hiemaldesirae · 1 year
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mu linghao x xu rongyuan ! ronghao? yuanhao? idk. LingYuan (like lingyun. except that doesnt actually work bcs all the imperial children have ling in their names 🗿)
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ruksaddict · 2 years
watch more visit: https://rb.gy/lc8g8e
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jyotirajput · 2 years
watch more visit: https://rb.gy/lc8g8e
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weandthecolor · 1 day
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Exploring Yuanhao Tang’s Illustrative World: A Bold Vision for Young Adults and Adults Alike
More here.
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔How does engineered biofilm aid in combating infections in CF patients? #BiofilmResearch #CFpatients #Antimicro...
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news247planet · 1 year
#Author #CORRECTION #NFL Creator Correction: An engineered influenza virus to ship antigens for lung most cancers vaccination https://news247planet.com/?p=438049
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mybbxielian · 2 years
Esa voz preguntó: "¿Quién cosió más?"
Liang Yuanhao dijo inmediatamente: "¡Yo! ¡Yo! ¡Cosí dos piernas! ¡Solo cosió medio brazo!"
Chen Bin estaba horrorizado.
"Eso es genial", dijo esa voz.
Liang Yunhao dejó escapar un suspiro de alivio. Se asomó en silencio entre sus párpados.
Pero todo lo que vio fue un destello de luz fría.
La última escena que vio fue una mano mortalmente pálida que sostenía una cuchilla de hueso que se estrellaba contra su pierna.
En ese momento recordó a la aldeana que estaba rompiendo el hielo junto al río.
Él pensó internamente: esta acción se ve muy similar ...
Global Examination - Capítulo 23
Eso explica lo que vio You Hou en el muñeco y no quiso coser, uff se salvaron los demás
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thistledots · 5 years
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My god, the bts of Romance of HuaRong (starring YuanHao and ZhaoZhaoYi) is sweeter than the drama 😂 Why can’t all our favs be this pure and unproblematic offscreen ??? (*cough*dl and yz) Ok, as a die hard fan of Ashes of Love, I would have loved it if yangzi and denglun were thisclose offscreen because their chemistry was off the charts, but yeah Yangzi was dating during that time so it was impossible.
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ravenkult · 3 years
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望舒楼 by YuanHao Zhang https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R31x3O
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
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ruksaddict · 2 years
watch more visit: https://rb.gy/lc8g8e
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amethystrparchive · 2 years
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Hi loves! Just a quick update that we’ve received 18 out of the 20 apps we need to open (you can find the updated counter on our pinned post) and I couldn’t be happier. The response to Amethyst has been a dream, so thank you all for your enthusiasm. ♥  Looking forward to getting those last two apps and getting to know the rest of y’all!
If you are hunting for the perfect muse but need some suggestions, here are a few muses & FCs I would absolutely love to see taken before we open:
alice of cyprus / kristin scott thomas, connie nielsen.
şehzade selim /  cengiz coşkun.
şehzade murad  /  engin öztürk.
tsar alexander  /  leo suter.
xue yuanhao  /  andy on.
zhu yixing  /  liu yifei.
mary i /  lotte verbeek.
empress medhan  /  sophie okonedo
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Dragon Dancer IV: Brotherhood
Lu Mingfei stood face to face with the boy on the railing. The boy was dressed in a fine black suit with low white socks and shining loafers. He looked like he was dressed for a wedding or a black-tie affair. His expression was tranquil, a slight smile on his innocent childish face.
For a long time, neither of them spoke. They didn’t greet each other. They didn’t threaten or shout. They didn’t look each other in the eyes. It wasn’t as if they were two desparados facing each other in a shoot out. It was more like two people who were in the hospital and had just received a grim diagnosis.
The heavy melancholy in the atmosphere made my chest tighten. My hand raised against my blouse and I gathered the cloth in a tight fist. My heart felt like a stone in my chest. Beads of sweat dripped down my face and I trembled with dread.
I looked to Mingfei for comfort. But looking at him was like looking into the coffin of my best friend. Mingfei had been there with me since the start. He carried so much sorrow on his shoulders, but he didn’t mind bearing mine. He was my fellow Club S member, my S-ranked brother. And now through this ordeal he’d carried me on his back, silently and without complaint and brought Chu Zihang back into my arms.
