#youni advent
nana-lew-rp · 4 years
Donating Toys| MortiLew AU|| Youni Advent Day 19
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Suzy gasped as cameras captured her face as Shawna lured into the room with a dining room table and the floor underneath cascading with toys, the girl barely noticed that the photographer had taken the pictures. Her hands flew to clutch her fake pearls, but instead a beautiful negligee of death to match her dark dress. “Where did all of this come from?!”
“Our guests,” Shawna said as she wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist and kissing her exposed shoulder, “I said that if we’re gonna have a Christmas wedding then we’re gonna donate toys to kids, so that they had a gift to look forward to-”
“You set this up behind my back~!” Suzy huffed, turning around and embracing her new wife before giving her a few kisses on the list, “Genie~ how dare you keep secrets from me~”
“It’s not like I paid for it, Snoozy...I just told everyone in the wedding invite that they should bring gifts or raise money to buy gifts for kids in foster care...given that they were streamers and all that,” she said, biting her lip despite the kisses at the girl’s accusations, still having the feeling in her chest that almost made her not go through with all of this. 
“So..you mean- these are true donations?..Like direct donations?” she asked with a hush as they walked back out of the ballroom, closing the doors together, “Like they bought the toys-”
“And there’s 500k going to over 50 foster care facilities across the US and Canada...signed by the new Mrs. and Mrs. Suzy Berhow-Howson,” she explained confidently, “See? Our marriage is making a difference already-”
“You mean more to me than that, babe,” Suzy cut her off, still not comfortable with hearing their married name, or the fact that they were away from their wedding reception just for her to show her this: work. Not even just work, the fact that the children made her think of Arin, and the conversations she had with PJ and Danny before the wedding. All those months ago when the girl finally got a break from planning and the whirlwind of the culmination of a year-long engagement. Both of them agreed that if she felt so strongly about being with Shawna then just be with her, but if she had any doubts it would grow into resentment towards her for forcing her to choose. She could have started a family with Arin a lot easier than Shawna. She had already had that conversation with him, and planned it out, playing in his dorm room with pillows under her shirt. The little talks they had while he laid his head on her stomach in the grass. She just decided that it wasn’t worth going back to it, possibly getting hurt like she did again. The whole point was to move on, and she had to remember how many moments similar she had with Shawna.
“I know babe, it was a bad way to word it..Look, we’re gonna be at the party for the rest of the night, I just couldn’t wait to show that to you. If not, you wouldn’t have know about it until the wedding video came out from today...It was something that you and I were both really passionate about..and I knew how uneasy you’d been about the registry and the gifts, so I just told everyone I could we’d prefer to give for a good cause, but it’s not selfish,” the brunette explained, stopping her in the door before going back to their ballroom full of guests and family and friends. Shawna gave and gave to Suzy, but with not much conviction behind it because she could tell something was up, and that maybe this had gone on longer than expected. Damien and PJ knew that Shawna had best friends that she was a little too close to, as well as Damien not knowing that she had been engaged for the better part of a year. Knowing that what he felt from her was real, but there was no way they could properly work out being open because they would both question the validity of it all at the end of the day, and that they would probably be better apart. It tore Shawna to shreds knowing the life Suzy gave up to be with her and the life she was living to be with Suzy. 
That was something both girls wished they didn’t have to grapple with when they donated their love to one another out of curiosity and functionality- was that they would face levels of sacrifice and doubt that doesn’t come with things they donate to others willingly. Why couldn’t they be as hopeful as the table full of toys- bright, awaiting a future to make someone’s life that much more meaningful and give it more to understand about it, not necessarily a purpose. 
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matt-skc-rp · 4 years
Wait, Which One Was Yours Again?- Youni Advent Day 3: Hot Cocoa
The first snowstorm of the season had already blown through the school grounds, and with the extension of the Greek house social distancing exchange, Suzy was not too excited, but not very happy, either. She couldn’t even go back home to see her family or even go back into Gamma to stay in her room and occupy her own space. The visits that she would do- like the one she just did today with Matt- were just not enough. 
“Is the heat always this...functional, in the winter?” Suzy asked as she pulled off her hoodie, “I’m fucking cooking in this house!”
“We made it so that we had a fireplace that heats the center of the house like a heart. Then, we save money when the HVAC actually cuts on, and it gets so cold up here, that running both is natural..I don’t know why you didn’t expect that, one of our presidents is Canadian. They know all about extreme cold and saving money,” Matt explained as he prepared their mugs.
“Hehe..hm, I guess you’ve got a point there,” she said, “Then what’s with your room being so cold?”
Matt turned around, taking his vape off the table and taking a hit, blowing rings in the girl’s direction, making her giggle as she kicked lightly, not taking an eye off of her thighs, “I like it on the cool side, and I’m usually smoking cigs, and I don’t want the smoke to linger in my room.” He loved how she looked wearing a baby tee with some lounge shorts, sitting on his school hoodie. She must know what that does for him, her hair hanging out of the usual tie and ponytail she wears with the fresh blush on her cheeks of her sweat. The way this was all comfortable, and her easy amusement made everything so wholesome and familiar. 
“That makes a lot of sense...guessing you close the window when I get down there?” she asked.
“Yup..Either that or I crack it..you want cream in yours?” he asked, turning his attention away from the girl sitting on the island.
“You already did that!~” she quietly pointed out, feigning shocked and kicking his back with her foot playfully, “But I could never mind a little more...and cinnamon, too, please!”
“Coming right up! You get to try our house’s specialty hot cocoa-”
“Your house has a specialty cocoa?” Suzy looked up from her phone, “I thought that was only Alpha..”
“Gamma have one?”
“Nah...we just heat up chocolate G-Fuel with milk and Yoohoo-”
“That sounds interesting and very unhealthy, but what can you expect of streamers and gamers, right?” he said, waiting for the kettle to heat up and focusing his attention on her thighs again. He liked how even though she was sitting on the counter she was still underneath him, reaching a hand up to caress her cheek with his thumb as she moves to suck it slowly and seductively, then both breaking character to laugh as he grabbed the canister of cream, playfully and gently grabbing her jaw at its base, pointing her head up and lightly squeezing her cheeks, “Open your mouth for me,” he commands.
The words made the girl swoon a little as she opens her knees to bring them closer as she stuck her tongue out and gets a few seconds of spray of the homemade creamy foam onto her tongue as Matt sat down the canister and grabbed Suzy’s waist, locking their lips as she took in the foam and tasted it and the musty nicotine of Matt. She wrapped her arms around him as a moan tumbled out of her mouth as they shared a long and deep kiss while the kettle began a low whistle. “That was amazing~!” she moaned as he pulled away to grab the unmarked bottle, chocolate syrup, and a bottle of cream, “I want more~”
“You always want more, Suzy..you’re so needy” Matt joked, pulling out the electric stirrer and putting the ingredients together in a medium tumbler glass with some cinnamon powder.
“No, but seriously..that was the..sweetest whipped cream I’ve ever had...the kiss made it so much better..” she mentioned as she grabbed the canister next to her.
“We make out stuff in-house, since we usually don’t leave and our house made us follow this code of taking pride in the pure materials that makeup small things. So we source as many things as freshly as possible and make it ourselves...Also, we’re very particular about our coffee, so we have to hand-pick our materials, which also make great deserts...” he said as he poured the mixture into his large mug and goes to wash the head and the tumbler.
