#your baba just killed your uncle and you have to break away from the ideas of legacy and tradition to be a good king to your people
penwieldingdreamer · 4 years
Just died in your Arms
Welcome to my John Wick story. It’s been flitting around my head for some time so I had to put it out there. If you want to be on the taglist let me know and I’ll add you. Now without further ado, have fun and happy reading, let me know what you thought.
Summary: Helen wasn’t the only one that loved John, but the only one who was able to tame him. Until she died none occupied his thoughts like she did. And yet there was one person that was able to calm the Baba Yaga like no other. Someone like him.
Warnings: slight violence, cursing
Words: 2017
Part 1
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Johnathan excited his ‘69 Mustang Boss 429. It was his most prized possession, besides the box containing his coins and weapons. You knew him inside out, just like he knew you and yet you could keep this one secret from him.
Standing in the window you watched him, the way he walked, slightly limping up the stairs and entering the Continental. How could someone so dangerous look so vulnerable at the same time. The clearing of a throat pulled you out of your thoughts and caused you to turn around. Winston was the owner of the hotel in New York, frequented by every assassin around the world.
“When will you finally have the guts to tell him?”
And he was family.
Shrugging, you gave your uncle a lopsided smile. “Who knows?” shivering from the sudden chill that ran down your spine as you looked back out the window at the rainy streets of Lower Manhattan. “Probably never. It’s risky to be involved in the business.”
Winston put his hands on your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Then I hope you will change your mind about Jonathan. I will not loose you, too.”
Unbeknownst to you, John Wick had watched you, too, standing in the window above the entrance. The mission had been a success but there was still something occupying his mind. Something important, that he needed to tell you.
“Welcome back, Mister Wick.” Charon acknowledged as John walked up to the reception. “I take it the mission has been successful.”
Nodding his head, the hitman watched the receptionist tiredly. “Is the Doctor in?”
“Yes sir, 24/7.” the dark skinned man said, reaching out for the phone to call the service. “I’ll send him up for you.”
With another slight nod the assassin left the entrance hall and made his way over to the lift. His target had fought back, injuring his shoulder again and hitting him in the knee. When the doors opened, John saw Winston leaning against the railing on the far side.
“Ah Johnathan.” he greeted him as he left the lift. “You’re back early.”
The assassin raised his eyebrow, shrugging one shoulder as answer. The owner of the Continental glanced wearily at him, assessing the injuries he had. “I’ll have the Doctor sent your way.”
“No need, Winston.” his baritone rumbled through the space. “Charon already called for him.”
Cradling his arm, John moved to the back as the doors slid closed. A sigh of relief left him, finally able to slow down and relax. Closing his eyes his thoughts turned back to you, the way you looked standing there in that room. Had you been out on a mission, too? Were you injured by your target? All these questions swirled in his mind when all he wanted to do was sleep.
When he reached his floor a soft groan escaped his mouth. Limping through the hallway, John slowly made his way to the door. With a swift swipe of the key card it opened, but when he saw who was standing in the middle, the hitman stopped dead in his tracks.
Your back was turned to him as you organized the medical supplies on the table in front of the double bed facing the windows. Of course the minute he had entered you felt the surprise ooze of him in ways.
“Won’t you come in here, Mister Wick?” you asked, looking over your shoulder at the assassin, feeling his eyes on your bare back thankful for the low cut dress you wore.
“Y/N?” he hesitated, walking around the furniture. “I thought the Doctor was coming.”
With a smile you went over to him, brushing your fingers along the cut on his forehead. “He’s occupied with someone else.” You pushed him down on the chair, hearing his soft groan when his back met the plush covers. John watched every move you made, the way your fingers slid over the buttons of his dress shirt. Carefully you pulled each out of the hole, pushing the material off his shoulders. A soft gasp left you as you saw the dark bruise covering his skin. “Oh John.” you whispered, letting your hand hover over the blackened spot, not sure if you should touch it or not.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, it looks worse than it is.” the assassin tried to reassure you, but even his soft spoken words made your insides feel queasy. He had always been the one to take more hits than the others, confident that he could take everything thrown at him. Reaching over, you took the balm from the table. It was a salve your mother had often used on your father, finding him coming home with bruises and other injuries. Then your life had still been easy, only knowing that he killed the bad people, but when they came to your home, killing your parents it had been turned upward. Winston had stepped in, raising you as his own, giving you a home and training you in his ways when you were old enough.
Now you knew what had been going on with John, he was often away on missions and if he wasn’t, well, there was a woman.
You never would have believed that he would find someone outside of the business.
Someone normal.
And yet here he was, talking about the date he had with her as you rubbed the balm on his shoulder, occasionally causing him to wince from the pressure. You muttered a swift apology and put it back to its original place.
“You know, we could go on a double date with what’s his name?” John perked up, watching you carefully
Closing your eyes you gave him a forced smile as he observed you. “His name is Henry.”
“Right, Henry.” he grinned, thanking you as you gave him some painkillers for his shoulder and his knee. “Don’t you think that’s a great idea?”
