#youtube made their UI stupid as fuck
vroenis · 4 years
Uncharted 4: An Era’s End
It’s recently come to light that game developer Naughty Dog has been subjecting its employees to crunch; the practice of overworking and underpaying staff in order to meet deadlines. This is not unique to Naughty Dog, nor to their current project pending release later this year, The Last Of US 2. Reports suggest that crunch has been endemic in the working culture of Naughty Dog for some time and this is now no surprise to us as such reports continue to surface about studio after studio, most in the corporately structured, premium funded and managed space we call “triple A” or AAA, but many smaller studios and independent spaces also. Several senior and long-tenured creatives have left Naughty Dog quite recently, and some may have been leaving earlier than those that have been reported during what’s turning out to be a turbulent development cycle for The Last Of Us 2.
Each month, as part of the paid subscription to the Playstation Plus online service, Sony offers a small selection of games. For April, one of them was Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, from which I derived my title. Not only am I here to suggest the studio’s troubles may have begun during the development of this game, first released back in 2016, but the title may have been one of the first significant indications that the book was closing on AAA development as we know it. I appreciate there have been many good voices shouting from the rooftops about the how unsustainable it’s been from before then, but the Naughty Dog for a long time seemed like a light in the dark, signalling that a big studio could still produce good product under strong leadership.
I feel that Uncharted 4 rather than The Last Of Us 2 is the real light, and instead of a light-house, it turned out to be a signal-fire warning that even then the composure of Naughty Dog was an illusion.
This piece is going to contain significant spoilers for Uncharted 4. It’s also not investigative - I just played it for the first time, completed it and I have some thoughts about it; these are my thoughts.
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I didn’t like the third game at all. I took nothing away from it. I’ll never play it again as there’s nothing I want to relive from it, so I’d better look up the wiki on what happened in it... well that didn’t help at all as I don’t remember playing any of that, it was so unmemorable. I remember the wandering around in the desert bit and then some shooting in the desert which was all pointless. There were also some puzzles with shadow puppets that were almost good but so short and pointless, those two things sum up my feelings about the third game entirely.
What a way to start.
I’ve replayed the first and second games once each, so I’ve played those each twice thru and have decided that the first game is overlong and poorly paced, and the second game is the best and probably two-thirds good. Honestly, Elena should drop the Drakes in the ocean, run-off with Chloe and keep in touch with Sully because those are the only three characters with any depth and meaning. Let’s roll-back a bit.
I get that Nathan’s supposed to be a charming, happy-go-lucky character and for the most part, it works. Maybe I’m just getting too old for it or it’s wearing too thin. I really think the third game was completely unnecessary. When I review my notes on the fourth game, I think about the emotional quandary it attempts to set up i.e., ultimately that Nathan should be more honest with Elena - spoiler; he isn’t, but don’t worry it all works out *SPIT* - this was already a problem I was ready to face at the end of the second game. Given my feelings on the third game, I’d have much preferred a simple trilogy and conclusion that faced that emotional brunt to wrap things up. Naturally of-course, that’s not how money-spinners work.
If Uncharted 4 doesn’t spend time on Elena, who does it spend time on? Nathan has a brother! To be fair, I love Troy Baker as a voice actor and if there’s one thing that is consistent in Naughty Dog games, it’s excellent voice acting. I don’t know if I’m now biased after seeing so much of Nolan North and Troy Baker on YouTube outside of their VO talent work, but they’re wonderful people and their professional work is always great. The supporting cast is always great, too - so too the villains even if the narrative arcs are always completely absurd. I know these are always a bit of a lark, you can’t take them too seriously so I can’t hold Uncharted up to Kentucky Route Zero (got my mention in) and shake them comparatively, that’s not fair. It’s OK to have an excuse for a romp even if it does wear on a bit over time.
The problems I have with Uncharted 4 specifically are things like the level and environmental design. I’ve never gotten lost in this franchise up until now when it happened in almost every level... several times. I simply didn’t know where to go. There would be absolutely no clear indication of where to go and no assists, no subtle environmental guide and no camera nudges to help. There is a timer that eventually tells the player where to go and at times, this is tied to deaths so at one point I just threw Nathan off cliffs repeatedly to respawn until the hint appeared. This is unquestionably stupid design. I began to wonder if this was due to criticism that previous games had too much hand-holding, but when the UI assist was finally given and I made my way to the next check-point, I would *never* have found it under normal exploratory gameplay.
