yuta-nakamots · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who sent in a request! This is a collection of all the drabbles I have written for this event. Once requests are closed on June 20th, I will reblog this post with a poll for you all to vote for the drabble you liked best and want to see as a full fic. 
Request #1 ; Yuta when he has a crush on you - Pairing(s): University Student!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 1k
Request #2 ; How Yuta is as a boyfriend - Pairing(s): Rockstar!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU - Warning(s): it gets moderately suggestive at one point, but that’s it  - Word Count: 1k
Request #3 ; Yuta office!AU - Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Office!AU, friends to lovers - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 1k
Request #4 ; Regular era Yuta + holding hands during sex + "my lip gloss is all over you" - Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader - Genre(s): Smut - Warning(s): sexual content, please refer to the warnings on the post itself - Word Count: 1k
Request #5 ; Chain era Yuta + kiss after a hike - Pairing(s): Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 0.8k
Request #6 ; Boatta Yuta + "you didn't do the dishes so I'm not doing you"   - Pairing(s): Idol!Yuta x Producer!GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU, friends to lovers - Warning(s): Mention of a blowjob though nothing sexual occurs - Word Count: 1k
Request #7 ; "someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve"  - Pairing(s): Boyfriend!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, established relationship!AU - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 0.9k
Request #8 ; Highway to Heaven era Yuta + "A newly married couple are on their honeymoon in a sleepy, beachside town. They begin to have the same nightmares every night."   - Pairing(s): Husband!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Horror, Suspense, Slight Angst, established relationship!AU, marriage!AU - Warning(s): character death, description of choking - Word Count: 1k
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
"A newly married couple are on their honeymoon in a sleepy, beachside town. They begin to have the same nightmares every night."
Could I request this prompt with highway to heaven Yuta and some horror and suspense?
Author’s Note: This was, by far, my favorite request and I was so excited while brainstorming what to write. Thank you for sending it in and thank you for always supporting me. I see you in my notes all the time and it is very much loved and appreciated <3
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Pairing(s): Husband!Yuta x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, Horror, Suspense, Slight Angst, established relationship!AU, marriage!AU
Warning(s): character death, description of choking
Word Count: 1k
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Everything in your life was seemingly picture-perfect. You had recently gotten married to Yuta, your loving boyfriend of a few years and now husband, and even had a honeymoon planned. Together, the two of you left for the occasion, trading the hustle and bustle of your normal lives for a relaxing getaway in a sleepy, beachside town.
After you had arrived at the house he had rented and got settled in, it was already late into the night so both of you retired to the bed, excited for the true first day of your honeymoon. Yuta fell asleep almost instantly but you stayed awake for a bit longer, your anticipation for everything was just hanging around.
Right as you finally started to doze off, Yuta woke with a gasp. He looked around frantically and reached out for you, his hands grabbing you as if he was making sure you weren’t a mirage of his mind. “What happened? What’s going on?” you asked, worried to see your husband like this.
“Oh, it was just a bad dream,” Yuta mumbled. “Sorry if I startled you.” He laid back down and closed his eyes though you knew he wasn’t going back to sleep just yet. He couldn’t. Not after he dreamt that he killed you.
He had killed his loving spouse while on this honeymoon. He grabbed you by your throat and choked you to death. He felt your soul leave your body from the way your resistance gave out. Yuta was not in control of his own body but he was conscious of everything he did in that dream.
He hoped that’s all it would be. A dream. A nightmare.
When morning came, the two of you slept in late and by the time Yuta dragged you out of bed and away from your little escapades with him under the sheets, it was nearly sunset. You felt it was the perfect time to go out and visit the long, beautiful beach you had seen on the way into the town.
Yuta gladly went with you, quickly taking off his shoes and socks before running straight into the pale golden sand. You followed suit and joined him in running down to where the land met the sea. It felt like the two of you were back to being in elementary school with the way you and Yuta took turns chasing each other up and down the expanse of the beach.
