#zeku x bakugou
marbelcrossovers · 2 months
Bakugou starts to ignore his husbands because of a challenge.
Xanxus sends Bel or Squalo to check. He doesn't really do much else as long as he knows Katsuki is still alive and not compromised (ex: kidnapped, seriously injured, etc). Eventually Katsuki will show up in front of Xanxus (kick his door down) to shut at him about what an a** he is for not even calling. Then they make out passionately. Getou and Gojo doesn't notice immediately. They are on missions and they understand that Katsuki needs time for school or hero stuff. After a few days, Gojo couldn't sit by any longer and pops by at night, knocking on Katsuki's window with fast food and sweets. Getou will call and make Katsuki feel bad about ignoring him, poor Getou stuck cleaning up after Gojo and dealing with the children (you get the rest). Katsuki will end up promising a bunch of unfair stuff (due to Gojo's coyly pestering and Getou's charm emotional speech). Zeku: Something is wrong. Seriously wrong. They don't do this to each other, ever. The silent treatment is reserved for when they are physically in the same room but mad at each other. No talking? That's fine. But they have to see that the other person is okay.
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marbelcrossovers · 3 months
In your new fic Beneath Damocle's Sword Opened The Dragon's Mouth is there any way you can include soukoku's bickering and just them straight up traumatising class 1a and 1b.
Like if Class 1a and 1b had been told about all the important Mafia members and then their with Dazai and they run into Chuuya, let them traumatized as they watch this person who looks like they could be blown over with a gust of wind and they're arguing with a port Mafia executive.
I think it would be really funny and if Bakugou knew about it then imagine him trying not laugh as his classmates trying and figure out what to do to not get the person leading them around Yokohama killed .
you asked, i shall deliver
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marbelcrossovers · 4 months
What would the boyfriends do if Katsuki got seriously hurt?
WARNING: Blood and injuries mentioned Xanxus: He laughs. It's a cruel laugh that is almost mocking, just as he did in canon after what happened to Squalo. He won't stay by Katsuki's bedside or collect him off a battlefield, that's the other Varia's job. But there is a revenge plot in the works already inside his head. By the time Katsuki is healed, he would find the severed head of the culprit on a silver platter. Getou: He is there. Changing bandages, preparing medicine (if needed), and doing everything he can to make sure Katsuki is comfortable while healing. While Katsuki is sleeping, he would go out to find fresh curse feed (AKA the one who did that to Katsuki). They go into the curses' mouths feet first. No traces. No evidence. No one would know anything other than one criminal mysteriously disappeared. Gojo: Watch him crush the hell out of whoever did it and anybody else that were involved. Depending on if this is HS Gojo or Adult Gojo, his methods might change. HS Gojo wouldn't think twice about retaliating the same on the culprit (ex: a cut on Katsuki's arm? A cut will be on the criminal's arm too). Adult Gojo might consider ruining the person from the inside first, crushing their souls or drive them mad that they had to be institutionalized. Zeku: There's a reason why Huang Corp has a group of lawyers. They would ruin the person socially, legally, and financially. That is...if the dragon didn't get to the person first.
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marbelcrossovers · 5 months
Hey! I’ve been rereading coiled dragon and all the extended works and I was wondering if you ever wrote a what if about the stalking getting out to the public. I feel like that’d be hard to keep quiet even if nobody actively blabbed about it, they’re all kind of gossips, and loud. If you did I’d love to read it!
There's something in my draft that kind of has this...except I don't like how it's written and it's not done so it'll probably be a while before I can get around to revising/finishing that.
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marbelcrossovers · 5 months
Identify your pairings as a perfume or scented candle. Go!
Xanxus and Bakugou: Caramel coffee and whiskey, oakwood burning in a fireplace and men's cologne with a hint of mahogany. Gojo and Bakugou: Vanilla, roses, euclyptus, and a bit of nectar. Burn it for long enough then it fades into a refreshing aroma of spearmint as the candle burns towards the core. Getou and Bakugou: Cherry blossom and ceremonial grade green tea but there's an underlying trace of fermenting fruits, intoxicating almost like freshly turned over dirt that hides the bodies beneath. Zeku and Bakugou: Kumquat and gingseng. Musky and almost peppery with spice. Gojo x Enji: Teakwood, champagne, and ashes. Ken x Enji: Apple and iris. Maybe a mix of different flowers and the scent of freshly baked pastries.
