#zarina just wants kaveh to know she'll always be there for him
zorkaya-moved · 10 months
“  don’t you understand? i love you. and nothing you’ve done, no matter how much of a monster you think you are, is gonna change that.  ” from :) kaveh :)
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It feels like this is something that happened before, but there is dissatisfaction with his words. She does not deny her logical viewpoint of herself from the point of view of a normal citizen of Teyvat, but it’s not something she thought Kaveh would speak of. He is acutely aware of her hidden sides, but she is doing her best to open up because she promised to him to be more honest. He asked to be let in and she does so, bit by bit by trying to open up, expose sides others will never be privy to. He does not see the faux happiness and sunshine she represents before the scholars and citizens of Sumeru or the public of Teyvat. She is known as a sunflower, as a woman with a stubborn streak, bright mind and even brighter potential to help others without asking much in return. Sumeru knows her as the light, as the guiding star, as someone who keeps their happiness and their future bright. A reputation built over more than ten years, hearts won over by lives saved and help offered when it was needed so much as if she knew where issues would start. Beloved silver flower of Sumeru who may show her thorns if someone disturbs or insults her experiments, her job, and the passions she clearly showcases in public. 
But Kaveh is allowed to see what happens behind closed doors. He is allowed to step into the house that is her internal world, he is allowed to catch glimpses of reality that is not so bright and sunshine-like. He now sees the sharpness of her tongue, the subtle cold and analytical looks, he knows of her ability to read people and her ability to turn the conversation favorably for herself. The architect is allowed to hear more honest words about those they are surrounded by, the way she may rationally explain why the present rule of Sumeru is not exactly beneficial for the current generation and how she denies being a Sage solely because it will limit her opportunities as a scholar. Kaveh is allowed to see past comedy, he is allowed to learn and know the truth behind Zarina Sokolova. 
And yet, as much as he is allowed and let in, slowly studying everything that she is… The words spoken by Kaveh suddenly strike her as odd. The internal denial of her natural skills in reading people makes the metaphorical cup of concern spill, exposing the growing concerns that continue to be ignored to ensure that Kaveh himself will open up. As love meant trusting the other person with everything you are, the learning slope was supposed to be tough, but Sokolova slowly started to notice more and more about her beloved that started to concern her. The switch of topics, the denial of care, the mentions of injuries she hasn’t heard of from Kaveh himself, and more instances that caused her to start thinking on how to properly approach this topic with her beloved as to not push him into anything. 
However, the gentleness she usually would attempt to use to approach certain sensitive subjects would be gone for this very moment. Perhaps, the word ‘monster’ caught her attention or perhaps her speaking with several people prior to their meeting today caused her to finally allow herself just a tinge of analysis. Not like she never analyzed Kaveh before, on the contrary: she learned his behavior, she studied his expressions, she memorized his body language, and she knew exactly when he’d wish to be left alone or when he’d need her by his side. Reading him now wasn’t hard, but solely because of that she did not allow herself anything more… breaching. As she did not have the same emotional output as the architect did, she approached his mental and emotional state with more caution because of care. Not that he was fragile, but certain topics may be fragile to him while not being to her. It was a natural deduction, but sadly… Her straightforwardness won today. 
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“I am well-aware but I’m having doubts you understand that it’s a two-way street, Kaveh,” she tilts her head to the side, not hiding away her confusion. There is no gentleness in her gaze nor is there the tenderness she usually gazes upon him when she tries to gently offer him a listening ear. Zarina doesn’t enjoy arguments with the architect, knowing full well that he sees the world differently from her and vice versa. It does take time to understand his point of view, but when she lacks information, it becomes harder to comprehend. Manipulation is easy because there is no care, but genuine attempts to understand his point of view clashes too hard with her survival of the fittest mindset. “It’s not all about one person, it’s about us learning more about each other, relying on each other, and supporting each other. However, it seems you…”
Suddenly, she snaps out of her deductive state, signing out and closing her eyes to massage her temple for a second. The silverette understands he must have his reasons, but she hopes to at least hear about his well-being in an honest manner. At least, that. Ranting, venting, screaming, crying. It doesn’t matter how negative, but he does and should and must not always show her the positive, he must let her see the negatives as well. Just as she tries, step by step. It’s not something she ever wishes to push him into or force him into, which is why Zarina finds herself letting out a soft groan while trying to word what she means in a better way instead of coldly analytical. 
