starblossomed · 4 years
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quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters || accepting.
“ turn the pain into power. ” (for Haru) ( @yourdearhart​ )
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“Is that what you did?”
Brow raised curiously towards the deer that stood besides her, gently blowing into her hands. It was slightly colder today and it was evident enough in how bundled up she was.  Haru let out a soft sigh as she moved her hands from her face and stuffed them back into her jacket pockets.
“If you use all your pain up, then what are you left with? It’s good to be powerful and all, but...--”
Small hum escaped her lips as she swayed from side to side, silently enjoying his company once more. It’d been far too long since they last spoke like this, so naturally she wanted to enjoy the time a little while longer. Who knew when he would decide to up and leave all over again.
“I think if you use it all up then you can never grow. Sometimes the painful stuff is good to just stay painful rather than trying to turn it into something else. Power is good, but so is growth.”
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the-yeen-queen · 4 years
( @yourdearhart Continued from here. ) There were no words for the depth of hatred Lex had felt towards her mother ever since discovering what had transpired while she was called back to fulfill her obligations with the Waraigumi. It didn’t matter that Madam Hatsune had no possibly way of knowing what would happen ... it didn’t matter that it was true that the gang still needed her, as Second-and-Command. All that did matter was that in doing so, she had utterly and completely failed to be at Louis’ side when he would have needed her the most. How much of this could have been prevented if she had just brushed her mother off? Would Ibuki still be alive? Would Louis be uninjured? Logically, she knew that she was being irrational, and that all of this was coming from a place of hurt, but ... anger was easier than confronting the pain and fear. At least for now. She wasn’t sure how long that would hold once she laid eyes on him for the first time since before this all happened. It had been no small task tracking down what hospital he ended up in, but after hours of driving around, she had finally found the right one. One visitor’s pass obtained later and she was on the floor of his hospital room, steeling herself as she drew nearer and nearer to his door. Standing in front of it for several uncertain moments, she rested her palm on its cold surface before finally mustering the courage to push it open and step inside. And sure enough, there he was. And he was ... studying? In his condition? God, even after something like this, he was still as stubborn as ever. He hadn’t yet looked up from his books and notes, which afforded her a few seconds more to compose herself before speaking up. Something about seeing him like that already made her throat feel like it was closing up and her eyes sting. She swallowed hard. “...I take my eyes off you for just a few days, and look what happens.” Even this weak attempt at humor felt hollow. Everything just felt ... wrong. And no amount of attempted normalcy could set it right again. She stood there, frozen, with a paper gift bag held between her hands.
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wolfgrit · 3 years
   Heaven knows that this moment of bliss won’t last as she stretches her arms out and allows the wind to carry her, maintaining a steady enough balance with her bicycle as she pedals beneath a row of cherry blossom trees. Paris always looked best during Spring and by waking up early Juno took the opportunity to toss in her sketchbook into the basket of her bicycle to begin a day’s journey outside. What she didn’t expect as she took a detour into the more scenic routes of the city that the calm before the storm would end so soon.
    Lilac eyes snap open at the sound of a car stopping abruptly as it blares its horns and without much hope of stopping considering the small incline, but an incline nonetheless helping her pick up speed she grabs the handle bars and attempts to swerve away rather poorly. In her panic she collides with the front side of the vehicle and she’s on the floor thankfully without much injury other than a possible scrape on the knee or elbow.
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    Crap! Juno jumps up. She bows apologetically, not paying much mind to whoever’s behind the dark glass other than having disrupted someone’s day. “ Sorry! I’ll get out of your hair right away! ” By Rex how embarrassing! She begins gathering her belongings, at least what has managed to spill out of her messenger bag and her bicycle’s basket. Walking over to pick up her sketchbook and dust it off.
@yourdearhart​ !
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agaata-a · 4 years
continued from here  & /  @yourdearhart​
it was  PITIFUL  of him,  standing here with  minor  to  no  wounds while the boss was sitting on the ground in pain.  he was brought there to help louis,  not be completely useless  --  granted in their fight,  he was good at being anything but useless . . . but that didn’t change the fact as follows;  he was too distracted in his own scuffle to keep an eye on the one that he’d meant to protect. now he was stuck, staring down at the other with regret present on his face. just as louis was no doctor,  clearly he wasn’t either,  but he’d survived more than a few bullet wounds in his life,  it all had to amount to something, right?
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      by no means was he blind to the reason louis wanted to keep him at such a distance;  not many herbivores would feel comforted by the presence of a feline carnivore while they were bleeding profusely.   ❝  yea,  but  ---  ❞    (   can you walk?   )  asking something like that of the boss was foolish,  the answer would always be a firm yes.  even if he was physically unable to walk,  he didn’t doubt that the deer would put his all into trying just to prove a point.   ❝  i can he . . . lp.  ❞  the lion’s words come out slow,  his eyes trained on the wound on his leg.  watching him peel the fabric of his pants away from his leg   would   have been painful to watch  --  if he wasn’t a carnivore. 
shaking the thought from his head,  he knew that if he showed his thoughts blatantly on his face there was absolutely no way that the other would allow him to help. stepping closer,  agata held his breath momentarily as he crouched down next to louis.  ❝  let’s go then.  ❞  going against everything that the boss had told him,  he held his hand out.  it would have been too bold if he’d just grabbed the deer,  but he was at least going to prove that he was still adamant on helping him. 
