ryukoishida · 4 years
QZGS Big Bang 2020: (Boy)Friend Mode: In which secret agent!WJX, android!YWZ, and college student!HST meet, fight, and fall in love.
Title: (Boy)Friend Mode Fandom: The King’s Avatar / Quan Zhi Gao Shou Chapters: 10 [Complete] Character(s)/Pairing(s): Yu/Huang/Wang, Blue Rain, Tiny Herb members Summary: A government agent, his operative android, and a college student crossed path in the most unlikely circumstances. “So, this is it?” the android turned to look at Wang Jiexi. “You’re just going to abandon me in this dirty alleyway without any kind of explanation?” // He never noticed just how damn quiet it was without Yu Wenzhou by his side. // “I can’t wait to meet you… YWZ0210.” Rating: NSFW A/N: All chapters have been uploaded! Again, super-duper big thanks to Sunnyzhp22 for her amazing and beautiful art and the months-long support~
“Wang Jiexi, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
“Here,” the man who has one eye on the road, and the other eye – hauntingly glowing neon green in the near-darkness of the vehicle – focused on the man sitting in the passenger’s seat beside him, threw a bag of clothes towards his companion, who caught it with ease and grace. “Change into these, quick.”
With narrowed and skeptical eyes, Yu Wenzhou pulled out one of the clothing items before saying, “we’re not going undercover for an assignment, are we?”
Off we go to AO3!
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clockworkspider · 6 years
you got me into this rabbit hole so; yu/huang/wang for the domestic meme!!!!
I love them so much I am so glad you’re joining me. I’ll assume they went together after retirement cause who has the time otherwise? XD
Who’s more dominant:Dominant is such a vague word to use outside of dom/sub relationships... Generally, Huang Shaotian takes the initiative, because he’s got the highest energy level. Wang JieXi makes the call, cause he’s the pickiest. Yu WenZhou is easygoing, and tend to go along with whatever, which is why when he does have a suggestion/opinion they’ll always go along with whatever he wants so who’s the true dom here??? Huh? 
Who’s the cuddler:Shaotian likes to cling but moves too much for cuddling. WenZhou likes the gesture, but will probably shift away after a few minutes. JieXi puts up with the temporary invasion of personal space, knowing they’ll probably move away in a few minutes. 
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:3 people are a lot of limbs, so it’s probably more comfortable for everyone if there isn’t any spooning. Plus ShaoTian will probably slap you in his sleep. Though sometimes WenZhou will be big spoon for JieXi. 
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Do I need to say it?
Who uses all the hot water:I’d like to think WenZhou and JieXi are responsible/frugal/environmentally concerned people, and hot water is expensive. ShaoTian does the military camp quick shower. XD
Most trivial thing they fight over: Okra
Who does most of the cleaning: Theoretically, they take turns. But Wang JieXi is the clean one so he always ends up finding some leftover cleaning after ShaoTian’s turn. They try... 
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: ha ha their team’s finance probably has the season pass... NetFlix queue is mostly ShaoTian, but they all just play whatever. Most of the time they’re either gaming or chatting or eating at the same time, or all the above, so the show is just background noise. 
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  Yu WenZhou’s persuasion points are maxed out. But god help the landlord if ShaoTian got to the phone first. 
Who leaves their stuff around:Mostly Shaotian. 
Who remembers to buy the milk: Whoever happens to take a trip to the supermarket... I mean they have phones they can text. 
Who remembers anniversaries:  Honestly being team captains and having a job with irregular hours there’s so many events to remember. That’s why WenZhou and JieXi got calendars and ShaoTian got WenZhou... 
Who cooks normally:Wang JieXi. Being named after a herb means you gotta at least make an attempt to eat healthy. The Teams got cafeterias. 
How often do they fight:Yu WenZhou was the team captain for the China national team... an all-star team full of the biggest personalities in the league. Blue Rain was the most harmonious team. Wang JieXi was a dad!captain who lead a bunch of younger tinier herbs. Fight?? Fight????? (They do throw casual insult and joke fight a lot, though.)
What do they do when they’re away from each other: Considering that Tiny Herb is in City B, and Blue Rain is in City G, they’re probably away more often than together. 
