#zarryoreos imagines
hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader | Friendzone - (Part 4)
A/N: Much awaited by you all. Hope you enjoyed this imagine which was one of my faves to write. My apologies for the late post bc school is always keeping me busy. Follow me for more imagines to come in future. Like and send me feedback as I love reading you guys’ thoughts. Much love .xx
(Part 1) | (Part 2) | (Part 3)
Warning: slight sexual content & language
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Our table was fairly quiet, Zach and Jazmin were the only ones having a conversation, Jeff and I would only give our input when our name was mentioned in their conversation. I could sense the tension in the room. Just as I went back to grab my phone from boredom waiting for our food, I felt a hand on my thigh. My whole body stiffened and looked down at the hand who belonged to Jeff. I side eyed him and sent him a message “What the heck do you think you’re doing ?” He smirked when he grabbed his phone and read my message, “Oh you know…Just having some fun” he replied back. “If Jazmin only sees us, you’re effin dead. Leave me alone” I replied back and locked my phone.
I pushed his hand off my lap and just in time our food had arrived. I was the first to get into eating, I won’t lie that I was so damn hungry this was much needed. I was the first to finish eating, I felt bad to clear my plate first because I seem as if I’m a hog but the truth was my meal was a smaller portion compared to the rest of them. I decided to break away from being anti social and being suspected as suspicious today so I decided to start a conversation for once. “So Jazmin, how did the studying go ?” I asked and folded my arms across my chest.
“What were you guys studying for ?” Zach asked and looked back at her. “We were studying for our chemistry test” Jeff answered. Zach just simply nodded and went back to eating. “It was…good I guess” she sounded hesitant and she gave me a small smile. Something must have happened, I’ll just have to ask Jeff after dinner. “Ohh okay that’s good to hear” I gave her a small smile.
Once everyone was done eating, Zach called the waitress for the bill. Both Zach and Jeff had agreed on splitting the bill in half, and paying for it. I linked my arm with Zach’s as we walked out the diner, Jeff and Jazmin followed close behind us. “Before we go, can I just talk to Y/N for 5 mins” Jeff asked Jazmin lowly behind me. “Yeah sure” she said back. “Y/N can I talk to you for 5 mins ?” He asked as he pulled me by my forearm. “Uhh yeah okay” - “Excuse me” I said to Zach and was then pulled away. We walked a few metres away from them, so they wouldn’t hear our conversation..
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened between you two ?” I asked him first. I waited curiously for an answer as he looked everywhere else but me. “Well, I’m waiting… time is running out” I said as I motioned to the imaginary watch on my hand. “Okay so after I left from your house I told her that I think we should break up because I don’t have feelings for her as I did before. I couldn’t have kept this from her all this time otherwise it would just be a forced relationship and I don’t want to put her through any more pain if we were together longer you know ?” He said.
“I get where you’re coming from but now I feel awful” I said as I lowered my head to look down at the ground. “Why ? What’s wrong ?” He asked and lifted my chin. “I feel as if I broke your relationship. I kissed you dammit. If I hadn’t done that then none of this would’ve happened” I said back. “But then if none of this wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have known who my real love is” he said as he pushed back a strand of hair away from my face.
“As much as I’d love to stay and chat, we both have to go before they get suspicious. I’ll see you tomorrow” I said. That’s if I go to school tomorrow. “Yeah okay sure” he lightly smiled as we both walked side by side back to where they were stood. “Ready to go ?” Zach asked me. I simply nodded. Jeff pulled Jazmin with him, “Bye guys ! See yah” he waved and walked away. Jazmin waved back at the both of us.
Zach led me to the car and we were then on our way to my house. He pulled up outside our garage, he led me to the front door the silence had engulfed the air and I was just hoping that this boy wasn’t going to pull a stunt he was going to regret.
“So I had a lot of fun tonight, I’d really like for us to do this again” he said as he shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “Same here. Thank you so much for tonight. I had a great time” I said. I quickly unlocked the door and held the door handle with my one hand. I placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dempsey” I waved as I closed the door behind me.
I dropped my purse down on the dining table and decided to take a seat on the couch scrolling through my phone. Procrastination at its best. I left my phone after a while to tie my hair into a high messy bun. I was disrupted when I heard a knock at the door. Who could be here at this hour ? I looked through the peephole to see Jeff. What the hell is he doing here ?
I unlocked the door and was met with his presence once again, “What are you doing here at this hour ? We have school tomorrow and you should be sleeping right about now” I said. He walked pass me and took a seat on the couch where I had sat not so long ago. I closed the door behind him, “I need answers” I said and then followed to sit next to him. “Jazmin and I are officially over” he said. “Aww I’m sorry Jeff” I tried to sympathise by placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “It’s okay no worries, I guess she wasn’t the one anyway” he shrugged his shoulders. “What makes you say that ?” I asked curiously. “When I kiss you like this” he said as he cupped my face and placed his lips on mine. It was sweet and passionate, I could feel the sparks and butterflies that everyone talks about. When he broke the kiss my lips still tingled as they craved for him.
“You felt that too right ?” He asked. I nodded my head but yet still not understanding where he was going with this. “I didn’t feel that with her. They say you only feel those sparks with your true soulmate and I believe you’re the one” he grinned. Oh my. I still felt bad deep down that they had broken up as that wasn’t my intention. He noticed my sudden change in mood, “What’s wrong ? I thought you’ll be happy” he asked. “I’m happy but also saddened. I still feel I’m the reason you both broke up and its eating me in the inside that I broke a relationship” I admitted. “(Y/N/N) listen to me clearly. This is none of your fault, you just kissed me out of the blue and I was okay with that. I was the one to make the decision to break up with her- actually it was a mutual agreement. She wasn’t feeling it either so it was the best for the both of us…so stop feeling bad” he smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
“Okay I guess I shouldn’t feel that bad now” I smiled. “Now that I’m on the market, I’m available if you’d like to take up the offer” He said. “Oh yeah ? What do I get in return ?” I asked as I bit my lip. He stood up to unbutton his shirt revealing his 6 pack abs and distinct v-lines. That body damn. “This and a sexy boyfriend ?” He raised his eyebrows. “You up for it ?” He asked. “I’d take that offer any day” I grinned. “But before we’re official official we need to go on a proper date” I said sternly. “But we went on one today” he whined. “That date was actually between Zach and I, their was no double date planned. You came out of no where to ruin everything” I rolled my eyes. “I was jealous, what was I supposed to do ? Allow you to fall for his fuckboy ways and let you get hurt in the end ? Nahhh that ain’t gonna happen if I’m around” he smirked.
I stood up to match to his level, “I like jealous Jeff, he’s much more sexy” I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to place small kisses along his adams apple and up to his jawline. “Babe don’t be a tease” he said and pulled my face for a kiss. Our kiss started off slow, his hands traveled down my back and then to my ass as he squeezed at it, I moaned into the kiss in which he stole the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He easily lifted me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs to my bedroom as he jumped on my bed with both of our lips still in contact.
I flipped us over as I straddled his waist, I broke the kiss to throw my heels aside. He pulled me back towards him to continue our make out session. He pulled the straps of my dress off my shoulder, to be of help I stood up on top of him to let the dress fall down to my ankles and pushed it aside. “Fuck baby girl you’re so sexy. I couldn’t imagine you being with someone else” he pulled me by my hand and flipped us over so that he was on top. He kissed along my collar bone, down my breast bone and stopping just above my navel. He joined his lips back to mine and teased me by biting my bottom lip. “I love dessert so fucking much”
A/N: Wasn’t expecting to end it this way but what do you guys think ? Please send me feedback if it was worth the wait .xx
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hamiltonaf · 6 years
Niall Horan Imagine - Birthday Speeches
Imagine it’s your 21st birthday, you’ve been awaiting for this day for a long time. Not many girls would celebrate this day as becoming an adult but rather the legal age to drink alcohol. After your sweet 16 you made it aware to my family that you will be having a 21st birthday and finally the day has arrived. You’re so thrilled to not only celebrate this special day with friends and family but also with your amazing boyfriend, Niall. He has been you’re best friend for a long time as well as your first boyfriend, he plays very special role in your life and you couldn’t have asked to spend the rest of your life with anyone else. After the party formalities, you heard the tinkle of glass which he sound had game from Niall. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention” he announced. You turned to look at him wondering what could he be up to. “Before me is my beautiful princess’s birthday today. I know she has been waiting for this day for a long time now. I myself have been waiting for this day for a long time now” he chuckled to himself and took small strides to you. What is this boy doing you thought. He grabbed your hand in his, “(Y/N) darling, I love you with all my heart. You’re my best friend, soulmate and my forever. You’re always there for me and you know that I’ll always be there for you. I can’t think of spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You deserve everything of the best and on this special day I have a very special question for you” he smiled and took his chance as he got down on one knee. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I’ve been dying to ask you this question for a while now. Don’t worry I got the approval” he laughed and pulled out a small box from his pocket. “Will you do me the honour of being my lovely wife and sealing our love forever” He asked as he held out the ring. Gasps, ‘awws’ and screams had been the only sound in the room. He seemed to have won many other girls hearts, did he completely win yours ? “Yes ! It would be my pleasure” you said and pulled him in for a kiss as the guests had erupted in cheers.
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(Please mind the wording on the slide)
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jason McCann - Mr. McCann (Best Friend) - (Part 2)
A/N: As requested by you guys. Hope you all enjoy ! Check out the first part if you haven’t, link below. Much love .xx
Credit to @sensualkisses for GIF
(PART 1)
“Oh okay yeah that’s fine, I don’t mind. Make yourself comfortable” I said and gestured towards the couch across the my desk. She laid down on it and after a few moments of silence she started to throw questions at me. “So Y/N, if you don’t mind, can I ask you a few questions ?” she asked as she stared up at the ceiling and dared not to make eye contact with me.
“Go on” I said and carried on writing in my diary. “Why haven’t you moved out, start a new life after college or university and open up your own business instead of staying with Jason, and being partners ?” A question that really made me think as to why I’m still here. “Well we’ve been best of friends since high school. I’ve had his back all the time and he has mine. We’re inseparable I guess you could say. Even though he shows his bad side to many people, he never does to me. He’s everything to me honestly” I said as I started to daydream and think about all of our memories together.
She got up abruptly and turned to look at me “Then why haven’t you guys decided to get together and tie the knot already ? I myself can see that you’re into him. He seems to be the only oblivious one out of everyone, not realizing that you guys are meant for each other.” Oh how the tables have turned, to think that she wanted him, she was basically shipping us this whole time.
I didn’t reply. “Look I know this may be all a shocker to you but last week I just had a feeling that what I was doing was all wrong. If it makes you happy, Jason and I didn’t sleep with each other last week. We just had dinner, talked, made out and that was it.” Than why the hell did he call her this week if he didn’t get any sexual pleasure from her last week.
I dropped my pen and turned to look at her. “The only reason I’m shocked is because you’re the only girl who he called over and doesn’t seem interested in money, yet here you are trying to get Jason and I to become one. Also the fact that he called you here again, which he never does and you guys didn’t do anything sexual. Is their something I’m missing here ?”
“Well I guess theirs only one way to find out” she said.
We waited until later this afternoon when it was peak hour and it was time to close up. I of course was going to be the last one to leave. Jason didn’t say a word, just simply entered my office and called up Malia then left. Guilt ? If so, why ?
I got home safely and into the kitchen to leave my car keys. The house was oddly silent, far too silent. Is anyone even home ? I left my purse on the kitchen counter and walked upstairs. Might as well check if I’m home alone or not so I can make plans. I walked to Jason’s room and put my ear against the door in hopes of not hearing moans. I knocked on the door and it opened on its own. Oh great, no one is home. I sighed in relief, I like the house to myself from time to time.
I kicked off my heels and went back to the kitchen to get myself some food. I made grilled chicken and vegetables, I honestly can eat this all day. As I scrolled through my phone whilst drinking water, the door burst open. There was Malia and Jason making out, hands on each other, lips stuck to one another. I lightly coughed, I deserve some recognition and respect around here.
“This is my house too and I would appreciate it if you don’t do that in front of me whilst I enjoy my delicious meal. Thanks” I faked a smile and went back to eating. From a side eye view I could see Malia trying to fix her hair and dress, Jason just removed his tie and through it on the couch.
“Wanna finish this upstairs ?” Malia giggled. I can tell she’s drunk, this won’t last long.
“You head on upstairs, I’ll catch up with you in a bit” Jason said in a plain tone. Well at least he isn’t drunk. Looks like he decided to be responsible for once in his life.