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nouveaunovelist · 4 years
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there’s nothing fun to do when you stop being a crime boy
based on a discord conversation with @yourdearhart
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eighthwcnder · 4 years
@yourdearhart​ | continued.
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     ❝ you’re just ONE person! one! and as much as you want to believe you         can do everything by yourself, you CAN’T! ❞
their relationship was indeed an odd one ... one she thinks about often. but even that aside, she knows how he tries to push himself. how he tries to take the brunt of everything all on his own. people need help. everyone does. and she wants to help him. somehow. in any way she can! she does ... still care for him, after all. the rabbit looks down for a moment, a soft sigh passing her lips. 
      ❝ everyone can and will break under pressure. and you’re not immune          to that, louis. ❞
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ordnrylove · 4 years
2, 3
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|||Mun About Muse||| still accepting
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
       I fell in love with Haru because I related to Haru in a lot of ways. The main one being that we’re both type 8 on the enneagram and this was such a big thing for me. I love being an 8, and the fact that they made a bunny an 8 made me so MAD. I was like, how did they do this?? and why do I love her?? I love her power, I love her control and I love how fragile it is when in front of the right person. The duality between her personality and her identity of being prey really drew me to the character and I adore her wholeheartedly. 
3. If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
       This is a hard one for me, I’m not sure there’s anything I would change. Everything that made up her life made who she is, so I don’t think I’d change much if anything. There’s a lot of things I want to learn about her past and things about her family. I found myself wishing that she would open up more to Louis in the beginning and be honest with her feelings, but it was not the way!
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🤗 😘 💦
sexy headcanons meme
🤗 : Ibuki doesn’t admit it, but he’s a big cuddler! He’ll never be the first to initiate it - he’s too proud for that - but will take eagerly to any opportunity for post-coital cuddles if one presents itself. He’ll try to pass himself off as being cool about it; his tail will thwart him.
😘 : Also very much so, once his partner coaxes it out of him - Ibuki’s a pretty reserved person who hides behind his role a lot, so opening himself up enough to actually have sex doesn’t come easy for him (especially since he has a hard time being naked around other animals because of his tattoos). Once he gets there, though, he’s an incredibly affectionate lover; he’s the type who gives lots of kisses all over the place and whispers (usually incoherent) nothings, partly because of how bottled up he otherwise keeps himself.
💦 : The things that really get Ibuki going are hands and eyes - he’s a philosophical weirdo, so he ascribes a lot of weight to the agency and power associated with hands and an expressive gaze. Graceful physiques and cultivated assets are all well and good, but if you really want to turn him into putty, deft fingers and confident, purposeful, and maintained eye contact are the real ways to go
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starblossomed · 4 years
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Emergency Fluff and Softness Starters || accepting.
“Hey, come here. It’s alright.” (for Haru) ( @yourdearhart​ )
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A soft breath of air escaped as she laid her face his chest, ears drooped over her face. She was tired of everything and wanted to simply just sleep her worries away. It wasn’t that the bullying was getting to her, but it was tiring have to deal with their nonsense everyday. Didn’t they have anything better to do?
“I know, it’s dumb to even care, but couldn’t they just stop for a day?”
All she wanted to do was go through school and worry about just passing her classes, but even that seemed troublesome to deal with when it came to these bullies. They had to have someone doing their work for them, right? It only made sense given how much they worked on making her life a living hell.
“Let’s stay like this a while.”
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komodada · 4 years
yourdearhart liked your post “THIS IS NOW A MULTI MUSE BUT I ONLY HAVE JACK AND GOSHA HERE.  ANY...”
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 “Oh Loius-sempai! Did you know whales are amazing.”
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wolfgrit · 4 years
STARTER. ( tw: blood, death + violence )
    one moment the moon meets her vision and then she’s staring at concrete with a throbbing pain in her head and a heavy weight on top of her. she feels a pair of strong paws grabbing her ankles and begin dragging her before she witnesses a silent flash of light in her surroundings and she feels her mouth open wide and her throat vibrate at the dead body of a carnivore that falls beside her, bullet wound having entered through the back of the corpse’s skull and out of one of their sockets. fear seizes her as tears gather in her eyes and she covers her face with her hands.
    but the attack isn’t over. the ground vibrates as a scuffle continues and shadows are dancing before her when she takes up the courage to lift her hands. her eyelids refuse to open but instinct tells her to open her eyes and see the horror happening before her and she does just as a gun skids to a halt beside her and she reaches for it. on her feet the silence is deafening making her sick to the stomach. she catches lips moving but hears nothing. her hands are shaking as she raises the gun and feels her throat strain. is she screaming? begging for her friend’s release? but she hears nothing. just her heart thumping and the drums growing louder in her head. she feels sick.
