#your ocs are sooooooo cool op
of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Summary: First day on the job and you already have Owen’s heart and attention.
TW/CW: A butt whooping and some Owen Grady x Reader
Word Count: 771 (A short one, I know.)
A/N: I have a bad habit of making OCs for just about every universe I encounter sooooooo here’s a little snippet of the one I created for Jurassic World except in imagine form. I hope you enjoy it! Asks and Requests are always open!
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Your POV
    As I watch the Raptors wander around their enclosure, I notice Blue keeping a close eye on me. “She’s cautious of you because we don’t get too many females around here besides them and Claire,” I hear someone say close behind me. I turn to find that the voice belongs to a tall, blonde man who carries himself like he’s military. He reaches out and I shake his hand and introduce myself, “(Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
    “Owen Grady. You ex-military?” He asks noticing the face of my watch is turned inward, a common practice of military and police.  
    “Army for seven years. You?” I respond.
    “Navy. You ever dealt with wild animals?” he asks, continuing his questions. Claire said he’d do that. She says he thinks if someone can’t confidently make it through a series of rapid-fire questions then they don’t have the confidence to handle raptors.
    “Yep, after I got out of the Army, I got a job at the city zoo. They needed a trainer for the tigers and lions so the old one could retire,” I answer.
    He nods seeming to search his brain for another question but is interrupted by a loud voice, “Grady! This your new recruit?”
    A short, pudgy, older man with greying hair and beard walks up to us and sticks his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand as Owen nods and shoots me a grin, “Yeah, I think so, Hoskins.”
    Owen pulls me away from Hoskins just as the man makes a sexist joke. I clench my jaw and force my anger back down, not wanting to lose my cool on my first day here. Owen leads me on a tour of the paddock. He even gets around to introducing me to the girls. After endless jokes and comments from Hoskins and a complete tour of the paddock and immediate surrounding area, we make it to the paperwork portion of the day.  
    Owen hands me a clipboard with various papers on it and a pen. He starts telling me different things about the raptors and their training but I can’t help but notice Hoskins checking me out not too far away. As I glare at him, he makes another remark and I turn my attention to Owen, “Can I please kick his ass?”
    He chuckles, “Be my guest. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them how much he’s been harassing you all day.”
    I sign the last line and hand the clipboard back to Owen before marching over to Hoskins. When I’m within arm's reach he opens his arms like he thinks I’m going to hug him, “Well, look at you, Sweetheart. Aren’t you just fiery?” I grab his wrist and turn, throwing him over my shoulder and into the dirt. I grab him by the collar and throw a punch into his jaw before slamming him against the concrete wall and releasing him to step away.  
    He glares at me as I cross my arms over my chest and grin triumphantly. “Listen here, Sweetheart. I served in the Army for seven years, the last three of which were special ops. I was honorably discharged for a bullet wound to the abdomen that should’ve killed me but here I am. After that, I went to work at the city zoo where I trained the lions and tigers. By the time Jurassic World and InGen recruited me, I had those cats eating out of hand, literally. So, I think you can tell by now that there are more beatings where this one came from if you even think about making another snide remark about me. Are we clear?” He nods fearfully before I leave him to talk to Claire who’s just arrived to pick up the paperwork.
Owen’s POV
    I watch in awe as (Y/n) makes her way over to Claire. Barry walks up beside me, “Man, close your mouth, there are too many flies around here for that.” I slowly close my mouth but keep my eyes trained on (Y/n). I here Barry mumble something about, “I think you’re in love my friend,” as Claire calls me over.  
    I regain my composure before joining the ladies by Claire’s car, “I’m keeping her,” I say before Claire can even ask.  
    I hand Claire the paperwork before she finally asks, turning to (Y/n), “I told myself I didn’t want to know but why exactly did you just beat the daylights out of Hoskins?”
    (Y/n) glances at me before answering with a grin, “He couldn’t figure out how to shut his mouth so I showed him. Maybe he’ll think twice about his comments from now on.” Maybe Barry is right Maybe I am in love.
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: ITS MY LIFE!, a Portal fanfic [part 13]
For something that makes absolutely no sense and conveys nothing of substance, this fic does go on for quite a while. I honestly don’t even remember how many chapters are left, but we’re at least a few more from the end.
There’s a bit of gore in this one.
Recap: Marissa tried to take down the Chell/GLaDOS fusion, accompanied by Wheatley, who was predictably useless, and Rattman, who was also pretty useless (and also died, but whether or not that’s permanent remains to be seen). It was revealed that Chell is actually Rattman’s daughter due to some sort of DNA mix-up. The co-op bots showed up to ostensibly help Marissa, but, after she defeated the Chell/GLaDOS fusion (killing Chell in the process), the bots turned on her and shot her in the head. 
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
Man, I love her optimism. Raging at your “flamers” is common for badfic writers, so seeing an author be positive about all the reviews she’s getting, even though they’re almost entirely negative, is kind of refreshing.
Unfortunately, MarissaTheWriter dropped this attitude later on, but let’s cherish it while it lasts.
I don’t know who these two are. I’m guessing people who reviewed her story.
Well, no, actually, dying is really common for Mary Sue characters. In fact, the original Mary Sue, the character from whom we got the term Mary Sue, died at the end of the fanfiction she starred in. It’s a good way to make your OC look tragic.