Swiftly you turned from the assassin. Of course he didn’t know. “I-We shouldn’t do that, Jonathan.” you spoke so softly that he had to strain to hear you. “You should enjoy your time with Helen.” A cold shiver ran down your spine, causing you to rub your hands over your arms, hoping to gain some warmth and semblance of strength back into your body before you collapsed into a heap.
John got up from the chair, reaching you in two quick strides standing by the window. “But, I wanted you to meet her, Y/N. You are the only family I know inside and outside the business after” he stopped putting his hand on your shoulder, his thumb softly rubbing over your bare skin. “You know, my past.”
“And I can’t!” you growled, shrugging his hand off and turning around, watching him with a scowl on your face. Everything in you was working against you, your heart ordering to finally tell John, but your head stopped you, knowing there was never going to be a chance for you.
“What is wrong with you?” his dark eyes fixed on your own, making you flinch under his gaze. “Did he do something to you? If he hurt you, you gotta tell”
“He didn’t do anything.” you declared, taking a step away from the one they called Baba Yaga. “There is no HE!”
Cocking his head to the side, John watched you carefully, his brown eyes glinting in the light of the hotel room. “What do you mean by that?”
“There never was a Henry.” A scoff left your lips, throwing your hands up in frustration. “It was only a cover for other men to leave me alone. I don’t want anyone besides” abruptly you broke off, not wanting him to know your deepest, darkest secret.
John’s larger hands lightly clasped around your upper arms, halting you in your escape, knowing you would leave him without answers. “You lied all this time?”
“Oh, like you didn’t? Telling Helen you were just working as a book binder?” you mocked, trying to free yourself from his grip which was futile, but still you would attempt to do that. “As if that’s so original, Jonathan.”
“I’m trying to protect her. I’m leaving this behind for Helen.” he grunted, his teeth clenched as his face came closer to your own. “I only have one last mission and then I’ll be out, never stepping foot in here again.”
Pulling one arm free with a cry, you pushed your fist out wildly at his face, John just barely escaping being hit. He grunted, throwing you away from him with his fists raised to protect him when you attacked again.
“You would leave all this behind? You would leave me?” you cried, kicking your leg out, trying to hit his knee, but your fellow assassin was faster. “All for a woman.” Your eyes watered at the thought, jealousy raising it’s ugly head.
John Wick had been your sparing partner on a few occasions, knowing you had a knack to become wild when you let your emotions rule your body. Normally you were calm and practical, but sometimes your fight would turn manically and aggressive. Narrowly avoiding another hit to the stomach he waited for an opening to finally reach you, bringing you back from the brink. He could see the unshed tears in your eyes, the emotions you were trying to hold back.
“Stop it, Y/N! Calm the fuck down!” he roared, pulling his arm around your neck when he finally got close enough in your frenzied fight. His forearm pressed against your throat, constricting your breath and you gasped, knowing that John’s temper wasn’t to be trifled with. “Tell me now what’s going on. Tell me who it is you want.” his deep voice growled beside your ear, goosebumps breaking out all over your skin as the vibrations moved from his lips around the shell of your ear. Your hands held tightly onto his arm, hoping to keep you anchored while your knees were turning to jelly with every passing second.
“You.” you wheezed, finally giving in to him with the hopes of getting out of his grip. “I only ever wanted you.”
John eased up on his hold, letting you go. Shock evident on his features as you nearly crawled over to the bed, leaning on the covers, the tears finally able to fall.
“You-Y/N,” he started not sure what to say, words failing him as he watched you, hunched over and breathing harshly.
It wasn’t long before you felt the warmth of his hand spread over your bare back, the callused skin of his thumb rubbing along your spine.
“Why haven’t you told me?” he asked, moving over to sit on the bed, while you remained standing at the foot, your body still turned away from him.
Closing your eyes you took a deep breath, willing your voice to be strong. “Love in this business gets you killed, like my parents.” you started, your rigid body calming down slightly. “But yet we aren’t machines, we do have emotions and sometimes those feelings just sneak up on you.”
When John moved his hand from your back down to your hand, you finally gave in and turned to the dark haired assassin. You stared at him, letting your eyes roam over his face, the way his dark hair fell into his equally dark orbs. How the slight wrinkles in the corner of his eyes got deeper when he gave you that smile.
Did he smile at Helen in the same way? The one that made you tingle all over?
In that second you made a decision that would change everything between you. What did you have to loose when he’d never come back? When it was the last time you’d see him?
Without thinking you placed your hands on his bearded cheeks, leaning down and sealing your lips with his. You wanted to feel him, just this once.
Just for tonight, before he was gone, vanished from your life forever.
Part 2
@meetmeinthematinee @ladyreapermc @axshadows @a-really-bi-girl @fanficsrusz @ficsnroses @toomanystoriessolittletime @fortheloveoffanfic @pinkzsugar @lunaeminxxx​
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thewickling · 5 years
WangXian+ wwx is an assassin whose mission is to kill Lan Wangji
I don't know if this counts as happy? But I tried!
WWX is hired to kill LWJ but on seeing LWJ feels like something is off and he ends up dropping the hit.
He runs into LWJ and LSZ a while later and both of them drag WWX home.
WWX finds out he is the missing adopted second son of the Jiang family.
