#yps sykes
skipton-removals · 5 years
Cavetown Capers.
It was a lovely sunny July evening in 1987, when I arrived in my new home. HM Prison Leeds, known lovingly as Clopper Castle or Armerleyville The House on The Hill.
This was to be my first of several visits to, Armlies notorious B-Wing for Young Prisoner’s…where the screws beat you for no reason and hardened hairy arsed institutionalized convicts like, Paul Sykes dry bummed YPs.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
This is more like it:
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Like I don't want to go on and on now that Bouphe has spoken up more clearly than the rest but it's like watching Shaggy find an ice monster in a cave and go "Oh no, it's the... Baddy! I don't want to say his name because it might trigger his victims, but run, Scoob! Hey Fred, you'll never guess who we ran into in that cave! It was a baddy! A baddy! Its name rhymes with shmice shmonster! No I'm not on drugs I'm really trying to warn you!"
But yeah, credit to Bouphe.
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And here, credit to Zoey for the additional call to action.
Realistically, in terms of how you kill Sjin's channel, you ruin his fans' ability to easily communicate with one another without being reminded of what people think of him and his fans (clog up his comments section and fan-run subreddits) continue to report him in order to break his access to add revenue, and, my favorite, catfish him aggressively on any social media he tries to use.
I joked about that before, didn't I? Well now's the time, right? Raise your hand if you feel like impersonating a child in order to obtain pictures of Sjin's dick, we'll make a game of it. I will legit consider making a bounty for anyone who can successfully catfish him.
If he's bold enough to talk to fans again, I want him to live in fear that everyone he talks to is actually thirty and taking screenshots of the bullshit he's saying to be posted here.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
He actually came back oh god
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Greaaat. Cooool.
Wouldn't it be nice if the Yogscast would throw their weight into opposing this? You'd think it be the least they could do. Or any of the people who have so much to say about Sjin now that he's not a financial liability for them anymore, no, just me...
Well anyway, I'm not going to link to it, but throw a Dislike on it if you must look. Sjin says he's putting out one of these a week. I think he’s blocked commenting, or at least he’s made it so all comments aren’t visible, which shows a hilarious lack of self awareness at what a bad idea this is.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
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Why even bother subtweeting? Sjin collected child porn, there's no need for mercy...
If you happen to see any comments like these on twitter or in streams, I'd appreciate it if you let me know, I can't look everywhere at once and I'd rather be fast than take credit for finding something myself.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
It warms my cold heart to see that sjins "reboot" seems to fail horribly even tho he has 1.8m subs on YT
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Sure there were the atrocity tourists like myself who clicked on that first video to document it or to fish for an approved comment so they could edit it to say PEDOGROOMER. And of course everyone else who wasn't that discerning but just came to see the audacity of this bitch for themselves. It was associated with a top ranked post on Reddit, people were tweeting, it was a whole thing.
But now that sick sick honeymoon is over, and Sjin is now facing the reality that none of his fans are able to talk to one another without being trolled. Coming onto the internet and announcing yourself as a fan of Sjin means even the gutter trash from SomethingAwful gets to kick your ass. At least if you were a fan of DarkSydePhil people would pity you, Sjin fans go on the internet like deer during harvest season.
And for Sjin, he's not homeless. I doubt he's in financial straits yet considering how much he was probably putting away prior to his ejection from the Yogscast. If he needed one, he could always get a roommate, and he wouldn't even need to share a bathroom in his (crappy, imo, but probably lavish by Bristol standards) condo.
But can you fucking imagine meeting a guy for a roommate interview, googling the motherfucker when he says he "does YouTube for a living," and finding that crap?
No, like let's really get into the moment - you're at a café, Sjin's across from you, but you don't know him yet. He's so close to sewing this up, he's cut you an extreme deal because he wants you to think about it as little as possible, so you're just making cursory conversation since you're all but decided. You ask what he does for a living, he tells you. You pull out your phone, laughing "Oh, really? Can I see your channel?"
"No, no, ha ha. No, please, it's embarrassing haha."
"No really what's your YouTube name? I'm pulling up Google."
Sjin's pants fill with shit. Sweat collects in his collar in ropey gobs. "No, I'll show you later haha."
"Why are you so nervous? Do you do porn or something? I'd have to think about this rooming situation if you do."
