#zak o'sullivan x reader
yazmarina · 15 days
i wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be
zak o'sullivan (f2) x fem!reader
your best friend is a monaco race winner. you find out winning turns others into totally different people
warnings/notes: smut, mutual masturbation, dry humping
a/n: this is very self indulgent okay let me have my zak moment,,,and this turned out much dirtier than expected LMAO okay bye
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You weren't even supposed to be here. The flight, accommodation, and paddock pass were almost too much, and you debated just dropping the plan altogether.
But Monaco is special to a lot of racing drivers. Symbolic in the way that it holds history and is the place of many victories. It's special to him.
So, you bite the bullet, book the tickets, and grit your teeth through the exorbitant amount that turned up on your credit card record. You only live once, live in the moment, viva la vida, whatever.
You're here now in Monte Carlo, in arguably the best seat you could afford with what you had after months of saving and weaseling a loving loan from your parents. Watching the race. Watching Zak.
You arrived early this morning, rushing to your hotel, and packing what you needed for the day. You tried to get some shut-eye, managing to get barely three hours of sleep. And then off to the track you went.
Zak doesn't know you're here. You had to lie through your teeth to your own best friend. You told him Monaco just wasn't in the cards and that you'd see him race some other time. In Silverstone, maybe, or Monza.
He has no clue that you're sitting here, with bated breath, as the lap count ticks down with every minute. Zak is leading but he hasn't pitted yet, and they're about to enter the second to the last lap of the race, and what the fuck are they doing not pitting him yet?
Then it happens, almost too quick for you to register. The large screen in front of your section shows a collision. Yellow flag. Virtual safety car.
You're confused for a moment, shocked exclamations erupting around you, but then you see it happen. Zak pits in the midst of the safety car, rushes out, and comes out a second ahead of the whole pack.
You don't even notice how loud you gasp as you finally realize what's happening. One more lap to go and Zak is leading.
The seconds seem to tick by awfully slow yet the race is coming to an end right before your eyes. The checkered flag waves and he crosses the line and the crowd erupts in cheers, mixed with disbelief and genuine awe.
His team gambled and he walked away with the jackpot.
Zak O'Sullivan, Monaco race winner.
Everything played out in one big blur after. You were clapping, then you were crying, running, squeezing through people, pushing, praying that you get to the paddock unscathed.
You pause for a second in front of a screen to watch the champagne spray around Zak on the podium. He's beaming, still in awe himself. You feel the tears come once more and you sprint through the throngs of people and down the streets of Monte Carlo.
You arrive at where the team support trucks are, growing nervous with each step. You came alone and sure, some of the ART people knew who you were, but without Zak, you're feeling a little lost.
You stop in front of the ART truck and it's quiet, as you expected, with all of the employees probably down at the podium celebrations. A pair of personnel clad in the team kit exit the vehicle just as you contemplate contacting Zak's trainer.
"Hi," one of them greets, a sprightly young woman around your age greets. Probably one of the communication people.
"Are you here for Victor or–"
"Zak," you rush out. "I'm ______, his friend. I've gone with him back in Bahrain and Jeddah this year, but I came just this morning so..."
"Oh! Yes, it's you. I remember now, Zak's friend, yeah," the other cuts in. "He was pretty bummed out today, saying something about how you couldn't make it?"
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. "Yes, that's me. I wanted to surprise him."
"Well, consider me surprised."
You turn around, your heart leaping into your throat. Standing there is the best friend himself, drenched in champagne and holding his winning trophy to his side.
Zak rushes to you and pulls you into a hug, handing off his trophy momentarily to the employees. You feel his arms circle around your waist just as you feel the rest of your tears fall.
"I'm so proud of you," you whisper as you bury your face into his shoulder.
"I thought you couldn't make it," Zak says, pulling away slightly to peer at your tear-streaked face. "But my luck just keeps getting better, huh?"
You meet his eyes and you can see the sparkle of victory in his irises. He grins down at you and pulls you in again, swaying you from side to side.
"Zak, we need a bit more media from you," comes a voice calling out from further down the paddock.
"I'll be a minute!" Zak calls over his shoulder, slipping his hand in yours. "Take my trophy with you but be careful!"
You giggle, glancing behind to see the ART personnel shake their heads in disbelief.
"Come here a second," Zak says, pulling you toward the entrance to their makeshift motorhome for the weekend.
You step inside, familiar with how the interior is, having seen something similar from when Zak was still in Prema last year. You're usually not allowed inside, but riding off a win, you suppose no one dared argue with Zak.
