#your request gave me sweet Calum vibes
vasattope · 1 year
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Calum + Rabbits + flowers/plants, requested by @1loulu5
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
kill my time-- luke hemmings oneshot
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*gif made by @carriedawayfromhome​
A/N: in collaboration with @spicycal​ after her impeccable one shot of pretty please with Calum and in the same universe as my Hot Tub Fantasy. We’re back again with Cake content! Enjoy, and feedback is always welcome :)
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: pining, sweet little moments, “there’s only one bed” trope, a hot tub makeout, dirty talk
donate to my ko-fi here :)
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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A week's getaway in a cabin with Luke, your best friend and the rest of the guys was exactly what you needed. Work has been more than anxiety inducing, customers and employees both getting under your skin that you had to hold in your screams of aggravation. Plus, a weekend in the mountains with Luke? Even more perfect. 
With him being the youngest, he was stuck with the car piled with food and the luggage while the rest of the boys and their significant others carpooled together. Your best friend would hopefully be coming up later that day after declining riding up with you and Luke, she said she had some things to take care of. By things, you hope she meant dumping the guy she’s been seeing. He gave off bad vibes and you know she deserves a thousand times better than him.
Disappointed she wouldn’t be with you quite yet, Luke quickly made up for it by singing your favorite songs on the drive up. Sometimes he’d use his actual singing voice that made your knees week, and for others he’d sing very dramatically, hand motions and all. You recorded prime videos of those ones.
You and the group arrived about midafternoon. Ashton and Michael wanted to hit the slopes before it got too dark which left you, Calum, and Luke to unload the car. It wasn’t until you placed all the bags in the main living room that you saw how the sleeping arrangements were set up. There were six rooms like promised, but only four of them had beds. 
“Uhhh...guys,” you say nervously stepping out of one of the rooms barren with a bed.
“What’s up?” Luke asks, setting some of the food bags on the counter.
“There’s only four beds.”
“But there’s six rooms,” Luke looks at you confused. 
“No shit, Luke,” Calum chuckles. You give Luke a kind smile to make up for Calum’s comment, Luke returns it easily. Calum then examines the two rooms that are vacant of a bed. “I’ll call the front desk quick.”
While Calum walks between rooms on his phone, you help Luke unload the food, placing the bags of chips and crackers in the cabinets. You left the necessities for s’mores out on the counter, knowing you and your best friend would want a sweet treat later. 
Luke would brush up against you while you were putting things away, each time left you with butterflies in your stomach. When you struggled putting a box of oatmeal on the top shelf of one cabinet, he placed his hand on your waist, fingers skimming over a small sliver of skin as he helped you.
“Thanks,” you sigh looking up at him. He gives you one of his signature smiles that you adore, you realize how close you are to him. So close, that you could see the small amounts of scruff on his chin that you want to touch with your fingertips to see if they’re soft and fluffy like his curls or coarse and scratchy yet equally pleasing.
The air between you thickened, your heart beating loudly in your chest when he tightened his grip on your waist. 
“Turns out the people before us were a little too...rowdy with the beds,” Calum announces causing you and Luke to break apart quickly. 
“Gross,” you scrunch your nose at the thought of what exactly “rowdy” meant. You hope the other beds were clean at least. 
“So now what, do we have to change cabins for more beds?” Luke asks. Did he sound a little disappointed?
“No, they gave us a discount for the next time we use one though,” Calum shrugs leaning on one of the chairs at the island in front of you and Luke. “And since Ash and Mike are gonna crash with their partners, the four of us will have to share two rooms.”
“I’m not sharing a bed with you,” Luke says looking directly at Calum.
“What? What’s wrong with sharing a bed with me?” 
“You’ve kicked me out of the bed all the other times we did.”
“You take up most of the bed,” Calum rolls his eyes. 
“I’ll share with Y/N, she’s not as violent,” he grins at you, giving you a quick wink that makes your heart flutter. He looks back to Calum, “you can share with Y/F/N when she gets here.”
The rest of the afternoon and night was spent playing card games while snacking and drinking, listening to Ashton, Michael and their partners gush about the slopes. You remain quiet, you’ve never skied in your life because you’re clumsy by default but were willing to try it.
“You wanna head out tomorrow?” Luke asks you quietly while the rest of the group gather in the kitchen for more drinks. 
“I do but I don’t want to die,” you joke.
“I’ll help you,” he bumps your shoulder. “There’s a few bunny slopes we can start out on.”
“Cause that’s not embarrassing,” you huff shuffling the cards, Luke chuckles. 
“It’ll be fun, plus,” his fingers close around your wrist lightly stilling your shuffling, “you’ll make a cute snow bunny.”
You can still feel his fingers on your skin after you watch him walk into the kitchen, you’re a little breathless from that comment. His gaze is still on you while he fixes a drink, meanwhile you’re scrambling for your phone looking for a text from your best friend if she’s on her way or not. 
Before you join them all in the kitchen, you glance to your left at the hot tub room and your stomach clenches. A fantasy enters your mind of joining Luke in there one night, both of you completely naked in the water. You’re seated onto his lap, cockwarming in the lowlight and the bubbles while he whispers dirty things to you in your ear. You inadvertently clench your thighs together, but it doesn’t stop the fantasy in your mind.
Luke’s hot breath on your neck, his hands all over you. Then, the man himself calls your name pulling you from your reverie, your cheeks incredibly hot. 
“You all right?” he asks you lowly, eyes full of concern. 
“Uh, yeah, yeah just um…” you motion to the fireplace you were all just seated by, “the fire got me a little hot.”
You have butterflies the whole time you’re getting ready for bed, mentally preparing yourself for sharing a bed with Luke while the images of your forbidden fantasy are still fresh in your mind. When you exit the bathroom, he’s already under the covers sitting up against the headboard. He’s wearing a white tank top that showcases his broad chest and you force yourself to not stand there and stare. 
“Kept it nice and warm for you,” he smiles watching you walk around the bed to your side. You requested to sleep near the window.
“How kind of you,” you giggle lightly and get under the covers with him. You let out an involuntary moan at how comfortable the bed is, then quickly cover your mouth when Luke stops adjusting himself. “Sorry, it’s really comfy.”
“It’s fine, I thought it was cute,” he settles more under the covers facing you. You blush. 
You and Luke end up staying awake most of the night talking, laughing, and discussing ideas on what else to do for the whole week you’re here. Eventually, you end up falling asleep mid-sentence then wake the next morning with his arm draped comfortably over your lower stomach, his head burrowed a little into your neck. 
His soft little breaths tickle your neck and you don’t want to leave the bed. The sound of a toilet flushing from across the way rustles him awake, Luke stretches his long limbs resulting in him pulling you closer to his body.
“Mornin’,” his voice is muffled in your neck, the tenor of his voice gives you goosebumps. 
“Morning,” you sigh quietly, secretly loving the way his thumb is making circles on your skin. You want to stay like this forever but then your stomach makes an incredibly embarrassing gurgle. 
“Little snow bunny’s hungry,” he chuckles. 
“I’m not a snow bunny yet,” you grumble as your stomach makes yet another noise. 
“Yeah you are, I say so. C’mon, I’ll make you pancakes,” he pinches your waist making you squeal. 
You follow him quickly at the promise of pancakes. While he’s getting the proper ingredients, you start a pot of coffee. When it’s finished you hop up on the counter next to him when Luke places the perfect circle of batter in the pan. While he’s cooking you admire his adorable sleepy face, his curls are a little unruly, begging to be played with, and his eyes are a little glossy. He looks sleepy but refreshed and it makes you happy he’s getting this break as well. He’s been working so hard. 
To your surprise, he grabs your coffee mug then takes a drink. He hums at the taste and takes a longer drink before placing it back in your hands. The whole ordeal felt incredibly intimate and you slid your eyes to his pancakes. 
“Don’t burn my pancakes,” you warn, pressing the mug to your mouth, the same spot Luke just had his lips on. 
“I would never. These are the best pancakes in the world.”
Just then, your best friend appears in the kitchen and you’re quick to give her a hug asking if everything is alright. She promises she’ll dish the whole story to you later in the hot tub, and just the mention of that place sets your mind reeling. Cal joins soon after and you hide your smirk because you can only imagine how well he slept snuggled up to your best friend. 
Not long after the four of you finished eating, Ashton and the others woke up too and began discussing plans for the day. The seven of you were going to hit the slopes while your best friend offered to make the food upon your return. 
Your stomach is twisting in nerves as you stand near Luke in the ski lodge. He’s placing different poles in front of you, then when you’re ready to take it from him, he snatches it away and grabs another. It isn’t until he places the last one under your chin that there was a purpose for his madness; apparently you need the poles to be chin height. 
“Okay, I think we got what we need,” he says, lifting both his and your set of skis. Oddly, it was extremely attractive to see him handling all that equipment so easily. If you tried that, you’d tumble to the floor from the weight and get caught in the boards and poles. 
You stomp in the snow towards what you’re assuming is the bunny slope, your stomach sinks when you see a bunch of little kids. As if he could sense your disdain, Luke flashes you a bright smile. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, we’ll stay here until you feel comfortable enough and we can go to the green slope,” he assures you. “That’s the easiest slope for beginners.”
“I don’t want you to kill your time teaching me,” you frown, a slight pout on your lips. He moves in front of you, ticking your chin with his gloved hand so you’re looking up at him.
“I wouldn’t want to kill my time with anybody else. C’mon, little bunny.”
He’s going to make you pass out from all the times he’s leaving you breathless.
He helps you with your boots and attaches them to the boards, as predicted you nearly fell just from trying to stand but Luke helped you by keeping a steady hold on your arms.
“Bend your knees, remember,” he tells you. 
You do as he says and feel extremely weird bending your knees and just standing there. It’s awkward how your feet are literally planted in the boards. When your knees stop wobbling and you finally find your balance, you give him a triumphant smile. 
“I’m not falling!”
“That’s great! Now,” he hands you your poles looping the strings over your wrists. “Try and move your way towards me by walking.” He backs up a few feet from you.
“Walking? I thought we’re skiing.”
“We are,” he laughs, “but you should walk in them first before you glide. Walk to me.”
With a deep breath, you lift your right leg, surprised at the heftiness of the boot but you place it back on the snow and lift your left leg. You feel awkward, like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time, but eventually you’re stopped in front of Luke who catches you in his arms before you have a chance to stumble.
“I walked!” you’re triumphant once more. 
“Let’s try a few more walks before you start to glide.”
You didn’t end up going on the green slope, but Luke kept reminding you how proud he was of the progress you made in just one day. You still felt like you were holding him back from his ski time with the others but his happiness in helping you seemed genuine enough. 
You had lunch at the Lodge then enjoyed the pizzas your best friend made for you all. You and Luke sat together while you ate in the living room, talking quietly. 
“My fingers hurt a little from the grip,” you chuckle flexing your fingers after placing your empty plate on the coffee table.
Luke takes them in his hands, lightly massaging them with his thumbs. Your gaze is on his face while his is on your hands moving together, his lips parted slightly. 
“How’s that feel?” his voice is a little gruff, then his pretty blue eyes glance up at you. He swallows harshly, the air between you has thickened once more. He squeezes your fingers lightly, inching his head closer to you. 
Then your best friend enters the room, her voice breaking the moment and the almost-kiss with Luke. You both pull away quickly, he clears his throat and you remove your hands from his slowly.
“What?” you ask not hearing her correctly the first time.
“Ready for the hot tub?” she asks, and you instantly feel warm because of the thoughts you’ve been having about that space. 
Being this close to Luke makes you feel even warmer.
“Yeah, let me just get changed,” you nod then turn to Luke, “See you in a bit.”
You can feel his gaze on you as you walk away towards your shared bedroom to change into your swimsuit. You press yourself against the back of the door, sighing from the moment you’ve imagined a million times of sharing a kiss with Luke. You change quickly and grin widely when your best friend enters with a large bottle of wine. 
She tells you her juicy story of dumping her boyfriend then giving information that the dude wouldn’t even go down on her. You listened aptly, eyes widening at the appropriate parts while both of you passed the bottle between you. She asks you to fill her in on you and Luke and you tell her about the hot tub fantasy you had as soon as you saw it when you arrived the day before.
You explain to her your doubts, that there’s something there but you have fears that he might just be lonely. She assures you that he’s been looking at you like you’re a snack, the wine and the bubbles from the water make you giggle at that. 
As if on cue, Luke slides the door open and you’ve zeroed in on his bare torso. You barely register your best friend exiting the tub, Luke helping her out then he climbs in as well, wine bottle in hand. He moves through the water sitting next to you, his curls becoming curlier from the steam of the water. 
“Hey,” he greets, taking a pull from the wine.
“Hey,” you smile, and you feel like you’re having a deja vu moment. 
