#your community can't make a decent fucking sidewalk for wheelchair users
d--t · 3 years
I almost added onto a post but you know what Imma be incoherent on my own post
I am once again asking you to consider physical infrastructure and why we need government, or at least an overseeing organization before you go off and make your anarchist-mutual-aid-utopia-commune.
We need government because there are people who think that this
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is an acceptable way to hold up a house. What you’re looking at is two 2x4 beams supporting the floor joists for a two story section of house. The 2x4s are braced on a windowsill and a bit of broken foundation and are not secured in any way.
I should not have to explain that this is not how houses are supposed to be held up.
The building codes we have now were bought with a century or two of buildings falling down and killing people. It is actually important to observe building codes, and it is also important to have a body to oversee the building codes and send someone around to make sure that they’re being followed.
I am fully aware that the current implementations are biased could use a lot of improvement especially in the realm of doing things about reported problems. But step 1 is making sure that things are built well to start with. (With less capitalism, step 1 would be a lot easier and prevent disasters like grenfell.)
Without basic oversight, there are people out there who really think that this in an acceptable way to build a house.
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(The other side of it is worse I just can’t get the picture off of my phone.)
(6/17/21 edit: got the pictures off of my phone)
I want fully automated luxury space communism as much as the next guy. But I also want building codes because people will cut every corner and pass it off as fine. They won’t do it maliciously: this person was building their own house, the people who shorted the cladding on grenfell were trying to stick to the construction schedule. Grenfell wouldn’t have been as bad if the tower had been up to code.
I’m just begging you all to realize that people are gonna people. They’re gonna do stupid shit that gets people killed for no reason other than “it’s probably gonna be fine”. We can learn from past mistakes but instead of everybody having to analyze every disaster for what went wrong every time we wanna put up a building, we can just have building codes, yanno? And an ideal government can make sure that everyone has to follow the same building codes.
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