#your daily dose of everyone's favorite pixelated pretty boys and girls
spectre-does-stuff · 1 year
SDV sexuality + pronoun HCs because its 2am and I have somewhere to be in 6 hours but whats important than gay video game characters
I mean... They're all fruity in canon so... For spice I've decided to do this:
Alex: questioning. He never thought he liked boys... Till he met (male) farmer. Suddenly, all the thoughts he'd dismissed as jealousy over looks, appearance, whatever, might have been something a bit more. He doesn't know much about the queer community, but after meeting farmer, he's pretty sure he's a part of it. He/him
Elliott: Pomoromantic; aceflux. I feel like he's too fluid to want to label zer romantic orientation, but rejects the term queer due to an aesthetic preference. They don't experience sexual attraction usually but will on occasion, thus, aceflux. He/they/ze
Harvey: bisexual; receiptosexual. He just doesn't feel any kind of sexual attraction until they know it's reciprocated. He/they
Sam: Panromantic, cassexual. He feels what he feels, usually he just goes shrug emoji to the idea of sex. He/him
Sebastian: Omnisexual. He has a distinct preference for male/masc aligned genders, but still feels attraction to all, just in different ways. He/xe (also i still think xe're transmasc)
Shane: bi, asexual. He doesn't want to fuck, he's never wanted to fuck, he doesn't feel the need to fuck. He/him
Abigail: di-pan. Xeir gender identity as nonbinary is central to their attraction, and thus she experiences it in a diamoric way. They/she/zem
Emily: lesbian and demisexual. I just don't think they like boys, fuck the canon. They/it/zer
Haley: bi and proud of it. She probably has a pride flag somewhere on her room. She/her
Leah: queer and greysexual. Like Elliott, I feel like they're too fluid to label themself but she prefers queer over pomo. They/she/he
Maru: multisexual. She doesn't really know which label under that umbrella term she falls under, so she just says multisexual. She/her
Penny: sapphic. Don't really think she knows how she feels about boys, and she's anxious about mislabeling herself, so she sticks with sapphic. She/her
Krobus: aro/ace, agender. We got ourselves a triple A-battery! It's commonly accepted that krobus is aro/ace (I think), but I'd like to add another A. Since gender is sort of a human social construct, I don't think krobus would really have one, making him agender. He/they
This is, of course, all lighthearted, and meant in good fun. Much love to my fellow homos <3 love y'all. Also, in the future when I write about them, I'll continue to use the pronouns from canon to avoid confusion, and just for my own ease
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