#yvair ; headcanons
hal-assan · 2 years
random and (probably) ultimately useless fact is that yvair is pretty much guaranteed to have an idol crush on a male hero of ferelden. especially if he's dalish
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hal-assan · 3 years
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Yvair (36 by Inquisitions start, turns 37 shortly after reaching Skyhold) and Elgaris (33) are siblings, and though originally not of the Lavellan Clan they’ve both grown to cherish their Clan and hold those in it very dear. Elgaris ended up having to leave her initial Clan when her powers awoken, and Yvair insisted on going with her. 
Yvair is well trained in navigation and hunting, and often times was one of the few members of his Clan that met up with humans to trade. He’s got a keen eye, and is usually good at reading people. Yvair is well known to be somewhat sarcastic or even downright sassy, and tends to use humour to try and blanket dreary situations. While wary and untrusting of Spirits, eventually he grows fond of Cole and his outlook on them is usually challenged-- capable of changing. He’s a strong advocate for mages, not just because his sister is one. The idea of people abusing their power as he’d heard of Templars doing disgusts him.
Elgaris is very curious, and perhaps a bit naïve at times. More impulsive than her older brother, Elgaris sometimes has been known to rush into things without completely thinking them through. It does nothing to ease the overprotective nature Yvair has taken when around her, and is something she means to try and work on. Despite the obvious danger Spirits can prove towards a mage, Elgaris does find herself eager to learn more about them if ever given the chance. 
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hal-assan · 2 years
Fears: Yvair
Bold any fears that apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable. Repost don't reblog!
dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future // not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
also hey @fereldenhero you wanna do this and get me back???
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