#yuta ideal type
lagoonalake · 4 months
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For Mark and Haechan see NCT Dream ideal type
Personality: 7 of swords, ace of swords, 10 of cups
Someone very intelligent, that he has to figure out like a puzzle, with many layers, witty, someone who he’d have to read between the lines, analyze. And he wants his partner to be analytical too. Someone family oriented who understands him. He is looking for emotional security and from his point of view, this isn’t something that is easy to obtain, and he thinks he has to be very cautious with people around him. He’s the type to subtly test his partner, especially with trick questions, so his partner has to be clever but honest too. Someone who can get his humor, hold a conversation, be playful and nuanced, tactful, diplomatic but incisive, perceptive, insightful. Someone who likes to talk, who is looking for something serious.  gemini, virgo, mercury, libra, cancer
Appearance: the fool, 10 of swords, the star
Softness and innocence. An open face very easy to read. A very expressive person. Round eyes, cute face, pale skin, small full features, a demure kind smile, coy body language and expression but cutely seductive, long hair. Probably younger than him. High pitch voice. Could be someone who looks a bit anxious or overwhelmed at times, that he’d want to protect or reassure. Petite, short. Kind generous, friendly smile, a breath of fresh air and just looking at this person would warm his heart and make him feel hope. Someone who likes hugs, is very touchy, looks huggable.  cancer, mercury, gemini, virgo
Turn offs: 6 of wands, king of wands, 4 of wands
Attention seekers, people who are very loud, self centered, showing off and bragging (he finds it pathetic and desperate), party people, people who are lead by their ego, makes stupid decisions because of their pride without taking others into account, someone who would try to boss him a round. negative leo, aries, sagittarius
Personality: 5 of pentacles, 6 of cups, the devil
He is attracted to people who need help, who are a bit vulnerable, lost, melancholic, lonely, sensitive and he wants to give them love and make them feel safe and protected. However this is also a manipulation technique on his side, it could be subconsciously. But while he is truly caring, comforting and generous, and would protect and take care of his partner, he also expects them to be “his”, to not need anything or anyone else but him. He is clingy and wants a clingy partner too. His relationships tend to be codependent, both emotionally and when it comes to money as well. He wants to be the provider.  pisces, cancer, scorpio
Appearance: 8 of pentacles, knight of pentacles, the hermit
He prefers people who are loners, isolated even, possibly outside of the kpop industry. It could even be someone poor. He is attracted to someone who looks like they are struggling, sad, wounded, an energy that is slow but in movement, a hard worker. He could like to see someone focused on their task, could be aroused by sweaty people, there’s something about the messy, survivor look that is attractive to him. Natural beauty, more earthy and sensual. More stoic expression, private and a bit tough. virgo, capricorn, scorpio, mars
Turn offs: 5 of pentacles, 6 of wands, page of swords
There is an issue with money. This is very specific but he doesn’t like someone who is struggling (especially financially) but is able to overcome it on their own, or even who seems to not mind it too much that they are struggling, who is more go with the flow type and has a more light-hearted approach to life. Someone who if he would propose his help would answer “oh no thanks I’m good! :)” and kinda laugh it off and not play into the needy victim/savior dynamic he’d try to apply. Someone a bit too independent and clever. XD sagittarius, virgo, aquarius, gemini
Personality: 10 of swords, 10 of wands, ace of wands
Someone with a lot of experience, who went through a lot, actually who went through hell and back. A self starter, someone who has a lot of responsibilities, has always worked very hard, started at the bottom and build themselves up, there is something he really admires about that. Someone who maybe has failed but was always able to bounce back and who had to do it on their own. Definitely an artist, someone with a flamboyant energy, a boss, very liberated and independent. Very creative and inspiring. Sexy, passionate.  aries, capricorn, sagittarius, mars, saturn
Appearance: 3 of wands, 2 of wands, 2 of swords
Could like a foreigner. Thick and muscular, the thighs especially are very shapely. A dancer, someone who works out a lot, big booty. Someone with a lot of vitality, always in movement, who never seems tired. Someone who looks intelligent and like they have depth, despite their more overtly sexy appearance, they should look intelligent too. And like they can see through bs, not a naive fresh face. Could prefer someone either older or the same age but not too young. Someone who seems in control, structured. Could like sexy business style. Tan or dark skin. taurus, capricorn, mars, sagittarius, jupiter
Turn offs: 2 of cups, 2 of wands, temperance
Codependency, a partner who is too clingy, a bit too demonstrative with their love, too passionate, a bit dramatic with their emotions, displays of emotions in general, someone who wants to do everything with him, be with him 24/7, someone a bit too passive, someone who is into meditation and spirituality or manifestation techniques, healing lol, he really doesn’t buy into these things and believes in hard work, people who are too complacent with others and themselves, he's more like “just do it” and sucking up your emotions basically. XD all water signs especially cancer and pisces, libra, taurus
Personality: 2 of swords, ace of cups, 9 of wands
Someone very calm, mature, measured, cautious. Thoughtful and patient, who will think carefully before taking action. Very fair and objective but will always act with compassion, will always follow their heart in the end. Realistic, who went through a lot, who has experienced difficulty and is now prepared, has learned from the challenges they went through. Someone who won’t be fooled easily, who will require patience from him. And he himself isn’t the type who would open up easily to someone so he also need a person who understands caution, who will have enough depth and patience to get to his heart. An empath. scorpio, libra, virgo, capricorn, pisces
Appearance: 9 of wands, king of pentacles, empress
Someone who at first glance could appear a bit cold, or reserved, a bit on the defensive. A bit more conservative, not too revealing (he likes the mystery and when things are left to the imagination, he also doesn’t want to share XD). Rather slow energy, calm movements. Grounded and stable. Sensuality, curves, a more traditional timeless beauty. Healthy complexion, very feminine, lush and strong body, the type you want to touch. Someone who once you get to know them would look more soft and radiant, with a very warm smile. Could hide their beauty a bit or only want to show it to their partner. Long hair. Short height. Warm earthy colors, browns, oranges, gold, pink, green. Natural smell is very pleasant and soothing.  capricorn, taurus, virgo
Turn offs: 2 of wands, 9 of swords, the star
Hyperactive people, people who can never sit still, fidgety, nervous, chronic complainers, people who act impulsively and then are overwhelmed with anxiety, chaotic, messy people, people who overthink everything, who are incapable of making a decision, who always needs external advice, validation or reassurance, people who don’t seem grounded, people who cannot be in the present moment and are always in their heads or planning for/worrying about the future or reminiscing on the past. People who are a bit disconnected with reality. sagittarius, gemini, aquarius, uranus, cancer, aries
Personality: death, the fool, the hanged man
Total and complete healing. Something new. Someone with a lot of depth and innocence, positivity, who would heal him, hold his hand during the whole transformation, love him as he is and help him accept himself. He wants the fairy tale! Beauty and the Beast style. Someone who has a go with the flow type of energy, spontaneous, youthful, a bit childlike not necessarily in age though, just someone who will always remain in touch with their innocence. Optimistic, compassionate, who always sees the good in people. Someone who could seem naive at first but is actually deep, accepting and understanding. Someone who sees life differently than he does, who would offer him a different perspective that would change him. He wants to run away and explore all that the world has to offer with a romantic kind partner. He’s really romantic himself.  pisces, aries, pluto, libra, jupiter
Appearance: knight of wands, 4 of swords, 5 of wands
Someone who looks a bit wild, more masculine than feminine. Not concerned about looking pretty. The type who doesn’t take much time to get ready in the morning. A natural look, short hair, messy style. Very warm, expressive face. Wider features. Warm bright colors, red, orange, yellow. Someone who is authentic, who is easy to read, even a bit loud about what they feel/think. Who has a bit of a warrior look, a bit cocky, rowdy, brave. Probably would make the first step towards him. Cute and strong. Laughing eyes that can look a bit fierce, challenging. Strong eyebrows. aries, sagittarius, jupiter, leo, mars
Turn offs: the emperor, knight of pentacles, knight of wands
Selfishness, people who are too independent, who wouldn’t be ready to help or accompany him, for him relationships are not about being separated, it’s about union, so there is no place for ego, pride, or wanting to control the other person. People who are too serious and slow, who don’t express anything, who are overly rational, too concerned about what’s practical, realistic, who wants to operate within a “structure”. Boss CEO type of energy. When the loud fiery energy he likes becomes loud controlling energy. negative aries, leo, capricorn, taurus
Personality: the devil, 5 of pentacles, the sun
He wants to first share a secret or a wound, a deep intimate truth to breaking the ice. He has a way to see through people’s masks and know how to pick the ones who would understand him. So someone who is a bit wounded, a bit sad. Ready to completely let loose, abandon themselves to him, maybe with the help of substances. And then start a new beginning together. Someone committed to the path of healing. Willing to be vulnerable and completely honest and real with him, someone who is quite sexual too, someone who could be a bit brooding but also combative and determined. Someone who could really connect with their dark side, their flaws, honest with themselves. Probably an artist or another idol, someone from his environment who understands what he’s going through. scorpio, pluto, capricorn, pisces, neptune
Appearance: 4 of cups, 3 of swords, 5 of swords
Someone who looks a bit sad, melancholic, bored, with a lazy sort of beauty, nonchalant, not necessarily very friendly or smiley. Golden skin tone. Someone richly or stylishly dressed, sophisticated, accessories, jewelry, intricate patterns, original and artistic but stylish. Long or big black hair. Slim, tall or gives the impression of being tall. Modelesque. Striking eyes, big almond shaped eyes. Probably another idol.  capricorn, taurus, all water signs, aquarius
Turn offs: the emperor, 7 of wands, 5 of pentacles
Someone who is too much in their ego, incapable of being honest with themselves, in denial about their shortcomings, someone controlling, competitive, on the defensive, pushing people away. Someone who always sees what is lacking but never what they already have. Obsessed with control, status, securing their place, a bit paranoid. Never satisfied and overly ambitious, never stopping to appreciate life. Someone who doesn’t treat others as their equal, who positioned themselves above others always because they feel weak otherwise.  negative aries, leo, scorpio, capricorn
Personality: knight of cups, page of wands, page of cups
A youthful, romantic partner who is full of life. Someone innocent, who wants to go after their dreams. artistic, kind, compassionate, who likes animals. Funny and adventurous, eager to explore and learn about the world, live their life, spontaneous, who would help him let loose or have fun. A breath of fresh air. Most likely younger than him or just very youthful, innocent and spontaneous. But I think younger because this seems to be someone who hasn’t been touched by the darkness of life. And that’s what he wants, to reconnect with a light-hearted version of himself, someone optimistic who thought everything was possible in life, who had no limits, believed in the power of love and would follow their heart. pisces, sagittarius, leo, neptune, jupiter 
Appearance: ace of pentacles, page of cups, the devil
He could be into the really innocent pure looking type of people, who doesn’t seem to have much experience. Cute, youthful, kind, round faces, big round eyes, soft skin, soft looking in general, a more simple, natural look, shorter hair, simple outfits. For some reason I feel like he loves looking at his partner wearing a swimsuit. Petite or small frame. Artistic style.  cancer, pisces, mercury, gemini
Turn offs: 10 of wands, king of pentacles, 2 of swords
Someone who is always busy, with a lot of responsibilities, someone who could have a higher status or earn more than he does, who would be the provider in the relationship, someone who is very mature (he seems to prefer younger partners), someone who is too structured, too in control, someone who is too much of a thinker, he prefers someone who is lead by their emotions and who is more spontaneous rather than someone who thinks too much or who is too cautious, too logical.  capricorn, saturn, aquarius, virgo
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anqelically · 1 month
FEATURING. yuta okkotsu, yuji itadori & megumi fushiguro
WARNINGS. gn!reader, fluff with a pinch of angst in yuji’s
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loving YUTA OKKOTSU feels like enjoying a sweet piece of candy. you love the way he looks at you, eyes so full of love and admiration that they’ll almost burst. and as if how he looks at you is not enough, he makes sure to treat you like you deserve the world. thought through carefully, every action he takes for you is embedded with his endearment.
being in love with him makes you feel as if you’ve gotten a sugar rush. when the two of you spend time walking through parks, hand in hand, all yuta can do is try to match your energy.
you point out the flowers you find the most beautiful and, without missing a beat, yuta always picks them out for you. it’s a win-win because not only does it make your day, but it rewards him with your rejuvenating smile and a kiss on his cheek.
even when there’s a long distance between the two of you, he doesn’t fail to show his affection for you. through the small screen of your phone, yuta sends you his good morning and good night kisses. and when you call or text him and ramble about what you did that day, there’s always a small, sweet smile on his face, whether you see it or not.
it’s the type of love you would see on television when you were a child, almost fairytale-like. it made you excited for what was to come because even if you didn’t know what it was, you knew you had yuta on your side, holding you close.
