#you're absolutely right though i saw your username pop up and knew who was coming
You probably know the ask as soon as you see my username but: YOS Cave G1
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This man is always smiling. You know somethings up if that grin drops.
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
Hi, can I request a comfort fic with Iida and any other boy you want? His s/o was just scrolling through tik Tok when her ex friend who manipulated her and absolutely destroyed her self esteem and self worth showed up on her for you page. She wasn't expecting it and it sent her straight into a breakdown, even though she thought she was over it? Thank you, and feel free to say no if you're not comfortable with it 💖
An unexpected pop-up
Genre: comfort
A eijiro kirishima, hitoshi shinso and tamaki amajiki x reader
A/n: hey guys! We are going strong with the requests that we still have 2 more slots open so please request anything! I didn't just limit this to tiktok btw (i don't use tiktok i just watch some compilations on yt) i also added different social medias too if that's okay! Also, i don't do iida so i decided to ask my friends for other characters instead and here we are! Let's get to it!
Eijiro kirishima
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Here you were, scrolling through the newest app, tiktok.
You liked doing those silly dances and trends with kiri if you had the time.
Scrolling down on your for you page, you see a familiar face.
It was ex-friend with your old set of friends and even new ones who look a bit uncomfortable but would dance with the group anyways.
That reminded you of yourself when you were with them.
You were trying so hard to fit in with the group that you would do things that you didn't want to do to impress them.
And if you don't do that? They would insult you for being a killjoy and a bad friend.
Seeing this new set of people suffer under the hand of your ex-friend clenched your heart so tightly that tears spilled down your cheeks.
And you would've gone into a full blown breakdown if it weren't for kirishima walking into your room.
He ran over to you and hugged you tightly, immediately calming you down.
You felt safe when his arms were around you.
He checks the video that kept playing over and over and sighed.
He knows how hard it was for you to get over that ex-friend.
"she isn't gonna hurt you anymore. I'm here for you." he whispered into your ear.
You let yourself loosen up under his hold and finally let your breathing slow.
You were safe with him.
Hitoshi shinso
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Shinso knew of that infamous ex-friend that used you.
She used you for your fame and kindness to get what she wanted.
If she didn't, she would pick on every small detail about your appearance.
Your height, weight, face, everything.
So when you saw your ex-friend on your instagram feed with new people with better bodies, you started crying.
They looked so much better for her. You were just... Mediocre.
Shinso woke up from his nap and sees you crying with your phone thrown half-hazardly thrown besides you.
He took the phone and sees the specific post and frowns.
You didn't deserve to be treated like that.
He immediately took you in his arms and started to pepper your face with kisses.
"you don't need to get yourself down because of that person. You're perfect to me and everyone else who loves you."
You let those words sink in and let yourself give into his warmth.
Tamaki amajiki
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Twitter was a warzone of revenge and rage.
You knew that but you didn't expect this.
You were right besides tamaki when you come across your ex-friend sub-tweeting about you and your self-worth issues.
You didn't expect her still coming after you after all these years.
You didn't realize you were crying until tamaki pointed it out.
He looked at your phone and saw the familiar username and sighed.
He shakily places his hand around your shoulder and makes rubs it up and down for comfort.
"you don't need to listen to those haters. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere." he said confidently.
In return, you kissed him on the cheek with a soft thank you.
He stopped functioning after that.
Oops! Pressed the post button too early, my bad lmao. Hope you guys enjoyed tho! I accidentally made kiri's a bit longer than the other 2, hope you don't mind! Requests are open for 2 more requests so please leave them in my inbox! Thank you guys so much for reading, love you guys 😘😊
My rules | masterlist 1 | masterlist 2
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