#zandu voltron
nesonkin · 1 year
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Of what could have been...
Today marks 41 years since the episode "Temporary Truce" aired and our beloved Galveston pilot named Sim first appeared in the show! Also, the same day that he died by the hands of his superiors...
That's why today is the unofficial Sim Appreciation Day. May of 12 every year from now on.
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dear-kumari · 5 years
Several of the Dairugger XV episodes that Bandai uploaded were blocked in my region for a few days, but they’re back up now and I can continue watching from episode 12 ^_^.
Some thoughts so far:
The original visuals, unedited and in high quality, are a full-course meal.  The backgrounds are especially beautiful, and even the simple ones have fantastic color palettes.  (I’m pretty impressed with how thoughtful the color design is in general; it’s leagues above GoLion and 90% of the Voltron franchise, imo.)
It’s great to see the hand-made line quality and cel shading on the characters, too — it reminds me of watching My Conquest is the Sea of Stars in HD, albeit with less sophisticated character designs and animation.  80s anime really is something else.
tbh, I find DaiRugger itself to be one of the ugliest parts of the show, even if that toy model they advertise at the beginning of each upload looks cool as heck.  Maybe mechs were just really challenging for the studio — Lion Voltron’s fights weren’t great either — but I get the sense that the creators were just kinda disinterested in making a mech show to sell toys and just wanted to go off with intergalactic politics and alien environments.  Valid, but it makes for some uninteresting, if mercifully short, climactic fights.
I’m really into how Western/Roman the Galveston forces are, in name and in certain aesthetic elements, even though I’m also very glad this element was papered over in Vehicle Force.  Every time a purple, red-eyed alien man is referred to as “Luciano” or “Drake” I have to pause the video and take a minute to process it.  "Casually slaps real ethnic/historical names and indicators on fantasy/alien characters” is anthropologically interesting to experience from the “other” side, at least.
Honestly I’m still trying to mentally prepare for the appearance of Socrat Teles’s philosophical father, Socrat Tes
Galveston forces are less painfully bumbling than the Drule, while still clearly being corrupt and incompetent with strong parallels to the Earth politicians, so that’s cool.  I even kinda sympathize with their paranoia over the DaiRugger explorers, since this is first contact for their respective civilizations.
Teles Good, seems to have more screen time and beautiful shots.
Ise Also Good, though I can kinda see why he was turned into the commander in VV.  He doesn’t come off as a paragon the way Hawkins does — I can’t really imagine Hawkins talking to Sim the way he talks to Zandu — but he’s certainly an idealist of high quality.
That convo with Sim, though … “I caused an accident in training.” “Haha yeah, I f*ked up in training once too.” “No I mean I blew up someone’s ship.” “Eh, don't lose sleep over it.” And then Sim aliensplains how big space is to him
The intentional humor generally lands better than Vehicle Voltron’s, probably because it’s hard to kiddie-fy subtle humor.  Aki complaining about the spice in the curry and saying there should be sugar instead is a funnier set-up than the cook being terrible and putting caramel on mashed potatoes or whatever it was in VV, and it’s a nice moment of characterization where you see how childish and simple-minded he is.  The punchline is also funnier because Ise overheard his dumb comment about the curry and made a mental note to use it against him, but also somehow mistook Aki for a waiter in the same scene.
There are times when it’s a little too dry, though.  Par example, Gratuitous Shower Scene was not the iconic piece of comedy it is in Voltron, where the dialogue heavily implies that Hazar is constantly being interrupted in the middle of his toilette like a big-breasted high school girl in a visual novel
Aaaaand that isn’t the note I want this post to end on, so I’ll also say that I appreciate the show’s tone, the heaviness of the narrative and the relentless kill count. The consequences are a bit extreme sometimes, but I don’t feel like they happen for the sake of edge or karmic retribution.  They just really wanna hammer home that war always means suffering and death, and it works.  These are the marks of an effective anti-war narrative, and certain creators could learn from them.
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kunoichi-kame · 5 years
*watching Vehicle Voltron's "A Temporary Truce" for the millionth time* Zandu was a precious boy who didn't deserve his fate and needs love and protecting if he ever makes a come back in future iterations.
