#yup this spoils where shit goes for this part of the chapter but i think thats ok probs. y'all knew it was coming
orcelito · 2 years
Sneak Peek
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Skipping the first part of this scene bc I hate how the descriptions are for it, but I Loooove how the dialog is for this part. So. Here, Have This
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sinninginpurple2-0 · 3 years
Rite of Passage - Chapter 10
This was completely and utterly inspired by an ask sent to @clairelutra and her response to said ask. All credit for the basic idea goes to her.
Buy Me A Coffee?
AO3 <<Chapter 1  <Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11> 
“You’re staring at me, aren’t you?” Marinette asked, eyes still closed as she regained her senses completely.
Adrien grinned mischievously and moved to lie down next to her again, propping his head up on his arm as he did so. “How could I not stare at you when you look the way you do?” he asked, snickering a little when she opened one eye to peek at him, “Half naked and sweaty and delicious? Good, was it?”
“Oh God, you’re about to be unbearable right now, aren’t you?” she asked with a sigh, “You look so pleased with yourself. Like the cat who got the cream.”
Well…That pun was enough to uncomfortably stoke his imagination. His eyes trailed down her partially naked body to the juncture of her legs, slick with her own moisture. He licked his lips.
Noticing his gaze, Marinette rolled over onto her side to face him, propping herself up in the same way as him. He turned back to face her as she tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows inquisitively.
“What?” she asked, “What is it?”
He gulped. Did he really want to tell her this? It was sort of embarrassing, but they had never lied to one another before – not except to protect their identities – and he didn’t want to start now over something as stupid as sex. He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. Then he spoke as honestly as he could, in spite of the way his shoulders crawled upwards to try and hide his flaming ears.
“I want to go down on you. Like, I really want to. You have no idea how hard I am thinking about it.”
He watched as Marinette’s eyes widened before she averted her gaze in embarrassment. There was no noticeable blush this time, but her skin was already a permanent rosy colour, so perhaps she had simply reached her capacity.
“Really?” she asked, her nose wrinkling a little as she glanced back at him, “‘Cause I’m not too crazy about doing the same for you.” She suddenly looked horrified for a moment as the words her mouth had spoken without her brain’s input reached her ears. “Not that I wouldn’t!” she squeaked, desperate to reassure him, “You’d like it and I’ve never done it before, so who knows how I’d feel after trying it? But I can’t help thinking it’s a bit icky and-”
He leaned forward quickly without warning and kissed her deeply, quieting her ramble before it picked up too much speed. “You don’t have to,” he told her, “I mean, I’d like you to, but there’s no pressure. Maybe we could try that later? Or another time?”
Shit, he thought, biting his lip, eyebrows pulling together in sudden uncertainty.
“That is…if you wanted to do this again sometime?”
Marinette stared at him for a moment and Adrien began to worry that he had ruined everything. Why could he never be satisfied with what he was offered? Here he had been given this wonderful opportunity. The chance to show his Lady his love for her without the need for words. To let his adoration bleed through his physical touches and sensual kisses. Every neuron firing, carrying the message to his nervous system to paint his feelings across her skin and pray his worship was absorbed into her very being. And he might have killed that opportunity by daring to ask for more.
Marinette didn’t seem to be as oblivious to his inner turmoil as he had once been to her feelings for him, her hand reaching up to stroke through his bangs hanging down towards her before resting on his cheek tenderly. She caressed his skin with her thumb gently, a concerned look appearing in her expression. “You’re worried this is a one-time thing,” she said.
He dropped his eyes from her face to her collarbone, chewing his lip more harshly as an outlet for his dejection. He started when her thumb suddenly teased free the abused tissue from his teeth, glancing back up to her face to see the softest smile looking back at him.
“Adrien,” she started, “Chat. After today, I would be ecstatic to do this again. Maybe we could also…” her eyes darted away for a moment before returning to his face. He watched as she took a deep breath, a look of determination taking over her face as she continued. “Maybe we could get dinner? Then go to the cinema or something?”
Adrien’s self-imposed misery swiftly slipped away from him. Like ink floating through the liquid sweetness of her words, he felt it swept away by the current of her equal desire for more. Overcome by exhilaration, he pressed his lips to her own with alarming pressure, desperately trying to push all of his joy and devotion into the kiss. She responded with equal intensity as soon as her surprise at the sudden action wore off.
“I would love to go on a date with you. On one condition.”
“We go on lots of them. And you let me pay. And I get to spoil you with lots of gifts and we cuddle in front of the TV sometimes instead of going out.”
“That’s more than one condition.”
“So, sue me, Maribug. Will you be my girlfriend?”
She smiled in a way that warmed his heart so thoroughly, he was sure he would never be cold again. In fact, he was sure to radiate that warmth now so that all places he travelled to would remain safe from inclement weather.
“Of course, I will, Chaton,” she replied, her hand cupping his cheek as she leaned forward to drop another chaste kiss to his lips. Her hand slid down his face to his shoulder, continuing to his chest where she applied the faintest pressure, nothing more than a hint of what she wanted from him.
He obliged by rolling back to lie against the mattress as she continued to smother his lips with unconcealed affection.
She pulled back slightly, and his eyes opened -still half lidded- to see the only girl he’d ever felt this strongly for, his Lady, his Marinette, hovering above him. She was watching his face closely and a strong wave of emotion was evident between them.
“I love you,” she said in a thick voice, “I love you so much.”
She loved him? He knew from what she’d already admitted to that she liked him, was definitely attracted to him and had been so for quite a long time if the way she talked was anything to go by. But for her to be in love with him? It was something he hadn’t yet considered.
His eyes felt hot and he pulled her down to him and buried his head in her shoulder to hide his face until he could control his urge to cry. “My Lady,” he sobbed, “I love you too. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“Kitty, are you alright?” she asked, the concern in her voice evident as well as the soothing hand rubbing at his scalp.
“Yeah,” he sniffed, “I just…I’ve waited for you to say that for so long and part of me thought it might never happen so I’m…I’m-”
“Shh. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” she told him tenderly, shifting slightly to hold him more comfortably.
As emotional as he was, the crinkling noise caused by her movement evoked the curious cat in him and he experimentally brushed his own chest against hers a little to confirm. Yup, there was that strange plastic sound again. He pulled back from her shoulder to glance down at the origin of the noise and spotted it at once.
There, tucked tightly inside the small pocket on the front of her pyjama top was a square plastic packet. He recognised what it was at once and the beginning of a small smirk appeared on his face.
“Was this all an excuse to look down my top?” Marinette asked with a giggle, incorrectly guessing at the direction of his stare.
He looked back up at her for a moment before the grin intensified. “It wasn’t, but since you mention it, it’d be rude not to.”
She sat up before he could glance down again, and he laughed at her feigned disapproval despite himself.
“You know,” she started, drawing his attention with the way her arms crossed over each other to grab hold of the hem of her top, “if you wanted a look, you only had to ask.”
She pulled the garment over her head with a minor flourish before she attempted to throw it to the side of the bed with the growing pile of clothes they’d shed already. She would have been successful if Adrien hadn’t shot out his arm to grab the soft fabric before it could get out of his easy reach.
“Nice,” he said, turning back and really it was nice. Marinette had forgone her bra as well as her underwear when she had changed, so now she sat completely bare before him. Aside from the obvious exhilaration of finally getting an eyeful of her boobs, Adrien found he was completely awed at every inch of skin revealed to him. Hers was almost flawless and he was sure that most models he’d worked with in the past would kill for skin as soft and beautiful as hers.
He reached out for the only visible line he could see, a thin white scar -obviously a very old, healed one. It was offset from her right breast ever so slightly and led out towards her breastbone and he traced it in reverse with his thumb, stopping just short of his destination in order to glance up at her face for approval. She looked nervous again which confused him for a moment until she spoke.
“I fell off my bike as a kid and there was a stone in the road which cut me,” she explained, though he hadn’t asked, “I know it’s kind of ugly, but-”
“It’s not,” he told her, “There isn’t a single part of you that’s ugly and you don’t have to hide it from me. You know that right?”
When she didn’t respond he pushed himself up to place a kiss to the edge of her scar, delighting in the gasp she made at the contact. Again, he glanced up at her face.