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being in love with YUJI ITADORI feels like rereading your favorite romance novel. yuji’s words and actions make your heart flutter, just like the book that sat right on your bedside dresser. if your happiness was one person, it would be him, without a doubt.
falling in love with yuji is sweet. you always admired him behind the scenes without him knowing. he treated everyone with kindness, even if he didn’t know them. and when he encountered those who were unkind, such as bullies, he gave them a taste of their own medicine without hesitation.
when you accidentally dropped a few mangas you were buying at the local bookstore, yuji was the only one to help you. he smiled kindly as he held your mangas, telling you that he’d carry them until you checked out. he’s a gentleman with the ability to make your heart skip a beat.
yuji knows how to treat you right, in his own, silly way. he’ll handpick you a few flowers, for example, though he’ll present the neat bouquet to you in his dirt-stained clothes. and when you’ve had a bad day, he’ll show up to your home and cook you a meal. you can only giggle when he presents you with an egg omelet with a large smiley face drawn in ketchup.
and like the main character in a story, he suddenly dropped out of school and moved to tokyo. he told you about the new curse that resided in him, and that he now had a bigger duty to fulfill. the thought of it saddened you, but you supported him.
through the few times you got to see him in person, the calls, and the messages, he always makes sure that you remember that he loves you. he holds your hand and kisses your lips like it’ll be his last. it feels as if it were straight out of a book. and because you’ve read it before, you already know the ending.
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MEGUMI FUSHIGURO’S love feels like enjoying a cup of soft-serve ice cream. although cold, it’s sweet once you get a taste of it. megumi certainly doesn’t look like the type when you first meet him, but he’s softer than you would think, especially when he has feelings for you.
he never went out of his way to speak with you when you first met. you were classmates who conflicted often due to different ideals and ways of doing things, so he opted to only speak to you when he needed to avoid any potential argument.
but when you risked your life to save his on a joint mission, he knew that it would only be rude for him to continue ignoring you. megumi checked in on you as you recovered from your wounds, and he helped you in the most subtle ways.
you were too kind, so much so that it reminded him of his own sister. you were so nice that it got you hurt often. even if the chances of you surviving a fight seemed slim, even if he told you to run away and stop being an idiot, you would choose to fight anyway.
and when you got scratches and minor wounds, he’d hold you gently as he bandaged you up. megumi would scold you for being so reckless, but you giggled because there was nobody more reckless than him.
the way he loves you is quiet, and sometimes his acts of service go unnoticed. but even if you don’t recognize it, he’ll do it again and again. megumi cares, and he doesn’t bother to announce it to the world because as long as you’re happy, he feels the same.
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NOTE. i will definitely make a part 2 but with the jjk men trust !! and maybe a bsd ver :)
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maissafespace · 1 year
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Fast Learner.
Yuta Okkotsu x Reader
Request: Yuta being taught how all kinds of sex works by one of his old teachers?(basically, the reader is older than him by like ten or five years, but they are both legal age)
Warning: age gap. reader is 27 and Yuta is 19, inappropriate superior-student relationship, smoker!reader explicit NSFW. virgin!yuta, horny!yuta, unprotected sex, creampie, foreplay. fingering, oral sex female and male receiving, cum eating, light choking, face fucking, deepthroat, praising kink, dry humping, grinding, impregnation thoughts, sneaky sex, dominant!yuta (later), breeding kink.
WC: 3.8k words.
A/N: Till now I don't know if you meant teaching sex work as blowjobs, oral sex, positions and all or about sex work. I went with the first anyway. Hope y'all enjoy it tho. Like and reblog would be amazing. Requests are still open even if i take some time in making them, have patience with me lol
part 2.
Masterlist - Masterpost
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Let's start with the fact that your relationship wasn't supposed to end up this way. You were his superior, kind of, Gojo was under Yaga, you were under Gojo and you had Yuta under you for a favor to Gojo.
The hierarchy was confusing, but you knew though that whatever was happening between you two was inappropriate.
The first time you saw him you were 26, you had been invited to the graduation into sorcerers for Maki's class, there you had seen him for the first time.
The prodigy child, the cursed child that Satoru had been pestering you about meeting, was not that much of a child anymore. When he introduced you two to one another you could appreciate the sweet eyes up close, his rosy lips and the warmth that he emanated with his entire persona despit the gloomy appearance.
You had initially brushed off the butterflies you had in your stomach when meeting the 18 year-old young man. It must have been the fact that you had not have male contact in a while for work and he was the first new man on sight that was in your parametres of attraction.
That feeling should have dissipated, disappeared and faded with time.
But the complete opposite happened.
Not long after the graduation, Yaga had assigned him under Gojo but as he had too much on his hands with the new young sorcerers and his own clan duties, he decided and notified that he would have passed him to you.
He had told you anyway that he was reliable and responsible, as a special grade he had the same if not more power and abilities than you so that would be ideal as none of you would slow the other down.
You started to pair up together, even in missions where you weren't supposed to have a partner and beside one or two you weren't supposed to. You simply enjoyed each other's company, you talked for hours and hours, he told you about his past, why he decided to follow Gojo and what were his plans for the future, and you did the same, telling him of your past, on your decision to become a sorcerer and your current non existent plans for the future.
You giggled like a high school girl that had a crush with him, often leaning and resting your head on his shoulder, his friendly hugs when a mission was done, whether it was a side-hug, a hug from behind with him inhaling your scent, and you feeling his warmth, his snuggling into your neck, whatever type of physical touch left you wanting more every time.
He had a way with his words that left you speechless more often than you'd like to admit. With compliments and deep talks, making you blush whenever and stay up all night to talk about something even trivial.
Being able to talk about him with everything and only finding understanding was amazing.
His genuine and honest way to say sweet things, talk about feelings, emotions and love was breathtaking for you. How he passed time telling you how love was the purest thing of all and how he'd treat his lover left you imagining how he would be if that lover was you.
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Maybe the first line you both crossed was being in his room so late at night. Out of work hours you two shouldn't be together, you two shouldn't have much to talk about...
still you ended up sitting at the end of his bed, wearing his t-shirt to get out of your uniform, head against the wall with the window door open, your legs were across his lap with his hands caressing them up and down, you turned every puff you took of the cigarette in your hand.
As much as he said he was okay with smoke, you didn't want his room to smell of it and he endured it.
It was peaceful, midnight had passed and tomorrow would have been your day off, for both of you, maybe that's why you accepted his invitation here. That's why you let your guard down.
"The probability to send us both overseas is very slim, Okkotsu. They need at least one of us here." You laughed along, his proposals were definitely a bit dreamy.
"They got Gojo sensei here and all the students, believe me once we tell 'em that they could earn more by sending special grades overseas, they won't let you have time to pack." He said, patting your leg, you puffed out some smoke.
Taking in the smoke. "I'll trust you on your word." Puffing it out.
You looked outside for a few more seconds looking at the grey smoke disappearing into thin air. When you met eyes with him again, he was staring at you, so softly as if admiring your features. Your lips curving up in a bit of embarrassment and his following your lead.
He extended his fingers, your eyebrows furrowing before widening and shaking your head in refusal. "Oh come on, it will be fine."
You snorted at his puppy pleasing face, looking down at the cigarette in your fingers, patting on the top and letting the ash fall down before handing it to him with a sigh. "Don't inhale too much. Make sure to not let it out of the nose, that will burn a lot. It's okay if you cough, only normal."
Your fingers went through a few strands of his black hair, watching him as his face contorted at the inhaled bitter taste, patting your legs. Pulling away with a scrunched up face when he puffed out the smoke, you giggled as he pushed the cigarette back to you. "You did good for the first and last time."
Your lips touched the orange colored filter, taking one last inhale of the smoke before throwing it away out of the window. "How do you get used to it?" His hoarse voice was doing things to you, much that you didn't notice your hand on his chest.
"When you have more to think about than the taste, it's easier the first times. After that you get used to it." Your voice was soft and low, your mind had picked up a few memories from when you had started smoking, not a lot of pride for a 14 year-old.
You sighed after looking at him, closing your eyes, conflicted in the heat that was filling your entire body. You pushed your knees up close to your chest, hiding in them with a groan and he only kept smiling so cutely. "What's wrong?"
You peeked up at him, he leaned closer and closer, his finger gently pushing your hair out of the way. "Fuck..." You tried to stand up only for your wrist to get grabbed and pulled down, his hand cupping your face as your lips clashed and moved with one another.
The smacking echoed, his other hand guiding your waist down, sitting on his lap as the kiss continued with his tongue entering your mouth and moving with yours.
There was something about the messiness of the kiss, the shuddering, the tight grip and pulling... you knew what it was when you managed to moan. "O-kkotsu... wait." He kept kissing you down your neck.
"I'm sure, don't worry about it." He pulled away, those lust and love filled eyes were nothing more than a drug for you to keep going. "I will just- he kissed the palm of your hand- need some guidance, please."
Your lips found his again, fingers brushing through his hair roughly, gripping at roots to move him just the way the kiss could be better, his hands pulling you down against the growing bulge in his sweatpants.
Your hips started to willingly grind on him, his mouth faltering, whimpering and moaning at the action. Rolling up and down his lap, feeling his erection get bigger and bigger, till a hiss escaped his lips, the thightness had been too much. You felt the slight pain of his nails digging into your skin through the t-shirt, his flushed face was perfect along with his half lidded eyes.
At the sight you felt an urge in you, your legs trying to close back together to relieve the amount of lust you were pouring out.
His hands fell from your back and onto grabbing your ass, cupping it perfectly and moving your body as he wished. He pressed you down even more where your clit and folds fully slid against his cock through your clothes. "Ah... Y-Yuta..." His name was sweet honey to his ears, making him only pull you more into him, sending him over the edge.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-!" You muffled his moans and grunts as he came by kissing him. He held you tight in an embrace, his legs shaking a bit and you tried to push off the fact that you could feel his cum and your juices mixing together.
