ydscreativestudio · 5 years
Photography Tips For Beginners
Since the technical barrier to photography has been drastically reduced, how to take good pictures, we have much more time to focus on. Here we described the 5 photography tips for beginners that show easy ways to improve photography techniques.
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With this in hand, go to our photography work YDS Creative Studio and book shoot with us.
Learn Rules, Break Later
While doing Photography rules are important because they provide a foundation for more advanced photography tips and tricks later on. Understand the rules first, so you have more creative control when breaking them later.
Expose, Focus & Frame
First of all you should always focus on and properly expose for the subject before adjusting the frame.
This is something that happens more often when you have extreme lights and dark in the same scene.
Be Ready Always
Be as prepared as a boy scout and always be ready to take a shot. Keep your camera on one of the semi-auto or full automatic modes for unexpected pictures before your subject flies, drives, or runs away.
Avoid Camera Shake
Shaken of camera can disturb your shot and make it unusable. Increasing your ISO and opening up your aperture allows for quicker shutter speeds and reducing the chance of blurry images. Do what you can but be alert that you are reducing camera movement.
Snap What You Love
Focusing on what you love will make photography more enjoyable for you. If you are passionate about nature, people, pets, or something else, start learning by taking pictures of it.
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