#youre gonna look at sonic and go ah yes. just like vanilla and vector
neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
like god as someone who started growing a big pair of badonkas at 11, and was quiet and "mature", the "well they dont act like kids and dont look like kids so its okay to ignore their canon ages and treat them as adults" is infuriating and makes me see red. I dont trust anyone who goes "well I headcanon them as 20 :)" regardless if theyre doing it to justify making nsfw of them or not
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #740: Scheduled Cuddle Session (Sonic)
3:59 p.m. at the Rabbits and Chaotix's Residence's Detective Office.......
Vector: (Sits Himself Down on the Wheelie Chair) ('Sigh') Alright. What's the recent status report of our case so far, Espio?
Espio: (Begins Writing Notes on the White Board) Well, according to our recent discoveries and everything else we've learned so far from this case, the jewelry that was stolen other day was.....(Continues Describing Everything that Happened So Far in the Recent Case)
Vector: (Lay his Head on the Palm of his Head While Listening to Espio) (Ah man......I know detective work can be challenging for the most part, but I didn't think the case we got now would be THIS exhausting......('Sigh') Let's just hope I get some R&R after-)
'Phone Vibration'
Vector: (Looks at his Phone Vibrating) Hm? (Picks his Up and Sees the Name of the Person Who's Just Texted Him) (Vanilly?) (Unlocks his Phone and Goes to the Text Message Option, Only to See........)
Vanilla: Vector-Kins~ It's 4pm. Time for your Cuddle Session~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥
Vector: (Eyes Widened at His Phone For a Couple of Seconds) .............. Fucking...FINALLY!!!!!!
Espio: Uhh....Vector?
Vector: (Eyes Widened Once More Before Quickly Turning Back to Espio)
Espio: (Raised an Eyebrow in a bit of a Mix of Confusion and Concern) Are you okay over there?
Vector: Oh. Uhhhhhh.....Yeah! (Chuckles Awkwardly While Blushing) I-I was just Uhhhhhhhh.....(Slowly Holds Up his Phone a Little) Checking.....some stuff on my phone..... A text Vanilla sent message. N-Not to say it has anything to do with case or anything!.... B-But uh-
Espio: Mother sent you a text reminding you of your scheduled Cuddle Session for today, isn't it?
Vector: (Eyes Widened Once Again While Staring at Espio in Complete Disbelief) H-H-How did you-
Espio: I accidentally saw it all written down on your notes the other day while I was looking for anything related to our recent case. You even drew a rectangular box around the words and everything.
Vector: (Sighs in Defeat While Facepalming Himself) You caught me red handed. Sorry, man. I didn't mean get this distract-
Espio: It's fine, Vector. I completely understand how tiring most cases are from time to time. This whole "Cuddle Session" plan is just your way of clearing your mind of stress, yes?
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly While Blushing a Little (And Thinking About Cuddling With his Beautiful, Bunny Girlfriend) ) For the most part, yeah.....
Espio: ('Sigh') Well, if that's case, then it's best that you get going now.
Vector: Wait. What?
Espio: Your Cuddle Session. You need to attend to it right away.
Vector: S-Seriously? You really don't mind me going right now?
Espio: (Smiles Softly) Of course not. I could just call Silver and Blaze to come over here and help work on the case with me. So naturally, you're free to go.
Vector: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Dude....... You're like..... a literal life saver right.
Espio: (Chuckles Lightly) No thanks is needed, Vector. Now get out of here already. Your lady awaits you next door-
Vector: Don't have to tell me twice! (Immediately Rushes out the Door) I'M COMING, HONEY!!!!!~
Espio: (Sighs While Smiling Sheepishly at the Opened Door) It astounds me how neither of those two have propose to one another yet.......
Few Minutes Later at Vanilla and Vector's Bedroom........