“Okay sure thing babe” she pecked him once more and bit his lip as a tease as she made her way upstairs to his bedroom. He ain’t coming hunny.
He opened up the fridge, grabbed himself a bottle of water and took a sip. I carried on eating as if they weren’t here 5 minutes ago. He pulled up the seat beside me and sat down. What could he possibly want to talk about now ?
“So Y/N I’ve been thinking…” he spoke. I didn’t say anything as a reply for him to go on. “I think I should put an end to the whole hook up thing and stick to one girl” Jason said. Boy say what. I dropped my fork in surprise, is this reality because I never thought that Jason McCann would come to this point.
“You lie” I said plainly. “This isn’t a joke Y/N, I think I caught some feelings for someone and well I just want to stick to that one person” he said then bit his lip. “That’s great Jason, I’m really happy for you” I said as nicely as possible and went on eating because if it ain’t me who he’s interested in then why should I care ? What’s the point in hearing someone go on about someone they’re in love with that’s not you when you’re in love with them.
The silence has come upon us. I finished up my meal and washed the dishes, yet Jason still sat in the same chair and stared at me. Is their something wrong with me ?
“So why aren’t you upstairs already with Malia ?” I asked as I wiped my hands. He stood up and walked towards me “Well she’s probably passed out by now since she’s drunk, I decided to be the better person and not drink tonight” he said smiling.
“I’m honestly really proud of you, this girl must really have some affect on you. Not drinking and not having sex all in one night. Some record you set their McCann” I smiled and headed towards the stairs to my room, he followed behind me.
“Well what can I say, I have to impress my love” he grinned. He sat on my bed as I went ahead in my closet to get changed into my pyjamas.
“Look Jason I’m really proud of you for your effort of progress to be a better person but don’t you think the girl you love deserves to know ?” I asked.
“Well she will eventually, I’m just afraid of commitment, you know that” he said lowly. I came out 2 minutes later - in a crop top paired with shorts - and sat next to him on the bed. He took a good look at me but I just brushed it off “If you ever need help or advice, you always know that I’m here for you. Drop by here anytime even if you just want some comforting okay” I said as I rubbed his back and lightly smiled.
“Thanks Y/N it means a lot” he said and engulfed me in tight hug. “So when are you planning on confessing your love for Malia ?” I asked and crossed my legs over, leaning back on my bed. “Woah no need to jump to conclusions. Who said it’s Malia ?” He asked in his cocky tone.
“Well I just assumed and kinda did the math. She’s the only girl you’ve hooked up with that has been called twice and most importantly you guys haven’t hooked up, you’ll just made out” I said shrugging my shoulders stating the obvious. “And how do you know that ?” He questioned, raising his eyebrow.
“Girls tell each other everything. Duh” I rolled my eyes. Should’ve learnt that by now. “Righttt…"he said. “Why did you call her twice anyways if you don’t have any romantic interest for her ?” I questioned out of curiosity. Why did he ?
“To make my lover jealous. Is it working ?” He asked. “You’re asking the wrong person, I’m not her” I laughed. Where is this conversation going ? The awkward silence hits again.
“You should probably go to bed now, we have work tomorrow and well you have Malia to take care of” I faked a smile and opened the door for him. I’m so rude but ugh this is too awkward. “Yeah I should probably get going, this was a good conversation. I should make more time for these. Maybe theirs more to us that we don’t know” he said and placed his hands in his pockets.
He’s still wearing his white shirt unbuttoned halfway down with his sleeves rolled up, straight cut black pants and formal dress shoes. Is it bad that I want to kiss his right now because he’s looking so damn fine.
“Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning” I lightly shouted as he walked off to his room across the hall. “Night boo” he said and slammed the door. I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief. I got into bed and stared at the ceiling in hopes of falling off to sleep.
It’s been 45 minutes yet still no luck because only one question seems to cross my mind is who is he in love with ? I was struck away from my daze - there was a knock on my door. Pushing the door open and praying it was Jason on the other side with an answer to my question. Surprise surprise. God had answered my prayers.
“Sorry to disturb you, I just thought on checking on you because I couldn’t sleep” he said. He stood before me in just shorts. His body. Good gracious. “I’ve been awake for the last 45 minutes but no luck” I said and bit my lip. “I see, may I come in ?” he asked. I moved aside for him as he closed the door behind him.
He laid next to me with his arms behind his head and staring at the ceiling. I laid beside him and just ran my fingers through my hair. “Its you” he said breaking the silence. “What about me ?” I asked and turned my body to look at him, he was already looking back at me.
“I’m in love with you” he said. “Oh… wow” I said in shock and sat up on my bed. “Look I know it may be a lot to take in, I couldn’t hold it in anymore but -” he went on but I cut him off “How long ?” “About a year ago or way before. It was until earlier this year that I decided that I’ll eventually confess my feelings for you” he said and sat up as well.
“Why wait this long to tell me Jason. We’ve been best friends for so many years now” I said with hurt in my voice. “You’ve known me since high school, ever since high school I haven’t ever been in a relationship, it was always the hook ups and I was afraid of ruining our friendship” he said.
“I honestly hate you” I said, not making eye contact with him. “Why ? What did I do ?” He asked curiously. “It took an idiot like you so many years to finally realise that you like me when I’ve been liking you all these years” I said annoyed.
“How was I supposed to know ? I did the whole hook up thing to see if I actually did have true feelings for you and if it wouldn’t change. If it makes you happy, the hook ups weren’t actual hook ups but rather me and some girl sharing a few kisses or sometimes not. That’s it” he said. I lightly slapped his face. “Ouch what was that for ?” He whined. “A slap from reality. You’ve finally came through” I giggled and leaned in for my lips to finally meet his.
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader || Friends with Benefits
A/N: As requested by @mayasmedberg & @asheyl14 . Hope you enjoy it ! I honestly love writing 13rw imagines. Be sure to follow and like this for more. Feedback is always appreciated. Also leave some messages in my ask, I’m willing to do a Q&A or just finding someone to talk to. Btw this is the furthest I’ll ever go with smut I’m not comfortable going in depth so hope you understand. xx
Warning: Language & Some Smut
I think long and hard till this day about my decision I made 3 months ago. It was a simple yes or no question that he had asked me. Who could this possibly be ? You may wonder, it was the all too famous and every ones favourite Jeff Atkins
Jeff and I have been good friends since 7th grade, lately this year he has given me a lot more attention which I would never know why. He started teasing me and throwing harsh remarks; which people say that when guys tease you its because they have a crush on you, could this be true ? Jeff Atkins having a crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ? Well, could us being friends with benefits be considered that Jeff has taken a liking to me ?
It all started 3 weeks ago. Before that my life was the same old coming to school being teased by Jeff and laughed at by his gang. Jessica was a good friend of mine and always told me to never take him seriously because he had grown to be cocky. I tried to brush it off but after a while his words started to hurt more by the day. I’d hoped that life would get better and I would get stronger but I was weak, that too I didn’t want to make my problem an issue for others. I’d cry myself to sleep on certain nights to free the pain but it didn’t help either.
I was sitting in the cafeteria with Jessica and Hannah, we were just talking about arranging times to do our group assignment until we were disrupted by Jeff’s daily remarks. “Oh boys would you look at that lonely fat shit sat between Hannah and Jess. Of course she’d sit with our girls because she can’t make friends of her own. Attention seeking bitch” he spat. I looked down at my lap and dug my nails onto my arm in hopes to not think about Jeff’s words. Does he think teasing me will distract people from finding about our ‘relationship’ ?
I hadn’t realised a tear left my eye until it dropped onto my arm. I looked back up at Jeff to see his face soften when he saw mine. “Jeff why don’t you shut the fuck up and leave her alone” Hannah said. I stood up from my seat “Excuse me” I murmured loud enough for just the girls to hear me and walked right pass the group of jocks with now probably bloodshot eyes. As I pushed pass the double doors of the cafeteria and into the empty hallways I cried out harder. Every time I would wipe a tear, another had dared to fall. I couldn’t control my emotions, today Jeff had crossed the line. I made my way down the hall and into the parking lot, picking up my pace to get to my car.
Heavy footsteps were heard behind me but I hadn’t bothered to see who it was since I was more interested in leaving. I pressed the unlock button on my car key from afar, opening up the car door my hand was stopped. I looked at the face that I last wanted to see. “Leave me the fuck alone Jeff. You’re the last person that should even bother to be here right now. What did you come here for ? To hurt me with your words because it’s almost the same as hurting me with a knife” I left him speechless. He looked back at me and was at a loss for words. “I thought so. Now excuse the fat shit that is about to leave before she runs you over” I said lastly, getting into the car and speeding off home.
My parents ran their own business and since they were always so busy traveling overseas or coming home late, then their was never really time for me to have a proper conversation about what’s going on in my life.
I ran into my house and upstairs to my bedroom as I balled my eyes out. I can’t believe I fell for an asshole like him, what the hell is my problem ? I filled myself up a nice hot bath with a few beautiful scented candles and threw in a bath bomb to soak myself in. As I got into the bath it was as if I forgot about all my worries and pain. I went through my phone and found numerous messages from Hannah, Jessica and Jeff. I froze in the bath when I read Jeff’s message “I’ll be at your house in 10”, that message was sent 8 minutes ago. He’ll easily make his way in if I don’t allow him. I mentally slap myself as I realised I didn’t lock the door. I don’t want to deal with him ever again and right now I don’t want to see him, I’d just like some alone time.
I quickly grabbed myself a towel and wrapped it around my body. I rushed downstairs to our front door and rolled my eyes when I saw Jeff outside our front porch ready to knock on the door. I opened it before he could “Atkins go home. I don’t want to see you here again nor do I ever want to have any dealings with you. Forget about our past because it was all just a joke to you anyway.” I said. His foot held the door when I tried shutting it and comparing his strength to mine, we all knew who won this battle. He came in and locked the door behind him.
He didn’t utter a word but just took small steps towards me. “I’m sorry” was all he blurted out. “Excuse me ?” I asked in shock. This was the first time I ever heard those words come out of his mouth. I never though those words would be existent in his vocabulary as he always expects people to bow down to him, well, not me. “I’m sorry” he said once and shoved his hands into his jean pockets. “Apology not accepted. Now go away Jeff, you disrupted my bath” I said and turned on my heel already making my way upstairs to my bathroom. He followed close behind me “Do you not understand me when I ask you to leave ? Do I need to show you the door ?” I asked when I got into the bathroom. I let the towel drop to the floor and got into the tub.
I could feel Jeff’s stare on me, it was as if he was taking in the detail of every inch of my body. I played around with the bubbles in the tub, it was an awkward silence since Jeff was in the bathroom with me but he isn’t saying anything. “I don’t see what was the point in you coming if you aren’t going to say much. Did you expect to apologise for the first time and I’d suddenly be head over heels for you then we’d have sex ?” I asked and turned my attention to him. “Pretty much yeah” he said. He walked from leaning against the door to the edge of the tub and took a seat. “That’s not how it works for me” I rolled my eyes. “Jeff you need to understand that you’ve crossed the line. I don’t think I’d be able to forgive you” I said.
”You will after we have make up sex” he smirked. “Is that the only shit running through your mind ? Our friends with benefits relationship is over. So now you’re free to go mess around with other girls or unless you were already doing that whilst we had a fling ?” I raised a brow. He’s a jock, I should have expected him to be with over 20 other girls because I mean all the girls at school are head over heels for him.”I’ll be honest and say that you’re the only girl I’m with, in secret. All the other girls I just flirt with and lead them wanting for more” I just plainly nod my head trying to show I’m uninterested.
”Would you mind leaving now ? This fat shit has to rinse off in the shower and would like to take a nap after” I said with emphasis on what he called. “Oh I don’t mind, I could stand here and watch you all day babe” he grinned. I sighed and covered myself up with hands, I hopped into the shower and rinsed myself off. When I stepped foot out of the shower, Jeff wasn’t in my bathroom, how did I not notice him leave ? But all the better for me now that I’m all alone. I wrapped the towel around my body and went to my room, I frowned to see him seated on my bed.
“I was so happy thinking you left but you just won’t leave will you ?” I asked and closed my room door behind me. “I want to make it up to you after what happened in the cafeteria so until you forgive me then I’ll leave like you said or unless you want me to stay” he wriggled his eyebrows.
“Okay, I can propose something. How about I punish you and then we can see where we go from there” I requested. “What punishment are we talking here ?” He asked eagerly. “Well, I can have my way with you, you can look at me all you want but only thing is you can’t touch” I whispered in his ear. “If it makes you forgive me then okay” he said. I grabbed the rope from my gown and thought of using that to tie his hands around the head board to keep him from touching me. “Kinky” he smirked when he saw the rope in my hand. I pushed him against the headboard and tied his hands, making sure he had no chance of touching me. He stared at me to try and catch on to what my next move was.