“Who made the whipped cream?..What’d you just put in yours?” Suzy asked as she kept taking samples of the cream.
“Homemade Kahlua liquor..figured you didn’t want to get even hotter by having bourbon whiskey liquor warming you up in your hot cocoa..Also, it’s strong,” he said, dipping his finger in his mug and coming over to allow her to taste it, Suzy again seductively sucking on his finger with some familiar tactfulness and class. Matt breathed as she moaned again from the flavor. 
“I really like it~” Suzy bit her lip as she playfully wrapped her legs around Matt’s waist, to pull him in, “And of course your trailer park ass needs brown alcohol to keep warm..it’s so..primitive, but...more rustic coming from you..”
“It’s called Southern charm and hospitality, baby~..A lil love makes everything a lil better...” Matt cooed after he handed the girl her large mug with the cocoa powder and sugar and the bag of extra large marshmallows, which she sat the bag on the counter and waited for the water. He takes the assembles and garnishes her mug with the cinnamon as per her request atop her whipped cream that hid the huge pillow floating in the chocolate. He finished assembling his own and toasted with the girl for the first sip. 
~Half a cup of Cocoa later~
Matt’s panting fills his bathroom as he braced himself as he thrust into his counter while Suzy twirled the leather around her hand one more time as she moaned almost uncontrollably. “Slow d-down~” she breathed as she took a brief.
“Yes mistress...what do you need, baby?” he asked, interrupted by his own moan.
“I’m ready to cum..I-I want more cum. Touch me,~” Suzy panted as she tried to focus, feeling the buzzing of her body as Matt’s hand planted around and above her against the mirror, moves to caressing her face and pulling down to her jawline to pull her in for a sloppy and kiss before the girl brought her hand up to grab his two fingers and slides them in her mouth. The thought of how messy they looked, his hair draping over her and their excessive sweat making them sweaty as her pale skin is littered with hickies on her thighs, stomach and neck as the hunger for their release churns in them made her blurt a breathy chuckle as the sugary cream lingered on his fingers from earler. “Put those sweet fingers to work.”
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amzngphil-rp · 6 years
Nightmare After Drinking (Again)|| Youni Advent Day 11: Christmas Wish Come True
It was the annual Christmas party reunion for the families and their kids were less than excited to be there. Persephone sat at the other end of the huge banquet table from Sylvan. He was so mature looking for his age, even she got a little shy that she was older and hadn’t blossomed like he had. Elliot sat next to her, elbows on the table as he watched Harlan corral his younger siblings into their baby seats. He feels someone hit his thigh, making him turn towards it, it was his father, Dan, “Elbows off the table sweetie.”
“Hai, Otosan,” he replied automatically.
“Look, Dan, if he wants to gawk at his fantasy boyfriend, then let him put his elbows on the table,” Persephone snapped back quickly to Dan, quickly checking to see if Sylvan saw her. 
Dan was taken back by the comment and quickly gave her a stern look after she checked to see if someone was watching him get embarrassed. 
Amalthea and Theodosia looked between the others talking and eating, Amalthea also had eyes on Sylvan, who kept gesturing to Persephone about something, where Theodosia had her eyes on the big haired boy on her brother next to her. “Sweetie you want any seconds for dessert?” Dan asked as he served himself some bread pudding.
“No..thank you, though, daddy. When are we done eating?” Theodosia asked, looking at him, “I wanna play with the other kids.”
“Soon babe, we have a white elephant coming up too!” Thomas cut in and gave a smile.
That stupid white elephant game. 
Finally, the adults let their children play in the playroom in the basement while the slightly older kids watched the babies in another room. They watched a couple of movies and played a few games that Harlan had planned for them before Persephone piped up, “I’m bored!”
“Persi, no! I’m actually having fun. I don’t wanna go on an adventure.”
“Oh, we don’t have to...” she replied as she got up and shot everyone a look, walking over to her boots and pulling out a huge glass bottle full of a tinted cream liquid. She sat in the middle of them and sighed happily.
“Is that what I think it is?” Harlan asked, quirking an eyebrow, “And if it is, then I’m telling Uncle Phil and my dad because that’s not meant for us.”
“Come on, bro..we can live a little...It’s not like..wait it is eggnog right?” Sylvan piped up.
“Why yes it is, Sylvan, it is eggnog. It’s the adult’s eggnog, so it’s special,” she replied.
“I like your style,” JP looked at her with a nod, begining to grab the bottle, “My dad doesn’t want me drinking this either.”
Persephone snatched the bottle and held it to her chest, “Wait! Only if you’re older than 12 are we doing this. How old are you all?”
“Persi, I’m 12, you know that,” said Elliot.
“Ugh, can’t you do maths, Elliot? I said older than 12, not 12 and up. You can’t drink. Next!”
“I’m 19, but I still don’t think we should do this..And I wouldn’t be so mean to Elliot like that,” Harlan said, making Elliot blush.
“Fine, then you two can keep watch. Next!”
“I’m 13,” said Bryson, looking around.
“16,” said Reiner.
“14,” said Sylvan.
“15, isn’t that the same as you?” asked Samantha.
“Yes, that’s why I said 12, since that’s 3 years younger than me and I know that’s too young.”
“My brothers are 13,” said Sylvan as they were into their phones and recording the bottle to their social media.
“I’m 12 and a half, and that gets me in,” Amalthea said with pride.
“Damn..you’re smart..I like it.”
“I’m 9,” Theodosia began quietly.
“What?! No! Uh-uh! Go watch too, I don’t even know how you’re in this room with us...How old are you, Ja’Liyah?”
“Good, you can party.”
“Uh. Sorry I’m gonna stop you there, Pers, she’s my sister and I know 12 is the cut off, I’m 17 and I say she doesn’t,” Rachel jumped up, taking Persephone back.
“Alright. I’m not mad, any other requests that their younger siblings not drink on principal and not age?” she asked to clarify.
“I’m gonna go ahead and say the twins not participate. It’s too many heads for that heavy of a bottle anyway,” Sylvan said.
“Ok. And I used some of the magic that Dan uses to make this magic eggnog, so we need to make a wish on the bottle so when we drink it, it’ll come true,” Persephone explained, holding the bottle in the middle of the circle, “Hands in, guys.”
All the participants gather their hands on the top of the bottle and make their wishes, then pass around the bottle for each taking a sip until it was empty.
“Kids! Come on we’re doing white elephant now!”
“Fuck,” Sylvan snickers.
All of them stumble up the stairs and sit in front of the tree, exchanging gifts and laughing. They play with the items they get like children and even start rough-housing with the younger ones.
All the adults wonder what’s gotten into them. However, their hearts warm at their biggest Christmas wish has come true: they’re having fun together. Even when Samantha threw up in a house plant, they chalked it up to too much candy and dessert.
“Uhh, baby, why does your vomit smell like bourbon?” Sean asked, concerned, Charlie looking at Persephone. The other parents gather around the rest.
“I ate an old piece of fruit today that I found cleaning my room today. I thought since I cut the fuzz off that the pungent taste was bearable enough to eat,” Samantha said, taking the glass of water.
“Hm..alright, but we’re gonna talk when we get home about how even fermented peaches and pears don’t smell like hard dark grain alcohol.”