Nicknames for each other: See canon, Big Eye Wang, Molass Hand, Chatterbox, HuangShao (Young Master Huang)WenZhou calls ShaoTian by first name only, and people already accept that. He only calls JieXi by first-name-only in private. ShaoTian never stopped calling WenZhou captain even after they retire, but calls him WenZhou when it’s intimate. He calls Wang JieXi “Jessica” when he wants to get hit. Wang JieXi rarely use the “first name only” basis. And it always strikes unexpectedly! (Picture ShaoTian’s shock every time.) He started using “WenZhou” first. Shaotian: “You called him WenZhou!!! You dropped the last name!!” WenZhou: “Shh don’t ruin this moment, ShaoTian.” When he first called ShaoTian via first-name-only basis ShaoTian was like “ew”. “Yu WenZhou calls you ShaoTian all the time.” “Yeah but he’s my captain.” “I thought we’re dating.” “But your face!” “Wait ‘til you see your own face.” “OW, OW, DON’T HIT MY FACE! WENZHOU! BACK ME UP! THIS IS AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP!”
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: JieXi and WenZhou use to do the passive-aggressive fighting for the bill thing when they were still team captains, and Shaotian would pay but he’s not about to fight his own captain for the bill. Now they take turns cause it’s less trouble. 
Who steals the covers at night: No one. For sleep quality, ShaoTian mostly sleeps on another bed. 
What would they get each other for gifts:WenZhou would note down whenever ShaoTian or JieXi mention they want something and get it when he sees it/it’s on sale. It’s much more pragmatic than gifts for the occasion. JieXi would just take them out for dinner... but like at a fancier place. ShaoTian is more likely to gift by action/praises instead of objects, if you know what I mean ; ) (It means he had praised The Unflappable Yu WenZhou into hiding in embarrassment.)
Who kissed who first:I’d like to think WenZhou and ShaoTian kissed JieXi consecutively. 
Who made the first move:ShaoTian and WenZhou were probably already together when they asked JieXi out. And really, it really just started with “hey come hang out with us” and then a long series of gentle casual teasing until ShaoTian went TMI about their sex life and things somehow developed from there??? 
Who remembers things: They probably all do. ShaoTian will say he forget things. He’s probably lying. 
Who started the relationship:Between WenZhou and ShaoTian, ShaoTian. Between the two of them and JieXi, well, they planned it together. 
Who cusses more: Who almost got fined for it back in the league?
What would they do if the other one was hurt:Get the band-aid or call an ambulance... Emotionally, though... WenZhou will go into conflict-resolution mode and console you and talk you through next steps and action plans. JieXi does the same thing, but will make more direct suggestions, in contrast to WenZhou who will ask more leading questions and prompt you to figure it out yourself. Shaotian: “WHO WAS IT? I WILL PHYSICALLY GO FIGHT THEM FOR YOU.” 
Who is the dirty talker:
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A head canon:JieXi had a lot of doubt about this... polyamory thing... But he was having a quarter-life crisis after retiring and getting back to school, and was just looking for some direction/change in his life. WenZhou and ShaoTian asked him to try it out, and he thought it was going to be a casual/temporary thing. And then they didn’t really stop seeing each other and at some point, they’ll have to make some serious considerations. 
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ryukoishida · 5 years
QZGS/TKA Fic: In which YWZ and HST seek revenge against WJX. [est. YuHuangWang]
Title: Sweet Revenge I’m Dreaming [Part 1 of 2] Fandom: The King’s Avatar / Quan Zhi Gao Shou Character(s)/Pairing(s): YuHuangWang (established relationship) Summary: When Blue Rain lost to Tiny Herb during one of the matches in the regular season, Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian decided to seek out Wang Jiexi to plot their own personal revenge. Rating: NSFW A/N: I will go down with this ot3 yo, ain’t nobody gonna stop me~ Hoping to finish the other half by WJX’s birthday in July :’)
Writing Commission | Editing & Translation Services
The media always portrayed them as fated rivals, destined to fight and tear each other down for the spot at the summit of Glory.
Little did they know that beyond the spotlight of the competitive stage, the leader of Tiny Herb and the duo core of Blue Rain had been good friends for many years since the three first met during the third season of the championship.
Though maybe ‘good friends’ may not be the most accurate description for their current relationship status.
It was shortly after ten o’clock in the evening, just as Wang Jiexi stepped out of the hotel room’s bathroom after a shower to wash away the fatigue of that evening’s match against Blue Rain, that he heard knocking on his door.
Rubbing a towel against his hair, still moist and tousled from his shower, Wang Jiexi answered the door, fully expecting some of his younger team members waiting on the other side of the doorway.