“You can’t catch me!” he taunted, jumping around in front of you.
“I just did literally a minute ago,” you shouted back.
He mocked you rather accurately and then claimed “that’s because I let you.”
“Nakamoto Yuta, don’t you dare lie to me!” you threatened and broke out into a sprint after him once more.
Laughter from both of you rang out and filled the quiet air as if there were no one else around. When the sun had fully set, your energy was depleted but your heart was full. You sat down where the grass mingled with the sand and took the time to bask in the serenity of this moment for a little while longer.
The glaring rays of the sun were fading over the edge of the horizon, painting the sky with burning hues of orange and pink while the clouds were loosely spread about. You could see a faint image of the moon beginning to glow accompanied by the shy glitter of stars dotting the sky while it faded into a shade of dark blue.
Normally, you weren’t able to see a sight like this because of all the lights from the city, and even if you did, the sound of cars passing by and people living their lives took away from the impact it had. This town was so calm and silent and you felt it cleared your senses from being constantly overwhelmed.
But now that you thought about it, everything here seemed a bit too…still.
Yuta noticed it too. He stood next to you but facing the main street of the town, his head tilting as he looked left and right, trying to find any sign of human life. Nothing. There was not a single car on the road. All the houses were dark, and only the streetlights eerily shining above the empty pavement showed the slightest piece of humanity.
“Yuta? Are you…seeing what I’m seeing?” you timidly asked, not sure if you were simply imagining all of this.
He turned to you slowly as if scared to take his eyes off of the cluster of buildings the two of you believed to be your quaint beachside retreat. “Yeah and I don’t think I like it,” he confirmed while offering a hand to help you up. “Let’s get going before night actually sets in and it’s completely dark.” You didn’t have to be told twice, your time with the remaining afterglow of the sun growing shorter by the second.
Once you and Yuta arrived back at the small house and turned on almost all the lights, it felt slightly better but the absolute darkness outside was unsettling. Both of you got to work trying to find whatever information you could on the town with growing inklings of danger. You groaned when the infamous circle of death popped up, rotating again and again on the page. “There’s no reception here,” Yuta noted, showing you the same thing on his phone.
The two of you wandered throughout the house, trying to find anywhere that had even a single bar of service to put your worries to rest. Your anxiety only heightened further when you heard Yuta let out a yell from the kitchen. “Ah! I think I got something!” You ran over to join him and held onto his arm while he clicked on a page from Yelp.
He started reading the comment created just one week ago. “There’s something wrong with this town. I don’t know what it was but just stay away. I had horrible nightmares when I stopped by to repair my car. Do not go to this town.”
With every word you hoped you would wake up and find this was all just a bad dream. But this nightmare was only getting started.
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Is it possible to request boatta Yuta and the prompt "you didn't do the dishes so I'm not doing you." Thank you 😊
Author’s Note: Yuta has appeared on Boatta twice so I went with his appearance during their promotions for Kick It when they played all those games. I hope this is close to what you were requesting!
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Pairing(s): Idol!Yuta x Producer!GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, established relationship!AU, friends to lovers
Warning(s): Mention of a blowjob though nothing sexual occurs
Word Count: 1k
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You watched Yuta through the monitoring screen while he and the rest of his members played a game to decide who would get to be ‘king’ for each section of the show and order the group around. The goal was to flick a bottle cap on a table and whoever’s cap went the furthest without falling off the table would win. 
Yuta proudly took the king’s jacket when no one else was able to surpass his attempt and had his own little celebration, teasing the rest of the guys that came close to being his rival. As the prompter read, he came forward to grab his cue cards from you, the head producer of the show and also his significant other of two years. 
Your relationship was fairly well-known among your fellow staff and the members of his group but luckily, the two of you had managed to lay low enough to not attract much attention. When he came on to the show for the first time and needed help understanding what he would have to do in a game, you never would have expected what your conversation with him would lead to. 