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videosis09 · 8 years
Top 5 IMPOSSIBLE Catches made possible Cricket History| The Best catches in cricket history. Please Subscribe my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuj7A06YOYwezfOQ8BO5O8w?sub_confirmation=1 The proverb ‘catches win matches’ has often been proved in Cricket. Whether it is a t-20 game or One Day or a Test match there is no substitute for catching. Over the years there have been many good catches, and today in this article we list the Top 5. Opinions may vary from person to person, but I believe that in addition to athletics, a good presence of mind and concentration is also necessary for a good catch. 05. Suresh Raina With the advent of the 21st century a new era began in Indian Cricket. Sourav Ganguly’s stoic leadership saw many youngsters in the team who not only improved the existing fielding standards but inspired the future generations to become more physically fit. Among these second batch of cricketers was Suresh Raina. Raina dived back to grab a lightning ball, that was Younis Khan’s shot to get him out at 52 in the Asia Cup in Mar 2012. The delivery was bowled by Pravin Kumar in the final overs of the Pakistani innings. At the time of the delivery Pakistan had amassed a mammoth 323 runs. Raina’s catch helped in the deceleration of the Pakistan innings towards the end. 04. Jonty Rhodes Jonty Rhodes took this catch off a Lance Klusner delivery. The shot hit by Robert Croft of England was going high above Jonty’s head. Realising that he could get only a hand to it, Rhodes raised his left hand to somehow deflect the ball and then as the ball fell after his deflection he caught it. The catch at the time of Rhodes was considered to be the greatest. 03. Angelo Mathews This is probably Sri Lanka’s best catch ever. The shot hit by David Warner was caught very near the ropes by a jumping Mathews. No sooner did he take the catch, he realised that he would run on the ropes. So he threw it out, just in the nick of time to make it a legitimate catch instead of a six. The catch provided an entry into the match for Sri Lanka as Australia were going strong at 72 for just 1 wicket and requiring 85 more runs to win at a run rate of 6.5. The catch was taken off Ajantha Mendis’s bowling. 02. David Hussey The Indian Premier League is often criticised as ruining the longer formats of the game. The critics however fail to mention the awesome contest and the impossible feats of agility the matches in IPL provide. Such an example of agility and presence of mind is this catch. In fact this catch can be considered as a six which was plucked from the air to make it a catch. David Hussey fielding in the long on jumped to try and grab a ball that was hit by Paul Collingwood of Delhi Daredevils. He could not grab it and instead managed to deflect it near him as he jumped right on the edge of the ropes, catching the ball. Realising his inability to keep himself from going over the ropes, Hussey threw the ball up again. And this time when it started falling down he dashed from behind the ropes and took the catch with one hand. 01. Adam Gilchrist This catch brings to the fore the athletics, concentration and presence of mind of Adam Gilchrist. The catch of Marcus Trescothick off a Shane Warne delivery in the 2001 Ashes is the best catch of all. With the scoreboard at 52 for null, Trescothick tried a remodelled sweep, to hit the ball to the cover boundary. Instead he ended up hitting the heel of the fielder at silly point. The ball went up on the rebound, with the fielder in agony. Any other wicketkeeper in such a situation would have been busy watching the fielder, but not Gilly. He realised that the ball had gone up and was on its way down near the silly point. He raced from behind the stumps and jumped near the foot of the fielder to collect the ball just in the nick of time. In this way, he made the best catch in cricket history and sealed his name in the books. facebook account: http://ift.tt/2it7lcS twitter: https://twitter.com/videosis9 google+: http://ift.tt/2ip7c7L blog: http://ift.tt/2itlsPj linkedin: http://ift.tt/2ip5WS0 tumblr: http://ift.tt/2itk3rX reddit: http://ift.tt/2ip3nzb vk: http://ift.tt/2itib2u coundown link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpA8ALD8l7US6hx_Lbeuy_w by VideoSis
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nana-lew-rp · 4 years
Card(s) Not Sent|| Youni Advent Day 14
Name: Shawna Howson
Office Code: 09121996- Theta Mu House Vice President   
Date: December 14th, 2020
ATTN: Shawna Howson
YouTube Youniversity of Behavioral Health
Hey, it’s Andrew. 
I know I’m the last person you want a Christmas card from, but I was really looking forward to you coming home this year. You probably still wish me dead for putting you where you are now. Maybe you don’t. I don’t know. Listen, I’m writing this to you for a reason. I miss you. It’s been so long and I’ve grown so much and seen so much and didn’t love enough. That’s what I’ve been learning. I’ve been hurting more than I’ve been loving.
And I know I’ve come to you before about making it work and making it worth your while before. And I hurt you more than ever. You were patient with me. You loved me. You loved hard, consistent, and unconditionally. It was an internal beauty that only existed in one woman. And that woman was a girl.She’s still a girl. She never grew up. No matter who I found to replace her, no matter who I told was never going to be her. No matter how many times I pulled away indifferent and unsatisfied. My attitude wasn’t going to bring her back. Me wishing she hadn’t died wasn’t going to bring her back. It wasn’t my fault. And I certainly shouldn’t have told you it was yours.
I shouldn’t have abused you and broken you. I shouldn’t have turned your family against you. 
I’m sorry. 
I realize I’m still chasing girls and pushing my demons by asking you to come home. I promise it’s better. I promise that I’m better. Not a day goes by that I don’t watch your videos or your streams just to see you smile. Knowing that you smile anyway. Knowing that you now smile because you found another reason to smile. Knowing you found a reason to smile that had long since hadn’t been me.
I hope you’re being loved and having a warm holiday. I’m going to jail. I guess I wanted to see the last woman who I never loved before I get to see the one who I thought I could never replace.
Take Care and Happy Holidays
I’m the last person I know you’d want to hear from. Things had been...weird..between us. I want to say that I’m sorry. I really do want to apologize.
This isn’t something you have to believe me about, but hear- well, read- me out. 
Once upon a time, someone hurt me so badly and it put me here. They were beat up inside about themselves missing someone they weren’t allowed to see. Something they wished they could change. They were very matter-of-fact about it. As if to make it real, but it just hurt. 
I don’t know why you gave me control and I don’t know who that person was that made you the way that you are on the inside, but I want to thank you for being vulnerable enough with me to show me. I was too sick to know what to do with it, and too sick to be an adult about it. I had fooled myself into thinking I had it all figured out, that was all the way put back together. I had all the things that kept me steady and grounded. It was PJ. 
I realize now I shouldn’t put my faith or my beliefs on things that are essentially out of my control and that was the wakeup call I got. My days of being wonton and careless- living in this world as though nothing was going to touch me and that everything was going to be alright no matter what- vanished right before my eyes. I managed, but I just remember how you just wanted to be there with me to escape that person running around in your head, living rent-free, as Dr. Dee calls it. 
I miss those times and I miss those moments and I would do everything to get them back.
Take Care and Wish You Well
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nana-lew-rp · 6 years
Whoops!|| Youni Advent Day 7: Skiing
Shawna smirked at her boyfriend and their Samoyed puppy, Shiro. She was so happy to be with him and them starting something with someone. He was much more wealthy than her parents, even though they were well off. He had a winter house in the mountains at the resort. She had such fond memories of the place. From the school field trips to her greek house frolicking, it felt so warm and exciting for her. She felt this trip was gonna lead on to something special.