He acquiesced, gently running his tongue along the fine line by feel alone and continuing further along her breast until he reached her nipple. He closed his mouth over it and sucked, encouraged by her breathy sighs. His other hand came up to reach for the other breast dropping the top he had still been holding to the bed beside him as he did.
He spent some time moving between breasts, experimenting as he was unsure what else to do due to his inexperience. He left trails of kisses, sucked and licked. He tried a light nip to her nipple at one point and immediately worked out never to do that again, as Marinette gave a hiss of discomfort and pulled away a little. He eventually fell into a rhythm of using the tip of his tongue to leave little secret messages across her, tattooing his feelings for her into her skin with words of affection.
She giggled after a while and he pulled back to look at her for clarification.
“Are you doing the alphabet trick?” she asked with a grin, “I thought that was for other places?”
“What? I-I wasn’t-I was just-” he began to splutter nonsensically, and she gave a snicker at his embarrassment, “I was writing that I love you, if you must know.”
“Aww, Kitty. That’s so sweet.”
The barely restrained laughter made it hard to believe her.
Adrien decided that if his Lady was enjoying teasing him, then maybe it was time for a little payback. Leaning in to touch his forehead against hers, he reached out with one hand to fish the little packet from the pocket on her top whilst the other one reached to cup her between the legs distractingly.
“I could always write those little love notes somewhere else for you, if you wanted,” he purred, enjoying immensely the immediate effect he had on her as she whimpered in response.
His other hand successfully extracted its prize and he brought it up to their faces to present between two fingers for her examination.
“Though I also kind of want to know where you got this condom from.”
Buy Me A Coffee?
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Q/Ji Changmin - Curiosity kills - M
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”Y/N, how’s Changmin being a roommate? I envy you because you are roommates with him,” her friend named Jinhee asked as she looked at her.
“Well, It’s okay! He’s friendly but sometimes he’s kinda weird,” Y/N said.
“Huh? Why did you say he’s weird?” Jinhee asked.
“Sometimes, whenever I go inside our dorm, he suddenly hides something from me," Y/N said.
“Do you have any idea what is he hiding from you?” Jinhee said.
"I don't have any idea. But I don't want to ask about that because it seems he doesn't want to open up," Y/N said.
“Aren’t you really curious what is he hiding?” Jinhee asked.
“I don’t have any plans to know since I don’t want to bother him and make him uncomfortable,” Y/N said.
“Well, you have a point. But still, I envy you. Because I really like Changmin! I want to go to your dorm,” Jinhee said and Y/N chuckled at her words.
“Okay! But just for today, I will bring you with me in the dorm," Y/N said.
“That’s great! I am excited to see Changmin!” Jinhee said and Y/N just laughed at her. After their classes, both of them went to Y/N’s dorm but when they went inside the dorm, Changmin was nowhere to be seen and Jinhee pouted.
"I think its bad timing for me to go here in your dorm and Changmin is not here," Jinhee said.
“I am sorry Jinhee that I made you disappointed that you didn’t get to see him,” Y/N said.
“No, it’s okay! Next time, I will go here again with you. When we don’t have classes. By the way, where is his room?” Jinhee said and Y/N pointed to a blue door that was next to her room.
“Did you already checked out what’s inside his room?” Jinhee asked.
“Nope! I don’t want to go in someone’s room without their permission,” Y/N said.
“Oh come on, Y/N! aren’t you being curious at all to him?” Jinhee said.
“Jinhee, I know I am friends with Changmin but still I have to respect his privacy,” Y/N said.
“Fine! If you are not curious. Then I will check out his room quickly and then I will leave,” Jinhee said and Y/N rolled her eyes at her.
“Are you sure that you will just check out quickly his room?” Y/N said.
“Yup! I promise and I will never touch his things,” Jinhee said.
“Okay! I will keep an eye on you,” Y/N said and Jinhee slightly laughed at her words and just went inside Changmin’s room and as she roamed around the room, she was shocked and Y/N noticed her reaction and just approached her.
“Why, Jinhee? Is there a problem?” Y/N asked as she looked at her and Jinhee pointed to the books and Y/N saw the book and it was the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy books.
"Oh! He has those books? You know, I am very curious what is the story of that novel. Because that book became famous. By any chance, do you know the story?” Y/N asked as she looked at her and Jinhee gulped and blushed.
"I think you are too innocent to read that kind of book, Y/N," Jinhee said.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Y/N said and Jinhee sighed.
"Oh well, never mind! Let's get out of his room and he might get caught us that we are here," Jinhee said and Y/N nodded. As they got outside Changmin's room…
“Jinhee, please tell me the story of that book!” Y/N said.
“If you want to know the story, then just borrow the book from him and I don’t want to spoil the story to you. But I don’t know if you can handle it,” Jinhee said.
“Fine! I will get the book and I will just tell him that I borrowed it,” Y/N said and Jinhee laughed at her.
“I thought you don’t want to go inside someone’s room without their permission?” Jinhee said and Y/N sighed.
“Well, I think for today, I will just break what I said earlier,” Y/N said and Jinhee just laughed again at her.
“You’re right! By the way, I have to go home and it’s getting dark. Good luck reading the book,” Jinhee said as she smiled at her.
“Okay! Take care and be safe going home!” Y/N said and Jinhee nodded and her friend left her in the dorm. Then Y/N went inside Changmin’s room and get the book from the shelf and she decided to order her dinner then while she was waiting for her dinner, she started to read the book. As time goes by, when the food arrived and ate her dinner, she continued to read it but because she is a fast reader, she suddenly read a part of the story and stopped reading it and she felt that she blushed and…
“Shit! What am I reading right now? I didn’t expect he will read these kinds of books and it's an erotic one!" Y/N thought then suddenly her thoughts were cut-off when Changmin went inside the dorm and…
“Hey, Y/N! How are you? Oh shit!” Changmin said in a loud tone and snatched away the book that was in her hands and Y/N was shocked at his appearance because she was caught reading the book and…
“Why did you have this book?” Changmin asked in a serious tone as he looked at her while holding the book and Y/N can’t look at him.
“I am really sorry Changmin! I touched your things and I just saw that book and I think it was interesting to read because I know that book became famous a long ago and I became curious. That’s all.” Y/N said and still can’t look at him and Changmin sat beside her and lifted her chin that made Y/N slightly caught off guard at his action.
"Look at me, Y/N! You should have just told me that you want to borrow these kinds of books. I just got mad because you didn't ask my permission," Changmin said.
"But I just saw that book today and I don't see that book on your hands every day. So, how will I know that you have it?" Y/N asked and Changmin scratched the back of his neck and slightly laughed.
“Well, you have point. But I didn’t tell you that you are restricted to enter my room but still, you have to ask permission if you want to borrow some of my things in my room,” Changmin said.
“Huh? It means I am just the one who is thinking that I am not allowed to enter your room?” Y/N said.
“It seems you are right. I didn’t have those kinds of rules before," Changmin said and laughed at her.
“Oh well! Still, I am very sorry to go inside your room,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay, Y/N! By the way, how’s the story when you read it? Did you like it?” Changmin said as he looked at her and smiled at her and Y/N gulped and blushed.
“Huh? Ummm… To be honest, the story is great even though I just started to read few chapters of it,” Y/N said as she tried to smile but she also blushed at the same time and Changmin smirked at her and Y/N noticed it.
“For the few chapters that you already read, what are your favorite parts of the story?” Changmin said as he stared at her and Y/N felt something in his eyes.
“Ummm… I don’t know what to choose because the first few chapters are all great! What about you? Since you already finished this book, right?” Y/N said and Changmin smirked again at her. Then Y/N suddenly felt the tension is rising in the room and she tried to calm down.
“My favorite parts? I think it would be best for me to show my favorite parts than just to tell you. Sounds good, right?” Changmin said as he winked at her and Y/N gulped.
“Are you sure about that, Changmin?” Y/N asked.
"Of course, I am! Follow me, Y/N," Changmin said and Y/N was surprised but she just followed him in his room and she just sat in his bed, and when she heard that Changmin locked the door, she was taken aback by his actions.
“Do you really have to lock the door?” Y/N asked and Changmin went closer to her and Y/N felt that her body is heating up and…
"I really have to do that. So, no one will disturb us. But I have to ask you one question, are you willing to know what my favorite part and do it for you?” Changmin asked as he stared at her with lust.
“Shit! I think I know where is this going!” Y/N thought.