At first, you were simply explaining the rules of a game to him but then he started asking more questions and inquiring how you got hired and why you worked for this entertainment company. You told him your story and asked him the same about how he became an idol. By the end of the shoot, Yuta was interested in you and gave you his number to continue your conversation. Since then, the rest was history. 
He would invite you to casual outings and show you his favorite places which were often smaller, niche stores and restaurants that were hidden from the public eye. At a certain point, he started staying over at your apartment when his schedule was empty. With that, you and Yuta quickly progressed to being in an official romantic relationship together and he only become ever more affectionate and doting. 
During the periods when he wasn’t busy doing idol activities, he always made time to be with you. Even if it was simply staying over for the night and watching a movie together, he was there. When he had hardly any schedules for a month and stayed over for days on end, he reached his peak domesticity with you. 
He had taken up a fair share of chores like washing the dishes, taking out the trash, and even doing the laundry. Or well, at least the clothes he wore. But regardless, it felt nearly as if the two of you were a normal couple living together. Within the walls of your apartment, Yuta lost his stardom and became simply your loving boyfriend. But of course, both of you knew how to return to being professional when out and about.
Especially when your paths would cross for filming purposes with you behind the camera and him in front. Yuta was never really a huge fan of doing variety shows but if you were there watching him, he made sure to put his all into it which was likely why he seemed to have so much luck in winning the ‘king’ title on the show you were currently directing. 
You quietly laughed when he sat haughtily on the throne put aside for the king and briefly went through the queue cards before passing them to Taeyong. “There are too many words, here, you read them.” The rest of his members burst out laughing at his sassiness along with Taeyong’s astounded expression though he took the cards and did as asked.
Yuta continued on like this throughout his reign as king, ordering his members around and even volunteering himself and Mark for punishment because they would get to do the infamous Pepero game together. Everyone kept breaking out into fits of laughter at Yuta’s outrageous requests to his members like when he made Johnny carry Jaehyun while doing squats or had Doyoung and Taeyong act cute towards him on the throne. You knew he was definitely enjoying this too much. 
Thankfully, another member took his place at the end of the next game and was a bit kinder towards the group but it was already too late for Yuta. The king’s mindset had stuck and he didn’t want to let it go just yet. 
Later in the week when he visited your place after filming for a music show, he put on the attitude again when he saw you editing some of the footage from that day. “Go make me some tea,” he commanded with a deep voice, “I will monitor myself and admire my handsomeness while I wait.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him but left to go make his favorite type of tea anyways since you were overdue for a break. When you returned with his drink he accepted it, but not without giving you another task. “I’m a bit cold. Fetch me a blanket.” This time you rolled your eyes at his request. “Hey, watch it. I saw that,” Yuta warned.
You threw a blanket at him and motioned for him to get out of your seat. He briefly stood up only to sit back down in your lap. “I want you to pay attention to me. Hold me.” You blinked a few times and tried your best to reach around him and continue working on your computer but quickly gave up. 
“Can I do something for you? Like, I don’t know, give you a blowjob? Maybe some time in the bedroom? This is not working out,” you told him. 
“Hmm, normally I would accept that offer but I saw you have yet to do the dishes,” he commented, reminding you of your undone chores. “You didn’t do the dishes so, therefore, I’m not doing you.”
“You absolute brat,” you spit at him. “I’m not helping you the next time you’re horny.”
“No, wait, hold on,” he backpedaled, “I’ll go do the dishes and we can go spend some time together once you’re done editing.” 
“I’ll think about it,” you hummed while returning to your work of editing his highness ordering his members around.
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Could I request chain era Yuta with the prompt of first kiss after a hike?
Author’s Note: I couldn’t exactly envision hiking being a romantic activity for a first kiss so I wrote it as simply a kiss in an established relationship instead
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Pairing(s): Boyfriend!Yuta x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, established relationship!AU
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 0.8k
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“Ah!” You heard Yuta’s yell and carefully made your way to the sound of it, the soft dirt under your shoes feeling insecure.