Since WWX is declared dead, LWJ lies and says WWX is his boyfriend from overseas as they try to figure out 1. why he lost his memory and 2 why someone wants LWJ dead.
Wei Wuxian watched Lan Wangji through a scope. His finger off the trigger, not that it mattered he hadn’t loaded a bullet into the gun. 
Lan Wangji walked down the street, wearing slacks and a button up. His hands hands carefully carrying a case for his guqin. Two highschool students run up to him chirping excitedly despite the fact Lan Wangji maintained a stern expression and did not return the teasing.
Something about this hit smelled fishy. He had always been good at deluding himself. Telling himself stories about what he did until his memories lost clarity but that Lan Wangji was a good man who did not deserve death oddly felt like the truth. 
Lan Wangji had a sincere face. That never stopped Wei Wuxian before. Dozens of “good men” had skeletons in their closets. Lan Wangji, though, did not just look like a good man. The classical musician donated most of his money to charity. The amount of his salary that didn’t to paying for an overly modest lifestyle went to the family business.
A business that was suspiciously clean for its size. 
Wuxian wasn’t here to judge. Except following the clean-cut man with his scope, he wondered who could benefit from killing the second son of Cloud Recesses Inc. 
If someone wanted to tank the Cloud Recesses, it would be better to take out the Lan Xichen, the president, or Lan Qiren, the VP. So this hit had to be personal, most hits were.
Wei Wuxian always looked into his clients. You never wanted to work for someone who would turn tail and cause trouble. Or more idiotically be a rat for the government. Su She was neither of those things. A small-time company head of a shell company for the Jin family. The two had attended the same school for a short people before Su She had transferred out. 
Lowering his gun, he bit his lip.
Maybe he was getting soft if he was overthinking a hit so much? Maybe he should get out of the game before this softness got him killed. It wasn’t like he started killing people because he enjoyed it (not that he could remember why he started in the first place). Returning the deposit wasn’t difficult and he certainly had enough money stashed away to wash his hands clean. 
He never intended to meet Lan Wangji. Strange, he always had a problem recognizing faces but Lan Wangji’s stuck around his head. The phoenix eyes, straight nose, and proud mouth formed a handsome man. In another lifetime, he would have been a scholar with the elegance with which he moved. He should speak similarly, Wei Wuxian thought.
His delusion was shattered when he sat in a cafe, trying to figure out what he would do with his life now that turned a new leaf.
“Wei Ying!” 
He sipped his latte. The liquid went down wrong and he saw who was approaching him. 
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji repeated, pushing through the bustling cafe.
“Excuse me, do we know each other?” he smiled, plastering as much innocent as he could into his expression.
His expression clouded over. Searching for something in Wei Wuxian’s expression, his frown deepened. “Return with me.”
He jerked his head back. His throat still sore from the coughing. “What relationship do we share? Why would I go with you?”
“Baba!” The teenager he had seen with Lan Wangji the other day popped up. If Lan Wangji had a pure face, this teen had an innocent one. “Why did you run…”
His mouth dropped at the sight of Wei Wuxian.
“Return with me.” Lan Wangji repeated, reaching for Wei Wuxian’s hand.
He shifted back.
“You’re alive.” The teen threw himself at Wei Wuxian, giving him no option but to catch him. His embrace was tight and overly familiar but Wei Wuxian reflexively returned it. 
“What is going on?”
The teen shifted around, reluctantly releasing Wei Wuxian. Red rimmed his eyes giving Wei Wuxian the impression this should have been an emotional reunion. His heart squeezed even though his brain drew a blank.
“My surname used to be Wen,” Sizhui said in way of explanation. 
“My birth name is Yuan.”
Biting his lip, Wei Wuxian’s heart tightened more. His brain ran and ran without any connections made. 
His expression grew grave. His mouth trembling; he asked, “Do you recognize me?”
He shook his head slowly. The weight of Sizhui’s disappointment weighed down on his movement. 
“Return with us.” 
Lan Wangji successfully captured his wrist. If not for his confusion, Wei Wuxian could have easily dodged. It was that confusion mixed with curiosity that convinced him to follow the two home. 
Lan Wangji was 100% a second young master. His apartment was not the penthouse but it overlooked the city from above. The open-area was spacious and bright. 
Wei Wuxian sat on a white couch that matched the white walls. The coffee table in front of him was glass and instead of a TV mounted on the wall, there was a series of scrolls filled with calligraphy.
“So, Young Masters why am I here?” He smiled, angling his head to the side. 
Lan Sizhui’s eyes darted between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.
“When I was young, you sheltered my family,” he said, softly. “I remember you used to tell me if I stayed in the sun I would grow to be strong and tall. That if you planted me in the earth, you could grow me friends.”
“That doesn’t sound like me.”
Wei Wuxian had a bad memory but he couldn’t have forgotten rising a child could he? 
“What my relationship with?” He waved his hand in the direction of Lan Wangji.
“Everyone knows the two of you are like water and oil.”
He blinked. Certainly if he had seen a face as handsome as Lan Wangji’s he would have remembered it. 
“Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji stepped closer. His fingers grazed his cheek. “How is your memory so bad?”