Tears flooded my eyes and rolled down my face as I stared at him, watched the light breeze tease at the strands of his hair and toy with the edges of his black trenchcoat.
The boy on the railing looked at me. “Brother, she’s already mourning for you.”
Mingfei lifted his chin, still silent.
“Do you remember this place? It’s when we made our first deal. It’s only fitting that this is the place where we make the final one.”
Mingfei looked out over the gentle waves of this endless illusory ocean. The waves rolled from horizon to horizon. “How much of this was your doing?” He finally asked, his voice barely carrying over the sound of the ocean.
“That’s honestly hard to say.” The boy followed his gaze out over the water. “I’ve been at work for a very long time. But the conflict has blurred the battle line.”
“Chu Zihang... did you erase him?”
I gasped, looking up at Mingfei and then at the boy who huffed with amusement.
“Why don’t you ask your wife?”
Mingfei’s fists clenched in fury and he bared his teeth. “Did you do it?!”
The boy’s eyes burned golden. “It cost me a lot to erase a man so small. It was so tough for me to run ahead of you. Ahead of your investigation. To clear the tracks before you. And even then... you almost caught me. So I had to have you thrown in that institution....”
Mingfei rushed forward and gripped the boy by his suit jacket, lifting him from the railing and out over the water. The boy  just chuckled and smiled. “Why are you angry? I gave you the perfect life. You could have just accepted it and it would have cost you nothing! Only...” 
His eyes shifted away from Mingfei. “The Gattusos caused a problem by attacking Anjou. I didn’t have anything to do with that.”
Mingfei let go of him but instead of dropping over the edge of the boat, he hung in the air, leaning back as if lazing on the couch. “Things got out of hand. Especially once you got to Japan. Once they started to alter your state with the woodblock, I was left with little options but to escalate our conflict.”
His expression turned melancholy and he let his arm drop, still hanging in mid air. “The wolves are at the door, my brother. There’s nothing you can do now. You have to trade, or you will lose everything.”
“So... you leaked our position to the college. You brought them on me... on Erii... So I would have no choice.”
“You always have a choice, brother! It’s just in this case, your choice could end in the deaths of everyone.” The boy waved his hand in the air.
“Mingfei...” I swallowed. “What will happen to you? Who is this person?”
Mingfei turned to me, his eyes were dark under his bangs. “He’s... Lu Mingze. He’s m...” His eyes shifted to the boy who narrowed his eyes and let out a loud sigh.
“Really? All this time we’ve spent together and you still cling to your fantasy. You really are annoying.” He floated to the deck and settled there. “He doesn’t know who he is, Ouroboros. So how can he know who I am?”
“But... since this is your last day on Earth. I suppose I can call you by your old name.” 
Lu Mingfei eyed him with a mix of dread and curiosity. “...old name?”
His smile stretched across his face. “Weili Yuanhao...”
Mingfei hissed and stomped his foot. “Will you stop playing around?! I should know better than to take you seriously.”
“Is your name not Lu Mingfei?” I asked.
He turned to me and rolled his eyes. “It is! Weili Yuanhao is an old Chinese emperor... “ His words were adamant but there was a sudden fear in his eyes as he smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Like from a thousand years ago.”
“Oh...” Fear stirred in my chest. “Mingfei? You’re not from this time?”
“Like from a thousand years ago...” Mingze mocked his tone of voice “... But that’s not nearly as old as you are.” The boy looked directly at me and I gasped.
“Eh?” Mingfei turned to me wide eyed.
I never told anyone about what I learned from my father, the dragon that devoured himself. I never told anyone that I’m from the ancient past. Even though people knew I could travel through time, they always assumed that my birthday was January first, nineteen years ago. But I didn’t know my birthday. I didn’t know my real name. It was easy to forget that my identity was completely created by those around me.
Mingfei continued to stare at me and I recalled our first meeting. He asked me what my name was. I told him that he could call me what he wanted. Even if it was just ‘newbie’ I would accept that.
‘Carli’, ‘Meixiu’. The family names of ‘Comemnus’, ‘Lu’, and ‘Chu’. These were all names given to me by other people, identities I swapped out like masks.
But I was someone. I had to be.
“What do you know about me!” I shouted, pulse racing. 
A flash of lightning lit up the sky. The sea was growing rougher. Rain began to fall. Mingze didn’t appear to get wet. He folded his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth from heel to toe, whistling innocently.