Oh geez. Oh no. I don’t know how much more weird British slang I can take.
Yeah, that’s the other thing. Having a character return from the dead has the effect of making them look super special and important, and overdoing that is how we get Mary Sues, so…
This was the most bloody terribel thing ever.
I agree.
Oh, you mean Marissa’s death, not the fanfic itself. I take it back.
Marrisser was died with a gun shoot to her soddin head an blood an branes were all over ever were.
Gross! Thanks for the mental image!
I gared at Atlas an P-Body hoo killed the one thing I loafed an shouted "YOU BLOODY BUGGERS IM GONNA WANK YOU!"
That’s going to be difficult. He has no arms and they have no genitals. It’s Aperture Science, though, so I’m sure he can find a way.
But I didnt have arms so i cold not hurt them but I sooooooo mad they ranned off any way.
Yeah, nothing scarier than Wheatley threatening to “wank” you.
Bloody sods. "Marrissa why didnt I was able to safe you! IM SOOOOO SORRY!" An I cried bloody bukets of robottears.
Not sure how that would work, but I don’t need it elaborated on.
It was the end an I thot a bout commitin sewiside like GLaDOS did when a turrent came up to me.
"GO HEAD AN BLOW ME SODDING BLOODY BRANES OUT SO I CAN BE AT PIECE!" I yelled loud at the turrent. "No im diffrent! I am Oracle Turrent an I no how to make Marrissa alife!"
Wow, okay, that’s a character I wasn’t expecting to make an appearance. The turrets can’t walk, though (except the frankenturrets Wheatley created, but the oracle turret wasn’t one of those), so I’m not sure how this one managed to approach him.
No bloody way I o-mouthed in all the shock. "How can she life wen her hed sodding exploded?" I britished at him for tryin a get my hopes up.
“Stop making up pointless new words!” I Irish-Americaned at the author.
"Rember that she has the speshal powers, one of them is that wen she eats the zombee taters instead of become a zombee wen she dies she just becomes alife a gain!" It all made sense, the turrent was a bloody geinus!
Well, they can’t very well feed her potatoes when she’s a headless corpse, so swing and a miss.
"Common lets wankin go!"
Does anyone know what MarissaTheWriter thinks “wanking” means?
The Oracle Turrent ranned fast an I rolled on my rale right to the zombee taters quikly we grabbed up all of them an got back to Marrissa body.
How are they grabbing things when neither of them have arms?
I coldnt help but cry at the site of my troo love with head all open an messy.
Yeah, sounds pretty gross.
"Its ok Wheatly soon she will life!" The turrent made me more happy an we started stuffin the buggerin taters in Marrissas mouth.
So she’ll come back to life, promptly choke on potatoes, and die again. Excellent plan.
Then she started coffin an all the blood was got healed.
I hope “coffin” was a pun. On second thought, no I don’t.
"W Wheetly?" She asked in the most butiful voice in the hole portal worled.
Marissa, give GLaDOS her vocal processor back right now and no one gets hurt.
"Oh Marrissa I thot you were bloody gone for wankin ever!" We hugged an kissed an things was gettin hot an heavy so the Oracle Turrent left becos he didant want to see that kinna stuff.
I don’t either. I’m going with the turret.
…thinking about whether or not that phrase makes sense is hurting my head. Moving on.
Teen Fortress 2 was MAD an PEEVED at Gabe Jonson an his dotter Marrissa Roberts for killin there leader Cave Jonson.
Hey, hang on a second. Whose point of view are we from now?
They wanted ervange speshally on Marrissa sinse with out her Gabe wold not have been a hard fight.
I’m going to assume for now that we’re just in third person.
"We shold right a mean things on her facebook page!" The evil Heavy dummed. "No you idot this is the past facebook isnt invented yet!" The evil Medik extricated.
Interesting how they know about Facebook although it’s not been invented yet.
All of em was angry but coldnt thing of a way to revenge Marrissa when the evil Ingineer got a idea. "I no! We will create an evil clone of Marrissa an send it to the futur an kill her!" It was a good plan.
Evil clones are always a good plan!
After school the teen fortress all gotted together at evil Ingineers hose an builded the clone mashine.
Ah, yes, the clone machine.
How are they going to clone her? She left. She’s in the future. Doing something I’d rather not think about with Wheatley.
"But we dont have dna evidance?" Evil Sniper said in sexay british aksent.
I doubt that, seeing as he’s Australian.
But the evil spy lolled an pulled out some thing. "I stolled some of her hare just in case we needed it for some thing."
Outside of making evil clones, is there really much use for hair samples?
He frenched an gave evil Ingine the hare an they started to clone Marrissa.
You cannot use “he frenched” like that. You just can’t.
A few mins later the clonin was done an a gurl stepped out hoo looked kinna like Marrissa but more evil an mean with angry face.
So she looks like Chell, but meaner and hotter. Alright. I’m into it.
"I am Assiram Strebor an I will kill Marrissa Roberts!"
Nice backwards name. Oh, sorry. Ecin sdrawkcab eman.
I recommend getting a group of kids to fight it in a sewer somewhere in Maine.
She’s right! Tune in next time for some evil clone and/or evil clown fighting action!
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