Wang Jiexi’s eyes widened when he saw the two men whom he’d just played against not even three hours ago. He could still remember the fierce grip of the Sword Saint’s hand against his own that left his fingers tingling when they shook hands in front of a passionately cheering crowd after the match, the meaningful gleam in the eyes and allusive quirk of the Master Tactician’s lips as they passed each other by in the hallway before Wang Jiexi and his teammates step out into the humid warmth of the city despite it being the middle of November.
“W-what are you two doing h—?!”
“Wangjiexi, Wangjiexi, Wangjiexi!”
A blur of blond and blue crashed ungracefully into him, knocking him a few steps back as Wang Jiexi instinctively steady the other man by winding his own arms securely around his waist to stop them both from toppling to the ground from the momentum.  
“Huang Shaotian, stand properly, you’re heavy!” Wang Jiexi scolded him, but neither his voice, slightly strained and husky from having the breath literally knocked out of him, nor his expression, which was more exasperated than irritated, was all that convincing to his uninvited guests.
“No,” Huang Shaotian’s voice was muffled against the fabric of Wang Jiexi’s t-shirt, shaking his head repeatedly like an especially hyperactive golden retriever nuzzling affectionately against its master, “you’re not getting away this easily, no way no way.”
“Captain Yu, aren’t you going to do something about your vice-captain?” Wang Jiexi glared pointedly over at the dark-haired man who was calmly closing the door behind himself before he came closer to the other two. The fact that Wang Jiexi, instead of pulling the overgrown koala bear known as Huang Shaotian still clinging tightly to him off of himself, was sifting his fingers through the older man’s blond locks as if to placate an agitated animal didn’t escape Yu Wenzhou’s attention.    
“Good evening, Captain Wang,” Yu Wenzhou only greeted him in his usual mild tone and a perfectly pleasant smile, ignoring Wang Jiexi’s silent plea for help, and proceeded to make himself comfortable by taking off his jacket and draping it tidily on the back of the chair. “Shaotian just misses you, that’s all, isn’t that right?”
“But we just saw each other like… four hours ago!” Wang Jiexi didn’t have the heart to peel Huang Shaotian off of his frame, so with a little difficulty, he managed to maneuver both of them to the side of the bed, where Wang Jiexi sat down heavily and allowed Huang Shaotian to clamber precariously on his lap, his legs wrapping loosely around Wang Jiexi's slender waist, his arms dangling on his shoulders, his face buried into the crook of the man's neck.
“Already getting ready for bed?” the captain of Blue Rain noted Wang Jiexi’s casual oversized shirt and shorts that excelled at outlining his calves, his gaze glimmering with appreciation at the rare sight. The image that Wang Jiexi put out in public had always been one of polished and clean, if a little too uptight, so such a relaxed, homey outfit was not something that neither of Wang Jiexi’s boyfriends had the opportunity to appreciate.
As if he could detect Yu Wenzhou's lingering stare along the length of his legs, Wang Jiexi cleared his throat, his cheeks feeling uncomfortably warm all of a sudden.
“We have an early flight back to Beijing tomorrow," Wang Jiexi replied quickly, and then added with a frown, “seriously, what are you two even thinking? Coming to the hotel at this hour? What if the others see you? What if the journalists saw? Captain Yu, I thought you’re more rational than this.”
“You were planning to leave just like that?” Before Yu Wenzhou could even open his mouth, the man who'd been sitting uncharacteristically silently on his lap finally piped up in distress.
"Well, I mean—" Wang Jiexi could never handle it when Huang Shaotian looked at him like that — all round, innocent golden eyes staring at him through his messy fringes and pouting lips that had Wang Jiexi’s heart beating just a little faster than usual. Whatever he was about to say, Wang Jiexi found that, as usual, he was swallowing the words back down his throat.
"Captain Wang..." Yu Wenzhou paused after the formal title, taking the few steps to close the distance between them, and with a twitch of his lips, the smile a little too sweet, a little too docile, so that the captain of Tiny Herb immediately felt prickling frost crawling on his skin in warning, Yu Wenzhou lowered his voice into a rumble, hooking a finger below Wang Jiexi's chin to lift his head until the other man could not look at anywhere else but him. He called out the name that they only used with each other in private, "Jiexi, you didn't think we would let you leave without first confronting you after tonight’s match, did you?”
“We won fair and square,” Wang Jiexi argued but halted immediately when he felt Yu Wenzhou’s thumb brushed against his lower lip, the usually deep, calm azure of his eyes turning dark, a storm quietly brewing beneath the silence. The gesture was subtle, yet the underlying meaning was clear and powerful — undeniable.