This had to be a one time thing, a spur of the moment thing.
But the fact you didn't cum was making it hard, you wanted to continue, it felt far from finishing, you wanted to feel him in you and have those lips on your body.
It could be a one night thing though, the night was still young for you two.
When his hold loosened around you, there was a look you both found in your eyes, silenced by the lips meeting once again. "Yuta, tonight I will teach you how to please a woman, how to please me... is that okay for tonight?"
"Please do." He was breathing heavily against your lips, your voices reduced to mere whispers. Only you should be allowed to see that look, you should but you probably wouldn't. You will take the most out of tonight.
You pulled away from him, guiding him to sit at the edge of the bed while you kneeled in front of him and between his legs. Seeing the patch of soaking cum on his pants was enough to make your pussy feel in complete heat. Your hand palmed it, feeling it hardening again underneath, the pants and boxers slipped off, meeting your prize.
He whimpered at your tight hold on him, feeling between a thousand emotions, as his hands gripped on the sheets beneath him.
You moaned as your hand started to stroke him slowly, your thumb playing with the tip, spreading around the precum as it fully hardened. He was of an impressive size, he had girth and a slight curve that would be amazing later on, he wasn't trimmed though, his hair matched black and thick.
A nervous chill passed through him as he waited for more, your inspection of him made him ask questions, was he too small? Was he too veiny? Was it because of the hair? He had not known that this would be the day he'd finally have you, there was no reason for him to do so, now he felt-
"Fuck-" He said as the warmth of your mouth engulfed him fully, your tongue playing with the tip, swirling around to taste him, purposefully tracing along the veins around his shaft while one hand stroke the parts you couldn't reach with your mouth.
Everything felt so right, your moans vibrated around him, you could feel the tensing of his legs and you saw the hold he had on the sheets, fighting the urge to fully push you down onto him, feel the back of your throat and see you choke on his cock, that was his recurrent fantasy, the one he jerked off to alone.
You continued to bob your head up and down, your hand abandoning his thigh to find his and guide it behind your head. "Not too harsh, gentle but rough." How could both coexist?
"How is this pleasing you?" He asked in heavy breaths, flushed and embarrassed. A grin taking over your face.
"This is very pleasing to me, seeing you like this, how I make you feel... never hide it from me, I want to hear you." Taking him back in your mouth, you also felt the slight burn of the pulling on your hair.
He moaned freely, calling your name a few times. pulling on your hair more, rubbing your scalp as well, he guided your mouth as if it was nothing but his cumdump, you moaned with him at the thought. The usual timid and sweet Yuta turning into this feral version that was guided by his lust.
He stood up, thrusting his hips into you rather than guiding your mouth, he fucked your mouth, pushing till he could feel the back of your throat, that sent him on edge but he was trying to keep himself straight. Your fingers were digging into his legs, opening your mouth wide and swirling your tongue as best as you could.
You wanted the warm seed, drink it down, feeling the taste of him.
But that wish was up when he pulled back from you, still hard and throbbing, leaning down to kiss the lips that tasted of him.
The kiss was probably the most erotic thing you've had experienced with someone.
The need, the hold around your neck, the full exchange made your thighs clench together, you felt empty as ever. "Can I fuck you?" A short question that had butterflies in your stomach as if it was the most romantic request.
The rest of your clothes went abandoned, thrown towards the door, over his desk and his katana. To his request you stayed down while he went on top, kissing one another while his cock laid on top of your stomach. "You're so perfect, so fucking beautiful..." He muttered against your lips, his hips grinding against yours.
His hand slipped down, passing your stomach, brushing against your throbbing clit, rubbing in between you wet folds till his fingers entered your soaking hole. "That's it, Yuta." Your hand went down to his. "Curl them, just like before, find th- ah!" You stopped as the tips of his fingers had hit right into your spot, a mischievous smile on his face. "Keep going, fuck-" Your fingers went to your clit wanting your orgasm to reach faster whiler your lips locked with his.
He pushed your hand away, pulling from the kiss and leaning down to your pussy as his fingers kept going. He planted a kiss right where your clit was, your teeth greeting in self-control. "I've had so many dreams about this moment." He licked from your entrance up to your clit, your hips trying to grind against his face. "I want you cum in my mouth, ho-"
"Keep fingering me, faster and deeper... like that... lick and suck right here." Two of your fingers parted your pussy, guiding him right above your clit, it was not a bad beginning. "Faster, Yuta, more tongue." But with a bit of advice, he learned fast. He planted you back down as you moved through the stimulation.
"A bit more, babe, I'm right there." You encouraged him filling his tongue faltering a bit as if tired. Your moans and your words made him continue even better, faster and pressuring more. "Shit, I'm going to cum, Yuta-!" He moaned on you sending you over the edge, his fingers felt the clenching around of your walls, he couldn't wait for his cock to feel that as well.
The flow of juice coming down was retained in his fingers as he made you ride all your high to the point where you had to push his head away, when he was sure the orgasm was done he went down swallowing every part of you.
He sat back up, licking the fingers up and down. His cock slapped against your clit, making you jump a little, he was still flushed, looking for you to say something. "Good job, babe, not all men can make a woman cum, but you did on your first try with some instructions." A kiss sealed your words, hunger on his side, satisfaction on yours.
"I want more, y/n." He muttered with a raspy voice. "I want to feel you around me." You leaned back down together.
"You have a condom?" His face broke a little at the question, he didn't and he didn't want it to be the reason to stop now. "Mhmm... that's no good, you should always have condoms when doing this."
You caressed his cheek, brushed through his hair, smiling at his sad look. "But since it's with me, we could do bareback." Your suggestion made his face lit up, you felt his cock twitch a little against you. "Only this time, only with me, okay?"
He nodded, leaning down to kiss you one time before taking himself in his hand and slap the pulsing head against your folds. A wet smack echoing in the room, he trembled a bit. "Take your time, Yuta." You whispered to him in comfort.
Lubricating himself a bit more he started to push in, his fingers dug into your flesh to keep himself from cumming right away at the tightness and warmth. When he filled you fully, he took a few seconds of break, stilling, feeling the walls clamp around him.
Ecstasy shot through him at the situation.
You were with him, he was having sex with you, every and all fantasies he had were becoming true, they were better than he imagined at all. He was even doing it raw, he could get you pregnant if he was lucky, that way you'd be bound to him for your life. He wanted to do that, he wanted you for a long time now.
He started to thrust, grunting at first, he picked up his pace, fast and deep, letting his hunger guide him till your fleshes were smacking together in a way that echoed through the room and accompanied the loud moans that escaped your mouth.
He was splitting you apart, his thrusts growing uncontrolled, as the bed moved with you, the creaking and the hitting of the headboard to the wall were obscene. But at the over sensitivity you felt from the earlier orgasm you didn't care, you just wanted him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Yuta, I'm close again, I'm close." You told him in desperation, he leaned down, your legs wrapping around his waist, his lips falling on yours as he held on the headboard to push as deep as he could.
"I'm going to cum." He breathed heavily. "Fuck- I'm going to cum in you." He ravished your collarbone and neck, while a hand on your part went to your clit, rubbing till you orgasmed, screaming his name, clamping down on him as he fucked you through your high.
A few seconds later after you he filled your womb with thick ropes of cum, both of you covered in a light veil of sweat, his room smelling like sex, and for Yuta... he couldn't have ever imagined to have a first time as perfect as this.
"Y/n, this was perfect, thank you." He leaned down kissing you all over and you couldn't help but smile. Holding him close to you for the rest of the night, reminding yourself this couldn't be more outside of this one time, it was wrong and even if he had initiated there was a power imbalance.
So you held him, as both of you fell asleep hugging each other.
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Maybe you two weren't on the same page after all.
You had left his bed and room in the middle of dawn, to not be caught by the servants of his dorm nor by anyone else that could be up at early in the morning.
Nothing happened much when you two met each other again in front of Yaga for another mission , nothing happened during the mission as well, nothing happened when you were walking back, there was the normal conversation you were used to have, but it was as if last night had not happened at all.
You didn't know whether to feel relieved or hurt by it.
But as you returned to your dorm, not so alone, your clothes were scattered on the floor, your lips locked with his as he rutted back into you.
Your resolve was gone.
A couple of weeks passed by sneaking around, whenever you could the both of you would just pass that time onto each other, whether it was fucking or just passing time together, everything was far more intimate and comfortable.
He had the habit of tracing your curves or cupping your breasts, he had grown confident to barely wear clothes around you as well.
He had also gone beyond the things you taught him, he took the lead right after the second time, he had you beg underneath him but he still searched for your approval in everything he did, you couldn't help it, he was just so good for you.
But you wondered if it was simple infatuation or something that could blossom into a relationship... those questions came to a halt when it was informed to you that you were now authorized in overseas sorcerer's affairs, meaning what you and Yuta had discussed had just become true.
"You know, the moment they'll get to know about you, they'll want your head." Satoru commented as he walked next to you to the fence. It was true, Yuta was part of a clan, he was special so whatever association was to be decided by others not him, certainly not you as his former teacher, it was proably suggested someone of the Zen'in or Gojo or Kamo clan to strenghten the bloodline, not you. You were becoming an incovenience and if you didn't back off like always the elders would take matters into their hands.
"You think I don't know?" Smoke escaped from your lips, rolling your eyes at him. "He told me he did that request before we ever got involved that way."
"Do you believe him?"
"I do. " You said truthfully. "And you know, I will blame you for all of it, he wasn't supposed to be under my wing, I did it to do you a favor." You muttered, the smoke making you find some comfort outside of Yuta's arms.
"Ehhh... that's true. Never could have imagined my distant relative wanted to stuck his little dick into you."
"He's not little." He snorted, it was supposed to be a silent thought, you whined at his laughing. "Shut up. Just tell me what you wanted to say, I need to pack my things."
He sighed, hands in his pockets. "I mean, the kid is young, things can change just don't be hard on him, I'll try to cover up everything from here but I can't do more than that." He said seriously and you nodded in understanding. "And also when you come back for the holidays don't bring any mini-Yuta or mini-you." He just put his hands up at your glare. "I'm saying, if that's your dirty talk, it won't take long to come into fruition."
He was right to some extent, there wasn't a single time where Yuta had worn a condom nor indication that any of you two wanted him to, he came at least once in you every night with words that left little to nothing to the imagination, it was more of a breeding kink you both had and the fact you both looked to a future together that turned you on during sex.
"Goodbye, Satoru." You said flicking him off, throwing the cigarette away.
It was time to start packing because tomorrow Yuta and you would be traveling into a new life together as sorcerers partners for God knows how long. Just the two of you.
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astrasrebloggedfics · 7 months
Saved Misc Fics
Idiots In Love
Vampire Drinking Wrists
Don't Cry-Sukuna
Fluff Alphabet P-Inumaki
Meeting Suguru At A Wedding
Tie My Tie, Marry Me-Nanami
Married To Nanami
Priest!Geto x Succubus!Reader
Sukuna Reincarnation
Sentenced-no fandom
Boys Who Lose Themselves
Men Who...
