#you'd think the creators would bend over backwards to feature a prominent well like trans character
beelzlikes · 10 months
Okay, seeing lots of talk and hype about Netflix's Scott Pilgrim show. It looks like something I would enjoy. People keep saying it has great queer rep.
Cool. Cool cool cool.
Does it uh... have any trans characters in it?
Cause I got rid of my Netflix subscription a while back because of (but not limited to) the botched handling of any trans rights issues they encountered. Just really left a bad taste in my mouth. And seeing a show they produced being touted as so progressive and yet I've not seen a single trans character or even trans coded character.
Okay, yes, I haven't watched the show because I don't have Netflix obviously. So could there be someone I'm not aware of? Sure! But the fact that I see lots of gay and lesbian kissing and it just feels hollow. Like "Look, don't be mad at us, we can have queer characters too!" building up goodwill with the community while still actively skirting their dismal record with trans issues.
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