“Who are you?!” I shouted again.
The boy’s eyes glowed golden from his face like twin lamps. 
“I am his brother. Three times he’s pledged a quarter of his life to me to kill three dragon Kings. I’m here to collect the last quarter.” He slipped one hand in his pocket staring Lu Mingfei down.
“I’m not here to give it to you!” Lu Mingfei stepped in front of me.
“Oh? You haven’t fallen into the desperate loneliness already have you? I thought you couldn’t even feel the Blood Cry?” Mingze’s demonic smile revealed teeth that were suddenly sharp as razors. He hardly seemed human. The oppressive aura grew. 
Above us, the clouds began to spin into a vortex over the boat. The wind pushed me hard and I staggered against the railing to keep from falling.
Mingfei was also affected by the weather. His trenchcoat whipped in the wind, revealing the prophetic Ukiyo-E pattern of crashing waves. “No... You’re going to give me your soul, Lu Mingze. That way, I’ll have your power. I won’t exchange with you any more!”
Mingze’s smile dropped, his mouth opened in shock. But then he doubled over in laughter. It was a crazed, ecstatic laughter, like an excited hyena.
“You’re joking! Tell me you’re joking? Are you planning on devouring me? You?!” He pointed at him, tears flowing from his eyes. “Brother. What has happened? Is this a prank? If so, good show! I haven’t been this surprised in a thousand years!”
“You don’t even know what you’re asking for!” His voice rose and cracked with hysteria. His expression grew more distorted and grotesque. The light in Mingze’s eyes flashed, burning out from his lids. “I still can’t believe I have such an idiot for a brother!”
Mingfei’s voice was even and quiet. “Meixiu, I need you to watch. If things get bad, I need you to get out of here, grab Erii and take her somewhere far away.”
Once he was sure I understood, he drew his arc-knives from their sheathes. They glinted like fire in the blaze of lightning.
Mingze bared his fangs and drew a long black dagger from thin air. “You’re not going to win this fight, brother. I won’t let you.”
“Are you sure about that?” Mingfei pulled up his blades in front of him in a perfect defensive stance honed by years of intense training. “Here we don’t have any cheat codes.” 
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mybbxielian · 2 years
Chen Bin: "¿Y si no encuentran nada? ¿Y si pasa algo?"
Los movimientos de Liang Yuanhao se detuvieron. Tomó una toalla y se secó la cara. Él respondió vagamente: "Entonces ... Es porque fueron demasiado imprudentes. ¿No tratamos de persuadirlos? El conductor y los aldeanos dijeron que no deberíamos entrar al bosque. Ellos son los que no escucharon".
Chen Bin seguía apático. Liang Yuanhao agregó: "Déjame decirte directamente. He tomado tres exámenes y la frase que he experimentado profundamente después de todo eso es que debemos atesorar nuestras vidas. No debemos dejar que todos sacrifiquen sus vidas. No todos los huevos deben colocarse en la misma canasta. Incluso los niños entienden esto. Esto también se considera que nos deja con una ruta de retiro. Si algo les sucedió, podemos asumir la carga de trabajo aquí".
Pensó por un momento y continuó: "De esta manera, tenemos una mejor oportunidad de éxito".
Global Examination - Capítulo 23
Solo estas pensando para tu propio beneficio, tendrás éxito a costa de la vida de los demás, que lindo suena ¿no? COBARDE
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youtiaoshutiao · 4 years
translation: Young Blood/大宋少年志 bonus epilogue scene script
The open ending for Young Blood / 大宋少年志, while befitting of a drama about a group of passionate, young teenagers dedicated to each other and to fighting forces that threaten the peace of Northern Song, threw many for a loop when the drama finished airing last summer. Amidst much talk and excitement among both audiences and the production crew/main cast about a potential season two, Wang Juan, the scriptwriter, posted a bonus script of an epilogue scene on his weibo on 20/7/2019. According to him, if there is to be a season two, this would be the opening scene. :)
I have translated the script as well as subbed a short 30-second video of Zhou Yutong and Zhang Xincheng acting out some lines from this script in their interview with ChicBanana last year (embedded it below at the end of the post). :D Enjoy!!
original text by: Wang Juan 王倦 on weibo [LINK]
translated by: yt st / youtiaoshutiao @ tumblr
Scene Title: The End Yet The Beginning
Timing: Daytime
Location: Desolate Outskirts, Outdoors Scene
Characters: Entire Seventh Lodge, Miqin Mubei
▲ In a desolate open field by the mountains, two horses trot along in line. Miqin Mubei, bound by a few rounds of metal chains is in front, and Zhao Jian is behind him.