The door shuts and Zak turns to look at you. His eyes scan your face, a smile growing wider on his lips.
"You're here," Zak states as if still not believing it.
"I'm sorry I lied," you admit sheepishly. "I wanted to surprise you, maybe comfort you if the race doesn't go as planned."
Zak chuckles, stepping closer and taking your other hand. You take a good look at your best friend and you feel yourself tear up again.
"But I'm here to celebrate your first podium, a win in Monaco, instead. How about that?" You finish, letting out a breath as Zak takes ahold of your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
"How about that, indeed," Zak repeats, tilting your head up so you're looking at him.
You're quite familiar with how success can make you do uncharacteristic things. It makes you reckless, unboundedly giddy. Drivers lock lips with their significant others in front of the camera after a win. Shirts discarded. Champagne poured down their bodies.
Oh, but you're not Zak's girlfriend. There are no cameras.
But you taste the champagne just the same as Zak pulls you in, kissing you with so much force it drives you back against the door.
You reach behind you, still having the presence of mind to turn the lock and bar anyone from walking in on you and Zak.
You grab at the half-undone collar of Zak's race suit, tugging the zipper down in one fell swoop. Zak pulls away, long enough to shrug his suit off, just enough so it hangs under his hips.
You understand now, that underneath it all, success makes you horny.
"Zak," you begin. "What...wait–"
Your best friend pauses, breathing heavily, hair mussed up and lips shiny from kissing you.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't want him with every fiber of your being.
"We can stop," Zak offers, reaching out tentatively. He brushes some strands of hair away from your face.
"I just...I was really lucky today and I thought maybe I should just gamble one more time," he explains, trailing his fingers down the side of your face, to your neck, fingertips lightly brushing against your collarbone.
You get it. Or you think you do. He wants you, too.
You pause. You turn it over in your head for a second. What this means for the both of you. If you do this, you step out of this truck as something different from when you entered.
"Come here," you whisper, grasping the back of Zak's neck before leaning in to kiss him again. He groans, large hands finding your waist as he pulls you flush against him.
You can feel him poking through his fireproofs and you moan into the kiss, grinding hard against the stiffness. Your dress hikes up as you wrap a leg around Zak's waist.
"Fuck," he curses. "I didn't...god, have I had a boner all this time?"
You giggle, rubbing even more on Zak. He groans, throwing his head back, his hold on your waist almost vice-like.
"Winning does that to you," you whisper, kissing along his defined jawline.
"My race winner," you say right next to Zak's ear, biting down on his earlobe after.
Zak buries his face into the crook of your neck, rutting against you, desperate for release. You thread your fingers through his hair and tug lightly, whimpering as the friction through your underwear increases.
"Oh god, look at us," you mutter hurriedly. "Grinding and humping like a bunch of horny school kids."
"I'm gonna cum," Zak warns, pulling off slightly before reaching into his fireproof bottoms. He pulls his length out, pumping furiously.
You pull your dress all the way up to your stomach, tugging your underwear away just enough to let Zak have a view of how drenched you are. Your fingers reach down to circle around your clit as Zak continues to jerk off.
"Cum in them," you offer, gesturing to your panties. "I'll keep it on the whole day."
Zak's mouth hangs open as he finishes all over his fist and into the fabric of your underwear, the delicate material catching his sticky release. The sight of the mess pushes you over the edge yourself, your knees buckling slightly as you try to keep yourself upright through your euphoria.
You retract your hand from between your legs, panting and noticing you've worked up a sweat, as if you had just gone for a long, very sexually-charged jog.
Zak looks at you and smiles, taking your soiled hand and licking your fingers clean off. He winks as his lips let go with a pop! and you reach over to smack him in the chest.
"Naughty," you grumble, though you're grinning just as wide.
"I know you are, but what am I?" Zak taunts, pressing a kiss to your lips. You sigh against it and savor it all: Zak's touch, the smell of champagne on his skin, and the glow that seems to envelop you two now.
"They're probably looking for you," you whisper, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"I'll be back," Zak reassures, stepping back. He stills for a moment and takes the image of you in once more before kissing your cheek.
"Wait here, yeah?"
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clemswinecorner · 1 year
Nuggets and shakes [Zak O'Sullivan]
Summary: During the F3 break something is up with Zak, so Y/N finds out and comforts him.
Started from the prompt "You’re avoiding the subject and you know it. What are you hiding from me?"