I hadn’t given him much time to think when I placed my lips on his cutting him off short. Our lips moved in sync, his lips were soft and might I say he was a damn good kisser. Just as I started to feel his tongue I broke the kiss and started to leave wet kisses from his jaw down to his collarbone. I kissed his sweet spot and nibbled on it, making sure to leave a mark. I joined our lips again making sure he had craved for more, he moaned when he finally got his way with his tongue in my mouth. I removed my towel and sat myself on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer if it was possible as I yearned for his touch. I realised I was not only punishing him but myself as well because I was craving for him.
”Baby I think that’s enough punishment I need to touch you” he mumbled between kisses. I ignored what he had said and decided to tease him by rubbing myself in circular motions on his crotch. “Ugh I can’t do this anymore” He was getting annoyed by the minute. “It won’t happen again” he pleaded. I trailed my hand slowly down to my private in hopes to throw him over board by now at the sight. “Don’t you dare” he warned. “Like I’d fucking do it myself, you’re finishing this off” I said and loosened the rope. “About fucking time, you’re all mine now” he pulled me by my waist. “Wait just a second, explain why the heck you insulted me in front of everyone at school ?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because I have a huge crush on you and I didn’t want people to know about my true feelings but you’re the first to know now, and I’m sorry once again.” he rushed. “Well, why didn’t you say so a long time ago you dweeb, we wouldn’t have to worry about having this conversation” “Enough about that, I’d like to finish what you started” he pointed to his pants.
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader | Friendzone - (Part 3)
A/N: Here it is guys ! Hope you all enjoy, love you all. My apologies for going on a hiatus and not telling you guys as I was busy with school. Don’t forget to send me feedback, like and follow.
(Part 1)  | (Part 2) | (Part 4)
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I never in a million years believed that I would get to experience this magical moment with Jeff and to my surprise he kissed back. He didn’t push me away or broke the kiss as I thought he would. Of course he wouldn’t break the kiss because he doesn’t want to be rude but then again he had every right to because he has a girlfriend.
The sparks stopped when we had to break our kiss to catch our breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. I uhm think i should get going now bye.” I cut him off short and bolted down the pavement to get away as fast as possible. “(Y/N) just wait a second !” he shouted as he jogged behind me. I didn’t bother to look back and carried on running. “Can we at least talk about it ? (Y/N/N) stop being immature !” he shouted again. 
I ran up the short staircase and rummaged through my bag for the house keys to get inside as quick as possible. Just as I found the keys, I turned the lock and pushed the door open, ready to close it behind me, Jeff held the door with his foot. “Would you stop running away and talk to me ? He asked. I looked up at him and still hadn’t uttered a word. I threw my bag on the lounge sofa. ”(Y/N) I -”
“Jeff why don’t you just go home already. I’m not in the mood to talk right now. I made 2 mistakes in a day, if you’re here any longer then I’m probably going to make another that I’m going to regret” I cut him off. “Just forget about Zach already, can we at least talk about what happened 5 minutes ago between you and I ?” he motioned with his hands between us. “What is their to talk about Jeff ?That I just ruined your relationship with Jazmin ? That I ruined my friendship with her but most importantly, you ?” my voice cracked at the end. I don’t want to lose Jeff, he’s all of a true best friend that I have and now I ruined it.
“I’ll talk it through with Jazmin but for now what matters is what happened between us” he said as he took a step forward. “Do you feel any different when I’m this close to you ?“ He asked. He was only a feet away from me. I turned my attention to my shoes, “How about when I’m this close to you ?” he said as he took another step with no space between both our bodies. He slowly lifted my chin up, "Any feeling when we’re this close ?” He asked with his hand still under my chin forcing me to stare back at him. He cupped my face with his left hand and rested his right hand on my neck. “When I touch you like that.” Our lips were centimetres away, mine begging to be met with his. He slowly leaned in, “When I kissed you like this” his lip barely touched mine as we were interrupted my a knock on the door. Who could possible be here to ruin the oh-so-perfect moment we were having. He removed his hands of me as we gave each other one last look before I walked to the door.
In front of me stood Jazmin “Hey (Y/N)” she smiled. “Hi, how can I help you ?” I asked curiously. “Uhm I was just wondering if Jeff was with you ? I asked Zach and well, he said that Jeff was walking you home” she said. I nodded and pulled the door wider to reveal Jeff behind me. He had a guilty look on his face, only I would know. “Jeffrey I was looking for you everywhere silly ! We have to go study for tomorrow’s chemistry test” she made herself welcome walking towards Jeff and pulling him in a hug. “Yeah I was with (Y/N), just wanting to make sure if she’s okay” he mumbled to her. I pulled my lips in, well, this is awkward. She was first to walk out “Thanks (Y/N). See yah !” She waved me. Jeff was first to pull me in for a hug which I hugged him back. He whispered before leaving, “We’re not done here.” He pulled the door behind him and that was that. 
I sighed out loud, too much for me to take in all in a day. I walked upstairs to have a shower and after doing so, I wrapped my towel around me before their was a knock at the door. Who could possibly be coming at this hour now ? I threw on a gown to be more presentable and trudged down the stairs. I was met with Zach. “Are you kidding me ?” was the first thing I said. He handed me a bouquet of roses and chocolates, “This isn’t a movie Zach, you really broke me and this isn’t going to work” I handed him back the bouquet and chocolates.
“At least here me out okay. Sheri came onto me the second you entered the room” he confessed. “Then why the heck didn’t you stop her ?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “She pushed herself onto me and I was helpless. I was broken when you had to see that. I’m really sorry. If I had the chance to turn back time and fix that, I would do it in an instant” he said giving me a small smile. I just nodded my head in return with an expressionless face. “Can I still offer you to go on a date with me tonight ?” he asked. “I don’t usually do this. You better not blow this one but yes I will” I smiled back.
“I promise you won’t regret it” he said happily. I pulled open the door to urge him to walk in. “You can take a seat on the couch, I’ll go get ready and be down in a few” I smiled and jogged upstairs. Just as I shut my room door I fell onto my bed and looked up at the roof thinking if I made the right decision. Will it be worth it ? Did he deserve another chance ? Is he lying or is he telling the truth ? Is he going to use me in the end ? I’m scared that in the end I’m going to be a heartbroken, emotional mess that Jeff would’ve warned but chose not to listen. Believe it or not, the truth is I’ve never been in a relationship, I’ve been on dates and that was simply it. 
I shook my head to erase my negative thoughts and tried to think of the positive outcome of tonight’s fate. I got off my bed and got dressed in a black low cut round neck slim fitting sling dress. Plain and simple yet very elegant, besides that it was my favourite dress anyway. I did a basic makeup look and left my curled hair open. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed my purse before giving myself one last look in the mirror then made my way downstairs.
With the sound of my heels coming down the stairs turned Zachs attention to me. He looked stunned as he eyed me down then slowly looking up to meet my eyes. I was smiling back at him and walked closer to the couch, “Wow, you look absolutely beautiful” he managed to let out. “Aww thanks Zach, ready to go ?” I asked. “Yeah lets go” he got up from sitting on the couch and opened the front door for me urging me to go first. He unlocked his car and opened the passenger door for me then went around to the drivers side.
The car was filled with a peaceful silence and it soon came to an end when we pulled up at Rosies Diner. He held my hand in his pulling me with him into the diner, “Good evening, do you have a reservation?” the male host had asked. “It’s Dempsey” he said. The host skimmed through his computer then smiled back at us, leading us to our table. We were seated in a booth in the corner, the host had handed us the menus and left. “Thanks for coming tonight (Y/N)” He said, breaking the silence. “It’s no problem, lets just forget what happened and start off fresh” I suggested.
“Dempsey?“ we both had turned to look at who could that familiar voice belong to. Well, oh my. Kill me right now honestly. It was Jeff. What is he doing here ? "Atkins ?” Zach said back in surprise.“What are you guys doing here ?” Zach asked, as he stood up walking towards them while I walked close behind him in hopes of being out of sight. "Well, we had just finished studying for chemistry and thought we should go out for dinner” Jeff answered. “How about you guys ?” He asked and tilted to the side to take a quick glance at me. “She accepted my offer on going on a date” he said proudly then turned to smile back at me.
I smiled back, then took a quick glance at Jeff to see his reaction to which he was unamused. I brushed it off as if I didn’t see and went back to our table to sit in my same spot. Zach had requested the waiter to get them menus as they were going to be sitting with us tonight oh the joy. Jeff swiftly sat next to me while our dates were left to sit opposite us. We all had placed our orders then went back into conversation about our plans after graduating. I wasn’t much interested because the conversation was mainly between Jazmin and Zach, I just went onto my phone and decided to go through my social media.
My notification went off, it was a message from Jeff. Can’t he speak to me ? I mean I’m sitting right next to you. ‘I told you not to go on a date’ he texted plainly. I rolled my eyes and texted back, ‘I don’t remember the day you became my parent’. His notification went off, he was busy typing then decided to backspace everything and locked his phone. Where did he see that text going ? That I would suddenly be scared of his words and wander off home ? Ugh he wished. 
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader | Friendzone - (Part 1)
A/N: I thought I would post this first because I planned the plot in like 5 mins and currently having writers block for the 2 requested ones but I hope they will be up by next week. Enjoy, like and follow. Requests are not open until further notice. Much love. Send me feedback on what you think so far. Part 2 ? .xx
(Part 2) | (Part 3) | (Part 4)
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Life is great when you know you have at least one loyal best friend. It’s better than having 10 okay friends. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to have entered my life and that was my best friend, Jeff Atkins.
We in actual fact met because of our parents since we’re both neighbours and was new to the neighbourhood at the time, Jeff’s parents had invited us over to his house for dinner. I was shy to speak to someone who was as handsome as Jeff, I wasn’t one to speak to boys in a hurry and where I came from was an all girls school. Knowing that I’m going to the same school as him also had given me the chills, who knows what’s in stored for me. Though that night Jeff had gotten me to show my bubbly and loud side - we had a lot in common.
Jeff introduced me to his friends which I was glad they were all easy to make conversations with but I didn’t believe they were being genuine about who they say they were.
Through time, I started to have feelings for Jeff as more than a friend. This really did scare me because I didn’t want to lose the friendship we had. Worst case scenario is me telling him that I love him and have been in love with him since the start, all he would say is nothing and probably laugh at me like everyone else.
I thought to myself that I should set my feelings for him aside and just worry about our friendship. Problem is that he has a girlfriend named Jazmin for a while now. He seems to be head over heels for her and well I can’t change that. She was the new girl at our school, Jeff couldn’t stop talking about her and since Clay was her buddy, it was a bonus for Jeff so he had an excuse to talk to her. They’ve been dating for a good 6 months.
Later today our whole school was invited to Jess’ house party. As much as I didn’t want to go Jeff insisted that I come with and of course Jazmin was going to tag along. No hate to her, she’s really sweet and pretty - everything that I’m not - we both had become acquaintances.
It was currently 3pm and the party was at 6pm. I was busy studying and decided on getting ready at 5 since Jess’ house is literally 5 minutes away from mine. As I was just about to get back to studying my notifications went off, it was a message from Hannah asking if I was going. I replied back saying yes and hoped to see her there. I left my phone aside and was finishing off my summaries. My phone was ringing this time, I groaned in annoyance, we’re all going to see each other later today anyway so I don’t see what’s the need for the messages and phone calls.
It was a call from Jeff. “Hello” I answered plainly. “Sup bestie” Jeff enthused. “Busy studying well was until you interrupted me. How about you ?” I asked. “Oh my bad Miss. Y/L/N looks like the next time I shouldn’t bother to phone you at all” he said sarcastically. “That’s fine by me” I giggled. “Anyways I just wanted to know if you need a ride ? I’m just on my way to fetch Jazmin and thought I can pop by to pick you up” he said. “Nah it’s okay, thanks for the offer, though I’ll walk” I said. “Are you kidding me ? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to walk alone at night ? I’m coming to pick you up. No buts. See you in a bit” he said lastly and ended this call. Gosh this boy.
I left my work as it was on my study table and started looking through my closet for an outfit. I finally picked out a cropped black lace off the shoulder top with denim short shorts paired with adidas original superstars. I left my hair as its natural wavy state with subtle make up on. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed my phone and decided to sit on my front porch whilst I waited. 2 minutes later Jeff parks in front, I jumped in the back “Hey” I smiled. “Heya” they replied back. “I love your outfit” she said as she looked at me through the rear mirror. “Aww thanks, I love yours too” I said and turned to look at her in the passenger seat. I felt Jeff look at me through the rear mirror but he didn’t say anything.