Body odor disintegrates Sjin's t-shirt from the armpits outwards as the final remaining hair on his head fires like it was shot out of a crossbow. "Sjin haha. S-J-I-N haha."
"What a weird name! Ah, here it is. Wait, what's this article? ................Is this you?"
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Lewis’ Response:
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Just wanted to clarify and reinforce our stance (which has not changed in the last two years). Sjin took advantage of his position to emotionally manipulate and sexually harass members of our community and our friends. These actions are reprehensible and he is not welcome in our communities.
I would ask folks to be respectful of this and remain sensitive to other Yogscast creators, many of whom will not want to discuss him or be reminded of his content.
We’re always striving to make the Yogscast stronger and safer for everyone and I hope that you agree that this is a community we can feel proud to be a part of.
I know they’re too fucking corporate now for Lewis to do like he did to me, and lean into a mic and shout “FUCK YOU” at Sjin on stream. Instead it’s “these actions are reprehensible and he is not welcome.”
Really the phrase I was looking for was like a real, direct rebuff of the people who insist it’s some kind of inside job or that they ‘cancelled’ Sjin in response to the accusations rather than the veracity of them. I know Lewis thinks he’s too high up in his throne to do that, but it would make all of his content creators’ lives easier.
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I really want Fonjask to sit on the last ten years of his life and spin. He’s never going to apologize but this policy has been horseshit from the first day people started mentioning what Sjin was doing on Tumblr. There’s just no atonement for it, and the fact he still thinks it holds up today is a testament to how much his own laziness overshadows actual concern for the consequences of his decisions.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
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This is obviously a downside but we are so fucking way beyond fence sitting. We left fence sitting behind two years ago. If you are worried that hating a pedophile is going to get you harassed, take a stiff drink and shout how much you hate that pedophile.
Sjin AKA Paul Sykes is a pedophile. Don't let anyone believe you think he isn't one.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Fuck That!
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Again... what is the deal with the subtweeting?
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Is this charades? Is Sjin Voldemort?
Sjin AKA Paul Sykes sexually harassed and manipulated minors and is a piece of shit who must not be allowed to return to the content creation. Is that hard to say? Am I like an Olympic athlete for managing to say it?
It's ridiculous.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Seriously though, that guy better fuck right off.
If Sjin thinks he can Projared this the internet is going to pull out his facial hair and mount it over a fireplace. His half-wit fans be damned, there's a reason Facebook is the downstream reservoir of the internet where your racist grandpa gets his news.
I'm not really confident all that was done for a big comeback or anything, it seems to me more like he got irritated or Lewis and Duncan got irritated with having those two in his 2015 banner. I'm sure Nijuukoo, if she had a say, would prefer he not use her art as his profile picture-
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but Sjin's never had any empathy for women before so I wouldn't expect him to start today.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
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Now, I understand that rationale, but subtweeting Sjin, in Radderss’ case, Voldemorting him, is not a better response than calling him out by name.
On one hand, you can avoid upsetting his victims by not talking about him.
On the other hand, you can upset his victims by refusing to be as vocal now as you needed to be before they got victimized and remaining complicit.
I’m not really seeing the benefits of the first option behind the benefits of the second. Not to mention we’re really not talking about not mentioning him at all, actually practicing option one seems to involve subtweeting and drawing attention to Sjin and highlighting him for his victims, while keeping anyone who doesn’t know about him in the dark. So it’s really just “I need to tweet my anger about Sjin but I don’t want anyone to look in my direction” painted a pretty color.
Also apparently an anon asked a moderator about this:
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I never expected them to bother speaking up, the subreddit’s only desire is self preservation and it could really give a fuck about anything else.
Regarding theories about “NDAs” or “lawsuits,” I direct you to ISP’s comment above, as well as Daltos saying the same. (discussion)
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Re: Hannah. So like... what are they supposed to do then? If they say anything now, theyre just as evil as him because they didnt speak out the second it happened (never mind that its not always so simple when ones job is on the line). If a Yog came out tomorrow in favor of cats, youd demand people start strangling them out of sheer spite.
The only way that would be analogous would be if the Yogscast had strangled cats every single day up until today and then today said "we've always loved cats, what are you talking about?"
Except in Hannah's case, it's the emotional opposite, a cheery unequivocal support of the Yogscast for two years followed by an abrupt insistence that we've all had our heads in the sand and she's been denouncing them the whole time.