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: it's kinda sad and like a liiiiitle angsty bc Zak is sad bc Williams did a shitty thing. Other than that its like cute or smt its a lovely relationship (with a little bit suggestive at the end but y/n stops it to play games lol)
Guess who lives! And it's my biiiirthdaaaay so here's a gift for you xx This got me out of my writer's block and I wrote this in a day (but! i am on @clemswinecorner-socials more often because those can get some creativity out of me even when I have a writer's block, I've got a new post ready for you there as well mwuah x) and also I graduated in the mean time so go me, and now I have time to get back to writing and the inspiration so thank you Zak! Enjoy Zak girlies :)
Ps. don't think about the title too much because I struggled making up one (suggestions are welcome)
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It wasn't unusual for Zak to keep to himself like now, especially when he'd been busy and his social battery was low. Zak was a very laid back person, so people were used to him not bringing attention to himself in general, but he was usually up for a chat and often cracking jokes. He had spent a lot of time with friends and family, so you understood him seemingly wanting some time to himself, sure. What was unusual, however, was how he was distant even to you. The last race before the long break wasn't a good weekend for the British driver, his feature race ending early due to damage from the opening lap after struggling to make it into the top 10 on Friday. He'd been frustrated and quiet on the way home to England, but when you went to Spain, where you'd spend the first couple of weeks of the break, the championship went somewhat forgotten.
It was now only 3 weeks until the final race of the season came around, and you were seated next to Zak in his parents' garden as his dad and uncle were busy with the barbecue. He absentmindedly scrolled on his phone, occasionally responding to some texts with his other hand on your thigh. He wasn't physically distant, he'd never been, but there was something different between going on. Something hanging in the air, which was weird- you’ve always been very open and communicative to each other. "Zak, can you come help for a second?" You look over as his dad calls him, but Zak doesn’t seem to notice. You nudge him, "your dad needs help." Zak nods and puts his phone in his pocket standing up, his hand leaving your thigh. You watch as he talks with his family, a small smile on his face, though you could see it wasn't fully there. He was still chatting and joking around, you assumed from the way his dad was laughing, but his own smile seemed a little more forced- but maybe that was just you. 
"So, how's my favourite in-law? The job going well?" You smile at Zak's cousin, who was around the same age as you, sitting down next to you. "I'm good, I'm alright. I've been having fun during this time off, but also can't wait to get back to the track with the team and Zak. And you, how's the boyfriend?" You chat for a while, until you get interrupted by your boyfriend appearing next to you with a hand on your shoulder, handing you a plate with some salad and a little bit of everything from the barbecue. "Thanks babe, looks good," you smile and you give him a quick peck. "Always for my girl," you blush and his cousin looks at the two of you fondly as Zak makes his way back. "So, everything going great between you two I assume?" You look at Zak with a sigh before looking back at her. "Yeah, we're good, I think. He's been a little off, or something, but I think it's work related. I've been wanting to talk about it but you know how things are in the motorsports world, you can't always say," His cousin looks over with a sympathetic smile. "Oh, well, you know how he is. If he's ready and wants to tell you, he will. And you can always ask," you nod as you look at his 3 year old niece, who has just come in, running up to him. "Uncle Zaaaaak!" Zak turns around and looks down with a smile. "Hey there princess!" He says and you hear an adorable squeal as he lifts her in the air. "He'd be a good dad," His cousin raises his eyebrows at you and you shake your head. "Nope, way too early, we are not having that conversation."
"Are we going too?" You softly ask Zak after you've said goodbye to his niece and her parents. "Yeah, sure, whatever you want," you grab the keys from his back pocket and rub his arm. "Alright, I'll drive. Let's say goodbye to your parents and go," You walk back to the garden, where you hug both his parents before quickly waving to his siblings. "I'll see you guys next week, right? Alright, bye!" You automatically grab Zak's hand as you walk back to his car, him going more quiet liked you'd seen at home the past couple of days. You hand him your phone with Spotify, not entirely sure what type of music he'd prefer, and drive home. "Do you want a milkshake? I could also get nuggets to share or a McFlurry. I won't tell any of the trainers," You mention when you see the exti that leads to the McDonald’s. You glance over at Zak who gives you a tight but genuine smile. "Nuggets and shake, please," you smile as you pull into the McDrive, ordering your usual favourites. "Thank you," he quietly says when you're back on your way. "Ofcourse," You smiled. 