This remained true during several moments of scripted action sequences, some including during combat which brings up something else I now remember about the third game. I still couldn’t tell you when it was other than I didn’t know where to go and it was stupid, so there you have it. Maybe the third game was the real signal fire in my metaphor, who knows. In any case, constantly reverting to check-points and having to repeat, not understanding why you’re failing when the game isn’t telegraphing what you need for a success state in a scripted sequence is an exercise in frustration I’m not willing to ever repeat. While I’m not a souls-like player, I completely appreciate the admiration and respect for those games because they have rules that are clear to parse. Video games are *all about* providing feedback to the player. I’m not saying it’s easy, it is an incredibly difficult thing to achieve but it is literally the job you set out to do, it is the only vehicle you have to convey the lofty emotions you want to communicate to your audience.
And then there’s the driving. Naughty Dog. Do not put driving in your games. This is something you’re not able to do.
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I don’t want to bash the driving so hard because at this point I feel like it may have been bolted on without time to make it stick correctly. This is the first game in the title where the hot-zones for interactions weren’t quite right. Where I bugged out of animations and had check-points or re-spawns instanced or loaded. Where I glitched out and fell off things, where I had to walk back and forth in-front of things to make buttons appear. The edges of that Naughty Dog polish were fraying. I’d attempt to do a thing and it just wouldn’t work, I’d fall to my death. I’d attempt to do the same thing the same way and it would work. Again this is dredging up more nondescript memories of the third game so I’m beginning to have my suspicions about the working environment there and when in the timeline things started getting bad - but cameras and jumping distances got really difficult to judge. One gap at one time would be fine to jump, then another would have you plunge to your death, and they’d be inconsistent to read or judge. These were not frequent, as with the third game, almost as if the artists and level designers were given time to adjust lighting and camera geometry tracking and control mapping as much as possible but just couldn’t get to them all. But throughout the games, it creeps in more and more.
I’d talk about combat - it’s functional, but it’s not interesting. These games don’t add anything interesting to the genre or video games in general. I play the games on easy because I don’t need to prolong the experience, I don’t actually have the physical time - if I could play the games without combat, I would. There are other games to play if I want dexterity challenges which I do engage in, Uncharted isn’t one of them. Even in 2016 I’m not entirely sure this would have turned heads. I realise I’m playing this a full four years later, but it’s hard to think of the sum-total of this game’s parts and see it as relevant...
But you know what? Uncharted 4 visually looks immaculate. Outside of the voice-acting and sound design, without question, the highest priority has been given to the visual fidelity of this game inclusive of the animations. So much has been invested in how the tech works, to the abandonment of everything else, I’d say the for example, the driving suffered the most, level design next, then interaction scripting. The attention to detail in the environments is stupendous...
...yet it’s all hollow. You know what? I don’t care about pirates and adventures anymore. Whatever. By the fourth game, I don’t care. I totally get that the game’s not for me but I played it and I’m writing how I feel about it. You’re telling me a story about a guy who met the person of his dreams and marries, then his brother turns up and he can’t be honest to his wife? Meow meow meow it’s all for the sake of drama so we skip over all the details but the contrivance is too much. You want me to accept these things on face value, then on face value, I say Nathan and his brother can go get fucked.
I took particular issue with the comically brief relationship discussion Elena and Nathan have after she saves him and they set off together in which she concludes she’s with him “for better or for worse”, which from memory the game chapter is titled after. Now either the character genuinely believes she owes him under the sanctity of nuptial obligation or she’s using it as a justification of such. This is a wholly unsatisfying discussion for me was when I finally checked out of this game - sure I should have done so hours before but this was the last straw and the indication that I am definitely too old for this shit - but this is a horrifying and stupid message to be spouting. Elena don’t owe anyone shit. Married or not, she’s free to save Nathan if she wants to, for any reason, but she’s certainly not obliged to. I despise this massive chunk of traditionalist patriarchy smashed into her character and the narrative, even if it is “well it’s just about her character” yea great, so that just re-enforces her as a loyal dog-trophy for the main character in the on-going male power-fantasy shenanigans shit-train. Nathan’s behaviour isn’t exactly selfish but it’s certainly not adult or considerate. He behaves like a child not taking on an appropriate level of responsibility. Others around him, being Elena and Sully, continuously bail him out - literally saving his life while endangering their own, and he continues to behave like a manchild that neither acknowledges their physical and emotional labour nor does he grow and evolve as an individual. What a fucker. Does he ever sort his shit out, ask Elena what she wants to do for a career and support whatever the fuck she wants to do with her life? Of-course the fuck he doesn’t. Know why? Because he’s a literal man-baby. And his brother is too. But that’s OK cos  he’s a fucken jock-hero and a funny guy so as long as we can all laugh about it and the narrative says-so and it all works out in the end and he gets the girl and she ends-up supporting his career anyway, it’s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall fine.