Unnamed Smut
Just The Tip
Service Subs/Pampered Subs
Men who get off on your pleasure
Can't Go One Minute
Fucked Dumb
Sitting In Their Laps
Dry Humping
Hero & Villain
Boys Who Can't Control Their Moans
Eating You Out
Random Smut
Dad's Best Friend
Men Who Fuck You Hard and Stupid
Men Who are Much Bigger Than You
Older Boyfriend
Pretty Boys
Want him whimpering
Men Overstimming Themselves
Big Needy Boys
Spoiling Your Baby Boy
Boys Who Like To Breed You
No Volume Regulation
Submissive Good Boys
Smile For The Camera
Sub!Yandere (soft of NSFW?)
Pathetic Yandere Boys
More Sub!Yandere (no nsfw?)
Pathetic Sub!Yandere Boys
Even More Pathetic!Sub Yandere Boys
Sex Time loop
Pathetic Men
Bratty Disobedient Subs
Tough Men Who Get Whiny
Men Who Eat Pussy Like It's A Religion
Men Who...
Being On Top
To The Men Who... Their First Time
To The Men Who... Like It When You're On Top
To The Men Who... 'Hate' When You're On Top
Lazy Sunday
Until My Mind Is Fuzzy
JJK Misc Characters
Brothel Owner Geto
Needy/Whimpering Men
Dating Nanami Kento
Spoiled Brat-Yuji
Masturbating to You-Yuji
Ideal Love-Yuji
Back To You Satoru x Suguru
Priest Geto
-Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Sukuna's the Type...
Sukuna Who...
Sukuna's Favorite Concubine
Edging Nanami
I Love You
Subs (nsfw)
Couldn't Wait (NSFW)
Don't Think (NSFW)
Don't Cry (NSFW)
Rubbing Her Pussy
Fuck Toy
Mean To You (NSFW)
Needy (NSFW)
Daddy (NSFW)
Only Sounds They Can Make (NSFW)
Calm Boyfriend (NSFW)
Breed Me
Men Who Fuck You Like They're Starving
Adult Store-Geto Suguru
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Hakari and Todo: The Next Generation of Jujutsu
While the Culling Game arc may seem like just a bunch of fighting so far, each fight in the Culling Games has actually made use of the fight itself to further characterize both new and pre-existing parallels. There are a lot of callbacks to past fights, and even foiling between the fighters that may have gone unnoticed. So, to outline some of those parallels, here’s a meta on the parallels the story sets up between Kinji Hakari and Aoi Todo, the third years of their respective schools who buck tradition and fight in an entirely new way. 
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1. The Next Generation
Both Hakari and Aoi are introduced early on in the manga as star students of their respective schools. Hakari is mentioned in the context of being along with Okkotsu Yuta someone who could match or even surpass Gojo, while Megumi brings up that even as a first Grade Sorcerer Todo was able to defeat a special grade curse single handedly on the hundred demons night. 
Especially in the context of Gojo’s speech, these characters are shown to us as both prodigies, but also as unorthodox practicioners of jujutsu sorcery. It’s mentioned early on that third year Hakari is currently being suspended for a conflict with the higher ups. While Aoi’s formal introduction to the manga is about as eccentric as you can get (attacking Megumi for no reason other than finding him boring), also his first few scenes we see him deliberately disobey the higher ups orders to assassinate Yuji during the goodwill event and instead decide to seek out Yuji and judge his merit on his own. 
Their first meetings to Yuji are even similiar. Rather than agreeing to team up with him right away (even though Todo immediately decides they are best friends) both Hakari and Todo test his mettle in what’s both a physical confrontation and a confrontation of ideals. Todo isn’t the type to go easy on his best friend. Hakari doesn’t want to help Yuji if he’s just there on someone else’s orders and has no motives of his own. 
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The reason for their conflict with Yuji is both Hakari and Todo can’t tolerate what they consider to be boring people. Todo’s speech is more of a joke at first, but when Todo is talking about what kind of girl’s your attracted to, and Hakari is talking about the heat, there’s a little bit of an existential meaning in both ideas. Existential in the sense of, thinking about what you live for, what you want out of life, why are you alive? That sounds a bit deep for a series about teenage ghost busters, but what I mean by existentialist in this context is when Todo asks about girls, and Hakari asks about the heat, they are both trying to suss out why exactly their opponent is fighting. I mean how do you spend your days? Do you try to go looking for love? Do you like to gamble and take risk? Those are pursuits that make living something other than just surviving day to day. 
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Hakari and Todo are characters who are focused on enjoying their lives, and as a consequence not only do both of them hate boredom, they also look down on people who live simply obeying orders, or who don’t think about the reasons why they’re fighting. After all, when Yuji says some people just want to live peaceful lives, Hakari doesn’t really understand that sentiment, because he goes out seeking risk, and making gambles because to him, that’s where the fun in life lies. 
What angers Hakari into attacking Yuji, isn’t because he came there asking for help, but Hakari’s perception that Yuji didn’t really think things through and is only here on other people’s orders. (Which is actually kind of true). 
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He only backs down when he realizes despite the fact that Yuji doesn’t have a motivation of his own, and only follows orders, he’s still an icnredibly determined individual. He doesn’t assume the role of a cog because he’s weak willed, but because he’s trying to take responsibility for what he did in the aftermath of letting Sukuna go and rampage in Shibuya. There’s also the fact that Hakari can notice that Yuji does in fact have a fever, even though currently he says that he has no motivation or a purpose,only to fight curses alongside other jujutsu sorcerers in order to keep the whole machine going. So it’s not like Yuji doesn’t have those reasons, it’s more like he isn’t aware of them, which is exactly what a confrontation with Hakari is there to make him start thinking about. 
What makes Todo and Hakari both unique as sorcerers, is that they completely buck tradition and think for themselves. In doing so, they sort of cultivate lives outside of just being a jujutsu sorcerer. They have hobbies. Todo is obsessed with an idol and constantly brings her up in conversation. Hakari has a girlfriend. He’s had girlfriends in the past.  Hakari loves pachinko, and his entire cursed technique is modeled around it, to the point where several elders tried to kick him out because his cursed technique is new and adaptive rather than traditional. They have lives, outside of being Jujutsu Sorcerers. It makes them the exact opposite of someone like Yuji, who is right now resolved to just keep exorcising curses until he serves out his death sentence. 
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Because of this quote, I sometimes joke that Todo is a new age philosopher. The original quote is different, Todo paraphrased.  He adds “However, we are the exception.” It’s a quote from the Tale of Heiki, about how the proud do not endure, and the mighty fall. 
  “The sound of the Gion Shoja temple bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that to flourish is to fall. The proud do not endure, like a passing dream on a night in spring; the mighty fall at last, to be no more than dust before the wind.”
By changing the last two sentence and replacing them with however we are the exception, he’s quoting budhism, a religion in which humility is considered a virute, only to turn it into a symbol of his arrogance, stating that sorcerers won’t fall and endure.” [SOURCE BAD SNAKE971 on REDDIT]
Todo and Hakari are extremely proud and indviidualistic people, but their pride allows them to buck tradition and think for themselves, to reinvent the way a sorcerer operates and figure out for themselves why they are fighting rather than blindly following what the elders dictate. It’s a way of defiance in what is a rotten system in which tradition is used as an excuse to control, and even cut short the lives of the youth. 
2. A New Way of Fighting
As I’ve already established both Todo and Hakari represent the change and defiance the young generation brings to the jujutsu system, by being extremely stubborn, proud, but also very different and unorthodox individuals. Their biggest fights in the series are even against similiar opponents. 
Hakari fights a white haired individual with an extremely powerful cursed technique that’s instantly deadly if it hits you, someone who is one of the most deadly sorcerers in the culling game. Also someone who has beef with Sukuna. They are also someone who fights to kill with little regard for human life, and who shows no mercy in Hajime.
Todo fights a white haired individual with an extremely powerful cursed technique that’s instantly deadly if it hits you, someone who is considered  the most deadly curse in the Shibuya battle incident. Also someone who has beef with Sukuna. They are also someone who fights to kill with little regard for human life in Mahito. 
Hakari and Todo even both lose a hand by the end of the conflict. There’s even a lot of similarities in the way they fight, they’re not ultra serious even when they’re fighting for their lives, they both seem to be enjoying themselves and goofing around. Hakari does a michael jackson dance. Todo blows kisses.  Jujutsu society, is relentlessly grimdark where children are constantly fighting just to survive, but Todo and Hakari are not really grimdark individuals.
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To make a more serious point though, there’s a certain idea in Jujutsu Society perpetuated by a lot of sorcerers (even by Gojo) that the only way is to have a lot of individual strength and always fight on your own. Gojo even pushes his students to fight alone, that ultimately, you’re only going to have yourself to rely on. His speech to Megumi wasn’t entirely about that, but it’s good to keep in mind that everything Gojo does, he does alone, including carry his burdens as the strongest. He’s been that way since the strongest duo broke up. However, not everything is solved by individual strength, and everything is solved by fighting alone. I bring up the way Todo and Hakari fight as being so different from the way other sorcerers fight, such as Hajime just immediately going for the kill, or say Mechamaru not telling any of the other Kyoto kids about the Shibuya day and deciding to fight all by himself in a last stand against Mahito is because they also buck tradition in one more important way. 
As individualistic, proud, rude, headstrong as these characters can be, oddly enough both Hakari and Todo are team players. Todo is actually an extremely good teacher, and a much better mentor to Yuji because he helped fill in a lot of gaps that Gojo left in his rushed teaching. He immediately realizes the kind of teaching Yuji would respond to, sets up goals that Yuji can reach, and even explains concepts Yuji doesn’t know about in a way he can udnerstand by using real world examples on top of that. 
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People skills might seem useless in a world where strength and battle seems often more important, but it’s Todo’s strength lies in his ability to cooperate with others. First, Todo’s cursed technique seems kind of ordinary, the ability to swap when clapping hands, however, when both Yuji and Todo are working in perfect sync with one another it helps them surprise the opponent multiple times in both of the fights they are featured in. Not only that, but Yuji would have never won the fight against Mahito if Todo hadn’t shown up. It wasn’t the fact that Todo is a strong fighter, Yuji’s spirit was utterly broken at that point. 
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Todo reaching out and trying to understand Yuji in that moment, was enough for him to give him the words to keep going. Yuji would have lost all motivation, were it not for Todo’s highly developed people skills. While Hakari we haven’t really seen reaching out to others the same extent that Todo did with Yuji, he’s shown to lean a lot more towards cooperation. To begin with we’re told Kin-chan’s fever burns the hottest when he’s helping people at Jujutsu High. 
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During his fight with Hajime the unorthodox way that Hakari fights by choosing to take stupid risks, and bet things on luck rather than immediately going for the kill, or winning in a contest of strength, makes Hajime start to have fun, and this is a guy who decided to reincarnate 500 or so years later because in his past life all of his fights were too boring. 
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Hakari then promises to help Hajime someone who tried to kill him several times meet Sukuna, and even goes out of his way to return to the mangaka he fought earlier and actually give him advice about his manga. We haven’t seen Hakari use teamwork in a fight to the same extent that Todo does, but despite his selfish nature he’s still clearly interested in other people. His fight ends with him recruiting allies, which puts him more on Yuta’s side of preferring cooperation, rather than Megumi and Yuji who both end their fights either killing their opponents, or with their opponents walking away. 
Suffice to say, there’s a lot more going on underneath the surface of both characters, they’re more than just buff muscle headed weirdoes, and that’s why we love them. Though, we love them for being buff muscle headed weirdoes too. 