You settle around the kitchen island in Zak's apartment, with him sitting and you still standing halfway across from him. "So, how are you feeling?" Zak frowns at your question as he dips his nugget in the sauce. "About what?" You shrug, "In general," and Zak simply shrugs back. "Just normal," He just says, and you look at him once more. "Zak, is... Really, are you okay?" He looks up at you now, seeing how serious you are. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just... There’s nothing, i just need to get back into the flow, and stuff. With Williams and everything I've just... You know how it is, different people and stuff, but I can't really say," It's only when he mentions the team that you realise how much he hadn't talked about them during the past few weeks, whereas he had mentioned his F3 team. He'd been over at the factory a few times, but not nearly as much as during the winter. "Zak, is everything going okay at the teams, and during training? We've not really spoken about that stuff for a while," he quickly shakes his head- too quick. "Yeah, did you hear Williams is finally allowed to break the cost cap for the new stuff? And Prema's been doing well, did you talk to Angelina about the new LAP's? I noticed they took over some of your filming habits," He talked quickly, not allowing you to interrupt. "I did, yeah, but you’re avoiding the subject and you know it. Zak, I know this is a secretive world, or supposed to be at least, but i'm your girlfriend. If you go through something I go through it with you. What are you hiding?" Zak looks at you and you see a change in his demeanour. "I, eh, I don't... I don't think I can really..." You walk over to him, the distress clear in his voice. "Listen, I'm here, okay. I won't tell people, I just care for you. Good or bad, i'll stay," you grab chin and make him look up at you as you tell him that, and he nods. "I know. Thank you," You smile as you hug him from behind the chair. "I love you, always." He nods in response as he leans into you, rubbing your arm. "I got sacked by Williams."
You freeze at those words. "Zak..." You say as you stand by his side. "That's what you've been keeping to yourself?" You ask, already knowing the answer. He looks at you with watery eyes and nods. "My god, Zak, I'm sorry," You pull him to stand up and embrace him, feeling him relaxing immediately at your touch. You stay for a long while as the words slowly sink in. Zak is still grabbing you tightly and from the way he's hugging you you can tell how much he needed this. He softly cries on your shoulder as you hold him, with here and there sobs that absolutely break your heart. 
"You don't deserve this. That's... It's a dumb decision, really, why would they do that to such a good driver?" Zak has slowly pulled back, now leaning against your chest as you hold him. "They had to choose. With the Merc juniors and Logan already there they had to make a decision and they saw more in Franco. I really don't know what next, Y/N. I don't even know if I'll make it to F2," You sigh as you hold him close. "You will. And honestly, you're gonna make it to F1 anyways, might as well make it a team that isn't the worst on the grid," Zak gives you a eye roll and a smile in response. "Okay, okay, I'm still with the team until after Abu Dhabi. But maybe, yes," he admits and you chuckle. "Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, we should do something fun, because you need that. Put on your pyjama pants and I'll grab us a game, alright? Alright, I'm changing first, you finish the nuggies!" He chuckles as you walk away to the bedroom. 
"I'm coming in," You say as you open the door, a bottle of rosé and two glasses in hand, placing them beside your bed. Zak walks out of the bathroom wearing just his underwear, and you look him over. "Put on some pants," you tease and he smirks. "I know you'd rather have me keep them off," You roll your eyes as you leave the room again, grabbing the games you figured you could play. "You don't need a shirt, it's fine like that," Zak looks at you from the edge of the bed and stands up as you put the games on the bed. "Thought you'd say that," he says as he pulls you close to him by your wrist, pulling you in for a kiss. As his hands slip lower to the shorts you're wearing you pull back. "We were going to play some games, weren't we?" Zak nods as you move yourself from his grip making your way over to the bed. "Uno and monopoly, really? You know that stuff has ended relationships, right?"