While taking her dog for a walk in the village down where the regular people come up to stay for 3 days or less. She still wasn't used to living in high-end luxury and so the walk was to get away from all the stuffy people.
PJ had saved up all year for this. He wanted JP to experience something that had brought him joy for many years, and he was so glad he was ready to see it all. The smile on the boy's face at all the snow and that he could do anything he wanted up there. Ice skating, skiing, snowboarding; there were even things to do inside for the other little kids, but he was special. He was going to do anything his...told him to do.
JP walked up to the dog that was laying down outside and turned its head side to side. Why was the dog so big and fluffy? How was it still white? Wouldn't its owner get it lost up here? Isn't it cold at all? The boy only could think before the dog jumped up and started sniffing around him, wrapping him in his leash. "PJ?"
Shawna came out with her cup of Irish coffee, surprised to see her dog tangled with some kid. PJ heard the boy and went over to see what was the fuss. He saw the woman he assumed to be the huge monster's owner taking the tangle apart. He went and began to help and saw the face. That face. Here? At this time of year? It felt like a Christmas special. "Ana?"
"Oh, I'm so- *gasp* PJ?! Oh my god I haven't seen you since college! Is this your son?"
"Uhhm...something like that," he chided, hugging the girl and being pulled away because JP cut between them.
"I'm not his son..I’m his..."
"Oh!" Shawna's eyebrows raised, "Well that's great! I’m not one to judge.”
“You’re blonde now,” PJ pointed out smiling warmly.
Shawna was caught in his eyes against the snow, “And your hair is bigger and..curlier than ever..” she subconsciously bit her lip, looking down at her dog and the boy, “Uhh JP, why don’t you go play in the snow with Shiro? Your dad and I are gonna catch up.”
PJ had wanted this trip to not have the same memories from his time at school, but here he was in the most ideal conditions. Shawna, looking as beautiful as she ever could, definitely still capable of falling under his spell. Her sweetness and intelligence towards her dog and his boy made his head full with ideas. 
They went on with one another about what happened after the “happily ever after” of graduation and release from the YouTube Youniversity treatment program. They had grown so much closer towards the end, both as friends and as colleagues. However, they both knew that they needed to know what was outside of this school, hence, they moved on and saw the world alone- unaware it would still bring them back together.
Hours passed and Shawna’s boyfriend- soon to be fiance- had called her to ask where she had been, they had a huge dinner had been planned, as per the agenda of the weekend. The view overlooking the snow-covered resort in their winter best, and the engagement ring bigger than her eyes. Even Shiro had a role. However, when she answered, he instantly grew concerned.
“Sweet nookums, where are you? Shiro doesn’t need a 4 hour walk,” he said, giggling.
“Uhh...oh fuck, it’s been four hours?” she breathed, pulling her phone away and looking at the time, then putting her phone back to her ear, “I was..uhh..hitting the slopes for a little and I..I guess I lost track of the time.”
“Sure, but the slopes closed early today for the upcoming snowstorm. Did you go to the resort down the mountain?”
She feels a hand rub her back and kisses being planted on her shoulder and neck, “Uhhm...I..uhhh..” As she drops her phone, PJ picks it up and continues massaging her shoulder and rubbing her back.
“Hello? Shawna? Baby? What’s going on?”
“Ah yes, is this Andrew?”
“Yes, and may I ask who this is on my girlfriend’s phone?”
“Oh this is her masseuse for the night, Nevil. She went to the spa and was talking about how this night might be something special for her, so she’s getting a massage to get her...loosened up and ready for what she might think will be one of the best nights of her life. Wouldn't you want your woman to be relaxed and pampered to enjoy you and her night?”
“Ye-yeah, you’re right..uhm..just uhh charge the bill to the Braveners. And tell her that she needs to be at dinner at 9. I’ll send her clothes down with the stylist and a ride back up the mountain.”
“Will do. Have a nice evening, sir-”
“And I’ll throw in three times the tip she gives you if you can get her to glow a little, if you get me....”
“I will see what I can do, sir.”
Shawna sighed once he hung up and looked at PJ with concern, “Where’s JP?”
“Probably playing in the leftovers with Shiro...”
“And where would that be?”
“Oh my god..I’m getting engaged...tonight! And I just...”
“Don’t worry..He’s probably what you need, I was just glad to see you again.”
“I’d hate to disappoint everyone..and I mean everyone, but he’s too rich. He’s awfully nice, but..his solution to anything is just..throwing money at it, and I just..hate having everything that I wanted and no effort, there’s no resolution, we don’t fight about anything because he can buy it out. He wants to brainwash me into his perfect little fantasy of being middle class..”
“He’s not very creative.”
“And you’re one of the most creative guys I’ve ever met.”
“We can do this again, next year, if you like..”
“What if I get married?..”
“Invite me to the wedding.”
“It’ll be like old times..and that’s what I love about coming here..”
“Alright..you’ll get an invitation and a plane ticket to the wedding and the bachelorette party. And outside of that..I’ll see you next year?”
“Next year it is.”
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amzngphil-rp · 6 years
Oh BooHoo|| Youni Advent Day 2: Seasonal Blues
Cat serves the food to her child and gives Phil a look, “What?”
“Nothing...just..do you have to be so..aggressive?” Phil asked, wiping his mouth and putting the silverware down.
Persephone looks between her parents, eating her food quietly. Her mother stops putting her own plate together and looks at Phil. “Aggressive? Why do you think I was being aggressive?”
“Because you were. It was unnecessary. He didn’t need to hear that. He doesn’t need the reminder every time he comes here that you and I messed up-”
“Oh so now Persi’s a mistake?”
“I didn’t say that..And sweetie, you’re not a mistake. You know I love you. And Otosan loves you-”
“Mommy loves you too..”
“Don’t fucking Catherine me. Come clean about her. Make sure she knows where she came from, make sure she understands the strong woman she comes from.”
“Crazy and strong are two different things.”
“You’re one to talk, babe.”
“I have a condition...h-had a condition..”
“And our daughter has that same condition.”
“So who’s side are you on here?”
“The one that remembers who he got pregnant and told me he’d be back for me. That I’d always be in his heart. That he just wanted to see what guys were like...it’s probably not even that big of a fucking deal. Where’s that side, Phillip?!”
“Stop cursing in front of Persephone.”
“Didn’t she just get in trouble for called a girl in school a cunt?”
“Yeah...so?” Persephone cut in.
“No. No. Stop. Yes, she did, but she can’t call people..those..at 8 years old..She’s not even supposed to know what that word is-” Phil stumbled with his words.
“Dan said it one time and he said he uses it when he’s referring to something he didn’t like. So I called Elana Jovanich a cunt because I don’t like her,” she explained, “Not my guidance counselour’s fault he didn’t understand.”
“It’s okay sweetie. No harm done...Your father here has just been softened by the pansy you call Otosan.”
“I don’t call him Otosan, I call him Daan, I make it sound like Dad because he’s afraid of me hating him as a parent.”
“As he rightgully should be. He’s too weak for a girl as strong as you. And I would think your father would understand that. You need strong parents for a strong girl.”
“You want her to have heterosexual parents for a strong nuclear experience,” Phil interjected, “Daniel and I are nuclear and strong, just not heterosexual.”