“Sounds like you girls were having a fun time,” he grins examining the half empty bottle in his hands. 
“You know, just having some girl talk,” you giggle, skimming your palms over the top of the water. 
“How are your hands?” he asks, taking another long pull of the wine. You’re glad he’s drinking most of it, your head is pleasantly light and airy, the perfect amount of buzzed. 
“They’re bubbly now,” you giggle wiggling your fingers. 
“Are you sure you shared this wine with Y/F/N?” he chuckles watching you. 
“I’m sure! Now I’m sharing with you,” you press back against the side of the tub. 
Luke’s arm is draped across the back and you lean into his bicep, taking notice of his sparrow tattoo. Without thinking, you trace your finger on the outline of the bird, his muscle tensing at your touch. 
“We’re sharing a lot of things this week,” he hums watching you. 
“Mhm, our bed, coffee, breakfast, the wine, now the hot tub…” you roll your head on his arm gazing up at him. 
“And your first experience of skiing,” he winks. “We could share something else, too.”
“What’s that?” you ask.
He leans over you, arms caging you in as he sets the wine bottle on the wooden corner of the tub. When it’s released from his grip, he still has you in the circle of his arms. He’s so close that his curls are tickling your face. Heart racing, you flicker your eyes to his and he has a slight smirk on his face. 
“This,” he sighs then his lips are on yours. 
You lean up into the kiss all too willingly, your hand cupping his cheek while his lips work with yours in the sweetest way. They’re soft, warm and controlled. This is way better than how you’ve pictured kissing him. Your stomach is filled with butterflies and clenches when his tongue slips inside your mouth making you moan softly. 
You curl your fingers in his hair sitting up straighter in the tub so you can be closer to Luke, his hand moves to your lower back pressing you to him even more. In one swift movement, he shifts in the water so he’s sitting and you’re on his lap. You let out a small squeal then giggle as the water settles around you, his arm on your back tightens while his other hand cradles your cheek in his palm.
“C’mere…” he huffs, dragging your mouth to his again in a mind-numbing kiss. He moves his lips to your jaw, then to the space below your ear giving you sucking kisses on your skin. You gasp at the tingling sensation, tilting your head so he has more room to work with and kiss you wherever he pleases. 
When his fingers loop under the string of your suit, the hot tub lights and bubbles shut off, cloaking you in darkness except for the moonlight reflecting on the snow outside. Luke pulls his lips from your skin and his eyes are so pretty in the blue black of the night. You trace his lips with your fingers, not wanting this moment to end. 
“Head back to our room?” he mumbles, you nod wordlessly moving back to get off his lap. He pulls you in for a quick kiss before following you out.
You share a few more quick kisses while you clamber out of the tub. He holds your hand as you step down but you’re a little wobbly from his lips and you fall into him. He catches you with a laugh, kissing you yet again and you feel like you’re spinning. 
“Let’s dry off a little,” you whisper, snatching up two towels. 
You both towel off quickly, then Luke loops his towel around your neck pulling you against him so he can kiss you. You laugh into the kiss pushing him towards the door, fingers fumbling with the handle. It slides open and you’re welcomed with a whoosh of cool air, lips still locking together. The towel falls from your shoulders, leaving a trail to your room.
You peek open your eyes and swear you see your best friend and Calum in a compromising position on the couch. Before you can investigate further, Luke’s lips are on yours again dragging you to your bedroom. He lifts you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his damp waist, and he closes the door quietly.
“Did you see them out there? I think they’re about to have sex,” you whisper through giggles. 
“About damn time,” he chuckles, nudging his nose with yours bringing you to the bed. He lays you down gently, his left arm tucked behind your neck as you let your legs fall from his waist. “I only had my eyes on you, though.”
You smile softly lifting your head to kiss him with all the energy you have inside of you, your sexual desires are coming to fruition and it’s never tasted this sweet. Luke’s long fingers trail down your stomach, slipping under your suit bottoms and it reminds you that you’re still wet from the hot tub.
“I don’t want to get the bed wet from my suit,” you pant around his mouth.
His fingers dip lower and lower as he smirks at you. “I want you wet, sweetheart,” then his middle finger slips between your folds. Your hips buck at his touch and his mouth moves to your neck while his finger plays with your folds. 
“That feels good,” you sigh, turning your head into his arm. You kiss his bicep, nipping lightly at the skin, “better than I imagined.”
Luke’s motions stop, your eyes widen at what you just said, and you slowly turn your head facing him. 
“You’ve imagined this?” he grins in a teasing tone, mischief in his eyes. The pad of his finger circles around your clit.
“Maybe,” you give him a coy smile. 
He inhales through his mouth and exhales deeply out his nose, his eyes roaming over the harsh rise and fall of your chest. 
“What do you imagine me doing to you, lovie?” he gives you a barely there peck, finger teasing your hole. 
“U-um, this,” you breathe watching Luke sponge kisses down your chest and stomach.  
“Just this?” he chortles removing his finger to instead hook it under your swimsuit bottoms, his eyes flash to yours. “If I remove these, I’ll do exactly what you’ve imagined.” He kisses just below your belly button eliciting goosebumps. 
You lift your hips as he removes the small article of clothing, he groans at the sight of you shifting your legs open. His lips are gentle on your thighs, nibbling and suckling on your skin and your head is reeling. 
“I’m waiting, sweetheart,” he sighs, his breath blowing over your core. 
You clear your throat. “Um, we--we’re in the hot tub…”
“Mhm,” he kisses closer to your center, tongue darting out. “Jesus, you’re so wet…”
“And then...we’re in here after I was cockwarming you in the tub,” you bite your lip as Luke groans, his mouth finally on your warm center. “And your tongue licks me so slowly.”
His actions mirror your words, his tongue licking between your pussy lips agonizingly slow. You moan at the slow sensation, feeling the buildup in your tummy as he takes his precious time. While his mouth is lazily working you up, his fingers rub down your thighs until he grasps them tightly bringing his face closer to your pussy. 
“And you do--” you moan loudly when his tongue flicks at your clit, it makes your ears ring from the pleasure. Your hands fly to his curls, pulling him closer to your sex just as he adds a finger. “Fuck!”
He pumps his finger torturously slow in and out of you, his lips doing wonders as your body starts to tremble. Your sentence disappears in the air, your focus is on Luke’s mouth and he picks up speed, his mouth moving with fervor. 
You grind yourself against his mouth, stomach muscles tensing as your orgasm approaches, head tilted back into his pillow that smells like him. His finger picks up momentum adding another one, humming against you sucking on your clit.
“There! Oh, right there, yes,” you pant moving your hips faster and faster against his face. His grip on your thigh tightens and you know you’ll have bruises in the morning, but you’ll welcome them as a reminder of a fantasy come true. 
You suppress a scream by biting into his pillow as your orgasm explodes within you, your whole body tensing as you feel intense pleasure. When it slowly subsides, Luke removes his mouth but keeps his fingers inside you. He crawls up the length of your body grabbing your hair so he can jerk your head in his direction removing your mouth from his pillow.
“Wanna see that pretty face when I make you come one more time,” he huffs and his fingers twiddle inside you.
You grasp onto his biceps, mouth open as he works you over again. You rock your hips with his motions, chasing what he’s giving you. When his thumb presses onto your clit, you’re seeing stars and you want to cry out. He removes his fingers from your hair to cover your mouth, silencing your moan. 
When your body relaxes, he removes his fingers from inside you and from your mouth to pet your hair. You watch him through half lidded eyes as he sucks your juices from his fingers, sighing as he does. 
“Your moans are a lot prettier than I’ve imagined,” he whispers, stealing more kisses from your mouth.  
You’re blissed out, body humming and buzzing as he slips off the bed. When he returns, he hands you a pair of your underwear and one of his shirts. You’re surprised to see him already changed into his sleepwear. 
Even though he just fingered you and ate you out, you turn away when you remove your swimsuit top to pull his shirt on. You’re invaded by his smell again, you inhale deeply before turning to face him, and he has the blankets pulled back. 
“That’s all we’re doing?” you ask a little disappointed that you aren’t continuing. As you settle against him though in the comfort of his warm embrace and comfy mattress, you know you couldn’t go on even though you desperately want to.
“We’ve got all week, sweetheart,” he sighs kissing your forehead, “that hot tub isn’t going anywhere.”
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Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal​ @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​  @calumhoodaf​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid​ @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @cassie-sos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​
**if your url has a strike through it’s because your blog didn’t show up as a tag! :(
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calmlftv · 4 years
en l’air. - c.h. oneshot
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description: calum hood x dancer!reader. cal sees you dance and immediately becomes obsessed. 
word count: 4.4k (i’m sorry jdfg) 
warnings: none? some tension but nothing serious. 
w/n: this was a requested piece! thank u to the anon who requested it ❤️ also, for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy this video of Youngblood choreography since it’s mentioned in the piece itself; full credit to Brinn Nicole Choreography for that! and thank u to everyone who had to listen to me talk about this for 24 hours (u know who u are), y’all are the real ones 🥺
taglist: @spicycal @castaway-cashton @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga @notinthesameguey​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​ @another-lonely-heart​
Jojo’s voice echoed through the room, all eyes turning to you as the choreographer lifted a finger and gestured for you to come over. 
Once you were close enough, the winning smile on Jojo’s face was full of mischief. “You got this choreo down?” When you nodded she started to move, scooting past you towards the phone connected to the speaker system. “Then it’s your turn. Solo.” 
You chuckled, getting into the starting position as Tim’s camera focused on you. A hush fell over the room as the air settled, giving Jojo a nod right before the music started. 
And suddenly, you were transformed, the movements you had been practicing all day coming to life as the music swirled around you. You weren’t in LA anymore; you weren’t even sure if you were yourself. All you knew was the tempo and dynamics of the lyrics, the emotions of the song becoming your own as a story was told with each movement. 
From a young age, it had been clear to your family that you were passionate about dancing. After expressing your disinterest in sports and academics, your parents were dumbstruck; they had genuinely thought you would like at least one of those things, considering your mother was the brains and your father was the stay-at-home-brauns. However, after one particular year of taking you to see a ballet, they quickly noticed the shine in your eyes as the dancers floated across the stage, beaming grins on their faces as they signed you up for dance classes the very next day. 
Over the years, you learned everything you could from different genres of dance, your body becoming fluent in the languages as you grew up. You walked in eight counts, elegance trailing just behind you everywhere you went as you moved. It took everything within you to not dance down the hallways at school, practicing whatever routine was giving you a hard time as you went from class to class. 
After graduating high school, your family moved to LA for better work opportunities; you quickly found a community of dancers you loved and fell in with them, moving into a house with some of them and attending all the workshops they did. When they all started getting big name jobs it didn’t bother you, instead pushing you forward until you were just as talented as they were. 
Now, you were well known with the community. Choreographers like Jojo Gomez and Kyle Hanagami sought you out for their workshops, sometimes even asking you to learn choreo ahead of time to demonstrate to everyone at the shops. Tim Milligram quickly became a friend of yours as well, as he was almost always at the workshops, sparkling lenses capturing everything before he posted the edited videos on YouTube. 
Where you were now was where you had dreamed of being as a child. It wasn’t worldwide fame like some people wanted, but it was more than enough for you. To some, you were a nobody, but to the ones that mattered, you were equivalent to the Queen of England, and that was everything for you. 
As you finished the routine applause broke out around you, your friends all throwing hair ties and shoes at you to celebrate how well you had done. As you came down from the performance high, Jojo almost tackled you in a tight hug, laughter escaping both of you as you caught yourself before you stumbled back. 
“Jesus,” Jojo breathed, pulling back and cupping your face in her hands. “How have you not started teaching these things yourself?” 
You beamed, Jojo’s arm moving around your shoulder as she guided you away. She called the next dancer up and grabbed her phone again as you sat down with your friends, eyes trained on the dancer as you took in every move. 
At the end of the workshop you gathered up all your things and walked out with your friends, the nearest diner calling your names as you all laughed and joked around. Your usual routine for this eventually brought you all back to your home, each of you taking turns showering and settling in for the rest of the night. 
The tour bus bumped over another pothole, the uneven cement rattling Calum awake for the upteenth time that evening. He sighed and dragged his hand down his face, officially giving up on any amount of sleep as he turned to his back. 
His hand landed on his phone and lifted it to his face. 
1:47 a.m. 
He held in a groan as he grabbed his AirPods, slipping them into his ears and drowning out the sounds of the bus as it moved. He left his phone plugged in and opened his YouTube app, hoping that maybe some of the channels he was subscribed to had uploaded new videos he could binge until they reached their destination. However, in his sleepy state, he tapped the wrong video, a beat starting over his headphones as his brow furrowed in confusion. 
Calum was about to exit the video when he saw the dancers, eyes captivated by their movements as the first group faded in. His mouth dropped open at some of the talent he was seeing, eyes locked on one dancer in particular during a solo performance. 