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i-wish-this-was-me · 3 months
Favorite fics part. 5
25. Ollie Bearman:
Sweet (smut)
My turn (smut)
Hate but I love you too (smut)
Last bite (fluff)
Go back to bed (fluff)
Not in this life (fluff)
Do not poke a bear until it's claws come out (fluff)
Cuddling (fluff)
26. Zak O'Sullivan:
Nuggets and shakes (fluff)
27. Lance Stroll:
"Good read, pretty girl?" (suggestive)
Can't help falling in love (fluff)
Hotter than yesterday (fluff)
Choo Choo Trains (fluff)
Not a fic, but damnnn
28. Kimi Antonelli:
Misunderstanding (fluff)
19. James Vowles:
Perfect relationship (fluff)
Until it doesn't hurt (Alex Turner x reader) (smut)
Fingers (Alex Turner x reader) (smut)
Begin again (James Potter x reader) (fluff)
Wildest dreams (James Potter x reader) (fluff)
Driver!Reader getting in a crash (fluff) (F1)
Count on us (fluff) (F1)
I'm with a Knight and Slenderman, No One Can Touch Me (fluff) (F1)
Finding you asleep (fluff) (F1)
Kiss, merry, kill (fluff) (F1)
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yazmarina · 12 days
and everything is new (and everything is you)
zak o'sullivan (f2) x fem!reader
a beach trip, one bed, and your ex-teammate turned frenemy. you're no math genius but you can already see the result of this equation.
warnings/notes: suggestive, enemies (?) to lovers, only one bed, appearances by other drivers
a/n: you guys have been too kind to me requesting all these zak fics <3 here's a little (mostly) fluffy thing for all my fellow zak enjoyers
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"Are you coming along to Mallorca?"
You tug off your balaclava, turning your head toward Marta. She's undoing her race suit, looking at you expectantly. For a moment, you're confused, but you remember just as quickly the group chat that popped up in your notifications this morning. The one with current and ex-Prema drivers.
"Is that where we're going? I haven't gone through the chat yet, sorry," you admit, pulling off your hair tie.
"Why not? Even the ex-members already said yes," Marta prods. "Is this about Zak?"
Your head snaps back up in Marta's direction, your forehead creased.
"What about Zak?" You try nonchalantly, ripping your race suit's zipper down.
Marta snickers. "Ollie told me that you and him don't get along that well."
You raise your eyebrows at this. "Ollie told you? You talk often?"
"Don't change the subject," Marta says rolling her eyes. She sidles up to you as you start to walk out of the garage, back to Prema's service truck.
"Come on, Amna and Hamda will be there, it'll be fun," Marta pleads, nudging you lightly.
You sigh, contemplating on it. A few days in Mallorca, with friends, and for sure, free-flowing alcohol. The FRECA season hasn't been good to you lately and a trip like this one before the season picks up again in Imola might do you well.
It's a no-brainer. And yet...
"Is...he going?" You tread cautiously, already rolling your eyes at the way Marta grins at your question.
"Zak? Yeah, he is. What's the deal with you two?" Marta asks, just as you two arrive at the service truck.
You two let yourselves in, momentarily distracted by the strategists and engineers who congratulate you and Marta's qualifying positions. Mostly Marta's P5, though. Not much to celebrate about your P17.
"The deal is..." you begin once you're settled in the small sitting area on the second floor. "He and I are just kind of awkward around each other. He's always so standoffish when I'm around. So I don't push, 'cause I wouldn't want to bother him if he doesn't want to talk to me."
"Standoffish?" Marta asks. "Like, Zak ignores you?"
You nod. "Never knew why but I guess he just doesn't like me that much."
"That's crazy. What's there to dislike?" Marta asks incredulously.
"Ask him," you say. "He's left Prema and all and he still hasn't said a word to me other than, 'hi', 'bye', or 'see you'."
"Maybe he likes you," Marta suggests, plopping down on one of the chairs.
"No," you immediately interject. "Don't give me that, 'he avoids you so he must like you' theory. It's so cliche!"
Marta just shrugs. "Cliche, yes. Impossible? No."
You let out a breath, opening your driver room door. Just then, Rafael comes bounding up the steps, grinning, fresh from his pole position celebrations.
"That's pole, ladies!" He exclaims. "My mind's already celebrating in Mallorca."
Marta throws her balaclava at Rafael, who catches it with ease.
"At least someone's happy about Mallorca," Marta comments, turning to look at you knowingly.
You huff, slamming your door shut.
You already know who the man standing in the aisle next to you is. This was your connecting flight to Mallorca from Heathrow Airport and the moment Zak texted the group chat that his flight was the exact same time as yours, you already knew you'd run into him.
You look up and sure enough, Zak has his lips pursed as he eyes the seat next to you.
Great. Not only are you on the same flight. He's sitting right next to you, too.
"Hi Zak," you mumble quietly, the feeling of his name in your mouth so unfamiliar that you almost cringe.
"You can take this seat and I'll just move," you hurriedly add, not wanting to stretch the conversation any longer. You scoot over to the middle seat before hauling yourself all the way to the one next to the window.
Zak blinks, giving you a look. He shakes his head, situating himself in the seat you were previously in.
