#zadrox pics
zup l&zerz. resident b&d&zz here 2 bring my w&nderful prezence here 2 grumblr zince i g&t my n&zty little pr&ngz @n every other z&cial media.
n&mez z&dr&x. the c&&lezt mfing girlb&y y&u ever did meet. i'm preb&n s& keep it in y&ur pants.
i'm a gemz& btw. n&t th&t it sh&uld m&tter.
P&le-pitch with @strigine-historian. i d&n't think y&u need t& &dvertize y&ur rel&ti&nzhipz &nline but their inzecure azz w&nted me t&&. (...<3<>)
Tumblr media
OOC ACCOUNT IS @upward-centrifuge
this is a grumblr blog! block it if you don't wanna see homestuck or unreality or anything of that nature.
This blog is open to asks and DMs
Quirk: all lowercase except for emphasis. A's and O's are replaced with &'s and S's are replaced with Z's. Pretty classic fanquirks but if it's too illegible i can put translations. The font isn't strictly part of it, I just use it cuz it makes his typing quirk easier to read and matches the actual pesterchum/trollian font.
Your character can can romance Zadrox if you want, just be of an appropriate age, don't expect her to randomly fall head over heels for you for no reason, and if you do manage to seduce her don't expect her to confine her feelings to one quadrant. Flushed and ash are open. Pitch and pale are technically closed but since their relationship vaccilates AND they're open to being poly so you can still successfully romance them in those quadrants if you're willing to compromise with him and his kisrail.
Character intro (not doin the homestuck format right now. might fix it up later)
Zadrox Oposto (he/she) is an 8 sweep old goldblooded troll trying to make a living for himself on Alternia. Her psionics are on the weaker side (something she's eternally grateful for, cuz obviously she does not wanna get fucking helmed), but she doesn't have the strongest control over them. This results in him being sort of just perpetually ass deep in static electricity, which sort of throws a wrench into the gears of his passion for engineering and inventing.
In theory, Zadrox should be an amazing engineer. She has both the skill and talent, and has spent her whole life preparing herself for a future in the field. However, with the winning combination of his eccentricity, absent-mindedness, and the unfortunate manifestation of his psionics, instead of the wonders he could be creating and dreams of creating, you instead get a thermal hull that runs around the kitchen (yes, like the prank call thing) that bursts into flames if it gets off balance.
Fun facts about him:
- obsessed with contradictions, paradoxes, opposites, oxymorons, etc. Likes to take them and break them. Loves it when something is two opposite things at the same time
- two reasons for his typing quirk: one, he thinks it makes him look like a cool gamer dude. Two, it alludes to the fact that he has a pretty nasally voice.
vaccillates just. constantly all the time. but to her there's a big difference between what she thinks of as "new relationship vacillation" (quadrant confusion, unsynched or one-sided vacillation) vs vacillation that is part of a healthy long term relationship (consistent vacillation, both partners vacillating together or one completely flipping because the other did, possibly quadrant blurring). Relationships in just one quadrant don't really exist for him.
- will add more
Other than that you're gonna have to find out through rp.
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