“What’s wrong?” You asked once you found your boyfriend a little further up the trail.
He continued doing his swatting motions as if fighting his own invisible demons. “There are bugs!”
“I thought you said you enjoy being outside,” you laughed, watching him turn into a martial artist while fighting whatever bugs were flying around him.
“Yes, but not in these conditions!” It was humid out since it had lightly rained the previous night but Yuta had still insisted on going on a hike since he wanted to ‘be one with nature’.
“What? You can’t live, laugh, love out here?” you teased, causing Yuta to roll his eyes at you. 
He had chosen a local trail that had a waterfall along the way, which most people stopped to take a break before turning around and heading back down. It was supposedly an easy trail but you could barely even hear the splashing of the falls when Yuta started to complain about all the bugs. “Do you want to go back now?” You proposed to him as he grew ever more irritated with the insects sticking to his sweaty skin. 
“No, we didn’t make it to the falls yet and I’m not a quitter.” There was the competitive spirit you knew and loved. Yuta trudged on and the two of you eventually made it to the famous waterfall viewing site, the freshwater pounding into the lake and flowing down the mountain in a powerful stream.
You found a nice place to sit and rest while drinking water and taking a few pictures but Yuta didn’t seem to be as relaxed as you. “Would you like to head down?” you offered.
“Yes, I would very much like that,” he breathed while staring off down the stretch of running water. He tolerated you taking a few more pictures of the waterfall and of the two of you before throwing his backpack on and waiting for you to do the same. 
He didn’t outwardly rush you but you could feel it from his aura that he was getting impatient. “When we get home, you can take a nice warm shower and go to sleep early, okay?” It was almost like talking to a child but you knew he was already worn thin and didn’t want to push him further.
On the descent from the falls, Yuta remained a few steps in front of you but made sure to never get too far ahead. He would stop to hold low-hanging branches out of your way and help you down large steps or unstable patches. Even while slightly grumpy, he still made sure to look after you as always. 
Going down seemed much easier than the journey up and it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders when you finally set foot on the pavement of the parking lot at the start of the trail. Yuta wasted no time in making his way toward his car and unloading his stuff into it. 
He leaned against the car and waited for you to catch up. He lifted up his tank top to wipe away the perspiration on his face, revealing his toned torso while you passed by. You reached out and tickled him, making him yell out while chasing after you. 
You dropped your heavy backpack and ran around the car, giggling while Yuta chased after you while threatening to tickle you. Your legs were already growing sore and you quickly gave in. 
Yuta caught up to you and trapped you against the car with an arm wrapping around your shoulders and his free hand finding its way to all your sensitive spots. You squirmed in his arms until you were gasping for air, “stop! stop! I’m sorry!”
He grinned and stopped his affectionate torture, pulling you in for a hug instead. “Thank you for coming with me today,” he softly spoke into your ear. 
“Of course! I love spending time with you!” He held you ever more tightly, knowing that you enjoyed yourself. “But next time let’s go when it’s not so humid and muggy.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Yuta sassed, leaning in to kiss you. 
Your lips met his in a quick embrace and a silent message of appreciation and fondness passed between the two of you. 
“As much as I enjoy kissing you, you’re hot and sticky but not in a good way,” you tell him while gently pushing him away. 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you put your backpack into the trunk. “I know you like that though.”
“Oh, shut up, or else I’m taking the shower first,” you quip, knowing that there would now be a race to the bathroom the second you got back home.
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Regular era Yuta + holding hands during sex + "my lip gloss is all over you" if you don't mind
Author’s Note: Thanks for your request! This is my first time writing smut in a while so I hope it's not too bad!
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Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader
Genre(s): Smut
Warning(s): blowjob, unprotected sex, creampie 
Word Count: 1k
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You knelt on the bed with your hands firmly against Yuta’s broad shoulders while he kissed you ever so feverishly. One by one, he removed the garments you were wearing until you were left in just your bra and underwear. Yuta was in a similar state, wearing only his unbuttoned dress shirt and boxers. 