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ficklyficing · 7 years
When Will Life Began - Chapter Three: For Forging Future Blades
Booya!!! Start of  NaNoWriMo! Starting off strong! I hope!
Many thanks to  @skdaks2‘s  and the fabulous Galra!Hunk art. Full of such cute Voltron art!
“Come on, stop moving and let me wash you up.”
Hunk continue to squirm in Kolivan’s hands as he tried to escape the wash cloth. Still cover in his lunch, he didn’t know how one little cub could cause such a mess. But he did, all over his face, his clothes, his chair and even the walls and floor. That he would have to clean up later since they were already late as it was. Sighing, he still needs to get himself ready as well.
The last cycle had been nothing but a drain on Kolivan not only physical but emotional too. It had been ages since he been last around a cub for a long period of time. He found a cradle and other small cub items in storage that were helpful and took the better part of his time to set up. Trying to set up the cradle, Hunk took to distracting himself with toys and games. The storage was fill with them and the same with the bag Hunk’s mother had brought with her. While Hunk is distract, Kolivan took to rebuild Zanbu’s old cradle, cursing under his breath.
Why did they have to make these things so difficult?
But he did it and all set up in his soon to be former office. him would have to clear it all out later but for now it will do. So, all he needs to do was settle Hunk down to sleep for the night. Again, easier said than done. The little cub barely slept through out the night as he kept crying. Kolivan couldn’t figure out why. He tried rocking the cub, feeding, changing and any sorts of toys he had to help settle him back to sleep.
It wasn’t until the early ticks in the morning that he found some kind of digital recorder in the bag. It was small, barely didn’t notice it but he pull it out. Pressing a single button, the screen came to light. Touching it, he stares at the unfamiliar words in front of him. They were like the writing in the picture book so it had to be Hunk’s mother’s local language. Pressing one of the many words, Kolivan was surprise by the low singing voice and music coming from it. Hunk didn’t seem to be as he seem to calm down, stop kicking his blankets and squirming about.
“You like this?” asked Kolivan, as if excepting some kind of answer from Hunk. There was none as the cub’s eyes took to drooping and let out a yawn. Finally, Hunk drifted off to sleep. Kolivan thank the ancestors for as he crawl away for a few ticks of shut eye himself.
But morning came too soon.
Once the last of the food remove, Kolivan change Hunk out of his dirty clothes into a clean, much nicer tunic. He had to dig out some of Zandu’s old cub clothes and found some suitable for him for the last rites. Difficult for a wiggling cub into them but he won with the results being a pouting, but a clean cub.
“I know you don’t like it, but its only for a little while,” said he explain, placing Hunk in the middle of his toys.
The cub seems to be satisfied as he took to picking up his stuffed Blade toy and took to bopping it around. Kolivan sigh as he ducks away to get himself ready. He wouldn’t need anything special, only his blade and a clean set of armor and robes.
And would need a moment to gather himself. Stepping into his room and making sure to leave the door open, Kolivan took a breath. Picking up his blade, he caught the few photos he kept in his room in his vision. The photos all had Zandu in them. His first birthday, face cover in cake. Another of him with a few of his friends back in schooling days. Than there is the one that stood out, one that held not only Zandu but Matyha. Picking it up, Kolivan trace their faces, longingly . Both smiling wide for the viewer and brought back memories of better times.
Times he couldn’t get back again.
“Matyha, I wish you were here right now,” sigh Kolivan. “You would know what to do.”
There wasn’t an answer. There would never be one. There would only be the memories he held and he could only guess what she would say. Mostly \, she would whack him and call him an idiot. She would than take Hunk into her arms and go off to spoil him rotten.
“Kolivan! You here!”
At the sound of Bakki’s voice, he put down the photo. No more drifting off like that. He needs to be focus on what’s ahead for him. With one last glance at the photos, Kolivan walk back into the living area. There stood with Hunk in his arms and making faces at the cub, who happily giggle away. That is until Hunk grab at the side of his face and took to pulling on the elder Blade’s facial fur.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch.”