We got to the party and as soon as we got there we 3 had dispersed. Well, I was on my own and I’m sure they’re somewhere here together. I walked into Jess’ house and taking in my surroundings, as close as Jess and I may stay we aren’t the bestest of friends though we’re good enough acquaintances.
I spotted Clay and Hannah talking by the couch. “Aww well if it ain’t my favourite people” I cooed. They’re so cute honestly get married already. “Oh hey Y/N it’s good to see you here other than worrying about your books” Clay said and pulled me in for a hug. “Look who’s talking, this isn’t my first party Jensen. I’m the one shocked to see you here that goes for you too Han” I said. “I thought I should try something different” Clay said. “Same here” Hannah added. “I can tell you both did, loving the hair by the way Hannah" I said lastly and faded off into the kitchen.
All I need right now was a drink though I’m not talking about alcohol. Alcohol is not always the option when you’re sad. I poured myself a cup of Coca Cola and walked back to where Clay, and Hannah was. “You guys want a drink ?” I asked. “Nah we’re good” Hannah smiled and shook the cup in her hand. I thought I might as well sit next to them on the couch but then Jess and Justin beat me to it. They were both clearly pissed drunk but it was more evident on Jess. “Hey Y/N” she waved. “Hii” I waved back at them. She then moved her attention to the suck and blow game happening in front of them. “Hey ! We want to play too” Jess whined. I took a quick look at all the participants and surprise surprise, Jeff and Jazmin were playing too. Can I even stand to watch this ?
The card started from Zach to Sheri, to Monty to another blonde, to Jeff. I don’t even know his this boy couldn’t hold onto that card for a few seconds longer. It fell from his lips and he was quick to connect his with Jazmin. “Excuse me” I told Clay and Hannah. They know. I walked out to the front yard and sat on the staircase, I tried not to cry from the pain but I was weak. A tear dropped onto my thigh, I quickly wiped away my tears in hopes that no one sees me crying - I don’t want to cause a scene - their was a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked back to the person and it was Zach. “Hey are you okay ?”
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader | Friendzone - (Part 2)
A/N: Highly requested. Here it is ! Hope you all enjoy it. Be sure to follow me and send me feedback as it’s always appreciated.
(Part 1) | (Part 3) | (Part 4)
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“Hey are you okay ?” Zach asked. I sniffled and turned around to look at him “Yeah I’m perfectly fine” I faked a smile. “Theirs no need to lie. I can tell you’re not okay” he now took the seat beside me. My eyes were probably blood shot. Ugh why do I have to be such an emotional wreck at times. “You wanna talk about it ?” he asked. “Not right now but thanks for the concern Zach” I gave him a small smile and stood up dusting the back of my shorts.
Clay’s P.O.V
Hannah and I looked at each other at the same time when (Y/N) walked out. “The poor thing, I feel so bad for her” she said. “Same here. I should probably go check on her” I stood up. “At this state don’t expect her to explain herself” I nodded at her in assurance and started to walk out but Jeff stopped me. “Hey Clay. Where you think you going man ? I thought you and Hannah were hitting it off pretty well” he said. “Well we are having a good time, theirs no problem” I said and tried to walk past him but he still blocked me. “Then where are you heading ? Something serious ?” He questioned.
“Just worried about (Y/N) thought I’d check on her since she doesn’t seem well” I said and walked right past him this time not bothering to answer any more questions. I could feel he was close behind me. Why worry about a friend the most when they’re hurt. (Y/N) looked like she was just leaving as she dusted off the back of her shorts and Zach standing up after.
(Y/N)’s P.O.V
“Hey (Y/N), are you okay ?” Clay asked. “Yep I’m fine, I was just leaving” I nodded. He understood what I meant and walked back into the house. Jeff was behind him. “(Y/N/N) why are you leaving ? What happened ?” Jeff asked as he rushed towards me. “It’s nothing Jeff, don’t worry about it. I’m just feeling a bit under the weather right now and all I’d like is a bit of space” I sighed. “Yeah okay sure thing. Go home safe and take it easy. Message me if you need anything” he pulled me in a for a hug and kissed my forehead. I nodded in return and waved him off. “You wouldn’t mind me walking you home would you ?” Zach asked. “Not at all” I giggled. He’s so sweet to actually stay, of course Jeff couldn’t read my emotions. Why do I crush on this boy anyway
It was a good walk, I got to learn a lot more about Zach and he learnt more about me. We were now a few feet away from my house, their was a calming silence between us both. “You sure you’ll be okay” he asked one last time when we reached my front door. “I’m sure of it. Thank you so much for walking me home, I really do appreciate it” I pulled him in for a hug and wrapped my arms around his neck, the struggles of hugging this boy since he’s so tall. I love it.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow at school” he raised a brow. “Yepp I’ll see you then” I bit my lip. “Okay bye” he waved off and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. “Bye” I waved back and shut my front door. I sighed out loud as I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. As sweet as Zach may be, I still only have feelings for Jeff at this moment. I walked up to my bedroom getting undressed and slipping on my pyjamas then going back to studying. My notifications went off ‘Thanks for making my not so boring night 10x better, I’m glad I got to end a good evening with you xx’ - Zach. Aww that’s so thoughtful of him. I started blushing from his text and replied back ‘Aww thanks Zach for tonight ! I had a good time in those 15 mins. See yah x’. I locked my phone and decided to call it a night, I needed a rest after all that drama.
Next Day
I woke up early the next morning at 6:30 and decided to spend my half an hour on having breakfast and getting ready for school. Their was no rush since I could walk to school and it was at least 20 mins away but I didn’t mind because I needed the cardio. I got dressed wearing a plain black crop top, fishnet stockings, ripped denim skinny jeans paired with black and white converse. I tied up my hair in a high ponytail since the heat was unbearable. I grabbed my bag and left at 7:15, reaching school at 7:42.
I pushed through the double doors and went straight to my locker. I started packing my bag for the day when out of a sudden a familiar voice whispered “Miss me ?”. I shook in fright and turned to see Zach “Gosh, please don’t do that ever again” I held my hands on my chest trying to steady my heartbeat. “Uhm so I was wondering if you have any plans tonight ?” He asked. “Nope I don’t think so, why ?” The curiosity starting to build. “I was just wondering if you’d like to go out tonight for dinner at 7 ?” He suggested. “Sounds like a plan Dempsey, I’ll see you then” I grinned. He started walking backwards then shouted “I’ll pick you at at 6:30” and winked.
I didn’t realise I was still in daze at the thought of going on a date tonight with Zach when Jeff stood in front of me. “What was that all about ?” He asked and looked back then back at me. “What’s it to you ?” I shot back. “I care for you. I don’t trust any of my mates to go out with you” he said and crossed his arms over his chest. “I appreciate that you care but I’m going out with Zach tonight” I said and pushed past him. He started following me “You aren’t going anywhere with him, go cancel on him because I won’t allow it” he stood in front of me. “I’m going with Zach tonight and that’s final !” I yelled, earning stares from a few people.
Jeff looked around us and pulled me into an empty classroom “Why are you being so difficult. It’s for your own good and he isn’t for -” we were cut off by moans in the corner of the classroom. It was Zach and Sheri “Are you fucking kidding me ? I shouted. Jeff was ready to grab my wrist. ”(Y/N) wait" Zach started chasing after me.Why does life have to be so cruel ? Why does everyone have to always turn their back on me ? Why do I think that life is going to be okay ? Why do I even try ? I went to the girls bathroom and into the first vacant stall that I could find. I let the tears fall, I might as well ease my pain now then later. I can’t stand to see the world anymore.
The bell then rang 5 minutes later. I used the back of my hand to wipe away my tears, went to the sink to rinse my face and go to my first lesson which was Maths. Just great that I have Jeff and Zach in the same class. I walked into class getting stares from both Zach and Jeff, as well as other familiar faces. I walked to the back of the class instead of my usual seat next to Jeff. “Hey do you mind if I sit here today ? You can take my seat next to Jeff” I hoped and prayed in that moment that this kid was okay to switch. My prayers were answered when he said “Yeah sure” and walked to seat without any further questions. Zach and Jeff watched my every move, right now I couldn’t care less. I took a quick glance at my presence on my front camera feeling blessed that my eyes weren’t bloodshot this time.
They don’t deserve to know that I’m weak. Luckily this lesson the teacher hadn’t asked me to answer any questions as she usually does, since I’m her pet then she always makes me answer her questions. I guess she got the memo like Jeff and Zach that right now wasn’t a good time to talk to me or ever for a while.
It was now the end of the day and I pushed past the double doors with more force because of my anger. I jogged downstairs and speed walked to the pavement to walk home. “(Y/N) !” I heard my name being yelled and a car honk. Zach was following me “I’m so sorry” he said. “Don’t be, I’m sorry for actually believing that someone would like me for once. Jeff was right. Fuck all of you, I’m done with life” I said and not bothering to look back at him. “At least let me give you a ride” he offered. “I’d rather not” “(Y/N) please it’s the least -” he was cut off by Jeff. “Bro she’s not interested leave her alone” Jeff scoffed. Zach didn’t say anything further and drove off.
I was glad that Zach was gone but I don’t want to have to deal with Jeff. “(Y/N) at least look at me” he said walking next to me. “No. Now go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone” I picked up my pace. I didn’t go to the gym for nothing these past few months, it’s for situations like this so I can run away easily. “Why are you being so complicated ? I was just trying to help you and -” I cut him off short by placing my lips on his. The butterflies in my stomach were all over the place. Did I just make the worst mistake or the best choice ? 
A/N: My apologies if it’s not the way you guys were hoping for it to be, their will be a part 3 and in future their will be another imagine that’s something like this but of course different. Love you all and thank you for being patient for this one xx
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Justin Foley x Reader || Love Yourself - One Shot
A/N: Hey babes. I’m quite on the roll with writing an imagine everyday but I’m only doing it to finish requests bc I don’t like leaving you guys to wait too long. Requests won’t be open for the next 4 weeks. Thank you to anon for requesting this. Be sure to like and send me feedback on your thoughts. Hope you enjoy ! Much love .xx 
 Warning: little bit of smut 
 Many would think that Liberty High was filled with ‘perfect’ people. Some may be perfect due to their personality but majority is seen as perfect because of looks. 
I was one of those not so perfect people if I do say so myself. I didn’t have the body or the looks to fit in with the popular gang at Liberty High but nevertheless I wasn’t ungrateful to have a great friend as Alex. 
 Alex and I became friends when we first met at Monets, he was sitting alone at a 2 seater table and for that one day the cafe was busy, I wouldn’t know why. “Hey is it okay if I sit here ?” I asked and pointed at the vacant seat. “Yeah sure” he said and smiled back. I sat down in front of him and decided to take my drawing book out. I tend to doodle in the afternoons to help relieve stress and for me to be more imaginative. Some drawings may be meaningful while the others were just playful. 
 I could feel his stare on me as I started drawing, “Hey don’t you go to our school ?” he asked. I looked back at him sucked in a breath and kept my lips in a straight line, nodding my head in a reply. “You’re Y/N ? Right ?” He asked as I continued to draw. “You got that right” I said raising my eyebrows but not looking back at him. As I already see everyone as fake, it’s hard for me to believe that someone actually wants to be my friend or they’re just trying to use me. 
 “I’m -” I cut him off and finished his sentence “Alex Standall, yepp I know you too” I said and took a quick glance at his face then continued to draw. He had a sly smile on his face. “I like you” he said. I dropped my pencil and looked back at him, “Wasn’t expecting that. Why so ?” I asked curiously. “How about we start of as friends ?” He asked as a suggestion. Their was no way I was going to believe he liked me anyway, maybe he meant that he liked the way I came off ? I’m pretty sure it’s that. “Deal” I grinned. That was the start to our friendship. 
 Every day Alex and I would meet at Monets as our hangout spot, then soon enough we found other students from school also meeting up at Monets. We decided to drop the meet ups and instead just hang at each others house. Don’t worry, we didn’t have a fling if that’s what you’re thinking. He may be my best friend but I wouldn’t turn that friendship into anything more than that. 
He did later on confess that he was dating Jessica, I wasn’t one to judge and nor do I have a say in his life, who am I to interfere anyway ? 2 weeks after he confessed their relationship - which was surprising that they were together for 3 months - they broke up. A week later Jessica moved on to Justin Foley. Why am I not surprised this time ? 