Nathan should have died and Elena shouldn’t have given a fuck.
I know I know, it’s not that serious. Look I’ve been thru some shit, alright? I can see it both ways. Sometimes you don’t think about stupid shit that deep and sometimes you do. Most of the time, I do, and most of the time, I take it to the nth degree, so yea, shit like that gets to me. I call it bad writing, so no, I don’t like the story. At all. Nathan’s supposed to be flawed but nothing ever costs him. When people make mistakes in life, those mistakes cost. The unfortunately thing is the cost is most often paid by the others around them, and sometimes they themselves never realise it. I don’t like stories where there’s a fuckhead at the centre but everyone still stays happy. Nathan seems to have been given a lesson, but I don’t think he earned it. This is why y’all watch Game of Thrones and are surprised when characters die because you keep consuming narratives with no stakes, and GoT is *still* only middling stuff.
How could Elena’s character have been given more attention? Uncharted 4 isn’t all bad. The most valuable thing Naughty Dog achieved was the recreation of real domestic spaces; the Drake households. Twice, we’re given time and space and encouraged to explore them without being funnelled by level design, events, NPC shepherding or audio cues. Rooms and the objects that fill them are meticulously and beautifully created, and they're given life and purpose in a way that has meaning far beyond all the pirate nonsense that while almost as equally beautiful, is completely vacuous.
Putting on Elena’s vinyl record as her daughter Cassie was the only time I enjoyed the music in the game, and it was a great call-back to Nathan having done the same thing in their house much earlier. Sure, there’s the Drake theme that repeats ad nauseam throughout the series but otherwise the soundtrack is bland and unremarkable adventuring fare. It contributes more to the feeling of this game being out of touch, contrasted to something like Control which certainly has a completely different setting, sure - but that’s part of it, so that affords the creative team room for more modular synths and drones and to have a distinct sound.
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Walking thru those houses, first as Nathan but really as the player repositioning themselves from adventurer to ordinary life-living person in a domestic setting, and then as Cassie - daughter of these two amazing characters in an equalling urbane setting yet filled with wonderful objects, made up the most fascinating and enjoyable moments of the game for me. The mess of each room gave the houses the perfect lived-in feel to a degree that most other games struggle to achieve, probably due to how much effort it takes to get that much geometry mapped in - Giant Sparrow’s What Became of Edith Finch is probably one of the few games that has come close. The difference between the tropical islands, decaying pirate mansions and the domestic Drake residences is that the houses felt like everything in there felt like it meant something and was in there for a reason, like it had been part of something. I don’t mean that just for the objects that were intrinsically tied to implicit narrative beats like collectables or even items from countries where Uncharted 4 or prior games are set, but also things like towels, washing baskets, plates and dishes, books and picture frames, shampoo bottles, food - the detail in the fridges! That you can feed Cassie’s dog, Vicky is the most meaningful interaction of the game - by the way, the second most meaningful set of interactions is buying an apple in the market in Madagascar then playing with lemur and letting it take the apple.
Back to the houses, I’m disappointed we never got to walk through one of them as Elena. Now that the core of the franchise is wrapped, I’m left with the impression that she’s the most important character in the series and she’s left woefully under-served. This is a very me thing, and unsurprising. I doubt anyone else cares enough about writing and character to have thoughts like this. They’re into Uncharted for the adventuring and the shooting, but as soon as you present me the opportunity for character drama and you want to have a red-hot go at it, I’m here to set aside the rest of that guff and go for it. The running and jumping and shooting never changes, and I’m here to say that the puzzling could have stepped up orders of magnitude that Naughty Dog never committed to - Crystal Dynamics did far better with Rise Of The Romb Raider, and while the puzzling was never really difficult, the way I described it to a friend was to liken the puzzles to desk toys; not intended to be too challenging, but more satisfying in their tactile nature. I feel Fireproof’s The Room series for iOS and Android are great examples of providing similar sensations.