Kaveh said it to be supportive, but that is very much the issue as she comes to a crashing understanding. He doesn’t seem to care enough about himself as he cares about her, and it makes her think she does the same without yet knowing just how indulgent and selfish she is. He gets glimpses, the richness of alcohol, the outfits, the people who speak with her, the accessories, the parties, the attention she obviously basks in now that he had the time to learn of her extravagant behavior for the sake of entertainment. He learns, but will she ever learn more about him? What will he let her see?
Another sigh, Sokolova opens her eyes to study her lover’s face. It makes her wonder if he worries he’ll burden her. Such kind-hearted souls like him always worry about that. But the difference is that others do not matter, but he does. She’s always been told that love is a two-way street where love persists despite, but there is a flicker of concern in those golden orbs while looking at the architect. So now, Zarina reaches out to take his hand in hers. A physical contact to prove she is here and she is not going away, but also to keep him here. (Don’t run away from me.)
“Do you understand that I, too, will love you no matter what, Kaveh?” Her voice adapts that gentle note as well, gaze returning to soften the molten gold and cool it off so it won’t be so brightly shining. “Do you think I expect you to be perfect? I do not, you can't be perfect. There is no perfect human in Teyvat. Anyone who seems perfect is simply good at hiding their negative traits, but we all possess them because we are humans.”
Kaveh seems to never listen to others when they show worry. Not only that, she rarely hears from him where he got his bruises or cuts until she points it out. Why not tell something so important she so obviously can assist with, monitor and check in? His girlfriend is a doctor, but she also does not wish to pressure him which now starts to make her relook at her approach. Perhaps, she was incorrect in ignoring her own deductions and studies. The architect is the only one who knows how he feels and what his pain points are. Maybe being too cautious might actually harm them in the long run, but she still approaches with clear concern and love for him. 
“I think you are good at hiding what truly hurts you or worries you,” she confesses, not looking away from his face to see what subtle expression changes will appear. “I think you have things you fear telling me because there is worry that my perception of you will change in a negative way.”
Another silence to linger, to study, to wait out a moment to let those words sit there and become another weight to her attempts at showing him it’s alright… to someday open up. Not even today, but someday. To try. At least, to try. Nothing more. He doesn’t need to do more. An attempt, a try, a wish to try.
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“If you will love me even if I might see myself as a monster, why do you act like I will not love you if you do the same to yourself? Perhaps, not a monster, but still something negative,” she does not continue her train of thought, thinking it’s not needed and it’s better left unsaid. Her hands keep his in her tight hold, but also can be easily broken if he pulls away. “I’ve seen the worst in people, Kaveh. And there is nothing you feel, experience, or have gone through that will make me see you in a different light. I only wish to learn more about you, to understand you better, to hopefully offer a listening ear, to be there for you. Because I love you.”
Because I want to be your support where others will never be. “You don’t need to keep this honeymoon phase going, Kaveh. I’m not here to only love your good sides, I won’t leave you no matter what,” her thumb caresses the back of his hand. Does he understand she means every single word? “I want to love you for everything you are. As you are willing to do for me. Can I ask you… to try? To try and trust that I will never, ever see you differently or love you less when you let me in?” It’s simply impossible, it’s impossible to not love him for her. “Not today, not tomorrow. Maybe not this week or this month, but… someday. Because... No matter, I’ll wait for you. I'll wait until you're ready. Because nothing can make me love you less, nothing can make me see you differently.”
There is nothing more she wishes than to give him anything he wishes for. She just wishes for him to show some selfishness, something he wants only for himself. The only time she heard that he said he wanted something was on his birthday when he said he wanted her, out of all things he could ask for, he asked for her. Thus, he'll have her and she'll wait while loving him eternally.
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zorkaya-moved · 10 months
❝ they think that this will break my pride, that it will make an end to me, but they are wrong. ❞ oh wow what's this ? kaveh opening up a little bit ? other than his legs ? damn
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It's not a secret there are rumors lurking around, praising the architect of Kshahrewar, the Light and the one who shines above all and everyone in the Akademiya even after his graduation. Information on him could be easily attained with the right tug of strings and debts owed across Sumeru, a genuine interest and a curious gaze. People talk when they are drunk, when they are comfortable, when they are angry, when they are superior, when they are confident. People talk whenever they pleased, there were too many ways to make another talk by pushing the right buttons. (Who, if not you, can untie a tongue to spill their secrets with a serpent's bite?)
