#your local bg guy backs down from doing bgs - RIP
parisoonic · 1 year
Draw some..likeuh..could u do a Classic Heavy trying to flirt or idk smth with medic?but medic is still very attached to the heavy and and IDK DRAMA SPICY-
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Thank you so much!!!! Sorry I didn't really have a great idea for this or anything funny/angsty to dish but hopefully it scratches an itch :) i imagine medic insufferably talks nonstop about his boyfriend ex-colleague so unfortunately cheavy is beating a dead horse
I've been wanted to do a study of the comic style for a while and this seemed a good opportunity as any! 'More' lineart really scares me as I like really clean calligraphic reduced styles but being a little more indulgent with line is cool too i guess.
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aadhiskanmani · 5 years
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As the title suggests this is my movie rec list.These are the films across industries and  stuff i feel needs more recognition and love. It is all a mixed Bag, Mixed Genres, Mixed reasons to suggest them right from the quality to acting to cinematography to story etc.. to critical acclaim Etc you get the picture. Now not all of them are like Blockbusters or like wah wah highly acclaimed though majority are but still i feel more people need to see them so do give a try. I love these films and i am proud of them so here it goes in no particular order.
p.s These are more recent films say last 2,3 yrs and the list doesn’t include films that are still in theatre like Uyaare, super deluxe,athrian,lucifer  etc 
Template is as follows the Titles include links with subs. Now they are msotly links for well known streaming giants so should not be an issue with majority but i will try to find and add alternate links too. Also will be adding lil synopsis detail of film and then in italics what i thought of it and why one should watch it just random thoughts kind of thing. we will see how far this will go because i have 30 titles approx to add LOL so i will have to break this post in parts and i might get lazy and forget to add my thoughts. we will see LOL
So Let’s Begin :)))
Part 1:( will break it in 10′s caz otherwise it is too much to post in one post )
Vikram Vedha |Tam | *R.Madhavan,Vijay Sethupathi:   Police officer Vikram is on the hunt to capture Vedha, a gangster. But when Vedha voluntarily surrenders himself, it challenges Vikram's perception of good and evil. [you should watch this one for it’s smart writing, superb characterization and wonderful performances, the intrigue factor keeps you hooked till the end and Not a trace of Maddy and Vijay in the Cgaracters of vikram and vedha they are truly those characters., Also i heard this one is in the process of getting remade in bollywood so watch it before it is ruined forever. IYKWIM... i will leave it at that because this isn’t the post for details on remake hehe
Geetha Govindham|Tel| *Vijay Devrakonda, Rashmika Mandanna: (the drive link will not open in the app from phones, use a PC):  A 25-year-old virgin searches for love. Super cute rom com and a feel good film. Music is really nice and basically a laugh riot or well i laughed a lot lol. 
Vada Chennai |Tam| *Dhanush,  Andrea Jeremiah,Aishwariya Rajesh |alt link |  A proficient carrom player sets foot in the world of crime and joins forces with local gangsters to settle their feuds. However, he decides to take them down when they plan to wipe out his locality. A perfect beginning to the triology,Truly enthralling, Truly an epic Gangster drama, it is built layer by layer and sucks you into the world of anbu and company right away. Dhanush is in his best form and andrea in her grey character is also surprsingly good. this gangster drama i actually loved like anything and this genre is really not something i enjoy mostly it has to be really good for me to enjoy it 
Njan Prakashan |Mal| *Fahadh Faasil,Sreenivasan |alt link|  Prakashan aka PR Akash is a typical Malayali man who aspires to lead a luxurious life without too much effort. As he tries to achieve this aim, a few insignificant figures walks into his life.
holds up a mirror to Society, simple,cynical, skeptical, thoroughly entertaining and teh one that makes you smile, also Fahadh plays the role of the guy we love to hate and then love so perfectly. but hey that is hardly a surprise i mean when is he not Excellent?.