It was obvious to Calum this dancer had invested in the music, the way they moved bringing emotions out of the man as he focused intently on their body. Now invested in watching more of these videos, he let this one play out, letting YouTube autoplay to the next one as he kept his phone close to his face. 
Hours passed with Calum trying to find more videos with this dancer in it, finally finding one that he watched a second time. This time, they were in heels, the sweet sounds of Niall Horan’s Slow Hands playing against his eardrums as they moved so elegantly. 
Lucky for him, his video finally had the Instagram handle for this dancer he was now obsessed with, the man immediately switching apps and bringing up their profile. 
They were genuinely stunning in the photos they would post, his thumbs slowly scrolling through most of the photos on their profile before he finally gave them a follow. He knew some fans would see that and make assumptions, but he didn’t care; he wanted to see more of this person and their talents, wanted to consume all forms of media they were on just to see them move. 
The man jumped at the sound of Luke’s voice, pulling out an AirPod as he tugged the curtain to his bunk aside. The tall blonde was leaning over and yawning, running a hand through his hair. 
“We’re stopping, mate,” he said, Calum now hearing the sounds of Michael and Ashton shifting in their beds. “Need anything, better get it now.” 
Cal nodded, climbing out of his bunk and giving a big stretch before pulling on some sweatpants. He climbed out of the bus and found Michael waiting for him, the usual routine whenever they made a stop. 
“Hey, Mike,” Cal said, nudging his best friend as he unlocked his phone and showed him the Instagram page he still had open. 
His best friend took his phone and raised an eyebrow as he scrolled down the page, opening some of the photos and giving them a look before he handed the device back. “They’re cute. You followed them?” 
Calum nodded as Michael grinned, giving him a nudge with his elbow. “Trying to make a move, pal? Get yourself a little someone?” 
Calum chuckled, shaking his head as he nudged Michael back. “I don’t think so, Mike, just think they’re talented. Wanna keep up with that.” 
Michael nodded and wiggled his eyebrows, making Calum shove him playfully as he broke into a laugh. 
“What’s goin’ on up there?” Ashton called from behind them as Luke trailed behind him. Michael turned around, walking backwards as he spoke. 
“Cal’s got a crush on a dancer!” he yelled back, making Calum groan. 
“It’s not a crush!” 
“Whatever you say, mate!” 
“Jade,” you called, your phone shifting slightly in its place. “What do you want for dinner?” 
Your Instagram live audience immediately started to chime in with suggestions as you picked up your phone, holding it out in front of you as you read the suggestions. 
Your best friend came out of her room and followed you, half of her now in view of the audience as you moved into the kitchen. “Someone’s suggested we order out instead of making something, but where’s the fun in that?” 
Jade chuckled as she started rummaging through the cabinets, taking in everything they had before she turned around and looked at you. “That might be a good idea,” she said, gesturing to the nearly empty cabinets. 
“Oh shit,” you sighed, putting a hand on your hip. “You’re right. Take out it is!” 
Jade chuckled as she picked up her phone, already dialing your favorite place and putting in an order for the two of you as you made faces at your audience. 
It was a quiet night and you had been bored, the Instagram live feature staring you in the eyes as you finally decided to just do it. You had taken the time beforehand to look cute but comfy, hoping the cute man that had followed you a few months ago now would join.
The notification had confused you. You weren’t sure who Calum Hood was at first, noticing the blue check next to his name as you did your investigation into his Instagram profile. After a quick Google search, however, you quickly learned everything you needed to know about him; his band had written one of your favorite dance songs and a few others you had put on your driving playlist that you vibed with the most. 
So, that mixed with how attractive you found him to be, you obviously had to follow him back. 
He didn’t post much and you were fine with that, always knowing when he was online by the comments he would leave when you posted a new photo or video. It was normally a cheeky comment followed by a set of emojis, something that always brought a light blush to your cheeks and giggles from your friends. 
Whenever he posted, you always did the same, both of you liking and commenting on photos relentlessly. You kept up with his band through his stories, even popping in on the livestream on release day just to see him dancing with his dog. 
He was absolutely adorable, and while you wanted to reach out and say hi in private, you knew he probably wouldn’t even see it; besides, he’s a rockstar and you’re a dancer. Talk about being worlds away, right?
Suddenly, you snapped back to reality, a name appearing in the stream of comments that made your heart skip. You quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the news, being careful to hide it from the camera as you slid it across the counter to Jade. 
He’s in the live, and said I look cute.
She picked up the note and raised an eyebrow out of view of the camera, a devilish grin on her lips as she immediately opened her phone. 
“What are you doing?” You asked her, standing up straight as soft music started playing over the speakers in your living area. 
Jade grabbed your hand and your livestream, dragging you both into the room. “I want to teach you and your livestream a new choreo I’m working on. Maybe you can even help me make it better.” 
You scoffed at that, knowing her undeniable talent as she set everything up. The song was Youngblood, the smooth notes practically fogging up the windows on their own as you started to learn. 
With a quick break for food once it arrived, you and Jade taught your livestream how to dance, laughter and music taking over both of you until you finally ended your live. 
You were covered in sweat, the soft sheen of it against the lights in your home obviously as your chest heaved. 
“Did you really need help with that choreo?” You asked Jade, your friend sprawled out in a starfish against the floors. 
She flashed you a smile. “Absolutely not,” she stated, sitting up. “But lover boy was watching, and he needs to know you have sex appeal.” 
You coughed, choking on a bit of spit at her words. “Jade!” You said, your best friend cackling as she scrambled up to her feet. 
“Love you!” She said as you chased her away, the woman dipping into her room and locking the door behind her. 
You groaned, blushing deeply as you hid yourself away in your room. 
Tour life had become routine for Calum, as it always does, but the nights off always left him a bit bored. Being in strange cities left him without much to do this close to the end of tour, but he thoroughly enjoyed opening your livestream and watching you laugh. 
Michael must have been a psychic, cause what started as an appreciation for your talents has become much more than that. When you laughed he felt himself smiling, his eyes crinkling as they do whenever he got to hear you speak. He was crushing hard, his post notifications on for the dancer he had fallen for over the months as he kept himself busy with his passion and job. 
When he saw the notification of your livestream he immediately jumped in, joining and smiling immediately as he saw your face fill his phone screen. 
You were smiling at your friend, resting your cheek against your hand as you leaned on what looked like a kitchen counter. You were looking absolutely adorable, the smile on Calum’s face hardly fading as he gained the confidence to send a comment. 
He saw your eyes light up as you looked at your screen, the expression on your face making his heart skip while his own eyes traced the shape of your face. You scribbled something down and passed it to your friend, the two of you then shifting to the living area where the phone was set up to expose the extra space around you. 
His eyes stayed locked on your body as you moved, fluidity and grace in each step as you were taught a new dance. The tones of the music brought out in your dancing brought a slight blush to his cheeks as you put the whole thing together. The dance itself was sultry, but when you moved to it, the tempo took on a whole new heartbeat, and suddenly the song was so much better in Calum’s mind. 
It felt like it was too soon when you finished, bowing to your friend as she grinned wildly. Calum’s palms were a little bit sweaty as he watched you move closer to the camera, the live ending soon after as you moved on with your life. 
The images of you moving still floated through Calum’s mind, his memory fixated on it as he finally opened up his Instagram DM’s. 
Your username popped up immediately when he started a new conversation, his first message being typed out effortlessly by his thumbs. 
Saw your live tonight, he typed. Thanks for dancing to our song.
It was simple enough, he thought, but hoped you wouldn’t think it was too simple; nerves danced along his muscles as he pressed send, his words to you now being sent through a series of ones and zeros as he quickly locked his phone and pushed it away. Now that he had made the move he was terrified of your response, the man trying to distract himself as he climbed out of his bunk and hunted down Michael. 
His best friend was sitting on the bus couch, scrolling through whatever social media platform as Cal plopped down beside him. 
“You talk to that dancer yet?” Michael asked immediately, hardly glancing up from his phone as Calum chuckled. 
“You need to stop reading my mind,” he scolded gently. “Yeah, I, uh, just messaged them actually. They danced to Youngblood on a livestream.” 
Michael looked at Calum and wiggled his eyebrows. “And judging by the blush on your face I’d say it was a good performance.” 
Calum’s blush only deepened as Michael laughed, a light ping of Cal’s phone interrupting their conversation. 
Michael stood and grabbed the phone as Calum froze in place, placing it on the couch beside his best friend before he sat down again. 
“Answer it.” 
“Calum Thomas, you answer that lovely person right this second or I’ll do it for you.” 
The magic words made Calum open his phone, knowing if Michael had to answer the message he would never be able to show his face around you. Nervous butterflies exploded in his stomach as he opened your response, Michael reading over his shoulder. 
Well hello, handsome. Thanks for writing such a good song, hahaha. It’s one of my favorites! 
“Well, mate,” Michael said, grinning as he slapped Calum on the back. “Looks like you can handle it.” 
Your new video was incredible, how long did that take? You’re amazing!
Calum’s newest message to you made you smile, sweat making your hair cling to your forehead as you typed out a quick response. 
Thanks, I had quite a good muse for that one ;)
Oh really? Must be a lucky muse if they inspire something so beautiful. 
A heavy blush landed on your cheeks as you typed back a response, the click of someone’s fingers gaining your attention as you hit send. 
“I know that’s not a phone out,” Kyle scolded gently, a sheepish smile pulling on your lips. 
“Sorry Kyle, I’m putting it away now,” you promised, thumbs typing a quick message to Calum before burying the device deep within your bag. 
It’s been about a month or two since Calum first messaged you, the banter and flirting starting immediately as you both finally got to have the private conversations you had been dreaming of. At times it would inch away from the innocent compliments and small talk to something sexier, but you both kept yourselves as appropriate as possible - sometimes. 
Now, as Kyle reeled you back in to finish teaching the new choreo he had worked on, your mind wandered to Calum’s real thoughts about your IGTV video you had posted hours before. 
Hearing Wildflower for the first time had sent you directly to the empty dance studio your parents had built you at their place, your feet and body taking almost no time to settle in as you started hammering out a choreo to Calum’s melody. You had been up all night doing it, barely making it to Kyle’s class on time as notifications from Instagram started pouring in, praises about your technique and song choice washing over you. 
However, something tugged within you when you saw Calum’s message. It was different coming from him for some reason, and it filled you with a mix of excitement and pleasure; it was a weird mix for you, something you hadn’t ever truly felt before, but you hesitantly welcomed it with open arms. 
The class passed by slower than you wanted, each time you ran through the choreography only taking up the smallest bit of time as you anxiously waited for the clock to strike 4 so you can open your messages again and talk to him. 
Finally, your magical moment arrived when you could pack up and leave, Kyle giving you a big hug and saying his thanks before you started to hurry out the door. 
“Hey!” Kyle called after you, making you pause in the doorway and spin around. He had a grin on his face. “Hope this guy is a good one.” 
You beamed and laughed. “I think he is. Thanks, Kyle.” 
He smiled and waved as you turned around again and bolted to your car, locking the doors as soon as they had shut as you opened up your messages from Calum. 
He had sent a cheeky reply to your message earlier, followed by a video sent to you. With captured breath you tapped on the message, the video unfolding before you. 
It was focused on his feet as he walked over shiny white tile, the camera panning up to expose the interior of LAX - or that’s what the location filter said, at least. You felt a grin crack open your face as you quickly realized what this meant. 
Calum was home from tour. 
Your thumbs started to type faster than you thought they could. 
You’re home! 
Almost immediately, the little bubble appeared. 
Home, and ready to see you if you’re up for it.
Butterflies exploded in your stomach as you typed an affirmative message, both of you quickly setting up a time and place before you drove back to your home. 
“Jade!” You yelled as you stepped inside, dropping your bag at the door while you quickly slipped off your shoes. 
Your friend's head poked out from around a corner as you started shedding clothes, her hand immediately flying to cover her eyes as she yelped. “Whoa, where’s the fire?! Why are you undressing in the middle of the house?” 
“I have a date.” You stated, stopping just outside of your door as you turned to face her. “With Calum. And I need you to pick my outfit while I shower!” 
Jade uncovered her eyes and beamed, immediately following you into your room while you ducked into your private bathroom. While you had your shower, Jade was yelling questions to you, the two of you plotting and planning until you finally stepped out and pulled on the clothes she had decided on. 
Your light blue jeans and white crop top were the perfect amount of casual, a light sprinkle of shiny jewelry being thrown in until Jade gave you the approval. When you checked the time on your phone, you nodded, standing and thanking her profusely as you finally went out the door and into your car again. 