“Yes, Changmin! Show me,” Y/N said and Changmin smirked at her words.
“This may not be the exact scene in the book but I think I can do some of them,” Changmin said and Y/N gulped and just nodded. After her response to him, he stared at her and he slowly removing Y/N’s clothes and Y/N can’t stop blushing at his actions and Changmin noticed it.
“Relax, Y/N! You want this too, right?” Changmin asked as he looked at her.
“Yup! But I am insecure with my body because I don’t have a perfect figure,” Y/N said and after he already removed her shorts together with her underwear, he looked at her and…
“You don’t have to be insecure, Y/N. To be honest, your body figure is just right and you’re sexy for me,” Changmin said seductively to her and smirked and that made her blushed more.
"Gosh! I didn't expect that Changmin is like this! But he is hot when he is like this!" Y/N thought but then her thoughts were cut-off when Changmin kissed her legs up to her thighs that made her shiver because of his lips that came into contact with her skin.
“I love your body, Y/N! I am glad that I will have the chance to wreck you tonight," Changmin said and Y/N just blushed at his words and tried to calm down herself. Then Changmin stood up and removed all his clothes and Y/N was surprised at his body built.
“Oh gosh! He has a perfect body and this is my first time to see him like this!” Y/N thought as she continued to stare at his body and Changmin smirked at her.
"I know I am hot, Y/N! This will be yours from now on baby girl!" Changmin said and Y/N gulped. Then Changmin kissed her passionately and Y/N responded to his kisses then Changmin pulled closer to him and he grinned his cock at her that made her moan in the kiss and with that, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and Y/N let Changmin explore her mouth.
“Damn! He is just a good kisser!” Y/N thought. Then while they are still standing, Changmin’s lips went to her neck and he sucked and licked it to make a mark on her and he suddenly licked her earlobe that made her moan his name softly.
“Remember this night, you are now mine, Y/N!” Changmin as he whispered to her ear and Y/N just nodded. Then his lips went to her breast and he sucked it hard that made her moan more and Changmin smirked at her.
"Moan my name more, baby! You're so sexy when you moan my name!" Changmin said and he just went back to give attention to her breast as he sucks her nipple and slightly bit it and his other hand is massaging it.
“Shit! You’re so good at this Changmin!” Y/N said.
"Don't worry, Y/N! I will give you more later," Changmin said. After he gave attention to her breast, he traced kisses to her stomach and when he reached her core, he slightly spread wide her legs and licked her slit that made Y/N moaned loudly his name and Changmin just plunged his tongue to her core and lick it at a fast pace and because of his actions, Y/N's legs are going weak and he held her legs so, that she will not lose balance and Y/N just put one of her hands on his shoulder to have some support. As Changmin continued to eat her out at a fast pace, Y/N suddenly slightly grinding to his mouth and he smirked at her actions and sucked her core harshly and that made Y/N screamed his name but she felt that she is close and Changmin felt it too and he suddenly stopped.
“Shit! Changmin! Why did you stop?” Y/N said and Changmin stared at her with lust and stood up.
"Thankfully, you didn't cum now, because if you do, there will be another punishment for you," Changmin said as he smirked and Y/N don't know how to respond to his statement because she just thinks that he is deadly hot being dominant in bed and then Changmin put a condom in his cock.
“Shit! I hope I can handle him later!” Y/N thought and her thoughts were cut-off when Changmin pushed her in the bed and hovered above her and licked his lips.
"Y/N, get ready to beg for more!" Changmin said as he slowly inserted his cock into her and Y/N yelped in pain but because Changmin's sexual appetite as of the moment is high, he didn't wait for her to adjust to him and he just thrust his cock to her at a fast pace but in a few seconds, Y/N got used to his size and started to moaned his name loudly.
“Fuck! So, tight!” Changmin said and he suddenly put one of Y/N’s legs in his shoulder and pounds to her at a hard pace and Y/N screamed on top of her lungs because of their position, his cock got deeper to her and hit her g-spot numerous times and Y/N held the bed sheets tightly and Changmin looked at her while he was still pounding to her and he hummed in satisfaction as he saw that Y/N was in pure bliss because of his cock that wrecking her walls non-stop.
“Shit! You just feel so good! Should I go rougher to you, baby girl?” Changmin said.
“Y-yes please, Changmin! Your cock feels so good too!” Y/N said and Changmin smirked at her.
"Don't blame me tomorrow that you can't walk, Y/N!" Changmin said as he slammed his cock to her roughly which made Y/N screamed again his name and arched her back violently.
“Shit! It feels so good to go deeper to you!" Changmin said but as he continued to pound her at a rough pace, Y/N felt that his cock twitch inside her, and that means he was also close to orgasm same with her.
"Ugh! Shit! Cum with me Y/N!" Changmin said and Y/N nodded then in a few thrusts of his cock, both of them moan their names loudly as they cum. Then Changmin tried not to collapse on top of Y/N so, that she will not be squished underneath him and he just throw the condom into the trash can and laid beside Y/N and looked at her.
“Changmin, I didn’t know you will be very dominant in bed! Gosh!” Y/N said and Changmin slightly laughed at her.
“What more if I can do the other things that are in the book? What can you say about that? Are you ready for those kinds of things?" Changmin said as he stared at her again and Y/N was shocked at his words.
“Wow! You’re kidding, right? You don’t have any kinky toys hiding in here,” Y/N said and Changmin smirked at her.
"You really thought I don't have those kinds of things? Ha! I just hide it somewhere where you can't possibly find it. So, are you up for some kinky shit?" Changmin said as he winked at her and Y/N blushed.
“Oh gosh! This man is killing me right now!” Y/N thought.
"Fine! Since I am curious about those kinds of things because you know, I am innocent and didn't know about those things. It seems you were the one who destroys my innocence," Y/N said and Changmin laughed at her.
“It seems you are not innocent at all before you read the book,” Changmin said.
“Ji Changmin! I swear to you that I had never watched or read erotic things. I am purely innocent that’s why when I read the book I was really shocked because of the sex scenes. Okay?” Y/N said
“Okay! Okay! I get it, Y/N! Just ready for some adventure for the next few days,” Changmin said as he winked at her again.
“Fine! But wait, I just thought of something that whenever I check you out in the room, the one thing you hide from me is that book?” Y/N asked.
“You’re right! Because you might get the wrong idea when you saw me reading that book. But now I know that you didn’t actually know the story of the book,” Changmin said and both of them just laughed.
“By the way, after what we’ve done tonight, what are we?” Y/N asked.
“You are asking me? What are we? Come on, Y/N! I am not the kind of guy who is doing this to a random girl. It means that starting tonight I am your boyfriend and you are my girlfriend. It’s been years that we became roommates and as time goes by, I had fallen in love with you. What about you? Is this only a friend with benefits arrangement to you?" Changmin said as he looked at her with a worried face and Y/N was surprised at his statement.
“No! I also love you Changmin ever since we became roommates and your existence matters to me a lot,” Y/N said as she smiled at him.
“I love you too so much Y/N! I am glad that you accepted me!” Changmin said as he smiled back at her.
“Let’s go to sleep and I am very tired,” Y/N said and Changmin slightly laughed at her and he just kissed her lips quickly and her forehead then he hugged her close to him as both of them went to sleep.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  The Boyz’s Q/ Ji Changmin!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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drshojo · 6 years
I Am A Shill For The Manga Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hello! Dr. Shojo here! It has been a long time since I've posted anything!
Is it because I stopped reading manga? Haha nope it's because I have carpel tunnel AND tendonitis. You should see my physiotherapy bill! It's depressing! But you know what cheers me up? All the love you guys showed my Katarina Class post!
In thanks for the love you’ve shown I’m back! And today were talking about one of my favorite manga's of all time – Short Cake Cake! Oh, wait we already covered that! Change of plans! Time to cover my OTHER favorite manga of all time!
That’s right! Today we are taking a look at the supernatural shojo TOILET BOUND HANAKO KUN!!
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First of all, can we talk about these colors?! I would sell my right lung for these colors. The gorgeous character designs combined with these washed out neon is what got me to check out the series. It's just incredibly appealing. Also, the fact that Hanako looks like a sassy ass trouble maker.
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mean look at this kid. I'm weak to sass. Don’t ask me how many doodles I have of Kokichi Ouma in my sketchbook ok? It’s embarrassing.