▲ The horses are not moving quickly, and are leisurely moving ahead.
Miqin Mubei can't help but sound out: "I am willing to go for a spring walk alone with you, but we do have an important job on our shoulders, perhaps we can be faster."
▲ Zhao Jian casts him an indifferent glance, lazy to reply him.
▲ The clip-clop of galloping horses behind them grow louder as they near, the colour on Miqin Mubei's face changes, he turns his head.
▲ The other five persons of Seventh Lodge are catching up.
Miqin Mubei furrows his brow: "You were waiting for them?"
▲ The rest of Seventh Lodge stops far away, only Yuan Zhongxin, riding his horse, continues forward.
▲ Zhao Jian has already stopped her house, she turns around, and sees Yuan Zhongxin alone on horseback approaching her, while Wang Kuan and the rest wait from afar.
Yuan Zhongxin has a smile on his face: "Don't say that you let him go to rescue my father-in-law, this sort of thing, you aren't able to do it. With your personality, you would have directly taken him as hostage, and go to Western Xia to exchange him for Father-in-Law. Anyway this chap can't be killed, you might as well use him as a bargaining chip."
Miqin Mubei: "How can you loosely use the term 'Father-in-law'."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin ignores him, and continues looking at Zhao Jian.
Yuan Zhongxin: "There's a mission?"
Miqin Mubei: "Zhao Jian! This is a huge matter, you have to keep it a secret!"
Yuan Zhongxin to Zhao Jian: "Wait a moment."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin steers his horse towards Miqin Mubei, as he moves slightly closer, he leaps up and kicks Miqin Mubei off his horse. Yuan Zhongxin having conveniently gotten off his horse, walks in front of Miqin Mubei, and glares at him unwaveringly.
Yuan Zhongxin: "I won't forget to seek revenge for my brother. Do you believe, you will eventually die by my hands."
Miqin Mubei sneers: "I really don't believe it."
Yuan Zhongxin: "How about I be the banker, and you lay down a bet?"
Miqin Mubei returns Yuan Zhongxin's stare: "(My) life is the wager."
Yuan Zhongxin sighs: "You shouldn't have let me be the banker."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin once again turns his head to look at Zhao Jian. Ever since Yuan Zhongxin appeared, Zhao Jian has not said a single sentence. Instead, she just kept on watching him quietly, watching him as he rode his horse nearer, watching him as he leapt up and kicked Miqin Mubei, never stopping him, her eyes never leaving him.
Yuan Zhongxin: "Why are you looking at me like this?"
Zhao Jian: "I miss you a little."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin beams as he walks nearer, he stands next to his horse, holding on to the horse lead. Him and Zhao Jian look at each other, one looking up, the other looking down.
Yuan Zhongxin: "We've only been separated for just over a day but you already miss me, am I that great?"
Zhao Jian is still not at all bashful: "Mm."
Yuan Zhongxin's smile however disappears: "Then why did you leave?"
Zhao Jian: "Miqin Mubei suggested to work together with Da Song."
Yuan Zhongxin frowns: "Who agreed to it?!"
Zhao Jian: "Both the Emperor and the Bureau of Military Affairs thought it can work."
Yuan Zhongxin: "How would we work together?"
Miqin Mubei: "Zhao Jian!!"
▲ Zhao Jian doesn't even cast a glance in that direction, instead she continues gazing at Yuan Zhongxin, and opens her mouth to speak calmly.
Zhao Jian: "Assist Ning Lingge in killing Li Yuanhao."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin is slightly shocked, Miqin Mubei sighs resignedly.
Zhao Jian: "The emergency reports from the borders have come in, The Liao Emperor directed the Third Army of Liao with a hundred thousand skilled soldiers and invaded Western Xia. In this battle at Hequ, the Liao were totally defeated by Li Yuanhao. After defeat, the Emperor Liao almost became a prisoner. Ever since Li Yuanhao established his name, he has not had any losses at wars, if anyone can be considered as unrivalled in this era, it probably would be him. Everyone knows that Li Yuanhao's peace treaty this time is just for him to conserve energy and build up strength to make a comeback. When that time comes, Da Song won't be able to stop him, the Liao empire too. He is the most terrifying and scariest enemy, his lone shadow is enough to cover everyone else. Only by him dying would we be able to avoid future wars."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin thinks about it, and looks at Miqin Mubei.
