#your family wants a wedding but it's a shame we cantaloupe
readingatdawn7 · 2 years
I want to propose to a future partner with this as a poster.
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An image of a full honeydew melon with a slice in front of it on a white background, with "Honeydew you wanna get married?" in blue text overtop of it.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Summer Heat
Summary: in which the reader and her husband Andy go for a nice bike ride amidst the summer heat.
I’m making this a headcanon (My 1st at that) bc I have zero inspo atm
yeah, there is a shameful self-promotion in here if you see it. 
kinda unedited, so plz pardon any mistakes
Labor Day was right around the corner, signaling the ending of summer. Soon you’d be going back to work and now was the only time you could spend with your husband.
The weather was an enjoyable 70 degrees, perfect for a bike ride. One that Andy had suggested last night over dinner. 
“And tomorrow’s high will be 73 degrees, ideal weather folks!” The meteorologist then tuned off for a commercial break as you turned your attention from the tv to Andy. You could see the gears sharply turning in his head, pensive, as he mindlessly picked at the chicken. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ about babe?” Reaching across the table you lightly tapped Andy’s resting hand, his head popping up from his daydream.
“Huh? Oh!” Your words replayed in his head as he hadn’t heard them in the first place. “We should go for a bike ride tomorrow. Ya know before work starts, just you and me.” 
Andy looked up to you and held your hand that was once gently laying on his. A winsome smile stretched across his face. 
“Sounds like a plan, bestie.” Happy with your answer, Andy resumed his dinner, you getting up for some salad. 
For the bike ride, you wore some light denim shorts and a simple cantaloupe colored t-shirt, Andy wearing a red short-sleeve button down and grey shorts. 
While Andy removed the bikes from the racks in the garage, you situated two water bottles and both of your wallets and cell phones. 
Upon entering the garage, you stopped dead in your tracks to see Andy lifting your cruiser bicycle off of the rack, his shirt practically hermetically sealed around his arms, the buttons struggling to hold on. Once your bike was down, he went to grab his own, watching you out of the corner of his eye, making sure his movements were slow. 
The two of you always goofed around, whether that be making jokes or just teasing each other. 
“Muscle, baby, muscle.” Walking by, you dropped Andy’s water bottle into the holder, then tapping on his biceps as he laughed deep within his gut. Before you could walk away, his arms caught your waist, spun you around and pressed a short yet sweet kiss to your lips. 
Once the two of you had your things together, Andy closed the garage while you pulled out your phone, playing a Spotify playlist that you shared with your husband, a hodgepodge of many songs. 
Starting out on the street in your neighborhood, you realized there wasn't a plan for the day.
“Hey ‘Drew, where are we going exactly?”
The two of you rode side by side, making it much easier to communicate and keep track of the other. 
“Into town! I was thinking, ice cream!” A devious grin grew onto his face. Andy knew you wouldn’t say no and that’s exactly what happened. 
Turning out of your neighborhood and onto the sidewalk, your phone suddenly switching from “Don’t Stop Believing” to “Wannabe.” 
Visibly you cringed and shook your head, about to change the song suddenly noticing Andy... attempting to dance while biking, singing along to the words.
“C’mon babe! Sing along!” You laughed at your husband’s puerility. 
Ever the ham, Andy was doing this to embarrass you, to which your giggles would most definitely erupt. Your nervous habit. 
The man really didn’t care if any of yours or his friends drove by, you were his wife, someone he could be a total goober around. 
Finally you caved in and joined him.
“If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give.”
Eventually after a couple of nostalgic songs, you both made it into town and at the ice cream parlor. 
A bike rack was cemented out front of the shop, convenient for you and Andy to lock the bikes up there. 
Walking into the ice cream parlor, you both were met with a rush of cold air, or maybe it was just cold because you had been biking for quite some time now. 
“Hello.. Oh! Hi! Mr. & Mrs. Barber what can I get you?” The young girl’s personality lit up once she saw your faces. Everyone in the town of Newton pretty much knew who your husband was, also making you just as known. 
Returning a friendly smile to the girl, you ordered three scoops of mint chip, your’s and Andy’s favorite ever since college. (As mentioned here hehe) 
Taking two spoons, you sat at the table where Andy happily eyed the stack of ice cream sitting in the bowl in front of him. Handing him the spoon, you giggled as he immediately dug into the mint chip, looking at you utterly confused.