“My mother always told me forget what you have—”
Lan Wangji followed along with him. “done for you and only keep in mind what others have done for you.”
“How do you know that?”
“You told me that,” Lan Wangji. Sitting down, he continued, “You left A-Yuan with me and said dangerous people were after you. Then you disappeared.”
Sizhui jumped in. “Jiang Cheng has been searching for you. Everyone thought you died. Where have you been?”
“Um… around.” Something unpleasant grew in his chest. If he had done as they said he had, then had he taken care of the danger yet? Would meeting with now bring the danger back to him.
He stood up. 
Wangji immediately blocked his path. Throwing his arms around Wuxian in the same boggling matter Sizhui had. His embrace was like a dying man holding onto driftwood. 
“I should leave.”
Instead of being released, he was squeezed tighter. His face was forced into the crook of Lan Wangji’s collar. A clean, almost cleansing scent hit his nose. 
“Not allowed to leave.”
“What baba means is you should stay here. It is safe here. We can—”
“I came here to kill you,” he exclaimed, pushing Lan Wangji away. For a musician, he was strangely fit. His broad shoulders were firm against Wei Wuxian’s touch.
“Don’t you understand? Whoever you think I am, whatever connect I have to you, I am not that person anymore. I was hired to kill you.” 
“Young Master do you know how to speak?” He threw his hands in the air. “I am leaving and you have no right to st—”
“I do not care. Stay. Please.”
Somehow those words calmed  Wei Wuxian down. Something in the determination behind in tone broke his protests into shreds.
“That doesn’t change the fact that someone is going to hire someone else to kill you.”
“We can deal with that together, but first we should bring him to the doctor.”
The doctor gave Wei Wuxian a clean bill of health. Stepping out into the hallway, he saw Lan Wangji speaking to a nurse. He quickly found Sizhui and lowered his head.
“Are Lan Wangji and I a couple?”
Sizhui squeaked, drawing Lan Wangji’s attention. 
Covering his mouth, he pointed at Lan Sizhui: “be quiet”.
“No. Actually, no one knew the two of you were close. Uncle Xi and Granduncle Qi were surprised you left me with him or that he keeps trying to find you.”
Wei Wuxian frowned. If we aren’t lovers, why is he so determined to keep me by his side? Why did he lie and say I am his overseas boyfriend?
If they weren’t lovers before, Lan Wangji certainly treated Wei Wuxian like his spouse now. The innocent looking man was quite overbearing, demanding that they share a bed so that Wei Wuxian would not slip away at night. 
He rarely spoke but he always touched Wei Wuxian. A hand always rested on Wei Wuxian’s shoulder, the small of his back, on his waist. 
Wei Wuxian should have been offended after all of the two of them were men of the same stature but it felt nice. After living alone for the last decade or so, isolating himself from others due to his line of work, each subconscious touch was a treat. 
He wanted to be the person deserving of Lan Wangji’s protection or Lan Sizhui’s concern. 
He wasn’t worthy but he wanted to be. 
He couldn’t though until the men threatening Lan Wangji were gone. 
He knew what he had to do.
No one was supposed to be in Jin Guangyao’s office today. This was supposed to be a clean hit. Take out Jin Guangyao and then leave. 
Of course Jin Guangyao would try to escape after all of his crimes were revealed but why did he have Lan Xichen.
So why did Jin Ling suddenly appear and knock into Wei Wuxian?
Why did Xichen break free only for Jin Ling to be captured?
Why did things have to go wrong again?
Lan Xichen stared at Jin Guangyao. His eyes wide at the knife in his hand. The edge pointed at Jin Ling’s throat.
“Why?” his voice trembled.
“Why did I kill Nie Mingjue or why did I order someone to kill your brother?” His voice was proud despite the way the edge of that question quivered.
“I trusted you.”
“What was I supposed to do? The bastard son of a whore.” His mouth twisted. “Nie Mingjue held me under a microscope. Listening to him would have me killed or worse powerless.” 
“And your brother, if I knew he loved Wei Wuxian I would have made his disappearance better, so your family would have not suffered,” he sighed. “But I didn’t and he keep digging and digging and digging. He just got too close to the truth.”
“Uncle, it hurts.” Where Jin Guangyao’s knuckles met Jing Ling’s shoulder, it was white.
“Where is Lan Wangji anyway?” 
“Why are you asking me?”
Jin Guangyao cocked a brow. 
“I didn’t tell him I was coming here.”
“I see. I am going to leave now.”
“He’s your nephew.” Xichen shouted.
“I know. As long as everyone behaves, I’ll release him when I get out of the building.”
He edged to the door, forcing Jin Ling to open it. Before he stepped outside, a large vase came down on his head. Jin Guangyao hit the ground with a thud.
Lan Wangji rushed in followed by Jiang Cheng and Nie Huangsang. Gathering Wei Wuxian up in his arms, he clung to Wei Wuxian.
All the words that he resisted sharing before spilled from his lips. “Lan Zhan, I want to share a bed with you. I want to wake up in the morning to your meals. I love you. I love you.”
Lan Wangji froze. 