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sooniebby · 7 months
IM SO SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION but i was asking if there's a certain thing you added into reader's character that your ocs dont fine likeable...???? 😭😭
(example: not liking reader being short, reader being bitchy)
did that help clear things out? 😭
Yichen — probably the fact you’re too pushy
Vincent — sometimes you get annoying
Eun Jae — you don’t pay much attention to him cuz of work
Yuta — he dislikes dealing with you constantly talking down to yourself
Riki — you bullied him before no matter how much he loves you now, that’ll always affect him
Kimura — in the story.. you say something pretty bad to him that causes him to push you away greatly.
Xavier — sometimes you act a bit too cold that it comes across as mean and rude
Keita — nothing. Reader is his ideal type actually. Maybe the fact you’re also very self deprecating but he doesn’t find it too bad
Mikey — you’re too naive to how people obviously use you
Yubin — your problems with speaking to him about your feelings get him angry sometimes
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Yuta- Nct...Ideal Type
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Body- nice butt, sharp cheekbones, big boobs, short, pretty legs that look good in short skirts/dresses, tattoos, pubic hair
This is a visualized example:
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Personality- He wants someone fun and intense, that would keep him on the edge of his seat, wondering what could happen next. He wants a lover that's not afraid to try new things and experiment with him. I think he wants someone seductive and alluring, a person that could lure him into doing the worst of things. He wants a person with a strong effect on him, a person that knows him like the back of their hand (knows all the ways to pull his heart strings). But, I see he doesn't want a liar or a betrayer, he doesn't want someone that will share his secrets to everybody. And I see that he doesn't even like someone that could feel comfortable sharing their friends secrets with him or others(he finds it distasteful, almost icky). He may like tattoos on his partner. He wants someone with a nice body, who can take care of themself in healthy ways but he doesn't want a person that feels superior to others or put others body down just because they themself look good. He prefers someone that can uplift others maybe even try to empower other women to look like herself (body wise or just health wise). Yuta likes a more dominant woman, no pushover nor doormat, but one who can take care of themself and those in their environment
Sexual Wants- anal, spanking, breast play, breast feeding????, wants to use toys on partner, oral(giving and receiving), threesome, wants to be with foreigners, likes fingering, wants lover to feel tapped out by the end, likes the idea of having an affair or just being with someone he's not suppose to (like a member's sister or his girlfriend's bff)
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svtminji · 1 year
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born in fresno, california, united states
had made frequent visits to japan during her teenage years
is the oldest sister ❪ has one younger brother born in 2004 ❫
signed up for a sm ent. trainee program
was a big fan of s.e.s and that gave her the courage to go into the program
mizuki is very organized and wakes up early than all of the members
is afraid of thunderstorms and thunder
LOVES spicy food
everytime she goes to the states -> leaves with takis
enjoys being in her bed more than anything else
likes horror movies because she gets the thrill of not knowing what’s next
close friends with twice’s momo and mina, nct’s yuta
was supposed to debut in a seventeen female subunit
before seventeen debuted, she would cook the younger members meals and prepare them for their day at school.
often viewed as the mother of the group
in a youtube video regarding children, she mentioned that she never wanted to be a mother at first but know that she has seen how much it really affects her fiancé; she would like to have kids of her own
has bruised and scarred feet due to her extensive training as a ballerina
she has a softer dance style compared to the members but isn’t afraid to step out of that comfort for more hip-hop based choreography
has done choreography for multiple seventeen songs
when asked how she sees herself in ten years, she answered “married, hopefully, and a ballerina.”
announced her relationship with jeonghan on june 22nd of 2022, and got engaged on february 14th, 2023
has been labeled as the prada girl
minji’s ideal type: 2pm’s taecyeon and shinee’s minho
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i have no idea on what to write about fun facts? i did my best TT
@svtminji est. 2023
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m1ckeyb3rry · 10 months
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Pomegranate Ink: XIII
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Series Synopsis: Unable to heal but willing to fight, with a fiancé in Kyoto and a last name that looms over everything you do, you accept an offer to study at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. What you did not know was that your salvation and your ruination alike would soon join you at the school, neatly wrapped in the form of a boy followed by death.
Chapter Synopsis: You learn about Elakshi Sakhare’s past.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 4.9k
Content Warnings: angst, misogyny, naoya zenin, forbidden relationships, canon-typical violence, character death, original characters included
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A/N: this chapter is basically like a crack fic with tiny sprinklings of seriousness in between
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“Well, well, well,” Todo said, looking down at you, arms folded across his chest, “The ideal woman almost died.”
“Seems like it,” you said with a sigh. His first mission had clearly gone much better than yours, as he had Principal Yaga supervising him. The only injury he had to show for it was a bruise on his left bicep, which you did not feel much sympathy for.
“It’s a hollow sort of victory for me, to have beaten you in this way,” he said mournfully, and to your surprise, tears gathered in his eyes. You blinked at him in concern, but he stood frozen still, staring at you and crying.
“Are you alright?” you said tentatively. He let out a loud wail and then flew forwards, gathering you in his arms and squeezing tightly. As you were still lying in a hospital bed, he had to lean down to hold you to his chest, your chin resting on his shoulder as he wrung the life out of you, his arms encircling your ribcage as he began to sob.
“Oh, Y/N, what would I do without you? You are my greatest inspiration, the reason I wake up and train every day, the reason I’m determined to win every battle I fight, the reason I’m able to obtain victory! Without your advice, where would I be?” he said.
“Advice?” you managed to say, which was impressive, considering how difficult it was for you to breathe in his embrace. “When do I give you advice?”
“Ever since I met you, I haven’t even thought about Takada-chan! That’s not to say that I love you or anything, because you’re not really my type —”
“Not this again,” you groaned.
“But how can any sort of romantic relationship compete with what we have? A friendship, a rivalry, a bond forged through the blood of battle and hardened with the fire of camaraderie! And to think, I almost lost such a precious thing! How can you expect me to bear it?” he said. You wriggled an arm free and used it to pat him on the back awkwardly.
“Hey, thanks, Todo, but I really need to breathe, so if you could let go…” you said. His hiccuping drowned out your weak protests, so you resigned yourself to remaining crushed for the foreseeable future.
Nobody questioned the fact that, in wake of what had happened, Noritoshi had wanted to visit you. What was a little strange was that Todo insisted on joining him, but nobody was brave enough to argue with him or tell him he couldn’t, so here he was, fawning over you in the infirmary.
The door creaked open, and a familiar voice spoke. The very sound of it was enough for you to relax, your shoulder slumping. Everything would be alright now; he was here and he would handle things.
“Todo, get off of her.”
“Do not tell me what to do,” Todo growled at Noritoshi, who was standing in the doorway, a single brow raised.
“It’s alright, Todo, I’d like to speak with Noritoshi, if that’s alright. We can catch up another time,” you said. He immediately leapt back and bowed.
“I will take you out for a meal as soon as you are better,” he said before winking rather obviously at Noritoshi. “Keep it PG, okay? She’s still hurt, and I don’t want her to be further injured because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.”
“We’ll be sure to follow your advice, thank you,” Noritoshi said dully, the sarcasm flying right over Todo’s head.
“You’re welcome!” he said before slamming the door shut behind him, leaving you and Noritoshi alone. He waited until the heavy thuds of Todo’s footsteps faded before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry about him. He’s a little dense,” he said.
“It’s fine. The less people that know, the better,” you said. He smiled slightly.
“Yes, I expect you’re right about that. How has he been?” he said. He was genuinely interested, you realized; he actually cared about the mundane in-and-outs of your life.
“Good! He’s been good. Worried for me, of course, but it seems like everyone has been lately,” you said.
“I can’t believe you got Todo all worked up. I never thought he’d be so emotional over someone,” Noritoshi said, crossing the room to sit in the chair beside your bed.
“I can’t believe it, either. He’s a little bit odd, actually. He mentioned being thankful for all of the advice I give him, but I can’t recall ever giving him any advice, so…” you trailed off with a shrug.
“The best way to interact with Todo is to let his words go in one ear and out the other, if I’m being honest,” he said.
“Oh, truly?” you said with a laugh.
“It’s the only way I’ve been able to stand being his classmate for, what, going on three years? Something like that. Let’s just leave it at I’ve had a lot of practice,” he said. You shook your head in amusement.
“Poor Noritoshi. It must be so hard for you,” you said.
“It is,” he informed you, very seriously, “But enough about me. What about you? Todo’s overdramatic as always, but he’s not wrong in saying you nearly died. Both of our fathers are all but kissing the Ferraro girl’s feet for saving you.”
“Tullia! Is she fine, then? I haven’t been able to see her, let alone thank her for everything,” you said.
“She’s doing well, I believe. Last I heard, she was making our clans promise to pay for her college tuition,” he said.
“That sounds like her,” you said. Noritoshi reached over and flicked you on the forehead.
“Quit diverting, though. I’m here to check on you, so I want to know how you’re doing,” he said.
“I don’t know. Logically, I know it wasn’t my fault; Naoya was an awful supervisor, but it remains that I…you know. I’m just so weak, even after everything. I thought I was stronger than this, but it remains that I’m the same weak girl that constantly has to get saved,” you said.
“You’re not weak,” he said. The words felt bitter to hear.
“You’re just being kind to me because we are friends. I should’ve been able to do something, but all I could do was lay there and hope it ended quickly,” you said. Noritoshi gave you a reassuring smile.
“Everyone’s been there. It’s part and parcel of being a sorcerer, but that’s not what defines you. What matters is what you’ll do next. And that’s entirely up to you, by the way — I told our clans as much. Whether you want to continue to risk your life and fight, or if all you wish to be from now on is a healer, I will continue to support you in whatever you decide,” he said.
“Oh, Noritoshi,” you said with a sigh.
“I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say,” he said.
“Do you think I should?” you said. “I feel like I do not deserve it, almost.”
“I think that the girl you saved would beg to differ. Elakshi, did you say her name was?” he said. At your nod, he cleared his throat, looking at the ground. “She is pretty.”
“You think so?” you said with a laugh. “Good for you.”
“No, I don’t mean — well, maybe — stop it! You’re making fun of me!” he protested.
“Only a little bit,” you admitted. “She is pretty. You have my blessings. Is she a sorcerer, too?”
“She says she’ll only talk to you about it. Apparently, she slammed her bedroom door on Gojo’s face when he tried convincing her to open up,” Noritoshi said.
“I guess she trusts me for saving her life,” you said.
“Since you’re feeling up to conversation, I can text Tullia and ask her to bring Elakshi down,” he said. You frowned at him in confusion.
“When did you get Tullia’s number?” you said. It was the most unlikely of matchups: stiff, serious, traditional Noritoshi and absent-minded, irreverent Tullia. You could barely picture them even interacting, let alone actually being friends.
“My father told me I should attempt to align myself with her,” he told you. “Considering she is a great friend of yours, and a surprisingly powerful sorcerer. But she is a strange girl, is she not?”
You snorted. “Understatement of the century.”
“She has a good heart, though,” he said with a firm nod. “That’s what’s important, in the end.”
“That’s also very true,” you agreed with a warm smile. “There isn’t a girl with better intentions out there.”
“Out where?”
“Speak of the devil,” you said, waving at Tullia, who was standing in the doorway and sipping on a juice box, one arm looped through Elakshi’s. For her part, Elakshi seemed about ready to run away, and you had a feeling that, were it not for Tullia’s grip on her arm, she already would have.