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly While Snuggling with Vector Under Their Blanket) Oho, Vector-kins!~ I'm soooo glad we decided to do this~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Tell me about it~ I've never been this stressed free in my entire life!.....(Immediately Starts Blushing Yet Again) You know, besides being with you and the kids of course.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly While Giving Vector a Loving Hug) I'm so glad you're enjoying this, dear. I know how stressful working on a case can be at times, but you don't need to keep worrying about that anymore. I'm here for you.....(Puts on a Seductive Smirk on her Face) And Momma Vanilla's gonna give you all the loving and care you oh so desperately need~ (Continues Cuddling with her Crocdile Boyfriend While Giving him Loving Kisses All Over his Face)
Vector: (Already Intoxicated by his Girlfriend's Kisses) This is the best Cuddle Session ever~ I love you, Momma Vanilly~
Vanilla: I love you too, Vector-kins~ (Continues Kissing Vector)
Blaze: (Standing Behind the Couple's Room Door with Espio and Silver) So this is their Cuddle Session you mentioned, Espio?
Espio: Seems like it. (Smirks at the Entire Scene) But it looks like Vector is already enjoying himself as we speak.
Silver: This looks fun. We should definitely create a Cuddle Session Schedule of our own one of these days.
Blaze: (Smiles Brightly) That's a great idea, Silver. We should planning that right now.
Espio: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) Wait? What!? A-Are you sure you two want to go through with this?
Silver: (Smiles Brightly at Espio) Yeah, man. I don't see why now.
Blaze: Exactly. (Gives Espio a Teasing Smirk on her Face) And besides, there's nothing more relaxing than cuddling with those you love and adore~
Silver: (Puts on a Teasing Smirk of His Own) Especially if it's with the most adorable ninja in the while wide world~
Blaze: Whom we love oh so very much~
Blaze and Silver gives their Chameleon boyfriend a loving kiss on both of his cheeks (Instantly causing him to change into different colors) before walking back to the detective office with a satisfied smile on each of their faces.
Espio: (Sighs Heavily While Reverting Back to his Original Color) Those two really are handful in one......(Smiles Softly) Still. It would be nice to have a Cuddle Session with them every once in a while.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #690: Little Miss Rabbit's Approval (Sonic X Crash Bandicoot)
1:24 p.m. at the Rabbits and Chaotix's Household.......
Tails: (Standing in Front of Cream's Room Door with Coco and Amy Beside Him) I wonder what's taking Cream so long to set up her Tea Party......
Amy: (Does a Proper British Accent) The preparations of any Tea Parties must be set up with Elegance, Grace, and above all else, Love. (Giggles A Little While Talking Normally Again) .....Or at least that's what Cream always tell me.
Coco: So this Cream girl..... What's she like?
Amy: Only the most precious little angel you ever lay your eyes upon!~ You would've loved her already.....If a CERTAIN LITTLE FOX would've told her about you beforehand!! (Turns to Tails with a Pouty Look on her Face)
Tails: (Place his Hands Up in a Bit of Defense) H-Hey! I'm sorry about that, alright? I just...(Starts Rubbing the Back of His Head Back and Forth Nervously) Kinda forgot about doing so at the time, you know?
Amy: No excuses, young man! Cream is our precious little sister and it is crucial for her to know about these things!
Tails: ('Sigh') I know. I know.
Coco: (Giggles Softly at the Duo's Quarrels) So she's pratically the cute little sister of the group?
Tails: ('Sigh') Pretty much. (Smiles Softly at Coco) But Amy's right though. Cream is the most precious little bunny in the world. I'm sure she'll love you in a matter of seconds.
Coco: I hope so to be honest. I kinda wanna make a good impression on her already.
Tails: Don't worry. Your first impression is gonna be amazing. Just keep being who you are and you'll be just fine.
Coco: (Stares at Tails for a Brief Second Before Smiling Brightly and Confidently at him While Nodding) Right. Thanks, buddy.
'Door Opens'
Charmy: (Walks Out of Cream's Room With Cheese While Wearing Sun Glasses, and Turning to Coco) Are you Coco Bandicoot?
Cheese: (Turns to Coco While Lowering his Shades a Little) Chao Chao?
Coco: Uhhhh....Yeah. That's...me alright. Why ask?
Charmy: (Presents Coco to Cream's Opened Room Door) Ms. Rabbit would like to see you now.
Cheese: (Simply Nodded) Chao Chao Chao.
Coco: Oh. Uh... sure. Don't mind if I...(Slowly Walk into Cream's Room) Make myself in.
Tails and Amy follows behind Coco until Charmy and Cheese quickly went in front of them and stop the duo ij their tracks.
Charmy: And where do you think you two are going?