Sairat| Marathi|* Rinku Rajguru, akash Thosar: {on netflix as well} Upper class Archie falls in love with a lower caste son of a fisherman, Parshya. Watch this one for it’s realistic approach and rawness. this one deals with a wide range of themes right from class system to the struggles of a young couple when they try to settle into a daily life to more dark themes such as honor killings but an epic film. it is so hard to explain in words how good it is and why one must watch this one. Just the honesty the passion of filmmaker shines + the music. one big thing about this film was how normal looking everyone  was they had realistic locations average looking cast but MAN THIS one makes you smile, laugh,cry, be sad, feel the pain like anything .the usp is the innocence of leads and the love story is so endearing Unfortunately this is also the original of dhadhak which isn’t even a speck of dust in terms of quality and basically rips everything that made sairat what it is from it and is a glossy totally non practical remake and devoid of any emotions + with terrible casting Loll.  Also this is my only Marathi entry on this list.
Ente Ummante Peru |Mal| Tovino thomas,Urvashi:| Alt link  The life and journey of Hameed to find his biological mother and how his life changes when Aisha comes into his life. Just Heartwarming would be my comment on it. this is again something one has to watch and experience to know why this one made it to the list. it is hilarious at times yet has some very tender moments. Tovino is a sweetheart as hameed and aisha amma is Lovesuper lovable and warm. this one just kinda engulfs you into it’s warmth. 
Majili |tel| *naga chaitanya, Samantha:  A former cricket player nursing his wounds of a failed relationship takes up the task of training his ex-lover's daughter and in the process discovers his feelings towards his wife and her unrequited love for him. I personally didn’t care for the first love story as it is very typical and clice But it is post the entry of sam where the film becomes worth making it to this list , simple and the one that makes you count your blessings and just be thankful to have someone who loves and supports you like sravani does for purna..  Chay and Sam’s chemistry is off he hook and they make it worth it totally. 
Arjun reddy| tel| shalini, VIjay devrakonda : alt link   Arjun Reddy (Vijay Deverakonda) is a Surgeon and the topper of the college. He falls in love with his junior, a Tulu girl (Shalini), who is four years younger to him. Due to some unfortunate incidents, they break up. How life takes them forward forms the rest of the story. A gamechanger in Telugu industry no wonder it has reached the cult status. it’s not like i haven’t been raving about it from past 3 days even more than before because the butchering in form of the remake hurts But wow What a revelation Mr Derakonda was in this and He rightfully won a Best actor award. Just Like sairat this one rises way above the script due to the acting of vijay and that honesty in the script and film making. idk it is hard to put in words for me but when you see these films you see how passionate the makers were while making them and the heart and soul they have put in the film just shows and touches you so hard.Now this one is 18+ so TW drugs, alcoholism and a lot on innuendos and banging hehe. BUT and i can’t emphasize enough IT IS WORTH EXPERIENCING IF YOU ARE A FILM LOVER. This is the one which leaves you in the undecided category or well it had left me in that do i love it? do i hate it? i was so confused until my rewatch and i have finally came to conclusion that i love it. this is like you can love me hate me but you can’t ignore me and it stays on your mind a lot longer then the 3 hrs runtime after you are done because you are in that wait what is my actual verdict hehe. Also i haven;t seen a more accurate depiction of a toxic relationship on desi screen where one is so obsessed and self centered that it becomes really hard to survive around him 
Thadam|tam| Arun vijay    The murder of a youngster creates confusion among a few cops when they find out that the one accused in the crime has a look-alike!.  Thadam has an intriguingly written flow of events that begin from the pre-interval point and the film maintains the suspense factor till the end. The lead actor is fab in his dual role it is hard to tell which one is which and who has actually done the crime but mind you int he beginning it is a little confusing as it keeps goign back and forth between the bg stories of 2 guys but the viewer isn’t told that it is actually dual role so i was like wait how come one min he is rich and in love with oen persona and next he is in slums doing thefts lol. anyway... 