Do you want to hear my really crazy conspiracy theory? I warn you this is mostly a joke... mostly.
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"Amplitude, I've just left the Yogscast and everyone expects me to come forward about the way they bumbled around trying to protect three sexual predators on their staff. But I don't want to. What do you think?"
"Well, we have no actual way of stopping you, but maybe you could wait until our game comes out? We're worried drama will impact sales and impact how much promotion you and the Yogscast do for us, and if we're being honest we're all fucking Lads who would side with Lewis no matter what you accused him of because we watch him play civ funneeman, so maybe could you wait until after our campaign ends in late August so we don't have to react to any of this? It'll mean our game lets you stand a sex predator defender and the woman who knows he is one side by side but at least we aren't as awkward as some games like TF2."
"Sure!!! Heck yeah, that's a perfect excuse."
still. mostly a joke.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
/lomadia/status/1435901148041449476 Any particular thoughts about this thread? Is this the first time Hannah has directly stated she left the Yogscast because of them being awful around the predators? Because that’s a big deal to lose a founding member to specifically that, any Hannah drama or whatever aside.
I'm gonna do this chronologically.
So WAYYYYYY back in 2014 we place Hannah as aware of Sjin being a predator.
Hannah claims in 2016 that she brought this to Lewis and Turps:
I’m not protecting anyone - I’ve passed along every concern to Turps and Lewis that I was sent from the original incident all the way through until recently, as that’s what I asked to do by them. I expressed concerns over staying silent, and I was told to urge people to go to the police and follow correct procedure so it’s addressed officially - it’s not within my power to take any form of disciplinary action on him. And it certainly wasn’t in my power to blow the whistle on it. You saw tonight who deals out the discipline to content creators so judge for yourselves how it works.
For the record, the only side I’ve seen of him is the one he brings into the office - bit bumbling and potentially foolish - but not the guy from the messages, so I cannot comment on personal experience past being there for Minty during the initial incident, so please stop asking me. I understand it’s a difficult and upsetting subject, but I cannot help you past sit and watch this shitstorm go down.
This is what Hannah said when she left in 2019
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Of course she was only able to remain tight-lipped for about 8 months before the tea started dripping in 2020:
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Bringing us to today... What we have heard so far is:
Hannah did pass on the complaints from fans about Sjin
She refused to be a whistleblower when Lewis and Turps pocketed those complaints
She knew about what Sjin was doing for nearly a decade while working for the Yogscast
Then left the Yogscast in 2019 and made no statement at the time about it being a protest.
Now, for today:
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"I don't feel that I need to spell it out, but apparently I do? I'm not in the Yogscast, haven't been for 2 years. I left when 3 predators were outed, because I was so disgusted with how it was handled. I would happily delete my entire back catalogue if I could be rid of them."
I would quantify this as the first time Hannah has overtly said that she left because of how Lewis and the Yogscast administration handled the removal of Caff, Turps, and Sjin. She's complained about their handling of it before, five whole ass years ago, but considering she left all kempt and proper and sat pretty on it for two years it would come as a surprise to anyone that she condemns the organization as a whole and describes her departure as on-bad-terms.
So Hannah didn't leave when Sjin was just, around, predating, actively. No. Saying something while that's going on is reactionary.
What's important is to leave professionally, without a word of complaint, after everything is settled without your input.
And then you don't complain for a moment about how it was handled until a random, unsolicited DM approaches you and asks you about a video that went missing. Not when victims are being doubted, not when legions of loyalists are insisting that Lewis is going to let Sjin off as "innocent," no. Never protest at a time when it would require sacrifice for you, just wait two years until some acne-covered 14 year old asks you where Roblox Tea Time With Caff Part 9 is. And then hold on to the rest of the back catalog after saying you "would" happily delete it because your words and deeds remain out of whack.
Of course, after spending too long doing this blog the patterns get a bit creepy. I think you could have Hannah tell you anything you want as long as she doesn't know you and you ask it in a rude way.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
I don't get why people always ask you about watching Sjin or the other yogs who did bad shit morally. The obvious answer is either no or find a way to avoid giving them money or success. Don't like a game publisher don't buy it or hoist the black flag and give them no money. Wanna watch some old yog stuff get add block and download your favorites to prevent funding them and ramping up view count. And obviously don't comment to not let the algorithm help too. It's not rocket science people.