“I want to share a bed with you. I want to make your meals. I love you.” He repeated. 
Wei Wuxian’s memories slowly returned after Jin Guangyao’s arrest in bursts and lurches. All the times he teased Lan Zhan growing up. All the times he childish tried to draw the handsome man’s, then boy, attention. All the ways Lan Zhan seems unapproachable that made him want to approach even more. 
He also knew why he forgot. It made it easier to hunt down the people who wanted to harm A-Yuan if he tricked himself into believing he was an assassin rather than a rowdy second young master of the Jiang family. 
He repeated the lie so many times he must have hypnotized himself. He buried his memories of his adopted family deep along with his memories of being a spoiled brat. 
Turning his memories over now, he saw what his arrognant younger self did not. Lan Zhan paid him too much attention and he chased Lan Zhan unreasonably for two people who were like water and oil. They must have always been attracted to another but young to realize it. 
If it took looking at Lan Zhan like a stranger to realize the affection they had for another… it wasn’t that Wei Wuxian was grateful. It was a more complicated feeling than that. 
If he had realized he loved Lan Zhan sooner, he would have still given him A-Yuan. He would have ran and killed everyone that tried to wipe out all of the Wen family. As immoral as the majority of that family, the survivors were innocent and he had a debt to them to repay. 
He had Lan Zhan now and A-Yuan and the three of them formed a family he never thought he would have. He wasn’t worthy of Lan Zhan’s devotion but if he did no other good deed in his life, he would always try to be. 
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Time Together
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Summary: Whilst you’re away on a girls only weekend, Eisuke is forced to take care of his 5 year old son.
Genre: Angst 
 “Are you sure you can handle him on your own?” Your voice was filled with worry as you stroked your little boy’s head, holding him against your chest tightly not wanting to let him go. You were gonna miss your baby while you were away with Sakiko and Chisato for a girls weekend. But you had all confidence in Eisuke to step up and take care of little Eito on his own, although your stomach did pang with worry every time you thought of the two of them alone, you just didn’t want Eisuke to expect Eito to be able to do things that 5-year olds can’t do.
“We’ll be fine.” He rolled his eyes, tugging Eito from my grip into his own. “Do you not know who I am? I can take care of a small person just fine!” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at Eito’s wide eyes staring up at his father in curiosity before giving him a unsure smile which Eisuke returned with a lopsided smile. You stifled a laugh with your hand and leaned over, giving Eisuke a peck on the cheek before giving Eito an identical one. “Have fun…not too much fun but enough okay?”
“Okay, see you in 2 days! If you need anything call Soryu, Kishi, or…well…anyone, but don’t let Baba or Ota get their mitts on my child!” Eisuke isn’t incapable of looking after Eito, but since his birth he’d been busy with his business still and hasn’t been around his son as much as you have. You had taken on the hard part of parenting, like dealing with a crying baby at 4am, or the teething when he’d cry a lot, or changing dirty nappies. Eisuke had only dealt with those situations a few times, which had led his and Eito’s relationship to not be as close as you and Eito.
“Bye mummy!” Eito gave you a sad smile, not wanting you to leave him for so long. You tried not to pay attention to it, knowing if he asked you to stay then you would, you didn’t like seeing him upset. Grabbing your bags and giving your son a little wave, you made your exit, leaving the two on their own. Eisuke looked down at Eito again and rolled his eyes.
“Pfft like that’s gonna happen. Call someone else…ha.” He mumbled to himself, letting go of Eito as he walked over to the sofa. He set himself down and picked up the still hot mug of coffee you had made for him before you left. Eito followed him, standing in front of the sofa and staring at his father. Eisuke caught on to the child’s staring and raised an eyebrow in question. “What...?”
“I’m bored.” A pout formed on the small boys’ face as he let his eyebrows pull together.
“Okay…” His father mirrored his eyebrows. “Why don’t you go play with…erm…what do you play with?”
“Mummy…” Eito looked down as he answered his dad’s question. Eisuke raised his eyebrows in surprise, opening his mouth to speak but not knowing the words to say, especially when his son started to let out soft sobs.
“Hey don’t cry! Erm…we can…er…” He stuttered, doing a fish impression as he was lost for words. “Go get some toys and we’ll play okay?” Eito’s face shot up quickly, his wet cheeks glistening under the lights of the living room as his face broke out into a smile.
“Okay!” He ran upstairs as fast as his little legs would carry him, returning in less than a minute with an armful full of toy cars and some plushie dinosaurs. “You can have these ones!” He grinned widely, sitting down on the floor and holding out a t-rex and a jeep to his father. Eisuke took them and smiled, sitting down on the floor with Eito.  He felt awkward suddenly, not knowing what to do with he toys. Eito caught on quickly to his father’s hesitance and immediately made up a scenario for the both of them, leading the playing for them both. They played together for about half an hour before Eisukes phone blared out its ringtone. He sprung up off of the floor quickly and answered, leaving the room and leaving Eito on his own.
An hour later and Eisuke was still confined in his office, on the phone to a different person and taking on a big work loaf. Eito sat on the floor and let out a sigh, deciding that now he’s bored and hungry, his impatience which he inherited from his father now blossoming and making the boy frown. He adventured upstairs to his dad office, pushing open the door and hiding half behind it as he set his eyes on Eisuke.