“Heya, Y/N!” she said cheerfully. “Glad to see you’re awake! Want a sip? It’s mango! Elakshi got me to try some earlier, and now I’m, like, an addict. It’s better than bleach!”
“A glowing recommendation,” you said with no small amount of sarcasm. “But no, thanks, I’m good. How are you feeling? Elakshi told me about what you did. I don’t — I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”
“Ah, whatever,” she said, waving you off dismissively, “It’s what friends do, you know? Don’t even worry about it. You’d do the same for any of us. Well, maybe not exactly the same, but something similarly equivalent, you know? Like you wouldn’t drink poison because you definitely wouldn’t survive that, but maybe you’d stab yourself or something. Or, wait, don’t go stabbing yourself —”
“I get what you mean,” you said, cutting her off, knowing she’d keep rambling forever if you didn’t. “And you’re right, I would do something similarly equivalent for you in a heartbeat.”
“Cool!” she said. “Oh, Noritoshi said you wanted to speak with Elakshi about something? Well, here’s Elakshi! Warning: she’s not the most stimulating of conversation partners.”
“Thank you for the heads up,” you said. “Elakshi, I think you know why we need to talk.”
“Yes,” she said. “If it is possible for the others to leave us…”
Noritoshi and Tullia exchanged glances before simultaneously shrugging.
“Not a problem,” Tullia said. “I can tell Noritoshi about the colleges I’m thinking of applying to!”
“I look forward to it,” he said.
“And about the application fees…” she said, batting her eyelashes at him innocently. His smile looked suddenly very plastered on.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to work something out with my father,” he said through gritted teeth. She pumped her fist in the air.
“Nice! Say, do you think your family is rich enough to bribe Harvard into letting me in?” she said.
“Er, and how much money would that entail?” he said.
“Oh, a few million dollars…” Their voices grew muffled as the door shut behind them, leaving you and Elakshi alone in the hospital room.
“So. You won’t even tell Gojo if you’re a sorcerer?” you said.
“Gojo is the man with the white hair?” she checked.
“That would be him,” you said.
“Of course not! He is some kind of a devil spawn!” she said. You burst into laughter.
“Devil spawn?” you wheezed out, tears gathering in your eyes at her harsh assessment of the poor Gojo, who was many things but was certainly no devil. “Maki is going to love you! He’s no devil.”
“Only the child of a devil could have eyes so blue,” she said sagely. You considered this.
“Mm, yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe he is a devil spawn!” you said, knowing Gojo would be horrified to hear of someone not utterly charmed by his infamous diamond eyes, which held the power of his clan.
“That is why he keeps them blindfolded? To hide his identity?” she said.
Sometimes in life, there were different roads one could take. There was the high road, the morally correct road, the one you tried to follow until the bitter end. Then there was the devious road, the road that by all accounts you should avoid, the road you never ever took. Not ever. You would rather die than think of doing something that could cause mischief — that was solely in Toge’s realm, not yours.
Or at least usually.
“Yes!” you said in delight. “That’s exactly it! You are verifiably a genius, Elakshi, I cannot believe we did not notice the truth of Gojo’s identity earlier!”
“Thank you,” she said seriously.
“But I am not a devil spawn or anything close to such a thing,” you said.
“That is true. You do not wear a blindfold,” she said.
“Exactly. I am one hundred percent normal, which means you can tell me your story without fear,” you said.
“I don’t know,” she said uneasily. “I have never told anyone about this before.”
You frowned, feeling a sober shift in the air all of a sudden. Whatever she wanted to tell you about was dark, was genuine, was something she had been carrying so close to her heart that it had chased her all of the way from India.
“It’s alright,” you said. “Whatever you wish to tell me, I can promise you I won’t judge. You want to be strong, right? But you cannot be strong without first being weak.”
“It seems like an oxymoron,” she said.
“I know, but in truth power is rooted in vulnerability. Only once you are vulnerable and honest with yourself can you begin to grow,” you said.
“That is sensible,” she said with a nod. “Very well.”
“Do you want to sit?” you said, pointing at the chair beside your bed. She settled in it gratefully, leaning her elbows on her thighs and resting her chin in her hands.
“It started when I was born,” she said. “Yes, I think that’s when everything went wrong — you see, I was never supposed to exist.”
When Elakshi Sakhare was a little girl, her village was set aflame and razed to the ground within an instant. The official story was that it was an out-of-control stubble fire. She wasn’t sure what the unofficial story was, but she had a feeling it was related to the strange, giggling monsters that had been creeping around her home for the past week.
Nobody believed her when she asked about them, saying that she was crazy, calling her a witch. One of the elders claimed that this was what happened when traveling entertainers were allowed to marry into respectable villages such as their own. Bastard children that saw demons in the shadows.
They migrated to a different village, but Elakshi saw that the creatures followed them. She refused to go near them, terror welling in her small body at their maniacal grins. It didn’t matter that her uncle slapped her and told her to stop misbehaving. It didn’t matter that her mother shouted and shouted, begging her to quit it, telling her she was sullying the family name. Elakshi would not budge.
When, a week later, that village burned too, the elders had a meeting. It was summarily decided that this was all Elakshi’s fault; she was the one who could see the demons, so clearly she was the one bringing them along, clearly she was the one cursing every place she set foot in.
Though they were not Christian, it was decided that a convent was the best place for Elakshi. Nobody came to see her off; she was cursed, after all, she was the source of all of their problems. It was a good thing she was leaving. She could not be sure, but she wagered that her mother did not even cry.
There was a party that night, back where the villagers were staying. Elakshi sat in a car, head leaning against the tinted window as she was driven to a nearby convent. She hoped they would be kind. She knew they wouldn’t be.
It was on a day in this convent, perfectly innocuous, blisteringly hot as any summer in India was expected to be, that Elakshi discovered her own innate technique. She was whistling to the parrots in a vain attempt to befriend them, trying to imitate their purer tones, when there was a rustling.
The coil of rope used to lead the cows was moving. At first, Elakshi thought there was a snake, and she silenced herself in fear. But as soon as she stopped whistling, the rope fell to the ground, as if it had never moved at all. So she whistled again, and the rope jerked awake, seemingly waiting for her instructions. She tried to think of a song, and a small smile slipped over her lips as her faintest, earliest memories rose up, the melody of a flute playing over them.
She replicated the melody with her whistle, and the rope was motionless in the air, paying as rapt of attention to her song as her father’s audiences had once paid him.
To her surprise, the nuns believed her when she told them of her fantastical discovery. It was not for lying that she was locked in her room without dinner; it was for heresy. For magic. She had found a power outside of their understanding, though not out of their awareness, and for this she was being punished. Where once she might’ve cried and called it unfair, unfair, now she accepted the moniker of witch as duly as it had been given, knowing somewhere deep in her that that was what she was.
Witch. She was a horrible, terrible witch who’d bring destruction to everyone she’d ever known for daring to stray from the path of goodness, for daring to be born into the world with something so dark inside of her.
She had known the convent would be the next place struck. It was only a matter of time; indeed, it was only a few days into her confinement that the monster attacked the small building. She escaped only by whistling for a rope to aid her in climbing out of her room as it collapsed.
It was a long walk to the city of Mumbai, and in this time, she did not whistle once. It was what had led to her village’s ruin, to the convent’s ruin, and she knew it was only a matter of time before it led to her ruin. She did not dare tempt fate. She had escaped twice, but three was a number with power; thus, there was almost no chance of her surviving a third encounter.
But when she got to Mumbai, she was faced with the cold truth of the world: she was a young girl without much education, without anything but a pretty face to aid her in getting by.
A pretty face, and the magic she had been cursed with. So, at the age of fourteen, she killed a man for the first time.
It was so easy, she could not even figure out what the catch was. All she had to do was convince him to pay for her food and some clothes in exchange for — anyways, it was rather obvious what she’d give him in return. But she never did; instead she whistled the rope in her back pocket into a noose, strung it along his neck, and hung him. He died without much ceremony nor evidence. She later learned his death had been ruled a suicide, for what else could it be?
There were a lot of suicides in Mumbai that year.
However, it was only a matter of time until the monster caught up with her, and her gratuitous use of her magic was likely no help. An entire hotel building destroyed, a shattered crystal chandelier the only remnant of the once grand building.
She survived the third encounter, which privately she believed to be a little gauche of the universe to allow her to do. But it remained that she had pockets full of money and there was a monster loose in Mumbai, presumably intent on hunting her down, so she did what any reasonable person would do in her situation: booked the first flight she could and got the hell out of the country.
“That’s how I ended up in Japan,” she finished. “I got ill on the plane, which is why I was in the hospital. And then the monster followed me, and you and that man Naoya killed it, and I came here with you afterwards.”
“What the hell?” you said, staring at her. She blinked at you innocently.
“Sorry?” she said.
“No, it’s just…I thought my childhood was messed up. Then I thought Yuta’s and Maki’s childhoods were messed up. But yours is just bizarrely tragic!” you said, burying your face in your hands. “Okay, just let me process this.”
“Alright,” she said, completely at ease given what she had just confessed to.
“So you’ve murdered multiple men?” you checked.
“Yes,” she confirmed. “They were the worst sort.”
“That doesn’t mean — actually, no, I suppose I won’t judge you for that one,” you said, deciding that there had been several times you had contemplated murdering Naoya. Indeed, you likely would’ve done so by now if it weren’t for clan politics at work, so how could you blame Elakshi when she had only done it to survive? Besides, if they truly had wanted to take advantage of her, thinking she was nothing more than a powerless little girl, then maybe it was for the best that she had rid the world of them.
“Thank you,” she said politely.
“Right, you’re welcome,” you said. “So there’s that, and then there’s the matter of the curse chasing you. To tell you the truth, I don’t think it was your curse.”
“What? But it was quite literally chasing me. Who else could it belong to?” she said.
“Firstly, the elders. It probably sprung up from the hatred that they had of you, and then the subsequent blame they placed on you for all wrongdoings only created a vicious cycle that made it stronger. After that, I think it was the nuns’ fear that continued to feed it; then, in Mumbai, likely it was the death you were causing that fuelled it further. At that point, it was manifested and attached to you, leading to it following you, as you were an easy and obvious source of the negative emotions that curses require to subsist,” you said.
“But I thought it was my fault,” she said. You shrugged.
“It’s not,” you said. “Your magic isn’t magic; it’s called sorcery. I mean, I guess it’s magic, but not in the way you’re thinking. You and I aren’t witches, we’re sorcerers, and sorcery runs in our veins as surely as blood. It’s a natural part of you. Are you cursed for the air your lungs breathe?”
“No,” she said.
“Then surely you cannot be cursed for this,” you said. “Why would you be damned for the way you were made?”
“That's all I know,” she said. “I’ve never been anything but malevolent from the moment I was born.”
“You’re not malevolent,” you said, reaching out and offering her your hand. She took it unsurely, and you smiled at her. “Maybe none of us can ever really be good people in the truest sense of it, not given what our jobs demand of us, but I think you’re the kind of person I’d want to fight alongside someday.”
“Me? I’m selfish and I only look out for myself. I would not be such a good comrade,” she said.
“Good,” you said with a cheeky grin. “One less person for me to worry about.”
Her eyes widened, and then her expression softened. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“I nearly died saving your life,” you reminded her. “I won’t have you going around feeling all worthless after that.”