Peranbu\Tam/Mal |*Mamooty  A story about a father who tries to understand the struggles of his disabled daughter Paapa. The plot highlights the journey of how he becomes a better man while he comes to terms with his child and her special needs. This one is Just purely about a father’s love for the child and how far a father can go for his child.
An Honorable mention to BAAHUBALI2 which requires no intro or anything from me to persuade one into watching it It is SELF EXPLANATORY.  
Phew OK i am calling it a day..... Part 2 will be posted soon... I am more then excited to  hear from you guys and your thoughts on these films plz do tag me if you post your reviews and your thoughts. i worked really hard on this so i will be more than excited to know if it was worth or no... I have so much more quality content in the queue and am super excited to share that with ya fellas..... it gives me great Joy to share the love for movies and a lot of satisfaction that all this FIlm nerd thing is coming to some use to others and i take a lot of pride in the fact that i am kind of is a film nerd hehe. Happy Viewing,,,,,,, 
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impyeseul · 7 years
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hI BABIES !! i hope you’re having/had a good day bc my impatient and hyped ass has been dying to plot with you all since i sent my acct in bc this rp is ? already so cool ?? anyways i’m kat, 19 yo mess™ from canada, the nt specifically aka the geniuses behind the only :30 tz on the planet tyvm. i’m a SUFFERING uni student, i’m bts, sci-fi and alt rock trash, letterkenny s3 has become my life now and when my social life isn’t dormant like it is rn, you can usually find me at the campus bar having a wild time with a couple of my ra’s lol. i have a small plots page set up HERE that you can check out — i kinda gave up on the creative thing i had going with them by the fourth one and still have a few to add ( bc it’s dinner time rn and i’m famished ) as you can see hgjkfs — and feel free to im me for my discord acct !! now, on to my content, quixotic bab seulie who rly.. doesn’t know what she’s doing with herself despite finally getting her life on track overall, but she’s trying:
— earlier, i could’ve sworn i saw PARK CHAEYOUNG (ROSÉ) on campus, but it’s just SONG YESEUL. i heard they were sorted as a GLEAM and they’re only TWENTY years old majoring in FASHION MARKETING here at imperium, which isn’t surprising considering their ability is ADOPTIVE MUSCLE MEMORY. people call her the PEACH because she is supposedly EBULLIENT, but also COMPULSIVE but who knows if that’s true, it’s their ability that matters. ( kat. 19. nt. she/her. none. )
so lil song yeseul was born in changwon to a korean-canadian father and her mother who had both moved from daegu abt two years prior ??
has a younger brother by abt two years and ig you could say they were middle class
so most of her family bg is still up in the air for me but
her parents were always v big on education, wanting the best for their kids and to be cared for in their old age, so seulie and her brother were diligent in their studies as kids
however, she slipped away little by little and became a more lax student, hiding under the guise of working endlessly in her room when she was really just reading the new tw****** book ( yeah, i rly just censored that series lmao )
her grades were still good, she just didn’t get as into it and overwhelmed by it as before
without a doubt lost her shit when she learned that she had powers
i mean she prob learned she had them when she was fourteen and saw a huge fist fight between some kids at school.. before going home and accidentally punching her little brother in the face
is good at sports and dance mostly bc of her power.. but she’s also a walking safety hazard bc she’s clumsy af, so she steers clear of most sports for everyone’s sake
like cute guy or girl in the stands ? she’s taking the field hockey forward down with her when she trips on air and prob fucks them up bc they cushioned her fall
yeah i rly.. made a girl equipped with muscle memory a klutz, rip
anyways her parents weren’t too peeved by this surprisingly ( at least her dad wasn’t lol ) as long as she didn’t nearly break her brother’s nose again jgfksd
ngl it was smooth sailing for the most part, unless you caught her off-guard with your presence or something, then she was a state with her movements 
prob took up a job at some local fast food place like every other teen to save for uni
so fast forward and she graduated !!! she thought she’d do medical science and had no real worries about changing her mind
got into imperium and was set on medicine.. until she finally began attending uni, about a month in and she was fucking clueless
on top of that, she had to adjust to so much concentration on her power that it was all a little surprising and foreign to her
so to sum it up, her first year saw her suffering with academics, and other aspects of her life at imperium, however for the most part, everything was p good and she was content
so after a while, seulie switched into fashion marketing and she loves it
her parents were p disappointed for a while bc of the switch in major and there was an evident strain on their relationship ( between her and her mom, at least ) but by now they’ve come around and she’s so thankful for that tbh ??
