inhumanhacker · 5 months
Padding out of her room her comforter wrapped around her loosely Skye made her way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She wasn't sure what had woken her at 3am, but now she was awake she was thirsty. It was then that she noticed someone out on the balcony. Slowly making her way over Skye slid the door open and stepped out, a sharp in take of breath as the cold hit her before looking to Zephyr. "Hey you, every thing okay?"
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sinfultales · 1 year
"Why is it that every time there's a dangerous situation going on around here, I find you lurking nearby?" Derek asked with a snort as he crocked a eyebrow and looked into the shadows, sensing Zephyr lurking there. "I can't tell if your looking out for me or the problem itself." Derek said with a smirk.
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codyxwrites · 2 years
Sethan let out a small hum as he regarded the other man in his throne room. Sethan sat on a throne. The prince of hell had been ‘banished’ by his father to get stronger on Earth. And he had been given a small kingdom to run as he did so, that way he could get some practice in. After a few years, Sethan liked to think that he had a idea of most of the people in the kingdom. But this man? Truly had nothing coming to his mind. “So what brings you to my humble kingdom and castle, if you don’t mind me asking?” The bullheaded king asked with a quirked eyebrow. 
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huntsmengalore · 1 year
"and you yearn? even after all this time? after all this?" (To Adam for that sweet sweet angst baybee)
misc sentence starters
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At first, Adam was silent, the mask hiding his intense gaze. He then took a small step forward and dared to reach out with a gloved hand, lightly touching Zephyr's face.
"Even after all of the time and distance put between us, after all the fighting and the destruction, one thing is certain... Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I will always yearn for you."
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lostsonofsparda · 2 years
ways to respond when someone says, "I'm okay."
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Vergil huffed. "Don't give me that..." He then lowered his gaze and took a moment to just breathe and gather his thoughts. He hadn't felt this on edge in a while, yet he had to steel himself.
Emotion is a weakness...
A long sigh escaped him. "At least...stay with me for a little while? I don't think I can handle being alone."
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thancrxdwatxrs · 1 year
“ you had a dream about me? ”
shippy memes for you hoes
Thancred's smile widened a bit. "I did! Would you like to hear about it?"
He sat back a bit as he looked the other over, attempting to recall the vivid details of his dream. "I saw you walking along the beach of Costa del Sol dressed in the colors of the sea. Your movements were so graceful and alluring that I couldn't tear my gaze away. At first, I had my doubts that it was you I saw, but now I am sure. I could never forget such eyes..."
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toolsforuse · 25 days
"You know, most people know better than to come to me. " A grin made it's way onto Roy's face as he regarded the other man. "What brings you over here, little prey?" The necromancy specialist cooed with a smirk.
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empowerxd · 1 year
@zephyr-iffic liked for a starter
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"You look a little lost, do you need help?"
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wh0resforall · 2 years
Kellan let out a small sigh as he looked at the other. “So tell me...” Kellan said with a hum. “How much is it going to cost for you to have never seen me?” Kellan wasn’t supposed to be here. But he had planned on stealing something that was rather valuable. To bad he got caught before he could even grab it.
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godsxamongxmen · 8 months
@zephyr-iffic liked for a Charon starter
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"You're certainly an interesting one aren't you?" Charon smiled softly, he'd met all sorts during his long life, it wasn't often he met someone who intrigued him like the other.
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yourenotreadyforus · 1 year
🫂 (For Belial)
It's not that he doesn't like hugs. It's just that he doesn't get them often. Sex and violence he knows all too well. Hells, he's Lust incarnate after all. Simple genuine affection has got him stunned for a moment. He pauses before relaxing into the hug. Is it weird to be touch-starved for only this? "Hey Zephyr..." @zephyr-iffic
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sinfultales · 2 years
A being that was good nor evil. One that simply preferred chaos. Most people don’t understand why he would chose to work and side with the X-Men...But that’s the thing right? Aiden, unless he has a goal, simply wants chaos. Not order. Not to do what was expected. So unless it benifits him to be a villain that day? He was okay with helping Charles and the X-Men, and perhaps teach a class here and there. But he had sensed something the moment someone walked onto school. A fellow magic user, he assumed. He smirked and decided to teleport himself over there. “Well, well...If it isn’t a little magic kid. Let me guess...You’re the professor’s next kicked puppy he’s bringing in?” He asked with a smirk as he crossed his arms across his chest.
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codyxwrites · 6 months
Robbie quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the other. "You know, my family has always warned me about your kind. About how...Unpredictable, you guys tend to be. Have to say...They don't seem to be the biggest fan of you."
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huntsmengalore · 3 years
36 (Honestly, surprise me)
∗ 36﹕ sender  is  found  drunk  by  receiver .
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"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" Trevor lightly chuckled upon the sight of Zephyr already more than a few drinks deep. "Usually I'm the one gettin' plastered..."
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lostsonofsparda · 1 year
"I'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight."
𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬. @zephyr-iffic
Vergil slightly raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Eager, are we?" A soft laugh rumbled in his chest as he moved closer, taking Zephyr's hands and interlocking their fingers together.
"The suffering part won't be necessary, darling. As for what I'd do to you..." His icy blue eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. "Well, why ruin the surprise? All that matters is that you are mine, and I will make sure everyone knows it."
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aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
Memes || Accepting
Albert handles grief a bit differently throughout his life. In his youth he would often find a quiet place to ponder what bits about the situation upset him so much, and then work them out with some venting and a few tears. This is his usual ritual throughout his life leading up to his turning into tyranthood. Of course working in Umbrella, seeing and doing the things you likely wouldn’t wish to would desensitize you over time. This of course slowly played a role in altering how Wesker handles grief and pity. There’s no time to go about lamenting his woes now and if he let himself sit and think about what’s bringing him so much pain, it would be too much to bare and he knows it.
Now whenever Albert finds himself in the midst of melancholy, he simply turns it off before it gets to be too much.
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