“I never said you didn’t,” Yu Wenzhou’s smile grew a tad wider, a degree more dangerous, as he pulled his hand away from Wang Jiexi’s face.
Tiny Herb, under Wang Jiexi’s leadership, had grown to become a force to be reckoned with. Yu Wenzhou and his team had never underestimated their rivals’ abilities, and despite the media’s constant speculations and their fans’ throwing insults back and forth on online forums, they genuinely respected each other in regards to their talents and skills in Glory.
But there could only be one team crowned victorious, and their competitive spirits, as well as their duties to being their teams’ combative core and guidance, could be a daunting and perilous strain to this oddly harmonious relationship the three of them had now shared for a little over two years.
In many ways, it was easier for Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian, who got to eat, train, and sleep (both in the sexual and non-sexual sense) together since they were on the same team, that the dual core of Blue Rain had a constant underlying fear that they were leaving Wang Jiexi out ever since the three of them had concurred to be in an exclusive relationship, even if they didn’t mean to do so. So every now and then, one of them would come up with an excuse — even if it was a particularly weak and unconvincing one — to get together and spend time with each other, whether it was simply wasting a day doing gratuitous shopping in town or frolicking in bed until the room smelled of sex, sweat, and drowning in each other’s scents.
“But it doesn’t mean the captain and I aren’t distraught about the outcome,” Huang Shaotian said, the gleam in his golden eyes darkening, and Wang Jiexi really ought to have seen it coming, because the next thing he knew, he was being shoved on the shoulders until his back hit the soft mattress, Huang Shaotian’s weight on his abdomen efficiently locking the other man’s movements as he caged Wang Jiexi’s wrists above his head.
“Huang Shaotian, let go!” he struggled against the Sword Saint’s grip, but the man merely leaned down to plant a messy kiss directly on his lips, his tongue delving in without shame to lick deep into Wang Jiexi’s moist, warm cavern while he swallowed the other man’s helpless little noises.
He especially savored the way Wang Jiexi attempted to pull against his constraint, and whined into his mouth when he felt Huang Shaotian’s fingers tightened even more around his wrists. As professional e-sports athletes, they took special care to keep their hands safe from any sort of unnecessary strain and possible injury, but that also meant that the slightest hint of pressure would bring a sharp glimmer of stimulation to their sensitive skin there.
The intimate kiss left both man panting as if all the oxygen had been sucked out of their lungs, but Huang Shaotian still maintained clarity in his eyes as he glanced down at his lover, gaze lingering hungrily on the other man’s red, swollen lips.
“Still want me to let go?” Huang Shaotian grinned wickedly down at him, golden eyes dancing with excitement and pliant want that sank deep into his bones.
After that breath-taking kiss, Wang Jiexi’s mind had descended into a pleasant haze, so with a slightly unsteady voice, he could only whisper, “…unfair.”  
“Shaotian, be gentle,” Yu Wenzhou reminded his teammate and lover as he climbed onto the bed to join them. The two members of Blue Rain must have silently communicated, for the moment Huang Shaotian released his grip on Wang Jiexi’s arms, Yu Wenzhou’s warm lips replaced them instead, his yielding mouth scattering light, butterfly kisses from the center of his palm and down to the pulse point of his wrist.
Wang Jiexi was so distracted by Yu Wenzhou’s wandering lips and hot breaths against his skin that it was too late when he noticed the cool, silky touch of cloth caressing with such tantalizing softness before it pressed more tautly around his wrists. His eyes flew open in sudden realization, his breath a little short and shallow at the anticipation.
“Y-Yu Wenzhou, what are you—?”
Together with the assistance of his vice-captain, they moved Wang Jiexi up closer to the head of the bed, where Yu Wenzhou proceeded to expertly loop the silk tie — a birthday gift from Wang Jiexi last year, the midnight blue a few shades darker than Yu Wenzhou’s irises — around the wooden horizontal bar of the headboard. With his arms pulled up and hanging slightly above his head, the hem of his shirt rode up to expose the flat plane of his stomach, flesh already turning a rosy pink from his boyfriends’ touches.  
Settling close beside Wang Jiexi’s body on his knees, Huang Shaotian admired how the sumptuous, dark colour of the tie contrasted beautifully against the man’s pale skin; the hunger in him flared up like bursts of star fire, the desire to touch the firm muscles and feel the usually cold and collected captain of Tiny Herb tremble with need beneath his fingertips was almost intolerable.  
“Let’s just call this… a selfish act of vengeance to settle the score?”