“Yet Persephone has a brother.”
“Yeah, can we leave Elliot out of this? He’s mostly innocent. I quite like Bryony. I would want her as a mommy too,” Persephone said innocently, serving herself more of her favourite side: buttered carrots, “Is that possible? Could we just be a family of me, Bryony, Elliot, you and mommy?”
“You don’t mean that..” Phil said, gruff with frustration, “Persephone, you can’t say things like that about him. Whether you like it or not, that’s your Otosan, my husband. And just like me, your father. You don’t know everything about the world yet to understand how hard it is to see my husband take my son away from me because my daughter and her mother are being nasty about something that is, at this point, out of their control!”
“I’m sorry, dad. I’m also sorry for saying the word again,” Persephone wound down, looking to Phil with puppy eyes.
“Oh! Boo hoo! I’m allowed to think I’m right as an adult. You knew the risk flying out here alone to pick up lease at my other place. You knew that you can’t control yourself around. You know you still fucking love me. And if it takes pissing you off to do it nowadays, I don’t care...I just want...us back. is that too much to ask? We were so good together and I wanted you to come back so we can raise Persi together. You make me feel like a special little girl again..And I just...I want to know it wasn’t a lie.”
Phil pauses at her words and sighs, raising to his feet and bringing them in for a hug. “Cat..I’ve told you a bunch of times before that Zach is never coming back. I do have those thoughts and feelings sometimes, but I really, really only like you as a friend, I think we only work as friends. I didn’t mean to decieve you because I can’t control what Zach does, much less what he tells you...I’m doing the best I can for the both of you because I want Persi to know her mother, and for you to watch her grow. I’m not leaving Dan. And I hope he finds it in his heart to let this go and I can see my Elliot again.”
“Dad..where’d they go?”
“Probably to In and Out and back to the house...”
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amzngphil-rp · 6 years
Santa Baby AU|| Youni Advent Day 3: Secret Santa
“Hurry up, Daddy’s taking us to the store.”
“Uhh, Persi?” Elliot asked, walking through the toy aisle while the girl next to him, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure...anything..” the girl said with a soft curve in her lips.
“There’s this...Daddy’s friend has a son. And since we’re going to the Christmas party with our secret Santa gift..I got him for the exchange..and uh..I really like him,” he explained, disjointed. He never knew how hard it was to explain to someone the feelings he was feeling.
“Aww...you have a crush on him?! That’s so cute!” she said once she caught on, “Who is it? Everybody at those parties are Daddy’s friends from school..also I’m warning you now. My mom is coming. It’s supposed to be some big YouTuber event, and they’re those...”
“Are Daddy and Cat Mom gonna fight again?” Elliot asked, “And it’s...I think he said his name is Harlan. It’s Uncle Felix and Uncle Shane’s son. He’s really sweet and he’s got so many good stories! They had him when his dads were still going to school.”
“You mean they adopted him when they were still going to school,” Persephone interjected, “You and I were surrogate babies. I don’t remember who are surrogate babies, but hey! Let’s make that a game. See how many kids are born from their mommies and daddies, and who are surrogate babies.”
Elliot nodded excitedly, “I’d like that!..but Persi, what about Harlan?”
“Do you know what he would like? How old is he?”
“Sheesh..that’s kinda old for you...but follow your heart I guess..Uhh..talk to him about music. Uhh..he might be into video games like his dad..if that doesn’t work..ask him to teach you Swedish..he speaks Swedish because of Uncle Felix-”
“Then why don’t I ask Uncle Felix- OW!” Elliot yelled out in pain from Persephone hitting him, “Why’d you hit me?! I’m telling!”
“You dummy! The whole point is to talk to Harlan. Why would you talk to his dad?!..Look just start there, and if you need me, I’ll be under a food spread table.”
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nana-lew-rp · 4 years
Caroling | Pregnant Shawmien AU|| Youni Advent Day 12
Shawna had been growing restless- she had sent Damien to the store hours ago for a few things for her stupid pregnant snacking needs. She didn’t even want it anymore- maybe later- but she wanted to make sure he didn’t miss the kids. The Cul-de-Sac newsletter last month said that there were some special group of little elves walking around and singing Christmas carols. The woman knew she was supposed to stay in bed but she couldn’t help it. She slowly rose out of bed, Shiro following her by sliding to the floor and sitting on her slippers, craning his neck to sniff her stomach. “Come on, boy...I’m thirsty..Daddy’s not home yet..I don’t wanna bother him- he might be here any minute…” the dog welcomed her touch as she got under his chin and over his ears and gets the scratches. Her phone rang as Shiro moved off of her slippers and excitedly prepared to be collared for a walk, “Hang on, sweetie- Hello?”
“Why does it sound like you’re not in bed?” Damien asked, trying his best to keep his background quiet. 
“Why does it sound like you’re still not home? Oh yeah- because you're not!” Shawna teased, “But uhh, where are you?”
“There was some trouble out on the roads, and I’m stuck in traffic, so I’m not gonna be able to make it home for another hour or two..I’m sorry babe..”
“Ugh..ok, well, be careful. I’d rather spend our holidays together with you alive, just take your time, hon, I’ll see you when I get home-”
“Babe~..” he whined, trying to hide his smile, “Make sure you record it for me, okay? I’ll see you when I get there.”
“Who’s this?” Amalthea asks Rachel, “He one of yours?’
“No clue, but I’ve never seen hair so curly..maybe it’s someone else,” Rachel says, trying to fasten Rue’s broach to her outfit, “Now hold still so I don’t hurt you.”
“Condiment twins!” Thea calls to them, both turning quickly.
“What?” Matteo asks, furrowing his brow.
“We have names, ya know,” Mason says, giving her a waggle of his head.
“Cut it- two things. Yall practiced Up On A HouseTop, right? And two, who’s the curly kid over there? He part of your clan?” she delivered curtly, swinging a thumb towards the dark brown headed boy with the curls.
“Uhh..doesn’t look familiar to me,” Mason said.
“Maybe he’s sitting next to his brother...ever think about that?” Matteo replied back, “And be a little nicer next time you ask us if we rehearsed.”
“We’re on in an hour and I don’t necessarily have the wherewithal to have stray kids and two boys who barely showed up to practice and tried to pass it off as one couldn’t come each time.”
“It was a good strategy,” Mason replied.
“Sure, maybe if one of you actually showed up-” Rachel said as she stood up, “But neither of you did and claimed that the other was supposed to...Now either you stay in tune or know the words or make it a miracle and do both, but the one thing you’re not gonna do is embarrass us.”
“What she said,” Ja’Liyah chimed in, “You guys are such a liability right now.”
“Ok, but nobody asked you to point that out. We will sing all of your socks off-” Matteo said boldly.
“Thea?” Mason goes to her quietly, tapping her shoulder.
“Yes?” she asked, “What’s wrong, Mason?”
“Uhh..can you help me with how the song goes?” he asked, “And-And the songs we’re doing after it- I know the songs before it, but not after..”
“Uhh..yeah, I guess…-”
“Why didn’t you just, I dunno, come to practice, instead of bothering my sister?” Theodosia bites as she pulls her sister away.
“I’d rather help him now, then him and his brother completely fudge the night, Dosi,” Thea argued.
“It’s his brother and he, by the way, Thea..” she muttered, “Don’t let your soft spot for them make you use bad grammar.”
