#yugioh undercover zine
ygosszine · 4 years
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There’s just one week left for the YGO: Undercover Zine interest check! If you haven’t already filled out the  form and are interested in the project, please fill it out soon! We’d love to hear everyone’s feedback! Another friendly reminder as well, is that both the Twitter and Tumblr are always open for questions so if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to DM us! Until then, stay tuned for more updates! 
The deadline for the Interest Check is Nov. 30th so get your responses in very soon!
Interest Check Link: https://forms.gle/cy9gMjJH8JdLTs2f8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ygoundercover
Discord Server:  discord.gg/YtA94wm
Q&APage: https://yugiohundercoverzine.tumblr.com/post/632653339119714304/zine-qa
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ygosszine · 4 years
Happy New Year, duelists!
We're at the home stretch now! Today is the LAST DAY to apply for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Undercover Zine! Apps close at midnight EST tonight, so get those apps in ASAP!
If you still need to app, all the resources are located in our pinned post!
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ygosszine · 4 years
Interest Check Deadline
Friendly reminder that the interest check will remain open until November 30th! That’ll be the last day to get your opinions in before the artist and writer applications are posted! We’ve gotten quite a bit of feedback so far and are eager to hear more from you! 
Another order of business is that the Q and A page has been updated with some new questions so go give those a read if you’re curious. If you have a question, you’re all more than welcome to send us a message on both the Twitter and Tumblr pages for the zine. 
Interest Check: https://forms.gle/cy9gMjJH8JdLTs2f8
Discord Server:  discord.gg/YtA94wm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ygoundercover
Q&APage: https://yugiohundercoverzine.tumblr.com/post/632653339119714304/zine-qa
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ygosszine · 4 years
Update: Writing + Interest Check
Hello Duelists! I come with another update! There’s been quite a few people filling out the interest check and we’ve been getting lots of wonderful feedback from both artists and others interested in the zine. I’ve seen a few questions regarding writing for the zine and wanted to address that in this post. I’ve seen many zines that include some sort of writing in the project and now that it’s something interested by others, I think it could be something that could be added to the zine! I will be adding a writer’s application to my list of resources to send out once the interest check period is over, so those interested in writing for the zine, stay tuned! 
As for the interest check itself, I will be keeping this open for quite a while as we build interest in the zine and once that period is over - I will be posting artist and writer’s applications! Until then, thank you all for your interest in the zine and I look forward to bringing you more updates soon!
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ygosszine · 4 years
Zine Q&A
Hello once again duelists! I come with a short update and a current list of questions I’ve received through the interest check, along with answers! Don’t forget, we also have our asks open for the tumblr blog, and you’re more than welcome to message any questions to the dms of the Twitter as well! But for now - here are the current questions!
Is the zine going to be for profit or for charity?
This is going to be up to a vote once we have all the artists/writers. I have been a part of two separate zines that both did different means. [First was charity, second was for profit] It’ll be up to a vote which artists/contributors would rather go with. If we decide charity, then all the zine proceeds will go to a charity that we all agree on and if it’s for profit, all the artists/contributors will share the profit!
Is the zine Duel Monsters / Season 0 Exclusive?
For the moment, yes! However, if there is more interest in including characters from other generations [GX, 5DS, ZEXAL, ARC V, etc] we can discuss expanding on the original zine idea and include characters for those generations as well!
Would writer applications be considered or will this be an art only zine?
There’s been quite a bit of interest in including written works in the zine recently, so I think including some short written pieces would be a fun thing to add. There is currently only an artist application at the moment, however, with the amount of interest, I will likely be adding a writer’s application as well for the future.
How many artists / writers are you going to be considering for the zine?
At least 25 to 30 if there is enough interest. If there is less than that, then there’s no trouble! The last zine I was a part of included myself and 6 other artists. If there is a smaller artist/writer roster that just means people will be able to possibly do more than one page / story in the zine! Merch will likely be split up between a few artists depending on the interest, but otherwise everyone will be able to submit AT LEAST one piece towards the zine. So far, we have about 6-7 artists/writers interested in the project and I’m hoping to expand that reach a bit as the interest check remains open! 
A question in regards to writing: is it purely ship work or are writers allowed to expand on backstories of characters who hardly have any?
For the main zine, there will be more of an emphasis on general interactions, headcanons and so on between characters. I’d like to avoid ship based stuff in the main book, just because I know there are many different ships in the fandom and I want this zine to have a little something for everyone. Artists and writers are allowed to explore headcanons and their own interpretations of the characters and what their lives may be like. You’re also able to include things like general interactions between characters who haven’t met in canon but you feel may be friends / enemies or etc, really anything your mind can think of. [As long as it’s appropriate of course!] 
For artists, will the zine be A4 or A5?
While that hasn’t been officially decided yet, the general vote so far has been leaning more towards A5 so once we have all our artists, we’ll take another poll and vote on whichever size people are more comfortable with!
Will you be assigning characters?
For the moment, no. The range so far in what others want to see/draw is very varied right now so it looks like there will be plenty of variety. We will only consider it if too many people are doing pieces of certain characters.
Would you have characters interacting with the main characters or just focus on the side characters?
The main focus of the zine is the side characters, but there's no problem in including them interacting with the main crew!
That’s all the questions we have for now, but I will update this post as we get more questions! If you have a question to ask: send this blog an ask, DM  the official zine Twitter [@ygoundercover] or ask a question in our discord server! Until then, stay tuned for any future updates and thank you everyone for your interest in the project!
The interest check will remain open until November 30th!
Discord: https://discord.gg/YtA94wm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ygoundercover
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ygosszine · 4 years
Asks Now Available!
Small update! We now have a section on the blog dedicated to questions! Simply send an ask to the blog and your questions will be answered for you ASAP. I will be also working on a FAQ/Q&A Section on the blog as well for future reference!
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