By now, the sunshine of LA was changing colors, shedding the harsh tone of the day for the warmth of dusk that was soon to come. The coffee shop Calum had chosen was perfect, too, the dwindling sunlight being perfect as you sat in a chair just outside the shop. 
You anxiously looked around while you waited, playing with some of the rings around your fingers as you waited patiently for your date to arrive. Is this really even a date? You thought, suddenly panicking about how you looked. What if this is just a casual- 
“This seat taken?” 
His voice took you by surprise, your eyes trailing upwards to meet the warm, smiling brown ones of Calum Hood. 
You smiled a little bit, leaning your elbows on the table. “Well I was saving it for a cute boy,” you teased. “But I guess you can sit as well.” 
Calum gave you a look of mock hurt. “Ouch, right in the ego,” he teased back, slowly reaching across the table to take your hand. “Nice to finally meet you in person.” 
He spoke as he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a sweet and seductive kiss to your knuckles as his gaze held you captive. You blushed deeply, smiling in an attempt to cover it. 
“And the same for you,” you said softly, smiling as he held on to your hand. 
The two of you sat there and chatted as the sun set around you, the cool of the evening wrapping around you as you got lost in Calum’s words. Conversation came easily with him, both of you feeling like you had already known each other for so much longer than reality; something with the two of you just worked, and you loved being able to lose track of time with him. 
Honestly, it was far too easy for you to lose yourself in his very being, but you decided not to focus entirely on that. 
When the quiet and kind barista came out to put up the tables and chairs, you apologized profusely, Calum chuckling as he stood up. You quickly followed after him, the two of you apologizing again before starting to walk away, Calum’s hand slipping easily around your own while you blushed. 
The two of you slowly walked back to your cars together, a comfortable silence settling in as you made your way to your cars. He walked you right up to your drivers side door, the man smiling sheepishly as he looked at you. 
“Thanks for being willing to meet with me,” he said sweetly, bringing your joined hands up to his chest. He held them there, right next to his heart, which you could feel beating against your knuckles. “I’m glad you didn’t think I was a serial killer or something.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “And I’m glad you didn’t think I was a catfish,” you joked, Calum smiling and laughing. 
When you both settled down again your gazes met, another blush coating your cheeks as he leaned down. His lips connected with your cheek quickly, the man standing up straight again as he released your hand. 
While you were sad that he let you go, you knew it was time for you to go home; it was getting late, and you had a workshop to be at in the morning, your mind still racing as you dug out your keys and unlocked your car. 
Calum pulled the door open for you, letting you slide in as he leaned against the top of the door. 
“Will we be able to see each other again?” He asked softly, his chin resting on his arm as he draped it over the door. 
You thought for a second, making a bit of a face. “I guess so, but I’ll have to have my people call your people.” 
Calum grinned, chuckling at your teasing. “Well my people will be anxiously awaiting your people.” He took a second after he finished speaking, getting a serious look on his face as he looked at you. “I’d like to see you again, though. Maybe for dinner?” 
You smiled, reaching up to take his hand. “I would love that,” you said, giving his fingers a squeeze as he brought them to his lips again. 
He smiled and let you settle in, carefully closing the door for you before he stepped back a bit. He watched you go, making sure you were able to pull onto the roads okay before he got into his own vehicle. 
Once Calum’s driver seat door had closed, he pulled out his phone, immediately pulling up the group text with his bandmates. 
Guys, he typed. I’m so fucked.
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angelicrome · 6 years
temper ✦ c.h
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(yo this gif is perfect for this, man. so great what a special creature.)
idea: look at this y’all, isn’t he adorable cute pic of cal
requests are open, any fandom - here’s my masterlist :))
pairing: calum hood x reader
warning: no i dont think so. just read it, i’m dying, the part 2 is gonna be great. 
author’s note: sooooo.... part 2 is gonna be released as soon as possible because y’all deserve that. Also, longer author’s note in the end, because i think we all need that, right. AND the story is better than the title, remember that.  
description: being unhappy in love with bestfriend!calum and wanting to tell him so badly, but there’s always something in the way - until one night where everything is just so right and yet so wrong. 
“No, I don’t feel like going out right now.” You mumbled, looking at your clock. It was almost nine, and there were four boys, standing around you, begging you to go to a stupid party with them.
“Please, Y/N, you know it’s just gonna be boring at home and you’re gonna regret it-“ Luke began a whole speech about how you only live life once and how you should take chances.
“We’ll even give you time to get ready,” Michael said, not even letting Luke finish but it didn’t matter because he just kept talking and Michael was talking and soon Ashton blurted out how he was actually going to pay you if you went to that stupid party.
“I don’t want to.” You shouted and stood up from the broken kitchen chair. You were still in your pyjamas and honestly felt disgusting to even be awake. You just wanted to go back to bed, even though you got up three hours ago. You took the dirty dishes to the sink. The boys had been at your house for a whole week, trying to comfort you. They didn’t really help.
It wasn’t a break-up. It wasn’t something you could talk about - at least to the boys.
It was love. Unhappy love. That kind of love where you’re in love with someone, but they’re in love with someone else. It’s that kind of love that makes you go to a kind of sad and dark place where you just need a couple days of crying and sleeping.
Ashton knew. You didn’t tell him, he actually figured it out on his own. He said it was the way you looked at Calum when he told you he had gotten an official girlfriend - and that he loved her, so so much. Thinking about it made you sigh so powerfully that it stopped the annoying persuasion.
“Okay, guess we lost you on this one, too.” Ashton acknowledged and patted Luke on the shoulder, to make him turn around but also to say “we tried our best again, she’s not coming” and turned around to walk out of the house.
You followed them to the door. You grinned when Michael started to fake-cry when he said goodbye to you. Luke fake-comforted him, so you knew he was going to be fake-alright. Ashton nodded to you as a small “you’ll be okay, darling” and you smiled, an overly happy and forged smile.
Calum then turned to you. He hadn’t really said anything, at all. Not during dinner, not during the persuasion. But he pulled you into a big bear hug and you couldn’t help but bury your face down in his neck. The smell of him, the touch of him made your heart race and you were almost scared he could feel your heart pumping through your thick hoodie and his jacket. He pulled away and gave you the best-begging face he could think of.
“Y/N, I think you really need this.” The sweet, coffee brown eyes drilled into yours and his red lips were pulled into a wide smile. “You know I want you there to protect me.”
“From what? Kidnappers?” You snapped and crossed your arms. 
“Calum! You coming?” The car outside honked five times as Calum stuck his head out to yell at the boys.
“In a minute! You just go, we’ll take the Y/N’s car.”
A huge sigh escaped your lips as you turned around to just walk away from that boy who pretty much just forced you to go. You didn’t walk away because you were mad, you walked away because you knew he was going to convince you with just an innocent smirk.
“Hey, Y/N.” Calum grabbed your arm and turned you around. You were met by his precious smile and rosy cheeks. “I know this isn’t ideal, but I also know you’ll do anything for me.”
Ouch. That hurt because it was the truth. And it made you wonder; did he know you were dying to kiss him every time he was close? And exactly as you thought about that, he pulled you close into another hug and you died inside - again.
“Now, you’re gonna go up, take a shower, put some clothes on, I don’t care if it’s pyjamas or if it’s a prom dress. You’ll look good in whatever.”
He kissed your forehead and send you upstairs with small encouragements.
Fuck Calum, you thought as you were standing in the shower.
He can’t just say things like that and expect you to just nod and go with him without feeling annoyed or in love. Or both, in your case.
You didn’t even bother to put on makeup. Black pants, an oversized t-shirt and a leather jacket. You could wear a pair of heels to make it look like you put a little effort in the look, even though the shirt was also the shirt you had slept in three nights ago.
“Hey, look at that hot chick!” Calum exclaimed when he saw you hurrying down the stairs. He put his phone in his pocket. “And it only took 20 minutes!”
“Shut.” You nagged and put on some black heels. Your hair was already falling down from the braided knot you had put it up in.
“A’ight, ready to go?”
“I hate you for this.” You snarled as you took your car keys, ripped the door open and dragged your feet to the small blue car you had owned for 6 years now.
“I can drive,” Calum said, trying to follow your pace and smacked the door locked behind him. You threw the keys to him and got in the car. When he came in, he rolled his eyes at you. The motor purred and you laid your head against the window, as Calum turned on the radio. He kept changing stations as he didn’t seem to find the right music for the vibe in the car. It ended with him turning the radio completely off.
“Okay, so I’m sorry I pretty much forced you to go. But I just thought that it was important and you could use a couple of drinks.” Calum started apologizing, even though he hadn’t really done something that was awful. He had just persuaded you into going out even though you weren’t in the mood. “I just… I really want to know what’s been bugging you lately.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Really? Because most of the times, it seems like you don’t care.”
“I care, of course, I care!” He almost sounded offended as his hands clenched around the steering wheel. “You’re my best friend and I love you.”
Your heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t like you didn’t know that he loved you. He just didn’t say it often. Not like Ashton who would say it every chance he got or Luke who would always yell it to you during his drunk blackouts. It was different with Calum. You had known the band for a long time, but you had known Calum your whole life. You were neighbours when you were kids. He was even your first kiss. You were his first crush. You had rejected him when you were 16. After that, it was kind of awkward and you didn’t really talk, but time heals all wounds. But about two years ago, an urge to be with Calum all the time and a desire to kiss him every time you saw him occurred. It hurt, but you learned to live with it. You just had to bury it and not talk to anyone about it.
“Just tell me already, Y/N. I’m… worried, okay.” You didn’t answer. You just kept looking out of the window, ignoring him. "Alright, if you don't wanna talk to your best friend, you best friend might not wanna talk to you." It sounded rather childish, so you just gushed and kept ignoring him. What would happen if you told him? Would you find a solution together or would it just be awkward again? The last option seemed the most realistic and it hurt even thinking about it.
30 minutes went by.
“We’re here.” Calum parked the car, 500 meters from the actual club where the party was held. You looked at him and saw how pale he was. His hands were clenched, veins were popping and his mouth was just a small line.
You got out of the car and together you walked in silently to the club. The banging music was loud even though you just stood right outside the club.
“Let me just walk us in.” Getting into private celeb parties was a whole thing, but when Calum stood on the guest list it wasn’t even hard to get in. He would just say his name, hold his hand around my hip and we’d get in easily and quickly.
You could barely hear what song they were playing. It was all just loud EDM noise to you.
Calum walked away from you as soon as you were in. He was probably still mad. You rolled your eyes and went to the bar as a Kanye West song started playing.
“Two shots of tequila.” You yelled at the bartender and two shots were immediately put in front of you. “Put it on Ashton Irwin’s bill.”
The bartender nodded and you drowned the two burning drinks in you. “Another shot!” You yelled and before you knew it you had downed to more shots.
“Hey, Y/N, you ok?” You twisted your face to your left to see a tall Luke Hemmings. He seemed taller than usual.
“Let’s dance!” You commanded and pulled him out on the dance floor. Luke was not a good dancer and a lot of the times you would just stand there laughing at him. But sometimes you would pull him close and dance with him, move your bodies in the same speed, the same movement. His face was flustered, cheeks were red and you pulled your face close to his, noses touching.
“I’m in love with Calum.” You whispered too quietly in his ear, closing your eyes before making the move on Luke.
He pulled away with a surprise. “What? What’s going on here?”
You wiped the sweat away from your head and stepped back, starring Luke straight in the eye before turning around on your heel. Strangers were consuming you, jumping around you, but Luke caught up with you and stared at you with mouth wide open.
“You’re in love with Calum?”
“He has a girlfriend!” You shrugged and kept moving your body to the rhythm, as he giggled a little, looking around.
“Jesus…” He hid his face in his hands before looking up again. “They broke up, you asshole. Yesterday! He didn’t tell you?”
Bum. The music didn’t seem that loud anymore. Your body wasn’t moving happily to the rhythm and your eyes weren’t focused on Luke. They were searching around the room for Calum, the guy who scolded you for not telling him what was wrong but in reality did the exact same thing.
“I need another shot.” You muttered and made your way to the bar. Thoughts were going around in your head. He said he loved her, why did they break up? Did she cheat? Did he cheat? Or… is he just in love with someone else? The thought startled you because that didn’t make any sense, he would have told you then. You laid your arms on the bar counter and smiled at the bartender.
“Three shots of the strongest liquor, sir!” You yelled and soon three shots were in front of you and you enjoyed the warm feeling through your body. You took two before letting out a sigh of relief. You were just about to take the third as a well-known hand came beforehand and Calum downed the shot right before your eyes and looked you straight in the eye. The flashing light was reflecting in his dark eyes as bit his bottom lip.