"And if someone comes along and says they have that seat, what then?" Zak asks, glancing your way briefly before averting his eyes back to his phone.
You take a deep breath, your stomach flipping around weirdly. You haven't ever been this physically close to Zak, always making sure to keep your distance. The proximity makes you feel all jumpy now.
"Boarding's almost over, I'm sure no one–"
"Hi, sorry, I believe that's my seat?"
You're cut off mid-sentence by a sweet old lady, peering over at you from the aisle. Zak quickly gets up and motions for her to enter your row, smiling all gentlemanly, even guiding her by the arm. You grit your teeth as you exit the cramped space, letting the woman shuffle into the widow seat.
"Aisle seat is yours," Zak says with a smirk, gesturing to the place he just vacated.
"Wouldn't want you to bear the inconvenience of the middle one," he adds.
"Thanks," you reply quietly, settling back down into your original place as Zak takes the space between you and the old lady.
"Long time no see, _______," Zak greets, smiling at you politely.
"Yeah," you say rather flatly. "Leaving the team kind of does that."
"I didn't leave," Zak counters matter-of-factly. "I was...There wasn't enough space left for me at Prema. That F2 seat wasn't going to be for me, anyway, unless I find another team."
There's a moment of silence as you suddenly feel bad for wording it the way you did. You glance up at Zak and find that he's already looking. You look away, heart leaping in your chest.
"Sorry," you mutter under your breath.
"You're good," Zak says with a sigh.
You blink your eyes open, finding yourself rather warm in the airconditioned aircraft.
Then the smell hits you. Perfume, vaguely manly. And then the feeling of a soft wool sweater against your cheek registers in your mind. Someone is leaning their head against yours from above.
That's when the dots connect in your head.
You've fallen asleep on Zak's shoulder.
In that short amount of time from when you took off and the moment you fell asleep, you managed to cuddle up to your...enemy? Ex-teammate? Ferenemy?
You shift your eyes downward and see that your arm has coiled around his own, his fingers loosely wrapped around yours, as if the two of you were just holding hands. Zak must have felt the sudden rigidness in your body because you feel him wake up as he raises his head, pulling away from you.
You retract your own arm, smoothing your hair down, and avoiding eye contact. Zak clears his throat, busying himself with his phone.
"We're about to land," Zak says.
You merely nod, your chest squeezing tightly.
"I was about to wake both of you, but you two looked so peaceful," the old lady suddenly says, drawing both your and Zak's attention.
"What a lovely couple," she adds, grinning at you both.
You smile weakly in return and Zak mumbles a nervous 'thank you'.
"This villa is huge!" Hamda exclaims, bounding through the foyer of the beach house your group has rented for the week.
You pull your suitcase past the landing, neck craning as you take your temporary residence in.
The ceiling's high, with a balcony overlooking the entrance from the second floor. The kitchen is to the right and the living room is to your left. Large glass double doors are straight ahead, leading to a garden which then leads to the beach.
"It says there are six rooms," Marta declares, peering at her phone. "And there's twelve of us, so that's perfect."
"I'm rooming with Dino," Paul cuts in, already hauling his stuff up the stairs. Dino gives the group a thumbs up as he follows Paul.
"Okay, there should also be two beds in each room," Marta adds. "So no one can complain about their roommate punching them in their sleep."
The Al-Qubaisi sisters stalk off on their own, automatically roommates. Arthur and Ollie decide to room together, with Rafael and Gabriele racing up the stairs to see who gets to their room first.
Doriane sticks around with Marta, helping the older organize the kitchen before they retreat to their own room.
That leaves you and Zak because of course it does.
"I can room with the other guys," Zak offers as the two of you stand around the living room.
You give it a thought. Marta did say it would be two beds.
"I'd feel bad if I had a room to myself while everyone has a roommate," you reason, hauling your luggage along.
"I mean, if you don't want to room with me, that's fine–"
"No," Zak cuts in quickly. "I mean, it's fine. We can share a room."
"Are you two roommates?" Marta asks from the kitchen, peering through the doorway. Doriane gives the two of you a look before nudging Marta not-so-discreetly.
"Yep," you respond, trying to act casual. "That happens when there are more guys than girls."
You're about to drag your stuff up the stairs when Zak slips his own hand into the handle of your suitcase. You pull your hand back, as if burned, peering up at him.
"Let me," Zak offers, bounding up the stairs easily, both your and his things in his hands.