“Hunk, let go,” said Kolivan, rushing up and grab the giggling cub away from Bakki. After a few painful yaks, the cub is back safely in his grandpa’s arms. He distract Hunk with his toy while his friend rubs his sore face. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem, Kolivan. I should have know that would happen. My grandcubs done it all the time when they were at that age,” laugh Bakki. The laughter dies off quickly as the somber mood between the two of them gave way. “You ready?”
“I need to be,” said Kolivan, biting back his own emotions. Time for it would come later in private. Mourning would be done in the safety of his own bedroom. No, he needs to get through the last rites if not for himself, but for Hunk. The weight of the cub in his arms set this purpose into stone cold.
“Fine,” said Bakki, pulling his hood over his head. Kolivan follow suit as their mask were brought online. “I still can handle any extra duties if you need me too.”
“You’ve done enough, Bakki. I cannot tell you enough how much it means to me for what you have done for Zandu.”
“You’re my friend, Kolivan, my brother in the Blade. You have my support for as long as I draw a breath,” said Bakki, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“I know, and you to me,” said Kolivan, returning the gesture. “Know I will return your kindness one day.”
“You raise your grandcub into the same kind of Blade Zandu became, that’ll be enough for me.”
Lowering their hands, both took to their leave of Kolivan’s quarters and move down the hallway. Along the way, the voices of the Blades and noises of the day gave way to silences as the trio move to their destination. Anyone they pass step to the side and rose a fist to their chests as a sign of respect. It’s a touching gesture and he could feel the warmth of the compassion that his fellow Blades gave them. Not only for himself, but for Zandu’s memory and for Hunk as well.
He would grow up without his father, but he would grow up with knowing all about him.
Their journey had them taking so many turns down the hallways of the Blade’s base, they finally arrive. They stood in front of a set of large, ornate doors. Bakki reach over to the panel next to the doors and lay his paw on it. They swish and allow the two Blades and cub to enter inside. What awaits them, Kolivan hitch a breath at the sight.
It’s lead them into large room. There’s no windows that would show them the endless expansive of space or any other exits. The only things in the dark room were the two raised tables. A Blade stood between them, wearing more opulence armor than a normal Blade would wear. The only ones to wear such items would be the Blade’s clerics. Taking a breath, Kolivan walk forward while Bakki step back and allow the commander to take the lead. Hunk sat quietly in his arms, gumming on his toy until they came close to the tables. At the sight of what lay on them, he forgotten all about his toy and took to reaching out for them.
“Ma! Gah!”
Kolivan kept tight onto Hunk as the cub try to reach out for his parents, or in reality reaching out for their bodies. Bakki kept to his word and brought Zandu and his mate home. It’s sometimes impossible to bring home Blades that fell in the line of duty for last riles and final good byes. In cases like that, personal items were use in place of bodies. It could be photos, articles of clothing or items that held some kind of important meaning. It was important in the matter of closure for those love ones the fallen Blades had left behind.
But to get those Blades brought back, they could do late rites the proper way. The way their ancestors have done for thousands of years.
The bodies were clean and dress in robes of white. They dress Hunk’s mother in the smallest set of robes they had, though they still seem to swallow her up. All the blood wash away and what cuts and injures their bodies had sustain were stitch up or seal. Standing over them, Kolivan swore that Zanbu look like he could be sleeping for a tick.
If not for the scar across his neck.
And than the memories of their final moments.
“Are you ready?”
Looking away from his son to the Blade cleric, Kolivan nod his head while trying to keep Hunk in his arms. The cub continue to whimper, attempting to crawl out to get to his parents.
“Ma! Ma! Gah!”
The cleric between the two tables gave a nod before starting the rites. He took to raising his hands before speaking, “We of the Blade of Marmora are like blade we hold. We are sharpen through the flames of our ordeals. We are shape by the weights of our journey through life. Like every piece of metal, there is a moment where we break and fall for our cause.”
Kolivan stood there, watching as the cleric move between the two bodies. He pull out a small ceramic jar and place his finger into it. Using that finger, he took to applying the Blade’s symbol onto Zandu’s forehead before doing the same to his mate. “It’s the hope the knowledge we gain through our trails can help our fellow Blades. We hope that the ancestors welcome us when we rejoin the forge. To help them mold future Blades through the experience we all gain.”
