#yuuji: obviously! just change it up a bit- we both lost people
ultfreakme · 5 months
If Junpei got to attend Jujutsu Tech, Yuuji would give him every cheat code possible to get past the interview with Yaga. Gojo told him clearly not to give anything away, but Yuuji heard that in one ear and tossed it out through the other(Gojo knows he did it, he knew the little goober would).
Unfortunately Yuuji doesn't know exactly what part of his answer got him in and they are scrambling to come up with the "why".
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kenjiro-s · 6 years
What goes well with tea ? A TeruYama story
Ch. 6
Of gangs and good advice
 Tadashi kept staring at his phone like the words would change if only he wished hard enough. He had forgotten. Completely. Wow, he was both rude and inconsiderate. Why was the extremely attractive man even bothering with him ? He had come to the café, several times, and tried to chat and flirt and it didn’t make any sense whatsoever…
 A voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like his best friend made him stop. An old memory, variations of which had risen on multiple occasions through the years, clicked and played like a film behind his eyelids.
 The setting was always the same. A park, late at night, swirling darkness and a single lamp. A bench. The dreamlike quality of the memory make it seem more unreal with every repetition but it had actually happened so many times, he’d lost count even after he’d tried keeping one. Him, sitting on the bench and staring straight ahead, his friend on his side, probably not bothering to look at him.
- Why are you listening to them, Tadashi ? Why do the opinions of people who have no reason to be anywhere close to you matter ? They wouldn’t think about anything you say or do the moment you leave their eyes, why do you allow creatures you mean so little to have such a great impact ? Save that for the people who matter. Seriously, we go through this every single time. Stop crying, it’s pathetic. And come on, it’s getting late and my mom made dinner.
 The words varied but the speech was the same. And Kei had been right, of course, he was usually right, which made him smug, which made people want to punch him in the face. But he was right, and Tadashi knew he was, but still. The man from the café, Tadashi glanced at his phone, Yuuji, had been in a different league. He had tattoos and piercings, and at least tried to flirt…True, not very successfully, but when was the last time Tadashi had tried to flirt ?
 The memory mage him cringe. Kei coldly stating he knew what was going on, had known since the beginning, and then telling him to go with him to eat, had been both the summit and the rock bottom of his flirting. Later, he’d realised it had been hero worship and his first real friendship mixed together but it had taken him years to grow up. And now he was reduced to a shaking teenager again because a stranger had asked for his number. If Kei was there right now, he would be wrong. Tadashi didn’t feel pathetic anymore, but his reaction was still sad. So Tadashi did the only smart thing. The mature, adult thing.
 He called a friend at one in the morning to ask for pre-relationship advice.
- Hey. – Short and to the point. Tadashi tried not to scream in the phone. He didn’t really know, because he’d never asked, what their relationship was, but he could guess.
- Um, hi. Is..is Kuroo there ? Can he speak ? Oh, is it a bad moment ? I know it’s in the middle of the night, sorry… - Hanging up before he could make even greater of a fool of himself, Tadashi went to duck his head under the tap and maybe drown himself in the sink, when his phone rung. Almost knocking down a flower pot, he swallowed thickly and looked at it with the corner of his eye. Oh, it was fine.
- Hey, if this isn’t my favourite baker. How are you, chef Yamaguchi ? Haven’t heard from you for a while.
- You know it’s not like that, Kuroo. Um, can I ask you something ?
- Can it wait until tomorrow morning ? – Could it ? Well, probably, but Tadashi knew he would stay awake all night, fall asleep around five and them be so out of his head he would forget again. He doubted the tattooed stranger would try again, all things considered.
- Well, not really. I mean…
- Are you okay ? – It was impressive how fast the man could switch faces. He sounded genuinely worried and Tadashi hurried to placate him. – Do you need me to pick you from somewhere ? Do you have money for a taxi ? Is it shady neighbourhood ? Hey, Kenma ! – And he could be loud. Tadashi tried to speak over him and explain, but nothing seemed to get through him. – Tadashi’s in a yakuza den and needs us to go and bail him out ! – Instead of programmer, Kuro should’ve become a writer with how colourful his imagination was.
- Kuroo, I am fine, please, you’ll wake your neighbours and I’m sure Kenma isn’t having the time of his life right now.
- I will suffer his wrath later. Will we need to sell our bodies to science to pay your debt ? Or just sell our bodies ? Because, in that case, I will call Bo. He can show off well enough.
- It’s nothing of that kind, Kuroo, please. I just…- He took a deep breath. – I need advice.
- Ohoho ? And it cannot wait until tomorrow ? Tadashi, do you happen to have a crush on someone ? Is this why you’re awake so late ? Hmmm ? – He could hear the other man’s smirk in his voice, Kuroo apparently having decided everyone was safe and there was no need to thread carefully.
- It’s complicated.