... but it's never done to find information about Kaveh as a person, as an individual, as someone who she wishes to learn more about in an organic and natural way. (I can tell exactly what kind of person you are.) His background and his life can easily be placed in front of her in words, rumors, histories, offers, and more. He's well-beloved by the society, isn't he? And yet, there are those whose envy and bitterness will always shine through. Talented people will always suffer. Talent and kind people might as well be living in Hell to pursue their path to truth, light, and warm hearts.
Cruel words spill and burn like acid on skin, she overhears it by accident right before their meeting was supposed to happen. Lateness is never her friend, but today it granted an insight into something different. Perhaps, something she was too cautious to approach. (What if you break? Don't lie to me and pretend you're whole.) Her hold of the architect's hand is tight, protective, but words don't spill out in concern it'll hurt more and open wounds that shouldn't be open. A name, a woman's name is dropped and she recognizes it from the past within Sumeru. Why would an older man speak that name to Kaveh? Ah, perhaps, Zarina simply is putting wool over her own eyes for the sake of repressing her own deduction to keep herself from analyzing. (Repress yourself for the sake of love.)
❝ they think that this will break my pride, that it will make an end to me, but they are wrong. ❞
When Kaveh speaks, she wonders if he wants to hide the sharp shards that keep his wounds open and bleeding. Metaphorically, of course, but certain scars don't change. Zarina might have shared information about her family quite openly, but did he ever speak of his own? No, she knows he never did. (Will you ever speak your secrets?) Nor she asked, noting on subtle body languages he gave out and the words used and the voice changing just slightly. Sokolova curses her own perceptiveness only by his side, coming to conclusions that are often correct and it creates a paradox within. But right now, it's not about said paradox, it's about the way her beloved speaks out, sharing bits and pieces of himself she'll hold closely:
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"Can I ask you what they meant? By mentioning that woman's name," she is watching him closely, for any and all signals to take, to grasp, to analyze, to memorize, to use for future reference. Words spill gently, carefully, hand is held in both of hers. His touch will always be warm but hers will always be colder. Sun and Moon should've never met, one burning itself away (sacrificing) for others' happiness (warmth) while the other watches the monsters (humans) eat (kill) each in shadows. For as the Sun will continue to burn itself away, the Moon would want to use shadows to destroy every single one making the Sun suffer with a smile on its face. "Kaveh."
Pride, he says. Zarina pushes her own knowledge away, wishing to hear it from him if he ever wishes to share. Don't understand, don't figure it out, don't connect the dots, refuse to know, force yourself away from selfishness and hunger for information. Do not seek to make him into another book of information you'll keep in the library of your own mind to use.
"I don't want to... learn on my own from others," she tries to explain the reason for asking, not pushing but explaining. "I want to hear if you'd ever be alright with saying more to me. If not, I'll start you a bath and let you relax." Give you space as I already asked the question. "I won't ask again if you're not ready." The words spoken, even if she did not hear the whole thing.
Her hold on his hand grows tighter for a moment before relaxing. Why can't she make everyone who hurts him disappear? Why must he bleed as others laugh in golden palaces? (As if you're better.) "It seems... you're still bothered by them. But be honest, please. If it's not the time, tell me. If you're hurt, tell me. If you're bothered, tell me. If you're tired, tell me. If you're angry, tell me." If he asked to protect her, then he, too, should learn how to open up, yes? The Sun and Moon have a lot to learn by each other's side. "I'll listen. To you alone, I'll always listen to."
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
" tie me up and take me over. " from kaveh : ' )
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It's not rare for their roles to switch around when one feels more dominant or submissive or whatever role they wish to adapt. Their trust and comfort with each other dictates their casual approach to who can take the lead, it's always a fun time no matter who gets to play around first. They love each other too much to be selfish in bed, selfish as in being the only ones who gets to experience pleasure. No matter who it is that leads, they always want each other to feel good mutually. After all, if the other party does not find delight in their love making, then what is the point?