Sam finally goes over to the boy who’s sitting quietly next to her little brother while she’s holding her baby sister and snaps in his face, “Hey kid..who’s yo’r clan?” she asked.
“Uh..what did you just say? I can’t understand your accent?” Elliot stared as he wondered so much about the baby on her arm, “What do you mean clan?”
“Ev’ryone ‘ere gots a clan cus we’re sibl’ns, mate...Wher’d ya mommy and daddy go?” Sam said as she rocked her sister while she fussed with her dress, “Ari..hush...just wait…yo’ wanta sweet?..hm?..Ther’ya go..”
“OOHHHH! You’re asking who I came with!...I came with Jareth. My mommy is Bryony and my Dad is AmazingPhil and my Otosan is Danisnotonfire~!” Elliot perked up as he listened to her accent for a little longer, finally piecing together what she was saying, “Are you his sister?”
“Yea I’m his sistah..and so’s she,” Sam perked up as well, propping up the baby, “‘er name’s Ariana..Our dad is Jacksepticeye. Does ya fam’ly kno ya’her, babe?”
“Uhh sorta..not really..I’m super nervous..this is my first time caroling..He brought me here and told me we’re gonna sing,” he admitted, looking at the boy return from outside, “He went to the bathroom.”
“Alright you guys! Are you ready to blow the socks off these people?!” Damien came in as he rushed to put the treats and cocoa down for the kids, “Alright, I know you guys want these, but you’ll get them after we rehearse! We’re gonna run the whole thing twice, but we’re gonna whisper so that we can really blow everyone away!” He had so much enthusiasm, and knew that Shawna was going to love this surprise. He looked at all of the kids and thought of his own that Shawna was carrying. From the little toddlers to the big kids, he knew that this project was so helpful for him and the kids in the Cul-de-Sac. They all got to do something constructive and good for their community and give their parents a nice little surprise. It really helped Damien to get used to the family setting since Shawna has been so scared and he’s felt so apprehensive on what they can do as parents. 
“Heyy, buddy, you know how to call your parents?” he asked, getting down to his knees after Sam and Rachel yanked him over.
“Do you know who my parents are?” Elliot replied.
“Yehehehes, yes I do. It doesn’t mean I have their phone numbers~” he giggled, clearing his throat, trying to think, “So hey, Elliot right?..Do you.know..where you live? If we walked around while we were singing would you be able to point out your house?”
“Yeah, I can just give you the address too..” he said, making Damien smile, “You can drop me off after we sing to them.”
“Alriiight..but I got pumpkin bread over there that I’m saving and I’m gonna make more cocoa with marshmallows when we come back-”
“Excuse me, sir, but I don’t like how you’re bribing me to stay after with you. I’m not broke and I’m not cold. I’m barely hungry because Jareth took me after dinner...I just wanted to sing and go home, so how about we’re doing that and you get away from me before I tell my parents you tried to assault me?” Elliot bit back, which made Damien also pull back, but raise an eyebrow at the boy.
“I will do what you ask, but that was very rude and even grown-ups shouldn’t talk like that, but go get your cocoa and look over the songlist,” Damien explained, getting up and rounding the kids up and teaching them their positions to stand so that they can sound right and be seen.
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matt-skc-rp · 4 years
Holiday Miracle AU| Swift Mcatee||Youni Advent Day 11
“Are you excited?” Matt asked as he straightened his jacket, fingering through his beard. Kristen walked up behind him and apprehensively embraced his torso, taking in his smells and hearing their phones go off in the next room, “Did you order an Uber too?”
“No, I ordered a Lyft,” she joked as she was brought to his front, his hands going to her shoulders, where she knew he was most comfortable, and worked his way up to her head, moving stray hairs, “Don’t touch my hair..I spent hours on it.”
“Why’d it take you hours?”
“Brother, I’m not getting into this with you..you know what I mean!” she snapped at him as she checked her makeup in the mirror, elbowing him off, “2 hours is still a long time is all I’m saying,” she trailed off with a sigh, knowing he was about to try to calm her down like he used to back in school. Thinking that there was a time that all of this wasn’t something she thought about. That all of the voices were quieter, never gone, when she was with him, when they would talk or even touch where she allowed, it was always better. 
“Hey...look, I’m sorry..I didn’t mean it,” Matt said, sliding his hands and arms across her hips, wrapping them gently, and Kristen relaxing back into his tall and slender frame. “Now..I appreciate the amount of effort you’re going into in order to look your best..especially for my mom....seeing it’s her first Christmas after all.”
Kristen stared blankly at the mirror and bit her lip. This day wasn’t about her- it was about the most important woman in his life experiencing him loving another woman after the man in her life nearly killed her. She was in his room when he had gotten the call that she had finally came out of her coma and wanted to see her son. It was the hardest week she had spent away from him because everything started flooding back, and she was so alone without him. She could handle it, she was tough, she toughed it out until she immediately drove herself to the airport to pick him up. The embrace that they shared and the small touches exchanged between them as he drove them back to the school was all that she needed and all that she had asked for- the fun of it all was that he knew this, and longed to provide for her. “Is she still gonna be the same person I spoke to on the phone?” she asked in a coo. 
“Yeah, she sounds exactly like that, and trust me, she’s so ecstatic to meet you-”
“No she’s not-”
“Who told you that?..What do’ya mean? I don’t shut up about you. I didn’t shut up about you when she woke up. Same thing with her. I didn’t shut up about her..It’s kind of a thing when I love a woman..” Matt said, turning her around and tilting her head up to meet his eyes, then leaning down to peck her on the lips, “Now, I know you’re nervous and it’s getting a lil loud in there...but listen..you’ll do fine. I can’t ask for two miracles, because you know I’d wish on the spirit of Christmas to make it go away.”
“Well, for your sake, brother, I wish it every year and it never comes true..it’s..just that the one year I didn’t wish for it..We became tagteam partners,” Kristen said to him, craning up to kiss his neck.
“You mean when we started being friends with benefits,” Matt said as he let her go, knowing that she was falling into a trance again with his touch like she usually does.
“You mean when you were still being a cheating ass hoe,” Kristen corrected him and pushed his chest as he backed away as she grabbed her jacket and fixed herself in the mirror. The dim voices of confidence and denial flooding in her ears as soft ringing as she shook her head to soften the noise from the ringing of her big Christmas grey-golden bell earrings that Matt had gifted her.
“Our Uber’s here, come on..Wouldn’t wanna keep Auntie Tannie waiting,” he called to her as he picked up his jacket.
In the car, they remained separated, reminding Kristen of the days when they would ride to their exquisite platonic lunch dates and photoshoots. She was reminded of how loud it was to sit next to him and hear all those nasty and revealing things she was always afraid to hear. It had made her skittish. “You remember Gabbie, right?..And I know I always say not to dwell on the villians of our past-”
“So...what about her then?” Matt asks with a blunt expression, turning his head away from the road to meet her hands. He’d learned to check the girl’s hands to see if she where her levels of seriousness were.
“That’s harsh, brother...watch it. I wouldn’t want you to talk about me like that-” Kristen whipped her said quickly, “I’ve warned you about talking like that.”
