#yutaka Yamai x reader
lemonxdaisybby · 5 months
Your most recent post inspired me to ask if we could get first kiss headcanons for Sawashiro and Yamai please?
Omg I was kind of hoping to get some more requests for those two, thank you 🥹💕
Unpopular opinion maybe, but you might just have to initiate the first kiss with Sawashiro. He’s been with many women before, he has plenty of experience, but he doesn’t necessarily have experience with wholesome, non-toxic relationships. This is very new to him. He’s also unfamiliar with physical affection in a more romantic sense, so he’d be a bit unsure in how to approach things with you. It’s not that he’d never make the first move, but more so that you might grow a little impatient with him and just choose to make the first move yourself. It’d be a lot quicker this way too.
The first kiss would occur after the third or fourth date, after little to no physical touch has occurred, other than maybe some fleeting touches, brushing past each other, or Jo placing a gentle hand on the low of your back to guide you somewhere. This man gives nothing away, and is unreadable at the best of times, so the prospect of making the first move for a kiss would be very intimidating, but somebody’s gotta do it.
You’d still likely find him a bit intimidating at this point, so you’d just opt to give him a gentle peck on the lips, just to gauge his reaction. It would definitely take him by surprise, and he’d pause for a moment once you’ve pulled away, momentarily stunned, before pulling himself together and scolding himself internally for not making the first move. He’s a man goddammit. He likes tradition. He should have kissed you first. He would immediately pull you back in by your waist for a deeper, more passionate kiss, not only to redeem himself, but also to show you just how it’s done.
He wouldn’t be flustered or anything, and would be pretty nonchalant after, although if he catches you blushing or acting bashful he would definitely smirk, enjoying your reaction. He’d maybe be a bit disappointed that he didn’t make the first move, but also he’d be impressed that you took initiative too.
Kisses with Jo would always be pretty heated, and would leave you feeling warm and flustered. He only tends to give you kisses on the lips when he’s horny and looking for sex, or in very rare moments where he just feels the overwhelming urge to kiss you. Most other times, he’s more of a quick peck on the forehead kinda guy. Not the most affectionate move, but it’s still quite sweet.
One word for this fella, mysterious and smooth. He would definitely be the one to kiss you first, more so because you might feel a bit too nervous yourself making the first move. Even when initially dating, he would still have that slight intimidating aura about him, to the point where you feel as though he is dangerous, and you can’t quite figure him out.
It would be following a date, maybe the second or third date. His gang is priority at this point, so it’s possible he might get called away at times and have to leave dates early. He’d of course be annoyed, but it can’t be helped, and he would have made it clear to you when first initiating dating that he might have to disappear at times.
He’d be walking you to a taxi after being called away from a date early by one of his subordinates. A sudden shower of rain would be lashing down, and so the two of you would be sharing an umbrella, and Yamai would be in very close proximity to you. He’d have insisted on walking you to your taxi before leaving himself, just to make sure you get back safely, and maybe it would just occur to him that cutting the date short isn’t very fair on you? Or maybe he just really wants to kiss you? Who knows. The man cannot be read, but he’d be looking down at you with that expressionless face, his eyes dark and brooding.
Before you can quite comprehend what’s going on, Yamai would have pulled you in closer to him, and his lips would be catching your own in a firm kiss. It wouldn’t be an innocent, quick peck, as that’s not really Yamai’s style. It would be strong and meaningful, as his lips move against your own.
You can’t quite tell what he’s thinking, but there’s a spark in his eye afterwards, as he wordlessly opens the taxi door for you, allowing you to climb inside in a daze. He’d probably leave you with a short goodbye, letting you know that he’ll contact you later, and of course handing you money for the ride (he isn’t about to make you pay for your own taxi home), and that would be that. Once you’re safely in the taxi, he would just turn away and make his own way back, disappearing into the night, leaving you feeling warm and flustered.
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