Amy: Uhhh.... We're going inside the room? For the Tea Party, remember?
Charmy: Yeah. Sorry. (Crosses his Arms) But I'm afraid we can't let you do that. You guys are staying here until further notice.
Cheese: (Crosses his Arms As Well) Chao Chao.
Tails: ('Sigh') Charmy, let us pass already.
Charmy: Did you not just hear us? We said you're staying here.
Amy: (Place her Hands on Both of her Hips) Charmy, you and Cheese let us in or I'm gonna tell Vector and Vanilla that you two have been misbehaving while they're gone.
Charmy: (Gasps Before Glaring at the Pink Hedgehog) You wouldn't.....
Amy: (Takes Her Phone Out of her Skirt Pocket While Having a Smirk on her Face) Watch me. (Slowly Begins to Tap on the Screen)
Charmy: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Fiiiiiiiiiine. (Step Away from the Entrance of Cream's Room on his Side) You guys may enter....
Cheese: (Floats Away from the Entrance of Cream's Room on his Side) Chao Chao.....
Amy: (Happily Walks into Cream's Room While Patting Charmy and Cheese's Head Along the Way) Thank you, boys~
Tails: (Follows Behind Amy While Giving the Boys a Shrug Along the Way)
Charmy: (Turns to Cheese) We really need a raise from this whole guarding business, Cheese.
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreement) Chao Chao.
Couple of Seconds Earlier......
Cream: (Sitting on Her Tea Party Table While Wearing One of Vanilla's Fancy Church Hat's) Ah. Ms. Coco Bandicoot, I presume. (Takes a Pretend Sip on her Empty Teacup While Looking at the Bandicoot) Care to have a seat?
Coco: (Oh my gosh. She really is adorable!~) (Comes Back to Reality While Clearing her Throat a Little) Yeah. Um... Don't mind if I do...(Slowly and Steadily Takes a Sit on the Kids Size Chair While Also Taking a Bit of a Deep Breath) Soooo....You must be Cream, huh? (Smiles Brightly (And a Bit Nervously)) It's nice to finally meet you in person.
Cream: Likewise. Granted, it would've been to meet each other sooner, if a CERTAIN BIG FAT DUMMY HEAD TOLD ME ABOUT YOU BEFOREHAND!!! (Angrily (And Adorable) Pouts at Tails Whole has Just Stepped into her Room with Amy)
Tails: (Sighs While Feeling a Tad Bit Guilty) Cream, I'm sor-
Cream: (Starts Wiggling her Finger at Tails) Nonono. We are going to have a long talk about this later, mister.
Tails begins to pout a little himself while Amy place a hand on his shoulder with a bit of a sheepishly smile on her face.
Cream: Right now....(Turns to Coco) I want to speak to your newfound friend some more.
Coco: Sweet. So uh....What you wanna talk about first?
Cream: Well, for starters, I would like to how you and Tails first ever met.
Coco: Oh. Well, it was a couple of months ago. We met at this really cool Technology Store at the Smash District Mall. (Smiles Brightly) We've been best buds ever since.
Cream: I see.....(Have a Bit of a Suspicious Look in her Eyes While Slowly Taking a Pretend Sip of her Teacup Before Putting Back Down on the Table) So....Since you two have been friends for that period of time, it means you love him very much, correct?
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be? I love him a lot!
Tails: (Immediately Starts Blushing to Coco's Words)
Cream: Really? So much so that you'll do ANYTHING for him?
Coco: (Giggles Softly) Definitely, if I needed the help. And trust me, he would do the same for me too. We got each other's back after all.
Cream: Oh... Really? I-If absolutely so, then....then....t-then.....(Suddenly Begins to Groans Heavily) I can't take this polite posture anymore!!! (Pouts at Coco) I am sorry, Ms. Coco, but I'm afraid that I do not approve of your friendship with Tails right now!
Coco: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait what?
Tails/Amy: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) What!?
Tails: Cream, why not?
Cream: I don't know. It's just....('Sigh') What if she starts being mean o-or disrespectful to you one of these days?
Amy: Cream, sweetheart, I promise you that wouldn't happen.
Coco: (Frowns a bit Sadly at Cream) Yeah. I would never do that to him.
Cream: I know, but....I-I mean, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious about all of this!