- So I am right ? Good, good. Now, do tell, who is it ? Oh, God, is it the hot boss you mentioned ? Is it ? Tadashi, getting involved with someone at work is not a good idea, let me tell you. Not enough places to hide if you want to…Ow, Kenma, those pillows are heavy ! Why’d you throw that ? As I was saying…
- Of course not ! – He shuddered. Kawanishi was more than hot, that was true. The man could be a model with his height and looks, but…No. Just, no. Also, he’d seen him with his blond partner and they were so sweet together it was heartwarming. – No, someone came at the café. And…Look, I forgot to answer his messages because of work, you know, but after a few days of silence he texted me again and I don’t…I don’t know what to do, Kuroo.
- Okay, Tadashi. Now, I will ask you something. And I want you to be honest. Do you want to go out with him ?
- Well, you see…
- Na-ah. – While a good reason to call Kuroo for advice was that he always tried to help, a really bad reason to do it was because…he always tried to help. – Come on. You can tell me.
- It’s..I guess ? Maybe ? He seems nice ? A bit awkward ?
- Are you telling me or asking me ? Look, is he a creep ?
- I don’t think so ? – And since that still sounded like a question, he tried again. – He doesn’t look like one.
- Oho ? Tell me a bit about him, then. So I know you’re in good hands.
- There isn’t much to tell. He’s a bit awkward, likes tea, isn’t familiar with foreign desserts, I think he’s scared of Kawanishi…
- Your boss ? – Tadashi had mentioned said boss a couple of times so it made sense Kuroo remembered the name. – Wait, is Kawanishi Taichi your boss ?
 Wait, Kuroo knew the café’s owner’s given name ? How ?
- Um, yes ? You know him ?
- Yeah ! Man, he’s awesome. We have an actual audit department in the station. Or something. Anyway, he’s the head guy there’s boyfriend. Semi’s almost as tall as him, blond, dyed tips, you might’ve met him ?
 - That sounds like the guy who comes to visit occasionally. Though… - It most definitely wasn’t Tadashi’s business who else Kawanishi saw behind his long-term boyfriend’s back. Though he didn’t quite understand it.
- Is this about Shirabu ? Yeah, we all know. We don’t ask, though, they are too entertaining to watch. So your admirer is scared of Kawanishi ? I can see where he’d be coming from. Obviously, he’s smart and has a sense of self-preservation.
- Hey, he’s not that bad ! – Tadashi felt like he owed his boss at least a defense.
- I’m not saying he is. He’s just scary. Anything else on your man ?
- Not my man. And… - Was he going to say that ? While he knew Kuroo might tease, he’d never really be mean on purpose. – He has tattoos.
- So I was right about the yakuza.
- That’s not…
- Hey, Kenma ! – He pulled the phone away from his ear. – I was right ! Kind of. Tadashi is marrying in the yakuza ! Isn’t that awesome ? – Whatever response Kuroo got, it had him cackling with laughter. – Kenma says to go for it. And I will tell you the same. Maybe mention it casually that you have lots of friends in the police, just in case he’s a deranged murderer. Though you being close to Kawanishi should scare him well enough.
 He guessed he’d gone quiet for too long, because Kuroo sighed lightly.
- Look, Tadashi. If you feel even a bit uncomfortable, don’t go. If you think he’ll harass you at work or something, you just need to say the word, okay ? But if it’s just nerves, let go. Or, knowing you, don’t. But still go with it. Seeing him for a cup of coffee won’t hurt. Just try to breathe. If he gets too embarrassing in public, you can always get up and leave him with the bill. And unless he’s a total douche, he should be fine with you being nervous. It will be okay. Trust me. Have I ever given you bad advice ?
- Um, yes ?
- Exactly, I haven’t. So, go out, rise like a butterfly, like a phoenix, like, like a mummy…You get what I mean.
- Yeah. Thank you, Kuroo. No, really, - Because the other man had started explaining how it had been no trouble. – I know it’s in the middle of the night and all, and it was about such a small thing, so I’m sorry I woke you up…
- Tadashi. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. You’re no trouble and you’re not bothering me. Also, I wasn’t asleep. Kenma found this new shibari pose he wanted to try.
- Kenma found a what…?
- Good night, innocent one ! Go get your beauty sleep ! Bye ! – And then he hung up. Tadashi was extremely tempted to go and do some research on what his friend was doing tonight but on the other hand…Kenma was a bit strange, so whatever he was, it was probably kinky. And then he felt terrible.. Just because the other man was didn’t speak loadly and did what he loved, and didn’t seem to like people much, that didn’t mean he was bad or strange. He seemed to adore Kuroo and show it in his own quiet way, and that was so much more than what Tadashi had ever had, he could only feel envy. Also, he was always the voice of reason in the middle of Kuroo giving advice so, honestly, Tadashi was more than grateful for his presence.
 He gathered his resolve and opened his messages.
Sure. How about Thursday ? I have a day off.
 Wait, was that too much ? Was he overstepping ? Dating was way too complicated and they weren’t even there yet. Oh, were they going to get there ? Was this a date ? Was he moving too fast ? He probably was. That had been a mistake. He blamed Kuroo for most of those in his life, even if the other man had always been a calm and reassuring presence, in his own way. Still. This was a failure and it hadn’t even happened yet. He flopped on his bed and groaned in the pillow. Now at least he was certain he wouldn’t get any sleep.
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