#yumichika inspo
recurring-polynya · 1 year
I say this as a person who has read a lot of Bleach meta, and even more Bleach fanfic, but I have never seen anyone take even a vague stab at this: What Fuji Kujaku is supposed to be?? I'm not talking about the reiatsu-sucking thing, I get that, I am talking about as a weapon, it's...four blades? Sharpened in basically a single plane? How, exactly, is that better than one blade? They're not even arranged in a rake, with the blades in parallel, like tekko-kagi (you know, the ninja claws that make you look Wolverine). Those are meant for blocking and disarming, similar to sai, and while Fuji Kujaku could probably be used that way, I don't see that their design has any advantages over those, and also, Yumichika never does that. There's the urumi, but functionally, it works like a whip, and Fuji Kujaku is definitely not a whip. The Bleach wiki bleep-blorps around which historical sickle-like weapon it is most like, but everything it uses for comparison has just one blade. Are there four blades because peacocks have four toes? That doesn't even really make sense because of one of them faces backward for perching. I literally cannot think of anything those extra blades are good for, aside from ruining the aerodynamics, catching on shit, and creating a weak point (the hinge). I always assumed Kubo just came up with it for ✨The Aesthetic✨, but seriously, if any of you have any deep lore on multi-bladed weaponry, help me out here.
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