I get here though?
Let's begin with my early teen hood.
Shugo chara was my first magical girl anime and boy was it good for me at 12. I loved the transformations, the love triangle, the noble mission to save others from themselves, how Amu felt scared to really express herself.
And of course, Tsukiyomi Ikuto, the original cat boy in my life. He was everything you'd expect in a cat boy. Mysterious, sleepy and hungry all the time, fluffy hair, could fight when needed. Let's not forget his transformation that had a whole crop top, tail and cat ears.
I mean what's not to love about that transformation?
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Next we had Lucio from The Arcana - a great game that I particularly enjoyed playing. Lucio isn't a cat boy, but he's a dumb blonde with brazen confidence... Who can also fight. I mean most of the guys I'm gonna mention here are always in high stakes situations so fighting is necessary.
Lucio is so bad I swear, but in his route, he made changes. He pledged to MC that he would do better in front of the spirits of the people he had inadvertently killed by bringing a deadly plague to the city instead of paying his debts.
Lucio is dramatic. He likes to fight for the glory of it, he likes parties for the glory of it - like he hosts a masquerade ball every year for his birthday where he invites the whole city. He's an animal guy, and when he is committed to something, even if he's uncomfortable, he'll see it through.
Also, he's the entirety of a manwhore, as there's no way you'd make your fit so impractical as to have a v going l the way to the top of your navel if you didn't want people to look at your abs and pecs. And probably touch them. Hoes don't get cold I guess.
He extremely flirty, like an actual hoe, but if he really likes you and wants to pursue you, he'll do everything he thinks he should. It's usually not things like be trustworthy and make good decisions, but more like fight a magical beast or something, but the thought is appreciated.
In this picture, he looks like he's ready to top everyone and I'm here for it, but he's actually down to be a bottom, which is also fun.
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I thought I was done with the list of fictional guys who led to my love of Cat Noir, but oh no, there was another person.
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Len. Kagamine Len.
It took me all of this morning to listen to Rin Rin Signal and realize - oh yeah, Len is the LITERAL ORIGINAL ADRIEN AGRESTE LIKE WTF!!!!!?
Maybe not exactly, but in some of his iterations he has green eyes and if his hair was out - they'd look identical. Also - Len dies in a big chunk of his songs, which isn't a far cry from Cat Noir in many episodes.
I know The Arcana was released after MLB was, but if it wasn't, I'd honestly question if Lucio influenced Cat Noir's personality.
Ikuto and Len are free game though, especially since in Shugo Chara, people use small spirits to transform and get superpowers, and Len dies a lot.
But yeah. My adoration of Cat Noir has been a long time coming, and these are the realizations I've had up to this point.
This post could be alternately titled "Cherry's Fictional Type," but I've chosen what I've chosen.
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