“Daddy…daddy…” He whispered, not wanting to be rude whilst Eisuke spoke on the phone, having been brought up by you to be a polite young man. “Daddy!” He squeaked louder, trying to get his dad’s attention.
“Not now Eito.” Eisuke grunted in reply, going back to typing on his computer as he also spoke on the phone.
“But I’m hung-“
“NOT NOW.” Eisuke snapped, clearly frustrated by the work. Eito flinched in shock, his eyes filling with tears from being shouted at by his father. Eisuke didn’t notice his sons upset as he ran from the room, going back to speaking on the phone. Eito bolted down the stairs, looking around for options of what to do. Finally deciding on one, he ran out of the front door, out into the hallway. Thoughts ran through his head about who he should go to, his mind picking his uncle Baba.
“Uncle Baba!” His little fists banged on Baba’s door, his tears still trailing down his cheeks when the door opened.
“What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?!” Baba’s eyes widened, pulling the small child into his room. “Where’s your parents?”
“M-mummy is away an-and daddy sh-shouted at me…” Eito’s bottom lip quivered, he sucked in a breath and let his eyebrows harden into a frown. “Daddy is mean!” He snapped, stomping his foot. “I want mummy to come home!” The tears had stopped falling, his upset replaced by anger, an emotion he doesn’t get to feel often.
“Woah woah woah calm down buddy.” Baba rubbed Eito’s back trying to calm the steaming boy down. “Did you leave without telling your dad where you went?”
Eito nodded, pouting and looking down at his feet. “I don’t want to go back home yet. I’m hungry.”
Two hours later, Eisuke came down from his office, letting out a sigh of relief at the business deal he just managed to make. He completely forgot about Eito being down here on his own and widened his eyes when he saw the toys discarded on the floor. “Shit…Eito!!” He called out, rushing around the entire place to try and find his son, before realisation dawned on him that Eito was no longer in the penthouse suite. “Oh god…Y/N is gonna kill me.” He snatched his phone out of his pocket, ready to phone all the bidders as he ran from the penthouse. “EITO!!!” His phone started to buzz in his hand, the ringtone going off in tandem.
“Y/N baby hey what’s up? Are you having fun?” He spoke quickly as he answered the phone, not wanting you to hear the worry and panic in his voice. The longer he could keep you from knowing that he has no idea where your child is, the better.
“Eisuke Ichinomiya.” Your voice was hard, signifying to him hat you already knew about this situation. “I told you not to let Baba get his mitts on my child, and where is Eito currently?! He’s with Baba.” You frowned, tapping your foot against the floor of your hotel suite, waiting for your husbands reply. You had received a phone call from Eito who had wanted to hear your voice and to make sure you were okay. Your heart melted hearing your son worry about you, especially when he had no reason to. Until Eito dropped the bomb that he was currently sitting on Baba’s sofa, eating popcorn and watching cartoons. It’s then that it hit you that Eito had phoned from Baba’s phone and you hadn’t noticed before, too overwhelmed from hearing your baby’s voice.
“Baba has him?” Eisuke replied, immediately knowing he said the wrong thing when he heard a gasp from the other end of the receiver.  
“You didn’t know where your own son was?! I’ve been gone three and a half hours and you’ve already lost him!!!” Eisuke was left for words at your harsh tone, not knowing the right words to put this situation right for himself. “Go and get our son and take care of him properly. So far Baba is doing a better job and he isn’t even his father! And he was on the list of people who weren’t allowed to look after him!” You spoke all in one breath, taking a deep mouthful, ready to go off again. “Maybe it should be the other way around. Baba can have him, and you can’t.” Those final words took a blow to Eisuke, his eyebrows pulling tight in a scowl.
“I’m not the one who went swanning off for the weekend and left him alone.” He retorted, that being his only viable come back since he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He knew he should have kept a better watch on his son and that this was his fault. His words made your blood boil, you didn’t want to argue with him, but that was the final straw.
“Oh but you are the one who hasn’t been in your sons life as much as people who aren’t even related to him have been. Soryu was with me more than you for the first year of that boys’ life. I never told you before because I knew it would hurt you, but he used to think Soryu was his dad. I’m only telling you now, so you can realise how strained your relationship with your own son is.” You took a deep breath, tearing brimming in your eyes at the memories of raising your baby with little help from Eisuke. “You were too interested in making your sure your business grew to bother about your flesh and blood growing. I never got the breaks from parenting like you did, so I’m sorry for having two days off.” Your voice was laced heavily with sarcasm as your spoke your final piece. Eisukes’ heart was aching, hearing the pain in your voice and letting your harsh words sink in to become reality to him.
“I didn’t mean that baby I’m sorry.” His voice came out soft and defeated, he shook his head in disappointment at his own actions. “I promise you from now on I’ll be a bigger part of his life, I didn’t realise that I was being do distant.” He bit his bottom lip, walking to Baba’s suite. “I’m gonna try harder. I love you so much. I’m sorry this happened and disturbed your time away.”