Zarina cannot deny the shine in her eyes upon hearing those words from Kaveh. Especially when he's already covered in her lipstick, his lips and his neck blooming in that delectable shade of red. She can never stop adoring him, loving him, and spoiling him whenever she can. Who would not be so tempted by the loving look, by the curl of his lips, by the respiness in his voice from their makeout. Zarina knows she's been eager, it's hardly unusual, but those light bites on his bottom lip and those hickeys already making their appearance speak of her desire to take that role upon herself today.
Sokolova hums in approval of his request, kissing his cheek and nuzzling into his neck before pushing him to fall back on the bed and onto the soft pillows (just how many does she need? many). If he wishes to be tied up and be under her indulgent care, she'll obey his request and will deliver the debauched delight onto him. Not many know the depravity lurking beneath such prestige, shamelessness is as sweet as Kaveh's lips taste to her after the desert he enjoyed fully, made by her.
"Take off the rest, love," she kisses him on the nose, smiling at him with adoration and love. He's safe, he's always safe with her and she'll never cause him harm. No matter how passionate sex and play would get, Sokolova will always remind him of how much she loves him. But as she needs him to take off the rest of his clothes, she slides off the bed to open a drawer where she keeps her hidden (not to Kaveh, really) stash of different toys and ropes. Eyes look for what she needs and when she finds the softer silky rope to bind her architect's wrists in, she hums in approval, choosing the color of his eyes for the evening.
As she looks back, Zarina has to remind herself not to salivate. Kaveh is a piece of art, no matter what he does in her eyes. The softer glow of his skin with the dimmer light surrounding them, with the way his eyes were so pretty and with how her own lipstick marked looked beautiful on him. He never ceases to make her feel like she's at a loss for words. It'd be such a tale to tell him that the first time she saw him, she was tongue tied. Once again, she recovers in record times by approaching the bed, climbing on top and having to swallow because of how delectable Kaveh looked when he would be tied up, all ready for her to to trace her prettily manicured finger across his chest, abdomen...
"Let me know if it's too tight," she then proceeds to kiss him on the forehead, ensuring that his wrists are tied to the bed frame nicely without being too painful. As she watches him tug on those restraints and giving her an approval, she works on her own clothes. Well, what was left of it, really. It was much, just her shirt and her underwear. But, despite how little there was, the silverette enjoyed too much giving out a show to her dearest architect.
As she sheds the last piece of cloth, she tosses it into the laundry, knowing that with how wet she already is below, it's better that way. As she hovers over his body, one hand using the bed frame as a support and the other caressing Kaveh's face, her tone of voice changes, dripping with saccharine delight and adoration. "I love how watching me gets you hard, Kaveh. Am I that pretty and desirable in your eyes?"
Naturally, she knows the answer, but she wants to hear it from him. It's a play now, starting now. The way her thumb traces across his lower lip, her smile is both amused and sly in how she encourages him to speak up. After all, she loves his voice and how vocal he can be. Her special, her soulmate, her dearest, her everything. The one and only who can ask for anything and she'll deliver it to him, be it her own ambition or be it the world at large, but she knows... Oh, she knows how his kind heart will just ask for her. And she'll always give herself to him because she, too, wants to be his for all eternity.
She knows she catches herself on adoring him for a second too long with how captures his lips in a deep kiss, a bit more commanding and a bit more assertive to show off who's in charge, but still loving. His tongue pressed against hers, and she is a tease enough to lower her hips to let him feel how wet she is against his cock, swallowing the sounds in that same kiss. The flex of his muscles, the heat radiating from his body, the familiar combined scent of heat and his cologne. He's driving her insane without even doing anything. It's so obvious that her body is just a bit colder than his, but it's not enough to shiver, simply to notice the difference. "I love you."
When she whispers that, she's already moving down to kiss kiss neck and to leave more traces of her marking. Subtle bites, hickeys, kisses. She worships him like it's her last day in Teyvat every single time, paying attention to his nipples, noticing the twitch, ignoring his dick because she can and she would until she's satisfied with her worship or he asks her to take him in. She drags out any and all noise she can, encouraging him through praises and the coos of his name. She knows how hard it is when she presses their bodies together, feeling his hot and hard cock against her abdomen trapped between their bodies, moving just enough because she's shameless and doesn't mind his precum to be on him and on her. She'll clean him up if he asks, she'll do anything if he just begs sweetly enough.
