#yu louchun
huafanghua · 10 days
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skalidris · 2 months
when bihuang is talking about not wanting to be with a man she doesn't love while the camera intersperses it with cuts of fang duobing's face. what could it all mean? i'm sure i don't know.
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ruiconteur · 8 months
yu louchun: requests that li lianhua and fang duobing meet him before the banquet and is carving a lotus out of gold when they arrive
鱼儿: ah so he 爱上 (has fallen in love with?) lianhua!
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huafanghua · 1 month
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skalidris · 4 months
more mysterious lotus casebook jewellery thoughts:
the dandelion cuff from the yu city case really does resemble llh's double-blossom hairstick; he wears that one in the wedding case (eps 16-19 iirc) and in ep 21. in yu city, the dandelion cuff is a cue for romantic affection towards a specific person - in the logic of the case, it indicates the person the wearer is actually in love with, as opposed to the person they all erroneously believed her to be in love with
you get similar cases of jewellery as tokens of relationships true or false (in terms of both affection and, well, living) throughout the show, but the most significant comparison is probably qwm's jade bangle. that jade bangle isn't relevant to a case, but it fulfills a similar role on a more personal scale: it tells li lianhua that qwm & xzj are in a romantic relationship without needing to be verbally told.
(this is significant, because the direct verbal cues we get mostly tell us that qwm is romantically hung up on llh still; this is not true, however)
although the formal analogies between the dandelion bangle wrt llh's hairstick and qwm's differ (one being content, the other type), the abstract function of these pieces is the same.
materially, all of them communicate that the wearer is not in love with the person everyone thinks they are in love with, but rather loves someone else.
and it's remarkable in that respect that in both the wedding arc and in ep 21 fdb & dfs, respectively, do literally ask llh/lxy if he has feelings for qwm. when he denies that, his hairstick concurs.
(images under cut)
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(secret note that when sxy barges in on fanghua bickering in with the letter from yu louchun, llh is dressed in his outfit for the day already, but hasn't put anything on his hair yet ;; felt really struck by that)
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