Arakawa x Enji: The river, mossy and dampened air, and sage.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
Ok but hear me out, Katsuki is a princess that was "captured" by dragon hybrid Zeku and the hero's are trying to rescue Katsuki and Katsuki says F u and kills the "hero" himself while Zeku kills everyone else that came.
This sounds more like the princess eloped with the dragon LOL. They run away and start a new life in the dark forest where everybody thinks is poisoned with taboo magic and filled with monsters. Give Katsuki a throne made of skulls please.
Katsuki loves it there. They have minions (not the little yellow guys, more demon looking ones). He gets to do whatever he wants and he doesn't have to go to boring balls any more.
Ah, actually, this kind of reminds me of an old movie. There was a princess sacrificed to the dragon each hundred or so years? The people would put the princess on a boat (coffin) and push her out into the waters where the dragon will snatch them away.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
Ask game, title: the ant, the bitch and the piping hot tea
Hehe, have fun :3
Coiled Dragon liked poking its head over the edge of the roof and watch the people beneath. Humans were small creatures but from up high, everything looked like ants. Cars and people were all just tiny little black dots moving in about. The dots with the blinking lights were the cars and they move in accordance with the streets, so mostly in a straight line. Some ants are bigger than the others. Some in brighter colours. Coiled Dragon liked to watch them and count. One, two, three, four...hmm, what came after four? "Coiled Dragon." Katsuki was calling it. Coiled Dragon saw Katsuki standing there with an older woman in a white lab coat by his side. Ooh, Coiled Dragon remembered who this was. She was the Bitch. Coiled Dragon hissed. Bitch was a bad word it learned from the other humans that were around. Master didn't like bad words but it wasn't like Coiled Dragon could say it out loud like a normal human. "Katsuki-sama, I believe it might be best if you don't touch Coiled Dragon right now. He still needs a check up." See? BBBBBBBIIIIIIITCCCCCHHHH. Horrible meanie lady was always getting in the way when Katsuki was giving Coiled Dragon cuddles. She would take Master away for work too and interrupt their time together. Mean lady. Evil lady. Witchy lady who was always bossing everybody around. She'd poke Coiled Dragon with metal stuff or beeping devices too.
But Master said no eat. So Coiled Dragon won't eat her. Katsuki pointed to the large pot on the cart behind him. "I'll just give Coiled Dragon something to drink and you can start the check up." The pot was filled with piping hot tea. Anything that wasn't boiling hot was just a cold bath for Coiled Dragon and it could barely taste anything other than human flesh. But tea was still okay. Coiled Dragon will have whatever Master liked.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
how would class 1A interact with the husbands, if there wasn't any bad blood between them
Everybody's Happy AUs!
Gojo and Getou
Class A loves Gojo initially. He is handsome, extroverted, and playful, so with him around things are never boring. However, they quickly noticed his snobby rich jock tendencies (impolite/overly blunt/etc) and after they fell for a few of his pranks, they started being more like the canon jujutsu kids towards him (ie the "He's cool but got a shit personality" mentality). They still like him though and always welcome him if he wants to join on shopping trips or restaurant outings. They are a bit more distant with Getou, since while he's polite and friendly, he still keeps his distances from them. The more sensitive Class A kids picked up on this and they keep their friends from pestering Getou too much. Occasionally, one of them would contact him if something happened to Katsuki and Gojo is usually the one in the can't be reached by phone limbo (because he takes on more missions than Getou due to his teleporting abilities). Getou might not like monkeys but he could be on good terms with the Bakusquad, who feeds him info about the things that Katsuki really want for anniversaries or birthdays. Zeku
Assuming everything is good then Katsuki didn't get kick out of UA here. So he'd be on the Yokohama field trip with the class. Since they were busy trying to not die in Yokohama, none of them realized Katsuki is dating the Dragon of Suribachi (or maybe they do, hilarious either way XD). Afterwards, Zeku's known as that rich boyfriend who waits outside the school gates for Katsuki to finish school. While Zeku doesn't pick up Katsuki from school everyday, but it quickly became a sight that the UA kids look forward to spotting. One because it looks like a scene from a romance manga (foreign hot guy + expensive looking cars and chauffeurs) and two because they are curious about the dragon from Yokohama. Also, Coiled Dragon! Who doesn't love a giant monster puppy dragon XD Zeku doesn't talk a lot but he's fine with Katsuki inviting his friends and classmates over for a weekend getaway at Suribachi City (as long as they don't go finding trouble). Class A is grateful for his hospitality and they try to be friendly and chatty with him. Since he's close to their age, they don't feel as awkward attempting to talk to him. Zeku thinks they are noisy but occasionally he gives them one word answers.
