#yuzu on 24htv
yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
The phoenix opening was so unexpected, majestic and so Yuzuru of him!!!!! AND PYROTECHNICS
Hope & Legacy was an instant blow to the heart, a very welcomed one 🫶
Then continuing with Joe Hisaishi, One Summer's Day in that gorgeous white costume - I'll have to see if I can take some screenshots later
Olympic CHOPIN like.... my heart... I think I finally warmed up to this program 🤭
Then that video-sketch arrangement on Otonal with Yuzu story-telling and all the programs that showed up in that animation... I need to re-watch that part, it was so beautiful
Then THE WARM-UP. Competition nerves very much present, Yuzu, not a thing has changed, as you promised!
RONDO - idk what happened on the combo, but the 4S and 3A were perfect!! The StSq was pure serotonin - I had already "healed" from Beijing Rondo when the 24HTV version was skated, but now... Yuzu recreates the Olympics, for him to heal, for him to hear the cheers and feel the support, for him to redeem Rondo and help all of us heal.
Now... a 40 minute break for ice resurfacing. And I'll be damned if the first after the break isn't TenChi...
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annainnorth · 2 years
In all its glory,
Rondo in its gorgeous Olympic layout!
Clean, a masterpiece honestly.
Ah, this and Miura-san story got me teary eyed
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aimeejses · 3 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu's jumps with various arm positions mid-air 【PART1】
P1: White Legend (2021 24htv) backward sit spiral into 3lo-2t (no rippon)-2t (rippon) Yuzu performed back sit spiral into solo jump in old version of White Legend(P3). Yuzu's back sit spiral into combination jump in White Legend today gave me a pleasant surprise. PS. Yuzu use back sit spiral into 3F in Zigeunerweisen (P4)
P2: Zigeunerweisen layback ina bauer into 3Lz+2t (both hands on waist) Yuzu used layback ina bauer into combination jump is incredible!!! Both hands on waist is an interesting air position. You can see more introduction on @chirahbuakkai twi
P5: Somebody to Love walley jump (rippon)
P6: Hana Ni Nare walley jump (tano)
P7: Masquerade (2021 DOI) delayed axel (no-hold rippon)
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annainnorth · 2 years
Additional segment posted by 24hTV program today~
Yuzu is visited by Takahara-san, the same lady he talked to on the 2015 and 2018 program*, also a survivor of the earthquake-tsunami.
She is so very sweet, and I'm so happy he got the chance to be encouraged by her! I got teary eyed lol
Translations, from the 2:28 minute mark (in the video) talk they have:
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And translations from the sweet encounter (from the 8:15 minute mark)
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Yuzu, I will borrow Takahara's words for myself as well...
*both programs can be found on Planet Hanyu
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annainnorth · 2 years
The cutest bean!
Miura-san's squeal LOL
Oh to be surprised by this angel...
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Yuzuru Hanyu's senior SP costumes
1. Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso (Rondo/Roncapu)
There are so many things to say about Rondo. A program that reflects Yuzu's journey - a story of his life (based on Shae-Lynn Bourne's interview). A program that was meant to be not only the SP that would help him win the 2021 Japanese Nationals, but also the SP that would set a new WR at the Beijing Olympics. It is a gorgeous, complex program to execute. The Beijing Rondo is a heavy memory in all our minds, however, that misfortune, at least for me, did not take away from the beauty of the performance.
Rondo is also Yuzu's last competitive short program and Beijing Rondo was our last memory of this SP. Nevertheless, on 28th August 2022, during the 24HTV charity broadcast, Yuzu presented us with a new Rondo - a far more delicate and polished Rondo than the ones we saw at the 2021 Japanese Nationals and at Beijing. Yuzu faced his fear and we faced ours alongside him.
I know some of you may still not be able to watch any competitive Rondo, but I promise you - this new Rondo has the power to override the bad memories and heavy emotions - it holds a new meaning now. A powerful, on the rise, pro athlete Yuzu has skated it as his pro career's debut program. Rondo closed a chapter and introduced us to a new one.
(Thank you kindly, @annainnorth, for sharing the video - Rondo 24HTV + another Rondo version)
Moving on to the costume.
Firstly, a short disclaimer: I have unintentionally chosen most photos from Beijing - this is because the photos I could find in the best quality for identifying costume details are from the Olympics and not JNats. The only one from JNats is the photo showing Yuzu's back.
This is a costume that only Yuzuru Hanyu can pull off. The low neckline, front and back, paired with the choker can be considered feminine. Yuzu's figure makes the costume mesmerizing and the costume highlights Yuzu's neck, collarbones and shoulder blades. While skating, the elegance of the movements, Yuzu's posture and the flow of the costume create a dream-like image.
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The gradient theme appears again on this costume - the sleeves have a clear transition from white-blue to a deeper blue . A less pronounced gradient is present on the front and back.
The basis of Rondo vaguely reminds me of the Otonal 2.0 costume. The back is made of material apparently divided into V-shaped strips meeting in the center - the line of the zipper. In the front, there is an overlapping effect - the right side being diagonally oriented from the right shoulder to the right hip creating this impression, while the left side flows diagonally from the shoulder to the center of the sternum as if tucked in. The hem is 'shredded', so even when Yuzu is still, it gives the impression of dynamism.
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The front and back of the costume seem to be made out of multiple strips, effect achieved by the material being folded. For me, it also creates a 3D effect intensified by the subtle gradient, as such bringing a depth to the design.