Yeah, I came up with a good metaphor too.
Imagine a fur coat. Collectively, we don't like fur coats. They're cruel and also ugly.
You wouldn't buy a fur coat. That's demonstrating demand for animal pelts, supporting the people who hunt the animals, and causing more animals to be killed and skinned.
If a fur coat is before you in a secondhand store, you might think, well, I can't support the fur industry when I buy this. So I'm free to enjoy this coat guilt free, right?
Except now whenever you put it on you're enjoying animal pelts. You might have pared away your actions from supporting the fur industry but now you're just reveling in the sick thing you were trying to put a stop to in the first place. You think that furriers are bad but then cover yourself in the fur.
It's the same. If you drop support for a YouTube channel for moral reasons but then keep watching them for entertainment you didn't drop them.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Hey, I am a massive fan of the Yogscast, and have been for basically my entire teenage and adult life. As I have grown older I have become a far left leaning individual and want to hold the content I watch to a higher standard than most. Even if that includes beloved childhood Youtubers. Am I a bad person for still watching their stuff and enjoying it? What is your opinion on the Yogscast as a whole? I apologize if this has been asked a million times before!
It has been asked but I have some stuff to add based on how you asked your question.
"I have become a far left leaning individual... [I] want to hold the content I watch to a higher standard than most... Am I a bad person for still watching their stuff and enjoying it?"
If you feel bad for doing watching them, and stop, then you've acted on your beliefs. If you don't feel bad for watching them but wait for someone to tell you that you're a bad "far left leaning individual" before stopping, you don't have beliefs, you have a political fandom.
The only person who is supposed to tell you when it's time to act on your beliefs is you. I can tell you about the things that Yogscast have done but the only person who can evaluate that information and implement that knowledge is you.
And I don't want you thinking, "YPS told me I need to develop a conscience in order to become a better person so I'll stop watching." You either give a fuck or you don't. Look inside and decide for yourself.
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yogpetshame · 3 years
Stupid question as I am a stupid person. So I like Sjins old work. I really do. I also despise what he has done and believe he should never be given a public spotlight EVER again. As you said before maybe one day Paul can become a better person, but obviously Sjin (or Paul) shouldn’t be given a platform to express himself. I hear arguments for things like Michael Jackson. People separating his work from the person behind it, but can you truly even do that? Or is it sympathising for a bad person?
I think the more important question is, what does it mean to separate the art from the artist, and why would you do that?
If it simply means, I can freely state that I thought 'Run It' by Chris Brown was catchy in 2005, and not need to insist that I didn't ever think it was catchy because I somehow knew that four years later Brown would violently assault Rihanna, then fine. There's no reason to rewrite history to defend why you liked something when there was no reason yet to dislike it.
But separating the art from the artist and then popping Chris Brown on the party playlist is a different beast. Pulling a Chris Brown CD (remember those?) off the shelf and holding it to your friend and saying "should I get this? I mean I separate the art from the artist... so" is running completely wild.
If you look back on Sjin's videos and go "yeah, 'flax is string' was funny," well sure it was. It might make you chuckle now, even, the same way 'Run It' is still catchy and danceable. But what do you intend to do with that knowledge? Watch the video again? Why would you ever do that? Surely, if you actually give a shit, the amount by which listening to him talk would upset you would overpower the humor, like mixing a whole cup of cinnamon into a cup of fruity yogurt.
Misuse of "separating the art from the artist" bothers me for two reasons. The first, like I just said, is that for most people it's just an outward admission that the existence of the artists' victims doesn't bother you as much as it ought to. To really exaggerate: if Michael Jackson had straight up murdered a kid, that should bother you. I can imagine some dickhead being wishy washy about, oh, Rihanna forgave him, or ohh, there was a lot of uncertainty in the Michael Jackson case. But if you are holding Billy Jean, soaked in child blood, and going 'but it's such an enormous contribution to pop music, we should just clean the blood off,' see a shrink.
The other, like I described in the "far left leaning individual" post, is that some people say they're "separating the art from the artist" in order to step into line with say, someone like me, because being moral sounds good, but not actually question why they can't be a fan anymore. I'm not here to make you cooler or make you fit in with people. If you really don't care, don't pretend to. This is supposed to be about you and how you feel about the morality of your own actions and contributions, not how to make yourself look sensitive.
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