Yu Wenzhou smiled down tenderly at him as he traced the tie from the knot on the headboard to where it wrapped snugly around Wang Jiexi’s wrists.
“You—mmnf!?” Neither men were going to find out what Wang Jiexi was about to say, for the moment Yu Wenzhou placed his mouth against his, pliant and gentle and urging him to open up with minimal convincing as the tip of his tongue tentatively traced the shape of Wang Jiexi’s lower lip. With a heated gasp, Wang Jiexi opened his mouth, and Yu Wenzhou took the opportunity to slip his tongue in, still soft, still heartbreakingly gentle — not in that dominant or urgent manner as Huang Shaotian had kissed him just minutes earlier — but still made Wang Jiexi’s breaths stutter and his heartbeat quicken.  
While Yu Wenzhou was taking his time kissing his lover in soft, little pecks, occasionally swiping in with his tongue — almost playful, but mostly teasing — Huang Shaotian slid down further to the end of the bed where he began to pull at the hem of Wang Jiexi’s shorts. The callouses on Huang Shaotian’s fingers rubbing against Wang Jiexi’s hipbones was already too much, and his legs started to thrash on the mattress.
Wang Jiexi made a small noise of protest, which was swallowed up by Yu Wenzhou consuming kisses, of course, and his legs were held in place by Huang Shaotian’s grip on his ankles. The Sword Saint let out an amused chuckle at their rival team captain’s reaction.  
“It’s okay, Jiexi,” Yu Wenzhou whispered against his lips, voice mesmerizingly calm, like the inhale and exhale of the ocean, the waves washing up the shore in an enthralling rhythm, impossible to ignore, “Shaotian will make you feel good.”
And as if to prove himself, there was no hesitation this time when Huang Shaotian tugged Wang Jiexi’s shorts completely off of him and discard the garment with a careless flair. He began his delicate assault from Wang Jiexi’s right foot, kissing the top of it with such reverence that it instantly made Wang Jiexi want to pull away, but the Sword Saint wouldn’t surrender, his clutch tightening just enough to wordlessly command Wang Jiexi to stay still.
While he kissed and licked a leisurely path along Wang Jiexi’s right leg — from the prominent bone of his ankle, the taut muscles of his calf, the hollow behind his knee, and all the way up to the sensitive skin of his inner thigh and higher still, so close to the place where Wang Jiexi needed him to be but refused to beg out loud — Huang Shaotian’s other hand traced random but determined patterns along his left leg where he knew his lover’s most sensitive spots were.
“Huang…shao…tian…” Wang Jiexi murmured, eyes falling close as he felt the other man responded by biting the supple skin of his inner thigh before licking the sting of it away, like he couldn’t get enough of his taste and the delicious sounds Wang Jiexi was making.
However, his attention was soon torn away from the blond-haired man and returned to the captain of Blue Rain, who had begun to pepper kisses down the elegant line of his throat, sometimes scraping teeth against skin to earn a pleased hum from the man below, and his hand had started exploring the torso hidden beneath the thin cotton of his shirt, fingernails occasionally scratching lightly across his abdomen and waist. Where Yu Wenzhou’s patient fingers had left traces of heat behind, his mouth shortly followed with slow, open-mouthed kisses that the earlier flickers swelled into an uncontrollable blaze that spread from the surface of his skin all the way down to his bones. He shuddered into the two men’s touches, craving more than he would ever be willing to admit.
Yu Wenzhou pushed Wang Jiexi’s shirt up until his mouth could easily reach the center of Wang Jiexi’s chest and his nipples, which had already hardened since they’d been exposed to the cool air. With his gaze trained onto Wang Jiexi’s jade-green eyes and slightly parted lips, the captain of Blue Rain first let his tongue run over the bud in one, deliberate swipe, and when he heard Wang Jiexi’s breath caught, he sucked the sensitive flesh into his mouth, teeth lightly grazing, the electrifying pleasure that stemmed from this one single action made the moan that he’d been trying to suppress spill out.
If his arms weren’t tied up, Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian could imagine the easily embarrassed Wang Jiexi slapping his hand over his mouth right after such a lewd sound seeped out of him. They were glad they had the forethought to tie up Wang Jiexi in the first place.
Yu Wenzhou only laughed softly, the sound muffled by and vibrated against Wang Jiexi’s flushed skin as he continued his ministrations against his lover’s chest, taking care to leave no areas untouched.