“So, what do I do now? I am a sorcerer, it seems,” she said.
“Yes, I think that’s the best way to describe you,” you agreed.
“What do sorcerers do?” she said.
“We exorcise curses,” you said. “Though mostly we go to school first in order to learn how.”
“School?” she said.
“That’s where you are right now. This is the Tokyo campus; privately, I think it’s the better of the two, though I do have, er, fond memories of the Kyoto campus…” you said, clearing your throat as you remembered the exchange event — or, perhaps with more clarity, the nights in between. “Really, you can’t go wrong with either school.”
“Does that man — Gojo, does he teach here?” she said.
“Yeah!” you said. “He’s the best, literally the strongest man in the —”
“Then I think I will go to Kyoto,” she said. You paused.
“Huh?” you said.
“He is unnerving and possibly, even probably, the spawn of the devil,” she said. “I have no great desire to study under his tutelage.”
“I was only joking earlier,” you protested. “Come on, Elakshi, it’d be so fun if you stayed here! You could hang out with Tullia and I, and Maki, and Toge, and Panda, and Yuta, and we’d be the best friend group ever! We could have sleepover nights and steal Gojo’s credit card to fund them!”
“You may have been joking, but I was not. His eyes unnerve me,” she said with a shudder.
“He keeps them blindfolded,” you said weakly.
“I could never trust a man who constantly wears a blindfold,” she said, face apologetic. “I am sorry, Y/N. I wish that we could have had a wonderful friend group built on the foundations of fraud and embezzlement, but I cannot compromise on this.”
“Oh,” you said. “I’ll confess that I’m sad to hear it, but I do know that the people in Kyoto will give you a warm welcome. Say, Noritoshi goes to Kyoto! Noritoshi, come inside!”
The door banged open, revealing a sheepish-looking Noritoshi and a smug Tullia.
“Hello,” Noritoshi said with a dignified cough. “We were most definitely not trying to eavesdrop.”
“Uh-huh,” you said. “Elakshi wants to go to Kyoto.”
“Really?” he said, jaw dropping. “Why would you want to go to Kyoto?”
“That’s what I told her! She’s scared of Gojo,” you explained.
“He’s kind of intimidating at first, I guess, but he’s really a big softie,” Tullia said. “He’s not someone you should be scared of at all, despite the reputation he has.”
“It’s not his reputation I’m worried about,” Elakshi said. “It’s his eyes.”
“I know the Six-Eyes are super powerful —” Tullia began.
“He has six of them?” Elakshi screeched, bolting to her feet and racing out of the room. “Pardon me, but I must leave. Now! Take me to Kyoto now!”
“He doesn’t actually have six eyes!” you called after her. “Uh, Noritoshi, if you could…”
“On it,” he said, striding out after her.
“Is this what it feels like for everyone else whenever I talk?” Tullia said.
“Yeah, pretty much. And just so you know, she’s not scared of his technique or anything. She thinks his eyes are too blue,” you said.
“Oh, she should’ve just said so! That’s a completely valid reason to be scared of Gojo,” she said.
“Honestly? You’re right. They really are creepy if you look at them for too long,” you said.
“Imagine you’re dating him,” she said.
“No, thank you,” you said, interrupting her immediately.
“No, no, just do it! So imagine you’re dating him, right, and one night the two of you sleep together, as couples do. Then, in the middle of the night, you wake up for a glass of water or something, and you roll over once you’re done, and you just see those glowing — those glowing — those glowing peepers right in your face!” she said, dissolving in a fit of furious giggles. You shoved aside your disgust, earnestly trying to picture the scene and finding yourself letting out a laugh as well.
“That’s horrid. Maybe it’s the reason he hasn’t been able to keep a girlfriend,” you said.
“Entirely possible,” she said. “Anyways, we weren’t really that successful in eavesdropping, so what’s the scoop on Elakshi?”
“She’s had a hard life so far,” you said thoughtfully.
“Is that so?” she said.
“Yes,” you said. “Honestly, she should also probably be in jail right now, but that’s irrelevant.”
“Um, okay,” Tullia said.
“She reminds me of myself, in some aspects. That’s part of why I wanted her to stay in Tokyo, because I know firsthand how helpful everyone here is. But maybe it’s a good thing she’s striking out on her own,” you said.
“You think?” Tullia said. You nodded.
“I do. It’s important to make your own choices. What is life if you do the same thing that everyone else is? Anyways, I’m sure we’ll see her again, and maybe she’ll be even stronger than you and I by that point,” you said.
“Maybe me, but not you,” she said. “This isn’t meant to be self-deprecating, so don’t go trying to reassure me, but you and I will never be equals.”
“Maybe,” you said unsurely, “But we breathe the same.”
“Huh? No need to get all poetic, Y/N, seriously. I’m fine with being the weaker one,” she said.
“I’m not being poetic,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m the last person to do such a thing. But haven’t you noticed it yet?”
“Noticed what?” she said, though at the furrow of your brow, she quieted down, straining to listen for what you had heard a while ago, from the moment she had walked into the room, in fact.
In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
Perfectly in time.
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20 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 1 year
Hii~~ I hope you're getting better💕 I've been waiting for the inbox to open😊. Your blog is one of my favorite. Take your time, we are only here. For the #tqq, may I request? What are the deal breakers of NCT127 when it comes relationship?
💗 thank you, sweet!
Taeil || queen of wands, tower rx: Attention seeking. Wanting to show off the relationship to everybody. Passive agressive behavior. Stubborness. Acting like they're above everyone else, and that others should change their ways, never them.
Johnny || queen of swords, eight of pentacles: Acting like a know-it-all. Trying to control him or tell him how to do things all the time. Being nitpicky. Being too rational or a strictly mind over heart type of individual. Never being satisfied with anything or never showing any real appreciation for his efforts.
Taeyong || page of swords rx, seven of swords rx: Saying one thing and doing another. Not following through with their promises. Not being able to keep a secret. Gossip; spreading malicious rumours or spreading somebody else's secrets. Constantly asking to check his phone, texts, social media, etc. Doubting him; calling him a liar.
Yuta || seven of swords rx, five of cups: Always shifting the blame. Playing the victim. Bringing up things from their past (bad experiences/trauma/etc) to excuse their wrongdoings. Being overly sensitive and overthinking + overreacting to everything he does and says. Guilt-tripping.
Doyoung || seven of wands rx, king of cups rx: People who constantly run away from confrontation or difficult conversations. Acting weak/helpless so others feel bad for them and don't hold them accountable for their actions. Being emotionally manipulative. Not giving him the chance to voice his opinions and wants/needs. Selfishness. Only looking after themselves.
Jaehyun || two of swords, temperance: Indecisiveness. Being too neutral; never having a strong opinion on anything. Forcing him to walk to eggshells so to not "disturb the peace" of the relationship. People-pleasers. Trying so hard to become his "ideal type" that they end up never showing any real personality and, really, any natural human flaws (which I actually think he likes seeing in a person - "perfect"/"flawless" doesn't seem to be his type, tbh).
Jungwoo || chariot, five of swords: Being too domineering; bossy. People who try to control him and completely lead the relatioship. Aggressiveness. Loudness. Being overly reactive and going straight into arguing and fighting when something minimal bothers them. Mean and violent people, in general. Always picking fights.
WinWin || seven of swords, knight of pentacles rx: Backhanded compliments. Lies. Hiding things from him. Keeping too many secrets. Being irresponsible and lazy; unreliable. Making him do all of the hard work in the relationship. Always asking him about his connections, earnings or career. Asking him to introduce them to this or that famous friend. Basically, doing the bare minimum, but asking for the world in return.
Mark & Haechan: X
45 notes · View notes
kfanopinions · 2 years
★★★ NCT 127 ★★★
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tarot coming soon...
★ Taeil
a to z (nsfw) ideal type (astrology)
★ Taeyong
taeyong ideal type (astrology) as a boyfriend (astrology)
★ Johnny
ideal type (astrology) as a boyfriend (astrology) a to z (nsfw)
★ Yuta
nothing yet
★ Doyoung
nothing yet
★ Jungwoo
nothing yet
★ Jaehyun
ideal type (astrology) as a boyfriend (astrology) a to z [nsfw version] (astrology) drabble - A Cup of Coffee (fluff) jaehyun x fem reader
★ Mark
ideal type (astrology)
a to z nsfw (astrology) reaction - s/o seeing his high school rapper video lyric imagine - face to face (fluff)
★ Haechan
ideal type (astrology) a to z [nsfw version] (astrology)
date someone older or younger date a partner who is plus-sized remember things about their s/o to like a clingy s/o express love through sex
stressed out s/o hearing 'i love you' for the first time liking the same person as a fellow group member
crush having friends who are part of the LGBTQ+ community
nothing yet
97 notes · View notes
oraclekleo · 2 years
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT 127) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Full Name: Nakamoto Yuta
Stage Name: Yuta
Group: NCT 127
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Nakamoto Yuta
(Yuta - NCT 127)
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - 3 of Wands
Yuta’s ideal partner is likely someone buzzing with eagerness and will to explore. They likely have that spark in their eyes which bursts into flames whenever they get interested in something. They are likely no couch potato, more likely they have travelled a good portion of the country or world, they are likely to bare the marks of travelling like sun tan, small bruises or scars and they are likely to walk swiftly and with purpose.
Heart - Ace of Pentacles
Yuta’s perfect match is likely to be a practical and determined person at heart. They have their goals and dreams and their vision is clear about them. They know what they need to do to achieve what they want. This person knows how the Law of Attraction works and when they set their heart on something, they will most likely get it because their will is strong.
Spirit - Queen of Wands
Yuta’s ideal partner is likely a dominant creature, they believe in their strong will and abilities and skills. They are likely bold, fearless and determined, they appreciate the chance to learn something about themselves with each challenge. They are likely healthy and agile, they move through the world with vibrant flair. The person is very creative and quick-witted and will use their skills to enjoy life in the best way possible.
Soul - 8 of Swords
Deep down in their soul, Yuta’s significant other might feel overwhelmed and they might find the confines of society or cultural customs too tight. They might feel like they are prevented from reaching their true potential by their surroundings but at the same time they have enough power to break free and shine above all those ordinary people beyond them. It’s likely that Yuta and his open mind and encouragement might become a catalysator for this to happen.
Time - 7 of Pentacles
The moment when Yuta and his ideal partner meet and fall in love might be a rather short one. Maybe they bump into each other in a convenience store or maybe they meet shortly through an interview (Yuta’s special person might be a journalist). It’s likely this short moment will leave an impact strong enough for the two to stay in touch afterwards.
Place - Knight of Swords
If Yuta and his ideal partner decide to live together, their home is likely to be filled with youthful and enthusiastic energy. Those two are likely to be constantly moving and rushing somewhere, they can’t be stopped. They are likely to avoid too many fragile decorations as they might get broken when they decide to roller skate through the hall or play volleyball in the living room. Yuta and his love are likely to live at high speed and even if staying home, they are likely to be very dynamic. Imagine them joggling with tomatoes before cutting them into salad, or throwing and flipping pancakes in the air, taking a couple bubble baths with water guns. If they have a second floor, they might actually have ropes hanging by the staircase in order to allow them to go up or down a monkey way.
Thank you for reading!