Class A is scared of him. He's an adult man with scars all over his body and let's face it, Xanxus absolutely gives off the BACK THE F OFF, I BITE vibe. He's mafia through and through and it...kind of shows even if nobody says anything. He drinks, orders his subordinates around and is hard to please or even hold a conversation with. They tend to veer away from him but are also intrigued by him. When they do have to talk to him though, they feel like they are talking to one of their teachers in the middle of an exam 〣( ºΔº )〣 and are generally relieved when the interaction is over. Xanxus on the other hand has absolutely no care for any of them. Don't interrupt his nap or drinking OR ELSE.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
Ok, what would Katsuki do if someone was flirting with his husbands? (*cough cough* me *cough cough*)
Xanxus He will definitely be a bitch and try to one up you, outshine you in every way possible so that you'd look like a fool in comparison. Going over to Xanxus and doing EVERYTHING he could to make it known that this is his man! Xanxus doesn't like creating a scene over this silly matter but he does enjoy the spectacle because it feeds his ego. And it is cute to see Katsuki try so hard. Zeku ...If you already made it past Coiled Dragon, I must applaud you. Katsuki doesn't have to do anything much here. He just has to smile or cover the lower half of his face with a fan and look away. Zeku would go over to him immediately and ignore you completely. If you try to get close again, this time the office ladies will stop you. Gojo He doesn't realize you're flirting with Gojo. When he does come around to notice it, he will wish you good luck because Gojo's personality is absolutely horrible and he will most definitely end up saying something offensive that would make you cry. Katsuki has tissues ready. Getou Not a lot needs to be done. Getou is more smooth when it comes to dealing with interested advances from others. Usually he would talk his way out of it but if needed, he would drag Katsuki over and demonstrate that he's already taken with a kiss. (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) 
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
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Look! A rare photo of Bakugou and Zeku tormenting UA!
Seriously though, just imagine Bakugou feeling petty one day and deciding to rub it into all of ua that he got a better ending than most of the students there will ever get.
(Let's say that this is before Zeku exposed Deku's stalkery stuff)
LOL If he really was that petty, maybe instead of UA going to Yokohama for a field trip, Katsuki rolls past UA in a fancy car. Sunglasses, fur shawl, intricate oriental clothing (maybe not a dress but something more unisexed?), and of course all the bling! And yes, he specifically picked an outdoor patio area of a cafe or restaurant to sit at the most obvious spot. There are security guards around him, all large in size and in black suits so they look intimidating. And you, they do the wipe the table clean and add lace tablecloth and cushions to Katsuki's seat thing. Along with holding out an umbrella for him to block the sun. "Fancy seeing you here." / "Why, this is from my boyfriend. I told him he didn't need to get me anything (flaunts giant diamond ring around)" <- This is the type of green tea speech Katsuki would use towards his old classmates. So yes, there he is. Fancy car ✓ Expensive everything ✓ Security to keep people back ✓ Handsome BF✓
And since it's UA, you bet reporters are there to take all this in. The headlines are going to be super jealousy filled LOL. Even funnier if the UA kids just finished the yakuza arc and are all messed up or tired and Katsuki passes by looking ✨FABULOUS✨
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
What if alien zeku gets stranded on earth and quirkless bakugou tries to help him get back home
...You know, in that case, he might just end up taking Katsuki home with him.
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Lizardy Dragon alien boy x human boy exploring Earth and the galaxy. Sounds like a Wattpad fic in the making though XD
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
The husbands ask Katsuki who their favorite is...and why is it Zeku. (how to do the jealous husbandos react to it because I'm craving for something chaotic)
Gojo and Getou are pretty much full delinquent mode. You know the kind that corners ppl at the secluded areas of the school? Yep. That kind. Also, they cut off Zeku's ponytail once, they can do it again. And yes, they absolutely will find ways to piss off Coiled Dragon. Glitter bombs? Yes. Wave around cat toys in front of the dragon? Yes. Attempts to give dragon a pedicure that just so happens to accidentally chip off its nails? Yes.