Yuan Zhongxin: "We can trust him?"
Miqin Mubei: "Yuan Zhongxin, on the battleground, I've killed countless people, including your older brother."
▲ Flames of fire dance in Yuan Zhongxin's eyes.
Miqin Mubei: "But I am also prepared to die on the battleground, I am a soldier after all, it is my destiny to kill my enemies. But I've never hated any of my opponents, in fact on the contrary, I even respect your older brother quite a fair bit."
Yuan Zhongxin: "Alright, in the future I'll personally kill you myself, so that you can go and respect him in person."
Miqin Mubei: "The only people I truly hate, are my father and Li Yuanhao, if it weren't for the Crown Prince, I'd have died many times over... If I, MiqinMubei, can assist the Crown Prince in killing Li Yuanhao, and gaining solitary dominion over Da Xia, even if they strip me of my clan name, and I lose all my reputation and good standing, and die with no burial place, I'd endure it gladly."
▲ Miqin Mubei's eyes are filled with crazedness and sincerity.
Miqin Mubei: "Only with regards to this matter, I definitely will not lie to you all."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin stared at Miqin Mubei for a while, then turned his gaze to Zhao Jian.
Yuan Zhongxin: "Why did the Bureau of Military Affairs chose you to send him back to Western Xia?"
Zhao Jian: "My dad is in his hands, it's understandable that I'd rescue him and send him back, Western Xia wouldn't have suspicions."
Yuan Zhongxin: "Why didn't you tell us?"
Zhao Jian: "If the Seventh Lodge went together, it wouldn't be understandable or reasonable at all. Plus, killing Li Yuanhao, it's ten deaths with no chance of survival, what need is there to implicate you guys.
Yuan Zhongxin draws out the letter left behind that was tucked in his bosom: "If you really didn't want us to follow you here, you wouldn't have left this letter, and wouldn't have walked so slowly......"
Zhao Jian: "Because I remembered, back then when you were afraid of implicating me, you always did not dare to draw near to me. During those days, my heart was very pained. Back then, how I wished that you would tell me about all your troubles. The sky and earth turning upside down, the impermanence of life, I'm not afraid of all of these, I was only afraid of you avoiding me and not coming forward to approach me."
Yuan Zhongxin: "I'm sorry......"
Zhao Jian: "Hence I left behind this letter, hence I waited for you to chase after me, so that I can tell you everything, the suffering that I went through, I can't bear to let you taste it too......"
▲ Even though she is saying such words, Zhao Jian still speaks them calmly, her eyes still gazing at Yuan Zhongxin gently, almost as if she couldn't bear to blink at all.
Zhao Jian: "Wait for me to come back, okay."
Yuan Zhongxin: "Not okay. You just said that it's ten deaths with no chance of survival, how would you come back."
Zhao Jian: "If I think of you waiting for me, I will have the courage to tear open a pathway for survival."
Yuan Zhongxin: "You won't be able to chase me away anymore."
Zhao Jian sighs rather resignedly: "Yuan Zhongxin~~"
Yuan Zhongxin: “If it really is a path leading to death, and we don't die together, how regretful that would be.”
▲ Zhao Jian is stunned for a moment, but no longer opened her mouth to stop him.
Yuan Zhongxin: "In the past, I caused you to feel aggrieved and to suffer, this is what I owe you. I've only accompanied you for one day, how can I repay my debts fully." (stretches out his hand to hold Zhao Jian's hand) "Let's go together."
Zhao Jian: "Then how long would you take to repay it fully?"
Yuan Zhongxin: "This lifetime is definitely not enough......"
▲ The two of them gaze at each other, Miqin Mubei heaves a long sigh.
Miqin Mubei: "I feel that my own journey to getting married has many obstacles."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin and Zhao Jian have no spare time to look at him, they are fully focused on looking at each other.
▲ Seeing the two of them together and holding hands, the other four who were waiting far away slowly approach them on horseback.
Zhao Jian: "We must at least advise them to head back...... Eh?? Is Wang Kuan holding on to Xiaojing's hand?”