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astroyongie · 2 years
NCT 127 Totem Animal Personality
Note: This reading help us see they personality based on animals totem dealing with one self. Attention, these animals might not be their Spiritual totem animals ! 
Taeil: Mouse/ Taeil is someone timid, discreet that prefers to look at his environment from afar. Sometimes he still feels like a little child on his own mind. He is perfectionist and careful, he takes his time to do things since he doesn’t go well with failure. Since he is someone organized, he doesn’t have the tendency to give up on things. He is happy with the simple things of his life, and he wants to be better on his life 
Johnny: Badger/ Johnny isn’t cared of voicing his opinions, if he has something he wants to say, he will say it even if he knows it will hurt the person. Unfortunately that also makes him prone to be aggressive. Johnny is courageous, he isn’t afraid to take responsabilties and burdens. He will put his body and soul on his projects, he won’t give up that easily for the things he loves. His emotions are his fuels. Meaning even anger can be a source of energy that he will use to move forward. He is a good fighter but careful not to hurt people in your path 
Taeyong: Hoopoe/ Taeyong is someone very intelligent and he will always put his family first no matter what. He is someone that can easily make friends but even that way he doesn’t let people get too close to him. He always runs away when he feels troubles or problems coming to him, since he hates that. Taeyong is someone exigent, genuine to himself and he knows to adapt himself 
Yuta: Dolphin/ Yuta is someone that understands people, however he is misunderstood by many, that includes his own friends and family. Despite everything, he still has a joy of living, he is capable of love and compassion, and he won’t hesitate to help those who come to him in aid. He is smart and magnetic, peole easily get attracted to him due to his looks and aura. Extremely sensitive as well, he has a hard time dealing with positive and negative emotions. He hates people who cheat 
Doyoung: Cat/ Just like the cat, he is a sociable person that looks independence. He has a interesting personality, the type of person that is adorable and gentle, yet so distant. He is curious life and definitely likes to travel around and see new things. He might be attracted to things like astrology, esoterism, spirituality and he would want to learn more about that world. Doyoung is soft and patient by nature, he can adapt himself to every situation
Jaehyun: Stag/ This boy is a sweetness in iron. He is like a strong rock status wearing velvet gloves. Everything he does feels gentle and strong at the same time. He doesn’t show, but he is sensitive, he still has a childish part in him. He gives a lot to the ones he loves like his family, even if it destroys him. he isn’t fragile though, despite his actions he can be someone that isn’t scared of showing his values, his ideals and his point of view. His delicateness is a characteristic but so is luxury and coyness. 
Jungwoo: Red Throat Bird/ He isn’t scared of life and changing like some people think. He knows he has the capacities to adapt himself in everything that life throws him at. Jungwoo is someone that loves to discover, he is adventurous, like to do activities and meet new people. He doesn’t find life boring 
Mark: Inseperables Birds/ Mark is someone very sociable, everyone knows It and he hates loneliness, he always needs to have people around him. He enjoys to live his life in a discreet way. He has the tendency to give his trust to people way too easily which alway sends up badly. He can feel claustrophobic sometimes, he hates small spaces. When he loves, it’s for life in a way, he is someone very faithful to the ones he loves 
Haechan: Cat/ Just like Doyoung, Haechan is someone that values his independence although he loves to be around others. He has his duality to be open to people but also to be closed and cold. Annoying people is a hobby but so is to be curious and wondering about everyone and everything. he believes strongly on the occult work, it’s something that is also part of him. Haechan is patient to a certain level and he won’t attack unless you annoy him first 
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moonlight-yuyu · 5 months
Hi Gigi! Thanks so much for answering! And I must say the ideal type reading was spot on and I guess I learn something new about myself ×D May I request another? Could I please have a % mtl ship with NCT 127?
My placements: Sun, Venus, Mercury - Aries Moon - Leo Mars, Ascendant - Taurus Midheaven, Juno - Aquarius Lilith - Sagittarius
Thank you so much 💗💐
゚:* *:・゚ Thank you so much for requesting ・゚:* *:・゚
♡I hope that you'll like your request and please feel free to leave a feedback so I can imporove myself. If you want another request as well request again. I'm looking forward to it! Have a great day and take good care of yourself And thank you so much for taking up my offer I'm more than happy that I can do something for you in return I really appreaciate you and more work!! Please always feel free to request again♡
★Yours GiGi★
Taeyong 75%
Haechan 70%
Jaehyun 65%
Johnny 60%
Mark 60%
Taeil 60%
Jungwoo 30%
Doyoung 25%
Yuta 15%
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leonaluv · 2 years
Could you do NCT 127 ideal types?? Thanks!! 💚
I miss maybe one member will update tomorrow with nct dream
He wants someone that wants to travel, and he wouldn't mind if that person wasn't from homeland/long distance.  He has the ideal type of someone take risk, a bit of taboo/ unorthodox, and seductress. With the cards here, it appears that he doesn't care who the person is and is only looking for a psychological connection.  Yet with the death card, it shows that he will change his mind, and the relationship that he can enter into will have this new change and transform him. He can like the unknown part of this relationship and go for someone who is mysterious.  He wants to fight for this relationship and able to be the one to the commander of the relationship. Haechan wants to learn from the person, and he wants to pick out someone different from him. Haechan has this bit of possessive energy, and he can, like, chase in this way.  The energy here can be similar to that of an Aries.
Jungwoo (the reversed star, the six of cups, the queen of hearts, the six of hearts, eight diamonds, three pentacles, and nine wands): A romantic and spiritual connection are present. He would want to be with his soulmate, and he wants the other person to have faith in religion or spirituality. spiritual marriage. He would want someone who learns from their mistakes and endures hardships. Someone that understanding of his own pain because maybe for him normally just not taken seriously.  People may say to him well your famous, rich and good looking nothing for you to worry about that stuff that happen now. Although what is tragic to you will be different from what is tragic to everyone else, the star is reversed, so what he hopes, and desires here will be that he can meet someone similar to him. In the sense that the six cups of past life energy I've received, along with everything else I've received thus far, Jungwoo does not want someone who will be controlling and bossy to him, according to the reversed king of wands. As he seeks friendship and a best-friend relationship, ideally.  He would prefer the relationship to be low-key, with not even his members being able to find out. The King of Wands came up again in another deck, this time upright next to the 10 of Cups. The 10 cups speak of family and love.  Jungwoo wants someone to be with him for a long time and wants to feel that love again. He would want someone to be able to fit in his social setting—another acquaintance. He wouldn't mind being with someone emotional, either, with all the water here.  The card A diplomat and an actor appeared in the middle of a city fire. An actor is normally someone who is pretending to be someone else, and a diplomat is someone who has to bring peace to a situation, in a simple sense. (Representing a country to keep it simple, spokeswoman me writing this at 3:00 am.)  The city fire card is that he can like someone who is fierce and make peace with the situation. It reminds me of the NCT song "The Concession of It Firetruck."
Mark (nine of hearts, the fool reverse, seven of hearts, the Savior, the Watcher, and) has a strong desire to be with his ideal type, and he may choose someone popular. Also, go for people similar, and it does give me people who are fans of him. He does want someone that will look up to him, and he wants to be that savior. It isn't wrong for him to want to take care of others, and he would want a person who would do the same for others.
Jaehyun  cheerful with the sun's energy and next to the ace of wands, with the message "caution fire threatens" from the 3 of diamonds. Ace of Wands: sexy, seductive (from the Tarot card next to the Ace of Wands with the message "caution, fire" threatened from the 3 of Diamonds) Ace of Wands: sexy, seductive (from the tarot), and someone who is hardworking. Has someone with a passion met someone who is concerned about money or is greedy? Integellent person.
Yuta (the moon reverse, house fire, eight of wands, self-care) wants someone who is full of passion. He craves excitement, so he makes eye contact with the person who falls in love at first sight. I know he has scoprio sun and moon. Yuta will may want to date someone that is going through a body transfomrtion but takes care of thesveles (I should say / probally fitness)  Someone that is outspoken and say what they love about him , put him as prioty . He wants the person to take care of themselves and be with a person who feels calm. He doesn't want someone that is overly emotional, and he wants someone that is afraid of going deep with him. Being vulnerable with someone and engaging in conversations or being open about past lives and ancestors can be mimicking.Looking into that deep part of yourself—not everyone can  handle that, and Yuta will want someone who is open-minded. The next card is the page of cups  so he may like going just with this youthful energy and being able to understand.
Moon taeil  He doesnt want to be with someone that is in bed all day . Someone that execrises and may be someone that he likes to heave healty diet. Stand up for others, and make others feel good. person who is in charge of their own reality.
doyoung  He likes someone that has the personality of nurse / someone that make others feel happy. (Counselors it can be more so of alternative) . It can be somewhat taboo and, in the movies, /tv character where he would be the second lead. The lead he wants to go after is the bad boy, and he sees how much effort she puts into everything.
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ravenbloodshot · 2 years
Masterlist 💋
- Red + Green Flags
-Ideal type
-What he's like in a relationship (Audio Tarot)
New Jeans
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Love life
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Personality
- Itaewon hunting scandal
- Personality
- Personality
- How members view him
- What he's like in relationship?
- Red + Green Flags
How Enphyen view each other:
Golden Child
- Personality
- Personality
- Personality
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Reason Chihoon left
- Reason Jerome, Woongi and Minsu left
Le Sserafim
Kim Garam(Ex-Member)
- Is she a bully?
Im Joo An
- Personality
Only One Of
- Personality
- how members view him
- Red + Green Flags
- How he views Seonghwa (Ateez)
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Ideal Type
-His opinion of TxT music
Trainee A
Leo (Ex-Member)
- Personality
- Love life
Cha Eunwoo
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Personality
- Ideal Type
Got 7
- Would members seriously date foreigners?
Jackson Wang
- Personality
- Personality
- Ideal Type
- Red + Green Flags
- Ideal Type
- Ideal Type
- Prostitute Fantasy
- School Bullying Scandal
- Red + Green Flags
-Ideal type
- Personality
- Ideal Type
- Personality
- Ideal Type
- Love life
-Ideal type
- Love life + Love language
- Ideal Type
- Reputation Amongst Idols
Stray Kidz
Lee Know
- Personality
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Red + Green Flags
- Personality
- How he views Stray Kidz
-His opinion of Stray Kids Music
- Love life
- Love life
- Ideal Type
The Boyz
- Personality
- Personality
Q (Changmin)
- Ideal Type
- Red + Green Flags
- Ideal Type
- Insecurities vs. Confidences
-Ideal type
- Ideal Type
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Ideal Type
- Ideal Type
- Ideal Type
- Personality (Audio Tarot)
- Reputation Amongst Idols
- Reputation Amongst Idols
-Ideal type
- Reputation Amongst Idols
Monsta x
- Ideal Type
- Red + Green Flags
- Red + Green Flags
Xdinary Heroes
- Red + Green Flags
-What he's like in a relationship (Audio Tarot)
-Reputation Amongst Idols
Extra Readings
- Seonghwa (Ateez) and Yeonjun (TxT) view of each other
- Exo and Aespa feelings towards each other
- Will Stray Kidz be legends?
- Would Enphyen date a fan?
- Would Seventeen date a fan?
- Would TxT date a fan?
- Haechan and Ryujin dating scandal
- 97 liner scandal
- Yeonjun and Yunjin dating scandal
- Aespa's view of Giselle
- Is OnlyOneOf comfortable with their BL concept??
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