Now Toilet Bound Hanako Kun is super easy to get into because the first chapter reads like a one shot. You can read it and be satisfied in only 60 pages. What are you waiting for? GO! READ IT NOW!
*cough* I'm calm I swear.
Now let's delve into it shall we?
The story starts out with our adorable Protagonist Nene. She's our typical heroine. Adorable, Dense and hopelessly in love with some boy! The twist this time is that she has the bright idea to use the local school ghost Hanako of the Toilet to try and get said man.
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Hoh boy. This sounds like a poorly thought out plan.
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Ok so Ima level with you, this premise instantly won me over to Hanako. He’s a nice kid! He really wants Nene to be ok! He warns her totally un cryptically that she's making bad life decisions! Hey Nene, Maybe date this dead kid! I know it sounds weird but this is manga so your probably fine!
Anyways after these cute hijinks ensue with Nene trying to win over her love with Hanako’s help.  
What sets this story apart is the writing of the characters. Hanako and Nene seem really genuine when they are trying to figure out the best way to win over someone's heart. What makes someone appealing? Do you really know what love is when you're that young? Never trust a love self-help book!
Anyways I really recommend reading the first chapter to get the whole story, the art is super cute. Did you see Nenes uniform?! To die for! This manga is low key less horny soul eater and Its fun!  
But for those that want to know more about where the story is going, spoiler alert!  
Predictably Nene eventually tries to use the magic route out of desperation and winds up cursed to turn into a fish/mermaid and the only to be human again is to be bound together with Hanako instead of her true love. Yup it’s a life of cleaning toilets for Nene. 
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And so our story begins!
This is also the part where we find out that Hanako is way more of a little shit then we thought.
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Nene isn't a pushover though so were going to get some really cute back and forth for the rest of the series. Hanako’s obvious crush on Nene is going to be a slow burn. Ganbatte Hanako Kun!
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So, if you're wondering where the series goes from here, Hanako and Nene investigate the 7 supernatural school mysteries as they pop up and start to cause trouble in the school. We slowly learn more about Hanako and his past, Nene has more misadventures in love, and because this is a shojo we get our LOVE TRIANGLE!
Now let us pause so I can gush about this love triangle.
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OK. This time our light-haired Boy B is Kou, And he is an exorcist! What a perfect rival for Hanako!
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Hanas like bitch Nene is mine tho. What a little sh*t.
Don’t let their first meeting fool you though. Kou and Hana get their own friendship arc in the series and soon Kou is saying misleading things like KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!
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He like also stresses out that Hanako is falling out of a building this one time but like, Hanas a ghost so calm down?
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look out Nene, Kou is being a real stud around Hana. He might steal his heart!
Anyways I don’t want to spoil to much so I'll just wrap this up now. But I'm not going to lie if I didn’t ship HanaNene so much I would ship Hanakou in a hot second.
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Jokes aside the three form a mystery hunting trio so adorable I had to spend 120$ of fillings for the cavity's i just got.
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My only complaint about this series.......is that the only way to buy Toilet bound hanako kun...... is via EBOOK. There is NO PHYSICAL ENGLISH RELEASE. So, if it is in your means PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING THE EBOOK SO WE MIGHT ONE DAY GET A PHYSICAL COPY. HECK IF I GO TO JAPAN IM TRAKING THESE DOWN I NEED TO HOLD THEM IN MY HANDS.
*cough* I'm calm I swear.
Honestly, I love Hanako, Kou and Nene with all of my otaku heart. The art is gorgeous and detailed, the water color title pages are to die for, and the story has that supernatural vibe I've been missing from gravity falls.
Dr. Shojo
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lolainblue · 7 years
Thunderbirds -- Chapter 37
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  @msroxyblog @nikkitasevoli @maliciousalishious @meghan12151977 @mustlove6277 @fyeahproudglambert @little-poptart @lady-grinning-soul-k @pheenixpeterson
   I had a lot to think about on the drive back to Indiana. I had been pretty irritated with Jared's parting performance but it didn't really diminish the guilt I was feeling for treating him the way I had. It wasn't really any of my business how he chose to live his life, and I was wrong for judging him for behaving the way I had been behaving for pretty much all of mine. I decided I would wait a few days for him to calm down and then call him and apologize. I had been enjoying our friendship, I would like to at least mend fences. I knew he had no interest in actually having a relationship, I knew he was just spoiled and not used to not getting his way. I figured once the sting of it wore off he would be back to his old self. It was an easy enough fix I told myself.
   Jane's situation, on the other hand, wasn't as straightforward. I waited with growing dread for Mitch's phone call. Whatever happened, we would deal with it, one way or another, but I wasn't looking forward to a big fight. It was the last thing Jane needed right now. I had made it to just outside Danville, IL when my phone began to ring. I knew that whatever news awaited me on the other side of that line I couldn't pay attention to it and drive so I pulled off the highway at the next exit, parked at a Phillips station and quickly rang Mitch back. My skin had gone clammy by the time he answered.
   “Just tell me straight up, what are we dealing with,” I said as soon as he came on the line. There was a little chuckle and my anxiety levels dropped several notches.
   “Jane says that Jared's the one that recommended that attack dog lawyer in Los Angeles for her, is that right?”
   “Uhm, yeah?” I said, not exactly following yet.
   “Well, you need to thank Jared because that guy saved our asses.”
   That sounded promising at least. “What happened?”
   “Well just so you know up front, everything is fine, Jane's under my custody for the time being. But she bombed that evaluation with that doctor this afternoon.”
   As relieved as I was that Angus seemed to be out of the picture I was concerned about what was going on with Jane that might cause her to do so badly. “What happened, Mitch? What's wrong with Jane?”
   “Don't flip out on me Roger,” Mitch said evenly. I didn't like the sound of this.
   “Mitch, what the hell is going on?" I demanded. "Why was Jane so terrified this morning?”
   “The doctor here thinks that she was underdiagnosed in St. Louis. It happens with brain injuries, sometimes it takes a few days to see how severe things are. He let Jane come back home with us tonight but they are discussing either readmitting her here or letting her go back to New York. Apparently, there's a really good treatment program there. But here I can watch out for her. If she goes back to New York, I can't leave Audrey and the girls to go take care of her... ”
   “I'll take care of her.” I cut him off. “Whatever it takes, wherever it's best for her. Just say the word.”
   “Okay, calm down. We'll what Dr. Nepp.... that's her neurologist here, Dr. Nepp," Mitch explained. "We'll see what he wants to do tomorrow. We see him again at 8:00 a.m. She's doing pretty good this afternoon. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.”
    Mitch sounded so much calmer than I felt. I felt terrible for leaving. I should have put Shannon in a rental car and let him drive his own ass back to Wisconsin. I don't know why I didn't. I pressed my palm against my eye and tried to reason with myself but I wanted to scream. Jane wasn't the only one whose emotions were all over the place.
   “Anyway, after the exam I was pretty nervous about the hearing. But then this whole team of attorneys shows up at the courtroom, apparently sent in by the L.A. guy. They had all this stuff on Angus and all this paperwork showing what was going on with Jane and background on me and everything. They knocked it out of the park. I have full medical power of attorney right now, and Angus isn't allowed to contact Jane, any of her family members, you or Shannon, and can't come within 1,000 feet. Probably going to cost Jane a pretty penny but I don't think she minds.”
   Fuck. I was going to have to have Shannon thank Jared as soon as I called him. “That's amazing.”
   “Yup, it sure is. It lets us focus on helping Jane get better and none of this other garbage. So how much longer until you get here?”
   “I'm probably still about two hours out.”
   “Well, that's just about right. As usual, the girls want to go out and have pizza with Aunt Jane. She's napping now but she should be up to it. Meet us at the Monical's on 41 around 6:30? Should be right on your way into town.”
   “Sure thing,” I said hanging up the phone and sighing in relief. I called Shannon, but got his voice mail. I assumed they were either in sound check or playing, I couldn't remember when their set today was. I left a message letting him know what was going on and finished my drive back to Mitch's.
   “Come on, Roger, I don't' want to do any more of these today.” I closed the workbook and thrust it and my pencil back into Roger's lap. “His plane will be landing any minute now.”