▲ Wang Kuan's and Xiaojing's two horses are shoulder-to-shoulder, very close to each other, steps in synch. Their two hands are linked together too.
Zhao Jian: "They're holding hands even while riding their horses?"
Yuan Zhongxin: "This entire journey, even if it meant that his horse's speed would slow, this chap refused to let go."
Zhao Jian: "Journeying together on horseback, it's not easy."
Wang Kuan is already close enough: "My horseriding skills are quite alright."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin and Zhao Jian glance at each other.
Yuan Zhongxin: "Everyone listen to me, the situation is actually like this......"
Wang Kuan: "I won't believe anything you say."
Yuan Zhongxin is speechless: "Wang Kuan......"
Wang Kuan: "The Seventh Lodge is one body, we won't abandon each other in life nor in death."
Xue Ying: "Wang Kuan made a guess just now, no matter for what reason, you two are definitely set on going to Western Xia, without my skills, what would you guys do."
Wei Yanei: "And me too, perhaps my smarts and my martial arts abilities lag slightly behind , but I'm so handsome, I'll definitely be greatly useful!"
▲ After he is done speaking, he discovers Xiaojing's expression of shock.
Wei Yanei: "Xiaojing, what expression is this, do you have doubts about me being handsome?"
▲ Xiaojing chooses to avoid the question and instead directly turns to Yuan Zhongxin.
Xiaojing: "Yuan Dage, Zhao Jiejie, Wang Dage said just now, if you don't agree, we will tie you up and leave, it's a four versus two situation, we are bound to win."
▲ Yuan Zhongxin looks helplessly towards Wang Kuan.
Yuan Zhongxin: "Wang Kuan, are you my fated nemesis in my life?"
Wang Kuan: "That would be an overkill/That would be using a person of great talent in an insignificant position."
Yuan Zhongxin looks to Zhao Jian: "He insults people without a single dirty word."
Zhao Jian to Wang Kuan: "You can bear to let Xiaojing face danger together with you?"
Wang Kuan looks at Xiaojing: "I can't bear it, but she wants to go. Even though I like her, I cannot act on my own initiative and make decisions on her behalf. No matter what the result is, I will always accompany her, if it really is the end, at least I will collapse in front of her."
Yuan Zhongxin looks at Zhao Jian: "There's no more room for discussion. Don't worry, as to what reason there is for us to journey west, we can definitely come up with a plan on the way there."
Zhao Jian smiles: "The Seventh Lodge is one body, we won't abandon each other in life nor in death............ Everyone, the path ahead of us, is really a path leading to death, then may I invite everyone to meet our deaths together with me."
▲ The next frame shows everyone's silhouettes as they head forward, Yuan Zhongxin and Zhao Jian are sharing one horse.
Zhao Jian's voiceover: "What about your own horse!"
Yuan Zhongxin's voiceover: "We'll share one horse."
Zhao Jian's voiceover: "Why!"
Yuan Zhongxin's voiceover: "I'm afraid you'll run off again."
Wei Yanei's voiceover: "Xiao Xue, are we really going to die, can we not die."
Xue Ying's voiceover: "Don't be a coward."
Wei Yanei's voiceover: "Let's be more auspicious, and strive to live."
Xue Ying's voiceover: "If I don't die, you won't die too."
Wei Yanei's voiceover: "Then you musn't die......"
Yuan Zhongxin's voiceover: "Heading towards death to live, for Zhao Jian, even if it's Western Xia, I'll trod and flatten it for you all to see."
Everyone: "Oh~~~~~~~~~~"
▲ Yuan Zhongxin cracks his whip, the horses start off.
Yuan Zhongxin: "Western Xia! Ning Lingge! Li Yuanhao! We're coming~~~~~~"
▲ Everyone's horses fly into a gallop as they rush off towards the horizon, heading directly towards the far distance, none of them turning their heads back.
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addanarticle · 2 years
When Light Loses Symmetry, It Can Hold Particles
When Light Loses Symmetry, It Can Hold Particles
Symmetry-broken mechanism mode for enhancing optical trapping behavior. Credit: Yuanhao LOU, XIONGJIE NING, BEI WU, YUANJIE PANG Optical tweezers use light to immobilize microscopic particles as small as a single atom in 3D space. The basic principle behind optical tweezers is the momentum transfer between light and the object being hold. Much analogous to the water pushing on a dam that blocks…
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