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, I think we do, too.”
longer author’s note: so i haven’t really written anything for a v long time, so this is not the best i’ve done (but defiently not the worst either, just read some of the early work yikes). i really want to keep writing when the inspiration strikes, but it i don’t know if i’ll write all requests nor do i know if i even am gonna write that much, let’s see where it goes.
 i hope y’all are doing well, you can always just talk to me if you are in need of a friend and i hope you liked this lil piece of work here. 
request here - any fandom will do :)
masterlist here
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Relentless | Calum Hood Series Pt.17
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                                       Part S E V E N T E E N 
Request: Being the cousin of Ashton Irwin was exciting, especially when invited to their tour to hang out with his best friends. You found yourself becoming fond of Calum Hood, who finds you annoying from your constant appearance. But what would happen if you stopped giving him that attention?
Word Count: 4k+
A/N: bEFORE YOU READ THIS, I HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY. 1. sexual assault is not okay and i do not advocate it at all. theres a bit in there (not too descriptive) that i just want to warn about. and also keep in mind that i dont hate nia or anything, im just making a juicy story. okay, das it. hope you enjoy and please get this to 100 notes !! 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. [DONE]  
                                                  I M A G I N E 
Hilton Hotel, NYC, 7:25 P.M. 
“I already don’t trust this,” Luke whispered by your ear as the two of you stared at the embrace Calum shared with Nia. You couldn’t help but agree with Luke on this one. Even though it’s just a hug and nothing more, you now knew their history and noticed how she is holding him. 
She was intimidating, you had to admit. Her body had been perfect, with well-done hair and perfect cake worth of makeup. Her confidence was beyond you, wearing such small clothing to show off her belly and toned, long legs. And with the way she was staring at Calum when she pulled away from him, you could tell that she adores him just as much as you did. 
“The rest of the guys want to see you, Cal!” Nia cheered, her smile immensely wide as she wrapped her arms around one of his. Calum glanced over at you, pleading as he gave her an annoyed expression. “It’s been so long-- let’s head inside!” 
“I can enter without you dragging me, thank you,” Calum began as he retrieved his arm from her grip. He quickly grabs you over and wraps his arm around your waist once more. “Have you met my beautiful girlfriend yet, Nia? This is Y/N.” 
“Hi!” Nia said happily, rushing into you to give you a hug. You felt awkwardly uncomfortable. It was hard to think this girl was hugging you when it’s obvious you’re making her seethe. Especially because you won the heart of the man she adores so much. 
“Nice to meet you,” you said quietly, reluctantly wrapping your arms around her as you stood in the embrace. But as you guys hugged, Nia grabbed a bit of your shirt from the back and put her mouth closer to your ear. 
“Stay away from him for the night, m’kay?” Nia said softly, her words stuck with a bit of poison. When she pulled away, you stared at her. Her aim was to vex you with those words. And as much as you were tempted to tell Calum, you didn’t find it too worth it. After all, Calum was yours and not hers. 
But you noticed that when she looked over to Michael, he was right beside you. He was leering at her with those green eyes of his, having her back up a bit before turning back to give Calum his attention. You looked worriedly over at Michael, who shrugged it and gave you a soft smile. 
“Boys!” Nia called to all of them. “We have an area secluded for us. Let me get you a drink, CalCal.” As One OK Rock and Lashton walked inside, Nia turned back to you and smirked. “You can roam around if you’d like. It’s a party, you can have fun without Calum for a bit.” 
With that, she grabbed Calum’s hand and dragged him inside, having him look at you with sad eyes before disappearing in the crowds. Michael took initiative and guided you inside before closing the door behind the both of you. As much as you were digging the hype vibe, you couldn’t help but worry a bit. 
“I wouldn’t trust that girl, either,” Michael snarled. He bent down to speak right into your ear as the music was blasting. Lights of pinks and blues danced around with the party goers who were also talking over the music. “She’s a tricky one, she is.” 
“It’s not just that,” you breathed, placing one of your hands on your stomach. “I feel so bad for not trusting Calum 100%. I’m scared something’ll happen.” Michael wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gave you a gentle squeeze. 
“I understand, but don’t worry too much, yeah?” Michael tried to reassure. “Calum is really obsessed with you. If he does anything, I doubt it was by his free will.” You nodded, gulping your nerves down as Michael led you to the bar. 
“We’re already drinking?” You asked in a bit of shock, nudging the bleach-haired boy softly. He nodded vigorously, quickly getting the bartender to get two beers and two shots. “Already?” 
“You’re drinking with me, loser,” Michael gushed, having you playfully roll your eyes as the bartender returned with two Coronas and 2 shot glasses. You grabbed one of the shots, clinking it with Michaels before the both of you swallowed the substance whole. 
“Fuck, that’s strong,” you winced, feeling the poison burn down your throat. Michael nodded, couching a bit before grabbing his beer to take a swig of it. You took a swig of yours as well, attempting to wash off the rest of the shot from your throat. 
“Right? Holy shit,” Michael said, seeming very exhilarated from it. You giggled as Michael began to chit chat about stupid things regarding the management and Abigail Breslin. And it was nice to share stories and laughter with Michael, but your head was still thinking about Calum with Nia. But nonetheless, it was a pleasant time with Michael. 
“I better bolt soon,” Michael began as he checked his phone. “I have to be in their Snaps and whatnot so Hi or Hey has loving and ‘very close’ bands signed on their label.” 
“Understood,” you assured Michael, having him give you a nice, genuine embrace. As he let go, though, Crystal was suddenly beside the both of you with a wide smile. “Oh-- hello, Crystal!” 
“Y/N! How’re you?” The sweet, pink-haired girl rushed into your arms and gave you a hug. She was very kind to you, even if Michael always seemed to be fairly close to you. It made her seem like a spectacular girlfriend in comparison to yourself. 
“I’m well, and yourself?” You asked softly as you drank down your 2nd beer. 
“Also well, m’love!” Crystal gushed as she went to Michael and gave him a loving kiss. She wrapped her arms around Michaels lovingly, making your heart pause just thinking about Calum. You wondered if Nia was doing that to Calum right now. Nuzzling up against that strong bicep, staring at those meaningful tattoos of his. You felt sick just thinking about it and how paranoid you were being. 
“Oh hey, Y/N!” Crystal stole you from your thoughts as you stared back at the model before you. “Nick Jonas is looking for you, y’know.” Nick? He’s here? And he’s looking for you? 
This party is proving itself to be a bad idea. 
“O-oh, okay,” you choked up a bit. “I suppose I’ll go try and look for him. I’ll be seeing you two around, yeah?” The couple nodded, having Michael flash you some sad eyes before you lost yourself in the crowds of people once more. 
You weren’t even sure where to look, but you definitely didn’t want to 3rd wheel those two. The dancing bodies were collecting sweat and sharing energy as you struggled to weave yourself through them. But their energy was enough to make you feel breathless and you decided to forget about the Jonas brother. You fled outside to the large balcony, seeing less people residing there. 
Letting out a sigh, you walked slowly to the rail and hung your arms off of it. With the beer in your hand, you stared at the city and how the night sky highlighted the lights. New York City truly was beautiful at the night. It was too bad you couldn’t share such a lovely sight with your boyfriend. But what can you do? 
It wasn’t until now that you thought about how different your life was compared to Calum’s. This boy was travelling the world, delivering music and doing what he loves to do. He goes to parties with models and famous people who know his name like the back of their hands. Fans from all over go head over heels just seeing him on a photo. What’s gonna happen when you return to uni? Is he gonna drop you and snag a model who can go wherever because shes beautiful and wealthy? Will you just become a faded memory?-- 
You suddenly turned around to find Nick Jonas right in front of you. He gave you his kind smile, with his teeth shining through with ease. He looked exhilarated, like this party fever was just a part of his blood stream. He opened up his arms to you, having you hesitate before going into them. 
“It’s nice to see you again, Nick,” you said softly with a smile. He looked at you, those eyes full of the same stuff that Calum stares at you with. But it was different. Nick’s stare didn’t drive your heart over the speed limit. 
“And you as well!” Nick said. “Look at you-- you look absolutely stunning right now, Y/N. How has the tour been treating you so far?” 
“Well, I’d hope!” You say sheepishly. You were wearing these black skinny jeans with a pastel pink sweater. With converse to cover your feet, you didn’t think much of your look. It was simple and sweet. “It seems you’re doing just as well as I last saw you, ay?” 
“I mean, I’m still disappointed about last time,” Nick said with a nervous chuckle. “Which I do want to apologize to you for. You were vulnerable and I just assumed that maybe kissing me would make you feel better. But I was greedy and honestly, I think you’re something amazing, Y/N.” 
“Th-thanks, Nick, I appreciate that...” You thanked him softly, looking down so he didn’t see your pink-tinted cheeks. 
“How did everything work out with that crush, by the way?” Nick asked with pure wonder. “--That is, if you want to tell me!” 
“Oh, um,” you began awkwardly, smiling a bit. “We actually got together. In fact, my crush was the boy who pulled us away before we could kiss.” 
“Wait, your crush is... Calum Hood?” Nick asked lowly. 
“W-well, he’s now my boyfriend, but yes,” you said softly. By his shocked expression, you felt like it was... wrong. “I-is there a problem?” Nick shoved his hands in his pockets before merely shrugging. 
“I dunno, that guy has hooked up a lot when we both happen to be at the same parties,” Nick said nonchalantly. “I guess I’m just surprised. At Calum for finding such a great catch like yourself and at you for liking someone like... him.” 
“Watch yourself, Jonas,” you semi-teased. You were definitely defending your boyfriend, but you were getting a bit tipsy. “That boy and I have history. I’ve loved him since secondary school.” 
“Ah, so it’s a childhood crush?” Nick asked. 
You began to tell Nick the story about meeting the boys as he led you back inside the suite. He guided you over to the bar and got you more drinks on his tab. The more you were being given, the faster you were losing to intoxication. Your body was loosening up, your chest was calming its paranoia, and Calum was quickly fading from your thoughts. 
You were losing your sober state to the power of poison disguised as alcohol. 
8:50 P.M. 
“Baby, I like your style!” You sang, with the people crowding you simply cheering you on. 
You were completely intoxicated, only able to feel the buzzing spreading all over your body. Nick dragged you all over the place, introducing you to new faces that you’ve seen on TV plenty. And instantly, they fell in love with you and followed your wild-self around. It was good to feel recognized and somehow appreciated. 
So there you were, with your sweater lifted a bit up to show off your belly to the crowd. You were swaying your hips to Drake, feeling the music surge through your body. You did several provocative movements, such as groping your breasts and biting your lips as everybody ate it up. It felt good to be watched and be a pleasurable view. 
“Yas, Y/N! Slay bitch!” Girls, who became your new friends, cheered you on as they rushed to join you. There you were with several models, grinding on one another and started some sort of twerking circle. You wouldn’t be doing this regularly, but your head was way out of space to even think. 
“I need a one dance, got a Hennessy in my hand!” You sang with the girls, feeling them grab your waist and dance with you. It was wild, but you felt so free and full of life. The girl dancing with you, a nice dark chocolate, was weaving her legs between yours to grind on one another while dancing. You wrapped your arms around her waist to keep her close, feeling the beat in sync with her. 
As the song came to a finish, the girls had slapped your ass before you dizzily tried leaving the circle. Nick was quick to your rescue, holding your arms to keep you on your feet. You looked over at him and started laughing, somehow in disbelief that Nick Jonas was in your presence. 
“Woah there, Princess!” Nick said with a chuckle. “Relax, I got you.” He began walking you over to the bar. Sitting you down on the spinning stool, you began to spin yourself as Nick ordered a Martini. 
“Wee, this is so fun!” You squealed, giggling uncontrollably as you spun. Nick quickly grabbed you, stopping you from spinning by his hands clinging on your waist. He chuckled at you, but you were surprisingly upset with him. “Why’d you stawp meee?” 
“Because you’ll get even more dizzy!” Nick exclaimed as he gave you an enthused smile. “And I don’t want this beautiful lady to get more dizzy.” You giggled again, placing your hand on Nick’s lips to keep him from talking. 
“If Calum heard you say that to me, he’d get so angry!” You gushed, giggling at the thought of your jealous boyfriend. You imagined his head blowing up like an airhead. Nick took your hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss on the top. 
“He’s too busy sucking lips with another woman, though,” Nick said, his tone seeming sympathetic but his lips were curved in a light smirk. You felt your heart hurt a bit from hearing them, though. You grew pale, looking at Nick with disbelief as he held your wrists. “You don’t believe me? C’mere.” 
After forcing the Martini down, Nick walked you over to the middle of one of the huge living rooms of the suite. You have literally been all over the suite except for one area. It was the room where Calum and the other bands were hanging out at. You had no idea why they were so secluded, but you did see some of the party goers go back and forth from the place. 
“Go down over there and you’ll see for yourself,” Nick instructed you, giving your shoulders a light squeeze before pushing you gently. You nodded, glancing behind a little to see Nick tap at his phone. “I’ll be waiting right here for you!” He yelled, giving you a soft smile. 