It is the next part of the last rites Kolivan hates. He grips tight to Hunk as the cub squirm and cry out for his parents. The cleric stood back from the tables as fire burst out from under them. He watch as the two tables lower themselves into the flames, to become one with the forge. Maybe Matyha is there on the other side, ready to greet Zandu and the female he chose for a mate.
Watch the two descend in the flames, Hunk takes to screaming at this point. Kolivan held him as the cub continue to scream, crying tears and trying to reach out for his parents. What once were a source a comfort for him, he couldn’t have that feeling ever again. Holding tight, he moves to turn Hunk’s head away while he rub his back. The cub continues to scream into Kolivan’s neck, bawling loud and hard. Kolivan wish he could do the same as the flames lick their bodies.
The smell of burnt hair and fur hit his nose as he continue to watch. Their clothes burning away to ash, their skin start to blister under the intense heat.
When the floor access close, sealing the bodies in the fires that Kolivan release the breath he didn’t even know he held .
“Knowledge or death,” the three of them said, almost unhearable over the shrieking cub.
With the rites done, Kolivan took his leave of the room fast than he would have like. Maybe his own personal feelings lead him away. Maybe it’s could be trying to take Hunk away from whatever is causing the cub pain. Either way, he left with Bakki trailing after him.
“I swear that never get easier.”
“It isn’t suppose to be,” he said. Hunk continue to sob, even as Kolivan attempt to rock the cub. It didn’t seem to help much as he continue cry, waving his stuff toy around in the air. “Come on Hunk. It’s all over now.”
“ Maybe he needs another change,” said Bakki, pulling down his hood and disengaging his mask.
“I doubt it,” said Kolivan. Holding Hunk in one arm, he pulls down his own hood and the mask disappear. Hunk look back up at the familiar face and as least his cries softy a bit. “Don’t worry Hunk, Grandpa is here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“I knew you would like that one.”
“Rift, don’t make me toss you out the nearest air lock.”
“Come on, lets get you something to eat. I bet you hadn’t ate anything this today.”
No, he hadn’t. In the rush of the events, he forgot to eat something himself. Though, he felt too emotional drain to be much of good company and he still needs to calm Hunk down. The music device is back in his quarters and it might be helpful or maybeone of Hunk’s other toys.
“I don’t think so, it’s best to get back to our quarters.”
“Come back to my quarter,” suggests Bakki. “We can sit and talk. Cazzi and the grandcubs would love to see you and meet with Hunk.”
Shaking his head, Kolivan turn away. It might be a good idea to go with him, accept the hand of friendship and comfort. Bakki was basically an uncle to Zandu, their children were the best of friends. It’s tradition after the last rites to be with family and celebrate the life of those lost. They would feast, laugh and cry at the memories they all share. They have done that when Bakki’s daughter lose her mate. Done it when Kolivan and Zandu had lost Matyha. It’s how it’s done, it’s tradition.
“I’m sorry, but I’m have some things that need my attention.”
Which is true. There’s cleaning up his office to make it an room for Hunk. Than there’s his Blade duties. There’s a back up of mission updates and he needs to sort through the data to plan out their next moves. What planets need their help? What was the Empire planning next? Any recent loses? There’s hundred possibilities out there and he needs to put his time and mind on planning their moments. He might have others to help him in such planning, but his was the final say. He made the final decision that had thousands of lives left in his hands.
And now he had another life to think about.
“Fine,” said Bakki, clearly making some attempt to hide how disappointed he was. “I’ll head out to check in my unit’s Blades and inform Cazzi. She’s going to be very upset with you for not coming.”
“Nothing I hadn’t handle with before.”
Which is true. Waving his farewell, Kolivan turn around to head back to his quarters. Carefully , he rocks and speak softly to the whimpering cub in his arms. He gave promises that everything will be ok, that he would make sure nothing would make him cry again.
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nesonkin · 3 years
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Sand Ship/Kriff/Keats x Walter is great but can we appreciate these two? Every once in a while I rewatch the 11th episode and cry.
Sizumo (Sim x Izumo)/Zandu x Shannon for the win!
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nesonkin · 3 years
Sim appreciation post
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