uravitys · 8 years
hi im jess uraraka is my daughter n gakushuu is my son school is suffering everything is suffering and im full of salt
accurate 10/10 you know me so well
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years
I always forget I q these and end up with random letters or numbers or words and it’s like ??? y’all okay??? before I realise what happened lmaoB - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.Karma and Kaede (probs as friends, mostly, but anything tbh). Very cute fanart + head canons.JYOUTO?? (Matt and Joe from Digimon?? How why?) Also Yamato and Koushirou as friends since they’re both dumb and awkward lmaoC - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.Honestly I’m not into a lot of ‘the’ ships for most fandoms I’m in, even if my fave is in it. Partly it’s fandoms (usually weebs and yaoi fangirls), too much bad art work/fanfic, or people refusing to realise the flaws in their possible relationship (Sasuke’s issues, Karma making Nagisa cross dress etc) so even if I liked the ship, the fanon version becomes this weird version that I can’t handle. I still read and reblog stuff, but that’s usually because it’s the first 99999999 results you find whenever you type a character’s name :|Honestly tho, from my beyblade days (y’all shush now), Rei and Kai. Never understood it, never will. D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.None? There’s plenty of ships I’m meh about but I don’t really care if I like them or not. I don’t really get MaeIso (again, I’ll read and reblog, but I see them pretty much just as friends) so it’d be nice if I cared more about it since it’s the second (?) most popular ship, but other than that I don’t care much.(Maybe Tai and Sora from Digimon. Or anyone and Sora lol It’s not that I don’t like her as a character, but I ship her with self love lol)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.DK if its a trope or not, but any time a female is ignored/killed/bashed simply for ‘being in the way’ of a m/m ship. In the same vein, no matter the ship make up (f/f, m/m, f/m, whatever), when the ‘weaker’ one is made to be girly and the ‘strong’ one is manly. Especially when it makes literally no sense for the characters to be changed in that sense. ’Love triangles’ which aren’t actually triangles. (A likes B who likes C who likes A is a triangle. A having to choose between B and C isn’t.) Actually pretty much most romance tropes since they’re often used in combination with bad writing and a extreme version of characters (see next point). Also, when characters are pretty drastically changed and people are like ‘it’s AU so it’s ok!’. Like, yeah some change is necessary since it’s a different universe with different rules, standards etc, but they still need to be similar to the original character otherwise you might as well have made an OC.It’s more a trend than a trope, but writers refusing to research cultures. I started reading fic back in the early 2000′s. There wasn’t the internet resources to research cultures as in depth as you can now (sure, there were some, but they weren’t as vast or easy to find as they are today). Some shows and manga simple weren’t translated, or trying to find subs and other fan translations/summaries was only possible if you sacrificed your first born. Theres no excuse for it today. (There wasn’t then, either) (It seemed to have got better for a while, but I’ve seen this a lot in the Ass Class fandom, and a few things from the Yugioh and Digimon fandoms too recently)Stop white washing everything by going ‘I don’t understand the culture so I’ll make all my fics set in America’. This IS white washing. It’s also lazy as fuck. Sure, your head canon or fic more than likely isn’t hurting anyone from the cultures those characters are from. But you’re also slowly erasing chances people have to learn in more depth about those cultures, or by saying ‘this is set in Japan’ but not involving Japanese culture, you’re erasing that and saying ‘everything is the same as my culture’. You’re also creating expectations within fandoms (’oh, these people are pretty similar to me!’) but then if they end up visiting, their expectations are dashed. (You aren’t responsible for them not doing research, sure, but you are responsible for your own interpretations and ideas) It creates new stereotypes and when people have been exposed to them instead of the ‘real’ version of that country/religion/race/whatever, some can be stubborn and try to go ‘well, no, I’ve seen all this which contradicts you’ and not see reality. I’m not sure this last point is making sense, but basically, do your research. It’ll help you be a better writer and a more educated human. It ain’t that hard folks. 
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years
yukikaemain replied to your post: B C D W
hahaha omg I saw Irish Isogai for no reason the other day in a fic and I’m still dying >.< (Also maeiso is actually third most popular if you’re going off ao3; karushuu has second woot woot… Altho that’s a mixed bag)
what even???
like feel free to do it but explain it and have it make sense to the character?? this fandom is so weird i s2g
(Karushuu is the only ship that matters anyway ;p)
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