“She burned her own bridges and she deserved what she got from being someone who takes no issue with breaking her own heart and everyone else’s hearts that came with it-”
“You were cheating on her-”
“We weren’t even together, Kristen. And neither were we...Like Suzy said-”
“She deserved to get her ass kicked for lying to Gabbie-”
“She could have just stayed out of it..She was my fault-”
“Oh so you’ll admit to her, but not Gabbie-”
“Yeah...so the reason you’re bringing her up is because she’s still trying to drag your name through the mud?” Matt asked chuckling to hide his frustration.
“You’re such a manipulator...you know that? And yes, she said something again about stealing her looks..I don’t know how she can hold a grudge and act out on it any chance she gets...I thought I’d shut her up-”
“Don’t worry about it. The shoot and the look book you just did will get rid of whatever speculation she’s trying to throw at your stylistic choices. It’s literally your job to make these things, and you don’t necessarily own them...I know she’s supposed to be your sister and all of that, but that’s just one sister you don’t agree with..Like how Raven doesn’t always like when Holly gets to do what she wants. You girls can be so petty and attached sometimes-” Matt explained, encouraging the girl and knowing that her voices were starting to get her riled up.
“First of all, brother, I’m a grown-ass woman-”
“You’re a grown ass woman until you want to keep going down to Gabbie’s level and dealing with her like the girl that she is..Why do you think I completely blocked her and haven’t looked back?..Hm?” Matt asked as he stroked the girl’s arm, “Now, allow me to remind you where you’re at right now: my mother has woken up from her coma and is more than excited to meet you. She loves your videos and is so excited to talk fashion with you and maybe you and Auntie can give her a little makeover. She really could use it..I believe in your power and your strength in your abilities to make a little miracle for her. Seeing her smile on her face when I thought I would possibly never see it again..So please...enjoy yourself, and I don’t want this to feel like work. I’m giving you at least 2 blank canvases and I expect you to give nothing less than your best because it’s what I admire most about you..above all else..it’s how focused you are..so please focus.”
Kristen didn’t even know what had came over her to make her feel like this was appropriate conversation, but to hear Matt gush over her and give the girl her motivation going into it this early into the drive, the voices quieted themselves again. Maybe she can’t do drives anymore. Maybe it was red. Red always wanted to poke at the issues. Matt wouldn’t let blue tell her to hide them, and he’d always catch red when it was going to boil over. It was balance like she hadn’t known and even though they were still working out the kinks, he still believed in her when she couldn’t hear it for herself. This part of her life felt like one huge miracle and Matt was her huge guide through it all
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matt-skc-rp · 6 years
Christmas in New Castle|| Youni Advent Day 4: Lights
Matt looked at the snow on the ground outside, and smirked, walking over to Gabbie’s apartment. He entered the code and opened the door, walking up to her door and knocked.
She opened it, plastered on a smile, “Hey sweetie! How was your trip?”
Matt could hear her voice was too high, she was trying hard. He can’t read into it too much. “It was long, but..it was worth every mile for you, you know that,” he kissed her cheek as they parted and sat his luggage down, “We still going back out?”
“Do uh, you still want to go out?”
“Babe, we don’t have to, you’re the one telling me how hard people in Pennsylvania go with Christmas decorations,” he said back to her, “Honestly, I’d rather sit in with you because I’m kinda tired..”
“Okay..I’m sorry...”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m happy with you, no matter what..” he reassured her as he peeled his boots off. He hung up his jacket and sat down in the living room, patiently waiting for her to get comfortable and sit in the same room as him. 
Two hours pass and he becomes concerned, he hasn’t seen the girl come past him and she wasn’t in the kitchen. Maybe she went into her room where he was told she feels the most safe. He stands up and tries to recall if he heard the door open and shut to the outside. No. He would have felt it. He looks down her hallway, seeing the light on in her room at the end (figures) and the rest of the lights off. Quietly and carefully he comes to the door and knocks on it. He notices it’s not all of the way closed. The door drifts open and he sees her in her room with fruit in her lap, watching YouTube. “Hi,” he says quietly, sticking a hand up to wave at her.
“Don’t..don’t come in,” she beckoned from the king-sized bed, “My room’s gross!”
“I’m..I’m not. Are you not doing the thing where you sit next to me and watch TV tonight?” he asked, leaning against the door, speaking through the little crevice.
“Oh my god..I’m so sorry. I forgot you were out there. I settled in for the night without you...Oh god..” Gabbie started to get anxious and played with her hair aggressively.
“Gabbie, baby, it’s okay. I’ll just unpack and sleep on the couch-”
“No! No..come in here, I have enough bed for the both of us...You just..gotta stay on your side,” she caught him as he turned.
He opened the door and looked at her, “Are you sure- well- comfortable about that?”
“Yeah, I’m worried about your back...”
The man scratches on his beard and grabs his bags, putting them on the opposite corner of the room, turning out all of the lights in her living room and kitchen. He walks in and stands at the door inside the room, “You want me to close this door? It’s dark out here, also, regulate the temperature,” he suggested.
“No, close the door. Change in my bathroom over there,” she said, watching him the whole time. Her chest was a little tight, but she couldn’t help herself. She needed to try something. It felt so lousy that she left him out there and that he wasn’t the least bit angry or upset. She really wanted to get some sleep. She regret telling him to come all the way out here to spend time with her, just for her to change her mind when his plane lands. 
He emerges back out, just in his boxer briefs, “Are you comfortable with me like this? I can put a shirt on if you need me to.”
“Uhh..uhhmm...put a shirt on..” she said darting her eyes back to the floor. He was so slender and cute and hairy. He’s probably so comfortable- no. She doesn’t know if she can trust him, not yet. The next thing she knew he was standing on what was going to be his side of the bed, waiting for her next instruction, “You’re fine, go ahead, just don’t get too close.”
He nods and sits in the bed, still sitting up.
Matt and Gabbie make light conversation before getting into a fun, friendly argument about some topics. They end up watching videos from all of their favourite creators and even pick a movie to watch. He eventually gets sleepy and lays all the way down on his back to sleep. His one arm hanging off the side and the other above his head. Breathing softly.
Gabbie watched him fall asleep like this, and wanted to know so much, but had kept the conversation about what was in front of them. He didn’t force the conversation either. His beard was so full, it grew so fast since she last came to see him LA. She laid down and tried to lay away from him, which was getting her sleepy, but she just couldn’t get comfortable knowing that he was there. He needed to leave. She dragged this out for too long. His back, her ass. She needs the whole bed.
Her fidgeting woke him up a little and he sleepily asked, eyes still closed, “You need me to sleep on the couch?” 
“You need an ASMR video, or some white noise in the room? Am I being too loud?”
“Uhh I don’t think so.”
“Well I don’t wanna be a bad guy, but you could just lay closer towards me. Just like..give it a try.”
“How does that work?”
“Well you can just lay right under my arm, that’s where my sister sleeps. You don’t have to touch me, I won’t touch you. I just don’t want you to fall off the end of the bed over there,” he joked, “Up to you.”
“Can you just sleep on the couch?- I’m sorry..”
“Babe it’s okay..wake me up if you change your mind,” he gets up, stretches and gets out of the bed, groaning as he stretched again and started shuffling into the living room after a quick trip to the bathroom.
“Can you come in here?”
“What’s up? Did you need me to close the door?” he asked once he got back over to the room.
“What’s up?”