The trail of clothing spanning from the doorway to the bedroom of the hotel suite was more than telling of what was going on. However, you still could not believe your luck from being at the right place at the right time, and able to catch the attention of an extremely handsome man who only asked if he could buy you a drink but ended up getting much more. 
“So what’s your name?” you asked over the loud music of the club you were in. 
“Yuta,” he told you. “And what is a pretty lady like you doing in a club like this?”
“Oh, I just came with a few friends since they’re back home from college for now,” you shared, feeling comfortable enough to tell this much to the man in front of you. 
“Are you a student too?” he inquired.
You nodded, “sadly, yes. One with an ever-so-growing debt to pay off once I graduate.”
“Well, seeing as how your friends aren’t around, how about we take this somewhere else.” You knew not to trust strangers but there was something oddly comfortable about Yuta. “I have more than enough money to spend on a room for tonight, and even some for your studies if you’d like.”
That was an offer that you could not refuse. And who were you to say no to free money and a charming man offering it to you?
Yuta had made a quick call and got a room for the night, though when he said ‘room’, you were assuming something along the lines of a room with two queen-sized beds. You were not at all expecting the grand suite he had led you to. “A lady should always live comfortably,” he articulated while holding the door open for you.
Minute by minute, his composed appearance started to shed with every piece of his suit that you removed. Yuta’s lips were constantly on yours or somewhere else on your body as if he couldn’t get enough. 
By the time you fully undressed him, peeling his white dress shirt off his shoulders and pushing him down onto the bed, there were a bunch of shiny tinted imprints of your lips littered across him. From his mouth to his neck and down to his collarbones and chest, his skin was glittering underneath the glowing lights. “Sorry, my lip gloss is all over you.”
“Don’t be. I quite like it, actually,” he confessed while taking a look at the markings on his chest. “But I would love it even more if you gave me even more.” 
A smile spread across your face as you pulled his boxers down, freeing his dick that nearly matched the pink imprints you had left on Yuta’s abdomen leading down to his pelvic bones. He let out a sultry moan when you held him in your hand and licked a stripe up the underside of his member. 
You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock just once before taking the tip into your mouth and slowly bobbing your head a couple of times. Yuta threw his head back as your saliva coated his length and you used your hand to continue giving pleasure to the rest of the areas that your mouth did not reach. Releasing his dick from your lips, you used your spit as a lubricant to allow you to steadily jerk him off while crawling up his body to give him a kiss. 
He moaned into your lips when you began toying with the head of his member and you relished in the sweetness of his voice. You teased him by rubbing his heated cock against your folds and once you were about to start riding him, he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down onto the bed next to where he previously lay. “Let me do the work, beautiful.” 
Yuta aligned his length with your dripping wetness and slowly slid in, every inch feeling like a shot of pure bliss. Your eyes fluttered shut when he finally bottomed out and began gently thrusting his hips into yours. Moaning out his name when he started to move faster seemed to make him grow even larger and harder inside of you. 
One of your hands flew to his chest when he hit the right spot, your other going to his abs, the second time. “No don’t,” he lilted as your hands covered the glistening trail of your butterfly markings. “They’re too pretty to mess up.” He slowed his motions until he was ever so slightly rocking into you while he grabbed your hands off his body and intertwined his fingers with yours.
Yuta leaned forward, pinning your hands down on either side of your head and allowing his lips to meet yours once more. He resumed his previous pace, his shaft sliding in and out of you as if that was all it was ever meant to do. You knew Yuta was drawing close to his end from the way he started to let out little grunts and moans every time he pushed into you. His rhythm started to speed up and you felt his cock begin to twitch within your walls.
“Make me cum, Yuta,” you moaned into his ear. His grip on your hands grew tighter as he relentlessly pounded into you, ever so committed to being the man you see in your dirty dreams and wishing that he could pleasure you forever. Only when you felt your own release nearing did you finally whisper “cum with me.”