   “And when he disembarks we'll stop,” Roger said, holding the workbook out in front of me. “You skipped therapy today to come meet him at the airport so you're going to get your math problems done now.”
   I groaned and took the book back. This was the first time I had seen Shannon since the hospital, almost two weeks ago. I didn't want to think about any stupid therapy homework, I just wanted my Shan-bear. With a scowl, I flipped back to the next page in the workbook.
   My little concussion had turned out to be moderate brain injury. My forgetfulness in the day after the accident had only been the tip of the iceberg. I had become increasingly anxious and paranoid in the following days. There had been additional tests and a parade of specialists, but what it all boiled down to in the end was a diminished capacity to self-regulate my emotions, diminished short-term memory recall and, inexplicably, a loss of most of my math skills. All these things were expected to improve, and they were, but much slower than I would have liked. I went to therapy for a couple hours a day where they worked on the skills I had lost. The problem was that other than that, I wasn't allowed to do anything. I was supposed to be resting my brain so I wasn't allowed to write, or read or play board games or even watch intellectually challenging television programs. I was going stir crazy. And I missed my Shannon.
   He called me after every show, and we had long phone conversations on his days off but of course, it wasn't the same as having him there with me and being wrapped up in one of his amazing hugs. He was only here visiting for two days, then he had a show in New Jersey, but they would be back in New York next week. I was so anxious for his tour to be over. I wanted some real time with him. As it was sometimes when I called he was busy and Jared ended up picking up the phone. That wasn't too bad, at least I got to have some nice chats with Jared too. After all the misunderstandings it was good to repair that friendship. But it wasn't helping my Shannon withdrawals and since I was emotionally all over the place these days it was affecting me more than it should have.
   I tapped my pencil against the page with a sigh. Shannon's flight should have landed already. I tried not to let my imagination run away with me, I flew enough to know that arrival and departure times were in reality mostly suggestions. But it was incredibly frustrating. When his flight finally landed I shoved the workbook and pencil back at Roger and jumped out of my seat.
   “Jane, you have to wait for him to disembark,” Roger pointed out. He tucked everything back into his tote with an air of frustration. I knew taking care of me was not exactly high on his list of fun things to do, but Roger had seemed different since my accident. I had tried to talk to him about it but he shifted the discussion every time I brought it up. I thought something had maybe happened between him and Jared but Jared brushed off the subject whenever I brought it up to him too, claiming not to know what Roger's attitude change was about. I was pretty sure they were both full of shit and I was kind of hoping that maybe Jared had confided in Shannon what was going on and I was going to get some answers now that I had him here where I could corner him.
   I was so excited when I got my first glimpse of Shannon. He looked like he'd had a nap on the flight and his hair was ruffled in that sort of sleepy parakeet way that was becoming increasingly familiar. I threw myself into his arms as soon as he was in range, and he wasted no time in kissing me, those powerful lips of his pulling me back under his thrall in seconds.
   “I missed you, Janey,” he whispered against my ear as he clutched me against him, and I found myself inhaling deeply for that scent of his before I even realized what I was doing. “I've been so worried about you,” he added.
   Shannon had just brought a carry-on bag since he was only in for the weekend, and without luggage to collect we were out of the airport and in a cab back to mine and Roger's apartment in a flash. Shannon was uncharacteristically talkative the entire ride, telling me about the shows I had missed. I listened quietly, unsure of what to add. My life had been extremely uneventful since we parted, emergency hearing aside. It felt sort of awkward, sitting like that while he rattled on, knowing it was generally me that carried our conversations. Suddenly though, I didn't know what to say to him at all.
   Once we were back at my place Roger started listing all the things I still wasn't allowed to do. Shannon listened patiently and promised to take good care of me, but I was fast becoming tired of being treated like I was a six-year-old. It felt like I was being handed from one babysitter to the next. “I know what I'm allowed to do Roger, and I can make up my own mind about it, ” I said tersely.
   “And she's still a little moody,” Roger added.
   “Oh fuck you,” I retorted. Shannon's eyes got big. I don't think he'd ever seen a cross word between Roger and me before. Then again, he hadn't been around us that much. We fought occasionally too, just like any other pair of friends. It just never lasted long.
   “You know what, Jane, whatever. I'm tired of fighting you today. Drummer boy blows back into town and suddenly nothing else matters to you.”
   “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I demanded. I didn't know why things were boiling over now but I was willing to let Roger yell at me a bit if it would help me get to the bottom of whatever had been bothering him.
   “Oh come on. All I hear out of you lately is Shannon this and Shannon that...”
   “Are you jealous?” I asked incredulously. Surely that wasn't it. Roger had never been jealous of anyone I had dated.
   “No, I'm not fucking jealous, Jane!” Roger grumbled. I noticed Shannon grabbing his bag and heading down the hall, wisely leaving us to settle whatever was going on. I had to respect him having enough sense not to get in the middle of it. “I just wish you'd show a little sense.”
   “Roger I have been trying my ass off. I've been doing what I'm supposed to do. Am I supposed to feel guilty about wanting to enjoy a weekend with my boyfriend?”
   “Is he? Your boyfriend? Have the two of you even talked about that or what that means? Do you know what you're doing at all?” Roger demanded, running his hand through his hair.
    I was puzzled by his questions. Of course, Shannon was my boyfriend. We had pushed everything aside to be together. How could he not be my boyfriend? “Are you serious right now Roger? Why are you bringing this up now, in front of Shannon?”
   “Because every other time I bring it up you blow me off. Let's face it, Jane, you don't exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to making decisions about men.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, you're really the relationship guru here.”
   “I'm doing better than you are.”
   “Really? Is that so? What happened to Daphne? Why aren't you speaking to Jared?" I felt bad for bringing up Daphne but I was at a loss as to what was going on in Roger's head. "What the fuck is going on with you? Just because I don't know how things got fucked up doesn't mean I don't know they aren't. You're a lot easier to read than you think. Even if I am brain damaged.”
   “You're not brain damaged.” Roger insisted.
   “Yeah, actually, I am. Let's be honest for a minute. And you've been freaked out ever since it happened.”
   “It's not about that Jane. I swear.”
   “Then what, Roger? Help me out here. What the fuck has been up with you ever since St. Louis?”
   “I don't know,” Roger said. Suddenly all the fight seemed to go out of him and he dropped onto the sofa, head in his hands. I sat down next to him and place my hand at the small of his back, making small soothing circles.  
   “Roger, I know this thing with me has been stressful for you. I'm really sorry to put you through this....”
   “That's not it,” Roger interjected weakly but I continued on.
   “I know you're just looking out for me. That's what you do. And I'm sorry I snapped at you. You have to see if from my point of view. Everyone is treating me like I can't even make the simplest decisions for myself, even though the doctors have said I'm mostly fine.” As frustrated and out of sorts as I had been feeling, I felt so much worse suddenly for having snapped at Roger. I knew my moods were still all over the place. I knew my feelings of frustration at the situation were valid, but my attitude was uncalled for. I wanted to reach him but I didn't seem to know how to go about it properly anymore.
   “Jane, it's not that. I get it I do. This recovery of yours has been hard for both of us but I don't mind looking out for you, really. I promise," he assured me as he patted my hand.
   “Then what is it? I know what my problem is, but you haven't been yourself lately either.”
   “Look, just go spend some time with Shannon.” He looked around and noticed that Shannon had disappeared. “Tell him I'm sorry for blowing up like that. I'll take you guys to dinner if you want.”
   I shook my head. “No, I was planning on cooking, remember? But Roger...”
   “Can we talk about it later? Maybe when your boyfriend isn't probably listening in the background?”
   I sighed. I knew I wasn't going to get any further with him right now. “Fine,” I said before going to join Shannon in the bedroom.
   Shannon was sitting uncomfortably on the edge of my bed, hands in his lap. “I hope this is your bedroom,” he said with a laugh, pointing to the collection of antique rag dolls in a cabinet on the wall.
   I nodded and sat down next to him. “Yeah, I actually collect those. Some of them belonged to my great-grandmother.”
   “That's really neat actually. I don't remember you having them in L.A. Though.”
   “I didn't have room for them there,” I explained.
    Shannon paused, frowning at the floor before continuing. “Is everything okay between you and Roger? Is he mad at me or something? He was kind of pissy on the drive up to Wisconsin after your accident.”