But when she sits up, Zarina is amazed at how her teasing and her ordeals paint an even prettier picture. Her mind is wired and her body yearns for more, but her dominant side asks for more encouragements and for more raspy, breathless words. Look at me, love me, want me so badly you'll be drowning in pleasure when I finally give in because I want your obsession and I want your love. Sokolova hums in delight, looking down at his pretty dick, licking her lips fromhow she knows she'd love to take him in her mouth but decides against it. Not when she's on top like this and wants to drive Kaveh just a bit more insane from her words, her voice that is saturated with lust, amusement, and intense love.
"You'd be so deep in me, Kaveh," she whispers, adoringly yet there is such heavy tone of lust and want. Her own deep breathes come from her arousal, her want, her neediness. She lets the tips of her fingers to travel from his base to his tip, watching his face and any changes in his expression. Her exhale is hot and heavy as she hopes he looks exactly where she wants him to, to see just how deep he always gets inside her and just much she can can always take it. "See? "
She chuckles, adoration is gleaming and she wants nothing more than to finally ride him. She's teased him enough, ignored his aching want enough, but Zarina wants to hear it from him. Just one sentence as a response to her question.
"Be a good boy and tell me, Kaveh, what do you want?" More like, should she finally fuck him and ride him until he sees stars or should she continue her teasings because, sadly to the architect, Zarina is able to push her own neediness away if it means peaking the pleasure of her beloved... that is him. Even if it requires just a bit of edging. "Tell me in that pretty voice of yours, love."
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
" get on your knees. " from kaveh !
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Zarina wishes she could feel some shyness over how Kaveh's tone and choice of words went straight to cause her to press her thighs together. It's embarrassing how she feels intensely turned on right now by the way he caresses her face, kisses her, and tells her this small order. It seems he's in the mood to be the leading one today and she obeys, happily so. Not many can have her at their beck and call in this manner, but she's more than happy to listen to the architect's wishes because she'd love nothing more than to hear his praise and hear his sounds of pleasure. It makes her happy, it makes her delighted, it makes her eyes gleam with unhidden lust and love for the one who said her name so sweetly.
Kaveh's never been rough with her, not in a sense of how she had before. He could give some orders, but it was never done without that warm note to his voice. There was strength but it was oppressive and it was always done with her name being said in such a way that made her heart flutter no matter how dirty his talk could be. His command is still laced with love, his smile is all she needs to know and it makes her smile as she kisses him back before dropping to her knees. Her mouth waters at the thought of finally going down on him. It makes her excited to do this, to show off to Kaveh how she can take him and how pretty she'll look with her mouth stuffed with his cock.
It makes her eager to continue while hoping to look like the prettiest woman in his eyes all over again while going down on him, his attention fully on her and she already gets off the thought of touching herself while going down on him. But right now, Zarina looks up at Kaveh with an inquiring look, fingers reaching to take off his pants and underwear at the same time if he allows her. Upon receiving approval, the silverette hums in delight while undressing her beloved, his half-hard cock once again causing her to lick her lips in anticipation as she decides to start her line of worship. It's good that Kaveh is leaning against the wall right now, having some support behind him (or so Sokolova likes to think).
"I missed going down on you," she confesses, kissing his lip before giving his slit a kitten lick. Her hands already started on working him up, stroking his length to let him get nice and hard for her to enjoy. It should be embarrassing how attention she is in adoring his cock with kisses before even taking him in her mouth. Each twitch, each vein, each droplet of precum as she teases through foreplay. Just a bit to build up the anticipation but also to prolong her person joy. "Missed looking at you like this."
It's usually he who gets to go down on her, so eager and always so skilled. It feels almost unfair at how little she can do this these days, but it makes her all too happy to deliver when it happens. And that's why she glances up at Kaveh when her fingers wrap around him, giving a gentle squeeze. The change in his expression make her feel the wetness down between her own legs, but she'll keep it for later. Right now, she returns her attention to his cock, leaking from her touches and kisses, she thinks
"You can put your hand on my head if you want," she lets him know, glance back at him after licking off precum, lips curling into an adoring smile. She'll be as dirty as she pleases to be, never shying away from depravity while indulging Kaveh in pleasure. "Let your fingers grasp my hair if it becomes too much, let me know the rhythm you'd like the best if I go too slow or too fast."