Clear and light blue sequins are attached alongside the strips enhancing the overlapping effect and giving the costume that elegant, sparkly intensity that we have come to associate with most of Yuzu's costumes. The golden accents of the top resemble feathers, observation based on the shape of Yuzu's feather necklace (visible underneath the mesh cloth in the above photo) that looks like the shape of the accent themselves.
The sleeves are the most simple element of the costume. They are thin, almost form-fitting with the cuffs being slightly wider. There are few sequins that adorn the upper arm, thus the eyes are mainly drawn to the gradient. It's almost an abrupt switch between the white-ish blue and the San Marino blue. The costume is completed by the skin colored mesh gloves which, in contrast with the darker cuffs, bring attention to hand gestures during the performance.
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I chose to talk about the best feature of the Rondo costume at the end. The choker. The entire costume is a work of art in itself, however, the choker is the one element which completes the look and makes it unique.
The choker is filled with sequins of various colors: clear, light pink, light blue, dark blue, gold. However, the best little detail of the choker is the half-moon glued on the left side. The material on which these are attached to also holds a bit of gradient. The lower part of the choker is a very light blue, while the rest of it is San Marino blue, just like the cuffs. Connecting the choker to the rest of the top is a see-through skin colored mesh cloth.
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Although the costume is very elegant, light and sparkly, it also brings out the strength and power that Yuzu holds as a figure skater. I specifically chose the below photo - the spread eagle with the arm up, a beautiful artistic choice to enhance the performance, a movement that fits the music perfectly. The power this pose holds is more so important to me since this is done right after that damned hole-in-the-ice incident. Yuzu never let go of the music, of his immersion into the program - he skated it beautifully from start to finish. I have shown his Beijing Rondo to people who have no idea about rules, technical elements and the such, and to their eyes, there was no mistake, that's how good Yuzu masked the incident.
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Some of us wondered when we would see Rondo again, some had a harder time processing Beijing's Rondo, so there was silence. As we have been informed during this year's 24HTV, Yuzu also struggled to make peace with Rondo - Beijing was a hardship for him, I think, more than for us. But Yuzu decided to bring Rondo back as the program with which to make his debut as a pro athlete.
An unblemished Rondo was skated on 16th August (and aired on 28th). Here you can watch Rondo in it's entirety, without camera cuts, without commentary all thanks to NTV News (Rondo in 2 versions - one with camera cuts, and the 2nd the one I have previously linked). And Noto-san provided us with pictures from then.
The costume looks gorgeous under dim lights with a dark background. As such, the costume and the program became more precious to me and it was proof once more of how strong Yuzu is both mentally and physically. He completed a full competitive Rondo - the commentator even said that all the spins and StSq were Level 4. Rondo is the program which deserves a WR, a program so demanding and intricate that no one else can skate to, a program that is Yuzu's and Yuzu's alone.
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The relief Yuzu showed after completing the program makes me very emotional as it allowed freedom to settle in.
With this freedom, I now conclude the post-series about Yuzuru Hanyu's senior short program costumes.
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This is a post-series that’s meant to complement the ranking of Yuzu’s senior SPs in order of personal preference
Note: The costumes are in the order I ranked Yuzu’s SPs, not in order of least favourite to favourite costume
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annainnorth · 2 years
A surprise for Miura.
Because of course, let's do the SEIMEI choreo sqs right after Rondo. Why not LOL
Beautiful in the green lighting <3
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annainnorth · 2 years
Sometimes I remember that Yuzu skated to Rondo in the LMEY costume and I just...
(is been weeks, but since 24hTV I cannot stop thinking about rondo)
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annainnorth · 2 years
It is (still) White Legend Wednesday and I couldn't miss sharing a little compilation showing the tremendous evolution of Yuzu's skating in this iconic performance. 
From debuting it as a junior, through his sweep of victories with it as a short program, through keeping as a memorable gala (WC 2012 and Olys 2014), to revisiting as a master of the ice (24hTV in 2021) and serving as part of his closing as an amateur (Beijing). 
The evolution of this sequence!
Baby swan grew up so much in 12 years
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Master post - Yuzu's senior SPs
In order of my least favourite to favourite (although all are incredible)
8. Étude in D-sharp Minor
7. White Legend
6. Parisienne Walkways
5. Let's Go Crazy
4. Ballade No. 1
3. Otonal
2. Let Me Entertain You
1. Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
Bonus: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso skated for 24HTV - Yuzu's pro career debut
I finally finished this post-series.
About Rondo:
Rondo is the queen of programs. Rondo is it. Rondo is the peak of figure skating as it SHOULD be.
Specifically, I have chosen to put each GIF separately to see (as much as the quality allows) the details and precision of movement. I have also dedicated 3 GIFs to the StSq and sacrificed 2 spin GIFs. Even without sound, it's possible to grasp the precision with which Yuzu moves his arms to capture each note and music accent.
I had written a very emotional rant about Yuzu and his evolution as a skater over time, but Tumblr decided to be a little bitch and erased it. Now, I can't remember what I wrote, so I'll just post this as it is.
The main idea was:
Yuzu has evolved so much over time, his programs are the proof of that. His longevity in the sport doesn't mean his decline, on the contrary, he has continuously strived to be better and better, to push himself to the limit and to push figure skating as a sport ahead as well. Unfortunately, the sport hasn't been kind to him in a very long time. However, that doesn't mean he's finished.
Even now, he's showing us his versatility and new sides of him and his skating. And we are all loving it.
We, as fans, will continue to support Yuzu in whatever he chooses to do next starting with being there to cheer for him while he pursues his dream of conquering the 4A - dream which he made very clear he's not done with just yet.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
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Yuzu will be on 27th Aug on 24HTV!!!
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