“Uhmm...I dunno..”
“Babe, you want me to just stay up with you?”
“Alright. You can’t night snack, you could..take another bath or shower...”
Gabbie shakes her head.
“You gotta get up and stick to your routine in the morning, so....Oh! Did you pray? I know my sisters are restless sometimes when they skip praying before bed-”
“I prayed already.”
“You want me to come back into the room?”
“I guess.”
“Ok....I’m gonna get a cigarette in, you wanna come with me?”
“I made you upset...didn’t I?”
“Nope. It’s like 2 am, I usually go for a smoke around this time. It’s my habit. That’s why I asked if you wanted to come outside with me to talk with me or something,” he explained.
“We can go to the roof, it’s a shorter trip..”
“Okay. Get dressed, girly.”
They get dressed and she walks with him, still not touching him, and they slip up to the roof access on the small pocket between the HVAC systems, he walks around to make sure the air flow isn’t too heavy and he ends up finding a spot where there’s an output vent blowing warm air. Luckily, there was no wind up there. He started to light the cigarette, and she joined him, arms folded, by the time he finishes his first drag, she had music playing. “Wow,” he said, as he looked up.
“What?” she asked, looking around, her hand starting towards her hair.
“All these people leave their lights on up here,” he said, pointing out to the other houses surrounding the apartment building.
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matt-skc-rp · 6 years
Isn’t This Fun?|| Youni Advent Day 9: Matching Ugly Sweaters (SOL)
Kristen comes into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn. Avoiding the dog laying on the floor by the ottoman. She purposefully sat directly on Matt, who was watching the commercials quietly before he was sat on by someone who was 3/4 his size. 
“OW! Kris!”
“What?! I got the best seat in the house!”
“I think you crushed my pelvis..Isn’t it bad enough I’m wearing this sweater with you?” he asked picking her up and sitting her next to him where she immediately turned and put her feet under his thighs, “And your feet are fucking cold!”
“You just reminded me, we gotta take a picture! We look so cute! We should do the hipster thing where they only take it from the neck down and like your beard is perfect. Anyway, we’re like looking away from each other and oh my god we should do it now!” she piped up, standing on the couch and exciting the dog. 
“When did I become your aesthetics model? I thought PJ was supposed to-”
“PJ’s not here, and you’re the closest guy over 5′10 who can help me with this that I can- ugh, just work with me, brother!”
“I will, just..pick a thought..” he said quietly, getting up and setting up her phone on the table in front of the mantle. 
“Come on! Like Gabbie wouldn’t make you do something like this-”
“I haven’t been subjected to this yet, because I can barely get her to agree to go on a date with me, sis. She’ll come around, though, she told me that she really does like me a lot. I just have to be patient,” he explained.
“You said that 3 months ago-”
“I know when I said it!”
“Excuse you?! Who do you think you’re projecting your frustration on?”
“I apologize for not having proper control of my emotions. Now, can we get this Pintrest picture over with?”
Kristen nodded and stood where Matt was standing, hooking an arm around his waist, fluffing her hair with one hand and turning her head away from him, and he did the same. Straightening the wool that had multi-coloured lines and snowflakes scattered about the sweater, the only difference is his has a little bowtie in the design. Perfect picture.
Deck the Halls
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matt-skc-rp · 6 years
Deck the Halls, Cus FUCK YOU|| Youni Advent Day 1: Decorating
Leda and her child giggle while they put up decorations, “Estelle, sweetheart, I love these decorations you made!”
“I had time at school, plus since my brother isn’t here yet...I figured I’d make twice as much.”
Leda was stunned as she looked down at her stomach starting to protrude from her dress. Her heart was welling up so fast, she was going to cry, then the doorbell rang, “Estelle...can you get the door for mommy? I’m gonna get down real careful so I don’t fall.”
The little girl nods, running and opening the door, gasping at the wall of gifts getting held up by a tall man, “Wow!” The man peaks his head from the stack of boxes, “Uncle Matthew!”
“Heeeyyy! It’s Estelle Lauder! How’s that next design going?!” he asked, putting the boxes down after he walked in.
“Oh, oh! I did a bunch of decotations for the house! I did extra for my baby brother..since he can’t do any yet!” 
“Oh wow, that’s great, Estelle...Hey, why don’t you throw your boots on and help Aunt Gabbie and Auntie Hollie with our bags and more of the gifts?” he asked as he knelt down to her level, then stood up as she ran back to the open door to put her shoes on and outside, the distant sound of her aunts greeting her. 
Matt leaned against the doorway and watched the girl sit down, obviously tired.  He chuckled lightly, “She’s giving you a run for your money, huh?”
“Shut up,” Leda said as she drank from her coffee cup, pushing her hair back, and then leaning up, trying to stand.
“No, no...don’t get up..” he said, walking into the room and bending down to hug her, “Where is he?”
Pulling away, Leda pointed to the box on the mantle, and Matt stood up and walked to the mantle, pulling a card out of his pocket and a tied ribbon. Carefully, he placed the card, which had a picture paperclipped on the front of Leda, Matt and him standing together at their 5 year Youni reunion smiling, behind the little metallic box, and pulled the elastic on the ribbon, wrapping it around the box and patting the top, “Merry Christmas, buddy.”
Matt felt someone’s hand interlock with his, looking down he saw the girl, looking at the fireplace, “You’re so nice. He finally started to like you...”
“I’d like to think he did..the whole time. And uhh, he was a great guy. I liked his altruism...even in the end..”
“Heyy, Leeds!” Gabbie said, making Leda turn around, and her expression changing immediately to greet and hug the girl.
“Oh my god you’re getting so big!” Leda pointed out, taking a quick glance back at Matt, “I thought you’re only four months!”
“I am, I just put on a lot of water weight, you know?! I’m a whale now! No telling what I’ll look like in the third trimester,” Gabbie said, looking at Matt too and smiling, then lowering her voice, “I’m just so glad you froze some of Charlie’s sperm earlier...I can’t imagine he would want you to not give him a big family...God, I still can’t believe it’s been 3 years..”
“Four,” Leda and Matt said in unison. Matt cleared his throat and scratched his beard.
“Estelle is 3,” Leda corrected, smiling and nodding.
“Yes I am!” hearing a little girl underneath them, then holding up her hand to show it, “I’m this many!”
“Yes you are! Come on, let Aunt Gabbie will fix you a snack!” she said, walking with the little girl into the kitchen.
“You..didn’t tell her?”
“That’s our secret right?...”
“But...she wouldn’t be upset..would she?”
“Uhhm..I dunno. She says it’s fine if there is something I did, but I don’t wanna lose her..especially now..”
“You said you’d say something when I was pregnant with Estelle..God! She’s fucking three and there’s another on the way...how long are you gonna wait?!” she snapped quietly, she stopped and looked past him at Gabbie playing with Estelle on the counter, Hollie smiling, “Her hair is brown...”
“You’re a brunette, what’s the problem? And relax..it’s fine..”
“And what about him? Hm?...When his hair’s brown and his eyes are blue, what fucking then?” Leda bit back, then took a deep breath, “Just..after the holiday..we gotta say something..”
“Alright...Remember this is what he wanted. He wanted you to move on, and he needed you to be strong...You’ll be okay..I’ll be okay, just..don’t worry,” Matt said, hugging her close.
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