Her words are raspy from how much she's holding herself back from starting, but Zarina knows how essential communication is between them and how much better it'll be if they are on the same page. The words are exchanged, agreements met, and now she can finally have him all for herself. As she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ears (it just go out of her braid), Zarina places another kiss on his tip before letting her lips wrap around it, letting her tongue lick against his sensitive head, she starts off slower, swallowing more bit by bit and sucking when it's appropriate. It's all connected to how Kaveh's body rects, each twitch and each sound. She's learned his reactions by now, following the natural rhythm of bobbing her head, letting her free hand to play with his balls, massage and squeeze when needed. Only when she has him whole in her mouth, she stays like that for a moment to let him feel her hot mouth before almost fully pulling away as if she's teasing him, but she isn't that cruel. She returns to sucking him off more eagerly after that, being just a bit more cruel with how she hollows her cheeks and she strokes what she doesn't get into her mouth.
The taste of him makes her cheeks flush and she knows she'll be dripping by the time she's done with him today. How she wants to hear his moans, his groans, his whispers of her name. She wants to taste him cum on her tongue and she wants to show him how good she can be for him by swallowing, showing off her skills. All so he'll look at her, enjoy himself, want her all the more and continue.
Ah, the way he looks at her... It cannot be described with words alone.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
drapes the Scribble in here dramatically for kith
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first five get a kiss ( 1 / 5 ). one kiss is still available for taking.
It's quiet, a bit too quiet. However, this silence does not dictate discomfort, as it only brings up the sentiment of peace. The quietness of daily life when no chaos would be brought down upon those who enjoy the warmth of domesticity and closeness. Perhaps, that's why she does not say anything as she leans against Al-Haytham's body as they sit on the couch, enjoying the moment of delightful peace.
Nothing to work on, nothing to run for, nothing to take them away from each other. Instead of words, they share a comfortable silence. The only sound is the turn of pages in Haytham's book; they work as a team while reading. They already learned the speed each reads with; it was easy for her to turn the pages as his arm was wrapped around her waist.
It's quiet. It's peaceful. It's sweetly theirs. They may not yet speak of eternal love, but there is comfort in this silence and in this intimacy. Zarina knows already that she'd give the Scribe anything he desired if it was within her power. She would dedicate tomes of poetry and sonnets for him if it was something she'd want to leave behind. It's silly, isn't it? For something like her to be already so deep in love with someone so brusque, so brash, so logical. Love is a unique emotion, too unique for her to wish to dive into right now. Her wish to enjoy this has won over her scientific wish to explore.
Al-Haytham's scent, his warmth, and his presence fill her mind, and she lets out a soft sigh. She notices how his hand that rests on her waist tenses slightly, a body's reaction to her sudden sighing. It almost makes her smile if her body didn't feel lulled to sleep by the sound of his breathing and the sound of turned pages. Yes, she turns them, but she already concluded how the book would end, and it only leaves her to concentrate on the Scribe himself. Why does he make her feel so safe and at home? She knows the answer, but it makes her wonder if it is something specific. No, her mind fills with the memories of their time spent together. It immediately makes her sigh again.
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Now she hears his voice, asking what's wrong. He pulls the book away from her grasp of turning pages. Sokolova blinks twice before looking up at the beacon of her hope and her love. His expression is as stoic as always, but that raised eyebrow brings in the inquiring nature of his previous words. Is he worried, or is he annoyed at her sighing when they read a book? It doesn't matter. All because she finds herself drowning in that pretty shade of his eyes, suddenly filled with an urge to be even closer. Not in a sexual way, no, just...
"Mhmm," she moves just enough to bring her face closer to his, sealing his lips with her own in a softer and gentler kiss than usual. It isn't filled with lust and desire; it's something simple yet warm. It makes her heart beat slowly but rhythmically, and it makes her golden eyes become as warm as amber when she distances herself. "Nothing wrong. Lend me your shoulder to rest for a bit."
