#zeke-grandpa mode activated
zekethebeastmaker · 2 years
“Zeeeeeeeeeke!”, Sadie barks out at the Beast Maker, way louder than she needed to from just a few feet away. “George’s doing it again!”
And by it, she meant having one of his really off days.
Zeke had been picking some moss for his snails and slugs to eat, and suddenly jolted up and back down again, causing a small wave in the water he was currently knee-deep in; and he had thought his Lily had the biggest lungs. Nonetheless, the warning was registered. He turned, searching the area with concern.
"Doin' it again? Aw, shoot. Where is he, Sadie?"
If he was having an off day, Zeke wanted to at least try to help the little guy through it- and if there was trouble, to handle it. As an elder, he felt it was his job to help the younger generation in anyway he could.
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