Unbeknownst to you, a violent blush creeps up your whole neck and face.
You follow Zak to one of the two remaining rooms. He pauses by the door and turns to you. "You wanna take this one?"
You nod, just wanting to get settled down and bond with the other girls. The image of Zak's hand around yours is still fresh in your mind and you don't like the way it sends flutters through your stomach.
You need to get far away from this man before you say or do something drastic.
He sets the bags down and pushes the door open. There's a short hallway leading to the actual room, concealing the rest of it from view. Zak shuffles in, past the bathroom to your left and the closet to the right. You follow at a distance, startling when Zak cusses.
You approach, peeking at where Zak is looking and your heart sinks.
"Dino and I were supposed to pick this one, but it only has one bed."
You turn to see Paul standing in the doorway, a knowing smile on his face. Dino peeks from behind him and gives you a kissy face which he quickly drops when Zak turns to look as well.
"We can let Marta and Doriane have this one," you offer up to Zak, already grabbing the handle of your bag.
"They already picked the other one," Paul says hurriedly, reaching for the doorknob. "We'll leave you guys to unpack. Bye!"
He swings the door closed and you're about to protest when you decide against it. Knowing the rest of them, they probably planned this ahead of time and they'll give both you and Zak hell if you refuse.
You turn to Zak who looks just as confused as you. You sigh, setting your things down at the far end of the room, just beneath the large window looking out into the ocean.
"It has a nice view," you comment, watching as the clouds breeze past in the sky. You feel Zak come up behind you and you freeze, trying not to crowd into his personal space.
"Huh," Zak begins. "It does. I guess that's one good thing about this room."
You turn around fully, facing Zak as he looks out through the window. He glances down at you and you realize how close the two of you are standing together.
He has his glasses on, which you always thought made him look cuter than usual. You blink the thought away as you brush past him, seating yourself on the bed.
"At least it's queen-sized," Zak remarks, kneeling down beside his suitcase. He unzips it, rummaging through his things.
"Yeah," you agree, half distracted by the way his jaw clenches.
"I won't give you a hard time, I promise," Zak says with an apologetic smile.
"Likewise," you reply.
The two of you fall into silence for a few seconds. Zak makes a face and you can't help the laugh that escapes you.
"Did we ever figure out why we're so weird with each other?" Zak asks, pulling himself up to his knees so he's level with you as you continue to perch at the edge of the bed.
If you reach out now, you'll be able to touch him. His hands hover awkwardly in front of him as if he's deciding whether to lay them on your thighs or not.
You shake your head, pulling yourself further up the bed before rolling off of it completely.
"Don't know what you're talking about," you brush off, heading straight for the door.
You sigh as the cool air of the room hits your freshly showered skin, the faint scent of body wash reaching your nose as you scan the room.
Zak is nowhere to be found and you fight against the twinge of disappointment that pokes through your chest.
He'd been weird with you the whole day. More so than usual. Or, at least you think he was.
The group decided to spend the rest of the daylight hours on the beach, splashing around and sitting out in the afternoon sun. You were having trouble with your sunscreen, particularly reaching over your shoulder to your back. Zak just so happened to see you and offered to do it for you.
"Move your hair a bit, yeah?" He said when your reply came as stunned silence, brushing some of your hair away over your shoulder.
You felt his hand move over your upper back, traveling lower with each swipe of the product. You flinched when you felt him brush against the small of your back.
"Thanks," you said, in a hurry to pull away. You've just spotted the others watching you two like a bunch of vultures, happily taking in every interaction you and Zak had.
It also didn't escape your notice the way he'd help you out of the water each time, the sand weighing your bare feet down.
"Talk about a change of heart," Marta had whispered to you as you were entering the villa just after sunset.
"He was watching you and not the sun when it was going down," Marta added, elbowing you playfully.
And now, you're looking for him, though subconsciously, but you're aware enough to know that something had indeed shifted today.
You turn to see Zak in the doorway, hair still damp, and a fresh set of clothes on.
"Where were you? I thought I'd let you shower first," Zak asks, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed.
"I showered in Marta and Doriane's room," you reply. "Thought I'd let you have a moment alone."
Zak's eyebrows furrow. "I'd like a moment with you, though?"
Your eyes widen and you laugh, all nerves and uncertainty.
"You have all night with me, Zak, seeing as we're sharing a bed," you remind, patting his shoulder goodnaturedly as you scurry past him into the hallway.
"Sounds great!" Zak calls out from behind you, your lips spreading into a smile.