As always, so demanding, but there is no bite to those words. It's quiet. It's quiet and peaceful in this house. Kaveh is out for his project, and Zarina simply wishes to enjoy these moments of peace with Al-Haytham. As close as she can.
After all... Will it stay like this forever? Life isn't so kind.
"Actually," she begins again, bringing her hand up to cup his cheek to keep his face turned to her before kissing him again. Again, there is nothing but sweet intimacy. Before the Scribe's presence, the winter melts, and the moon shines. For his love alone, she'll be a servant. "That's it. Thank you~"
He can always kiss her more, but only if he wants to. Right now, she doesn't want to take away his enjoyment of the book. As if she didn't attempt to do that right now. Well, no true intentions for that.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
@solaetis + alhaitham + outlaw by neoni.
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"If I'm being honest, I've always been a renegade. They say I'm lawless 'cause I question the things that they say," yet another argument with the Grand Sage over her refusal of the Sage role ended. A threat to be kicked out rang in the air for only a few seconds, but it would immediately quiet down as she was still going to teach another class for another couple of months. It's why Zarina smirks at the Scribe who had to be present at the meeting, her irritating yet eccentric nature following his step with hands locked behind her back. A proud smile on her face, eyes sparkling. "Don't you experience a wish to rebel just a bit, Alhaitham? You know, a bit of rebelling would suit you so well." Did you really have no other reason to speak to your fellow scholar? You told him you wanted to discuss translations of ancient texts found in Inazuma that you brought with you regarding the curse under the name of Tatarigami. So why stalling? All because you're a bastard, yes, of course. "But then you'd have so many fans... Kaveh's going to be jelly." The problem remains: she'll be annoying until she's satisfied with this idiotic fun. Also, jelly? Really? You are a scholar, stop this.
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zorkaya-moved · 11 months
" the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. " from kaveh !!
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Neither did I...
In a sense, Zarina thanks her past self for taking the time to study him and not jump forward, springing in action through seduction and flirtation. There is a sudden sense of dread that washes over her for a moment when she thinks about how he, too, was just one of the masses, a respected scholar who caught her attention through his earnest nature and his strong views. It made her fear for a moment a possibility that she didn't take the time to learn more about him, spend more time with him, and understand him. If she didn't, he'd be another empty face that she'd abandon after getting bored.
How glad she is that it never came to that, the architect making himself a new house in her heart and refusing to leave. The brightest star and the prettiest of Suns, the very person who made her dreams a reality with a bright smile and a call of her name. She's forever his servant now, poetically speaking, of course. His word is her word of God and she'll forever be his listener, and forever will she want to make his dreams become a reality too, because he made everything possible for her.
Kaveh smiles, never hesitating to cup her cheeks and caress the skin with his thumbs. Such an adoring gesture she always accepts, basks in his warmth and smiles with such love it's obvious there is no one else who'll ever capture her heart. Now he has it, her heart and her soul. And he can be both her life and her death, all depending on his choices, but Sokolova knows his kind heart will never wish death 'pon her. He's kind, he's selfless, he's intelligent, and maybe sometimes foolish in a sense of always giving others a second or third chances, but she loves him no matter the virtues or vices.
Gloved hands reach up to cover his as eyes of ichor stare back into maroon ones. His eyes have always been the most prominent feature in her mind, so bright and so beautiful. She always finds herself lost in them, especially when he talks about... anything, really. The corners of Zarina's lips curl upwards, showing a tender smile. Her eyes shine with adoration, enjoying the warmth of his palms against her cheeks.
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"I'm glad," she begins. "I'm so glad that after that evening we spent time together." The tavern, the drinks, the laughter that evolved into fun friends with benefits act that then would lead to where they are now, in comfort and safety of each other. No need to pretend, no need to fear, no need to run away or hide. "Thank you for staying, Kaveh, and thank you for allowing me to learn more about you."
Thank you for making my dream come true, thank you for making me human, thank you for not looking away, thank you for seeing me, thank you for loving me, thank you for being here, thank you for existing, thank you for living, thank you for being yourself.
Endless words of gratitude could fall off her tongue if she lets herself, but the words are stuck in her throat and she once again thanks her past self for staying and letting herself be true by his side.
"When I first approached you in that tavern, I never expected you'd be the one I searched for... my whole life," and she means it, every single word. Her dream, her yearning, her humanity.
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