#you're so great slfjs
Hi Shaun :D!!
Hi Lea 🥰
And Hi Steve lol :p
AAAHHH that's who I think it is isn't it :))
Ayy banana bread :D
Heheheee :))
LOL Lea xD o.o
Hi Claire 🥰🥰!!
Been too long since I've gotten to say that :'))
I have missed her so much :'DD
Aww y'all 🥰
AWWWW Claire with Steve is what I need in my life 🥺❤️🥰
Ayy go off girl :D
Nice nice
Oope o.o?
Lol not a hipaa violation xD
Okay phew that's good 😭
I mean there's no way it'll be smooth sailing because this is tgd but yk xdd
Y'allll I'm not ready for this show to end 😭😭😭
LOL we have ways of making you talk xDD real though slfkjdg
Aww 🥰🥰
Oop hi guys :D
Hi Morgan 🥰!
Hi Park :DD!
Aww y'all lol
Nahh not a courthouse
Okay I'm glad y'all care though <33
Yeahh do it :D
Okay well either four days I think you can! Thought it was today at first lol
Aww y'all 🥰
Hi Glassman :)!
Hey girl
Aww that's sweet :)
. . .
Aww a chef :')) I hope you can do that honey
Oopugh y'all I can't do this 😭
Girl do it :(( you can find something for you
It's really not better it's not his job xd
Honey it won't work :((
That solves nothing bestie D:
I hope Glassman forces her to - like I'm all for autonomy but xdd
OOP o.o
Hi buck- xDD
Hi Jordan :DD!
Hi Dom :)
Ahhh oof xd
Me hearing thunder as this happens o.o xD
Hi Charlie :))
Hi Jared :D!
AWW AAHHHH hi y'all :D
AAHHHH my lovelies 🥰🥰
Aww Lea being so nice to her :)) she's always so good at getting along with people <3
Lol Shaun xD yeah you can be nice slfjs
Ahh interesting
"Now you're being too nice" xD
Wow gnarly scar dude o.o
Oh hey girl :D
Hi Lim 🥰!
Ahhh lol
He can do it I bet he can 😌
Oop, well hopefully it's temporary
Uhh ohh?
Okay phew didn't think it was anything too serious but xdd
Honestly more scared about Lea finding out o.o
Ahh seasoning
See honey you could do really great as a chef :')) I hope you can <3
If she were his niece lol xD
Lea knowing she's lying like: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ :D??
Lea's gonna figure it out or mention it in front of someone or something xd
Obviously she's suspicious but yk
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grapejuicegay · 2 years
This post exists
Supposed rivals do not look at each other's lips or do they have massive head-imploding realizations that one has been in love with the other. But that's exactly what's happening to Pat as he watches Pran in the music shop and now, he has a choice. Pretend he saw nothing and leave to deal with his head-imploding realizations or grab Pran by the hand and figure this shit out. Which is insane. Well... no one ever said Pat was sane. ...or an au re-imagining of what could have happened after the music store
And now so does this. @7nessasaryevils and I did a thing...
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