 I honestly don’t understand high school relationships, why admit the words “I love you” to your other half if at the end of the day you’re feeling obligated to do so because of infatuation. Unless you’re seeing yourself getting married to them, I’m not one to judge you. 
 Alex never told me why they broke up but rumour has it that he cheated on Jessica with Hannah Baker, I don’t believe that and I ain’t buying it either. I don’t think Hannah is one to break other people’s relationships.
Jessica and Justin had decided to break up after 6 months of dating due to them always having fights and Jessica having to move somewhere else because of her dad. Justin still seemed to be his usual self after the breakup but low key he’s probably hurting. 
Alex and I was in the middle of our get together at my place watching The Hunger Games when the next thing was Alex’s notifications were blowing up from the group he was on with the boys, that being : Bryce, Justin, Zach, Marcus and Monty. They were having a meeting at Bryce’s house and all of the boys were there except for Alex. “Do you have to go ?” I whined. “I sadly do” he said getting up and throwing on his jacket. “Or…” he looked back at me “Or what ?” I asked. “You tag along with me” he said. “Nuh uh, that’s not going to happen. I rather be home alone than be with a perv like Bryce” I said. His name disgusted me. 
 “Aw please. It won’t be long, I’ll just go do what I have to do and we’ll be back before you know it. Besides, I can’t leave you all alone here, your parents aren’t around and it’s not safe” he said. He sounded like my mum. I huffed “Fine” I rolled my eyes and just threw on a hoodie, I was in pyjama shorts and just slipped out of my shoes into my sneakers. I thought I was dressed okay. 
When we reached Bryce’s house of course no one expected me to tag along. When Alex not on his door, he opened the door shocked to see my face “Well well, if it ain’t Standall and Y/N” he said. How did he even know my name ? “Is it okay if she’s with me ?” Alex asked. “Yeah sure man. Come in” he said and moved aside for us to enter. He bit his lip as he took a good look at me. Pervert. I let it slide. 
He walked us to his pool house, “Boys we have Standall and Y/N in the house” Bryce yelled. We both just waved at everyone. Ugh I shouldn’t have came along. All of them turned their heads to get a good look at me as if they’re seeing me for the first time. “Do what you have to do, I’ll be outside” I whispered to Alex and walked out to the pool to dip my feet in. Minutes later I hear a door slam and footsteps getting closer, I didn’t bother to look back to see who it is because I was expecting Alex to say “Let’s go” but instead Justin decided to take a seat beside me. 
 “Hey” he said beside me. “Hi” I said back. That awkward conversation hit it off for us that we actually started dating 3 weeks later. 
 I was busy getting ready for our date tonight, a casual dinner. My room was a total mess after trying to find the perfect outfit. My hair and makeup was done, all that was left was finding a blouse.Theirs absolutely nothing that I could find. I was sat in my black jeans and bra on my bed as a tear fell from the brim of my eyes. If Jessica was still with Justin, she wouldn’t be worried as to how she’s dressed because she knows she has a good body, she’s popular and she’s known to be hot. I on the other hand was antisocial unless I got to know you then I’m bubbly, I wasn’t popular and nor did I have the best figure either. I thought I was a bit chubby for my weight. It wasn’t easy to lose it either because I was insulin resistant. 
My door then rammed open and I stop my crying to see Justin. “Baby what’s wrong ?” He asked as he rushed over to hold me in his arms. “I’m not good enough for you Justin, you deserve better” I cried. “Why would you say that ?” He asked as he tried moving my hair away from my face. “I’m not as pretty or as hot like Jessica. You need a girl who’s of your status, not an antisocial fat loser like me” I cried even more. “No no babe don’t say that. I love you okay, I really do. Yes Jessica is my ex and I loved her but she’s my past. Baby you’re my future” he said and pulled me closer to him. 
 “Why would you go for someone like me Justin ? I’m not your ideal girl. I doubt you’d even want to be seen with me at school because you’d be embarrassed” I said as he wiped the tears off my face. He lifted my chin for my eyes to meet his. “Look at me” he said sternly. I stopped crying and lowly muffled. “I love you and only you. I love your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your figure and simply everything about you. You’re perfect just the way you are. Don’t compare yourself to my ex. Ever again” he said. 
“Y/N, I see you changing me to be a better person than I was yesterday. You have no idea how much I’m breaking inside when you say those things about yourself. You’re the light of life Y/N and I don’t think anyone else can make me feel the way you do” he said and started leaning in, I didn’t budge. I kissed back as I was slowly pushed back, laying flat on my bed. 
Justin got on top of me and slowly kissed me from my eyes to my nose. His fingers played on the hem of my jeans as he swiftly pulled them off. He made me stand up straight as he continued to kiss from my neck to my chest and stopping just above my panties then reconnecting our lips once again. I helped him quickly pull his shirt over his head. The sparks are everywhere. “Justin I love you” I said in between kisses. “I love you too” he said and started leaving wet kisses from my jawline to my neck. He then sucked and bit on my collar bone, I knew it was going to leave a mark later but I couldn’t care right now. “Tonight I’m going to show you how much I love you” he said and smirked after seeing he marked me.
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
JB Imagines - Leaked Nudes (Dating) - (Part 2)
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy part 2 ! Be sure to like and follow me for more. Please send me feedback as it’s always appreciated. Will not be taking any requests until July, will be writing exams for a whole month. BTW no hate to Jayde Pierce, I’m sure she’s a lovely person. Much love .xx
(PART 1)
Part 2
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Packed away, back at home in London was where I was. The minute we broke up, I packed away my belongings and me trying to be independent, I thought it would be better if I was staying on my own. That being in an apartment.
Currently I was of course home alone, having an apartment all to yourself isn’t as fun as you think. Seated on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in my hands whilst watching Netflix though is entertaining.
I for one was already dressed in my sweatpants and tank top along with my make up free face. I’m clearly not bothered with how I’m dressed
I was scrolling through Instagram as I came across a post from Justin. The post being about the announcement of Sorry coming out tonight in which he posted 3 hours ago. I have no idea why but I can’t be mistaken for the fact that I think this is either an indirect to me or Selena.
I scrolled further below coming across a fan account (@justinbiebertracker) a picture of Justin snapped by a paparazzi was the post and the caption being “Justin Bieber at Ed Sheeran’s premiere in London, England. (October 22)”
Hold up, why is Justin in London ? When did he even get here ? How did I not even know about this ? I went through the recent posts to see that Justin had arrived just a few days ago. Wow, like okay. Strange.
As I tried to entertain myself further, I went through my other apps such as Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etc. 20 minutes later after wasting time I had received a text on iMessage. This is Justin. This is (Y/N)
☹ Justin ☹
Is it too late now to say sorry ?
I think it is indeed Bieber.
Cuz I’m missing more than just your body 😏
What are you even doing here in London ?
Wait, here ? You’re in London ? Where ?
Oh please don’t even pretend that you didn’t know..
What are you talking about ? I didn’t know 😌
And why are you even talking to me ? Go talk to your girlfriend 😑
I’m talking to her right now 😊
Boy is you okay ? Is you high ? Are you bipolar ? We broke up remember ? Where is your sudden burst of enthusiasm especially with me, coming around from ? Why don’t you just stick to your other side hoe ☺️☺️
I’m perfectly fine. Babe I came to my senses. I know how wrong I was and realised how much I miss you. I miss seeing your beautiful face, I regret rejecting you to come along with me. I really do. Is their a chance we can meet in person ? 😞
Justin I don’t think so…I went through too much with just this break up. You really hurt me this time. I don’t think I would be able to forget that. It’s going to have to take you a lot more then just an apology text for us to even just be friends 😔
Babe I’m honestly really sorry. I love you so much. I know what I’ve done and the fact that it was terribly wrong. I didn’t know what I was thinking nor what I was going to lose. I can truly imagine all the pain that you’ve been through. I deserve to feel your pain. You don’t deserve any of this. Truth is, sorry is written about you. 👀 I though you should know…
Wow okay..its uh good to know that the song is written about me I guess. Some good tune. I still am really disappointed in you Bieber.
You have every right to (Y/N) I understand.
Just as I was about to reply back, the doorbell had rung. I quickly texted him back as I left my phone aside.
I have a guest over… we can talk later. Bye.
I got up from my position on the couch and made my way towards the door, I opened the door and now stood before me was Justin. “Hey did you miss me ?” He asked as he smiled widely and pecked me on my cheek, he then handed me the bouquet of roses as he made his way inside my apartment. “We were just talking…Justin I’m really worried about you. Did you fall or something, injure yourself in such a way ? What happened to you ?” I asked in a sarcastic manner.
I placed the bouquet in a vase and set it aside on the dining table. Justin seated himself on the couch as I sat next to him. “What brings you here ?” I asked breaking the silence. “You.” He said as then turned to face me. “Me ? Why would you leave the past amazing countries you’ve been to for me ? Justin, remember the fact that you broke up with me. I’ve been through a lot of pain, learnt to dealt with it. I can’t afford to go through this again” I rambled.
“Babe I know that a sorry is not going to help. Though being away from you made me realise how much of an impact you made on my life the past year we’ve been together. You made me change for the better and I honestly haven’t been anymore happier than I am now. My family loves when you’re around as they see how you make me happy. Going on that trip alone…I don’t even know what I was thinking. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you and I especially shouldn’t have called you what I did or said the words that I had said” he said as he looked down in disappointment.
“I’m speechless” was all I blurted out as a tear dreaded to run down my cheek. He then glanced at me “I feel like shit” he said as I then chuckled. “You deserve to since you seemed to have enjoyed spending time with that bitch Jayde” I said as I scoffed at her name. We both then laughed together, I had a thought of killing his mood the same way he did while he was away in Bora Bora… after all I mean he deserves it. “Justin I forgive you. I love you and haven’t stopped since you’ve been away. Though I have something to confess that you wouldn’t be pleased to hear” I said as i turned into a rather more serious tone.
“I’m glad you forgive me and love me though what is it that you need to tell me ?” He asked getting eager by the minute. “I have a boyfriend Justin” I said seriously. It was quite for a moment “You’re lying” he smirked. “I’m honestly not. I have a boyfriend Justin” I said trying not to laugh. “What’s his name ?” He asked getting tensed. “Cameron” I said as I leaned back against the couch. "The youtuber ?" He asked and I simply nodded as a reply. “Ohh” was all he said as he then looked down. I took advantage of the moment and had then straddled his lap.
“You’re so gullible sometimes. I’m not a single pringle Justin. I’m taken by you of course. Now, about you being exclusively mine and exposing yourself to -” He then cut me off as he smirked and said “How about you show me I’m all yours ?” He suggested. “Gladly” I grinned as I then crashed my lips on his.
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
JB Imagine - Hate & 25 min girlfriend (Part 3) - (Best Friend)
A/N: Part 3 is finally here ! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did writing this series. Please don’t forget to like and send me some feedback or any requests if you have any in mind. BTW no worries, their is defo going to be a Part 4. Much love .xx
(Part 1) | (Part 2) | (Part 4)
(Part 3)
Warning : Mention of self harm and emotional chapter. (I added my bubbly taste to it towards the end)
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“Excuse me” I wiped my mouth with a nearby serviette. “You heard me” he raised an eyebrow. “Boy I think you going through some mid life crisis and you need help. Like serious help” I said, taking a bite from my cheese toast.
“I don’t need help” he said plainly. “Justin, you can’t keep on playing between girls” I finished off and put the dishes into the sink. “Who said I’m playing between girls ?” He followed behind me. “Look Justin, you can’t just eff some girl and just leave her to stare at me half naked, plus call me hot after slapping me yesterday and may I mention again that you called me a bitch” I stopped in my tracks of walking up the staircase.
“That my friend is so not on” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Y/N I’m really sorry okay, I was frustrated and really annoyed yesterday” he cooed. “And it gave you what reason to throw your anger at me ?” The room was silent. “I really am disappointed with you, I thought you changed for the better, I was so proud and happy for the new Justin, but I guess not. You went back to your old habits of going out with different girls, plus going nude again and -”
“You’re not the boss of me and nor do you control my life” he said sternly walking closer towards me. “Please do tell me when did I say that ? I care for you Justin, I really do. I just want you to be happy, as a best-” I stayed silent not bothering to continue. He’s not my best friend anymore. Why do I care ? Why am I still here ?
My mind zoned out to think about all my insecurities and imperfections that I deal with everyday. I can cry for hours - Justin never knew - but I never dared to self harm. Tears dared to spill. I whimpered, that’s when I broke down and ran straight to my room.
I slid down against the door and held my knees. Why would Justin want to be friends with a loser like me ? That’s why he left me…just like everyone else. I’m so worthless. “Y/N open the door” he yelled and attempted to open the door. “Open the door now. Please Y/N just open” he banged on the door.