As if he was holding on just for you, Yuta came with a groan and a series of pants while he sporadically pushed his length into you. You felt him shooting his load inside of you and his dick moving within your quivering folds. 
Looking at Yuta’s toned body above you, you knew you were going to need more of the lip gloss you were wearing.
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Drabble request: yuta when he has a crush on you?
Please and thank you I love your work!
Author’s Note: Congrats on being the first request for the event! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it! Formatting ‘like this’ indicates things sent through text messages.
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Pairing(s): University Student!Yuta x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 1k
Taglist: @nct-writers @neowritingsnet @czennienet @kwritersworld @superm-net @ilovjaehyun @leeknowsredeyeliner @horanghoe @itbecina @allaboutthedongs (fill out this form if you’d like to be added to my general taglist!)
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It was nearly 2am and you were finally finishing an essay for a Japanese literature class you were taking. With tired eyes, you shut your laptop and sleepily made your way to the bed in your small, shared apartment. The unit was silent since your roommate was already asleep but your phone's notification sound broke the quiet. You took a moment to look at the screen and saw Yuta had texted you.
You had met him a year ago while you were both undergraduate students and he was a TA for an East Asian literature course you were taking at the time as a second-year student. He was in his fourth and final year, majoring in Asian studies which only made sense once you were able to see how genuine he was with his own work and studies as TA. He really could have been the professor of the class from how much he helped the students. 
Opening the notification from Yuta, you squinted into the nearly blinding light of your phone. It wasn’t a message, it was just a picture of him holding a Starbucks cup and a hairband in while looking menacingly into the camera. Nonetheless, his message to stay hydrated was received. 
Yuta responded almost immediately. 'You told me that you had to finish your essay’
You rolled around in bed while sending a text back. 'I could have finished it hours ago'
He reacted with a thumbs down to your message. 'That would be so unlike you. You literally always procrastinate'
You hated that he wasn’t wrong. 'And what are you doing awake right now? Shouldn’t you be prepping for some lesson?' As a graduate student pursuing his master’s degree, he was required to teach for at least two semesters and he often complained about how tedious it was to come up with lesson plans.
'I already finished it.’ No way. He had to be lying.
You called him out on his bluff. 'I don’t believe you.’
'As you should’ He confirmed. 
'Yuta what-’
'I’ll finish it in the morning relax my class isn’t until 10’ He was trying to ease your worries but it wasn’t working.
There was an obvious flaw to his plan. 'And you normally wake up at 9:45’
'Shhhhhhh I just wanted to check on you but why did this turn into me getting in trouble’
'I just want to make sure that you’re keeping up with your assignments you know’ You let out a yawn, reminding you of the time. 'I’m tired so goodnight Yuta I’ll see you tomorrow’
'Goodnight see you at lunch cutie’ That was a new one. You were used to Yuta using nicknames for you but recently they had become more affectionate though you didn’t mind the change. Perhaps he was growing softer as he aged. 
Your stomach was growling by the time your introductory biology class ended at noon. Yuta was already waiting for you outside of the lecture hall and kindly held your bag while you shoved in the results of your last exam. “How did you do?” Yuta asked.
“Not bad but not great either” you shared while taking your bag back, not so enthusiastic about your 81 out of 100 when this was supposedly an easy class. 
“It’s okay, I was bad at science too but all in the name of becoming well-rounded, right?” His long, dark hair blew in the weak wind, showing off his handsome features. “Where do you want to go for lunch? I’ll drive.”
“Surprise me.”
Yuta had chosen to take you to your favorite coffee shop and even ordered for you. You were a little wary about him getting the order correct but when he placed the warm cup on the table, you knew it was the right one. “Thank you” you told him after taking a sip, the warm liquid helping to calm your nerves from thinking about the potential drop in your grade. “How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on me. I figured I should treat you since you’ve been working so hard.” Interesting. He never usually paid for you unless you forgot your wallet or something like that though he expected you to pay him back in those cases. 