Xanxus makes a "Huh" sound but that's about it. At least, that's about how much he's willing to show in front of strangers. But everybody in Varia know that he's not happy with this. Katsuki would have a "long talk" (wink wink hint hint) with him that night. Would Xanxus outdrink Zeku in a toxic masculinity show off? Yes.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
What is Deku was the book? Would it be Deku having a crush on Zeku and Zeku's like, Nah blondie is better. *points to Bakugou*
I...Don't think that would end up well? Not saying Izuku is weaker than Katsuki in heart but I can't imagine him actively choosing to not help someone in need. Which, is not always the best thing to do in Yokohama especially when he is The Book. He'd have to turn out very cynical if he wants to get far. Possible outcomes: 1. Izuku couldn't stand the visions -> Goes insane 2. Izuku attempts to help someone in Yokohama -> Gets found out and imprisioned/killed 3. Izuku told his mom, his mom is now worried too. They try to hide it but the pain persists and depression settles in. Might eventually off himself because he's being bullied in school + sees all this going on in Yokohama but can't do a thing 4. Izuku is smarter and tried to intervene with The Book's power but he wished for something too drastic/ too heroic -> BSD insanely smart people noticed the world is off and they found him
5. Izuku got tricked into doing Mori or someone else's bidding, thinking its for the greater good. 6. Izuku lost his faith in heroics, tries to fix Yokohama his way and something goes horribly wrong. He couldn't stand the guilt and offed himself There's a lot more outcomes that I can think of and they don't end well. Also, he might be a little too idealistic for Zeku to fall in love with. Or maybe you want to attempt the trope of good heroine heals brooding bad boy's tragic pain with love? On the other hand, can he fall in love with a guy that murdered his father? I think Izuku would still have issues connecting to Zeku, who treats killing people as naturally as the MMA or taking out trash.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
what would happen if coiled dragon katsuki got his secrets exposed
They would either have to erase everybody's memory (ie: use The Book's power to reset the world) or escape to Zeku's world and never come back. Probably the latter. There's not a lot of options considering the BSD cast and what they do. They would try to kill him if they can't use him. The ADA might try to help him but honestly, I don't think the government will let them or even let him live in peace if they knew.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
(Zeku and Katsuki aren't dating yet)
P.O.V I rant about how beautiful Katsuki is right in front of Zeku (and mention that I am planning on asking him out.) because I want the ship to sail. (btw they are in high school)
He's going to ask Katsuki out first. After Katsuki says yes, he will make sure you know even if he doesn't explicitly say it. Like, they are having their dates and you just might get squeezed to the corner by a very big and suddenly awfully clumsy Coiled Dragon.
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
Alternative Coiled Dragon
So I'm still sad about Battle of The Six Realms manga ending... QAQ and in order to cope with it here's an idea for a happier version of Coiled Dragon. This is set if Midoriya is not such a creepy stalker and the bullying issue with the media didn't happen. Katsuki wasn't expelled and he was still attending 1-A when the class got the field trip to Yokohama. Basically we got a very apprehensive class AB and the teachers...with a Bakugou in the back praying that no one fucks this field trip up. He also has to be careful that he doesn't let slip that he's a little too familiar with the city. Of course, things don't turn out the way he wants and the detectives started noticing. The whole story is majorly going to be dead tired Katsuki pissed off at Dazai and trying to rope his classmates in so they don't accidentally off themselves in Yokohama (AKA Katsuki the shepherd dog herding the rest of the 39 dumb little lambs around so the herd doesn't go flop down a deadly cliff). They run into more BSD characters and Katsuki is so done (dead inside). Zeku's also around but he doesn't get too close, knowing that the detectives (like Ranpo) would see the connection between him and Katsuki if he did. Maybe Zeku would run into a few of the students or teachers and they have an interaction that doesn't involve Zeku threatening them. ...Would still be kind of morbidly funny if they saw him killing people though. And then they all talk about how scary and villainous that is while Katsuki is in the background, resisting the urge to pull out his phone and start text bombarding Zeku.
But the atmosphere would be more friendly for this fic (that I will not start writing until I'm done with some of my current ones).
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