You let out a sigh, wiping your eyes and wiping the residue of tears away on your skirt. “Okay, I believe you. I love you too.” You hung up without waiting for a reply, letting Eisuke deal with the consequences.
You can find the rest of my works here 
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tres-spades-hotel · 7 years
A Wife’s Duty - Eisuke Ichinomiya - Part 3: Bullet Wound
By the way, I’m making ‘A Wife’s Duty’ into a real, proper series. I have many ideas for the plot that I think you all will enjoy. And I’m sorry for not updating, I’ve had many exams and revision to do. Hope you enjoy!
Plot: Eisuke mysteriously becomes involved in a serious car accident. While he remains unconscious, Vivian tries to track down the person responsible for hurting her husband. As the bidders try to solve the main problem, many new problems arise and Vivian experiences what it is really like to be a billionaire’s wife. During hard times, Vivian finds that the best place to feel safe is the presence of her love. But if her enemies can’t make her crumble, who can?
Characters: Vivian Ichinomiya (MC); Eisuke Ichinomiya; Soryu Oh; Mitsunari Baba; Ota Kisaki; Mamoru Kishi; Luke Foster; Shuichi Hishikura; Hikaru Aihara
Episodes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Some loud voices come from the living room so I head there quickly. In there, I see my two nephews and niece. Eizo, Ekiken and Eiko.
“Auntie Vivian!”
Except for Eizo, the other two ran into me and hugged the life out of me. When I looked at Eizo, he had a shy look on his face but came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. His head laid on my back while Ekiken and Eiko hugged me from the front. I was surrounded by their warmth, something I haven’t felt for a few months now.
The three siblings are Yukari’s children, and they adore their Uncle Eisuke very much. Well, at least Ekiken and Eiko do. Eizo seems to butt heads with Eisuke all the time but they see eye to eye when it comes to Yukari. They seem to love me as much as they love Yukari, which sometimes makes me want to have children, like Yukari.
Eizo is the eldest son. He is dominant, rude, competitive and a natural leader but despite this, he is very loving, in his own little way, to his siblings and parents.
Ekiken is the second son, a year older than Eiko. Ekiken is quite the opposite of Eizo. He is a bit like Yukari: friendly, caring, and loving, he goes with the flow in any situation. But Ekiken is highly efficient and will get the work done, no matter what it is.
Eiko is Yukari’s third child, her first daughter. She is so loving and a definite favourite in the family since Eisuke, Eizo and Ekiken spoil her so much. But Yukari has been able to give her some moral guidance too. Eiko is our little queen who wants everything in the world, and of course, that’s not impossible with Eisuke around.
“What are you all doing here? When did you all get here?” I ask.
We sit down on the expensive white couches.
“We just arrived in England, auntie,” Eiko says.
“We heard. About Uncle Eisuke.” Eizo looks away from me as he says this, instead, putting his attention to outside the window.
“Oh. I see.”
“Where is he?” Ekiken asks. I take them into our bedroom, where Eisuke lays unmoving, except for this chest which moves up and down slowly.
Things become slightly sentimental as they each find it hard to say something. Eiko holds Eisuke’s hand while Eizo and Ekiken stand by the side of the bed.
“He’s been like this for a while now. Doctors don’t even know when he’ll wake up.”
“How are you coping with all this Auntie Vivian?” Ekiken asks me, with a small voice.
“Eisuke’s still alive. That’s enough for me. But it would be better if he woke up.” I reply, gazing at Eisuke’s form.
After a few minutes, we leave. I found out that the kids were worried about their uncle. Yukari has no idea but it’s best that it stays that way. Not until I get my hands on the one who did this to Eisuke in the first place.
I tell the kids as much as they want to hear, leaving out small details about the auctions and where I got my information from.
“So they’ll be coming here?”
“Yes. The plan’s all set.”
Suddenly my phone goes off. Soryu seems to be calling me.
“What is it?”
“They’re requesting to see you in person.”
I stood up slowly.
“Who?” I ask in a small voice.
“The directors of Hideaki. They want to see you in the lobby.”
What could they possibly want? And to see me in the lobby? I need to be cautious.
“Alright. I’m on my way.” I hang up the phone and turn to Eizo.
“Eizo, they want to see me in person. In the lobby. You three can stay up here with Eisuke if you wish.”
“No. We’re coming too,” Eiko demands.
I sigh. “Fine, just let me handle it. Don’t unnecessarily say anything that will agitate them.” They all nod and follow me down to the lobby.
As we get out of the penthouse elevator, we see a man standing impatiently from down below.
When my foot stepped onto the polished lobby floor, the man said: “Where is the cloth?”
“Oh, it should be somewhere around. Why don’t you go look for it?”
“Shut up. I bought it. So give it to me.”
“Hm. I’ll give it you, but only when you answer my question.”
He looked slightly agitated but kept quiet.
“A car accident. Down in Brighton. What do you know about it?”
The man strangely looked confused by my question.
“Well… why do you need to know anyway? Give me the cloth.”
“Fine, if you can’t answer that question, answer this one: why are you trying to kill my husband?”
“Who is your husband?” He said.