When you had gotten back to your apartment, your roommate was milling about, preparing their mid-afternoon snack while finding something to watch on TV. “Did Yuta take you to lunch again?” They asked as you were taking your shoes off in the doorway.
“Yeah, how did you know?” You don’t think you had told them, especially since Yuta spontaneously offered.
“I saw his car,” they informed you, “and he also told me.”
“Told you what?” They gave you a certain look, clearly having knowledge of something you didn’t.
“He told me he wanted to take you out for lunch and asked where he should go so I recommended that one shop you always go to and luckily I remembered your order too.” You were still confused about what was going on but continued your routine of cleaning up some of the dishes and looking for your own snack. “Your silly self told him ‘surprise me’ so what was the man supposed to do?” Ah, that made more sense. “He has a crush on you anyway so of course, he doesn’t want to take you somewhere that you don’t like.”
You froze in your tracks, barely remembering to close the door of the refrigerator. “He what?!”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t know he has a crush on you. It’s so obvious when the laid back loser finally starts caring about his appearance and taking you out on dates-”
“Hey, don’t call him a loser” you defended, though that didn’t help your case. 
Your roommate hummed as they caught your small show of affection for him. “So I see the feeling is mutual.” 
“Maybe…but don’t tell him I said that.”
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
Id like to submit a Yuta drabble request 🥺 I don't have a prompt but I have some general ideas. Like office au where you and Yuta are coworkers and he's your junior or being in a newish relationship with Yuta and you tell him you want to know everything about him and you guys open up to each other or holding hands with Yuta. My mbti is intp and yeah!
Author’s Note: Thank you for sending in this request! I tried my best to combine these all into one drabble so I hope you enjoy it :)
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Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, Office!AU, friends to lovers
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 1k
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“So this is how you load all the papers in to scan,” you demonstrated for Yuta, the new hire in your division. “You just slide the papers in and let the machine do the work for you. Got it?” He nodded his head, making some of his blonde hair fall into his face.
He was quite handsome and it made you wonder what someone like him could be doing, working in a boring office from the typical 9 to 5 instead of doing something more…entertaining. Like modeling, acting, those kinds of things. But regardless, just because he was attractive didn’t mean you had to immediately tell him all of your hard-earned ins and outs of all the menial tasks you were told to guide him through.
You did enjoy the fact that you were the one who had been given orders to help Yuta though since once he truly started in his position, he would often come to you for help or advice. He was just the slightest bit intimidating at first due to how angry he looked when he was asking for help, but you learned that was just his thinking face. He always spoke to you kindly and tried his best to use his words efficiently but also politely.
Yuta had established himself as a hard-working junior in your mind and you were the first person to encourage him to join the monthly company dinner so he could meet a few of the other people you both worked with. It wasn’t a ‘company’ dinner per se since it was only for those that were on your floor, but it still would be a good way for Yuta to get acquainted with his coworkers. You wanted him to branch out and be able to ask them for help since you weren’t always the best resource to use for certain tasks.
He sat directly across from you at the table and despite being the more talkative out of the two of you, you ended up introducing him to your coworkers and leading those conversations for him. Of course, you let him respond to questions that were directly related to him and his hobbies or other outside interests, and from that, you learned that he’s a huge anime fan. You were a bit surprised since that did not seem to match his exterior but you figured that everyone can have their own interests, no matter how strange.
Gradually, his smile appeared more often throughout the night and you would sometimes catch him making funny faces at you from across the table when your eyes met. You felt proud of him for opening up and giving a seemingly good first impression to your colleagues.
When the event ended, you were going to take the subway home just as you normally did, but Yuta graciously offered to drive you home instead. It was late and you felt that he had only pure intentions so you accepted and gave him the address to your apartment. He even walked you to the door of the lobby, wanting to make sure you got in safely. “Thank you for helping me out tonight, I know it must have been a burden to take care of me for so long.”