I don’t mind a game mostly about shenanigans, I just don’t want it centred around a character that won’t learn, or who gets off cheaply. Elena is infinitely more interesting to me - her concerns, her desires - Chloe too, for that matter, and I absolutely am not above making the joke about shipping them as I’m sure thousands have before me (no I won’t write a fanfic about them, I’m sure there are plenty around).
I didn’t play the first The Last of Us. There was a horrifically jarring moment when the game felt it was over-playing its sense of cinema to me, then had a sudden camera zoom transition onto I think the first combat gameplay and I checked out. The tone of that game is trying to telegraph TAKE ME SERIOUSLY and I feel all I’m going to do is read tonally similar things to what I have here but far worse. Also post-apocalypse is easy pickings for bad writing, especially by video games narrative writers, I just don’t have the patience. I’m pleased that there’s lesbian representation in the second game but I’m not sure it’ll be handled with sensitivity. While I’m in no way invested in the game as a product, I continue to be concerned for the welfare of the employees at Naughty Dog, and all game developers everywhere, as always. It is a hugely unregulated industry that is in the process of slow collapse, and now more than ever do we need reform and cultural change.
And in the midst of that, one day we’ll get a decent game that’s about domestic partnerships and wonderful emotional relationships with stunning visual fidelity; maybe it’ll have running and jumping and shooting and maybe it won’t. Maybe it’ll end sadly and maybe it’ll end happily but hopefully it’ll be well-written. 
Here’s to Elena.
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tsunflowers · 5 years
heres my list of meltophobic moments from ryuusoulger
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tyramigo getting his name wrong
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koh and asuna getting on his ass about shooting down their stupid plans
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tyramigo saying he loves everyone in the town except melto
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towa refusing his advice
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towa being extremely smug and rude when it turned out he didn’t need melto’s advice anyway
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koh assuming asuna’s conversation with master pink would be about them mocking melto
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ui yelling at him for fucking up the dance when she was trying to film it for her youtube channel
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oto yelling at him after being influenced by a minusaur’s negative energy. oto is usually such a melto rights activist that I hate to include this but it’s just too funny that she tells him to cram it
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setoh making him hang from a trapeze for two days straight
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canalo sarcastically calling him melto-kun bc he’s mad his sister made him a fancy drink
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banba getting up in his face to prevent him from revealing that banba is horny for a lady who works at a daycare. this isnt actually that meltophobic I just wanted to post it again
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ui shutting him down for no reason
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tyramigo forgetting his name again on purpose
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towa giving this backhanded compliment bc he can’t just be nice
such cruelty to him throughout the series just bc he’s blue and a nerd. I hope that melto will have rights in all postseries content
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athcnvs · 7 years
aLLL of them
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[ 11:57 ] ➝ graham: my eyes are aren’t fully open yet but good mornign my dearest[ 11:58 ] ➝ graham: is it still morning i think it’s still morning why is my csreen so brgih t[ 11:58 ] ➝ graham: yes just in time im up before noon are u proud of me????[ 11:59 ] ➝ graham: say ur proud of me ://
Send “” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
[ UNSENT ] ➝ graham: hey if i wasnt so hung up over brandon during high school, do you think we would have dated? idk why i’m thinking about this now bc it’s so long ago, but do you think? i probably misunderstood and you probably didn’t have feelings for me back then, but i can’t help thinking about the possibility that you did. in retrospect, you really did care about me a lot, even way back when. i can’t believe that i took you for granted. i know i’ve apologized for it several times, but i had no idea how good i had it. i feel like i took you for granted more than i apologized for it and then teagan happened and i dont know. i didn’t have the right to be jealous, so why was i??? why do i have to keep building up walls?? why can’t i give anyone a chance??? i’m so stupid i should have let you in from the start. fuck brandon, i hate him. why am i so dumb??? why am i writing this why do i think this would even make a difference?? maybe i should take ur advice from before and give up on what’s never going to happen bc ur my best friend and i cant let anything or anyone change that