Mouthful of ice cream your man-child answered…
Some ice cream dripped down his bearded chin and you quickly reached for the napkin, dabbing his chin and dramatically sighing. 
“Why have a child when I have to take care of you?” 
Removing your hand from his face, Andy just shrugged his shoulders going back to mining through the ice cream scoops. 
Exiting the parlor, stomachs full, your arm was wrapped in Andy’s as you strolled to the bikes. Just as Andy was about to unlatch the bikes, you stopped him. 
Looking across the street you pointed to the little dress shop, the displays in the window shining from the afternoon sun.
“I need a dress for that charity dinner, that may I remind you, is the one you are dragging me to!” 
Andy’s work was hosting a gala for an extension on one of the buildings. 
You didn’t want to go, but your husband had to be there. Of course he didn’t want to show up either, yet he’d rather suffer with you and your jocular complaining, there to entertain him. 
Compliant with your request, you both crossed the street and entered the boutique, many rows of handmade dresses lining the aisles. 
Andy picked out two dresses while you already had two of your own in hand. Gladly, you took his picks and headed straight for the dressing room, a bench in front of it so you could showcase. 
The first dress was a dusty rose, A-Line, asymmetrical chiffon evening dress. It’s three-quarter sleeves, stopped directly at the elbow, perfect for the upcoming fall weather. 
The party was the first week of October but you wanted to get this shopping over with now. 
The second dress, Andy had picked out. A burgundy floor length gown, tank sleeves and a v-neck that was stunning. Along the left leg, a slit that ran up to your knee, presenting your legs and your future choice of heels. 
When showing that dress to Andy he looked up from his phone, absolutely stunned. You were always able to take away his breath, as cheesy as it sounds. 
The third dress, a navy blue maxi dress. Long lace sleeves that were surprisingly comfortable. 
And finally, the fourth dress. A grey cold shoulder midi dress, with some lace on the chest. 
All of the dresses Andy loved, which really didn’t help. You specifically brought him along for his opinion. 
So maybe you were a little indecisive on your own… 
After a few minutes of debating, you received an answer.
“I love the burgundy one.” 
And you agreed with him. 
At the counter, Andy fought you to buy the dress to which you stubbornly replied that you’d buy it yourself. 
It was a running game in your marriage. The two of you would always “fight” over who would pay. 
“Just save us from the knock-down drag-out and let me pay!” 
You both were really too good for each other, but in the best way possible. 
The lady at the shop had politely offered to hold the dress so you could come back and get it tailored tomorrow. Very helpful since you only had bicycles as the chosen mode of transportation.
By the time you had finished dress shopping, it was already time for dinner, the ice cream dissipating and no longer able to quench your hunger. 
The bicycles were still latched to the rack as you and Andy sat on the bench beside it.
“You hungry?” You nodded and Andy pulled out his phone looking for places to eat, you doing the same. 
Ten minutes later, Andy had found a pizza parlor about 3 miles away, an easy bike ride for you both. 
The pizza parlor chosen was your typical family-run restaurant, simple yet delicious food. 
After being seated, the two of you were starving, so hungry that when the waiter came for drink orders, you also put in the pizza order. 
For the twenty minutes that ensued, you and Andy shared a basket of bread, making conversation about work and such. 
When the pizza showed up on the table, it was like a saint had arrived. Your empty stomachs figuratively thanked you both at the first bite of pizza. 
Like ravenous animals, you both scarfed down at least two slices in a matter of minutes. Pausing, Andy looked at you and you did the same. 
Setting the pizza down, the two of you just started laughing at your messy guzzling, pizza sauce on both of your faces. 
The people around you were probably confused at your sudden outbursts. Then again who cares? 
Once again, you wiped Andy’s face, him doing the same to you. As you wiped the sauce from his beard, Andy caught your hand and kissed your wedding ring.
“You truly are my best friend, (y/n). I don’t deserve you.” 
Andy was most certainly your best friend and you his. 
Eeekkk im literally screaming. I looove andy. Sorry for the crappy writing, yet thanks for sticking through it.
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