“Why would you want to be around a worthless person like me ?” I whimpered. I got up from sitting on the floor and packed all that I needed, holding the bag close to me. I unlocked the door to be face-to-face with Justin again. “Y/N don’t do that to me. Please” he pulled me in a tight hug. I pushed him away.
“I’m not okay right now. A lot of thoughts hit me and Justin… I think I should let you be on your own. You don’t need me, I’m not wanted around here and clearly I’m not your type anyways” I said bluntly. My words probably cut him like knives, but it’s true.
“What. Wait” he caught hold of my hand pulling me back. “I think we both need to move on and go our separate ways. In all honesty I never thought I would say this to you, but I loved you, I really did and I thought I had a chance” I lightly laughed and caused a tear to fall. “I guess I thought wrong because you wouldn’t date a bitch. Sofia is good for you. I thought I was being a good best friend and helping out, but that’s all long gone now. Enjoy the rest of your life Justin” I pulled my wrist away and walked down the stairs.
He was speechless and so I thought…“Where are you going ?” He shouted from the top of the staircase. “To Cameron. Someone who will actually appreciate me. I’ll come by for my stuff some other time” I said lastly and slipped on my sunglasses.
I gave Cameron a call on the way that he should pick me up from my apartment. I drove back to my apartment and packed away my clothes that I could manage to fit into my bag.
My phone was ringing and I could hear Cameron rev the car outside. I grabbed my purse and made sure to lock my apartment. Walking to the driveway I spot Cameron in a …. wait Ferrari ? “And who might this dashing young gentleman be ?” I asked as he walked around the car to open my door. I pulled him in a tight hug with him spinning me around.
“The name is Cameron Dallas, but you can call me Cam my fair lady” he put me back down. I took a seat and he closed my door, running around to his side. I kissed his cheek, “Honestly Cam what is all of this ? I’ve clearly been living under a rock if I missed the fact that you bought a Ferrari.” This is what happens when theirs too much of drama on your hands.
He took off and damn this car is truly amazing. “Well not entirely mine. Something like that” he grinned and took a quick glance at me. “Ooh early birthday present I’m guessing ?” I questioned. “A friend decided to let me borrow their Ferrari as a birthday present, so I thought it would be great if we could go out because I didn’t see you in so long anyways” he pouted. “Might I add my queen is looking gorgeous on this fine night.” The heat rushed to my cheeks damn.
“Says the handsome gentleman…Do tell me where we’re going ?” A night without Justin is what I need. Ugh why am I thinking about him. “Well I can’t tell you because that wouldn’t be a surprise now would it” he said. “But you didn’t mention anything about a surprise” I whined. I love/hate surprises because I’m an impatient person.
{A/N: I apologise that I don’t know much about America bc I’ve only been to NYC and Orlando. So I did research for a fancy restaurant in LA just saying}
We pulled up to the building - Cameron got out and opened my door - he handed the keys to a staff member to park the car. Arm in arm we walked in the building and took the elevator to the roof top. The elevator doors opened and a sign read Perch. The view was absolutely breath taking as it was an open roof top and soft romantic music was played in the background. “Oh my god Cam this is so beautiful and amazing…You honestly didn’t have to” I said pulling him into a hug.
“Reservation for Dallas” he said to the lady over the counter. “Ahh yes, table for four. Right this way sir” she smiled as we followed behind her. Table for 4 ? Cameron didn’t mention anyone joining us.
He pulled my chair for me, waited for me to sit and then say next to me. The two open seats were in front of us for guests. “Uhm Cam I’m sorry, but may I ask for who are the 2 other seats vacant for ?” I questioned anxiously. “Ohh you’ll see” he smirked and kept his gaze at the menu. What is going on ? I brush it off and skimmed through the menu.
“Hey Cameron mah man. It’s good to finally meet you”
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
JB Imagine - Leaked Nudes (Dating) - (Part 1)
A/N: Hey beauts ! I dearly apologise for being so inactive on Tumblr since I’m rather more on Wattpad (narryneon), but I felt really bad so here is one of my works. Their is definitely going to be a Part 2. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did. Be sure to like and send me feedback. Much love .xx
Warning : Language
(PART 2)
Part 1
My reaction to this whole situation that I’m seeing before my eyes is un-fucking-believable. Justin has been travelling around for the past month promoting “What Do You Mean” along with performing. After promoting, he had the thought of going to Bora Bora for some time now for a small vacation. I for one thought it would be perfect if we went together, time for us to be with each other, cuddles at night and what did he have to say about that you may question ? No. I was taken back by his answer which seemed a bit suspicious to me. I mean which boyfriend wouldn’t want to take their girlfriend with over seas - well unless you actually love her.
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I asked him if I can come ? No. I asked him if their was going to be any girls ? No. Here I am contemplating my existence, as I scrolled through my phone catching my eye this morning was the News for once. That being Justin naked, I’m talking every part of his body being exposed and you know what hurts, having to find more pictures of Justin these past few days he’s been away with this…hoe named Jayde Pierce.
I’ve heard about her, she doesn’t seem decent is what I can tell you. Overly exposed model, recently just became single and just had a lingerie photo shoot done ? I thought Justin said no girls ? I thought it was just going to be just him and some friends ? Well you know what, hell did I think wrong that too thinking I could actually trust him…
I scrolled further below seeing even more disturbing pictures, evident for me to know that they hooked up. This is just perfect honestly. I mean having a girlfriend on the other side of the world waiting for you, whilst you’re busy having the time of your life with some bitch all over you.
I didn’t think quick when I thought I should confront Justin about this, no girl deserves this, I don’t deserve this. But you know. what they say ’Pain demands to be felt’ and damn the pain was really getting to me. Took him a few calls till he finally answered me the third time. “Hey Justin” I said sweetly. “Ohh hey (Y/N)” he said hesitantly. What happened to calling each other babe, baby, babygirl or even princess…Guess it doesn’t matter anymore.
“Glad to see you’re having fun” I said sarcastically. “What are you talking about ?” he asked as if confused. “When you left, I asked you if I could go and what did you tell me ?” I asked questioningly. “I said no and the answer still is no” he said annoyed. “Mhm and when I asked you if there would be any girls . What did you tell me ?” I asked as my anger was growing.  "I said no. Though where are you going with this ?“ He asked as if he’s confused.
I then sent him pictures of himself and Jay- I mean the bitch. One of them in gowns and another of them sitting together clothed on the balcony. “Check your texts” I simply said. I then heard some shifting over the line until he came back on “Are you serious ? Is this what it’s about ? Seriously babe it’s no big deal” he said with ease. Woah he actually said babe…
“HA ! Not a big deal ? First off might I remind you that you lied to me and if theirs anything I hate, it’s liars. Second of all you’re walking naked around another female who’s not your girlfriend who also might I add just became single recently” I said in anger.
“Okay seriously I’m getting annoyed here. I didn’t come on vacation for you to hound on me about a friend. So what Jayde is here ? We haven’t done anything. She asked to come, I told her to do what she wanted and she came anyway. Her being single is irrelevant just like this you’re trying to start” he said as he raised his voice.
“I’m not irrelevant if my boyfriend is walking around with his dick out, no other girl should see what’s supposed to be exclusively mine, yet you don’t care that’s she’s 10 feet away and you’re butt ass naked ? Are you being serious right now ? Let that have been me walking around naked with one of my friends around, you would be in my position right now. So don’t say this conversation is irrelevant” I said as I was getting frustrated.
“I’m glad to see how you really feel…is this how you’re going to react when I’m around every other girl ? If that’s the case, we should just end this, end us, right here right now because for one I don’t need a jealous girlfriend around whenever I’m seen with another girl” he said plainly. 
“I honestly can’t believe you right now” I lowly chuckled “Ever since I’ve been with you I’ve never, not once been over bearing or clingy. I’m mad because the fact remains that you lied about it and you’re taking the situation so casually when another girl has seen you naked in which is only exclusive for me to see. But since you don’t care nor can you understand that, when you get back home I won’t be here. I’m done with this and you always blaming me when we fight. Screw you I’m over this” I said as I was on the verge of tears. No, no, no don’t cry. You are stronger then this to be crying over a jerk.
“Fine by me. At least now I can do what ever the fuck I want. I don’t give a fuck” he said in a satisfied tone.
“Ahhh just when I thought you couldn’t be anymore of a dick” I said as my tone of sarcasm being evident.
“I’m just responding to your bitchy and childish attitude” he said as he laughed at his remark. “Heard. Enjoy the rest of your life Mr. Justin Drew Bieber” I said lastly as I ended the call. I headed straight to our once shared room and started to gather my belongings as then the tears dared to fall. I couldn’t control myself, I was weak, emotional, I’m unstable.
Nice going Justin…
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
JB Imagine - Hate & 25 min girlfriend (Part 4) - (Best Friend)
A/N: Hey guys ! Apologies if I’m inactive again, it’s basically my final year in school so the work load is a lot more complex. Hope you enjoy this one. Please don't forget to like and follow for more. Send me some feedback as I always love reading from you guys and my ask is always open for requests .xx
(Part 1) | (Part 2) | (Part 3) 
(Part 4) - Final
Warning : Language
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What the actual freck. Why does he have to ruin everything ? What point is he trying to prove ? At the end it isn't worth it because the feeling isn't mutual anymore. 
"Justin my man. It's good to finally meet you" they exchanged a bro fist. I rolled my eyes. I had to. Thank god no one actually saw because Cameron would question it, I don't want to deal with anything that involves with Justin right now. Sofia was beside him, time to bring out the acting. 
 I got up from my seat with my familiar fake smile plastered - fake that only I would know - it comes off real to everyone else. Justin approaches me while Cameron just shook Sofias hand. 
 He kissed the back of my hand and pulled me in for a hug. "I missed you babygirl" he kissed my cheek. Chills went down my spine oh good lord. I peeked over his shoulder that luckily neither Cameron or Sofia were looking, the last thing I want is looks from both of them...awkward af. 
 "Stop trying to get on my nerves" I whisper yelled and tried to pry myself away from his embrace. He held my wrist and pulled me back whispering softly in my ear "Who said I was trying." I rolled my eyes and walked to Cameron and Sofia. 
I linked my arm with Cameron and just then, Justin linked his arm with Sofia. If he's trying to make me jealous, it isn't working out. "Shall we have dinner ?" Justin asked. "We shall" Cameron answered.
 Cameron pulled me to sit next to him so Justin and Sofia can take the vacant seats opposite us. I took my seat of having the view over the railing and just as Cameron can sit down, Justin stopped him "I prefer sitting opposite our partners" he said. Are you kidding me ? Cam please disagree with the boy. "Okay sure man" and he went around the table to sit opposite me. Why does he think that he has to agree with everything Justin says. I believe we all have the right to say no. 
 Justin grinned when he sat next to me. Can he not ? I rolled my eyes again. Is anyone keeping track with the amount of times I've rolled my eyes already ? "Soo should we order ?" Sofia broke the silence. "Yeah sure - waiter" Cameron called for the waiter.
 "How can I help ?" the waitress asked. She looked around early 30s, brunette with grey eyes. "Yeah we'd like to order please" Justin said. "Okay sure, what would you guys like to order ?" she pulled out a mini book and pen from the pocket of her uniform. We all announced our order to her and she didn't take down our drinks because Cameron brought some fine red wine. 
 The waiter came back with some wine glasses and poured us each a glass of wine. "I'd like to make a toast" Cameron announced as he raised his glass. We all joined in. "To love and friendship" we all then clinked glasses and said cheers. I could feel Justin stare at me since Cameron said friendship. Ain't going to happen. 
 Our food came, we ate, we all had a few conversations here and there. Nothing major happened. I guess we had a good time in a way. Justin and Cameron had offered to pay the bill so they both paid half. We got up from our seats, ready to say our goodbyes and leave. We took the elevator back down and the oh so familiar awkward silence kicks in.
We reached the ground floor and just then Justin whispered "Can we talk in private ?" "Please excuse us" I said to both Cameron and Sofia as we walked a few metres ahead of them. Poor Cam probably thinks something is up and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. "Where are you off to now ?" he asked and shoved his hands in his pockets. "What's it to you ? Is this why you called me aside ?" I threw questions. "I care about you" that right their hit me. Those words really got to me. 
 "Hell no you don't. The lies are hurting me. Just stop. You don't care. Just yesterday you called me a bitch and basically wanted nothing to do with me. Now you're all so clingy and trying to win me back ? I don't want to go through this. I don't need this" I said to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Where are you going ?" He asked more stern. 