Coco: Cream, are you are really worried about your big brother's well-being?
Cream: ('Sighs in a bit of Defeat') Yes. I am. I mean, why would I be? Tails is the most precious fox I've ever met.
Tails: (Starts Blushing Again) Hey! I-I not that precious...
Amy: (Lovingly Hugs Tails) Yes, you are!~ You're the most precious fox in the whole wide world~ (Gives the Two Tailed Fox a Kiss on the Cheek)
Charmy: (Turns to Tails from Outside of Cream's Door) Yeah. I'm younger than you and even I believe that's the case.
Cheese: (Turns to Tails as Well While Simply Nodded) Chao Chao Chao.
Tails: (Starts Rolling his Eyes While Blushing Some More) Not. Helping, you guys.....
Cream: He means so much to me and I want to make sure he's happy and in good hands. (Looks Away From Coco a Bit Shyly) I know it might be overprotective of me to say all these things, but that's exactly how I feel in the moment.
Coco: (Stares at Cream for a Few Seconds Before Slowly Smiling a bit Softly) Hey. Cream?
Cream: (Slowly Turns Back to Coco) Yes?
Coco: I know we just met and everything, but can I fill you in on something?
Cream: (Thought About the Request for a Brief Second Before Nodding) I suppose so. What is it?
Coco: You see, to tell you truth, Tails is.... literally the first friend I've ever made.
Cream: ('Gasps') Really?
Coco: (Simply Nodded) Yep. I live in an island with my big brother, his girlfriend, and a talking, magical mask name Aku Aku. I've been close to all them for so long that I've never really had the chance to make any friends outside of that island. That is....Until I met Tails those couple of months ago. He's the most sweetest, intelligent, compassionate fox I have the pleasure of even meeting. And like I said before, I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, that I would never EVER do anything to hurt or betray him like that because he means so much to me and I really love him a lot.
Tails: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Coco....
Coco: And you're right....(Turns to Tails) Tails is a precious little cinnamon bun~ Probably the biggest one there is~ (Winks at her Best Friend)
Tails: (Immediately Starts Blushing Yet Again) Y-You too, Coco!?
Coco: (Playfully Shrugs at Tails) Whaaaaat?~ It's the truth, isn't it?
Amy: (Simply Nodded While Still Hugging Tails) It is!~ Very much so in fact~
Tails: (Glares at Amy) Amy!
Cream: (Giggles Softly at the Whole Scene) Okay. Okay. (Gets Up from her Seat and Make her Way to Coco) I think I've finally starting to understand now.
Coco: (Quickly Turns Back to Cream) Really? So....does that mean-
Cream: (Happily Nodded) Yes. Starting today, I hereby approve of your friendship together. (Gives Coco a Somewhat Loving Hug) Please take extra good care of my big brother Tails for me~
Coco: (Giggles Lightly) Don't worry, kiddo. (Hugs Cream Back) He's already in good hands.
Cream: Thank you. It makes me so happy to hear you say that.
Tails/Amy: (Already Starts Gushing Over How Adorable Cream and Coco's Hugging Together Are) Awwwwwww~
Cream: (Turns to Tails and Pouts at Him) But I'm still mad at you for not telling me about her sooner, Tails!
Tails: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) I'm sorry, Cream, alright? It never came into mind to do all of that up until now.
Cream: No excuses! I'm suppose to the little sister of our lovely group of friends! So it should be very crucial to tell me these kinds of things.
Amy: (Whispers into Tails' Ear) Told you so....
Tails: (Sighs Once More) Look, I'll do anything I can to make it up to you. I promise.
Cream: (Slowly Raised an Elbow) Anything?~
Tails: Yeah. Anything you want. Just.... don't ask for anything too extreme, okay?
Cream: If that's so, then can we all watch a movie together in the living room?
Tails: Yeah. Sure. We can do that no problem.
Cream: Can we watch a princess related movie?
Tails: Any of them you wanna watch is good enough for all of us.
Cream: With love and cuddles along the way?~
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable Cream is Being Right Now) Yes. With love and cuddles all around.
Charmy: Ooh! Can we drive your airplane after that!? Do a loopie loop five or ten times?
Cheese: (Smiles Excitedly) Chao Chao?
Tails: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Okay! Let's not get crazy here!!
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