    I shook my head. “I don't know what's wrong with him really. Did something happen between him and Jared?”
   “Not that I know of. Jared was kind of bitchy for a few days after he left, now that I think about it. But he's been moody lately too so it may not have anything to do with Roger.”
   Apparently bored with the conversation, Shannon leaned over and pressed his lips to mine, his tongue inviting itself in to swirly softly with my own. I sighed and laid back against the mattress, pulling Shannon on top of me. In minutes his hands were under my shirt, his mouth leaving a trail of wet, pink skin as he nibbled gently towards my breasts. I just wanted to relax and be with him but Roger's meltdown had me feeling like the world's worst friend. With a sigh, I pushed him aside.
   “I'm sorry, “ I apologized. “I'm just worried about Roger. Let's pick this back up after dinner.”
   To his credit, Shannon didn't complain, just gave me another kiss before sitting up. “Fine,” he told me with a smirk. “But screaming my name had better be on your list of approved activities. Otherwise, we're just going to have to ignore doctor's orders.”
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rofics · 7 years
Hidden omega (part 50
Fandom: Bts (Got7 + Big Bang + B.A.P + Monsta X + Seventeen + Block B+Vixx+TVXQ+Exo) Who doesn’t love a good ensemble Pairing:  Namjoon x Everybody Genre: Smut/Fluff/Angst Au: Canon / Omegaverse au Length: 3.3k (I know… so much!
Chapter 1 ! Previous Chapter ! Next Chapter !
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Namjoon has an important talk with Big Bang’s Jiyong and stuff goes in a way Namjoon did not expect!
Note before the story:
I am sorry about the late chapter, the reason I delayed it is that I didn’t feel right publishing it with what has gone down with TOP, 
Namjoon stared with open mouth at the alpha in the room. God he was dreaming wasn’t he? Or maybe it was an hallucination, this couldn’t be real right? “G Dragon-sunbaenim?”
Yup in front him wearing a ripped pair of skinny jeans, a flashy top and backwards cap over his softly dyed pink hair was G Dragon. The G Dragon, leader of Big Bang. Oh fucking God it was G Dragon.
Jiyong was dressed like… like he was G Dragon. It was clear that the older idol was not trying to hide that he was here, this wasn’’t Kwon Jiyong he was talking to. This was G Dragon. Namjoon had talked to Daesung and Seungri every day without any break since he had gotten out of the hospital, he had talked with and liked Youngbae. Tis just felt so much different. Also Jiyong’s facial expression wasn’t nice friendly and open like when he had met Daesung.
Jyong pointed toward the laptop. “Get him to rerecord the vocals. You can’t make a good track without good vocals.”
Although it was G Dragon, Namjoon still felt that he needed to defend Jungkook even if Jiyong was right and now that he thought about it the vocal were a little breathy. “He is trying his best,”
The older just raised an eyebrow. “Feisty and protective over his group. I’m surprised if anybody had fucked me over as hard as they had, they might be six feet under and nobody would ever find their body. Then again you know, wouldn’t happen.”
Jiyong moved further into the room moving closer to the omega. “So here is my question. What is your deal? What do you want with my pack members?” The older alpha moved like a panther moving even closer to Namjoon, who was up off his chair stumbling back from the alpha. Jiyong’s heavy chili scent was waving over him overwhelming his own still weak scent.
“Nothing, I uhm…” Namjoon could feel the fear building up inside him. This was the first time an alpha had been aggressive towards him. “I promise nothing!”
And just like magic the older rapper’s eyes peeled almost comically large as he seemed to understand what was happening and he stepped multiple steps behind. “To far, that was too far?” His facial expression was awkward.
Namjoon could still feel the fear taking over him as the alpha’s scent was still heavy in the air. Jiyong awkwardly looked at Namjoon. “I’m just gonna air out for a second and then you know, stand over here if you don’t mind.” Pointing towards the farthest away from Namjoon, quickly opening up the window.
“I should have expected that. Dae did warn me that you had issues with alphas I promise I never wanted to hurt you! I even get Youngbae to take the spiders outside, where I think he might kill them, but it is the thought that count. Please stop looking scared at me, “
As the room slowly aired out, being cleared of Jiyongs scent as more of the cold January wind moved throughout the room he could slowly feel the fear move it self from his room. “I’m sorry I can’t control it.”
Jiyong stood awkwardly as far away from Namjoon as physically possible. “That was my fault, people say I get over protective over my pack. Which that is probably correct, and you have been spending a lot of time with Daesung and Seungri. Add to that that Youngbae now says as well that you are a nice person. So I wanted to find out what was up with you. I didn’t want to actually scare you just find out if you had evil plans about my pack, now I’m pretty sure you don’t. I just terrified a newly presented omega something tells me that I might be sleeping on the couch… Please don’t tell Daesung.” The older alpha suddenly looked more like a kicked puppy than big scary G Dragon.
Namjoon wasn’t sure what to say, he had never thought about the fact that he could ever do something bad to the two youngest members of Big Bang. He had just mostly been surprised that they would even look at him and he hesitantly answered. “I don’t want to do anything to them… They…” For somebody who normally had it easy with words, Namjoon did struggle with it when it came to G Dragon… The G Dragon. “They have been nice to me even when they didn’t need to be. I am very thankful”
“Please stop looking at me like a kicked puppy. I already feel bad enough for making you panic.” it was weird how different Jiyong was from the picture Namjoon had of him in his head. Both Daesung and Seungri had said that their group leader was a lot less… G Dragon… most of the times, a lot more spoiled alpha used to getting it his way unable to take advice unless it is physically knocked into him. “They really like you.” He seemed to catch on to how what he had said could be understood. “Like a friend of course. I don’t think Daesung planned on getting so attached to you as he did. He just wanted to make sure that you were okay, but then he took to you. At first we thought it was just him making another omega friend, even if a little younger. But both him and Seungri seem to genuinely like you as a person, and it made me worried. I simply wanted to make sure that you weren’t… deceiving.”
Namjoon nodded slowly he understood the older alpha’s concern. If it had been his group and pack it happened to with an even more rookie group he would also hesitate, and they weren’t bloody BigBang. “It is okay G Dragon-sunbaenim.”
Jiyong laughed a soft laugh that Namjoon found very pleasant. It fit the shorter skinny alpha a lot more than the aggression he saw in him earlier. “Please don’t call me that. You text with both Daesung and RiRi every day, the least you can do is call my Jiyong-hyung. Jiyong-sunbaenim can work as well if you think it is too much.”
In Namjoon’s defense it was… insane, G Dragon had just told him to call him Jiyong hyung! “Thank you!”
“Oh god you are adorable, please stop. I am trying to be cool.” The alpha at that point sat down on the couch. “Oh this is important I think. I met your baby alpha and I might have scared him a little. I will for your fault pretend to be sorry about that.”
Jiyong was something else that was for sure Namjoon thought. He now understood what Seungri had meant with Jiyong being special. “What happened to Jungkook.” No matter what had happened between him and Jungkook he was still Jungkook’s leader and it was still his job to protect Jungkook.
“Well Dae and Seunghyun told us what happened and Seungri told us that you have forgave him for it. We all come from a time where there were very very few male omegas in the entertainment industry. So we might be a little bit overprotective when it comes to omegas. And google told me that Jungkook seems to really look up to me, and you know what they say… Never meet your heroes, so I just politely pointed out that he was really not very impressive and he caused a lot of shit.”
Namjoon sighed heavily while yes he was very flattered that the older alpha seemed to care any way about him and he understood why people wanted him to not forgive BTS. But it simply wasn’t who he was. It wasn’t like they ever really meant to hurt him, they just didn’t know better. Jiyong might as well has buried Jungkook alive. “He really looks up to you hyung. You are one of his biggest idols.”
The older alpha just grinned. “Well now he got a lesson from one of his biggest idols, don’t fuck with omegas. Still to this day they can be rare in certain groups. Don’t confuse being the leader of BTS with babying them. Sometimes letting them stand on their own legs and realize the shit they have done is a better option.” Jiyong got up and looked at the laptop Namjoon was working on. “I would get him to record the vocals again, don’t let him get away with not reaching his full potential just because he is the maknae. He might hate you while doing it but in the end he will thank you for it.”