You walked down, your legs feeling heavy as you transition from a lively room dancing to Rather Be into a more quiet, tamed room. Unlike the bright lights from before, this room was ornate with dark reds and blacks. The soft bass from Passionfruit was playing, feeling Drake suck you up again. As you walked, you entered a more chill room with sensual dancers. 
You noticed Michael and Crystal among the dancers, seeing them talk and laugh softly to one another. It made you smile to see Michael so content with his life at the moment. Scanning some more, you noticed Ashton doing a bit of drinking with a few guys and girls at the bar. Turning some more, you saw Luke at the corner with a phone in his ear and frustration in his face. You looked much harder for Calum. 
Then you spotted him. 
He was in a booth with Nia. Across from her were 2 more girls, a blonde who was smiling politely. The other looked like Nia cloned herself just to be with Calum twice as much. It made you almost vomit to see 2 of her near Calum. As you were walking over to rip your boyfriend away from her, Nia suddenly grabbed his shift and pulled him onto her. Nia’s blue eyes shifted at you to give you a brief wink. 
Their lips touched. 
Overwhelming emotion overcame you as you quickly turned around and ran out of the room. You couldn’t even dare stay to watch. You went back to the loudness and the insane energy, with tears building in your eyes. Your hands were shaking and you didn’t even want to move anymore. But you needed to be as far away from Calum as possible. 
“Y/N?” Nick called to you, having you tilt your head up as you quickly rushed into his arms. He held you close in his warm embrace, making you feel somewhat safe as you cried into his shirt. You felt bad for dirtying his shirt with a bit of makeup, but you couldn’t help it. Your heart was broken. 
“You were right,” you cried, your hands grabbing harshly at Nick’s shirt at his chest. “He... he kissed... her...” You sniffled harshly, feeling your bottom lip quiver as Nick held you stronger. 
“It’s okay, Y/N, please stop crying!” Nick insisted as he quickly whistled at someone. You watch as someone passed him a water bottle before he began guiding you up a flight of stairs to the roof. You didn’t want to do anything, but Nick insisted as he opened the door to reveal the rooftop to you. He tossed you the water, which you gulped down quickly. 
It was beautiful. Several couches and beach chairs were laid out all over, with Christmas lights wrapped around the poles to spread all over. Tables were scattered with candles and empty bottles of beer. It was pretty vacant, surprisingly. Nick guided you over to a fairly quiet part of the balcony by a railing. He leaned you against it, just like Calum did when the two of you were at the park. 
“Stop crying, okay?” Nick whispered at you, his nose practically 2 inches from yours. His eyes contained an intensity that reminded you of Calum’s whenever he was speaking seriously. “You’re so beautiful to be crying over someone who doesn’t even deserve you.” 
“I just... how can he do that to me?” You began shakily, feeling your hands shake uncontrollably. Nick rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. 
“Fuck Calum, when you can have a man like me.” Nick growled seductively before latching his lips onto your nick. Kisses were being planted on your neck, having some sort of pleasure jolt inside you. His tongue was swiping along it as he nibbled on your neck. 
He rose a bit and began to kiss your jawline, feeling his chin hair tickle you slightly. Your eyes were completely shut, too intoxicated to realize much. The pleasure was playing with your heart too much, having you love the way these pair of lips felt on your neck. You randomly found yourself thinking it was Calum. 
But Nick’s hands suddenly grabbed your waist, slipping under your shirt to touch your tender skin. His fingers were rough, but there were smooth callouses on them. It was very unlike Calum’s. Calum doesn’t even bother trying to make his hands soft. That’s what makes him so unique and familiar. 
You realized then that it wasn’t your beloved boyfriend. Opening your eyes, you look down to feel Nick dig his hands into your jeans. You quickly placed your hands on his chest and tried pushing him away, but he was strongly stood in front of you. 
“N-Nick, please stop...” You whispered, using all yoru stretch to push the Jonas brother away from you. But that only caused him to bite gently on your neck. You moaned harshly with pure distaste in your tone. 
“Let me show you a good time, Princess,” Nick growled on your neck as his hands clasped at your underwear. He used one of his hands to pull your jeans from your body so the other had more space to roam. You felt his hand touch the beginnings of your no-no zone, causing you to freak out even further. 
“Nick, fucking stop!” You screamed, dropping your hands down to grab his wrist and pull it away. Although it was somewhat working, he was still rather strong as his hand stayed against your warm skin. “Calum! Calum, please!” You pleaded for your boyfriend, your sadness completely being replaced with desperation. You shut your eyes, feeling your force give out as Nick went deeper into your pants. 
But, within seconds, Nick’s lips were gone from your neck and his hand was removed from your pants. 
Opening your eyes, you see Calum looking down angrily at a fallen Nick. You looked down to see Calum’s fist, with was shaking from the adrenaline of punching the Jonas brother. Your heart began to race, seeing the fury of Calum’s heaving chest as he glared. 
“Y/N, what the fuck?” Calum spat at you, having you look at him to collect tears in your eyes again. He looked mad-- no, he is mad. His brown eyes intensely looked at yours, reminding yourself of the only stare that goes straight into your heart. 
“Don’t ‘what the fuck’ my cousin like she did something wrong!” Ashton barked as the boys came rushing over. “She was crying your fucking name and pleading for damn help! You think she enjoyed that?” 
Why are you so angry with me?
“Why the fuck was she even with him in the first place?” Calum barked back, keeping his eyes in you as Michael and Luke walked over. You lost your gaze with Calum for a moment, feeling yourself feel woozy and sick from everything. 
You left me alone. 
“Before you start blowing your fucking lid off,” Michael began, going over to you to rest a hand on your shoulder. You flinched. “Let’s put our attention to how Y/N was just fucking sexually assaulted.” Michael looked over at Nick and spat out rude Australian terms. 
“But he has tried to fucking kiss her before, mate!” Calum hissed at Michael. “You’d figure she’d know better and avoid this asshole.” Calum glared at Nick, who was sitting up and rubbing his cheek where he was punched. 
Then why didn’t you stay with me?
“She always sees the best in people, Calum,” Michael rolled his eyes. “Also keep in mind that you left her. Fucking look at her-- Jesus, she’s fucking trembling, mate!” 
“I didn’t want to-- we had to do that thing for the management!” Calum tried to defend. “You had to go, too!” 
Your job is before me, isn’t it?
“Yeah, but I brought my fucking girlfriend along!” Michael barked. “This wouldn’t have happened if you fucking didn’t submit to Nia and brought your fucking girlfriend with you! Fuck the management when you have your one and only to fucking take care off!” 
“At least Y/N didn’t fucking cheat,” Luke spat. “You and Arzaylea would be great for one another.” Calum looked like he wanted to punch Luke as well. But you were slowly shutting them out as they bickered among themselves. Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking, your heart wouldn’t stop racing, and your body was so tempted to vomit. 
Everything went too fast, far too fast. The boy’s words were fading from your ear as you remember the way you were being touched. Not by Calum, but by another man. His job was more important than you. Why? Why wasn’t he there? Why didn’t he bring you or stay with you. Everything you want to say can’t be said. They won’t come out. 
You quickly ran into Ashton’s arms and grabbed onto his shirt with both hands. You curled them tightly as you pressed your face against his chest. He was taken aback a bit, taking it in immediately before wrapping one arm around you with the other hand patting your head. 
“I want to go home now,” you whimpered against your cousin’s chest. All the boys silenced themselves as they watched you hold onto Ashton tightly. “Please let me go home.” 
well damn. oops. drama. i would like to say that nick jonas is a great person, i swear. he’s just kinda not okay in this part but i swear ill fix everything soon! please lemme know what you think right here and ill see ya in part 18 xx
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angelicrome · 6 years
babyblue ✦ c.h
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✽ requests, feedback or just asks - masterlist
pairing: calum hood x reader
warning: no. like a bit of swearing maybe.
author’s note: read it, it's great, an amazing concept. 
✽ Description: Y/N is working late as a waitress in a mediocere resturant, even though it was not what she wanted to. But the evening gets a bit more exciting when four fellas her age walks in. A certain brown boy catches her eye and she really cannot forget him. 
You waddled your way through the tables. You were serving your last table. This table and then you were done for today. Over and out. You couldn’t wait to get home, get in your pyjamas and watch The Bake-Off or whatever you could find that could calm you down. Seeing people competitive bake had always had a calming effect on you.
You turned around the corner to see the last table. It was a couple and it was clearly one that had been together for a long time.
“Was that all?” You asked in your waitress-voice. It was a lot friendlier, kinder and a little bit higher than your normal voice. The couple both looked up at you. She was a redhead with freckles all over her head and some on her left arm, too. She had a thick Scottish accent and a very opening smile. The guy she was with had brown, almost black hair and were just as pale as her. His glasses were a little too nerdy and they seemed to take his focus off his charming face. You noticed she had a dazzling engagement ring on her finger.
“Yes, that would be all. And we’ll just pay in cash,” she answered and took out her purse, already looking for a wallet. The guy began his search for his wallet as well.
“Great. I’ll bring the check over.” You turned around quickly on the heel and started walking to the cashier counter and pulled out the check. It had been a busy night which was why the couple was placed in the corner, but most of the visitors had left the place almost empty. There were two friend groups who was sitting in each of their sides of the restaurant, then there was a clear first date situation who seemed to hit it off pretty well and then there was the cute couple you were serving.
You loved the restaurant you worked in with your whole heart. At daytime, it was so upbeat and energetic to be in but at nighttime, the energy soothed out and it was cosy and warm to be in. The counter and register were in the middle of the restaurant and behind it were the kitchen where there was a huge staff on Saturdays, but a small staff on Wednesdays. The tables were made of wood, the chairs were made of wood, the walls were made of woods, the floor was made of wood. Everything was made of wood, but it gave something to that cosy-vibe it had. Besides the chairs and tables were all in different pastel colours. The lights in there were bright yellow and warm and there were very few actual lamps and a lot of fairy lights. The wall decorations weren’t that expensive. There were some cheap paintings that the manager had bought in, but a lot of the wall decorations were polaroids. It was an idea that one of your friends had purposed to the manager; to have polaroids of the restaurant hanging all over the place. So some places there were plastered old and new polaroids on the walls, some were hung up nice and systematic while others were just hung up as a huge mess. It was totally random polaroids with random motives and what was on the polaroids. Some were with a couple of famous people, others were just random people who wanted to be on the wall. But again, it gave something to the vibe which you liked. It made the restaurant feel more like a home than a business.
The only two waiters left were you and your colleague Adam, who you never really liked and he never really liked you. But you talked together when you were working and you could handle each others company and that was all that mattered to you.
“I can’t wait to go home,” you said to Adam who was writing a check for two of his tables, too. He nodded to agree with you and let out a small “Mmmh” sound.
You swayed your way through the tables to the couple in the corner. The tables weren’t exactly systematic either. They were placed randomly where they looked the best - at least that’s what the manager had said. It looked like a mess. 
“Here’s your check,” you laid it on the table and began balancing the plates and glasses on your arms and fingers. You were getting pretty good at that task.
“Thank you.” The Scottish lady sang and put in half of the money and the man put on the other half.
You started walking away but turned your head to the couple as they were on their way out. “Oh, and congratulations on that ring.” You said in your normal-voice and winked. The lady chuckled and bit and the man had a wide smile on his face as he said “Thank you, I am one lucky man” and then they walked out of the restaurant. They kissed on their way out. 
You got behind the counter and started putting the dishes in the kitchen as Adam was just watching you, with widened eyes, clearly wanting to say something to you. The only people left were one of the friend groups, but they were on their way out as well. After you finished with the dishes, you dried your hands off in the pastel blue apron you had to wear for the job and started taking it off to put it under the counter for the next waiter. You could still feel Adam’s stare, so you turned to look him in the eye, with the apron still in your hand.
“What, Adam?” You sighed and clenched the apron a bit in your hand. You wanted to go home so badly.
“Well, I just wanted to ask you if you might want to cover the rest of my shift for me?” He said with a fake smile and furrowed brows. You could hear the desperation and hope in his voice but immediately cut him off.
“Adam, I just wanna go home and cuddle with my dog and sleep and text my mom and-“ and you continued while Adam was talking over you; “I just got a text from me crush telling me to come over, this is an opportunity, don’t you want me to be happy?”
You didn’t hear and didn’t care what he was saying.
“I’ll give you 100 dollars.” Adam raised his voice and said it without blinking while the two of you were standing face to face, almost in a stare-off. You weren’t gonna say no to that offer.
“Deal.” You shook his hand and gave him a small nod. “I want them in cash tomorrow morning.”