Dinner was a fun affair, with the food prepared mainly by Marta and Paul. The drinks came out not too long after.
And now, some bottles of beer later (mixed with whatever cocktail Ollie came up with), you're stumbling into your room, trying to walk in a straight line. Keyword is trying.
You nearly jump right out of your skin when you hear the door close behind you.
"Whoa, sorry, it's just me," Zak says with a chuckle, holding his hands out toward you as if scared you're gonna topple forward.
"I need to sleep," you mumble, words slurring around the edges.
You climb onto the mattress, burrowing yourself under the fluffy covers. You watch with bleary eyes as Zak moves to the other side of the bed, sliding in beside you.
The bed shifts under his weight and you close your eyes trying to will yourself to sleep, but despite the alcohol, your heart beats wildly in your chest, more so when Zak's arm momentarily brushes against yours.
"I'll turn the light off," Zak announces. You merely hum in return.
The room is plunged into darkness as the lamp goes off, the room filled only with the steady hum of the air conditioning. Neither you nor Zak move, but you're nearly a hundred percent sure that he's still awake.
The minutes tick by but you're still lucid, watching as the moonlight filters in through the window. Zak finally rolls over and you assume that he's fallen asleep by now.
That is until you feel his hand reach for yours under the cover.
"Zak," comes your hushed whisper.
"Hm?" Zak questions.
He threads his fingers through yours but you feel a slight tremble in his hand, like he's waiting for you to reject him and pull away. You make no indication of doing so, running your thumb over his skin.
"Why are we weird with each other?"
Your question hangs in the air for a few seconds. Zak shifts even closer and you let him, finally looking over to his side of the bed.
You can see the faint outlines of his features, his eyes wide and looking straight at you. Turning over to your side, you notice just how close your faces are.
"I thought you would have figured it out by now," Zak says, voice low.
You hear the blood rushing in your ears. Your heart hammering against your ribcage. Your hand shaking as you bring it up to rest against Zak's cheek.
He closes his eyes at the contact, expression softening as if finally letting himself feel you. Really feel you.
You push yourself up on your elbow, hovering over Zak as your hair falls, curtain-like around your face. He tucks it behind your ear, hand resting on the back of your neck after.
Before you can second-guess yourself, you lean down to kiss Zak, catching him by surprise as he freezes for a moment. He quickly springs into action and parts his lips against yours, sighing into the kiss.
You swing your leg over his torso, situating yourself on him, giggling as his hands fly down to grip your waist.
"You like me," you whisper, breath fanning against Zak's face.
Zak laughs, palms smoothing down your sides before stopping at your ass, fingers squeezing at your flesh.
You gasp, swatting Zak in the chest.
"Yes, I fucking like you, I have for years now," Zak confirms, leaning up to peck you on your lips.
You kiss him fully once more, your own hands creeping up under his shirt.
"Worth it?" You ask.
Zak bites his lip as you rake your nails over the bare skin of his abdomen.
"The walls are very thin, you know." Paul points an accusatory finger at you and Zak as you walk into the kitchen the next day.
"We had a 'no partners' rule for this trip! How come they get to fu–"
Doriane smacks Gabriele's arm to shut him up and it's at this moment you feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
"They're free on a technicality," Marta says matter-of-factly. "They weren't partners when this trip started.
"You owe me a hundred euros," Arthur says, nudging Ollie.
"A hundred? We said fifty!" Ollie protests, still clearly hungover.
"Yes, but we said fifty if they kiss and get together on this trip, they clearly did more than that," Arthur points out, giving you a knowing smile.
You meet Zak's eyes and he shrugs sheepishly, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
You see the whole group physically recoil, averting their eyes as if they've just intruded on an intimate moment.
"Gross! Have some decency, you guys."
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yazmarina · 12 days
Hii I loved your Zak fic so much!! And no one ever writes for him🥹 Can I request a Zak O'Sullivan x fem!reader where it's an enemies to lovers kind of vibe BUT they're in the same friend group so they're around each other a lot. Maybe add in a one bed trope too teehee😏 Can be fluff with hints of smut please!! Thank you :))
hello! thank you so much for this request. i really enjoyed writing this one :')
anyway, here it is! hope you like it
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yazmarina · 1 month
Hii, can I request a reader x zak o'sullivan? Maybe pulling a little prank on him by not saying I love you back to him? Just something cute and fluffy 🥹
hello! fulfilled your request here. hope you like it <33
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