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[ 15:31 ] ➝ graham: my phone is at 1% but pls remind me to tell u abt my day bc i was hit on by a cute boy and i feel very conflicted atm im omw back soon lov u
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[ 01:12 ] ➝ graham: ui have a sueqtion[ 01:12 ] ➝ graham: do yoyu caer about me ?[ 01:13 ] ➝ graham: like hkonestly?[ 01:14 ] ➝ graham: i know dyou say you do btu are you telgling thbe trtuh[ 01:14 ] ➝ graham: pim afraid that one day youre goign tto stop caring about me[ 01:14 ] ➝ graham: i love you pso much i dont want to eewvr lose you[ 01:15 ] ➝ graham:im afraid of aour friendship being ruuined [ 01:15 ] ➝ graham:evertiyhngs a mess but i lvoe u
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[ 18:22 ] ➝ graham: yea sure just give me a sex[ 18:22 ] ➝ graham: OMG THAT WAS A TYPO[ 18:22 ] ➝ graham: WHY CAN’T WE UNDO TEXTS IT’S 2017 [ 18:22 ] ➝ graham: I’M SO SORRY PLS DO NOT BRING THIS UP
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[ 04:34 ] ➝ graham: u up? i can’t sleep[ 04:34 ] ➝ graham: i’ve just been staring at the ceiling… thinking[ 04:34 ] ➝ graham: my first instinct was to text u about it[ 04:39 ] ➝ graham: ur probably asleep nvm
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[ 02/23/13, 22:35 ] ➝ graham: ok can u pls stop telling me that i should just give up on brandon????? like holy shit graham[ 02/23/13, 22:35 ] ➝ graham: i get that you’re trying to look out for me but i can handle things on my own u kno[ 02/23/13, 22:37 ] ➝ graham: if i want to go out and get my heart broken at least let me learn my lesson[ 02/23/13, 22:40 ] ➝ graham: i really don’t mean to be confrontational with u because you’ve always been so kind to me, but trust me on this ok???? just…. let me try to fix this bc i really care about him and i’m getting tired of everyone telling me that he’s not worth it bc he means a lot to me and since u kno how i’ve felt abt him u should respect my decision to go through with this and take my chances[ 02/23/13, 22:41 ] ➝ graham: i just dont want to give up on someone that mattered so easily and i’m going to hope that he still hasn’t given up on me
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[ 02:05 ] ➝ graham: did u kno that the pillsbury doughboy’s real name is…[ 02:06 ] ➝ graham: poppin’ fresh[ 02:06 ] ➝ graham: i mean i guess their products should be poppin’ after they’re fresh out of the oven… they should give him sunglasses
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ 23:11 ] ➝ graham: i see people who are so passionate abt their craft and i keep thinking that i’ve made a mistake in my life and that i should have found a way to move forward with music even though my parents would probably yell at me forever??? i mean computer science is cool and all and people make a lot of money but is that really what i want in life??? i guess there are cs jobs in entertainment but i guess it’s not exactly what i was thinking of. but at the same time maybe i’m not a good enough musician to do anything with it.[ 23:16 ] ➝ graham: i guess my youtube channel is good enough for now but what does it matter if i’m not happy in the end u kno???? o well…. que sera que sera i guess i’m gonna go back to transcribing this tab
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[ 23:16 ] ➝ graham: hey saw these scans from a book called soppy online and it’s so cute??? some of them made me think of us[ 23:17 ] ➝ graham: hold on lemme send[ 23:21 ] ➝ graham: [ attachment ][ 23:21 ] ➝ graham: [ attachment ][ 23:21 ] ➝ graham: [ attachment ][ 23:22 ] ➝ graham: that last one is when im playing overwatch
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[ 12:42 ] ➝ graham: what is ur stance on matching hoodies??[ 12:42 ] ➝ graham: i’m not planning on buying any or anything i was just asking for a friend who saw something online[ 12:43 ] ➝ graham: the colors are the inverse of each other and i think they look cool
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ 13:52 ] ➝ graham: https://youtu.be/58-jcJupBug[ 13:52 ] ➝ graham: oh my god that’s not the video i wanted to send u[ 13:52 ] ➝ graham: i… have no idea how that got in my clipboard  
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
[ UNSENT ] ➝ graham: sometimes i ask myself how the events of my life led me to this point. sometimes i wonder how different things would have been if slowly distanced myself from you. or if i found some reason to hate you. there were so many instances where i could have vanished from your life. would you have noticed if i did?? sometimes i think about how my life would probably be less complicated and messy if i wasn’t your best friend. if i didn’t love you so much. but here i am, and here i will forever be. i wish i could give myself the closure i need, but it’s been four years and i still don’t know where i stand or how i feel about you. four. years. i just hope that i don’t mess things up for the both of us. in the end, it’s the two of us against the world. wow ok that sounded dramatic athena what are you doing[ 03:04 ] ➝ graham: i can’t believe i’m really out here tearing up to the ost of a kdrama at 3 o clock in the morning… who am i??