Namjoon understood Jiyong’s point he had talked multiple times with the two youngest members of Big Bang about how the older groups saw omegas especially male omegas and what Jiyong said made sense. But he did wish that the older had been a little bit more careful with Jungkook. He wished that everybody would be a lot nicer to Jungkook about it. He wished that people saw it like he did. That Jungkook really wasn’t that bad.
“He is a good kid. I just want him to be happy.” Namjoon couldn’t stop himself from pouting a little as he looked at Jiyong who was still looking at the laptop.
It took awhile before the older spoke up and when he did there was a weird tone in his voice. “I know better than anybody how easy it is the baby the maknae or just the youngest in general. We feel as leaders that we should protect them and make sure that they are okay. But that is not our job, that is their pack leaders job. While I do know that some pack leaders are also group leader, but for us it isn’t like that. We are just group leaders, it is not our job to make sure that they are happy and secure. It is our job to make sure that they reach their full potential. It is our job to push them, even if it means recording the same lines for hours upon hours to get that perfect take. If it means we have to be the evil person for a while we do it because we are leaders and we want what is best for our group.” He looked at Namjoon the look in his eyes soft. “Believe me I wanted to baby the living hell out of both Daesung and Seungri in the start but it wouldn’t have done any of us any good. Instead during recording I am the evil boogeyman, because if I go easy on them I’m I really doing them a favor? Two things can happen, if it manages to get approved the fans get to hear a subpar product, and we both knows fans or anti’s aren’t going to silently accept that. The other option is that it get pulled by somebody in the company. Is it really better for them to hear it from somebody other than you that what they did wasn’t good enough?”
Jiyong, of course, had a point, he never thought about it that way. He had always kinda acted like he was the pack alpha half time. “You are right, thank you Jiyong-sunbaenim. I never thought about it that way. I might have been a little too easy on people since I presented as an omega, I… I still struggle with what it is okay for me to do.”
To that the alpha laughed. “Everything is okay for you to do. Dae once knocked me in the ground during a gym session plus him and Youngbae wrestle all the time. His sub gender doesn’t matter, you think they would dare disagree with me in my studio if I was an omega?” Namjoon quickly shook his head, Jiyong could have been an omega and nobody would have dared fuck with him.
Jiyong smiled at him now. Namjoon wasn’t sure what he expected, Jiyong on the stage was always impressive aggressive and… G Dragon. But the Jiyong in front of him now, was more complicated than that. This was one of the problems looking up to people you never really knew how they were in reality. You only really knew the image they showed to in public this was different, and somehow more impressive.
But Jiyong wasn’t finished with his little speech. “I have a question. How are you?” Namjoon opened his mouth to do his normal ‘okay’ speech, but Jiyong was quick to correct him before he even started speaking. “I mean with the omega rapper thing. I know it can’t be easy.”
It was the first time Namjoon had actually gotten asked that. Majority of his friends were idols first rappers later or they were not omegas nobody since the hospital had even questioned it. Namjoon thought back on the messages left on his phone from old friends, or people he thought were friends. He wanted to lie, but as he looked into Jiyong’s eyes the dark brown orbs were kind. The same kind of kind that he got when he meet with Daesung like he wouldn’t judge him and like it would be wrong to lie to him because he didn’t need to. So in the end he didn’t. “It is… hard, not as hard as I expected for Jiho, uhm Zico, we were friends back in the underground and he has been supportive and helping getting the others to accept me. There are still a few people who are being closed minded, but it is going better.” Namjoon looked away from Jiyong feeling way to awkward looking into the older man's eyes. “But it’s going much better than I expected.”
“We are a close minded group sometimes aren’t we? Rappers? We judge everybody who started rapping as an idol. Can you imagine if it was the same for singers that no singers were respected unless they started singing before they became an idol?” The alpha shrugged and Namjoon did kinda have to agree with him. “But it’s good that you are getting through it. A good piece of advice I can give you is to say ‘fuck you’ to friends who decides to give you shit. There are some people who are never going to accept you as an idol. People who think they are to good to the mainstream. Fuck them, they aren’t worth your time. I know it feels like you have something to prove to them, but you owe them nothing.
The passion between Jiyong’s words left Namjoon to believe that the older probably had his fair number of people who turned their back on him. Something he wouldn’t have believed if people just told him he were freaking G Dragon! But then again, Jiyong was just a person wasn’t he?
Namjoon hadn’t even known that it was something he needed to hear, and hearing it from Jiyong somebody he respected more than he could even explain was a lot better than anything he had ever expected. “Thank you Jiyong-sunbaenim,”
Jiyong’s face turned into a mildly childish pout at his sentence. “I feel like I might not deserve it after scaring you. I also owe you a thank you as well.” Jiyong’s posture was a lot easier now, and it casual. “For Daesung, he always craves omega’s presence during his preheat. Normally he will spend time with Jessica or Heechul, but Jessica is busy with her fashion stuff and Heechul is being busy doing whatever the hell pregnant people do. He was a lot more calm after spending some time with you. It means a lot to all of us.”
To be honest Namjoon hadn’t actually thought about it. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Daesung had sought physical contact with him. He couldn’t stop the light blush in his cheeks he never before had an omega seek contact with him like that. Jimin would never do it since he hated Namjoon’s scent before his presentation. He kinda liked the idea of another person being calmed by his presence. “It was the least I could do.”
Jiyong just smiled at the omega. ”You have a good heart, which reminds me of something,” is eyes were soft, “if you ever need a place to just be free of everything, we always have a place for you at our place. It can’t be easy when all of your friends are trying to court you at the same time.”
That was not what Namjoon had expected at all. He knew that both Daesung and Seungri seemed to like him. But this was big, bigger than he deserved. “I can’t do that! You don’t have to worry, Bang pd-nim got me my own place, and it isn’t that bad. People are being very accepting and not pressuring me to make a choice.”
“Oh I know you got your own place. I stood guard while Seungri sneaked in. Please don’t keep your key under your doormat you are just going to get stabbed in the middle of the night, but that is not the point right now. Sometimes you need a break from everything around you, but you don’t want to be alone. That is what we are offering you, Seungri said that majority of your friends are either courting you or housing your group mates. We are people completely removed from the situation with no agenda or no expectation of you. ”Namjoon couldn’t stop his face from wearing a skeptical look, which Jiyong smiled softly at. “I know it seems weird, we are an older group, but what started as interest for your sub-gender and your health, turned into interest for you personally and taking a liking for you.”
Namjoon couldn’t stop himself from blushing and stammering a sentence. “I can’t possibly take that offer! You guys are very busy!”
“If redoing the same 3 songs over and over again until we are happy and solo activities are busy then yeah of course we are busy!” He shrugged easily. “We all talked about and agreed on it, you are not being a burden or anything like that. We want you there. If anything see it as a favor to either Daesung or Seungri, both soft alphas and omegas need other omegas around them, and as said… our normal omegas are a little busy either with growing a child inside them or being successful no matter how much SM is trying not to make them.” Jiyong looked at Namjoon expectantly and the younger suddenly felt like he couldn’t let this man down. This man that really shouldn’t even look at Namjoon let alone actually talking to him and offering stuff like that.
 Namjoon nodded slowly. “Thank you.” He couldn’t explain how thankful he was, and he could feel his eyes burn with tears he refused to shed. It was still hard to believe that anybody let alone this alpha in front of him cared about him. “Thank you so much.”
Jiyong just smiled and then did something Namjoon didn’t expect. He patted him on the head. “You are a good guy. I hope to see more of you.” and with that… he left.
Leaving behind Namjoon staring at the space where the pink haired alpha had been almost wondering if it really had happened on Jiyong was really just something he imagined, but a text pinging in on his phone proving that it had really did. The text was short and from Daesung without the normal overly complex happy smilies.
‘He is something else isn’t he?’
Oh how right Daesung was in that. Well at least Namjoon’s meeting with Jiyong went well. What Namjoon didn’t know yet was that his first meeting with the Big Bang alpha, would be Namjoon insulting him.
Authors note:
I know this isn’t going to be fun, but I am taking a two weeks break from this story, I know... but please listen to me.
A lot of stuff have been going on in my life and my boyfriend just left to go home to his own country and I won't see him until December!
The truth is this story requires a lot not just writing but making sure that every plot point ends up solved at the same time. Making sure that the ending is logical but not something you saw coming.