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    when she sees the glint from the moonlight bouncing from the tip of a sharp metal object there’s another flash, a photograph frozen in time ---- the paparazzi screaming her name and their cameras flashing. when her vision goes from white back to reality there’s just a dead body and Louis pushing the dead weight off of him and letting the corpse sprawl on the floor.
    her fingers pull the trigger again...     and again     and again.
    she empties the clip into the already poor dead bastard. the cameras... flashing all around her. one, two, three, four. she doesn’t stop until sound comes back to her and she just hears a constant clicking. the clicking of the trigger of the pistol she holds as she stands shaken and vulnerable. eyes focused on the corpse she has desecrated.
@yourdearhart​ *
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haruhunted · 4 years
(@yourdearhart​) ex-love liked for a starter
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“Oh.” Haru sighed, feigning disinterest. “Hi Louis.”
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nouveaunovelist · 4 years
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had a lovely interaction with @yourdearhart and decided to immortalize it with an illustration
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ordnrylove · 4 years
@yourdearhart​ asked nightmare (Hi, welcome to the Beastars RPC!)
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|||Word Prompts Compilation|||
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       The protest left her mouth and jerked her out of the horrible world she was trapped in. Her eyes were still squeezed shut as she thrashed and kicked her foot out hard, connecting it with something near her. The grunt of her assailant should have satisfied her but it was too familiar. 
       Her ears perked as her eyes slowly opened to see his concerned face. Rare for him. Sometimes it seemed like he wore the expression of stone. Louis. Passionate, steady, and strong. Her heart was slamming in her chest like she’d ran a marathon in her sleep. It’s rise and fall was rapid even in her pause to see him.
       “Louis.” She wrapped her arms around him and clung to him quickly. The rhythm of her heart pulsed through her. Even though she knew she was awake she was still frightened. “It was..” She tried to explain but it left her so quickly. The harder she tried to chase the nightmare in her head the further it ran from her. Each breath against him slowed and she turned her head to the curl of his neck. It seemed stupid now, that she reacted like that. 
       “It seems like we’re taking turns.” Haru mumbled. She wasn’t the only one that had nightmares between them.           
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certainconviction · 4 years
♛ [dutifully hands over my URL for the report]
my opinion on;
character in general: Louis.... it was a rough start with him, but, even in the beginning, there were moments where he utterly shined - the bit with him and Legoshi standing together on the stage coming to mind. As the story progressed and we learned more about Louis and why he is the way he is... oh  my giddy aunt, if I didn’t feel for the poor boy! The things he’s been through, the trauma and the hardships and the struggles, just.... And it all payed off beautifully after Legoshi captured Tem’s killer. It was after that moment that I really loved Louis as a character. He’s still got some baggage, but it’s clear to see he really does care about Legoshi 
how they play them: Hoo boy.... Mae, you depiction of Louis is just.... it is fantastic, it is believable - if I didn’t know better, I’d be thinking that you were Paru herself or something! I can hear Louis’s voice and imagine his movements so bloody easily in your writing. That’s how good you are!
the mun: Mae -- again, we haven’t spoken much but I really really really enjoy our talks! You’re a brilliant person and a brilliant writer and I am looking so forward to being your friend!
do i;
follow them: Yes! rp with them: Yes! want to rp with them: VERY MUCH SO ship their character with mine: In canon, Legoshi and Louis do have a fair bit of chemistry between them and I HARDCORE ship Lougoshi just as hard as LegoHaru, but--for me--anything actually serious would have to be an AU owing to circumstances in canon; I’d deffo be down for it if she were, though! 
what is my; overall opinion: Fantastic person, fantastic writer, fantastic muse! It’s going to be nothing but praise and admiration from me! 
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2, 8 and 14 for the crime meme!
2. Before he retired, Ibuki had a very simple calling card; he would tidy up the scene, often leaving it cleaner than when he got there (if time permitted) on the pretense of removing evidence. He also had a habit of leaving behind a coin whenever a job involved killing, so that whoever died could pay the ferryman. While he doesn’t do crime anymore, he still leaves a coin as a tip whenever he gets bad service.
8. He almost did recently - he could have killed Louis. Aside from that, though, the animals Ibuki thinks about having killed are ones he killed a long time ago; at one point, he was the youngest member of the Shishigumi, and that meant doing the jobs nobody else wanted to do, which included butchering livestock for the Chief’s meals. He doesn’t regret his actions - to do so would be disrespectful, he has to own what he’s done - but he dos think about them a lot. They’re the reason he couldn’t go back to a Shishigumi without Louis in it.
14. He’s actually broken a few laws on accident in his new career! Plagiarism was something his publisher had to explain, because apparently taking a good line from a shitty book and transplanting it into a good one isn’t something you’re allowed to do, and the idea of jaywalking was a completely foreign concept to him. Getting his own car also involved more than a few parking tickets, since he was so used to being in and out of places quickly enough that prohibited parking didn’t really matter; his silliest infraction was probably getting his car impounded for parking too close to a fire hydrant. 
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