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So this older woman was going down to my basement but the layout was different than usual, had a door to the back yard that isn't actually there and stuff. I didn't identify her but she was a friend of the family, but I wanted to bang her so when she went down (she wanted to see my dad or mom or something she said) I went down after and made small talk, she didn't wanna be down there but I knew if we went upstairs I wouldn't be able to convince her to have sex with me so I said I had to be down here to let Sophia (irl step moms chihuahua) back in even though she was in the basement with us not outside, so she stood around (it was nighttime btw dark outside) and it was kinda awkward and she asked me if there was any music I wanted to show her, and she indicated this was a thing I usually did with her, and I was like "oh yeah there's this new song I've been lovin" (in my head I identified it as The Underside of Power by Algiers, their new single that came out this week irl) and I start playing it on my phone on Spotify and the UI looks completely legit which is a bit weird for a dream, even the art for the single was spot on, the player looked natural too, but something happens my dad calls for me I think so I pause it like six seconds in and we go upstairs and there's a gap in my memory here. Now this is the same dream setup with the same established characters as before but now I'm in the hallway between my room and my dads room, and my old mattress is in the hallway with bedsheets and the whole deal, and this woman is sitting on it except now she looks younger and more fair and cute and I identify her as the same woman from before but also identify her as Shiro? (she doesn't look like her but she kind of had her voice) and the desire for sex goes away a little but not completely, but being around this woman feels me with comfort and love and I feel completely free from stress and anything awful. Being on the mattress with Shiro makes me feel complete. And she still wants to see the song I wanted to show her so I put my phone down and pull up the music video on YouTube and get finnicky with trying to get it to play in full screen but it keeps pausing and going into partial view and it upsets me but this girl giggles at it and it calms me down. So my instincts tell me that she still wants to leave, she's giving me a flighty vibe, so I know I I just show her the video she'll leave afterward, so I have her hold it and start watching it (also the music video was completely fine and not weird or anything which in of itself is weird cause I can barely remember what it looked like when I'm conscious) but then I pile a bunch of shirt pillows behind her as she leans back a little and she's caught off guard but happily surprised by me doing this for her and keeps watching, and I give myself like two pillows for my head, and I hand her these three big Manaphy pillows (yes the Pokemon) and she lays them on her upper body, and I pull a blanket up and cover up, it's still nighttime, and I don't remember what she thought of the song up to this point but I stop it before it gets to the hook, and I put my arm around her and we cuddle and I feel whole and at peace with t existence and I guess we fall asleep cause the next segment has sunlight in my room and the hallway, and me and the woman are laying in bed calling on discord with y friend Naaming, and the visual of us on the bed is replace with footage from this 3D action platform we video game that I couldn't identity while the three of us talk about stupid shit, I brought up Madoke Magicka and the woman liked it a lot too and Naaming made fun of me for bringing it up, and Naaming asked me about "something funny [I] said the other day... something about 'Chinese splatterslime'?" (I'm not sure that's the exact word he used but the phrase was rediculous and funny and I know it said Chinese at least cause I was referring to anime jokingly as Chinese and the slime or spit or whatever I said part had to do with weird running cycles in action anime I think? That's all I can remember. I was not lucid at any point in the dream, at least I don't think I was. I feel tremendously empty without that woman laying next to me now, I want to go back. (She kinda seemed like a mix of Shiro and the girl everybody wants to fuck from Nier, but wearing normal casual clothes, t least that's what she wore when we were in my hallway when I fell in love with her) I miss her already
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