“No, not at all,” you refused, “it’s a pleasure to work with you.”
“I’m glad we both feel the same way.” He hesitated for a second before continuing on. “Actually, there’s something I want to ask you.”
“Go ahead,” you encouraged.
“Recently, I feel like I’ve developed a crush on you, so I was wondering if maybe you’d be interested in being my girlfriend?” You were a little flustered and didn’t respond immediately. “I know it may be a bit soon so it’s totally fine if you don’t want to,” he blurted out upon seeing your reluctance.
“No, no, it’s okay. I would actually like that a lot.” Your life had been a little boring recently, you figured there could be no harm in something like this.
Over time, your relationship with Yuta progresses and the two of you grow from sharing awkward hugs that made him blush, to sitting in his bed together while watching shows and movies late into the night. “What do you want to watch?” he asked.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Surprise me.” You wanted to give him the liberty to share his interests with you.
He picked out a movie called ‘The Tale of Princess Kaguya’ and from the stills and the description alone, you were surprised that he would go for this kind of thing. Though it was released in 2013, it had an older art style that reminded you of drawings in Asian scrolls. Similar to how you were slightly taken aback when he admitted to being an anime fan, you were curious as to how he would have come across this.
“You know, I feel like there’s still so much that I don’t know about you. I knew you were interested in anime but I didn’t know it included things like this,” you told him as the film’s introductory credits began to play.
“Well, maybe now is a better time than ever,” he straightened up and turned to face you, grabbing your hands to hold in earnest. “My name is Yuta and I’m a 26-year-old who was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. I like soccer, journaling, and being outside in sunny weather. My hobbies include binge-watching anime and listening to J-rock. How’s that?”
He had already told you over half of those things, leaving you unsatisfied. “That was nice, but I want to know everything about you.”
“Okay, and I want to know everything about you too,” he laughed, “but maybe later because the movie is starting.”
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
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October 2021 marked my seventh anniversary of seeing Yuta as an SM Rookie and becoming his fan. He was the first Japanese kpop idol I ever saw, so I immediately felt connected to him despite being only a trainee. That month also had Yuta’s 26th birthday, which is why it just made sense to do something special for him. It was also his golden birthday since he turned 26 on the 26th! Though it is a few months late, I still want to hold this event to honor Yuta and solidify my return to writing on tumblr.
From today, June 4th until June 20th, my requests will be open, but everything will be Yuta-themed. I will write solely for Yuta, no other members of NCT will be included unless I decide to use them as side characters. I will be accepting (A) drabble prompts, or alternatively, if you do not have a prompt but still wish to participate, you can send in (B) your favorite Yuta era (mandatory since I will use this to build his character) along with something about you, like your MBTI, Hogwarts House, Greek Godly parent, or anything else similar to these and I will write a drabble based on it.
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All genres are accepted. Fluff, smut, angst, action, and horror are all things that I will write for these requests.
Only prompts for Yuta will be accepted.
I will not write for any specified features like body type, ethnicity, religion, etc. since I want to keep this as inclusive as possible.
My works for this event will only be put out as drabbles, works shorter than 1,000 words.
You can submit more than one request but in your request(s), please include the specified requirements for either option A or B.
Example: “going to a love hotel with yuta”, “cherry bomb + intj”, or “regular + slytherin + apollo”
I will be closing requests on June 20th.  Anything sent after that date will not be accepted.
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I will periodically reblog this post and announce how much time is left for requests along with when I have closed them. I will also make a masterlist for all the drabbles once they are posted and from there you’ll be able to vote for your favorite drabble out of the bunch starting on June 21st through the 25th. The drabble with the most votes will be added to my (apparently gigantic) list of WIPs to be created into a full fic and will be announced on June 26th.
Thank you for supporting both Yuta and me no matter how long or short of a time you’ve been with us. Always remember that 愛 loves 悠.
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20 notes · View notes