 I turned around to face him "I don't owe you any explanation. You didn't want me to be around at home and I guess you don't like being around bitches either. Looks like that's my call. Buh-bye now." I faked a smile for a split second and went back to being straight faced, turned on my heel and was pulled back again. "Stay" he plainly said. "And why should I ?" I rolled my eyes. 
He pulled out something from his jacket pocket, it was our friendship ring. "I want you to wear this again. I want us back. I regret many things, but this would be my biggest regret if I don't have you in my life again" he reached out for my right hand and slipped it on my ring finger. 
 I was lost for words. At this moment I'm really angry because how could he think this was going to be this easy to get me back and I'm really emotional because I really do want to see him change for the better, as well as be there for him through everything, but I just can't. "I don't know what to say but-" Cameron cut me off shouting "Hey guys do you want to maybe head out to a club or something and enjoy the rest of the night ?" He questioned. 
 "Sounds like a plan" Justin smirked and held my hand in his, pulling me along with him. He pulled me towards his car "Justin I should be going with Cam because-" he stopped me and shouted "Yo Cam, Y/N will be coming with me. Sofia you can go on with Cam." He didn't bother to wait for their response and opened the passenger door for me. 
 He went around quickly to the drivers side and we were out of the parking lot. I can already see that we're not going to the club. You may say what makes you think that ? Well, Justin didn't even bother to hear their response as to which club we're going to meet up at and he seems to be rushing to go somewhere.
 "We aren't going to a club...are we ?" I asked hesitant. Where will he take me anyway ? "Nah we're going back home" he grinned. He started up the ignition. Oh god. "Justin. I'm going to say this again and I'm going to say it nicely. I'm not moving back with you and nor do I want to be in your life again. You really hurt me this time and it's going to take a lot more than saying sorry for me to forgive you" he stared back at me and switched the ignition off. 
 "For crying out loud you actually slapped me and called me a -" I was cut off by his lips on mine. Oh good lord am I dreaming. Is this for real ? I actually pinched myself. He cupped my face, whilst my hands were loose on my lap. This feeling was something. Something totally different. I can actually relate for once when people say they get butterflies in their stomach when they kiss their crush or significant other. 
 I kissed back, but the guilt slowly flooded in. I soon find myself placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away. I looked down at my lap, all too embarrassed to face him since I stopped him. "I can't. This is wrong" he lifted my chin "In what way is this wrong ? You kissed back, we were enjoying it. You loved me and I've finally fallen in love with you" he stated. 
"That's the thing. I loved you. That's all in the past. Can we please not right now. Just head home" I said and turned my gaze to look out at the window. He didn't utter a word and started the ignition.
 We reached home, he opened my door for me and walked in front of me leading the way to the door. The silence today is killing me. I turned to close the door behind me to find Justin had already left to go to his room. Thank fully I had some of my clothes still packed in my closet. I walked up the staircase and the thought that crossed my mind was to knock on Justins door...so I did it. 
 With just the first knock the door opened on its own, there in the middle of the room Justin stood and was removing his shirt. I coughed "Oh god I'm sorry" I was ready to turn on my heel and run across the hall to my room. I shouldn't have came here in the first place. "Oh its you. Take a seat" he said casually. I turned back around and chose to sit at the edge of his bed. Living in this house with him for almost 2 years and I've only been in his room like 5 times. Shocker. 
 "What's up" he asked as he then sat next to me. "I just want to clear the air, this day is killing me slowly. Jay I think we should go-" he cut me off "Yeah yeah our separate ways. Y/N it's so pointless pushing me away because baby I'm just going to get closer to you" as he said this he slowly leaned in. I stood up and moved to stand in front of him. "Stop. We can't be a thing, it's all over and you ruined it for yourself Justin. I was just trying to be a good friend and you didn't want my help, you wanted the girl" I turned on my heel making my way to walk out. He caught my wrist and pulled me to sit on his lap. 
 "Okay how's this, I'll kiss you and if any moment in our kiss you don't feel anything or change your mind, the door is wide open" he gently caressed my cheek and slowly leaned in. I allowed him. I kissed back. I still can't believe this is actually happening. Their went the butterflies. My hands made their way around his neck. He moved his hands under my thighs as he carried me and placed me back down on his bed. His lips then came into contact with my neck, placing small kisses. I stopped him again.
 "Don't even lie that you didn't feel something" he grinned as he followed close behind me. "Oh I definitely felt something" I walked down the hall and started unzipping my dress. I let it fall to the floor and bent down to pick it up. I can feel Justin staring. We're best friends after all right ? "Shouldn't we be calling Cam and her to let them know we ain't coming ?" I asked, I walked into my room, grabbed my pajamas from my closet and slipped them on. 
 "I'm way ahead of you babe. Done and dusted. I told Sofia to take Cam out somewhere" he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Oh and you thought that keeping Cam away from me for the night was going to work for you so you can get me back, and admit that you've fallen for me" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. 
 "Yepp pretty much" he grinned and slowly walked towards me. He swiftly wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him. Our chests collided. "Y/N I've fallen deeply in love with you. I can't help myself. I needed you all along. You're the one. I'm really sorry for all that happened recently. Please forgive me" he said. "Forgiven" I smiled. His hand trailed to my neck and started unbuttoning my shirt. I didn't stop him. 
"Baby you knew these were going to come off anyways" he said pulling me along with him on my bed. "I like being a tease sometimes"
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
JB Imagine - Hate & 25 min girlfriend (Part 2) - (Best Friend)
A/N: Here is Part 2 ! Hope you guys enjoy it. Also I’d like to wish all of you who are celebrating, a very joyful Christmas. Hope you guys have a great holiday. Please be sure to like and send me feedback for more imagines like this. Make sure to have my notifications on so you won’t miss an imagine post like this one. Much love ❤️
( Part 1 ) | ( Part 3 ) | ( Part 4 )
(Part 2)
Warning : Language
Indirectly speaking here, Justin is basically forcing his fans to like his girlfriend. Until they all do so and learn to accept them being together, you’re telling me that then after he’ll go back to normal ?
This is unacceptable, me being his best friend for so many years and yet he chooses her over me. Can we take a moment to not forget him slapping me… Boy you just crossed the line. This isn’t the end just yet.
Why do I feel like it was all just a break up with an ex ? Because you’re in love with him.No I’m not, he slapped me and he had the audacity to tell me off. We both know deep down you still love him. I’m done.
If you’re wondering where I’m staying over, I’m currently at my old apartment - I bought it for myself yet I don’t stay here, so I just use it as an investment from time to time by renting it out.
Just as I got out of the shower, my notifications went off.
🔥 Cameron D 💕
Hey hey babe ! Haven’t seen you in such a long time, thought we should maybe catch up. Free today ?
Hiii :) it has been way too long and I miss you so much. We have so much to catch up on. I’m free anytime today btw .xx
I miss you too. How about dinner tonight or Would you rather hang out with the guys and some girls at my place ?
Anything sounds good to me, you know I don’t mind either. You choose today and let me know. I’ll be there anyways .xx
Okay well how about this… Dinner tonight at 8 and after that you can spend the night at my place with all of us. Sound good ?
Looks like someone really missed me 😏 jk. It all sounds perfect, can’t wait ! See you later X
Same here, see yahh 😁❤️
So this calls for another mission. Luckily I had a dress in my closet, whilst sadly most of my belongings are at our house, that being Justin’s and mine.
You know what they say about dressing up ? Dress up as if you’re meeting your ex-boyfriend. I grabbed my black bodycon dress and folded it into my duffel bag, for the time being I just threw on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt… Looks like I have to get ready at our place.
Pulling in to our driveway, his car is already parked out…My senses tell me that the chick is here and they’re both doing each other right about now. I parked next to him, grabbing my duffel and locking the car.
I’m not ringing no doorbell because this is just as much as my house as it is his. Unlocking the door with my spare key, I didn’t dare to do my usual of shouting “I’m home.” I’m probably the last person they’d like to find right about now.
The house was surprisingly clean. Something is up. Walking up the staircase hit me like a bus of the memory from yesterday… Ass. Passing by his room I could hear the moans and could sadly still hear it from my room. To try and cut out the disturbing sounds from across the hall, I played Controlla by Drake - DJ Flex Remix.
I threw the current clothes I had onto my bed. Note: I’m just in my underwear. Feeling the music made me want to attempt the Controlla Challenge. {Check it out on YouTube if you haven’t} Moving my hips in sync to the beat - the door was forcefully opened. “What are you - (Y/N)” his jaw dropped open…He’s never seen me half naked or in a bikini before though I didn’t expect that kind of reaction.
Just when my mind thought of being sweet and a tease, thinking I could say “oh hey babe” … Yeah that can’t happen after what stirred up yesterday. My sassy side struck through me “Can I help you ?” I rolled my eyes. I walked into the bathroom throwing on my silk gown to cover half of my body. “Uhm well - you see the thing is - wow” he stuttered, running his hands through his hair and licking his lips, as he was taking his time staring at me.
“Eyes up here perv. What do you want, to cause another fight ? Are you forgetting the part where this is just as much as my house, as it is yours” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Now that you put it that way… never mind, though why are you here…half naked ?”
I bent down to pick up my clothes in which I knew my cleavage is showing, but not that I care because he was too busy effing Sofia in his room anyway. I threw them in the clothes bin “Packing my clothes to move back to my old apartment and I need to get ready for a date tonight”
I pulled out my clothes from my closet in bundles and onto the bed “Why are you moving ? Theirs no need to do that” he walked over and sat on my bed. “Justin. I’m not letting this all go so easily with you twisting your words today and acting nice to me. You slapped me yesterday, not forgetting that you called me a bitch and now you question why I’m moving out when you clearly asked me yesterday why haven’t I fucking left yet ? So are you just playing dumb or needed a memory refresh ?”
He lowered his head looking at his shoes “Now if you can excuse me, I need to shower and get ready…Oh yeah and how’s this - you left your girlfriend to speak to me for 10 minutes when you couldn’t do the same yesterday” I loosened the gown and let it fall to the floor.
I got dressed and went for a neutral look as I wasn’t one to have heavy makeup on unless it’s a special occasion. I sprayed on perfume and grabbed my purse - I can always come by later with Cam to pick up my things.
I went in the kitchen to make myself something to eat and all I could think of at that moment was cheese toast, so I made it.
I placed a glass of water alongside my cheese toast and that was when Justin walked in, taking a seat on the bar stool opposite me. “Ready to cough up and explain ?” I asked and took my first bite of food. The room was silent, trying to ease of the awkwardness I drank some of my water “Your opinion doesn’t make a difference to me, but how did I not know you’re hot af ?” That’s when I spat out my water. Boy crossed the line again. Strike 2.
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
JB Imagine - Hate & 25 min girlfriend (Part 1) - (Best Friend)
A/N: My apologies for being really inactive on here, school was keeping me really busy this year, but now I’m finally on summer break for more than a month so yeah. Hope you enjoy and be sure to send some requests in my Ask as well as send me some feedback. Much love .xx
(Part 1)
(Part 2) | (Part 3) | (Part 4)
Warning : Language & Violence
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What comes to mind when you think about your friendship with your best friend ? Love…right ? Well that doesn’t seem to exist anymore between Justin and I. We’ve been friends for 8 years and all I get in return is a stab in the back. I love him, always have and possibly always will, which is my problem.
We’ve dated for a while back a couple years ago for some time, though he thought it didn’t work out between us and therefore we broke up. My problem is that even though a new girl within a matter of a week changed him, my love for him is still there. How do I get over it ?
Drama. Drama. Drama…and guess what ? More Drama. It all started when he went on his trip to Hawaii, yeah and guess who wasn’t invited ? Me. He went nude in front of the group of girls that joined him, might I add that I have a niece and cousins at the ages of 6-12 that idolise him. Yeah I understand he’s an adult, he can make decisions of his own and needs his privacy to be respected, but where is the respect for him if he goes nude in front of these girls who he knew for a couple of days.
Now I for one have come to a point where I can’t deal with this anymore, I totally understand Selena’s perspective as to why they aren’t together anymore. Here he is doing messed up shit all over again, yet he says he’s trying to become a better person. Bish where ?
That moment your ex-girlfriend tries to save your fans, while you’re trying to back up your 25 minute girlfriend.
Where is the logic ? Who has been here longer, the fans or that Sofia girl ?
Laying flat on our vintage red couch in utter silence, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across one of Justin’s fans account on the explore page. Yeah we stay together at his house. The post was of a screenshot that his Instagram is deleted. Wait..what ?!
I sat up and became more intrigued, usually just typing the letters J and U show Justins account, but now theirs absolutely nothing. Are you frickking kidding me ?