Then there is a shit ton of research I need to do, many of these groups is the first time I ever write so I want to get it right, that plus since it is mostly canon world there is a lot of double and triple checking schedules to make sure who would be in Japan at the same time as BTS and stuff like that.
I just need a little break and then I will be back, I am afraid if I keep going I might make mistakes that won’t be correctable! 
I will keep on writing other stuffs both my normal requests and my Hidden Omega side story requests and I hope you guys would like to read that!
- Prussia
Chapter 1 ! Previous Chapter ! Next Chapter !
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monroe-militia · 8 years
4, 12, 17, 19, 21, 25, 34?
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
If we’re being real, then probably more than one. But I’ll just go with the big two here.
I would definitely say The Vampire Diaries fandom because while there were a lot of great and really nice people in there, there was also SO MUCH FUCKING NEGATIVITY AND HATE TOWARDS NOT ONLY CHARACTERS AND SHIPS BUT THE PEOPLE WHO DARED TO LIKE THEM. When everyone was shitting on Elena and Hayley and The Originals and Cami and the actors and everyfuckingthing else I got more than a little fed up. Also some of the fanfic community got pretty nasty and it was like people would come into fics written about ships they don’t like just to leave reviews being assholes about the characters and ships they don’t like and I’d be sitting there like well I wrote this story about these people because I like them and this fic is clearly labelled as prominently involving them, now please get off of my lawn. There was definitely a lot of positive reviews, but also a lot of negative ones that were by no means constructive criticism.
And same goes for The 100 fandom. While a lot of the people are great and nice and not the problem, there was also so much goddamn ship war stuff going on with people who ship Clarke with Lexa pitted against people who ship Clarke with Bellamy and they were just tearing each other apart over everything and seemed against the people who ship the other thing more than even the pairing and I was just sitting there in the middle liking both combinations and so fed up with both sides of the fandom. My dash on my 100 blog was basically just a mixture of both sides of the argument and people saying snarky things about the people who ship the opposite so I kind of gave up. The hating on specific characters and going after people who enjoyed those characters was to a lesser degree in this fandom than in the Vampire Diaries one, but I was definitely still seeing much more of it than I would have preferred.
Okay, fine, I’ll throw in a third thing here. But this one is less about regretting joining the fandom and more about being fed up with the whole Dean is confirmed canonically bisexual and nothing you can say is going to change that and he is as much representation as Clarke, the only actually confirmed bisexual main character on a CW show (unless something has changed recently, but certainly at the time that this was prominent on my dash this was the case). Some were even saying that Supernatural was so brave for making Dean canonically bi. The other thing that got on my nerves in the fandom was that some people who ship Dean and Cas would just shit on anyone who did not ship them or dared to say something other than it being canon. I know people who have left the fandom because of this exact thing.
Do I enjoy the idea of bi Dean? Sure. Have I written slash fic involving Dean? Yup. Is he canonically a bisexual character? No and the show making a running joke of making him almost have some kind of gay or bi dynamic with other dudes while always keeping it safely confined in the heterosexual package of it being just a joke and Dean being the lady’s man heterosexual and having to reestablish that to effectively destroy any lasting idea that he might ever really have any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with another man is not the show being brave. It’s trying to get credit for being bold and raising the possibility that Dean could be anything other than heterosexual, while making sure not to piss anyone off or lose any viewers by being sure to backtrack and reestablish him as a manly man only interested in women to make sure nobody can get upset. It’s classic queer baiting.
And as for the Dean and Cas part I used to ship them and I have written many fics of them, but I do significantly less now and in large part because the toxic attitudes of some Destiel shippers kind of spoiled it for me. And I know there are plenty of Destiel shippers who are nothing but kind to others and 100% are not the problem, but there are also a shocking amount of Destiel shippers who seem to have a complete lack of respect for other Supernatural fans with a different opinion. It is perfectly okay to watch the show with the belief that Dean and Cas are together, it’s perfectly fine to ship them and not agree with other people’s ships, it’s not okay to just attack people on a completely unrelated post about how they’re wrong. It disgusts me how some people just personally attack others for saying something about a ship that goes against theirs and it reflects poorly on the Destiel fandom as a whole and this kind of the thing is exactly how people who are being perfectly respectful to others end up getting harassed as part of ship wars. And I did not mean to go on for this long, or really at all, so I’m just going to stop now.
Anyways, hopefully I didn’t just dig my own grave and piss anyone off, but let’s move on now…
12. Who is your current OT3?
Definitely Jarlett (Charlie/Jason/Connor) for Revolution although I also at times get quite invested in planning out Miles/Bass/Emma stuff. 
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Your guess on this is as good as mine. Maybe Chase/Zoey from Zoey 101? Or maybe it was Holly/Vince from What I Like About You before that? Or Gordo/Lizzie from Lizzie McGuire? I don’t know, man. Something from when I was under age 10 or 11. Either way it is no longer my otp and some of my shame has been drudged up with this question.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
There is definitely at least one like that and I feel like I may have told you about them before, but I so cannot think of it now. But it’s something where the whole fandom is all oh they’re the cutest and the best and this couple is the whole fandom’s baby and I’m just sitting there totally indifferent to it. It’s not even that I dislike them, but I don’t get the chemistry and wish I could understand what everyone else is so excited about. I currently can’t remember the fandom, let alone the pairing though.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
You know this one. It was that really shitty What I Like About You fic that I deleted years and years ago on account of having written it at eleven and it being just awful. And then the Criminal Minds stuff started after that and then a bunch of other fandoms after that. At least my other old writing on the old account I don’t feel the need to erase from existence, but I am definitely glad that first one is gone.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Shit, man. How am I supposed to measure this? Like by view or favourite/kudos or review or what? Ah, I’ll just look back through at how things look at first glance and wing it from there.
Okay, there is a clear winner. But does it really count as most popular if I have hella reviews, but also a portion of them are just people complaining that there weren’t the pairings they wanted and saying “No offense” then literally accusing me of ruining even the thought of a character for them, and saying they didn’t like the chapter at all and then proceeding to complain about things that happened in the show unrelated to the fic they are even reading? Plus one glowing review that says “The story wasn’t that bad.”?
Okay, but honestly it also had a lot of really positive reviews that by far outnumbered the non-constructive negativity (although the bad reviews definitely remained stuck in my head) and it wasn’t one of the fics with the worst negativity, so I’m going to have to go with that Vampire Diaries fic where they were playing truth or dare. I probably never would have finished if people hadn’t responded so overall positively to it and even if I had, it certainly would not have been as long.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
That would be a Damon/Elena human AU (with a lot of background pairings too) that was 123,329 words.
#Vanessa's shame 2.0#captainamericacivilwhore#Ask#Personal#But yeah while there were so many positive reviews in that bigger fandom this also kind of reminds me why I made the new account to post#fanfic on and why I became so invested in the far kinder even if far smaller Revolution fandom#The reviews on my Vampire Diaries fics were in large part an influx of kind ones but there was also a sizeable portion of straight up hate#reviews and those were the ones that stuck in my head and probably a good portion of why I haven't updated any of those in so long and why#I no longer write stories for that fandom or use that fanfiction account anymore#I mean there is constructive criticism which I understand but then there is just being rude and that's the stuff that really got to me#This is also part of why I hide my shame and don't link to my other fanfic account or tell people what it is#Although maybe one day I eventually will get over the embarrassment and let everyone see my old work#Also I got accused of being hypocritical for shipping Klaroline and still thinking Damon literally compelling Caroline into that whole#creepy brainwashed relationship thing was wrong because Damon had grown a lot since first season#And it's like sorry nope still against the rapiness even if that was a while ago and the character grew#Sorry but Klaus was about giving Caroline what she wanted and giving her a choice expecting the inevitability of them ending up together#but allowing for the possibility that they don't end up together and he did things for Caroline wanting her to be happy#Damon literally trapped Caroline in a relationship through brainwashing and made her do his bidding for him and fed off of her blood and#all this after the waking up the morning after sleeping with him dead afraid and trying to quietly escape her bedroom to get away from him#thing#Plus he was dragging her away from all her friends while they were mad at her for being with him and excuse me for thinking she might still#be a little bitter about that regardless of what has happened since then#Even if I like Damon he did a terrible horrible thing to Caroline and that doesn't just go away#And I have gotten way off track and did not mean to rant about this so I am just going to stop now
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