Adam nodded and put his phone in his pocket before throwing his apron under the counter. You sighed and thought to yourself that you were gonna make it. The restaurant was empty so you could just do nothing plus it was only an hour and a half before you could call it a night. An hour and a half till the clock struck 1 in the morning. You sat down on a bar stool that was always behind the counter, for times like these. It was quiet and all you could hear was the sound of the dishwasher in the kitchen. You didn’t even want to go out in the kitchen because you knew it was Tommy and Cecilia on the shift and you disliked those two more than you disliked Adam. Well, you liked Tommy, Tommy was quite nice but Cecilia was a bitch. One time she spilt the leftovers of a milkshake over you, just because you had made a joke about her hair. And not even a cruel one, just a funny, innocent joke that everyone laughed at. Ever since that day she had been mean to you - and you couldn’t handle a mean bitch right now. After all, the soreness and exhaustion had kicked in and all you wanted was to go home.
You stared right at the front door that was made of glass so you could see the very few people who were walking outside. There was that sweet couple who kept walking back and forth, laughing every time they walked past the restaurant. Then there was one shady guy who stood far away from the door, you could barely see his shadow but you knew he was there. At some point, four lads came into the picture and you leant your head back as you watched them get closer. Two of them were dressed in leather jackets and they all had a blonde-brownish hair colour except for one with very dark hair. They were on the way to the restaurant and you got up from the stool to greet them. You hoped they were nice because four men could be scary to handle when you were alone. The door opened and the little bell above the door ringed. You normally didn’t even notice that the restaurant had a bell because it was always quite loud in the room.
The first that came in was wearing a white buttoned down shirt with a leather jacket. He had long hair and he reminded you of a golden retriever. He was also the tallest. Following him were a guy with a yellow-ish sweater and black skinny jeans and a long brownish fringe. The following looked around the restaurant and for a spilt second, you had eye contact with him. He smiled shortly, making a few dimples appear. He had short, curly hair and was wearing a black leather jacket too and with a checkered shirt underneath. The last one was the most interesting. He was wearing a coral-pink slogan tee with black skinny jeans. His brown hair was a mess and his eyes were widened as if he was trying to stay awake. His cheeks were rosy and his eyes had so much depth. You tried your best not to check him out, but how could you not? He had a nice tan and quite a body which had a few beautiful tattoos on it. He looked at you, for quite a while, but he didn’t smile or anything. You gave him an insecure smile but he turned his face away. He didn’t seem unfriendly or unkind though. He just seemed like he didn’t want to go out with the three fellas in front of him.
The tallest and the guy in the yellow sweater were chuckling at something as they sat down in the middle of the room. They were sitting around a large pastel-blue wooden table with chairs in different past colours, the brown-haired and the one with the checkered shirt were talking together, quietly. They found the drink menu on the table and started discussing what they should drink. The one in the yellow sweater said that he shouldn’t drink alcohol anymore which the other three didn’t seem too happy about. They were all a little silent which didn’t really comfort you; you normally wouldn’t have four young fellas walk in at almost midnight and be that quiet.
You gave out a small groan as you found four menus behind the counter and made your way to the boys. You took your steps carefully as you prepared your waitress-voice and went over what you had to say. Welcome, I’ll be your waitress for tonight, can I take your drinks and all of that stuff.
“Hello and welcome. I’ll be your waitress for tonight. Here are the menus,” you handed out the four menus and were already tired of your own voice. It seemed too sweet, you thought to yourself.
The one with the checkered shirt mumbled: “thank you” while the tallest one whispered a small “nice” with a weird accent. They were definitely not from here. 
“Are you ready to order drinks?” You asked and put your hand in the pocket of your blue apron to look for the pen and paper that always were with the apron. The waitress outfit consisted of the baby-blue apron and white skate-dress and a pair of white heeled boots. You actually liked the outfit, it was quite adorable on you. You had your hair up in a tight ponytail but by now strands and locks of hair had just fallen out and were in your face and the tight ponytail wasn’t that tight anymore. You pulled out the paper but kept looking for the pen. But you already knew it was pointless and that you had forgotten it at the counter. “Sorry, but I forgot my pen, so I’m just gonna-“
You were cut off by the one in the checkered shirt. “Oh, I have one.” He pulled out one from his leather jacket and you couldn’t help but look surprised. The three others started laughing as the guy would try to come up with an explanation as to why he had a pen in his pocket. The explanation sounded like he was telling a joke or a funny story.  You noticed the tanned boy’s smile and couldn’t help but let out a small smile yourself.
“Now there’s another reason why I have a pen on me,” the one with the checkered shirt turned to you with a serious face. You didn’t say anything but just smiled and took the pen as he handed it to you. “It’s because I can help you. In times like these.”
You coughed lightly and nodded before returning to the rest of the table. “Thank you, I appreciate that. Now back to those drinks? Have you made up your mind?” You asked again and the one with the yellow sweater was the first to answer.
“I’ll just have a water,” he looked up at you and you noticed how blue his eyes were. Almost as blue as your apron.
“Me too,” The tallest guy said and looked at the one with the checkered shirt. “I’m way too drunk already.”
It was weird because they didn’t seem like they were hammered. Except for the guy with the checkered shirt.
“No! No waters for either of you!” He shouted with a hidden grin, making the tanned boy make a scared expression that quickly got replaced with a giggle. “This is the last show in North America and we about to fucking celebrate. Where the fuck did your party-mood go?”
You felt awkward and confused; where they a band? And the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. They sure looked as a band.
“What Ashton is trying to say here,” the tanned boy said as the first thing he even said. His voice was deep and sort of soothing - perfectly for an audiobook - or singing. Ashton was probably the one with the checkered shirt, you thought. “Is that we need, or I need two shots of tequila and then I also need a vodka/juice kind of drink.”
You noted it on the paper and looked at the three others. “I’ll take the same,” Ashton said and the other three jumped on the same wagon. You wrote it on the paper and looked at them again.
“Anything else?” You asked, knowing that they would probably buy-
“Some of your finest wine,” Ashton obnoxiously howled, taking the words out of your thought and making it a reality. It was good that they were the only ones in the restaurant because otherwise you would have had to kick that Ashton-guy out.
You nodded. “Alright. You’re probably gonna need some time to look at the menus, right?”
“Yes, that would be nice, thank you.” The tanned boy gave you a small smile. It made your stomach turn as his brown eyes met yours. They were quite simple yet complex. You hated that you wanted to stare at him, drool over him and that he already could make him blush when you didn’t even know him. You went behind the counter and started making the drinks ready.
The bar was just beside the counter and in the busy hours, there would usually stand a professional bartender for the more complex drinks. Luckily all they ordered was shots, and some drinks with only two ingredients in them so it was pretty easy for you to make. You put the drinks on a platter and took a bottle of the finest wine and walked towards the table. They had all started to become louder and louder for every minute passing. You were started to notice how drunk they were. You looked over and saw Ashton and that tanned boy giggling at something the tall boy had said. They were all pretty good looking, actually. They also seemed pretty close and you wondered if they were just a couple of gay couples hanging out.
You gave them each of their drinks and one shot each and placed the fine wine in the middle of the table.
“A’ight, we just gonna do the shots now or…” The tall one questioned, but the one with the yellow-sweater had already downed his and let out a small moan.
“Damn, that’s strong.” He murmured.
“Right, so we are gonna take the shots now.” The tall one grinned and the rest took all of their shots as you were already ready to have them order some food.
They were all chuckling and giggling like drunk sorority sisters. You didn’t know whether you should be annoyed because you weren’t home sleeping right now or if you should be thankful that the four fellas were making it a bit more fun to be working.
“Are we ready to order?” You questioned again with your waitress-voice. And they all ordered something extremely fancy and with side dishes and all but as soon as Ashton was finished with his order (his order was the longest order) he squinted his eyes at you as if he was thinking really hard.
“What’s your name, waitress-girl?” You didn’t like that nickname and knew that if you weren’t going to just answer him, that you would be called that for the rest of the night.
“Y/N.” Ashton nodded and looked around the table. “I’m Ashton.” He pointed at himself. “That’s Michael.” He pointed at the one opposite himself, the one with the yellow sweater and the fringe. “Over there is Luke.” He pointed across the table to the tall golden retriever. “And this is Calum.” He put a hand on the tanned guy’s shoulder who was sitting right next to him.
“I’ll be over with your food in just a second.” You said and walked away from the four lads who immediately started talking like they were hens as soon as you were gone. You went out to the kitchen to be met by Tommy, who looked like he wanted to go home too.
“Here Tommy. That’s probably the last thing you’ll be doing today,” you gave him the note where you had written the four boys’ orders on and Tommy let out a huge groan and let his head fall backwards in exhaustion.
“I can’t do this anymore! I am so quitting tomorrow.” He said and began finding bowls and ingredients and putting them on the table. You nodded to try and make him feel better but knew that a small nod wouldn’t help. Tommy had been planning to quit for a while but he had a huge crush on the manager, so it was harder for him to quit. And there were reasons to quit: the work environment was great, the money was not.
You went out to the counter again and found your phone. 23.44. The worst thing was that you weren’t allowed to kick the boys out till 2. That was the policy, close the doors at 1, lock them at 2. You hoped and prayed that the four lads were quick eaters. You looked over and noticed that they had already opened up the wine and were now pouring it up. You got eye contact with Luke and regretted it afterwards because he opened his mouth and waved you over.
“Y/N, we need something!” He shouted and you walked over to them with the waitress smile.
“Refills?” You noticed how all of their other drinks were empty. They were quick drinkers, so they must be quick eaters, too.
“No, not yet,” Michael said.
Ashton turned to you with his whole body and began talking. “See, we have a situation here-“
“No, we don’t.” Calum interrupted. “We really don’t.”
“Yes, we do,” Michael yelled and gave a small nod to Ashton to get him to continue.
“Thank you, Michael. And you-“ Ashton twisted around to face Calum quickly and pointed a strict and judging finger at him. “should just shut up because we are actually doing something nice for you.”
“No, no, you shouldn’t do it. You should stop doing it.” Calum said with a serious expression. While the other three were having a blast, Calum was clearly not.
“What’s wrong, guys?” You had forgotten to use your waitress-voice but they didn’t seem to care so you decided not to care anymore.
“Okay, so Y/N you might want to pull out a chair,” Ashton said and you pulled out a chair at the end of the table and looked at Ashton who had turned to face you again. “Calum Hood over there is very much single and he is very much attracted to you. He told me. And that’s why he is kind of quiet and shy and kind of mad right now.”
You didn’t know what to do. It was a rare situation that and something you hadn’t experienced before. It wasn’t rare to be hit on as a waitress but it was rare that a friend would hit on you for another friend. You just chuckled and gave Calum a small glare. His cheeks were redder than normal and he seemed small in comparison to the three other lads. He seemed so innocent and sweet instead of a tall bad boy with tattoos - the impression you had gotten from him at first.
“It’s not true,” He whispered and tried to look at Luke, almost as a scream for help. But Luke just poured a bit more wine in his glass and mumbled ‘You’re gonna need it’ and then Ashton continued.
“So we, us three, decided that we wanted to help our dear friend out a little bit since he’s too shy to talk to you yourself.”
“I’m not shy, Y/N, I can talk to her myself with no problem, you fucking idiot,” Calum said and gave Ashton a punch on his shoulder before looking at you. “Listen, Y/N, I am talking to you right now.”
“Yes, you sure are.” You grinned. It was amazing how he would go from a bad boy to sweetie to goofball in seven seconds. He seemed wise, you thought as if he had lived longer than the others even though he looked the youngest. He was like a wise goofball. You smiled at the thought; wise goofball.
“I’m not really a big talker, I’m not that good with words.” Calum then said, out of nowhere. Ashton cut him off pretty quickly.
“Right so we were thinking that-“ He burped and giggled while looking at the company around him. The giggle reached his eyes. “Sorry ‘bout that. We were thinking that maybe me, Mike and Luke could figure out how compatible you were with Calum Hood by asking you some questions. And if you were compatible with him, you would give him your number. Or kiss him or something. ”
“You know because we want to help our friend and you don’t seem like you have anything to do around here,” Luke said in a mocking tone and looked around the restaurant as if he was expecting to somehow find other people hiding in the corners. “Like there is nobody else.” It seemed like he was finished talking so Michael opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Luke, again. “And your job is actually to make our experience the best experience. So you can kind of say that doing this is your job.”
“But if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. It’s not your job.” Calum muttered, leaning his head on his hand to see you.
“Wait, do you have a boyfriend, Y/N? Because then doing the quiz isn’t really that useful.” Michael inquired. Calum looked at you with wide eyes. His eyes reminded you of home; they felt so warm and safe. You wondered what you should answer; if you said yes, then you shouldn’t deal too much with four drunk lads - but if you said no that meant that you either got a handsome guy’s phone number or a kiss from him. There really was no big downside to it.