“Captain…. Wenzhou…” Huang Shaotian sounded impatient now, whining against Wang Jiexi’s hipbone with a small frown, the man’s dripping arousal mere inches from his face. During this time, Huang Shaotian had also taken off his shirt and jeans, leaving only his briefs on that hugged the curves of his hips and buttocks in all the right places.
“Do you want to take Jiexi into your mouth, Shaotian?” Yu Wenzhou asked, lifting his head off from Wang Jiexi’s chest, where streaks of spit had made the usually poised Tiny Herb captain seemed especially wanton and alluring.
For once, Huang Shaotian didn’t reply with unnecessary words; he only nodded, lips temptingly wet, golden irises blazing with unbridled longing.
“What do you think, Jiexi? Would you like Shaotian to do that?” Yu Wenzhou turned his face towards the man lying below him, his smile genuine and kind and not like someone who was about to fuck him into a mess in just a few moments.
“I—” the blush on his cheeks deepened.
How could he admit to such a vulgar thing out loud?! Wang Jiexi thought, but his brain was already recalling the last time they got together — too long ago, maybe three or four months ago now — when he released in Huang Shaotian’s mouth, remembered how good it’d felt, and Wang Jiexi knew he’d been defeated by the dual core of Blue Rain tonight.
“I… please,” Wang Jiexi only allowed himself this one simple word of plea, but it was more than enough for his two lovers.
“I will blow you with such expert skills that you’ll never want a blowjob from anyone else, Wang Jiexi,” Huang Shaotian promised with a mischievous quirk to his lips as he lowered himself further into the bed, hands holding Wang Jiexi’s trembling thighs further apart so he could have more room in between.
“Wh— Why would I ever consider— ahh…” Wang Jiexi squeezed his eyes close when he felt the sudden wet, velvet warmth enveloping the tip of his arousal.
It was too much, but he wanted more.
“Does Shaotian’s mouth feel good?” Yu Wenzhou was observing the subtle shifts of Wang Jiexi’s expressions closely and asked while he pressed soft kisses against his lover’s cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his eyelids, the curve of his ear. “Jiexi?”
“Mnn…” Wang Jiexi couldn’t shape out a word even if he tried, his fingers, still tied and trapped by the silk tie, could only gather into tight fists helplessly, nails digging into his palms as he felt Huang Shaotian took him further into his mouth, the filthy sound of his lips sliding up and down Wang Jiexi’s shaft seemed especially loud in the hotel room even though blood roared wildly in his ears.
Yu Wenzhou had no intention to overstimulate Wang Jiexi and make him climax too quickly, so his fingers maintained that frustratingly steady, unhurried pace along the man’s shoulders, his heaving chest, his stomach, and wandering lower still, hand finding Huang Shaotian’s face and thumb wiping the saliva that had started to drip out the corner of his mouth messily.
Huang Shaotian made a pleased noise of acknowledgement from the back of his throat at his boyfriend’s tender touch, half-lidded eyes staring back at him through sweat-stained forelocks as Yu Wenzhou continued to gently caress his flushed cheek and run fingers through his hair, combing the locks back so that he could see Huang Shaotian’s face clearly, the way the blond so enthusiastically sucked and swallowed around Wang Jiexi’s swollen arousal that it caused the man below to writhe vulnerably with every wave of ecstasy washing over him, drowning him in a seemingly unending tempest, making it difficult to breathe.  
“Nnnnng… ah… I…” Wang Jiexi’s hips bucked up instinctively at one of Huang Shaotian’s particularly keen sucking motions.
“Are you about to come?” Yu Wenzhou didn’t need to ask to know. He’d already noticed the signs that Wang Jiexi’s body exposed before the man himself even realized he was getting close — the violent trembling along his body, the desperate gasps and increasingly-loud moans spilling freely from his mouth that made Yu Wenzhou incredibly hard beneath the layers of his clothing.
Wang Jiexi nodded once, the jade in his irises darkening as his forelocks fell into his eyes. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from making anymore shameful noises, but it merely heightened the sensation down below, where Huang Shaotian had started using both his mouth and his hand to pleasure him.
He was so close — so close to the edge he could taste it at the tip of his tongue, the sweet tang of release — He —
“Shaotian, let’s stop.”
A/N: I feel rather filthy after writing this. I have no regrets though.
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ryukoishida · 5 years
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How do I deal with the salt of the Blue Rain vs Happy quarterfinal matches?
By writing YuHuangWang pwp, obviously. :’)
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ryukoishida · 5 years
The TKA prequel is giving me life and slightly washing away the salt I have from the Blue Rain vs Happy quarterfinals arc I'm trying to finish reading :')
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