The front door unlocked, hearing laughs and footsteps across the hall, I turned around to find Justin and Sofia hand-in-hand. No. “Hey” he plainly said. “Uhm Justin, may I speak to you in private ?” I got up from my seat to approach them. “Uh yeah sure” he rolled his eyes. “Excuse us” I shouted as I ran up the stairs and pulling Justin along with me. I locked the door behind us of our room.
“Talk to me” he sat at my study desk, propping his feet on the table. “What the fuck is wrong with you ?” I blurted. “Well what did I do now ? What is it with you girls being bitchy ? Are you also against Sofia ?” he questioned. “Justin what is this that I’m seeing you deleted your Instagram account and you called out Selena ? What happen to her being your first love ? What happened to you trying to change for the better ?” I stated.
“Listen here Y/N I don’t have time for what you have to say” he stood up trying to walk past me. I stood in front of the door locking it. “You aren’t going anywhere, so sit back down” I pointed my finger at him. “Make me” he huffed. I slapped him across his face.
“What the fuck ? You fucking bitch let me go” he held his hand on his cheek. Excuse me. “You have the actual audacity to call me of all people a bitch ? First of all speak for yourself or your stupid ass gold digger of a girlfriend. What happened to the down to earth and sweet Justin I once knew” the tears were at the brim of my eyes.
I lightly laughed to myself and let the tears to fall “You changed Justin. You aren’t the same. Everything is just all about fame and money now. What about your beliebers ? Whose been here more longer, please do tell me. You just met this girl and all of a sudden you’re in love with her ? Yet every other day you always mention how you miss Selena” his eyes turned a darker shade of brown.
“She doesn’t deserve you, she deserves better. I’m really disappointed in you Justin, you messed this up all on your own. In my opinion; their is no fake or true beliebers when it comes to your relationship. Whether they support it or not, you shouldn’t be worried anyways. For all I know this Sofia is probably one of your one night stands”
It all happened so fast, I felt a sting on my cheek. “How could you !” I screamed holding onto my cheek. “You deserved it. You had no right to even talk. You don’t have a say in this. Stay away from me and go join Selena’s clan” he pushed pass me unlocking the door. I followed him downstairs and walked towards the dining table grabbing my bag.
“You know what, fuck you asshole. You think just because you have so much of money and you’re so famous now, that you’re something. Tonight think long and hard the change in your life when you have no fans or a best friend by your side” I shouted at him, I honestly didn’t care if she was in the room.
“Why haven’t you fucking left already ?” He questioned from where he sat on the couch. “Just a reminder that you’re being used and watch how your life changes in the next 24 hours. Have fun and good luck with whatever else shitty choices you have in mind, I’m sure she can help you” I faked a smile.
Ugh my clothes are here though. I looked at the ring one last time on my hands, tears still daring to spill, I’m such a mess. I walked up to him and pulled out his hand and placing my friendship ring he gave me. I looked into his eyes “So much for a best friend and strong friendship. Look where money and immaturity gets you. Give it to her, I’m pretty sure she’s more loyal then I’ll ever be” I kept a straight face and headed towards the front door.
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
Justin Bieber Imagine - "Feels" (Part 1)
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this, don’t forget to follow me for more and like this post. I take requests if you guys want and also leave some feedback as it’s always appreciated. Much love and enjoy .xx
This purpose tour is honestly going great, well I would say was going great until now. I feel like an idiot and an embarrassment for still being here. Everything was going well until Justin decided to mess this up, why haven’t I left from here yet ? Of course because I’m in love with Justin and without him I’m empty, but I guess from now onwards I have to start to learn to get over him since he clearly doesn’t have any feelings for me anymore. Actually did he even love me from the start or has he been using me just to get over his ex ?
Here I was sat alone in Justin’s dressing room whilst he was performing…hopefully Scooter comes here any minute. I need to tell him how I feel and I need to leave far away from here. You’re probably questioning as to why I’m making everything so difficult for myself, well Justin posted on Instagram a picture of Jelena kissing with the caption “Feels”. Now you tell me how would you feel about that if you were a celebrities girlfriend, being ganged up against their fans about how worthless or fat or ugly you are just because they suddenly have feelings for their ex again.
Did he really forget that I’m still here ? Just on time Scooter enters with Yael beside him. “(Y/N) what are you doing here ? We were looking all over for you the- wait..are you crying ?” He questioned as they stepped closer to me. “Aww honey what’s wrong” Yael said as she tried comforting me from seeing the tears had already spilled. How did I not even see myself crying any minute ? “Scooter, Yael…I’m leaving” I said now standing up. Yael stood up as well in shock beside me. “Where are you going ?” “Why are you leaving ?” They both questioned. “I’m sorry, but is it not evident that my job here is done. I’m not needed here anymore, I’m not loved..this was all just an act you could say” I said as I wiped away my remaining tears.
“(Y/N) tell us what’s wrong ? We’re here to help. You’re just as much as family as Justin is to us, don’t forget that” Scooter stated curious. “Well, have you guys seen Justin’s post on Instagram. What is with him and posting Jelena pictures ? Clearly I’m unwanted and I was just used so he could try to get over his ex. I honestly haven’t been betrayed like this in my whole life. What did I do to deserve this ?” I questioned lastly as I held my head in my hands now sitting down as more tears spilled.
“Ohh so is that what this is about..I see. I agree that something is wrong with Justin. He shouldn’t be playing with you like that, instead he should just be honest whether he wants you in his life or not. We don’t favor any of his girlfriends..all depends on how you care and love Justin. You and well I guess Selena showed it. Though no doubt you’re the better person here since you aren’t some popstar, but rather just an ordinary girl” Scooter confessed. “Look (Y/N) you’re a wonderful girl, knowing you for not so long though I’ve learn that you’re sweet and bubbly. That’s what I love about you. I barely know much about Selena, but all I can say is that I think you and Justin are made for each other. It’s your choice now whether you choose to stay or leave. No matter what we will still be in contact with you and check up on you as you’re still apart of our family” Yael said smiling lastly.
“Thanks Scoot and Yael. I really do appreciate. Though I guess, like Justin’s fans said, I’m not worth it. I guess I’m not, I mean that’s why Justin doesn’t have any feelings for me. I don’t blame him since I’m not the one slaying all over social media, but anyways I’ve made up my mind. I’m done” I said biting my lip. Just then even perfect timing Justin bursts through the door, it must be his half hour break. “What’s going on ?” He questioned confused as he looks at each of us. I held in my bottom lip as I was the one to make the first action. I took a few steps ahead, placed my hand on Justin’s shoulder, looked him in the eye and said “I was just leaving” smiling widely. I turned on my heel back to grab my purse and jacket, along with saying my last goodbyes to Scooter and Yael.
“What are you talking about ? Where are you going ? Why are you leaving ? What happened whilst I was performing ? Am I missing something here ?” He questioned as I held my purse giving Scooter a hug and moving on to Yael. I left her embrace to turn to Justin “I wouldn’t want to be one of those dumb ex’s that leave without an explanation so this will be my last and final” I said clearing my throat.
“First off, I’m not wanted here anymore. I’ve fulfilled till the extent of having your attention to love me and well I guess you seemed to go back to still loving someone who’s not interested in you. Don’t petty me now that I’m leaving because we both know that you still want Selena. I would’ve honestly taken it better if you told me on my face, then you posting pictures of Jelena and disgracing me to your fans. I’ve been called names that I’ve never even been called before all because you’re in love with Selena. When she doesn’t come back to you and you’re back to being on your lonely ass… Let me know whether you have actual feelings for me again or start to because I don’t think you ever loved me…anyways it was nice chatting to you, but I guess I’ll just be off on my own. It was nice being your girlfriend and loving you while it lasted. My problem is I’ll probably still love you no matter how much I’ll try to get over you. Good luck with your future and well, I guess getting back together with Selena” I said lastly as I gave him one last kiss on his cheek.
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hamiltonaf · 8 years
Jason McCann - He kidnaps you (Part 2)
A/N: hey hey ! I’m back again. Exams are over and the holiday has begun. Be sure to please like this and send me feedback as to what you think or if you may have any requests in mind. Also turn on my post notifications to find out when I post my next imagine, so that you’ll never miss a post like this one. Much love .xx
(Part 1) ~ In case you haven’t read it yet :)
“Jason let me go” I growled getting furious by the minute as I struggled to pry my hands off the handcuffs. “Ahh…I’m glad you know my name babe” He said as he was walking around and then stopped in front of me to inch his face to my level “Because that means you know what I do and you know the consequences” I shrugged as I then fell back against the couch. “Well can you at least tell me what you did with my car ? What about my phone ?…Oh damn…What about my job interview ?” I asked as I sat back and thought of things I should be responsible for.
“I must say, you’re the first girl here to ask the most questions, how’s that for a record” He said as he looked back at me from where he was standing whilst he poured himself a drink smirking. “Your car is outside, I have the keys along with your phone. Ooh and that job interview, I wouldn’t know about…What job interview do you have anyways ?” He asked as he then took a sip from his drink and made his way to me.
“P.A to Harry Osbourne of Oscorp Industries” I said as I then dazed to the thought of him, ugh can Harry be anymore hotter ? I think not. “Oh that Harry kid ? Yeah thought about causing trouble for that guy. Still on my list” Jason said as he took a sip from his drink. I growled under my breath getting annoyed by the minute for being held back like an animal.
“Okay honestly I don’t have time for what you have to say. I have places to be and responsibilities to be taken care off. So can you stop being an annoying asswipe and let me go” I said as I inched my face closer to his. “Reason number one as to why I abducted you; you’re alone, your parents aren’t around and I thought it’s the perfect opportunity. So you ain’t going anywhere babe. I know everything about you, theirs no running away. You’re all mine” he said as he grinned and leaned back against the couch observing me.
“I’ll give you orders and you’ll follow ? If you don’t obey them, you get punished. Understood ?” He asked as he got up standing in front of me. I gulped and lightly nodded my head. He pulled me up as he took me upstairs to what I’m supposing his bedroom. It’s evident since his room is like 10 times bigger then mine probably, he has a massive king size bed with a diamond encrusted headboard. The room came with an en suite.
He positioned me to sit at the edge of the bed as he started to remove my handcuffs. “Wait. Are you using me to sexually pleasure you ?” I asked panicking by the second. “Something like that” he smirked as he took one more glance at my face and laid himself against the headboard. “Well then why am I here and what are you even opposing me to do ?” I asked confused.
“Strip for me” he simply said. “Excuse me. Did you just say I must strip for you” I asked taken aback at his simple, yet shocking statement. “You heard me, do it. You don’t do it, you get punished” he said plainly as he now placed his arms behind his head. Okay, if he wants me to strip, I’ll do exactly as he says…or I can follow my back up plan. “Okay sure” I said as I grinned. He raised his eyebrows in astonishment.
I started by removing my heels as I loosened the straps and lightly tossed it aside. I then moved on to removing my blazer, then tossing it towards Jason. So far so good. My attempt of being seductive was hot in my head though I wouldn’t know what Jason is thinking in his point of view as I teasingly, slowly unbuttoned my nude blouse as I threw it aside towards the couch. Lastly, my jeans I just slipped off and let it fall to my ankles as I placed it beside me where I stood on the floor.
I was now stood in just my bra and pantie in front of Jason. I never thought this would be the first time I exposed myself to a criminal. I crawled on the bed as I hovered above Jason, our lips being less then an inch away. He then made the move of smashing our lips, is it wrong if I say I felt butterflies. It’s probably the effect you expect to have when you have your first kiss. Shocking, I know. I then straddled his waist as I pinned his arms against the headboard with my one hand. You’re probably questioning, doesn’t the guy usually do that ? But these actions are apart of my plan.
With my free hand I felt around for any sort of cloth that I could find. I roamed my fingers to Jason’s back as my fingers went lower I felt a piece of material attached to his back pocket. I slowly grabbed it trying not to grab his attention to my doings. I let his hands free as they roamed my body, while I used both my hands to hold the cloth in between my hands. I took a quick glance at the material in my hands, perfect a bandana. I grabbed both his hands as I tied it against the headboard. I eased away from our make out session you can call it yeah.
I glanced at my result, Jason being tied up to his headboard. Bless my plan. “Y/N you’re going to regret this. Untie me before I punish you” he said in a threatening tone. “I’m sorry Jason, but some girl had to do it. I had fun though I don’t appreciate being kept like a prisoner when what I ask for isn’t obeyed. Theirs more from where that came from. See you around…babe” I said lastly as I quickly tugged on my clothes, gave Jason a peck on his cheek and topped it off with a wink.
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