anyway she’s kinda a mess, not rly sure of what else to say lol
personality and other stuff ig
pansexual af 
soft af !!
spontaneous, if only i could give you an example rIP
obsessed with the idea of leading a luxurious lifestyle and wants it to be at her own accord
has a bit of a dependency on others, even if she tries to deny it bc she knows she does deep down
a generally cheery person who wants the best for people
like she rly isn’t joining any sports bc of it, even if soccer is prob ok for her; won’t take her chances lmao
the type to make up for any harm she inflicted in training by icing your bruise, buying you lunch or cuddling if you wanna do that lol
physical affection is everything to her rly, kisses and the like are welcomed wholeheartedly
won’t admit to this either, but she tends to feel rly insecure bc she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life once she actually dived into uni or how to tell her parents, or how some people tend to walk over her bc of her occasional naiveté, see her as weak for being a more gentle soul, etc
is scarily calm when she’s angry, but that’s bc she doesn’t get angry per se ?? it’s irritation and disappointment at best so like.. beware
thinks the hierarchy is pathetic and jst wants everyone to be treated fairly ?? is prob an advocate for world peace but with the knowledge of it being difficult to achieve easily, so she approaches this whole thing similarly
is the type to cry over a series finale she’s watched twenty times already
horror movies get her evERY TIME; even if she can laugh at the badly done ones, the jump scares without fail fuck her up
super chill though, always smiling, just a rly cute bean
loves cats and dogs, she’ll never pick one over the other
hc: when she has a family and all that and they decide to adopt a puppy, she’ll leave the kids with her partner and snatch a tabby cat bc why not have both ??
the biggest meat hoe™
but loves cocoa more than life itself
tries to dress in a sophisticated manner but also rly loves wearing cute baggy sweatshirts and ball caps
loves all of the cult classic teen movies, has a soft spot for well done romance flicks and kdramas too
also a hopeless romantic and is set on the principle of heart over head, legit will fall in love with/develop a crush on you so easily so watch yourself pLS
has never been in a relationship tho lol
.. wh y am i saying that like she’s a loser when i haven’t either
i rly just played myself, why am i not surprised lfjdkgh
loves indie/electropop, alternative, rap, and r&b music
has a profound admiration for classical as well
not the heaviest drinker or user of sorts but it’s prob for the best bc she’s such a lightweight lmao
can be like four different people when she’s drunk so.. yeah js hahaha
so she’s sometimes that chick™ that has a wild time at a party but surprise !! she’s stone cold sober
has a slight oral fixation ig ? not in a sexual manner though so don’t get any ideas hahaha
.. ok maybe a little but it’s rly innocent on her part 99% of the time. you’ll almost never see her without a straw in her drink for example; she’s also a lollipop and liquorice hoe so yeah
she’ll never bite her nails though, at least not beyond a light nip that’s p subconscious when she’s concentrating on something
.. funny how i typed more about this than her feelings abt her major rIP
but listen when i say that she’s lowkey freaky i fucking meant it lmAO. idek if she realizes it herself but yeah.. she’s not that pure sdhfkg i hate myself for this you doNT UNDERSTAND
so that’s seulie !! if you’d like to plot, just like this or message me, i’ll try to get back to you as soon as i can !
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