“No, I don’t. If Calum is okay with it, then you can ask me any questions you want.” You answered and got up from the chair. You stood behind it and looked down at the four guys who were all looking up at you. You were sort of waiting for an answer from Calum, but he didn’t really seem to understand that so there was silence for a while before you opened your mouth again. “Calum, are you okay with the small compatible-or-not quiz your friends are hosting?”
“Yes, yes. I am more than okay with it.” He said in awe and his cheeks flamed up a bit as he had realized what he had said. Ashton giggled at him; he had quite a charming laugh.
“Great. I’ll go look to the food and see if it’s ready.” You said and twisted around on your heel, on your way to the kitchen but turned your head to face the table as you were walking. “Oh, and I have some questions for you four, too.”
Michael gave you a big thumbs up and Luke just yelled something with ‘can’t wait’ and ‘up the sleeve’. As you got to the kitchen you saw Tommy in full swing, making the food. He was almost finished, he said as you opened the door. You could feel his stress and could almost see a sweat drop trickle down his temple. It also smelled like sweat - actually more like a mixture of sweat and deep-fried fries. Tommy was always stressing when he was cooking, even though he would only have to cook for four people. He was just that passionate about it. You decided to wait in the kitchen until he was finished so you jumped up on one of the clean counters and told him about the four fellas who had convinced you to do a quiz. It was mostly you talking, Tommy just made noises like ‘mm’ and ‘yea’, but you knew that you couldn’t get more out of him when he was cooking.
Cecilia came around the corner and you were almost sure you accidentally rolled eyes at her, even though you tried not to. While she annoyed you at times, you were learned by your family that you should be kind to all people - even those people who weren’t kind to you. But with Cecilia, it was easier said than done.
“Jesus, why would anyone even be interested in you at this point?” She said, clearly having overhead what you had talked about.
“Excuse me?” You turned around to face her. She was leaning up against a broom that she had been cleaning with and had an awfully cocky smile on her lips. She was pretty hot and that was what annoyed you the most.
“I mean, it’s been a long day. Your eyeliner smudged, your hair’s falling apart and the only lipstick there’s still on your face is on your teeth. Not to mention the stains on the uniform.” She chuckled.
Your face was getting hotter as you opened your mouth wide open, surprised, but not that surprised, that she would say that. Your hands clenched around the counter you were sitting on.
“What?” You sneered.
“You know I’m saying it as a friend, Y/N.” Cecilia swept a little dirt to the side, then to the other as if she was playing a game. She sure as hell wasn’t making the floor cleaner. “All I’m pointing out is that maybe you should fix yourself up a bit.”
You closed your eyes and fought back the urge to punch her in the face. She was like a school bully, expect it wasn’t school and you couldn’t just threaten her with a fake karate-kick. Tommy clearly could feel the tension because he very loudly yelled: “Food’s ready!” as he was putting the last details on the plates. You jumped down from the counter, took two plates on each arm, kicked the door open and started walking out of there with your chin held high. You were not going to allow her to make you feel bad about yourself.
“There’s food, fellas.” You sang as you got around to the table. You placed the plates in front of each person while listing their order. You had almost forgotten Ashton’s so you just put some fancy dinner names in the order and he seemed pleased with that.
“A’ight, you can sit down again, Y/N,” Ashton said and you took the same spot at the end of the table. They all had the same excited expression that kids had when they saw the ice-cream truck - except for Calum. He had the expression of a lactose intolerant kid when the ice-cream truck came and all of his friends ran to get a treat but he had to silently watch them enjoy the ice-cream. Yup, that summed up the expression of Calum’s face at that moment.
“You said you had some questions for us, too?” Luke said with food in his mouth. You nodded and began asking some of the questions that you had pondered about. You got the whole schmeer, the whole timeline of their friendship. How Luke had started making videos on YouTube and how Calum and Michael had joined and they called themselves 5 Seconds of Summer, which they still did to this day. And how Ashton’s former band took a hiatus so he eventually joined 5 Seconds of Summer. You did not realize that they were from Australia until they told you because their accents were not obvious. You were surprised at how you didn’t know exactly who they were since they toured with One Direction, so you asked them to sing some songs. Which resulted in them singing different songs each and you recognizing three of them then fangirling a bit over them. You decided to take a polaroid of them to hang on the wall and you told them about the restaurant's messy theme. 
The four boys kept buying drinks for themselves and for you which meant that you had to get up every time they ordered another. You started feeling the alcohol swirling around your body and confounding your brain.
“Okay, I have one last question.” You drunkenly said and looked at Calum. “Why are you still single?”
A chuckle escaped Calum’s lips, as his ears and cheeks were rosy from the alcohol. He gazed into your eyes, his crinkling up as he smiled and answered: “You just might find out one day.”
At first, you didn’t say anything. You scrunched up your nose and then grinned at him before Ashton raised his glass, now filled with whiskey and toasted. “Let the quiz begin!” He chimed his glass against yours and took a huge sip out of the whiskey.
“Now, Y/N, we need to know a little bit about you,” Luke said, leaning closer to you, even though Michael was sitting in the middle of you two. “Tell us about yourself, girl.” He said the last thing very cheerfully.
You panicked because you knew you had an awfully complex mind to explain to people who didn’t know you. “Uh, I live in an apartment close to my college and…” and so you continued. Went through the basics. Your family and pets and closest friends. Your favourite colour and your favourite food.
“That’s great, Y/N, but we need to know you.” Ashton interrupted you at some point which relieved you because you were almost falling asleep telling about your favourite cake. “Like… what is the best and worst romantic situation you’ve ever been in? And what would you change about that situation?”
“Jesus,” you said under your breath. Ashton sounded so thoughtful and not drunk at all. He sounded like a wise love doctor. But his nose was red as Rudolf’s so you knew he wasn’t going to remember much of the night. “Uh, I think the best one was a fling I had a few months back.”
“What went wrong?” Ashton inquired and suddenly you were spilling out all your secrets and insecurities. They kept asking questions like “How was your childhood?” and “Who do you want to switch lives with? And why?” and “What’s your deepest regret?” and “If you could change how your mind works, would you?”. They were good. The questions were honest and emotional, just like the answers. You normally didn’t open up like that to anyone, but a few drinks down and a couple of good listeners could apparently make you open up like that.
It wasn’t just Ashton, Luke and Michael who asked the questions. Most of the time it was actually Calum that kept the conversation flowing. Sometimes he would come with his own point of view, his own story. It calmed you down, knowing that it was just a conversation and not an interrogation. And it wasn’t an all serious conversation - there were jokes and mispronunciations and funny stories which all led to some good laughs. And you found yourself looking at Calum every time he laughed.
At some point, Tommy and Cecilia wanted to get home so they gave you the key - or Cecilia threw it in your face and said something smart, but you were tipsy so you didn’t care. They told you to lock up the restaurant and treat the last guests with kindness. You told them that of course, you would treat them with kindness and Cecilia rolled her eyes at you. You turned around to face the table again and some new straightforward questions were asked.
“Do you believe in love?” A quiet moment had passed and Ashton had asked the question without any warning.
You bit your lip, thinking back to the couple that you had served two hours ago. “It depends on what kind of day I’m having.”
“What about today?”
You caught the brown warm eyes of Calum before answering, holding his glare. “Today I do.”
Michael whistled which made Luke punched him lightly on the arm. You felt your heart pounding against your chest as a huge smile approached your face - just like a huge smile approached Calum’s.
“Oh my God, they’re so in love,” Luke whispered, clearly unaware that he had said that out loud. You all chose to ignore it.
“Okay, I think we figured it out,” Ashton announced. “Drum roll, please. Oh wait, I’m the drummer.” He giggled and began drumming with his hands on the table. “The truth is… that we are just idiots and don’t know anything about love or how compatible you are.”
Luke wheezed loudly and Calum almost snorted out his drink out through his nose.
“But!” Michael belted, not satisfied with Ashton’s evaluation. “I think that the two of you would make a great, great couple and that you should definitely have sex.”
“Oh!” You laughed. “Oh, okay.” Calum laughed with you and you felt your stomach turned around as he smiled. “Would you like to pay now?”
Ashton chugged the last of his drink. “Yes, ma'am, we would very much like to pay. Then we’re getting out of here because it’s almost half past two and we have a show tomorrow.”
You had forgotten they were in a band and you made a little ‘o’ with your face. “Where?” You questioned as you stood up and got behind the counter.
“Here. Tomorrow noon. You should come.” Michael shouted from the table as they were all getting up from their chairs. Calum yawned and he stretched out, whispering something to Ashton. Should you ask for his phone number or was that taking it too far? You hadn’t been declared compatible, you had just been talking. But on the other hand, it felt like a connection
Luke came over and paid quickly with card. His eyes were almost popping out of his head when he saw how much it cost. He told the rest of the band that they owned him big time and they told him that if it weren’t for their presence, he wouldn’t be famous to which he just sighed and put his card back in his wallet. They waved at you as you were taking off your apron and putting it down under the counter and you yelled goodbye to them as they were walking out of the door. Calum was walking with Ashton, talking so quietly it was impossible for you to hear what they were discussing. He seemed bothered as he fiddled with his fingers and the thick silver rings he was wearing. Was he really just gonna walk away?
No. You liked this guy and had a feeling that he liked you, too. “Calum!” Luke was closing the door until you yelled at the tattooed boy. Calum twisted his head and you were met by some fetching eyes and a wide grin he was trying to suppress.
“Uh, would you just…?” You waved at him to come over and the boys just kept looking at he got closer. One step at a time. The only thing that was between the two of you were the counter and you hated that there was something between you two. You face was almost touching his and you could smell the vodka/orange juice-combination on his tongue. You noticed the black stubbles on his chin and how the small moles were placed, reminding you of a star constellation. A vague smile was on his lips and his thick eyebrows were raised a bit. You could hear the boys chat and whisper behind him but you decided to shut them out - or try to at least.
“I think I’m a little drunk.” You began with a foolish giggle. “But I feel like we can talk pretty well and you’re pretty cute and if you want my number-“ you quickly found a napkin and a pen under the counter. “Then it’s here. Just, if you want to, you know.”
“Thanks. You know, I might be pretty drunk, too, but I think you’re cute as well.” Calum smirked and folded the napkin in his hand. He leant in over the counter and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before twisting around and walking to the boys who were all standing with wide grins plastered on their faces.
“We’ll call you about the show tomorrow,” Michael yelled as they walked out of the door. “Now that we have your phone number.” And then the glass door slammed and you could see how Luke was jumping around Calum and Ashton was clapping his shoulder all while Calum was just trying his best to push them away from him with a snicker.
You turned to the table where they had sat and begun carrying the dishes out in the kitchen. There was a lot of empty glasses.
You could see Calum’s eyes for you, you couldn’t stop thinking about him, about them and about the lingering kiss on your cheek. And soon the first text from him chimed in and you pulled out your phone. It was a simple invitation to tomorrow’s show. 
You went to the show a little earlier and went backstage where you and Calum talked for a while. There was a lot happening and he would try and explain all of it. The rituals, the people, everything that they had experienced. You felt a comfort around him and found the same depth and safety to his eyes that you did the day before. Even when it was just the two of you even when you were sober. You watched the show from behind the stage. Calum looked focused, as his eyebrows sometimes would furrow when he was concentrating on a ridiculously hard bass line. You were so fucking attracted to him at that moment. At one point, during some random song you didn’t know, he looked at you and a wide grin reached his dark eyes. 
The show ended and the boys walked out one by one, taking deep breaths. Luke and Michael went out first and they both gave you a quick hug and a smile. The sweat was dripping and the adrenaline was pumping as they got out and started yelling about the show. You didn’t care though, because you could see Calum coming closer, walking straight towards you, determination in his eyes. A few inches from you and he pulled you closer by your waist. You pressed your lips against his and closed your eyes, completely letting go into the kiss. The smell of sweat lingered around you but you didn’t care. A vague taste of nicotine was playing on his lips but again you didn’t care. Your stomach was doing flips, as you held your hands around his neck, never wanting to let the kiss end. You could hear the fans screaming and crying and hear Luke and Michael’s not so subtle whistles but it seemed like background noise when compared to your racing heart. It felt like magic. Before Calum pulled away, he smiled slightly into the kiss. Then he let go of your waist and you quickly did the same thing. 
Calum scratched the back of his head and looked at the ground before offering you a drink. You said yes and he guided you away, away from the scene and away from the boys. In a private place, a place where you could talk and get to know each other.
And you did. You stayed up all night, not leaving Calum’s side. You never knew that you could fall in love so quickly with someone, but suddenly there was proof that you could. 
longer author’s note: okay i have no idea what happened with this one, but it turned out long and amazing. i’m thinking of doing a lil smutty part 2 but i don’t know - what do y’all think?
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