“What?” I asked. If he doesn’t who Eisuke is, then that means-
The director suddenly pulls out a gun from the inside of his jacket and points it straight at my head.
“Stay back. It’s fine.” I said confidently.
He smirks at me and pulls his finger on the trigger slowly. Everything seems to happen at once. Another gunshot was heard from further away at the director’s leg. As he falls to his knees, he pulls the trigger. But it wasn’t me who took the bullet.
The only thing I could see was Eisuke’s back, his white pinstripe shirt stained with blood on his lower left back. He fell backwards into my arms. Eiko put his head on her lap, while Eizo and Ekiken rushed to his side.
I was on the other side of him. I placed the palm of my hand onto his wound, slightly pushing onto it to try to stop the bleeding. I could see the pain in his eyes but his lips curved into a thin smile as Eisuke looks up at me.
“Eisuke, please. We’re… we’re going to get you help. Where’s Luke?!” I started to panic. I turned my head to see Soryu and Mamoru take away the director of Hideaki.
“Eisuke, Eisuke why? Why did you…”
He squeezes my hand and says “We’re meant to protect each other, remember?”
Tears fell from my eyes as I cup his face with my hands.
“Y-you c-can’t leave me. I-I won’t allow you too! You don’t have a choice in the matter!” I tried to sound like Eisuke but it just caused me to break down even more.
“You’re so reckless! I’m nothing without you!” I couldn’t stop the sadness from taking over my body.
“Usually you think carefully, but now? What about now?”
“I started running even before I knew what I was doing. I woke up… with a terrible feeling that something would happen to you. And I prevented it from happening.”
“By taking it on yourself?!” My head fell onto his chest and I sobbed.
“It was so hard when you got into a car accident. But now? This may be even worse!” Then I realised that Eisuke was still alive, somehow, and I could finally hear his voice.
Baba and Ota suddenly turn up with Luke.
“Vivian, get a hold of yourself. Eisuke will be fine.” Baba said, helping me up. Luke took a look at Eisuke, but Eisuke suddenly blacked out. His eyes closed.
“Who shot him?” I asked.
As Eisuke and Luke are in the bedroom, I question what had happened in the lobby. We had to control the people from the IVC and the staff. Most people didn’t hear the shots fired. Eizo, Ekiken and Eiko volunteered to control the crowd as we took Eisuke away.
“I did,” Soryu said.
“The director?” Baba asked.
“Yes, but when I interrogated him, he pulled off a well-made mask.”
“A mask?” Ota asked.
“So that wasn’t the director?” I said.
“Yes, he said he was paid to kill you, Vivian. I’ve locked him up for now. What should I do with him?”
I thought for a moment.
“Has he got any other information?”
“No. That’s all he knows.”
“Get rid of him.”
“Vivian’s getting scarier by the second,” Ota said. I glared at him and he yelled, hiding behind Baba.
“Don’t hide behind me! She’ll kill me instead!”
“That’s the whole point.”
“It’s understandable though. Your anger is justified since your husband was shot right in front of you.” Shuichi said.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Somehow, it’s like back in Dubai. Do you remember?” Shuichi stated.
I thought back to when Eisuke was stabbed, trying to protect me, by that man in a mask, who was paid to do it. When the knife was heading straight for him anyway, Eisuke had still let himself take the blow to save me. Although, back then, the man wore a physical mask, something different. This time, the man wore a real looking mask, which duplicated the director himself.
I was slightly reckless and bold back then, but now I need to be far more cunning than just letting myself be ‘bait’.
I sighed, “It was such a twist of fate. For all of us.”
“We should look into that incident. I mean, the man was never caught.” Mamoru said, lying on the couch.
“Yes, we should. But where do we start is the question. This man carefully stayed out of the picture while all of this was happening.” I replied.
“Only Eisuke really knows the truth, isn’t that right?” Soryu said.
I looked at Soryu but before I could say anything else, Luke came out of the bedroom.
“How is he?” I asked.
“I was able to stop the bleeding and I took out the bullet. He won’t be able to do too much, so make sure that he doesn’t put too much pressure on his body. Vivian, make sure to re-bandage Eisuke every 6-8 hours.”
I nodded and went upstairs. As I opened the door, I saw Eisuke looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought.
“Eisuke?” I sat down on the side of the bed, taking his hand into my own.
He turned his head to me and said: “I’m sorry.”
I stayed quiet and let him speak.
“I… shouldn’t have gone to Brighton. To that meeting. If I had stayed like you said, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
“It’s okay. We can’t do anything about it now.” He pouted in response.
I smile and placed my hand on his bandaged torso.
“Does it hurt?”
“Of course it does. But I feel much better than when I did a few hours ago.”
I walked around the bed, to the other side, and lay next to Eisuke. I rested my head on his shoulder and let my hand rest on his chest.
“How did you wake up? You mentioned downstairs that you woke up with a bad feeling. But how?”
“Do you want the truth?”
I looked up at Eisuke.
“I really don’t know. All I remember is feeling your touch and presence leaving the room. I thought something bad happened. Or was going to happen. My head was splitting but I couldn’t care less about the pain because you weren’t with me.”
I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, taking all of his warmth selfishly for myself. 
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