#youre so adorable istg ahshshshbssb
Wow holy shit i love you a lot. Like why are you the purest bean on this planet? I mean, what have I done to be recognized by someone as lovely and cool as you. You literally make me feel good all the time and you love me unconditionally and i-- you're also hella relatable like I don't understand why you're my biggest mood™ I'm living life and here you are my soul twin just popping up in my life. I sometimes feel like I'm not good enough to know you but I do so that is the greatest thing. I wanna protecc you 8ever. To be honest I view you as one of my tumblr sisters and I don't just hand that out to anyone.
Anyways I'm doing this via ask bc everyone needs to see you being gushed over so maybe it'll encourage others to step up and smother you with the love you deserve uwu
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Aight so tumblr went screw ya and deleted like three paragraphs I had written about how much I absolutely adore you but since it's you I don't mind writing them again
I seriously cannot believe how lucky I am to have met someone like you, you're honestly such a kind and warm person I just- you're seriously like the order sibling I never had (I've always wanted an older sibling PFT)
You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, thank you so much for being my tumblr sister (つ≧▽≦)つ
I feel like it's me that doesn't deserve all your love and it's just- IDK WHAT I DID TO DESERVE IT AKSJSHSHS you always make my day even better and it's just honesty I love you a lot!!!
Also you had no right to make me blush like that AKSBSHSHSHS honestly I feel like I'm about to cry from happiness this is such a sweet message and you're such a precious cinnamon roll 💕 I'm also super close to just sticking this to my fridge, it's a lovely message and I have to admit getting pampered feels great :P but also because this just makes me super happy, and I feel like I can read this whenever I feel down and instantly feel better.
You are seriously an amazing person, I know i keep repeating it but you're just so cute and awesome! You care so much for everyone and you're always able to get a smile on my face :D
Thank you so much for your friendship. I really really luv you a lot alright? Along with a thousand other people who are so friggen lucky to have you in their lives!!!
And you're completely right about us being soul twins, it's just like the red string of fate except with friends!
Seriously I really appreciate and adore you, never ever change and always remember that you're an amazing person!
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